Russian TV presenters list. The most beautiful TV presenters in Russia

Today we have prepared for you the Top 10 most beautiful TV presenters in Russia. We look and admire.

Fedorova Oksana (Borodina), was born on 12/17/1977 in Pskov. The owner of the titles "Miss St. Petersburg", "Miss Russia" and "Miss Universe", but refused the last title. Russian TV presenter, known to everyone on the TV show " Goodnight, kids"

Chernobrovina Anastasia, born on 04/10/1977. in Izhevsk. TV presenter Russian TV channels, in 2015 she was the winner of the TEFI award.

The next in our ranking of the most beautiful TV presenters in Russia is Borisova Dana, and I think that few will argue with this. Dana, born on 06/13/1976, Mozyr. TV and radio presenter. The first among the TV presenters of our country starred for the Playboy magazine

Anna Kasterova was born on September 21, 1984, in Zelenograd. Leading TV channel "Russia-2", journalist. Having worked out the first shots on Russia-2, Anna became the most popular among the most beautiful TV presenters in terms of search queries.

Borodina Ksenia is also the most beautiful TV presenter Russia among women. Borodina was born on March 8, 1983, in Moscow. Armenian by nationality. On television, as a presenter, she appeared unexpectedly even for herself. She gained fame thanks to the TV show "Dom-2". She is also a DJ and an actress.

Gorban Maria, was born on December 26, 1986, in Izhevsk. Known Russian actress, and since 2012 also a TV presenter.

Gorenko Alena was born on May 7, 1981, in Mytishchi, Moscow Region. She is one of the most beautiful TV presenters on Russian channels, an actress.

Yushkevich Victoria, was born on 01/27/1989, in St. Petersburg. Became a famous TV presenter thanks to CarambaTV. On this Internet channel, she hosted a program for adults about the relationship between a man and a woman. On the this moment is a fashion model and TV presenter on the Russia-2 channel.

Kudryavtseva Lera, was born on May 19, 1971, in Ust-Kamenogorsk. Before appearing on the screens as a TV presenter, she was a dancer and danced on stage in groups of different famous singers RF. She appeared as a leader only in 1995. At the moment she is a TV presenter and actress.

And the last participant in the TOP-10 of the most beautiful TV presenters in Russia is Tatyana Stolyarova. Date of birth 03/28/1984, born in the Mordovian ASSR. Tatyana has many awards for various achievements in journalism and the media, she is the author and presenter of many educational and information programs on the TV channel "Russia-24" and is the most charming presenter.

On this list of the most beautiful TV presenters in Russia came to an end. If you still do not agree with the rating, then write who, in your opinion, is the most beautiful TV presenter among women, below in the comments.

In 1938, a two-hour concert was shown on the air by an experienced television center in Leningrad. From this moment the story begins Soviet television, from where came the set Russian celebrities. Television is a huge layer in the life of almost every person, so for many the hosts of their favorite programs have become practically family members. Woman's Day remembers the stars made famous by the blue screen.

Ksenia Sobchak, a symbol of the 2000s of Russian television, became famous not only thanks to her famous politician dad and the ability to conquer the capital's fashion clubs. The TV screen made her a real star, on which she appeared as the host of the sensational project Dom-2 in 2004. After that, her television career began to rapidly gain momentum. Diary of a socialite "Blonde in Chocolate", an adventure reality show " The last Hero- 6", psychological show "Who does not want to become a millionaire?" - it's far from full list programs hosted by Ksenia Sobchak. However, for oppositional activities, the blue screen turned away from the star of the ether. Ksenia Sobchak disappeared from the central TV channels, having moved with her political talk show"State Department-2" on the RBC channel and with the program "Sobchak Alive" on "Rain".

Many looked at the boring and abstruse Vladimir Pozner with different eyes only after the release of the cult project One-Story America on Channel One. Together with the star of the comedy genre Ivan Urgant, a serious Pozner swept across the States, after which he really managed to win the love of viewers. But Vladimir Pozner became a TV star in the era of perestroika, when he was the host of TV bridges between the USSR and the USA. Having become the number one journalist in the Union, he emigrated to American television, but neither perfect English nor a pronounced negative attitude towards everything that happens in his country helped him conquer US television. He returns to Russia, where he becomes the host of such rating programs as Vremena and Pozner.

