What are the professions in the humanities. What humanitarian professions will be in demand and highly paid in the future

Employment after receiving higher education at an institute or university is often associated with various difficulties. Therefore, a dilemma often arises before a graduate - where to go to work after graduation?


Work not in the specialty.
Often life circumstances develop in such a way that a university graduate has the opportunity to find a job not in a direct specialty. This can be due to many reasons, for example: work experience in a non-direct specialty before graduating, the ability of parents and relatives to employ a former student in another field, themselves as a specialist with a graduate, and so on. However, if a graduate has the skills and opportunities to do something else that he likes, then this should not be hindered. Work should be fun and enjoyable.

Employment in the chosen specialty.
Finding a job in a position that would correspond to the specialty received is quite easy. The only caveat arises due to the fact that there are a huge number of young professionals with popular professions on the labor market. For example, there are a huge number of unemployed people, lawyers, managers, etc. This means that, most likely, it may not be possible to get a desired position the first time. But you should not be upset, because after several interviews, something should turn up that could correspond to the specialty in the higher education received. It should be noted that the most competitive are those graduates who had work experience in their specialty at or university. Therefore, the question of employment should be asked even in the last courses of study.

Self employment.
If yesterday's student, while still studying, had a constant source of funds associated with his own, then why not deal with it even after receiving a diploma. Moreover, it has faded into the background, and people will have more opportunities to do what they love, which, moreover, brings a stable income.

Useful advice

If the issue of employment after the university is very, very bad, you should contact the employment service or a recruitment agency. In the first case, employment services will be free, but the rate of employment will be slow. Agencies will take money from the applicant, but employment will be practically guaranteed.

Working as a psychologist has recently attracted a fairly large number of people. Human relations specialists are in demand in many fields of activity. The number of psychological support centers is growing, there are vacancies for psychologists in schools and preschool institutions. Psychologists can provide considerable assistance in enterprises and other organizations where it is required to build competent work with personnel.

You will need

  • - Diploma in Education in Psychology;
  • - certificate of professional retraining.


Assess the level and quality of your professional training. As a rule, specialists in the field of psychology are trained in specific areas. It can be social, medical or legal, conflict management, psychological correction of personality, teaching and many other specializations. To achieve maximum success in the profession, you need to choose the field of activity that best suits your training.

Contact the local employment service at your place of residence. At the labor exchange you can get comprehensive information about vacancies that meet your requirements. Unfortunately, not all vacancies can guarantee a decent salary. But as a starting point, working in a government or other position as a psychologist can be a good solution. As you gain experience, you will be able to apply for a more interesting, creative and well-paid job.

Offer your services as a psychologist by contacting your local education department. Working in a public school or kindergarten can be a great way to get a job if you don't have enough experience. Almost every educational institution has a position of a psychologist-teacher. Over time, you will be able to try your hand at a private educational institution, where the qualification requirements are quite high.

If you specialize in medical psychology, try contacting a local clinic or a specialized medical center. Psychologists occupy a special place in the healthcare system, providing assistance to those who have significant health problems. Work here is often associated with behavior correction, rehabilitation of patients after injuries and illnesses. A medical psychologist must have developed empathy and be resistant to stress.

Use your knowledge and skills to work as an HR manager. Forming the personnel service, the heads of many enterprises give preference to psychologists. Functional personnel officers include in the selection of personnel, its training and placement. A psychologist at an enterprise can conduct corporate trainings, team building events, as well as consult employees on a variety of issues. Work with personnel opens the widest opportunities for creativity.

They say that he who owns information owns the world. The journalist is precisely the one who not only obtains information, but also analyzes it, and then shares it with anyone who wants to read, listen or watch. There are several ways to become a journalist.

You will need

  • - a computer with Internet access;
  • - Certificates of passing the Unified State Examination in Russian and foreign languages ​​and literature.


Find the website of your nearest public university. Look at which faculty you can get a specialty 03.06.00. Large universities such as Moscow State University or St. Petersburg State University have journalism. In some educational institutions, this specialty or related ones are given at the faculties of mass media or philology. These are universities such as, for example, MGIMO or MGPU.

