Report on the topic: “Types and forms of extracurricular work on the formation of communication skills and socialization of students in a boarding school. Interschool methodological center of information technologies, Okhansk

For the implementation of education in children's educational institutions, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: definition of content, forms and methods of education, taking into account age, individual psychological characteristics of students. Therefore, it is important to realize that today we need to talk not about event activities, but about educational activities, about human communication, about the formation of relationships, about the development of personality traits.

Raising the next generation is a multifaceted process. The physical and moral health of children are considered as priority areas in education; intellectual development; formation of a culture of personality and spiritual values; civic and patriotic education; aesthetic and labor education; formation of life plans for schoolchildren, preparation for family life, etc.

To implement pedagogical tasks, various forms of extracurricular educational work are used:

- traditional: oral journal, class hour, ethical conversation, living room;

– discussion: debate, defense of the project, evening of unsolved and unsolved mysteries;

- national ritual: folk holidays, gatherings, folk fun;

- television: "Theme", "Lucky case", "KVN";

- collectively creative affairs: relay race "Daisy", ringing;

- non-standard: sports flea market, dance ring, poetic cross;

- improvisations: "At the mirror", "Smeshinka", "Theatre-improm".

The professionalism of the educator, the organizer consists in mastering the largest number of forms of work and the ability to use them to solve a specific pedagogical problem with the maximum educational effect. “Piece-wise”, according to A.S. Makarenko, individual education is the highest aerobatics in the work of an educator, teacher, class teacher.

To educate means to organize the activities of children. A person develops, forms his skills, behaviors, values, feelings in the process of modern activities with people and in the course of communication with them. Therefore, in order to achieve educational goals, the class teacher must be able to organize a variety of children's activities (teachers call it developing, educating), and for children it is their natural life.

The organization of extracurricular activities of children, including leisure activities, in any school has always been and remains a very important area of ​​activity for teachers. Activities with children in addition to lessons, communication with them in a more or less free environment are essential, and often decisive, for their development and education. They are also important for the teacher himself, as they help to get closer to the children, get to know them better and establish good relations, reveal unexpected and attractive sides of the teacher’s personality for students, and finally, they allow you to experience happy moments of unity, joint experiences, human intimacy, which often makes teachers and students are lifelong friends. This gives the teacher a sense of the need for his work, its social significance, relevance. as they say now.

However, for this to happen, you need to know how to organize such work.

Methodists highlight types of extracurricular activities, which are possible at school, namely: cognitive activity, value-oriented, social, aesthetic, leisure activities. It is clear that all of them are closely connected with the educational process, with the content of education and upbringing at school and serve to achieve certain educational and educational goals. So, cognitive activity is aimed at the development of cognitive interests, the accumulation of knowledge, the formation of mental abilities, etc.

Value-orientation activity, in essence, is a process of forming attitudes to the world, forming beliefs, views, assimilation of moral and other norms of people's lives - all that is called values. The class teacher has ample opportunities to stimulate the development of relationships and views on life by schoolchildren in various forms of extracurricular activities: conversations on social and moral issues, class meetings, discussions, disputes. Of course, the assimilation of social values ​​by schoolchildren occurs in all other forms and types of activity.

Public activity involves the participation of schoolchildren in school management bodies, various student and youth associations at school and outside it, participation in labor, political and other campaigns. This occurs in such forms as self-service work, school cleaning, school meetings, meetings, elections and work of student governments, evenings, holidays, etc.

Aesthetic activity develops artistic taste, interests, culture, abilities of children. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of aesthetic classes for students, which can be organized especially effectively outside of school in special institutions of additional education, clubs. School teachers, however, also have the opportunity to carry out this work in the following forms: performances, competitions, school theaters, concerts, festivals, excursions to museums, visits to theaters and much more.

Leisure activity means meaningful, developing rest, free communication, in which the initiative should belong to the students, but the teacher should not be an outside observer, remembering his functions as an educator. Sports and recreational activities can also be taken here. Free communication, students' leisure can take place in a variety of forms: games, holidays, evenings of rest, collective birthdays, competitions, joint walks, hikes, etc.

The teacher must know and be able to do a lot for the methodologically correct organization of all these forms of work. First of all, in the pedagogy of educational work at school, the very concept of “form of work” is not very clear and it is difficult to distinguish it from method. However, it is important for the educator to know how he organizes the activities of students, what opportunities he has, so to speak, a methodological arsenal.

Form of extracurricular educational work with children can be defined as a specific way of organizing their relatively free activities at school, their independence under the pedagogically expedient guidance of adults. In educational practice there is a wide variety of forms of work, they are difficult to classify. Let us try, however, to streamline the forms of educational work by singling out the predominant, main component of educational work. We can say that our typification is based on the main means (methods, types) of educational influence, of which we have identified five: the word, experience, activity, game, psychological exercises (training).

Hence, there are five types of forms of educational work with schoolchildren:

- verbal - logical
- figurative - artistic
– labor
- gaming
– psychological

Verbal-logical forms.

The main means of influence is the word (persuasion with a word), which evokes response emotions in children. This type of form includes conversations on various topics, class debates, meetings, conferences, lectures, etc. The main thing here is the exchange of information, messages from students, teachers and other adults, and discussion of problems. This type of educational influence takes place in the practice of schools around the world, although the methodology, technique or even technology of its implementation may be different.

Figurative art forms.

They unite in themselves such cases of children, where the main means of influence is a joint, mainly aesthetic experience. The main thing here is to evoke strong, deep and ennobling collective emotions, similar to those that people experience in the theater, at holidays, and in other similar situations.

Great educators, psychologists, artists, politicians and public figures were well aware of the enormous uplifting and unifying power of shared feelings, they also knew their destructive potential. The educator must be able to provide joint experiences for children, thanks to which they will become better.

Such forms as a concert, performance, holiday, etc. have great potential.

In this regard, we note that collective, mass experiences seem to occupy a large place in modern life, especially for young people: rock concerts, discos, “hanging out” informals. But, alas, not to mention the content and nature of these performances, the noise and external effects there often fill the inner void, leave no room for a deep inner experience. In modern life, obviously, there is a lot of noise in general and there is no silence that would help a person discover himself. When organizing the life of schoolchildren, it is necessary to provide for moments of silence in it, filled with contemplation, penetration into phenomena, the discovery of something new in the world around us, people, and oneself.