With a bright appearance, GITIS graduate Lera Kudryavtseva decided to try herself on television, which gave her a chance to become a popular presenter. And she took advantage of it, turning from a backup dancer for Evgeny Osin and Bogdan Titomir into a star of musical television. Her television career began in 1995 in the Party Zone program. Later, she appeared in the same frame with the outrageous journalist Otar Kushanashvili in the MuzOboz program. But real fame came to her in the heyday of music channels. Once on MUZ-TV, Lera Kudryavtseva became the main VJ of the channel. She is still the permanent host of the MUZ-TV Prize. Television helped the girl not only become her own in the world of show business, but also win the heart of the young hockey player Igor Makarov, who in June 2013 became her husband.

Ivan Urgant is also a VJ school graduate. In the late 90s, she joined the ranks of young MTV presenters, quickly overshadowing Anton Komolov, Olga Shelest and Tutta Larsen, who had already become stars. However, the talented offspring from a famous acting family became crowded within the format of musical television, and job offers fell down one after another. Ivan Urgant managed to work on several central TV channels, but Channel One made him the number one TV star, on which he hosted more than ten programs. Now he continues to feed viewers in the mornings in the Smak program and make them laugh in the evenings in Evening Urgant.

Anfisa Chekhova - the sexiest presenter modern television who won love Russian men and respect for women after several seasons of the Sex with Anfisa Chekhova program. languid voice, large expressive eyes and interesting tales for the night helped her become a star of Russian television. However, as often happens, she became a hostage to her own role. After the completion of the transfer on sex instruction, there were no serious projects in her career.

Anton Privolov is the main fighter in the country for consumer rights. A clumsy, lanky young man with a slight speech impediment immediately aroused irony in his address after appearing in 2006 in the program “ Test purchase". Now Russian television is unimaginable without Anton Privolov and his useful show. For millions of housewives, the young man has become a role model. And while Anton Privolov's television career is on the rise, he has already won the sympathy of viewers with his charisma and spontaneity.

Being a world-famous TV presenter is not an easy task. To become one, you need long years perform "secondary" roles on television in the hope of an early promotion. There are those to whom fame creeps up imperceptibly, unexpectedly and very quickly. In any case, only those who have talent, the ability to speak correctly and eloquently, and look great can stay on the podium of popularity. And there are not so many of them.

The most famous TV presenters in the world

Oprah Winfrey is number one in the world

The world's most famous TV star is, of course, Oprah Winfrey. Even before 1986, she began to shine on the screen. After all, she had own show. Before that, she tried herself in different roles: a commentator, a news anchor, a reporter and even an announcer.

In history American television she is known as the most successful and richest female talk show host. For all my creative career Oprah is a multiple award winner different competitions and awards, and also won the most precious thing - the love of viewers from all over the world.

It’s not for nothing that Ellen has been invited several times in a row to host the Oscars. Her amazing humor (sometimes bordering on a foul), cheerfulness and desire to entertain the audience made her and her show incredibly popular.

It all started with stand-up performances with which she traveled all over the country, then the girl was noticed and invited to television, where incredible success awaited her.

Simon Cowell is the most straightforward TV presenter

One of the highest paid, and therefore popular TV presenters in the world is Simon Cowell. Throughout his long career, he gained fame as a very caustic and straightforward person who judged and led many musical projects: "World Idol", "Pop Idol", "American Idol".

In addition to countless "idols", Simon became the creator of his own show, which is known throughout the world. It's called The X Factor.

Donald John Trump or who said: "You're fired!"

Even a successful American entrepreneur has the opportunity to become a very famous TV presenter. So, the president of the construction corporation Trump Organization is a very famous and successful host of the reality show "The Candidate". It was his phrase "You're fired" scattered around the world. And similar TV programs appeared in other countries of the planet.

Ryan Seacrest - "American Idol" on TV

Famous Ryan Seacrest - the constant host of the show, which is called "American Idol". In addition to this work, he leads several other projects. Two programs on the radio and another show on the ABC channel.

For a long time Ryan walked to his successful career. He has been from the very early childhood showed love for public speaking. And at school he even became an announcer on the internal radio. Seacrest's first television shoot took place in 1993. However, the first tests as a host did not bring great popularity. It wasn't until 2002, when Ryan became the co-host of American Idol, that everyone started talking about him. Gradually, his work in this popular reality show attracted millions of viewers from all over the world to television screens.