Training in the specialty you need, as, indeed, in any other where higher education is required, consists of two stages - undergraduate and. For admission to the first year, you will need to provide the results of the unified state exam in Russian, literature and a foreign language and, probably, complete a creative assignment. Admission conditions can be found on the official website of the university. There you will also find information about the availability of budget places and the conditions for studying at a paid department.

To become a journalist, it is not at all necessary to graduate from a specialized university. If you're good at writing but you're in a different profession, you might consider becoming a freelance writer. Your knowledge in technology, education, culture will certainly be in demand. True, you must have some special data. To start working in a newspaper, it is enough just to be able to write correctly and highlight the main and secondary thoughts in the text. A future radio journalist should have a pleasant voice, and a TV journalist should also have a spectacular appearance. If your first journalistic experience is successful, you may be sent to courses where you can learn the basics of the profession. For the most part, journalists who do not have a specialized education get into the editorial staff in this way. You can improve your skills at trainings or seminars that are now taking place everywhere.

Recently, a new journalistic specialization has appeared - a blogger. Specialists are trained in the same higher educational institutions as other journalists. But you can try to master it yourself. Interesting thematic blogs can be found in all social networks, on the websites of TV and radio companies, leading newspapers. See how the user builds and maintains his blog, what questions he is asked, how he answers them. This will give you the necessary understanding of the basics of the profession.

Useful advice

If the nearest university does not have the desired specialty, look for related ones - a public relations specialist or an editor. By the way, some technical universities are also preparing specialists in public relations.

In teaching at the Faculty of Humanities, the priority role is assigned to the development of social sciences, the formation of cultural values, and the understanding of moral and emotional relations in society. Distinguish professional and general humanitarian education.

Education in the field of the humanities involves the acquisition of knowledge and professional skills in philosophy, history, linguistics, law, art history and others. Such education determines the worldview and the general level of human development, and for society it is the basis of ideological and moral education. Any faculty of humanitarian education performs a cultural and educational task. Without this area of ​​education, our life would be much more boring, because thanks to it, new writers, poets, artists, and musicians appear.

Features of education at the faculty

The specificity of education at the faculty is a high level of humanitarian knowledge, which is relevant at all times. The Faculty of Humanities produces specialists who successfully compete in the necessary economic conditions.

Currently, the educational process at the faculty is based on modern world methods, the best professionals from Western universities are often involved in lecturing. The faculty trains bachelors, whose term of study is 4 years, and masters, who study for 6 years. One of the features of training in the humanities is a deep study of a foreign language.

Humanitarian specialists play an important role in the scientific and cultural cooperation of our country with other world cultural communities.

University of the Humanities

The University of the Humanities affirms the ideals and values ​​of society, develops cooperation through the humanization of the worldview, educates and develops students on the basis of individual freedom. Each humanitarian has different:

Culture and art;
- design;
- political science and;
- Philology and foreign languages ​​and others.

They are selected taking into account the educational standards of modernity and the effectiveness of the education received. Humanitarian knowledge is becoming an important part of fundamental education and allows you to get specialists with a broad worldview.

Education in the field of the humanities makes it possible to form not specialists with a narrow specialized education, but real individuals with broad views on the world, nature and man. Humanitarians balance the society, do not let it slide into the moral, spiritual and cultural abyss. Humanities universities continue the glorious traditions of value-oriented education.

Often in the conversations of young people, and even older people, one can notice such an explanation for the lack of knowledge in the technical sciences as "humanitarian". However, a penchant for the humanities does not yet determine this kind of thinking. The conditional division of all people into "physicists" and "lyricists" is not entirely correct and scientific.

Ability and mindset

Psychologists have established a relationship between the development of the cerebral hemispheres and abilities. So, the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for visual-figurative thinking, creative imagination, perception of music, artistic images, etc. The left hemisphere is responsible for mathematical abilities and logical thinking.

People who have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain are more inclined towards the humanities, reasoning, and philosophizing. Those who are more developed on the left hemisphere of the brain have an inherent propensity for mathematical sciences, technical disciplines and logical reasoning.

But inclinations towards the humanities do not yet determine the humanitarian mindset of a person. Rather, it is simply a consequence of those features that are inherent in people in the humanities.