Labor forms of extracurricular work.

Joint work has a positive effect on children, more broadly - various activities, any work. These are different types of work at the school, from daily cleaning to repairing the school, laying out and arranging a garden, a park, organizing a farm, a school cooperative, a printing house, an information center. This is also various assistance to those in need, work in self-government bodies, social movements and organizations. Joint work can inspire no less than a theater, an aesthetic spectacle or a holiday.

Game (leisure) forms of work.

These are games, joint recreation, meaningful entertainment. Games can be sports, educational, competitive, competitive. All of them, like the above-mentioned types of forms of educational work, often combine various means of influence: word, image, feelings, work.

Particular attention should be paid to PSYCHOLOGICAL FORMS of work with students. In forms of this type, the main means of influence are elements of psychological training, methods of practical psychology, individual and group psychotherapy. These are lectures, conversations, discussions, psychological exercises, consultations. They require some special knowledge and skills of the educator.

For the success of the case when using various forms of work with children, the teacher must represent their hidden possibilities and, on the basis of this, organize them in the most optimal way. It should be remembered that, as we have already noted, that any form of work involves the impact of the word, and sensory experiences, and the game (competition), and labor (work). On this basis, we can distinguish the following mandatory elements of all forms of work with students: information, experience, actions. Information- this is something new and important that students learn about by participating in a particular business . experiences- this is their emotional perception of information and everything that happens, assessment, attitude. Actions- this is their joint (with each other and adults) activity that enriches and develops. Children, participating in various activities, learn new things, experience successes and failures, happy moments of creativity. Thus, they acquire the social experience they need and the orientation of the personality approved by society.

The forms of extracurricular activities and their content are very diverse and difficult to account for. Here are the most common, most often encountered in the practice of schools. At the same time, we will remember that many of them are held both on a school-wide scale and within a class or two parallel classes. In a modern school, class teachers and teachers organize the following activities together with children: holidays, evenings, fairs, “lights”, discos, usually tied to a calendar date or associated with the tradition of the school (Soviet solemn dates are supplanted by Christmas time, Maslenitsa, American Halloween, European Valentine's Day, etc.); traditional class and school duty, periodic cleaning of the school; competitions, days and weeks of knowledge in academic subjects; excursions to museums, to enterprises, to the sights of the native city, sightseeing trips to the city, country, access to the theater, less often cinema; walks, hikes in the forest, to cultural and historical monuments, multi-day hikes and trips (mainly in summer); sports competitions, health days; workshop on the rules of conduct and safety on the street, in the yard, at the entrance; issue and competitions of wall newspapers, holiday posters, postcards and much more.

Of particular note is the phenomenon Classroom hour, vainly ousted from the practice of the school. The classroom hour, in our opinion, has at least two meanings, the first of which is simply the time the class teacher works with the class, set in the lesson schedule (alas, now it’s gone!). At this time, the class teacher can do with the class what he considers necessary with the students: conversations on a variety of issues, educational games, discussions, reading books, etc. Unfortunately, it happens that teachers gather students only to solve organizational issues and “reprimanding” for bad behavior and academic performance. Therefore, there is a second meaning of the concept of “class hour” - a meeting of class students to discuss class matters. Here it is necessary to give the floor to student self-government, which will solve organizational and other topical issues of class life. It seems that a class hour in the first and second meanings does not have to be held every week, but twice a month is enough.

Note that often the boundary between different types of class hours is rather arbitrary: at a class meeting dedicated to discussing the problems of the class, a teacher, parents, or some guests can speak or report. But let's say that conversations should not turn into personal verbal reprimands and edifications.


Educational tasks: helps to increase the cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

This is a game of answering questions, usually united by some topic.

Quiz Requirements:

- common topic;
- questions should be specific;
- choose a certain number of questions;
- take into account the age and amount of knowledge of children, their interests;
– to think over the form of holding – “What? Where? When?”, “Field of Miracles”, “Bray-Ring”, “Lucky Chance”;
- question - answer (oral or written);
- it is possible to conduct a quiz without prior preparation or questions are given to children in advance;

The quiz can be with different tasks:

- explain if you can;
- which statement is true, etc.

To give questions to expand the horizons of children, to which they must find the answer on their own from sources. Specify literature.

"Live newspaper".

Educational tasks: development of creative and communication skills.

The model is old, it was invented by counselors in the 20s. The “live” newspaper was revived in the 50s. Strictly speaking, this is a performance in the form of a newspaper, the script of which is written, invented and staged by counselors and children in compliance with the genres of journalism: editorial, feuilleton, reportage, essay, interview, questionnaire, cartoon, literary parody, funny mixture, information, announcements, advertising and etc. The participants of the newspaper, and there should be at least 7-10 people, first discuss the program of the issue, come up with its composition. A newspaper can cover international events, talk about news in the country, in its native land, city, village, and, of course, about its detachment, class. The main thing is to choose the idea that the newspaper will defend, and the phenomena against which it will oppose.

A newspaper may have permanent ruble pieces: "The Globe of the Earth", "Native Land", "Ask - We Answer", "Congratulations", "It's Interesting", "Obvious - Incredible", etc. "Live Newspaper" can use the traditions of radio and television, the genres of the living word - a fairy tale, a fable, a riddle, an epic, a ditty, couplets.

Newspaper participants can make costumes for themselves (hats from a newspaper; attributes; posters; cut out letters that make up the name of a newspaper; letters are usually pinned to shirts; costumes necessary for each role, and others); It's good if the newspaper has musical accompaniment. The newspaper can be political, satirical, critical, environmental, funny, mischievous - different.

"Quiet Reading Time"

Educational tasks: instills a love for the book, for the artistic word and broadens one's horizons.

The hour of quiet reading arises as a counterbalance to the boundless enthusiasm of schoolchildren for television and video films, which displace communication with a book from the life of a schoolchild, freeing the developing psyche of a young person from the efforts of imagination, thinking and memory.

On the day when the “hour of silent reading” takes place, children and teachers bring extracurricular books with them to school, which they “now read”, they are provided with a common time for all members of the school team, when in silence and convenience each person can calmly read the book they brought.

This moment is pre-prepared: an announcement is posted, leaflets appear in 1-2 days - memos, teachers remind the children about the planned business. As a result, it is very rare for individual students to forget to take a book with them to school. But this rare case is also provided for: teachers and a librarian select a number of books that they will offer the child.

