Evgeny Kiselev, TV presenter: photo, biography and personal life. Dmitry Kiselev - journalist: biography

Few people who watch Russian news programs do not know a man like Dmitry Kiselev. This is a local journalist and famous TV presenter. Who, during his dizzying career, was able to rise not only to the very responsible position of the general director of the domestic international information agency "Russia Today". But he also managed on his own to take the post of Deputy General Director of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company. Many still follow the programs that he hosts with great interest.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Kiselev

Kiselev, of course, is not an artist, but, nevertheless, he is a public person who regularly appears on television. An experienced and sought-after journalist, TV presenter. Therefore, it is not surprising that he also has many of his fans who are interested in many details about this person. For example, his height, weight, age. How old Dmitry Kiselev is is not a secret. He is already 64 years old. When quite tall at 177 centimeters, a man weighs 80 kilograms, but a small presence excess weight practically does not spoil his appearance. His career is only going uphill. So, for example, quite recently it became known that Dmitry Kiselev was appointed Russian Ambassador to the United States, by presidential decree. The journalist was delighted with the new appointment. But the US Secretary of State turned out to be of a completely different opinion. According to him, the arrival of Kiselyov will serve as a reason for breaking off diplomatic relations with the Russian capital. Almost a declaration of war.

Biography and personal life of Dmitry Kiselev

Dmitry Kiselev is a native of the Russian capital. He was born in April 1954, in a family of musicians.

After school, Kiselev decided to enter the capital's medical school. But after graduating from it, he decided not to receive higher education in the field of medicine. Instead, he entered the department Scandinavian mythology phil-faka them. Zhdanov. He graduated from high school in the 78th year.

The biography and personal life of Dmitry Kiselev impress with their dizzying ups and downs. His professional activity began to unfold immediately after he graduated from high school. His first official place of work was the Soviet State Radio and Television. Kiselev worked there for about ten years, holding a post in one of the sectors that was responsible for covering foreign life. High level responsibility, constant control not only over what you say, but also over how you do it - the young journalist did an excellent job with this difficult task.

Having changed his place of activity at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Kiselev began working in the news department of the Vremya program. There he first became the leader, responsible for reviewing political situations.

While cardinal changes began in the Soviet state, Kiselev was fired from the company. Just for refusing to read the official statement of the authorities about the events that took place in one of the republics. But for a long time Dmitry did not toil with idleness - he was hired to work in the Vesti program. Where he became the "legislator" of a completely new format of television and radio broadcasting. In addition, by starting close cooperation with colleagues abroad.

After the collapse Soviet Union, Kiselev becomes the host of the information program "Panorama". Somewhat later he was sent to Helsinki.

When V. Listyev was killed a few years later, Kiselev, who had already managed to earn both experience and a certain authority, took his position, becoming the host of the Rush Hour TV show. Around the same period, he began to lead the "Window to Europe", but left a year later.

Later, he began to host a talk show that aired not only on Russian RTR, but also on Ukrainian ICTV. For some time, Kiselev hosted the news program "Events". At the beginning of the 2000s, due to Ukrainian colleagues, Kiselev was suspended from work on charges of distorting the information provided.

For six years, the famous journalist hosted news and socio-political programs, including the National Interest. In addition to this, in 2008, Kiselev was appointed deputy general director of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company. New position forced him to leave the post of news anchor, but four years later he again appeared in front of the cameras. With the spread of the Internet, Kiselyov's popularity began to grow. And not in the most flattering ways. In particular, users began to parse the host's words into quotes and create memes. The most frequently used was Kiselev-meme with the phrase “Coincidence? I don't think". Quotes in this format quickly spread across the network.

At the end of 2013, the international information agency "Russia Today" was organized. Kiselev was appointed CEO of this company. Around the same time, the press began to talk about the fact that Dmitry Kiselev officially left the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, resigned forever. However, this information turned out to be nothing more than rumors. And the press service of the TV channel easily refuted them.

A year ago, Dmitry Kiselev returned from a trip to the Crimea with a broken face. The press immediately began publishing articles as if a well-known journalist had been deliberately beaten. Kiselev himself denied all the speculation about the beating, saying that he was injured as a result of an unsuccessful fall.

Not so long ago, the president appointed him to the post of Russian ambassador to America. Kiselev turned out to be very much in favor. But in the United States, this news was received with much less enthusiasm.