Features of people with a humanitarian mindset

Humanitarians by mindset (not by education) know that each particular person or group of people has only a limited idea of ​​​​the world. They realize that there is something different in the world: a different perception, a different opinion, a different reality, a different meaning, a different picture of the world, and so on. For such people, after schooling on each issue, providing one correct solution or proof, it is easy at the university to study various scientific theories or paradigms that explain the same event or process in different ways. But this should not be confused with a love of philosophizing and philosophy: the fact that they understand it does not make them lovers of this discipline. They may not have a humanitarian education, but a technical one, but at the same time they are clearly aware of how narrow their understanding of the world is. Conversely, lovers of books, music, films, and professional humanists sometimes do not allow the idea that others may have completely different interests than they do.

Another distinguishing quality of people with a humanitarian mindset is the ability to interact with others. This is clearly seen in the interaction between those who accept someone else's position and someone else's vision, and those who reject everything except their own point of view. If a person manages to comprehend the world of the interlocutor and establish contact, even without sharing his views, then he is a typical humanitarian.

The humanist, by his turn of mind, knows that the world is ruled by conventions. When such a person finds the answer to a question, he understands that it is considered correct only in this moment time. Simply put, he realizes that truth as such does not exist, but there are only judgments that are currently revered as truth.

The humanitarian mindset is often confused with visual-figurative thinking. This type of thinking presupposes a developed ability to imagine, imagine, compare something, and, accordingly, to understand and accept changes in social life, some new genres of literature, cinema, music. But this does not mean at all that all people with developed visual-figurative thinking are humanitarians by their turn of mind.

Political science is one of the social sciences, which is devoted to the study of the patterns of functioning and development of political relations and political systems, the peculiarities of people's life activities associated with power relations. It received its final consolidation as a separate science in 1948, when the subject and object of political science were determined at the congress of political scientists under the auspices of UNESCO.


Political science is one of the social sciences, which is aimed at studying the political component of society. It is closely related to other social sciences. In particular, such as sociology, economics, philosophy, theology. Political science integrates certain aspects of these disciplines, because the object of her research intersects in the part that is connected with political power.

Like any other science, it has its own object and subject. The objects of research include the philosophical and ideological foundations of politics, political paradigms, political culture and the values ​​and ideas that form it, as well as political institutions, the political process and political behavior. The subject of political science is the patterns of relationships between social subjects regarding political power.

Political science has its own structure. It includes such sciences as the theory of politics, the history of political doctrines, political sociology, the theory of international relations, geopolitics, political psychology, conflictology, ethno-political science, etc. Each of them focuses on a separate aspect of political science.

Political science has its own methodology (conceptual approaches to research) and methods. Initially, political science was dominated by an institutional approach, which was aimed at studying political institutions (parliament, parties, the institute of presidency). Its disadvantage was that it paid too little attention to the psychological and behavioral aspects of the political sphere.

Therefore, the institutional approach was soon replaced by behaviorism. The main focus was shifted towards the study of political behavior, as well as the specifics of the relationship of individuals about power. Observation became the key research method. Behaviorism also brought quantitative research methods to political science. Among them - interviewing. However, this approach is criticized for being overly concerned with the psychological aspects and not paying enough attention to the functional aspect.

In the 1950s and 1960s, a structural-functional approach became widespread, which focused on the relationship between economic and political systems, political activity and the regime, the number of parties and the electoral system. The systems approach for the first time began to consider politics as an integral self-organizing mechanism, which aims at the distribution of political values.

Today, the theory of rational choice and the comparative approach have gained popularity in political science. The first is based on the selfish, rational nature of the individual. Thus, any of his actions (for example, the desire for power or the transfer of power) are aimed at increasing their own benefit. Comparative political science assumes the same type of phenomena (for example, political regime or party system) in order to identify their advantages and disadvantages, as well as to determine the most optimal development models.

Political science performs a number of socially significant functions. Among them - epistemological, involving the acquisition of new knowledge; value - the function of value orientation; theoretical and methodological; socializing - helping people to understand the essence of political processes; prognostic - forecasting political processes, etc.

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Tip 8: What can a person with a humanitarian mindset work for?

People with a humanitarian mindset on the planet are about half of the total population. They work in a variety of fields, but are best suited for those activities that are not heavily related to calculations, technology and complex logical reasoning.