The educational potential of the “hour of silent reading” is not exhausted until the end, if at the end of it the list of books read by children and teachers is not made public. This list is posted at the end of the school day. “What do we read today” and “What did the teachers read”. An emotional atmosphere is created, intellectual leaders stand out, and the field of bibliographic knowledge expands. The idea of ​​“an hour of silent reading” is sometimes transferred by children to the family, introducing parents to reading books that they have long forgotten.

“Project Defense”(the project is a dream).

Educational tasks: development of imagination, creativity, communication skills.

“Project Defense” It is a form of group activity for children. In it, the student manifests himself as an individual, capable of not only assessing reality, but also projecting in it some necessary changes in the name of improving life. Much in these projects comes from a dream, from fantasy, but the basis of a fantastic flight of thought remains a real awareness of the course of today's everyday life.

Here are examples of the thematic content of such projects: “Our school in 50 years”, “A classroom built by me”, “Art in our school”, “My grandchildren's schoolyard”.

Initially, to protect the project - dreams, you can create free groups with a set of hard playing roles: a dreamer - a speaker, a critic of an ally's opponent, a propagandist. The discussion of the project is thus programmed, while the content remains free and unpredictable. Later, when the defense of projects as a form of creative play is mastered, it is possible to abandon the group ones, moving on to discussing individual options for creative pictures of the future. The announcement of the upcoming competition can be bright, colorful, cheerful and kind, so that every student wants to create a dream project. Class teachers should support this flared desire, cheer, give the first advice on how to start the project.

It is better to evaluate projects according to different criteria, so that several authors take the first places in the competition: “for the most daring project”, “for the most elegant project”, “for the most beautiful project”, etc.

From work experience.

Fairy-tale quiz for 2nd grade students.


  • develop memory, thinking
  • introduce the structure of the story

Visibility: pictures with fairy tale characters, drawings.

Formed skills and abilities: to learn to guess fairy tales by the names of the characters, by their actions.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher:

- There are a lot of stories. Guys, do you like fairy tales?

How are fairy tales different from other works of fiction?

Who writes fairy tales?

Guys, now you will be divided into 2 teams of 6 people each and compete. The rest will be fans. Questions will help you. Whoever answers the question will be on the team.

Questions: The named heroes have double names. A beginning is given, you complete.

So, teams are created.

2. Name fairy tales from the pictures.

umbrella - "Ole - Lukoil"
pea - "The Princess and the Pea"
sled – “Snow Queen”
nettle - "Wild swans".

3. "Guess the fabulous names and objects."

  1. Five tried to eat him, but the sixth succeeded. (Kolobok)
  2. Ivanushka's sister. (Alyonushka)
  3. A reptile with three or more heads. (Dragon)
  4. A fairy tale hero whose death is in an egg. (Koschey)
  5. Traditional male name in fairy tales. (Ivan)
  1. In what did the bear carry the girl along with pies? (box)
  2. At its tip is the death of one of the heroes. (Needle)
  3. The dishes from which the crane fed the fox? (Jug)
  4. The name of the hero who slept on the stove (Emelya)
  5. Residence of Baba Yaga. (hut)

4. Who will name more fairy tales

- about children

- about birds

5. Depict the heroes of a fairy tale (sketch, pantomime)

- Babu - Yaga

- Snake - Gorynych

6. The postman Pechkin accidentally dropped the telegrams, and they fell into our hands, but we cannot understand who they are from, can you help us?

  1. Happy Birthday.
  2. I found boots - fast walkers, I'll be home soon.
  3. I will, I will wash my face in the mornings and evenings.
  1. Baba and grandfather, save me, a fox is chasing me.
  2. The fox occupied my house and kicked me out. Help!
  3. A wolf came and ate 6 kids. Save!

Outcome: Guys, did you like fairy tales? I am very glad that you know so many fairy tales so well! I hope that you will continue to read a lot of fairy tales of different peoples and different writers: Andersen, Ch. Perro, the Brothers Grimm, etc. See you again.


  1. Voronov V.“Variety of forms of educational work”, Zh. “To the class teacher”, 2001 - No. 1, pp. 21-24.
  2. Table "Types and forms of educational activities."
  3. R.N. Buneev and E.V. Buneeva“A small door to a big world”, literary reading, grade 2.
  4. Russian folk tales and author's tales of different nations.

Types and forms of educational work.

No. p / p Kind of activity Special purpose Active forms of organization of activity
1. Cognitive Enriches the idea of ​​the surrounding reality, forms the need for professional education, promotes intellectual development. Lesson: seminar, lecture, role-play, project defense, creative report, test, non-traditional form.
Extracurricular: conference, round table, pedagogical readings, intellectual marathon, extracurricular activities of the PCC (supplementing class activities)
2. Public Promotes the socialization of students, includes Meetings with politicians, publication of periodicals, discussions, work of self-government, patronage.
3. value-oriented Rational understanding of universal and social values, the formation of culture, one's "I". Disputes on moral topics, etiquette and professional ethics, solving pedagogical situations, testing, questioning, drawing up a psychological map, charity actions.
4. Sports and Wellness A healthy lifestyle builds strength, endurance, plasticity and beauty of the human body and relationships. Circles, sections, general physical training, sports days, friendly competitions.
5. artistic Sensual attitude, the need for beauty, the realization of individual inclinations and abilities. Musical and literary drawing rooms, creative competitions.
Additional education, amateur concerts, performances in languages, excursions to museums, evenings of rest, holidays.
6. Free communication Mutually enriching leisure time for schoolchildren.
Communication with each other.
Group affairs, "lights", an hour of communication, a quiz, evenings, name days of the group.
7. Labor Creation, preservation and increase of material values. Socially useful self-service work, school duty, etc.

Ayvazyan A.P.,

English teacher

Forms and methods of extracurricular work on the subject.

Education is a special kind of birth. Socio-political, economic, social transformations taking place in our country recently require a change in approaches to the educational process in the modern school.