Family and children of Dmitry Kiselev

The family and children of Dmitry Kiselev are a special part of his life. First of all, it is worth starting with the fact that the man was married seven times! But none of these marriages (three of which were student) did not last long enough to talk about a strong family. All that is known about all his chosen ones is only names. He also has three children from different marriages. His son Gleb was born to him by his fourth wife, and his daughter Varechka and son Kostya were born to him by his last, seventh wife. It is interesting that among his chosen ones there was even a foreigner - a certain Englishwoman named Kelly Richdale became the sixth wife of Dmitry. But this marriage did not last longer than one year.

The son of Dmitry Kiselev - Gleb Kiselev

He became the first-born of the famous presenter. Gleb was born in the fourth marriage, when Dmitry was married to a woman named Elena. But the family idyll did not last long. And the negligent father left the family when little son barely a year old. Now the son of Dmitry Kiselev - Gleb Kiselev is already an adult man who is 31 years old. He is professionally information technology and lives in a civil marriage with a girl who is also not connected with television. The young man did not communicate with his father long time. Their communication was restored only when Gleb became a teenager. Now father and son have a normal equal relationship.

The son of Dmitry Kiselev - Konstantin Kiselev

The son of Dmitry Kiselev - Konstantin Kiselev - appeared in the last this moment, the seventh marriage of the TV presenter. Now the boy is eleven years old and he studies at school, and even quite well. According to Kiselev Sr., his youngest son looks like his mother, but in terms of character he is more like himself. Like many children, this boy loves animals. He grows an ordinary child, who is not averse to chasing a ball with friends on the street or going camping. Perhaps in the future his opinion will change more than once, but on this moment the boy sees himself in the future popular artist or famous football player. One way or another, he wants to be a public person, like a father.

Daughter of Dmitry Kiselev - Varvara Kiselev

Three years after birth younger son, a famous TV presenter became the father of a girl. The daughter of Dmitry Kiselev, Varvara Kiselyova, is now studying at school. She is already eight years old. The father adores the baby, calling him his little princess. Now Varenka is already eight years old. Like many little girls, she is very fond of beautiful dolls, dancing and drawing. And he's also into music. Despite still quite young age, little Varenka Kiseleva has very big ambitions. The girl wants to become a professional actress. And so professional that in the future it will certainly deserve an Oscar. Or even the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival.

Dmitry Kiselyov's wife - Maria Kiselyova

The wife of Dmitry Kiselev, Maria Kiselyova, has now become the seventh and so far the last life partner of this fickle man. Maria Kiseleva has something to brag about. In addition to giving the famous journalist two children, she became the only woman, which was able to keep Dmitry next to her for so long. Their marriage has been going on for over ten years. Although before that, all the love unions of Dmitry Kiselev barely kept the deadlines of one year. They met when Maria was still a student of the faculty practical psychology. Dmitry proposed to her a year after they met. In addition to success in her personal life, a woman achieves heights in her professional life. She graduated from three universities, all with honors. At the moment she is studying at the fourth and is going to work as a psychotherapist.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Kiselev

Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Kiselev are resources that primarily attract fans of the journalist and people who are interested in him. According to Dmitry himself, he has no pages in in social networks. Because he didn't like people's comments about him. Of course, he has an Instagram profile, and a little more than nine hundred people have subscribed to the TV presenter. However, it doesn't look like he was actually leading it - there's only one video and two photos, and those were uploaded three years ago. And the comments there, for the most part, are really not the most flattering. Wikipedia can tell short biography Kiselev, a little about his personal life, professional awards, career development and political views.

Once Russian, and now Ukrainian TV presenter Yevgeny Kiselev is widely known for his analytical programs and sharp interviews. In the Russian media space, he last years reminds of itself only with ambiguous statements and controversial assessments of events taking place in the country and the world.


Evgeny Kiselev was born in Moscow on June 15, 1956 into a family of engineers who specialized in metal science. His father was a Soviet scientist and laureate Stalin Prize. He was engaged in materials for aviation and rocket engineering. All that is known about her mother is that she devoted most of her time to the family and raising children.

Eugene studied well at specialized school No. 123 with English specialized language. He was equally attracted to a wide variety of sciences, he liked such subjects as history, foreign languages, and literature. The boy himself could not decide on the choice of a priority direction. The father, realizing that the son is better oriented in humanities, offered Evgeny, when he was in high school, to work out at the “School of a Young Orientalist” at Moscow State University.

After school

Yevgeny Kiselev was so carried away by the countries of the East that after graduating from school he entered the Institute of Asian and African Countries at the Moscow state university at the Faculty of History and Philology. During his studies, he was lucky to travel to many Asian countries. He did an internship in Iran in 1977-1978. He graduated from the Institute with honors, becoming a specialist in the Persian language.