Almost all professions related to creativity are considered humanitarian, for example, a designer, artist, art critic, guide, actor, director, musician, singer. The creation of art objects, although it does not bring practical benefits to mankind, is no less valuable than the creation and operation of technical and electronic means. Therefore, real art and its figures are sometimes so popular and can earn big fortunes. However, not everyone succeeds in this, it is not in vain that it is more difficult to achieve success in this area than in business.

The humanities in the field of jurisprudence and economics are very successful. Although it is rather controversial to classify economics as a purely human science, people, even without a technical mindset, become excellent economists. In addition, they can work as lawyers, lawyers, historians. Wherever a broad view of modern realities or historical events is required, humanitarian thinking helps.

Civil service is closely connected with knowledge of the laws, the economic situation and the historical past of the country. Therefore, in the parliament, the Federation Council, political parties, you can meet so many political scientists, lawyers and economists. For some figures with a liberal education, who, moreover, are on the sidelines of true creativity, going into politics is a good opportunity to prove themselves and achieve real success.

People with a humanitarian mindset make excellent doctors and psychologists. Some of them understand the human soul well, are able to sympathize, listen and understand people, understand complex relationships and emotional trauma, while the latter perfectly heal the human body. By the way, the knowledge of the human soul through deviant behavior, the desire to get to the bottom of the truth and a deep knowledge of psychology are the features of the beautiful, detectives and investigators of all ranks.

Professions in the field of marketing with the skills of promotion on the Internet, promotion in social networks, SEO - optimization (but here the junction of the humanitarian and technical areas), content writing and the creation of various promotion concepts. Video and audio content is becoming more and more popular. Trainers will be in demand. Due to the rapid changes in the work environment, employees are constantly required to retrain and learn new skills. We need charismatic trainers who not only have knowledge, but also orientate themselves in a constantly changing space, technologies, innovations, which also relate to the presentation of material.

Perhaps the lawyer will become a more popular profession. In the event that Russia really becomes a state of law: when, for the hellish noise at night, a neighbor will not be beaten in the face, but will be charged from him for moral damage. For the time being, it is profitable to be a lawyer who handles the cases of wealthy people. Unfortunately, the middle class and below live in a non-legal society.

Psychologist, perhaps. Society strives for individualization, a number of foundations have been lost, stress in big cities, a constantly changing environment, a crisis in the institution of the family; at the same time, there are fewer fears about appeals to psychologists and psychotherapists. Parents are confused in matters of upbringing, so they often need outside help. But in order to make good money in this field, you need to be able to effectively help, and this is ten years of study and an internship abroad, preferably.

Specialists in the following three industries will have consistently high salaries and good social significance in the future paradigm of our world.

The first industry is media and entertainment. In the 21st century, the importance of various kinds of media resources is growing, which gradually become powerful filters that place important accents in the world and help to navigate the agenda. Take a look at social media. Before their appearance, of course, no one could have thought of the emergence of such a profession as an SMM manager. Moreover, news for many people is a kind of informational drug. We all constantly check the news report and are eager to see a new sensation, preferably just to have a Wow effect. We thus make a test of our reality, our picture of the world. We think: "It's good that this didn't happen to us." Next, entertainment. Already now there is a tendency to create various kinds of mass entertainment with a stronger immersion effect, new channels for the supply of information are being created. Take at least VR glasses. In the future, we will be able to watch people's streams, feel the food they consume live. You can become one of these people and get good money (this is so, by the way).

Specific professions in this area: a designer of virtual worlds, a game practitioner of quests in virtual reality, a journalist with a unique author's style.

The second branch is management. Already, cross-industry management specialists are required in every company - precisely because of the automation in this industry. Specialists who know how to implement CRM systems, understand the principles of working with people and can coordinate them in the right direction for the company, who not only work on the number of sales of the company alone, but also who qualitatively influence other people and thus increase indicators - such people will always be valuable.

Specific professions in this area: manager of corporate venture funds, manager of cross-cultural communication, manager of strategic development of the company.

The third branch is culture and art. Culture is one of the most ancient spheres of human activity. Especially in our time, when everyone, having a soap dish in their hands and a desire to hone their photography skills, can take a decent picture. It is made clear that with the help of the development of technology, humanity is reaching a new level of perception of art, becoming more selective. So, an immersive theater appears without dividing it into a stage and a hall for greater immersion, art objects are no longer the domain of only professionals - you can make a creation with the help of a 3D printer, art penetrates into the scientific environment.