Value orientations have changed, and in accordance with the principles of humanization and democratization of society, a free, developed and educated person who is able to live and create, make decisions in a constantly changing world is recognized as the greatest value. In the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, education is defined as a priority area for the activities of educational institutions. In pedagogy, there are several definitions of the category of education. The system of educational work is understood as a system of interrelated educational activities (cases, actions) leading to the goal. The educational system serves to optimize the processes of personal development. Therefore, the main criterion for its effectiveness will be the result - the development and self-expression of the personality of the pupil. The question of the role of extracurricular work in the educational process, its influence on the motivation for learning a foreign language seems to be very relevant due to the need to find more modern forms and methods of work in order to improve the level of students' training in a foreign language, and the requirement to strengthen the educational impact on students in the teaching process. foreign language and other school subjects.

The system of extracurricular work in a foreign language includes a set of interrelated and interacting forms, methods and types of extracurricular activities, united by common goals. The content of extracurricular work in a foreign language lies in the organic unity of its main areas:

  • pragmatic (formation of students' communicative skills and abilities);
  • epistemological (telling students about the country of the language being studied, about events in the world);
  • axiological (development of value orientations and motives of activity in students).

The interaction of these areas ensures the harmonious development of the personality in the system of extracurricular work in a foreign language.

The functioning of the system of extracurricular work in a foreign language is based on a number of principles that determine the content, forms, methods of pedagogical influence on a person. The most significant principles of extracurricular work in a foreign language are the following:

  1. The principle of connection with life.
  2. The principle of communicative activity.
  3. The principle of taking into account the level of language proficiency of students and continuity with foreign language lessons.
  4. The principle of taking into account the age characteristics of students.
  5. The principle of combining collective, group and individual forms of work.
  6. The principle of interdisciplinary connections in the preparation and conduct of extracurricular work in a foreign language.

All of the above principles interact with each other. The implementation of one principle in the practice of pedagogical activity is impossible without observing others. The effectiveness and efficiency of extracurricular activities are directly dependent on the above principles and the following conditions:

1) voluntariness of participation;

2) a combination of amateur performance and initiative of children with the guiding role of the teacher;

3) clear organization and careful preparation of all planned activities;

4) aesthetic expressiveness, entertaining and novelty of the content, forms and methods of work;

5) the presence of targets and prospects for activities;

6) widespread use of methods of pedagogical stimulation of students' activity.

In extracurricular activities in a foreign language there are 3 main forms of work: mass, group and individual. These forms are determined on the basis of such criteria as the number of students, the regularity of the work carried out, the stability of the composition of students.

Mass forms are distinguished, depending on the frequency, mass episodic (evenings, matinees, conferences dedicated to holidays, foreign language olympiads, competitions, KVN). Mass permanent forms of work include the Foreign Language Week.

Group forms of work are most often represented by two main types: circle and club. The circle form of work has a different focus (on further improvement of the level of practical language proficiency, regional study circles). Individual forms of work are of great importance in identifying the individual abilities and inclinations of students. They involve the preparation of essays, learning poems, songs, making albums, publishing wall newspapers.

All forms of extracurricular work are closely interconnected and interdependent.

The system of extracurricular work of teachers in a foreign language includes the following activities:

  1. School round of Olympiads in subjects.
  2. Preparation and participation of school students in extracurricular Olympiads.
  3. Organization and holding of the “Week of Love” (Foreign Language Week).
  4. Participation of students in city, regional events (La Francophonie Week, competitions of the French Embassy in Russia, etc.).
  5. Fifth-graders' holiday "What we have learned in a year".
  6. Excursions, cultural trips to cinemas, to exhibitions related to the countries of the languages ​​being studied.
  7. Research activities of students (SLE).
  8. Using the Internet in teaching foreign languages.

Let us briefly dwell on the description of each position of extracurricular activities in more detail. An important means of stimulating an increase in the interests of students in learning a foreign language are olympiads.

Olympiads increase students' interest in a foreign language, create a positive attitude towards learning a foreign language among high school students, activate their initiative and independence, provide them with wide scope for creative activity, development of foreign language abilities. Olympiads help to identify gifted children among school students. At the same time, all this is intended to contribute to the achievement of the ultimate goal of education in secondary school - to increase the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of its graduates, to create such a language base that could provide them with the skills of practical use of lexical and grammatical program material. The winners of the Olympiads are awarded with diplomas and memorable souvenirs.

Our school holds an annual Foreign Language Week” dedicated to Valentine's Day Students of our school accept participation in city, regional actions ( Week of Francophonie, competitions of the French Embassy in Russia, etc.). The participation of children in such competitions develops the children's interest in the country of the language being studied, in a foreign language, and broadens their horizons.

It has become a tradition in our school at the end of the school year to hold a holiday for fifth graders “What we learned in a year”, where the guys show their knowledge in foreign languages, participate in the development of the holiday script, prepare scenery, performances. Such holidays are one of the important types of extracurricular activities. They deepen and expand the knowledge of students, increase interest in learning the language, consolidate the skills of speaking, enrich the vocabulary, develop correct pronunciation, expressive reading. They benefit not only the students participating in the program, but also those who are listeners and spectators at the holiday.

School students attend exhibitions, theaters, cinemas associated with the country of the language being studied. This stimulates students' interest in a foreign language. The connection of the lesson and extracurricular work is a serious factor in the activity of communication in a foreign language, the formation of independence and activity of students, as personality traits.

The school has sections of the scientific society of students in the following subjects: history, geography, geology, foreign language.

High school students use when preparing homework Internet. The Internet helps to bring learning foreign languages ​​to a new level. The Internet is communication, information and publishing; communication is carried out using e-mail, information is contained in the huge layers of the World Wide Web (WorldWideWeb), the publication of your material can be done by creating your own page on the Internet. The development of a system of extracurricular activities in a foreign language is an urgent problem, as it enhances not only the motivational side of language learning, but also has a practical (communicative) and educational orientation. Extra-curricular activities not only qualitatively affect the progress of students, but also contribute to the improvement, further development of the foreign language speech skills and abilities acquired by them in the lessons and the integrated solution of educational and educational tasks. In addition to great practical importance for better mastery of a foreign language, extracurricular activities are of great educational importance, contribute to the development of independence, creative activity of students, the development of moral character traits, and contribute to the overall cultural development of students.

Extra-curricular activities contribute to the development of creative abilities and aesthetic taste of students, educate their imagination, mobilize their attention and memory, develop a sense of responsibility in them, teach them to be independent and organized, to be accurate in performing assigned tasks.

In order to involve as many students as possible in extracurricular work, it is necessary to apply its different forms: individual, circle, mass, skillfully combining them.