After graduating from high school, Evgeny was called up for an urgent military service in Soviet army and sent to Afghanistan. He served in a group of military advisers as an interpreter, where he participated in negotiations between the Soviet and Afghan military. Finished military service with the rank of captain.

After serving in the army, Yevgeny Kiselev was offered a job in high school KGB, where he began to teach Persian until 1984.

At work in journalism

Eugene became interested in journalism, and in 1985 he managed to get a job at the USSR State Radio and Television, in the main editorial office of the countries of the Near and Middle East. Which, probably, was not difficult, given his professional knowledge and the department in which he worked earlier. His duties included editing texts that were then aired for a Middle Eastern audience.

In 1987, he went to work on television in the program "Time", soon Eugene became the host of the morning news program "90 minutes". TV presenter Evgeny Kiselev was the main actor these popular shows.

At the turn of the millennium

In 1993, he took part in the organization of the independent NTV television company, where he moved along with the Itogi program, the first political talk show on the Russian television.

TV presenter Evgeny Kiselev did successful career and administrative lines. He was vice president of the NTV television company, then became one of the shareholders and members of the board of directors. As a result, he took the highest post, becoming CEO OAO "TV company NTV".

Many of his programs in those years were a great success with the viewer, in addition to the talk show "Itogi", he also hosted others. TV shows. In the biography of Evgeny Kiselev, there are practically no frankly failed information projects.

He has released about 30 copyright documentaries about outstanding figures of our time, including Margaret Thatcher, Yuri Andropov, Augusto Pinochet. A fresh look at famous politicians and a good presentation of the material made these films an outstanding phenomenon in the media space of the country.

After NTV

After the change of shareholders of NTV, Evgeny Kiselev, together with big group employees left the TV channel. He moved to work on TV-6 and TNT, and in 2002 he became the editor-in-chief of Channel Six.

After a long period of work on television, he was invited to the newspaper "Moscow News" for the position of editor-in-chief. He worked for the weekly until 2005.

For four years, journalist Yevgeny Kiselyov worked at the main opposition radio station, Ekho Moskvy. He hosted several popular programs and programs, including Our Everything. Today, he often acts as a political analyst on other media resources with sharp criticism of the policies of President Vladimir Putin and unconditional support for the "orange revolution" in Ukraine. Kiselev also hosts programs on satellite television and advises Ukrainian TV channel.

On the other side

In 2008, he moved to Ukraine to host the program "Big Politics with Yevgeny Kiselev" on the main channel of the country "Inter", it was held in the format of a socio-political show. Since 2013, he has headed a company that prepared information programs, including Podrobnosti. The content of the program was significantly changed, a lot of time was devoted to the analysis of world and Russian politics. Kiselev, as a presenter, managed to make a popular political TV project out of a once weak program.

From 2014 to 2016, Evgeny Kiselev was the creator and host of "Black Mirror", the author's political talk show on the same channel. It became the most popular and rated weekly program. AT last gear the TV presenter announced the end of his work on the channel, as he was going to start an independent journalistic project.

In that Ukrainian period he makes a number of blunt statements about being ashamed of being a citizen Russian Federation because of the country's policy against other states. In collaboration with Mikhail Kasyanov, he publishes the book "Without Putin".

In recent years

In 2016, he released another talk show on the News One TV channel, as usual in the format of Yevgeny Kiselyov's author's program. He has repeatedly spoken publicly in support of Nadezhda Savchenko, which was equated to a call for terrorism and total criticism of Russia's actions against Ukraine.

Once again, there were reports that he had officially asked for political asylum. The first such rumors appeared in 2013, and were refuted by him.

At the beginning of 2017, together with other colleagues, he created a new information channel, where he took the place of the host of two programs.

Evgeny Kiselev writes articles for many international and Russian magazines and newspapers, including Forbes and The New York Times. He also still performs at the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

Personal life

Until recently, Yevgeny Kiselev spoke little about his personal life. He married in September 1973 his classmate Marina Gelievna Shakhova, the daughter of one of the leaders Soviet State Radio and Television. Marina, known on television as Masha Shakhova, hosted educational program"Summer Residents", for which in 2002 she received the prestigious television award "Tefi". She was also a producer of popular programs related to the creation of interiors. As a designer, she presented her collections several times.