Specific professions in this area: art appraiser, curator of collective creativity, coach for the aesthetic development of the individual.

Is it worth it to go to study in the humanities faculties

When choosing a profession, each person is faced with the problem of the demand for the profession that he has chosen. Of course, first of all, the future profession should give pleasure and ensure material well-being. For a correct assessment of the chosen specialty, it is necessary to know how much the specialists with such a profession are in demand. Let's look at how the ranking of humanitarian professions among employers is distributed.

The most popular humanitarian specialties for men:

  • Lawyers of various fields (there is a steady decrease in the rating);
  • Medical professionals (trend to increase the ranking of professions related to the fight against aging);
  • Teachers of schools and universities (humanitarian subjects);
  • Humanitarian specialists in the field of creating artificial intelligence (psychologists, linguists, etc.);
  • Politicians of different levels (if, of course, you can call it a profession);
  • Diplomatic workers of broad specialization (knowledge of several languages).

It should be noted the low level of demand for such professions as a historian, archaeologist, archival worker, not to mention writers and poets. Very little employers are interested in specialists in the field of journalism. Professional actors, directors, screenwriters also remain at the lowest rating lines.

Demanded humanitarian professions for women:

  • Linguists-;
  • HR managers (personnel officers);
  • Educators and nannies;
  • and psychologists;
  • School and university teachers;
  • Philologists of various directions.

The main trend of modern liberal education is the need to study technical sciences. Every specialist in the humanities must now know the basics of computer science and confidently use a computer and other means of communication. The integration of the humanities and technical professions is becoming more and more tangible. From all this, we can conclude that for successful career growth, a humanities professional must have basic knowledge in the field of information technology. This will make it possible to apply in their work the latest achievements of modern science in any humanitarian field.

Every year the labor market changes, so it is difficult to predict what the most demanded professions will be in 10 years. The directions that will be leading in Russia by 2019 can only be assumed, because the need for professionals depends on several factors.

Top 10 most demanded professions in Russia in 2019

It is possible to accurately answer the question of what are the most demanded and highly paid professions in Russia from two positions: in terms of state orders for specialties and in terms of research. By the number of state-funded (free) places in the country's universities, it is easy to guess which specialists are now in greater demand.

According to independent studies, the demand for workers directly depends on the pace of development of a particular industry, the level of wages, and the shortage of specialized workers.

Based on these indicators, it is possible to predict which professions will be in demand in Russia by 2019.

Engineering and technical workers

The development of technologies and automation of processes require a strong engineering corps, which creates a need for qualified personnel. Demanded technical professions:

  • design engineer;
  • design engineer;
  • technologist;
  • Electrical Engineer;
  • heating engineer;
  • oil and gas engineer.

medical staff

The profession of a doctor is always in demand and prestigious. Paediatricians and internists are leading in terms of vacancies, but this area of ​​medicine is facing a severe shortage of personnel. The most demanded medical professions in Russia with high competition:

  • surgeon;
  • resuscitator;
  • gynecologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • dentist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • uzist;
  • nutritionist.

Educational workers

There are few highly qualified specialists left in the field of pedagogy. Most of the teachers are still cadres of the Soviet school. For this reason, the demand for workers of various pedagogical specialties in Russia is high. Popular education professions:

  • teacher of foreign languages;
  • teacher of algebra, geometry;
  • teacher of Russian language, literature;
  • IT-teacher;
  • chemistry teacher;
  • Physics teacher;
  • psychologist.

Information technology is only gaining popularity, so the majority of Russian IT workers are self-taught, who do not have documentary evidence of knowledge. This is due to the fact that public education is still little adapted to the requirements of modern IT technologies.

Nevertheless, computer industry specialists are among the highest paid workers.

Demanded IT professions:

  • programmer;
  • Web Designer;
  • System Administrator;
  • layout designer;
  • tester.

Nanotechnology and robotics engineers

These are the professions of the future, so it is difficult to find professionals in these industries today. The promise of nanotechnology is incredible - it covers:

  • energy;
  • telecommunications;
  • medicine;
  • space;
  • ecology;
  • Agriculture;
  • food industry.

Nanotechnologists study materials at both the atomic and molecular levels. Today, scientists who are engaged in the following areas are especially in demand:

  • microelectronics;
  • solar energy conversion;
  • creation of light-emitting devices.

