"Zrada" in quotes: how Ivan Dorn ended up at the center of the scandal. "So that they don't stink": What Dorn said in a scandalous interview with a Russian journalist Dorn's problems

Ukrainian singer Ivan Dorn, who recently gave an interview to Russian blogger Yuri Duda, angered Ukrainians with his talk about brotherhood with Russia.

In addition to the singer's conversations with the blogger about his work and personal life, Yuri Dud tried to ask as many provocative questions as possible in the context of the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

It all started when Dorn was asked what caused such a striking rise in Ukrainian music. Dorn argued this by a quarrel between "two brothers".

The Russian blogger also asked about the reaction of Ukrainians to the Russian tour in 2016. Dorn replied that there were two festivals he decided to go to and that such festivals were absolutely "harmless".

Yuri Dud recalled the fact that when other countries remember Ivan Dorn, he is remembered as the person who sponsors the ATO. To which the singer replied absolutely categorically.

“Money was given to the victims in Mariupol when the shelling broke out, and the volunteer who disposed of my money publicly thanked me for this online. There were too many people gathered about this, and I told him to delete that post. I don’t help the volunteers associated with the ATO," the singer replied.

The young performer also commented on the situation with one of his concerts in Moscow, when from the stage, together with the Russian public, he said hello to Kyiv and said that there was no enmity between the countries.

The politicians don't really like it, because the very fact that I'm speaking in Russia is outrageous. And for those who are ardent Russophobe - they also do not like my position. Other people, to be honest, do not care at all, it seems to me. They care about my music
Dorn added.

What surprised the Russian blogger was that Dorn's concerts after the Russian tour were blocked in Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil, but not in Lviv.

In a scandalous interview, the blogger also recalled an incident from a concert in Jurmala in 2014, when Dorn went on stage to perform "Dance of the Penguin" in a sweatshirt with a Ukrainian trident. The singer commented on this situation by saying that at that time he collaborated with Russian producer Igor Krutoy and did not want to let him down with a performance.

Krutoy let me do the performance the way I want. And when the question of clothes arose, the stink arose about the fact that our participant from Ukraine then still wore the tricolor, questions arose why she was going to Jurmala, why she adjusted to the Russians, etc. That's why I thought to go with a Ukrainian song, to carry Ukrainian culture in this case, and that I should go out with a trident so that no one would "stink" about the costume," the performer said.

Ivan Dorn admitted that he was worried about his bold performance because he was afraid to quarrel with Igor Krutoy.

To the final questions, Yuriy Dorn laughed off phrases from the last popular song in the CIS space by the Ukrainian group "Mushrooms" "Ice is melting". Dorn said that Ukraine and Russia will soon make peace, because the thaw has already begun.

And the question that Ivan would like to ask Vladimir Putin sounds like this:

“Listen, do you also have Libra (zodiac sign) some kind of uncertainty all the time? Constantly depend on the opinions of others, when everyone says that everything is good, it means that everything is good, and when everything is bad, then everything is bad. just me or all Libra?" Ivan answered.

Dorn also casually mentioned in an interview that he performed at campaign concerts of the Party of Regions as part of the Pair of Normals group.

And when asked about Jamala's victory at Eurovision in 2016 with her song, the singer stressed that the song should win first, not politics.

“From a musical point of view, I really liked it. But it’s not politics that should win, despite the “mournful” history, but music should win. We played as if for some kind of pity, but the music is really cool,” said Dorn.

Ukrainian singer and DJ Ivan Dorn gave an interview to Russian journalist Yuri Dud, in which he called Ukraine and Russia brothers and denied sponsoring ATO fighters. The musician's statements caused a strong reaction among fans in his native country and attracted the attention of the local Ministry of Culture.

During the interview, Dorn tried to refute his assistance to the "anti-terrorist operation" in eastern Ukraine. The singer's money was supposed to go to help the victims of the shelling of Mariupol, but one of the volunteers bought optical sights with them.

“One of the volunteers decided to use this money differently - he bought an optical sight - and publicly thanked me for it. I told him: “Let's do something. It's an awkward situation. Delete that post or write how it really happened," the musician recalled.

Dorn explained the rise of Ukrainian music by the desire of the "younger brothers" to develop independently of the "older ones". Entering the stage in Jurmala in 2014 in a trident T-shirt was justified by the desire to "not get into trouble", promoting culture and protecting oneself from criticism.