Teachers from other schools may use similar forms of extracurricular activities in their work.


  1. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 // Vestnik obrazovaniya Rossii. - 2002.-No. 6-p.11-40.
  2. Upbringing? Education... Education! - /[ ed. V.A. Karakovsky]. - M.: New school, 2000.
  3. Bespalko, V.P. Components of pedagogical technology./ V.P. Bespalko. - M.: Pedagogy, 1998.
  4. Shuman S. Place of education in the integral process of personality development./S. Shuman// Education in modern school. - 2002 - No. 4 - pp. 27-33.
  5. Bim I.L. Personally-oriented approach is the main strategy for updating the school./I.L. Bim // Foreign languages ​​at school. -2002-№2-p.11.

In individual out-of-class educational work, the common goal - providing pedagogical conditions for the full development of the personality - is achieved through the formation of a positive ʼʼI-conceptʼʼ in the child and the development of various aspects of the ᴇᴦο personality, individual potential.

The essence of individual work is the socialization of the child, the formation of his need for self-improvement, self-education. The effectiveness of individual work depends not only on the exact choice of form in accordance with the goal, but also on the inclusion of the child in a particular type of activity.

In reality, the situation is not so rare when individual work comes down to scolding, remarks, and censures.

Individual work with a child requires observation, tact, caution (ʼʼDo no harm!ʼʼ), thoughtfulness from the teacher. The fundamental condition for its effectiveness is the establishment of contact between the teacher and the child, the achievement of which is possible under the following conditions:

1. Complete acceptance of the child those. ᴇᴦο feelings, experiences, desires. No childish (minor) problems. In terms of the strength of experiences, children's feelings are not inferior to those of an adult, in addition, due to age-related characteristics - impulsivity, lack of personal experience, weak will, the predominance of feelings over reason - the child's experiences become especially acute and have a great influence on their future fate. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to show that he understands and accepts the child. This does not mean at all that the teacher shares the actions and actions of the child. Accepting does not mean agreeing.

2. Freedom of choice. The teacher should not by hook or by crook achieve a certain result. In education, the motto ʼʼThe end justifies the means!ʼʼ is completely unacceptable. In no case should the teacher force the child to confess to anything. All pressure is removed. It is good for the teacher to remember that the child has every right to make his own decision, even if from the point of view of the teacher it is unsuccessful.

The task of the teacher is not to force the child to accept the decision proposed by the teacher, but to create all the conditions for the right choice. The teacher who thinks first of all about establishing contact with the child, who wants to understand him, who admits that the child has the right to make an independent decision, has a much better chance of success than the teacher who is only concerned about the immediate result and external well-being.

3. Understanding the internal state of the child requires the teacher to be able to read non-verbal information sent by the child. Here lies the danger of attributing to the child those negative qualities that the teacher wants to see in him, but which, rather, are inherent not in the child, but in the teacher himself. This feature of a person is called a projection. To overcome the projection, the teacher should develop such abilities as empathy - the ability to understand the inner world of another person, congruence - the ability to be oneself, benevolence and sincerity.

There are many forms of extracurricular activities. This diversity creates difficulties in their classification, so there is no single classification.

The forms of extracurricular work are the conditions in which its content is realized. In pedagogical science and practice, the following division of forms of extracurricular work is most common: individual, circle, mass.

Individual work is an independent activity of individual students aimed at self-education. This allows everyone to find their place in the common cause. This activity requires educators to know the individual characteristics of students through conversations, questionnaires, and the study of their interests.

Circle extracurricular activities contribute to the identification and development of interests and creative abilities in a particular field of science, applied arts, art or sports. The most popular forms here are hobby groups and sports sections (subject, technical, sports, artistic). Classes of various types are held in circles: discussion of works of literature, excursions, making crafts. The report of the work of the circle for the year is carried out in the form of an exhibition, review or festival of children's creativity.

Forms of mass work are among the most common in the school. They are designed to cover many students at the same time, they are characterized by colorfulness, solemnity, brightness, and a great emotional impact on children. Mass work contains great opportunities for activating students. So a competition, a competition, a game require the direct activity of everyone. When conducting conversations, evenings, matinees, only a part of the schoolchildren act as organizers and performers. In events such as visiting performances, meeting interesting people, all participants become spectators. Empathy arising from participation in a common cause is an important means of team building. School holidays are a traditional form of mass work. They are dedicated to calendar dates, anniversaries of writers and cultural figures. During the academic year, 4-5 holidays are possible. They broaden their horizons, evoke a feeling of familiarization with the life of the country. Contests and reviews are widely used. They stimulate children's activity, develop initiative. In connection with competitions, exhibitions are usually arranged that reflect the creativity of schoolchildren: drawings, essays, crafts.

Reviews are the most common competitive form of mass work. Their task is to sum up and disseminate the best experience, strengthen career guidance activities, organize circles, clubs, and foster a desire for a common search.

A form of mass work with children is a class hour. It is carried out within the allotted time and is an integral part of educational activities. Any form of extracurricular work should be filled with useful content. A characteristic feature of extracurricular work is that it most fully implements the principle of mutual learning, when older, more experienced students pass on their experience to younger ones. This is one of the effective ways to implement the educational functions of the team.

There are also forms of individual extracurricular work. In individual out-of-class educational work, the general goal - providing pedagogical conditions for the full development of the personality - is achieved through the formation of aspects of his personality, individual potential. The essence of individual work lies in the socialization of the child, the formation of his need for self-improvement, self-education. The effectiveness of individual work depends not only on the exact choice of form in accordance with the goal, but also on the inclusion of the child in a particular type of activity. In reality, the situation is not so rare when individual work comes down to scolding, remarks, and censures. Individual work with a child requires observation, tact, caution (“Do no harm!”), Thoughtfulness from the teacher. The fundamental condition for its effectiveness is the establishment of contact between the teacher and the child, the achievement of which is possible under the following conditions:

1. Complete acceptance of the child, i.e., his feelings, experiences, desires. In terms of the strength of experiences, children's feelings are not inferior to those of an adult, in addition, due to age-related characteristics - impulsivity, lack of personal experience, weak will, the predominance of feelings over reason - the child's feelings become especially acute and have a great influence on his future fate. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to show that he understands and accepts the child. This does not mean at all that the teacher shares the actions and actions of the child. Acceptance does not mean acceptance. 2. Freedom of choice. The teacher should not by hook or by crook achieve a certain result. The teacher should not force the child to confess to anything. All pressure is removed. It is good for the teacher to remember that the child has every right to make his own decision, even if from the point of view of the teacher it is unsuccessful. The task of the teacher is not to force the child to accept the decision proposed by the teacher, but to create all the conditions for the right choice. The teacher who thinks first of all about establishing contact with the child, who wants to understand him, who admits that the child has the right to make an independent decision, has a much better chance of success than the teacher who is only concerned about the immediate result and external well-being.