As for robotics, this specialty involves the design and subsequent operation of manipulators and intelligent robots. Such systems are needed in industry and high technology, where human work is impossible. Roboticists are programmers, cybernetics, engineers rolled into one.

Marketing and PR managers

A common and popular type of activity is marketing. Professionals study the markets, predict customer requests, analyze the work of competitors, develop business on the Internet. Marketing is directly related to advertising and PR, because any, even the smallest company, needs to promote its own products or services. There are many popular and highly paid professions in this area:

  • contextual advertising manager;
  • e-mail - marketer;
  • coach-trainer;
  • copywriter;
  • logistics manager (transport management);
  • Art Director;
  • creator (creative director);
  • product manager (market analysis).

Service workers

Here the list is huge. Service sector worker is a popular creative profession for girls and guys who are just starting their professional path. The high demand for specialists in various fields is explained by the rapid development of Russian business. Service professions popular among the population:

  • visagiste;
  • stylist;
  • the hairdresser;
  • waiter;
  • tourism manager;
  • masseur;
  • realtor.

Construction and design specialists

A study of labor market trends showed that due to large-scale construction projects initiated by the state, there is a shortage of construction and design workers. The greatest demand is noted for professions.

Humanities majors include classical arts/sciences, linguistics, cultural studies, legal sciences, and various arts.

classical arts

The classical arts include opera, ballet, dance, theater arts, classical music, painting, sculpture, and literature. Until the 20th century, the task of artists (in the broadest sense) was to depict people or scenes in paintings or in the form of sculptures.

During the 20th century, art has changed a lot - new methods have opened up new horizons for creativity, and classical art today needs quite serious protection and preservation. The most frequent specialties here are the head/curator of the museum, archival worker, art restorer, antiquary, art historian.

Linguistics, the study of foreign languages

There is a growing number of multinational companies in the world that require employees with knowledge of several languages. Of course, much more attractive prospects open up for those who, in addition to knowledge of several languages, also have other education - in law, finance, IT, sales, etc. However, this is optional. People who know several languages ​​well become translators, teachers in schools, linguists.


Specialists in this field work with cultural objects of the past - buildings, historical sites, monuments, artifacts, that is, they deal with heritage objects.

Legal sciences (law)

Each of us is constantly faced with legal services in our lives, for example, when buying or selling a house, drafting a will, obtaining compensation for damages, participating in legal proceedings, etc.

Lawyers can have both private practice and work in large companies, often specializing in certain areas of jurisprudence. Private lawyers can provide the following services:
  • ensure the legal purity of transactions (for example, in real estate);
  • act as an agent or representative in commercial transactions;
  • provide legal assistance in family or labor disputes;
  • provide legal or mediation services to individuals.

Lawyers in companies often specialize in the following areas:

  • Financial services;
  • intellectual property;
  • labor legislation;
  • construction legislation;
  • mergers and acquisitions in business;
  • tax law.


  • Industrial Design (sometimes also called “Product Design” is the design of new commercial products; the ability to create safe, comfortable and beautiful things is a must in the fiercely competitive world of business);
  • Graphic design (we can see the work of graphic designers in newspapers and magazines, on product packaging, websites, etc. This is one of the most sought-after professions in Russia and in the world today);
  • Multimedia design (this includes the creation of websites, games, digital TV and mobile communication platforms);
  • Fashion design (design in the field of clothing production);
  • Furniture design;
  • Interior design

Fine or visual arts

Not only and not so much artists fall into this category, but also sculptors, architects, photographers, etc. It is worth highlighting architects, who usually study for 7–9 years before becoming really professionals. Photographers may work in journalism or in scientific or medical organizations. Photographers are usually freelancers who take on a variety of jobs, often specializing in a particular type of photography.

Entertainment and Performing Arts

The society's need for entertainment ensures the rapid growth of this field of activity, which includes:

  • staging and theatrical art;
  • musical art;
  • cinema;
  • radio and television;
  • Internet and computer games;
  • spectator sports, etc.

Learn more information from representatives of universities personally

As you can see, there are a lot of specializations in this area. Therefore, it is easier and faster to decide on the choice of a future specialty by visiting the free exhibition "Master's and Additional Education" in or.

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