“I thought that I should go out with a trident so that no one stinks about the costume,” the singer explained.

The revelations provoked a strong reaction from social media users and Ukrainian musicians, who condemned the singer and accused him of venality. Odessa public activist Gleb Zhavoronkov published selected fragments of the interview on his Facebook.

The head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture, Yevgeny Nishchuk, called the compatriot's statements unacceptable, recalling that artists have a responsibility to their listeners.

"Artists are not just those who amuse and carry only their talent, and nothing else should worry them. This is wrong. When tens of thousands of the best sons of Ukraine die in the east of the state, it is unacceptable to say that there is a small quarrel here," the official said. .

Ordinary Ukrainians reacted to Dorn's words in stronger terms, preferring to "bury" his career.

Let's start the conversation with the latest news. There is a clip filmed in Africa, a film about your trip there is about to be released. First, why did you have to travel so far?

It all started like this: I was driving along the Vyshgorod dam, and Bicholla Tetradze sent me an audio message of the following nature: “Dude, I just saw your video for Africa. I know how to shoot it!” It turned out that he watched the instagram channel @masakakidsafricana, and at that time he played the track "Afrika". And he sees how they match! Then Bicholla edited "Africa" ​​and dance moves from Instagram - and sent it to me. I'm like, yeah, got it! I realized that this is an awesome idea. What do you need to go shoot. And not just somewhere in Africa, but to these children.

Power of Africa premiered last night on Complex

- Is it difficult to get there? What is the route anyway?

I flew to Dubai, where we crossed paths with the rest of the team. Then we flew together to Entebbe, this is an airport in Uganda. A local producer named Bill was waiting for us there. He immediately said: “Guys, let's go to the pharmacy and buy pills just in case!” Because most people in Uganda die of malaria. Plus, this is a country with a very large number of HIV-infected people.

From Entebbe we went to Masaka - in fact, to the region where the children are. On the way we crossed the equator. We arrived at a big, big village. But with good roads - they were built by the Chinese.

Guys, let's go to the pharmacy and buy pills just in case!

Woke up in the morning bitten by mosquitoes. And they were terribly worried. We were told that 30% of all mosquitoes are malarial mosquitoes. Before we went there, we did, I think, seven vaccinations. But there is no vaccination against malaria. You just take pills if you get sick.

Bill also said that there are witches in Uganda, and especially in the Masaka region. They run with backpacks, some kind of fire burns in backpacks. They run very fast, because they refuel with some kind of powder - associations of some kind of cocaine are immediately drawn. Bill said that witches bewitched men and forced them to work on their plots of land. In general, right from the first day we were heaped with such mystical information.

- How do children from this dance group live?

This is a huge family of two parents dashing artistic directors who gather children around them and teach them to dance. Children are either from poor families who cannot provide for them on their own, or without parents. My husband's name is Hassan. His wife cooks all the time. And all the time the same food: a small cornmeal bun and beans. Basically, it's delicious. For one time. And when you sit down with them the second time, the beans are already a little annoying. And the third time already somehow you don’t want to eat them. Therefore, the gastronomic holiday came when we arrived and brought lunch boxes from the hotel.

We started to train. They train just in the yard. I showed my movements, they showed theirs, so that it was really a joint dance, and not just children dancing in the video. They all dance very cool separately. But when we started to put some fundamentally important synchronicities together, they turned out to be absolutely out of sync. I had to work for a very long time so that everything was beautiful and synchronous.

- What language did you speak?

In English. But such African English.

And this is how the “Afrika” video itself looks, in fact, for the shooting of which it was necessary to go to Uganda

- What else was strange there?

It's strange that they treat the earth like a big garbage chute. They drink fanta or chew gum and just throw it on the ground. We come to shoot some beautiful view and - damn it, guys! So beautiful, stop littering! At the same time, Uganda is one of the most developing African countries. As the locals told us, poor Uganda is shown by some European donators or guys who make documentaries. Just to raise more money for it. In Uganda they say: "We are not so poor, we are developing."

- What will the donations that you

I'll tell you how it happened. On the first day we went with the children for water. We reached a large deep puddle, which most likely forms after rain. They collected water in canisters of gasoline. Nearby was an area where they grow some kind of vegetation. And they said: we grow vegetation here, but soon we plan to build a school here. So that we can all work together, dance, and train together. And they, apparently, have already launched some kind of crowdfunding campaign, but not very successfully. And when I was talking to them, standing in this place, a thought appeared - what if? They are raising funds for a dance school. They have a plan, they have a project ready, they need 30 thousand dollars for construction.