3. Understanding the internal state of the child requires the teacher to be able to read non-verbal information sent by the child. Here lies the danger of attributing to the child those negative qualities that the teacher wants to see in him, but which, rather, are inherent not in the child, but in the teacher himself. This feature of a person is called a projection. To overcome the projection, the teacher should develop such abilities as empathy - the ability to understand the inner world of another person, congruence - the ability to be oneself, benevolence and sincerity. Failure to comply with these conditions leads to the emergence of psychological barriers in communication between the teacher and the child.

4. The ability to hear is a physiological act in which involuntary perception of sounds occurs. Listening is a volitional act that requires certain volitional efforts from a person. An understanding listener is required to: 1) demonstrate to the narrator with all their appearance that they are listening attentively and trying to understand; 2) do not interrupt with remarks and stories about yourself; 3) do not give assessments; 4) replace value judgments with non-verbal and verbal reflection of the narrator's feelings, i.e., facial expressions, gestures and other means of non-verbal communication to convey the feelings experienced by the narrator, as if to play the role of a mirror of his feelings; 5) do not give advice if they are not needed. Reflective listening is necessary when discussing production issues, in controversial situations, as it prevents conflicts, misunderstandings between people, i.e. when the very content of the conversation is of paramount importance, and not its context, when you need to find out the points of view of the interlocutors, jointly decide something, agree on something.

In individual educational extracurricular work, along with the planned component, there is a spontaneous, so-called pedagogical situation, which is an indicator of the level of pedagogical professionalism.

When choosing a form of extracurricular work, one should evaluate its educational value from the standpoint of its goals, objectives, and functions.

The organization of extracurricular educational work can be used for individual and mass work.

1. Studying and setting educational tasks. This stage is aimed at studying the characteristics of schoolchildren and the class team for effective educational impact and determining the most relevant educational tasks for the situations that have developed in the class. The purpose of the stage is an objective assessment of pedagogical reality, which consists in determining its positive aspects (the best in the child, the team), and what needs to be adjusted, formed and selected the most important tasks. The study is carried out using already known methods of pedagogical research, the leading among which at this stage is observation. With the help of observation, the teacher collects information about the child and the team. An informative method is a conversation, not only with the child and the class, but also with parents, teachers working in the class; Of particular importance is a conversation with a school psychologist, who will not only expand the teacher's ideas, but also give professional recommendations. In individual work, the study of the products of the child's activity is of great importance: drawings, crafts, poems, stories. In the study of the collective, the method of sociometry is informative, with the help of which the teacher learns about the most popular and unpopular children, the presence of small groups, the nature of the relationship between them.

2. Modeling the upcoming extra-curricular educational work is that the teacher creates in his imagination an image of a certain form. In this case, the goal, general tasks, and functions of extracurricular work should be used as guidelines. In accordance with the purpose, objectives, priority functions of extracurricular activities and the results of the study, specific content, forms, methods, and means are selected.

3. The practical implementation of the model is aimed at the implementation of the planned educational work in the real pedagogical process.

4. The analysis of the work carried out is aimed at comparing the model with the real implementation, identifying successful and problematic moments, their causes and consequences. The element of setting the task for further educational work is very important. This stage is very important for adjusting educational tasks, content, forms and planning further extracurricular activities.

Individual and mass forms of out-of-class educational work will be more effective in the educational impact on children if parents are directly involved in their organization and conduct.

Extra-curricular work provides excellent opportunities for the development of cognitive interest and creative abilities of schoolchildren, the formation of their independence and initiative. Each student, thanks to such forms of education, can experience, try out, reveal and actualize at least some of his talents. The task of the teacher is to create and maintain a creative atmosphere in this work.

To do this, there are a variety of types and types of extracurricular activities. There are three main types of extracurricular activities:

  • - individual;
  • - group;
  • - massive.

Individual extracurricular work is reading economic literature, writing essays and preparing reports, performing creative tasks.

Group types of extracurricular activities are classes in economic circles, electives, publication of newspapers and magazines.

Mass types include excursions, competitions, quizzes, olympiads, conferences, or, for example, "weeks of the economy" or "month of the economy."

Let us dwell in more detail on some of the above types of extracurricular forms of organization of educational work that can be used in the course of economics:

  • a) electives;
  • b) additional classes;
  • c) classes in circles;
  • d) study conferences;
  • e) subject Olympiads;
  • f) excursions.
  • a) electives as a method of in-depth study of the material

If we recall from history, then extracurricular classes as an extracurricular form of education were introduced in the late 60s - early 70s of the 20th century, when one of the next restructuring of the content of school education was carried out. They got their name from the Latin word (facultatis), which means possible, not mandatory, available to choose from Pedagogy: Textbook for students of higher educational institutions: Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.R.; ed. Slastenina V.A., M.: "Academy", 2005. - p. 281. Consequently, electives are held on a voluntary basis and at the choice of the students themselves in parallel with the study of compulsory subjects.

The curricula of general education schools include optional classes in subjects that are studied at the choice of the students themselves. To determine which subject interests students more, in order to organize an elective, you can use the questionnaire of the students themselves. Such a subject, for example, could be economics, since it is not yet included in the school curriculum in all schools. Their list and number is determined in each school, taking into account the needs of schoolchildren, their parents, the school's capabilities, taking into account the needs for the training of relevant specialists, the level of training of the students themselves, etc. Such electives can be: "Fundamentals of Management", "Fundamentals of Marketing", "Securities", "Accounting" and many others. Such electives will be of interest to students, as this may be related to the future profession of schoolchildren, and these classes provide an opportunity to study the course more widely and will help when entering a university.

Thus, the main task of the elective course in economics is to deepen and expand knowledge, develop the abilities and interests of students, and conduct systematic career guidance work. If the distribution of students among electives is voluntary, then the composition remains stable for a year or two years, depending on the lesson plan.