In 1983, the couple had a son, Alexei, who is now in business with his wife. The family has its own clothing brand, it is successfully sold in the country. Kiselev Jr. has a son who loves to visit his grandparents.

Eugene rarely rests, he devotes a lot of time to work. In rare hours of rest, he prefers walking, likes to play tennis. He reads a lot, preferring the memoirs of prominent people.

He loves to eat deliciously, so among his acquaintances Evgeny Kiselev is considered an expert in the cuisines of the peoples of the world. Collects a collection of expensive wines, as an expert writes for the specialized magazine "Winemania".

Dmitry Kiselev

Zodiac sign:

Place of Birth:
Moscow city

journalist, TV presenter

The weight:
80 kg

177 cm

Biography of Dmitry Kiselev

Childhood and family of Dmitry Kiselyov

Born in Moscow, in musical family, future TV presenter received a good education. As a child, he graduated music school- played the guitar. First, Dmitry entered a medical school. Next educational institution became a university in Leningrad, where a young man studied in the specialty of Scandinavian philology. He graduated from the university in 1978.

The beginning of the career of journalist Dmitry Kiselev

Dmitry's first job was the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. There he worked for ten years, holding a position in one of the most prestigious sectors - the foreign sector. He was responsible for what they heard abroad about the USSR. In this work, it was impossible to do without such qualities as responsibility and extreme organization, it was important to control every word, intonation also mattered.
How a person changes under Putin. Dmitry Kiselev (1999-2012)
In 1988, Dmitry Konstantinovich moved to another department. At the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, he became a news anchor, the Vremya program, and conducted political reviews.

Dismissal of Kiselyov from the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company

With the beginning of cardinal changes in the Union and the beginning of the struggle of the former republics for independence, the TV presenter was fired from the State Radio and Television. It was 1991 year. Dmitry refused to read the government's statement on the events in the Baltics on the air. The leadership of the radio channel was on the side of the Government.
In the same year, Kiselev began working in the Vesti program. He was among those who participated in the creation of a new format on television and radio, collaborating with foreign broadcasting programs.
A year later, in the Ostankino company, he began to lead Panorama. Later, Kiselyov went to Helsinki as a correspondent for the Ostankino agency.
"Rush Hour" - a program hosted by Vlad Listyev. After the murder of Listyev, Kiselyov became the leader.

The Vesti Nedeli program with Dmitry Kiselev is rated on Russian television
On the REN TV channel, which began operating in 1996, Dmitry hosted a program called National Interest. He himself calls it not political, but ideological. After a while, this program began to appear every day on the Rossiya channel.
"Perspective Television Formats" is a new television company, in the organization of which Dmitry Konstantinovich took part.
Since 1999, the TV presenter has appeared in the program "Window to Europe", and the author and host was Kiselyov. The audience watched it on the TV-6 Moscow channel.

Dmitry Kiselev today

Since 2012, Dmitry Konstantinovich has been leading the program “ historical process”, and is also the host of the author’s program “Authority”. In the summer of 2012, he began hosting Vesti Nedeli.
The TV presenter is known for his harsh statements about homosexuality, about Americans, about radicals in Ukraine.
Dmitry Kiselev - 2 minutes of hate
Dmitry Konstantinovich is the creator of a number of documentaries about Yeltsin, Sakharov, Gorbachev, the collapse of the USSR, etc.
At the end of 2013, Kiselev headed the Rossiya Segodnya news agency, which he founded.

Personal life of Dmitry Kiselev

Kiselyov's personal life can be called stormy. His first marriage was student. At seventeen, the young man studied at a medical school. His wife was a classmate named Alena. They broke up less than a year later. Interestingly, the spouses had the same day and year of birth.
Having entered the university in Leningrad, Dmitry married again. The chosen one's name was Natalia. A year later, the student was already married with a third marriage. His wife's name is Tatyana.

Personal life: Dmitry Kiselev had many wives
The fourth time Kiselev married after university, when he began working at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. A year later, the wife, whose name is Elena, gave birth to a son named Gleb. When the child was a year old, Dmitry Konstantinovich left the family. Natalya became his fifth wife.
The sixth wife appeared with Kiselyov in 1998. She became Kelly Richdale.
He married for the seventh time a year later. This time the chosen one was called Olga. At that time, the TV presenter built own house in Crimea. Being a fan jazz music, where he held a jazz festival, which he founded in 2003 and was called "Jazz Koktebel". This festival has become an annual event.
While in Koktebel, riding there in his rubber boat, Dmitry
Konstantinovich saw a girl standing on the shore. She was a student Masha from Moscow. At that time she studied at the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis. Masha already had a son, Fedor. A year after they met, their wedding took place. Maria in 2007 gave birth to a son, Kostya, and three years later, a daughter, Varvara, was born. Kiselyov's wife graduated from three universities with honors and is currently receiving her fourth education. She plans to work as a psychotherapist.