I want to help these kids. They are very loving and warm. It was evident that we were long-awaited aliens for them. Who came, roughly speaking, to turn their lives in a more positive direction. We wanted it to be a true fusion of cultures. And so that it is realized in dance. We were worried that in the video I was the only white person in the frame. And on this basis, they can pick up something: I went, I used the children. Therefore, the documentary film will show what the relationship really was. What was mutual understanding, what enthusiasm and how we caught the buzz.

- What is happening in your work now?

There are a lot of plans. Now we have made a collaboration with one American DJ, widely known in narrow circles.

Not. Not with . We crossed paths with him at the studio, who was also there - and we chilled very cool! So these are cool guys - [hell]! I felt myself in seventh heaven with happiness. You know, get together and just talk about... Well, their musical philosophy. Listen, delve, talk about your own, share joys and sorrows.

- And the first DJ, which was discussed at the beginning, is ...

This is another DJ, I do not want to disclose his name yet. To without expectations, you know. I flew there, did four tracks with him. Presenting this summer. And then there will be a hip-hop album. We sit down for him in mid-May. Finally! That's it, we sit down to write it. A little bit left - we are importing furniture [to a new studio]. We will sit in the "Workshop" and deprive her of her virginity - in a creative way.

We have festivals during the summer. In parallel, a tour of Europe took place. Small - Poland, Germany, Holland. We will probe the overseas audience through OTD. I'm preparing one single for the summer. Cover. I won't say which group. But she is respected and loved by all. In Russian.

Dorn traveled to Europe, of course, with the English-language OTD program. And she is also on YouTube - a recording of last year's concert in Moscow was released on Ivan's channel a month ago.

- Immediately a lot of questions. Firstly, a rap album: are you writing it in Kyiv? There was a plan in New York to do it.

No no! It will be an album in Russian.

When you talked about a rap album a couple of years ago, it sounded very bold: a cutting-edge pop star is going into rap. But today everyone reads rap, even Timur Rodriguez. Did you miss the moment?

No. You know, it even makes me happy. Because when we come out with an album, hip-hop in the musical environment is already ...

- Will it merge?

First, it will be different. Now everyone is leaving on an even barrel - thanks to the "Mushrooms" for this trend. And gradually rap will move into this form. And our hip-hop - it will be more classical.

It’s even more interesting for me to break into this genre when its current popularity has already passed. Of course, we could do it now and be absolutely in the mood. And from a pragmatic point of view, this would be the most correct approach. But that's exactly what we're afraid of.

It's cool to come out with a hip-hop album when the hip-hop is already too obvious. When he is already starting to be so popular that it is even repulsive. That's when it gets really interesting! Because then they will pay attention to how much it really is hip-hop. How does it make sense and context? And not how much it is in the conjuncture and in the trend.

- Are you satisfied with the current context of hip-hop?

I like deeper players like, obviously, Kendrick [Lamar]. Of course, this is Oddisee, this is . These are new people like Schoolboy Q, but also Talib Kweli, Mos Def - old farts that I love very much, that I grew up with. I also bypass where I don’t see depth, but only see quality.

- So this is the top now: all these young people from Lil Pump to Lil Zan.

I don't know them well. I don't follow these guys at all. Because I get lost in them very easily. For me, there is no musical difference in them - they are all like a blueprint. When the movement becomes so massive, I start to avoid it. And look for an alternative. Which I find in the names that I listed.

The clip "Collaba" no longer has 50 percent of dislikes, as Ivan says, but still a lot - 44 thousand against 74 thousand likes

- Do you continue to knock on the doors of American show business?

Moreover, I'm already opening the doors a little with the help of publications that agree to print... And not only agree, but, for example, they ask for some material. And in parallel, I focus on European show business. I want to go to festivals. Therefore, now we are knocking on the push lists of festival agents.

But all this must be done slowly, consistently and correctly. And we also made wrong moves. There were the wrong people we worked with. To hell there were balabols who say what you want to hear. They say that they know everyone, they will solve everything, just let's work with them. Working, waiting for something. Then they say: “Well, it’s very difficult to predict here, you yourself understand.” Therefore, by trial and error, without knowing anything about the local show business, we are trying to figure out how to act in it correctly. And this year we dug ourselves some kind of groove.