Tila Tequila - outrageous on television

Thien Tan Ti Nguyen is a girl who was born in Singapore in 1981. Together with her family, she moved to the suburbs of Houston as a child. It was there that she began to build her fast-paced career TV presenter. All this is about Tile Tequila, known all over the world for its eccentricity.

From a very successful model, she turned into a TV presenter. But for this, she first had to take part in the show herself, where she had to perform a wide variety of tricks. And a little later, she herself began to lead this project on the MTV channel. She received world fame, the love of many young viewers and the glory of one of the outrageous, unusual and sexy TV presenters.

Being a TV presenter is incredibly fashionable today. Everyone tries to try himself in this profession. However, not everyone is given to become a real star. Only the most talented are able to touch the popularity.

Gained their popularity due to the excellent professional activity. Of course, no one will watch the program if it is hosted by a person who is not competent in his field. This article presents the leading of our country.

Presenters of information programs

Most famous TV presenters Russians tell the viewer about the events taking place in the country and the world. That is why these people are so recognizable, because most of our compatriots never miss the news releases.

So here is a list of the very best:

  1. Ekaterina Andreeva. First appeared on the air in 1995. Prior to that, she worked as a program editor. She came to television in 1991 after she graduated from the school of announcers. In 2010, she entered the list of "Famous TV presenters of Russia" and took a place there in the top ten most popular.
  2. He started his career in radio. In 2006 he was invited to Channel One, first worked on morning broadcasts, now - on the evening. Dmitry is known for his activity on the Internet, he is
  3. Maria Sittel. The TV presenter began her career back in Penza, where she was born. After working there for four years, the girl went to Moscow at the invitation. She became the host of a news program on the Rossiya channel. For some time, Maria worked on the radio. Together with her colleagues, she was a commentator on the farewell ceremony for Boris Yeltsin.

Entertainment program hosts

Famous people often get this popularity due to their scandalous reputation. You don't have to look far for an example, you just have to remember the name of the daughter of the former mayor of St. Petersburg.

Some, on the contrary, come to fame due to their efficiency and dedication.

  1. Tina Kandelaki. She began her path to success on radio in Georgia, where she worked for several years. Later she moved to Moscow. In 2002, she began working as a TV presenter on the STS channel ("Details", "The Smartest"). Today, Kandelaki is a co-owner of the Apostol company, which produces television programs.
  2. Andrei Malakhov. Since 1992 he has been working on Channel One. Initially, it was an editorial job, Andrei wrote texts for TV presenters. Since 1996 he has been the host of the program " Good morning". In 2001, he received his own show" Big Wash ", followed by" Five Evenings "," Let They Talk "," Tonight ".
  3. Elena Flying. Famous TV presenter Russia gained popularity after the release of the program "Revizzoro", in which she exposes unscrupulous restaurateurs and praises those who do their job conscientiously. Until her moment of fame, Elena worked as a financier at Gazprom and Russian Railways.
  4. Dmitry Shepelev. The young man was born in Minsk. He started his career there. After some time, he came to Ukraine at the invitation, where he worked in several projects. On the Russian television appeared in 2008. The most important of his works are "Property of the Republic" and "Minute of Glory".

Leading political programs

Political news, in fact, is of interest to a small circle of people. Not everyone wants to delve into the ongoing events. However, among such observers there are well-known TV presenters of Russia.

For example:

  1. From the very beginning of his professional career, he began to write articles on various sociological topics. He worked in a variety of newspapers, being responsible for the sections of political science. Since 1999, he has been hosting the Odnako program on Channel One, where he gives his comments on various world events. He was the host of such programs as "Puppet Theatre", "Another Time", "Big Game".
  2. Vladimir Solovyov. This leader is different sharp mind and in the same language. He was sued several times for insults in live. He is the host of the Nightingale Trills, Full Contact, To the Barrier! programs.

Most often, well-known TV presenters in Russia are men who initially did not seek to build a career on television. So, Solovyov graduated from the Institute of Steel and Alloys in Moscow.

Leaders of children's programs

Children are a special audience, to which it is not so easy to pick up the keys. The wonderful Sergey Suponev did an excellent job with this.

Well-known TV presenters in Russia must have some kind of extraordinary charisma. Sergey had all the ideal qualities for running programs with a children's audience. led" finest hour"," Call of the Jungle "and others. Tragically died in 2001.

Among others, Irina Asmus, Yuri Nikolaev can be distinguished. Well-known Russian TV presenter Oksana Fedorova hosts famous show"GOOG night kids".

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