Hobbies of Dmitry Kiselev

Together with his family, the TV presenter lives in the Moscow region, where the Scandinavian house built according to his project is located. It should be noted that the construction lasted several years. In the yard, on the well, there is a small mill, which supplements general form at home. At first, Maria could not get used to country life. She went to Moscow in order, as she puts it, to breathe it. With time country life TV presenter's wife liked it.
Dmitry Kiselev, Shenderovich - who is he?
Unfortunately, a happy dad rarely sees children, he has practically no days off. He usually leaves in the morning, when the children are still sleeping, and returns not earlier than nine or even eleven in the evening. Often, the TV presenter gets to work on a motorcycle, only in winter changing into a car.
There was a time when Dmitry Konstantinovich held four horses, but after he fell into the water with the car from the bridge and received a compression fracture of the spine, he could no longer go in for equestrian sports. Being fond of motocross, the TV presenter was seriously injured - a ligament rupture in his knee, he underwent three operations and whole year walked on crutches. After that, Kiselev presented one horse to his trainer, sold one, and transferred two horses to children's institution.
The eldest son of the TV presenter Gleb is already an adult, they always maintained a relationship, traveled a lot together. The son shared his father's passion for horses. AT country house Kiselev, Gleb has his own room, where he lives when he comes to visit.
Dmitry Konstantinovich is fluent in Norwegian, English and French, in addition, he reads in Icelandic, Swedish and Danish.

Name: Dmitry Kiselev

middle name: Konstantinovich

Place of Birth: Moscow city

Growth: 177 cm

The weight: 80 kg

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Eastern horoscope: Horse

Activity: journalist, TV presenter

Childhood and family of Dmitry Kiselyov

An ambitious journalist was born in a family of hereditary intellectuals in the capital on April 26, 1954. The family was especially enthusiastic about the uncle of the future celebrity - he was a relative of the composer Yuri Shaporin, conductor of the famous "Alexandrinka", the author of numerous symphonic works, music teacher and head of the Union of Composers of the USSR. Both mom and dad planned only a musical future for their son, hoping that he would bypass the famous relative in terms of popularity and significance in creativity. The boy was sent to a special school with in-depth study of French and enrolled in classes to learn how to play the guitar.

As it turned out later, neither the desire nor the ability to perform works famous composers Dimitri didn't. But the guy learned languages ​​​​with surprising ease, which became the main point in determining the profession in the future.

Disagreements in this regard led to the fact that the young man got a job as a simple worker in the nearest printing house. Apparently the desire to decide one's own further fate independently forced Kiselyov to look for a way to earn his own livelihood. A little later, he entered a medical school, which he graduated without much success. Having received a diploma as a nurse, Kiselev goes to northern capital- there, the department of Scandinavian languages ​​\u200b\u200bat the university attracted his attention. With a diploma in philology and a rare specialization, Dmitry returned to Moscow in 1978.


The professional biography of Dmitry Kiselev began immediately after graduation from the university. First workplace Kiselev was in the USSR State Radio and Television. Here the journalist worked for more than ten years in one of the most prestigious and important sectors responsible for covering the life of the country abroad. High responsibility, control over every word, intonation - the young journalist Dmitry Kiselev coped with these requirements perfectly.

In 1988, Dmitry Kiselev moved to the news department of the Vremya program, where he became the host and conducted political reviews.

During the period of breakdown and cardinal changes in the USSR, Dmitry Kiselyov was fired from the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. He refused to read the government's official statement about events in one of the republics. Soon Kiselev was taken to the Vesti program, and he becomes one of the creators of a new format for television and radio, actively collaborating with foreign colleagues.

In 1992, Dmitry Kiselev begins to lead information program"Panorama". Later, as his own correspondent, he was sent to Helsinki, where he worked for the Ostankino agency.

After the murder of Vladislav Listyev in 1995, an experienced TV presenter is appointed to his place. Now he hosts the Rush Hour program on Channel One. At the same time, Dmitry Kiselev hosts another program called “Window to Europe”, but leaves the program a year later.