I had a feeling that you wrote the first album for the listener, the second - for yourself, and the third - as if somewhere in space.

The motto "Write for yourself" - I propagandized it, of course. And to some extent musically buried. But when we released the OTD album, I knew for sure that I liked this album, that there would be an audience that would understand it. If not immediately, then later.

It's cool to see how the perception of this album changes, how it opens up for people and help it open up with additional content, video, something else. It's like a board game, like a strategy, but very long in time. With [previous album] "Randorn" the same thing happened: it was not accepted by everyone, but over time the attitude changed. Only faster - because the album itself was probably less contrasting.

I was clearly aware of the fact that there would be non-perception. And it is. 50% dislikes for the "Collaba" video on YouTube. Making fun of my words about winning a Grammy. It actually turns me on!

To me, the story of the recording of the American album is very nice in an artistic sense. But it doesn't characterize you as a rational music businessman. Because you lost a lot of money on shows you didn't finish. With Russian material, you obviously could perform more. What do you think about it?

Definitely. But, honestly, I set myself a goal - to join our Russian-speaking audience abroad. So it is necessary to abandon any plans and strategies in the CIS countries. Just to carve out time and achieve something there. Basically, you're starting over. Having, however, experience, a Russian-speaking audience and some self-confidence. But it's all over again. And it takes a lot of time and patience to do it again. The OTD album, of course, was more designed for some kind of jump out there, you know? Instead, look, guys, how I can sing in English. Therefore, I was clearly aware that there would be non-perception. And it is. 50% dislikes for the "Collaba" video on YouTube. Making fun of my words about winning a Grammy. It actually turns me on! This is a serious pain in the ass. Which I myself purposely set.

Now in music everyone is worried about success. If the artist does not have it, then there is no topic for conversation. One of the signs of the moment is the popularity of the word "sets". Music came on - it means everything happened. She didn’t go in - and it doesn’t matter anymore, it’s high-quality, advanced, innovative. Are you comfortable living in such a world?

No. Not really. This is a fucking digital industry, which, with its information flow, breaks the usual musical realities. Music perception. the music industry as a whole. People don't have time to sit down, close their eyes, listen to music and imagine anything to themselves. The music works more like a background. Hence all these measurements: it went in - it didn’t go in, it pumps - it doesn’t pump, punch - it doesn’t punch. Anything that doesn't grab you right away is kind of shitty. Listen several times, think, find the right atmosphere - there is no time for this. So, of course, I'm kind of in a risky position. And of course, I feel uncomfortable in such a world. But there are no options. Either you keep up with the times, or everyone moves on, and you stay in place. We must still fight to carry some value in this art. Fight for the thought, for the message, for the context. By any means. Yes, to adapt - but to adapt, standing on some ground. Here is what I am trying to do.

The next concert of Ivan Dorn is in a secret place - it will be known to ticket buyers on the day of the performance.

Singer Ivan Dorn was a favorite of the public yesterday, and today he woke up in a new world - now he is in disgrace for many Ukrainians. What happened and how did the star find itself at the center of the scandal? Let's figure it out together!

Yesterday, April 11, a long one-hour interview with Ivan Dorn appeared on Youtube. The singer spoke to a Russian sports journalist on his YouTube channel VDud. Yuri Dud during the interview asked the celebrity a lot of frank questions, the main topic of the interview was the new video and Dorn's new album.

READ ALSO: Singer Ivan Dorn announced that he was moving to America

During the interview, Ivan also answered many "uncomfortable" questions about money, personal life and politics. It was the latter that caused the scandal on the Internet. Users drew attention to the obvious contradictions in the words of the singer.

Among other things, Dorn called the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine a “quarrel”, Ukrainians were Russia’s “younger brothers”, and said that he had never intentionally helped volunteers in the ATO - on the contrary, he was indignant when the funds allocated to them were used to purchase optical sights.

“Money was given to the victims in Mariupol when the shelling took place ... but one of the volunteers decided to use the money differently and bought optical sights - and publicly thanked me for this ... I said: Listen, let's do something somehow, otherwise an uncomfortable situation turned out - there were too many stinks about this, ”said Dorn.