The elective in economics works according to a specific program that does not duplicate the curriculum. Effective in the classroom, an elective is the combination of a lecture by its leader with various types of independent work of students (practical, abstract work on the topic "The current state of the economy", conducting small studies on changes in prices for any type of product, reviews of book novelties in economics, discussions in groups performance of individual tasks, discussion of student reports).

Testing and assessing knowledge in optional classes is more educational than controlling. Therefore, as a test of the learned material, it is possible to use here methods of assessment that are not familiar to the lesson - a scoring system, but, for example, active methods. You can develop a business game, apply the case method and many other methods on a topic studied as part of an elective course in economics. A mark is given only if it summarizes the great work done by the students, and most often in the form of a test. Consequently, students are not afraid to receive an unsatisfactory grade and therefore participate more actively in extracurricular work.

Thus, with the help of extracurricular activities, the school is called upon to solve the following tasks, in which their important pedagogical significance lies:

  • - meet requests for a deeper study of the subject that interests students;
  • - to develop educational and cognitive interests, creative abilities and talents of students.

But, unfortunately, in schools, electives are often used not to deepen the knowledge and develop the abilities of students, but to overcome their lag in mastering the program material, which naturally distorts their meaning and didactic purpose.

b) additional classes (consultations) to fill gaps in students' knowledge

To fill the gaps in the knowledge of students, there are such forms of training as additional classes. Economics is a rather difficult subject for perception, so there are students who do not have time to master everything in the classroom. Consultations are usually ad hoc and organized as needed. Consultations are held with students outside of school hours and can be used in some cases both to meet the needs of some in an in-depth study of some course issues that are not included in the content of elective classes, in others - to eliminate the lag of individual students in learning, eliminate gaps in knowledge and failure warnings. Since the preparedness of all students is different and not everyone can immediately grasp all the subtleties of economic science, this form of study is simply necessary in schools. The program of additional classes includes an analysis of economic concepts and the solution of problems that were not learned in the lessons.

These classes can be in their form of organization group, individual, be in the nature of consultations, interviews or students independently perform tasks under the guidance of a teacher. However, it should be noted that excessive enthusiasm for these forms of work is ineffective. It leads to relaxation of students in their studies, to the expectation of help from the teacher even in the event of elementary difficulties, demoralizes them. Students in this situation very quickly become passive.

Therefore, it must be concluded that such forms of education are necessary within the framework of the course of economics, but in moderation so as not to relax students.

c) classes in economic circles, as a special form of organizing extracurricular current educational work

If the school has well-organized academic work in each subject, then many students express a desire to expand and enrich their knowledge, to join technical creativity, for example, to conduct experimental work in any subject. This necessitates the organization of the work of subject circles and scientific societies of students.

Classes in economic circles and clubs, as well as extracurricular activities, involve a specific program of activity. However, it is less strict and allows for significant adjustments depending on the wishes of the children, changing circumstances of the activity and other factors.

Circles are created on a voluntary basis separately from students of parallel classes or, if there are no parallel classes, then from students 5 - 6x, 7 - 8x, etc. classes. In elementary grades - these are educational games on economic topics. In the middle - the creation of school companies, enterprises, banks, business games. In the seniors - work in school companies, enterprises, holding discussions, business games, including those with the participation of industrialists, entrepreneurs, economists, bankers. The work of the circles is managed by subject teachers.

The content of the classes of economic circles includes: a more in-depth study of individual issues of the curriculum that arouse the interest of students; acquaintance with the life and creative activity of outstanding scientists-economists, acquaintance with the latest achievements of science and technology; holding events dedicated to individual scientists or scientific discoveries; modeling of economic games, consideration of economic situations, meetings with entrepreneurs and other economic figures Kruglova L.Yu. Development of the domestic system of additional education // Pedagogy. No. 8. 2006. S. 85 ..

The subject circles proposed by the school are very diverse, both in direction and content, methods of work, and time of study. Practice confirms that they play a very favorable role in developing the interests and inclinations of students. They contribute to the development of a positive attitude towards learning: active members of the circle usually study better and take assignments more seriously, and they are also better oriented in modern market conditions. Circles help to strengthen the connection between learning and life, the development of interdisciplinary connections, in particular the connection between general education and special disciplines. Thus, the work of students in subject circles activates the educational process, improves the quality of education.

d) educational conference as an auxiliary form of education

Rarely practiced in schools, but quite an effective form of organizing training, with the goal of summarizing the material on any section of the program, is a training conference. It requires a lot of, above all, long-term preparatory work, i.e. conducting observations, summarizing materials, organizing all the above forms of extracurricular current educational work - excursions, electives, various circles, setting up experiments, studying literary sources.

Conferences can be held in all subjects and at the same time go far beyond the curricula. This form of extracurricular work, as a rule, is carried out in high school, and not only within their own school, students from other schools can also participate, and entrepreneurs, bankers and others can be invited as a commission, depending on the focus of the conference.

The school needs to hold conferences on the subject of "Economics", since here there is not just a transfer of information, but a discussion is organized on various economic issues that affect a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe economy. Various situations on economic issues discussed at the conference attract the attention of students, thereby interest them. Based on the results of the conference, students are awarded diplomas, certificates for participation, possibly cash prizes or prizes. Thus, all this motivates activity and creates an incentive for participation.

Participation in economic conferences introduces students to the beginnings of scientific work. It may be the result of research and there will not be high-profile discoveries, however, it is very useful to instill in young people the skills of scientific work even at school age.

Firstly, the scope of the economics curriculum, for which little time is still allocated at school, is being significantly expanded, skills are being developed for independently collecting, processing information and analyzing it.

Secondly, the teacher, working with a student who is investigating an economic problem of interest to him, gets the opportunity for closer contact. Thus, the student will get a much deeper understanding of the chosen topic than in a regular lesson.

Thirdly, independent creativity stimulates curiosity and a taste for finding ways to solve problems, gives the joy of discovery.

Schoolchildren who have shown a practical interest in research work receive a unique and useful experience of independent activity, which distinguishes them favorably from their peers.