In 1997, the journalist becomes talk show host titled "National Interest". At first, the program was broadcast only on the RTR channel, and then on the Ukrainian ICTV. For a short time, Dmitry Kiselev hosted the night edition of the Events program. In November 2003, Ukrainian colleagues expressed no confidence in Kiselyov, accusing him of distorting information. Soon the journalist was suspended from work.

From 2003 to 2004, Dmitry Kiselev worked on new programs called "Morning Conversation" and "Authority". And from 2005 to 2006, he led the daily information and analytical program “Vesti +” and “Vesti. Details" on TV channel "Russia".

In 2006, a well-known journalist appeared as the host of the socio-political talk show National Interest, which he led until 2012.

In addition, in the summer of 2008, Dmitry Kiselev was appointed deputy general director of the VGTRK holding, after which he left the Vesti program. But in September 2012, he returned to running the popular news program, which is now called Vesti Nedeli. She comes out on the central channel "Russia", which since January 2010 is called "Russia-1".

In December 2013, on the basis of RIA Novosti, the International information Agency"Russia Today", Dmitry Kiselyov has been appointed General Director.

Appointment as head of the Rossiya Segodnya agency

In connection with the appointment of Kiselyov as the head of the new Rossiya Segodnya news agency, created by Vladimir Putin in December 2013 on the basis of RIA Novosti, a number of leading Western media published materials in which Kiselyov was called a “pro-Kremlin homophobic TV presenter”, and the creation of a new news agency - Putin's attempt to tighten control over the media. Yes, on site The Guardian published an article under the heading "Putin appointed a homophobic TV presenter as the head of the state news agency." The publication described Kiselyov as a "conservative news anchor" and "a loyal supporter of Putin, occasionally making provocative statements." The body of the article also claimed that "Kiselyov is often accused of being a mouthpiece for [Kremlin] propaganda" and that he has gained notoriety for his "openly anti-gay, anti-American and anti-opposition views." Agence France Presse called the appointment of an "anti-gay TV presenter" head of the new news agency an attempt by the Kremlin to "consolidate state media during a period of increased online criticism of Putin's 13-year rule."

By presidential decree, a very important mission was entrusted to the new agency: to cover Russia's policy abroad. The journalist himself claims that he sees his task in restoring the attitude towards Russia as a country with good intentions.

In 2017, Dmitry Kiselev continues to work as the host of Vesti Nedeli and remains the general director of the Rossiya Segodnya news agency.


In the summer of 2014, the Security Service of Ukraine initiated criminal proceedings against Dmitry Kiselyov under the article “financing of terrorism, assistance to terrorist activities.” Russian TV presenter and the International Press Institute headed by him are suspected of financing separatist organizations in Ukraine. In response to this, Dmitry Kiselyov described the accusation as "a continuation of the fantasies in which the Nazis live in power in Kyiv."

In the spring of 2016, hackers announced that they had managed to hack the contents of two mailboxes and Dmitry Kiselyov's WhatsApp correspondence. They allegedly managed to steal an amount of information of 11 gigabytes, which covered the period from 2009 to 2016. According to the hackers, the stolen information contains a lot of compromising information, including about the finances and assets of the journalist, the purchase of an elite apartment on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, the contestation of personal sanctions imposed by the EU, as well as the purchase of ready-made thesis for the wife. But the fact of "theft" has not received any confirmation.

In May 2016, an unpleasant incident occurred between Kiselev and the editor-in-chief of Moskovsky Komsomolets Pavel Gusev. The latter, like Dmitry Kiselev, was included in the so-called “Petro Poroshenko sanctions list” and expressed his surprise at this circumstance, calling himself a friend of Ukraine. To this, Dmitry Kiselev, in the issue of Vesti Nedeli on May 29, 2016, ironically noted that of all those on the list, “only Pavel Gusev was indignant, they say, how is it, I’m mine, bourgeois!”. After the release of the program, Gusev called his colleague a "sexist and scoundrel" and advised him to refrain from meeting with him.


According to the magazine The Economist, « new style propaganda, presented in the person of Kiselyov, is aimed at exciting and mobilizing the audience, inciting hatred and fear.<…>This style is reminiscent of Orwell's two-minute hate, half an hour long."

President of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University Yasen Zasursky, describing the work of Dmitry Kiselyov in 2015, said that “he simply repeats some theses, and journalists do not do this; a journalist should help to understand, should give not only information, but also knowledge ... he must be a good propagandist.”