Watch Ivan Dorn's scandalous interview on liza.ua

source: vdud

The singer also recalled his performances in support of Yanukovych. According to the artist, he “didn’t care what flags were hanging there. If it’s so easy to sing, earn money, no problem.”

But most of all, Ukrainian users were outraged by Dorn's words about his performance in Jurmala on the New Wave in 2014. Then the singer performed a cover of Kuzma Scriabin's song from the stage and appeared before the public in a T-shirt with a trident.

“In order to bring culture… I thought: I need to go out with a trident. So that no one stinks about the costume, ”the celebrity shares.

The interview was supplemented with a cut from several Dorn concerts, among others from his performance in Moscow, where the singer told the audience:

“They say the problems… the problems are in their heads! Let them choke on their problems. And between us there is nothing but friendship!”

Dorn answered the host's tricky questions about his concert tours in Russia.

“Politicians don’t quite like this - the very fact that I speak in Russia is outrageous, and for those who are an ardent Russophobe - and the rest of the people - in fact, they, frankly, don’t give a damn, it seems to me that I’m saying - my music is more important to them,” said the singer.

And, it seems, he was mistaken, because this time his statements, far from music, outraged thousands of users. Now calls to boycott Dorn's concert activity are spreading in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet, and hundreds of angry and funny comments about what happened have already been collected on Twitter.

Dorn gave an amusing interview in white slippers.

— Roman Matys (@roman_matys) April 12, 2017

Dorne is broken. Bring the next one.

— Vasya (@KoloradskayaTla) April 12, 2017

@rechnikato @jamesnews4 To give such an interview about Russia in the spring of 17, when the whole world is drowning the Kremlin, one must be very gifted. I hope everything is dorn in Ukraine.

Alexey Tarasov on how to be smarter

Ukrainian musician Ivan Dorn gave an interview to a Russian sports journalist and video blogger named Yuri Dud. This is a lively conversation with jokes and obscenities, during which the artist relaxed so much that he suddenly began to talk about topics far from music and career.

It turned out that he had some kind of abstract ATO in his head, to which he did not help with money, contrary to what was reported in the press. In 2014, at the height of the military conflict with Russia, he took to the stage of the "New Wave" in a T-shirt with a trident so that "there was no stink", as with the Ukrainian participant in the contest, who put on the Russian tricolor. And during a hypothetical meeting with Putin, he will ask him not about Russian tanks in the Donbass, but about what it is like to be Libra according to the sign of the zodiac.

Does he have the right to think and act like that? Oh sure. Can an artist who cares about the audience in his country say this out loud? Oh my god, no. But for this you need to have brains.

Now there will be a huge scandal around his words - and in a sense we ourselves are to blame for this, because we always overestimate the level of mental abilities of those who sing with their mouths.

It should be noted that Ivan Dorn is the most creative and free musician of the Ukrainian pop scene, the patron of young progressive talents and our great hope. At the end of last year, he said that he was moving to America to try his hand at the West. What Dorn does not understand is that nothing shines for him until he has a toothy publicist, a press agent - a separate highly paid professional, without whose approval not a single Western star will take a step.

The publicist will cut out any uncomfortable quote from the interview - during my work as a journalist and editor, I have seen them all.

According to a legend that can neither be confirmed nor documented, Leo DiCaprio's great concern for the environment continues to be developed with the sole purpose of diverting public attention from the fact that he fucks a new model from the Victoria's Secret clip every week. During a telephone Dustin Hoffman's agent will hang on the parallel line all the time and intervene in the interview at the same second as soon as the movie legend moves away from his usual script and starts talking about boobs. ironic over her status as a goddess and patroness of the arts.

Understand correctly, this is not a question of honesty. You just don't want to know what these people think about politics and the world in general - just like you don't want to know the opinion of a taxi driver on the same topics. The fact is that any singer, actor or artist is the same taxi driver: during the time limited by the duration of a concert, film or exhibition, he transports you from point A to point B, and you need the trip to be pleasant and in its final you become a little happier than you were at the very beginning.

Artists live in their own parallel world of donated clothes and advertising contracts. They operate with ridiculous terms "my creativity" and "love of the hall". They can be dumber and smarter, but in general, the chances that a person with impeccable musical taste, who moves well on stage, will turn out to be an outstanding thinker are negligible. Smart and beautiful are still different people.

Every time we get upset that our idol has no brains, we only sign for our incompetence.

And for Ivan Dorn there is only one piece of advice - you have to be shy.

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