The experience of public speaking, gained while participating in economic conferences (defending scientific papers in front of authoritative commissions, in front of peers) forms competence and responsibility, overcomes fear, insecurity when publicly defending one's opinion, and also provides an opportunity for further participation in economic activity.

e) Subject Olympiads

Now schools have introduced economics as a general education subject. Therefore, subject Olympiads in economics are held in almost all schools where this subject is studied. The Olympiad is a competition for schoolchildren in various disciplines, primarily in the field of study. They contribute to the life and professional self-determination of a high school student, develop individual personality traits. The main task of economic Olympiads is to increase the interest of students in the study of specialized disciplines and identify talented students in this area. Olympiad competitions allow students to check and critically evaluate their capabilities, to decide on the choice of further ways of their education. Olympiads in economic disciplines are held at school, city, regional, zonal and Russian levels. They are attended mainly by students in grades 9-11. Even for schoolchildren studying economics as a core discipline, successful performance at the Olympiad requires special training separate from lesson activities, which can take place as electives, extra classes and economic circles. Since the participants are offered tasks not only with the use of program concepts, but also tasks that go beyond the profile study of the subject of economics. In addition, it should be noted that at the Olympiads, preference is given to original ideas for solving problems with a clear justification, choosing the optimal task execution, reasoned conclusions, etc. Olympiads in economic disciplines require schoolchildren to be able to analyze and correctly assess the situation. If a student decided to connect his future life with economics and actively participated in economic Olympiads at school, then this will definitely help him when entering a university.

f) excursion as a form of educational work

Along with the lessons, educational work at the school is carried out in the form of excursions. The word excursion (excursio) is of Latin origin and translated into Russian means a sortie, a visit to a place or object with the aim of studying it Pidkasty P.I. Pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical universities. M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000. - p. 295 ..

An excursion is understood as such a form of organization of education in which students perceive and assimilate knowledge by going to the location of the studied objects (nature, factories, historical monuments) and directly familiarizing themselves with them.

Excursions are a very effective form of educational work. In this regard, they perform the following functions:

Firstly, with the help of excursions, the principle of visualization of education is realized, because in the process of their students, as noted above, they directly get acquainted with the objects and phenomena being studied.

Secondly, excursions make it possible to increase the scientific nature of education and strengthen its connection with life, with practice.

Thirdly, excursions contribute to technical education, as they provide an opportunity to acquaint students with production, with the application of scientific knowledge in industry and agriculture.

Fourthly, excursions play an important role in the professional orientation of students to production activities and familiarize them with the work of workers in industry and agriculture.

In the curricula for each subject, a mandatory list of excursions is established and their content is determined. From this point of view, all excursions conducted at the school are conditionally divided into several types:

Industrial tours. With regard to the economy, such excursions can be conducted to manufacturing enterprises, factories, banks. Industrial excursions help in studying the basics of modern production and contribute to the expansion of the technical horizons and labor education of students. This type of excursion is necessary, as students can personally get acquainted with the production process, learn about the work of the banking system, see the working conditions that they need in the future.

Complex excursions. They are conducted on several subjects at the same time, that is, these are excursions that combine information on several subjects at once. For example, a tour of a glass factory can be conducted simultaneously in physics, chemistry, economics, and specific issues are studied for each of these subjects. The physicist and chemist will introduce students to the application of these sciences in production, the teacher of economic sciences will tell about the economic relations of the enterprise, etc.

Excursions can also be frontal, group and microgroup (brigade). The choice of its organizational form is determined by the purpose, features of the object, the possibilities for effective management of the cognitive activity of students, as well as considerations of safety and health of students.

However, the classification of educational excursions also depends on what didactic tasks are solved in the course of their conduct. From this position, there are two main types of excursions:

The first type involves excursions, which serve as a means of learning new material for students. The main objective of this type of excursion is to visually communicate new knowledge to students.

The second type involves excursions that are used to reinforce the material that was previously studied in the classroom.

In general, when conducting excursions in the economy, the most important task is to achieve a thorough understanding and a solid assimilation of the material being studied. The method of excursions should be subordinated to its solution.

In general, this technique includes:

  • 1. preparation of excursions, i.e. choice of economic topic, development of questions;
  • 2. the exit (departure) of students to the objects being studied and the assimilation (consolidation) of educational material on the topic of classes;
  • 3. Processing materials of the excursion and summarizing its results.

Of great importance when conducting a tour of the economy, first of all, is the preparatory work and, in particular, a clear definition of its goal. The preparation of the excursion is also connected with the choice of the object of study. An important point in the preparation of the excursion is to pose specific questions to the students, on the study of which they should focus their attention.

And, finally, when preparing an excursion, the teacher visits the site and decides who will act as a guide - himself or an employee of the enterprise. If an employee of the enterprise, then the teacher agrees with him on the purpose of the excursion and its content, as well as on the method of explaining the material.

The second stage is the content part of the excursion, that is, the organization of educational work on the perception and assimilation (or consolidation) of the material being studied during its implementation. This is usually done using the methods of storytelling, explanation, conversation. And demonstrations (showings) of the most important parts, any papers. If the excursion is conducted in order to consolidate the material that was studied in the lesson, then it begins with a brief survey of students on this topic. So, for example, if the excursion is organized to the bank, and the question "money and money circulation" was studied at the lesson, then the survey will begin with an analysis of the concepts of money, money supply, banknotes, coins, etc. After the survey, the teacher shows all the objects visually.

During the excursion, it is necessary to take care of activating the thinking of students and encourage them to assimilate the material being studied. To this end, the teacher asks leading questions and answers the students' questions. During the excursion, students make notes of the most important provisions of the topic, as well as, if necessary, various drawings and sketches.

The final stage of the excursion is important - summarizing and processing the collected material. Students analyze and systematize the collected material, prepare reports, abstracts, make collections, make tables, arrange exhibitions. A final conversation is held on the topic of the excursion: the teacher sums up, evaluates the knowledge acquired by students during the excursion, draws general conclusions, recommends reading additional literature that will allow students to become more familiar with the issue.

Such excursions should be carried out in any subjects, in particular, in economics, as they activate the thinking of students and arouse the greatest interest in the topic being studied.

Schoolchildren actively participating in various economic Olympiads, conferences, circles, attending additional classes and electives in economics are more developed, they are well versed in economic concepts, are able to analyze market situations, independently make choices and make decisions in a complex, uncertain environment. All this provides students with more opportunities to choose their further education after school, and since they have already studied economics, it will be easier for them to enter an economic university at school. Thus, it should be noted that all extracurricular activities are interconnected and only a comprehensive extracurricular activity will have a positive effect.

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