March 16, 2014 in the program "Vesti Nedeli" Kiselev, based on an article in " Russian newspaper" dated January 22, stated that Russia has a complex for automatic control of a massive retaliatory nuclear strike "Perimeter", "guaranteeing the defeat of the United States of America in the event of an armed conflict”, used the expression “Russia is the only country in the world that is really capable of turning the United States into radioactive ash". The expression caused a wide response in the world.


Dmitry Kiselev is on the second part of the European Union (EU) list inspired by the Crimean crisis, among Russian political and statesmen for which visa and financial restrictions have been introduced. According to the Kommersant newspaper, the TV presenter was planned to be included in the first part of the EU black list, but Finland opposed this.

Oleg Dobrodeev, director general of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, said that "it's amazing how quickly the European Union adopted from its Ukrainian puppets the skills of repression against objectionable journalists." In his opinion, the persecution of journalists is a sign of weakness and inferiority. In support of their colleague, journalists and TV presenters of the Rossiya-1 TV channel spoke, publishing open letter to the Russian journalistic community.

According to Dmitry Kiselyov, the EU sanctions lists were compiled by Russian journalist Sergei Parkhomenko and political and public figure Alexey Navalny.

In August 2014, he was included in the sanctions list by Ukraine for his position on the war in the East of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Also included in the sanctions lists of Switzerland and Canada, is persona non grata in Moldova. In September 2015, he was included in the sanctions list of Ukraine, which includes 400 individuals and 90 legal entities.

In September 2015, he filed a lawsuit against the Council of the European Union, demanding that the decision to put him on the EU sanctions list be canceled and the costs incurred in connection with this be reimbursed. According to Dmitry Kiselyov, he was sanctioned for expressing his political position as a journalist and commentator, and therefore, there is a violation of freedom of speech. He also indicated that he could not "actively support" Russian policy towards Ukraine and never expressed support for the "deployment of Russian troops in Ukraine." On June 15, 2017, the European Court of General Jurisdiction in Luxembourg left the claim unsatisfied and decided to maintain the sanctions, to which Kiselyov responded with an article on the RIA Novosti website.

Personal life

Today Dmitry is married and happy in family life, but before that he had been married seven times. He met his first wife Alena at a medical school, they were 17 years old. Family life It didn't work out and they parted ways soon after. The second time he married while studying in Leningrad, a student Natalya. A year later, the couple decided to divorce. A year later, Dmitry led another darling Tatyana down the aisle, but this marriage also came to an end soon. Working at the State Radio and Television, Dmitry married for the fourth time to his colleague Alena.

Very soon, the couple's son Gleb is born. When the child was one year old, the presenter left the family for new sweetheart Natalia, who became his fifth wife. Dmitry did not stop communicating with his son, and now they support a good relationship. In 1998, Kelly Richdale became the sixth wife of the TV presenter, and a few months later they divorced. Dmitry's seventh wife was named Olga.

Meeting with fate

Being married, the presenter built his own mansion in the Crimea and very often spent time there. He was even able to found a jazz festival in 2003 called Jazz Koktebel. In Koktebel, Dmitry loved to ride his own boat, in one of these walks he met his real wife Masha.

At that time she was a student at the Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis. Masha already had a son, Fedor, from a previous relationship. A year after the first meeting, the lovers played a magnificent wedding. In 2007 the world saw them common son Kostya, and three years later they became the happy parents of their daughter Varvara. Masha has three higher education and gets a fourth. In the future, she wants to work as a psychotherapist.

Now Dmitry Kiselev is a wife, who is fully supported by him, successful in his career and happy in his personal life.

Hobbies of Dmitry Kiselyov

Together with his family, the TV presenter lives in the Moscow region, where the Scandinavian house built according to his project is located. It should be noted that the construction lasted several years. In the yard, on the well, there is a small mill, which complements the general view of the house. At first, Maria could not get used to country life. She went to Moscow in order, as she puts it, to breathe it. Over time, the wife of the TV presenter liked the village life.

The father rarely sees the children, he has practically no days off. He usually leaves in the morning, when the children are still sleeping, and returns not earlier than nine or even eleven in the evening. Often, the TV presenter gets to work on a motorcycle, only in winter changing into a car. There was a time when Dmitry Konstantinovich held four horses, but after he fell into the water with the car from the bridge and received a compression fracture of the spine, he could no longer go in for equestrian sports. Being fond of motocross, the TV presenter was seriously injured - a ligament rupture in his knee, he underwent three operations and walked on crutches for a whole year. After that, Kiselev gave one horse to his trainer, sold one, and transferred two horses to an orphanage. The eldest son of the TV presenter Gleb is already an adult, they always maintained a relationship, traveled a lot together. The son shared his father's passion for horses. In Kiselyov's country house, Gleb has his own room, where he lives when he comes to visit. Dmitry Konstantinovich is fluent in Norwegian, English and French She also reads in Icelandic, Swedish and Danish.

An outstanding personality, one of the most famous and popular Russian journalists and TV presenters - Dmitry Kiselev. He is considered the favorite of the President of Russia, which can cause ambiguous attitude and even hatred among many, especially today, when terrible events are taking place in Ukraine. His programs shed light on what is happening not only in the Russian Federation, but all over the world.

Dmitry Kiselev: biography

He was born in Moscow on April 26, 1954, grew up in musical environment and graduated from a music school in guitar class. Then he studied at a medical school, but in 1978 he changed his passions and was educated at the Leningrad University. Zhdanov at the Faculty of Scandinavian Philology.

After graduating from university, Dmitry went to work at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, where he covered the most important aspects life of the country abroad. Kiselev worked there for more than 10 years. The young journalist learned to mint out every word, followed the intonation, and he did it perfectly, so in 1988 he became the host of the political review of the Vremya program. The turning point of the 90s made me look for him new job since he was fired for insubordination.

But then Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev becomes the creator of a new television and radio format and works closely with foreign colleagues in the Vesti program.

In the early 90s, Kiselev was a news anchor on the Panorama program. A little later, he was sent to work in Helsinki as his own correspondent for the Ostankino agency.

New projects

In 1995, when they killed him, Kiselyov was appointed. On Channel One, he begins to host the Rush Hour and Window to Europe programs. The TV presenter will work there for only one year and leave the project.

In 1997, Dmitry Kiselev became the host of the National Interest talk show, which aired on the Russian RTR channel and on the Ukrainian ICTV. Then he works for some time in the night edition of "Events".

In 2003, his Ukrainian colleagues express no confidence in him for distorting information and he was suspended from work. A little later, these charges were dropped from him.

Since 2008, he has been the Deputy General Director of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and in 2012, he was the host of the Historical Process program. Since 2012, she has been running the Vesti Nedeli program.

In 2013, the Rossiya Segodnya news agency was founded on the basis of RIA Novosti, and Dmitry Kiselev became its CEO.

The presidential decree entrusted the agency with a very important mission - to sanctify Russian politics abroad. Kiselev saw his main task, which was to restore the good name of Russia.

Criticism and sanctions

Since November 2015, he has been the host of the intellectual TV game "Knowledge is Power". April 17, 2014 he takes a direct interview with Vladimir Putin.

Therefore, he did not escape criticism, the TV journalist was called a "Kremlin propagandist", was again accused of distorting the facts, and again these were mostly colleagues from Ukraine. In general, he got the most from Ukraine for the truthful news about the Ukrainian coup, the customers of which (this is no longer a secret) were the US intelligence services. They used Ukraine to foment war with Russia.

Now a Ukrainian TV presenter ( former TV presenter“Vesti” of Russian Television), a namesake completely biased by the new Ukrainian government, also speaks very unflatteringly about the work of his colleague, that he allegedly biased and incorrectly covered events in Ukraine.

TV presenter Dmitry Kiselev was included in the EU sanctions list (among Russian politicians and statesmen). But be that as it may, he is one of the most bright personalities not only on Russian television, but also abroad. Dmitry Kiselev has almost encyclopedic knowledge, he is fluent in several foreign languages, he is well versed in literature, music and art.

Family life

Leading Dmitry Kiselev always led a stormy personal life. He had many official and unofficial marriages.

The first official wife was Alena, she was his classmate at the medical school. They broke up a year after the painting.

Two subsequent official marriages with Natalya and Tatyana happened when he studied at Leningrad University.

The fourth time he married when he worked as a presenter at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. They had a son, Gleb, but the marriage broke up a year later.

With his fifth wife, Natalia, he also quickly broke up, as well as with the Englishwoman Kelly Richdale.

Dmitry Kiselev met his current wife Maria on jazz festival in Koktebel, which he also arranged. Masha was already divorced and raised her son Fedor. In this marriage, they had two more children - Konstantin and Varvara. Now the Kiselev couple lives in the suburbs in a house built according to own project famous TV presenter.

Dmitry Kiselev was awarded the Orders of Friendship and "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV Art. (2011, 2014) and the Order of Sergius of Radonezh II Art. (2014, Russian Orthodox Church).

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