Alexander Vampilov - biography, information, personal life. Brief biography of vampilov Brief biography of vampilov most important

Russian Soviet prose writer and playwright

Alexander Vampilov

short biography

Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov(August 19, 1937, Cheremkhovo - August 17, 1972, Lake Baikal near the villages of Baikal and Listvyanka) - Russian Soviet prose writer and playwright.

The parents of the future writer lived in the regional center of Kutulik, before that they lived in the village of Alar, Alar district, Irkutsk region, for 3 years. Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov was born on August 19, 1937. Although the village of Kutulik is often called the birthplace of A.V. Vampilov, in fact he was born in the maternity hospital of the neighboring town of Cheremkhovo, Cheremkhovo district. He considered the village of Alar his Small Motherland.

Father - Valentin Nikitich Vampilov (1898-1938) - Buryat, teacher by education. Shortly after the birth of his son (January 17, 1938), he was arrested, and on March 9, 1938 he was shot by the verdict of the “troika” of the Irkutsk regional department of the NKVD. In February 1957, V. N. Vampilov was posthumously rehabilitated.

Mother - Anastasia Prokopievna Vampilova-Kopylova (1906-1992), left after the death of her husband with 4 children, continued to work as a mathematics teacher at the Kutulik secondary school. The mother had a decisive influence on the formation of the personality of A.V. Vampilov.

In 1954, the first attempt to enter the ISU failed. For one year, Vampilov worked as an instructor for a string club at the regional House of Culture.

In 1955-1960 he studied at the Faculty of Philology of ISU.

In October 1959, while studying in his fifth year, A. V. Vampilov became a literary employee of the regional newspaper "Soviet Youth". In this newspaper, he worked as a literary employee, head of department, executive secretary until February 1964. After leaving the editorial office, A. Vampilov did not break ties with the newspaper and went on business trips more than once on assignments from Molodezhka.

In 1960 he married Lyudmila Dobracheva, a student at ISU, and in 1963 he divorced her. In 1963 he married Olga Ivanovskaya. In 1966 their daughter Elena was born.

In the fall of 1965, following the results of the Chita seminar for young writers, A.V. Vampilov was recommended to the Writers' Union of the USSR.


On August 17, 1972, two days before his 35th birthday, A. V. Vampilov died tragically - he drowned in Baikal at the source of the Angara (a motor boat capsized).

An unfinished work was left on his desktop - the vaudeville "Incomparable Tips". A memorial sign was erected at the place of death on the shore of Lake Baikal in the village of Listvyanka.

He was buried in Irkutsk at the Radishchevsky cemetery. In 1973, a monument was erected on the grave - a stone with an autograph.


The first story by A. Vampilov - then a third-year student - "The Persian Lilac" was published (under the pseudonym A. Sanin) on November 1, 1957 in the newspaper "Irkutsk University". The second story "Coincidence" was published in the same newspaper on April 4, 1958, and then in the anthology "Angara". This story gave its name to Alexander Vampilov's first book, which was published in 1961 and included humorous stories and scenes.

In 1962 A. Vampilov wrote a one-act play "Twenty Minutes with an Angel". In 1963, the one-act comedy "The House with Windows in the Field" was written.

In 1964, the first big play was written - the comedy "Farewell in June" (the playwright returned to work on it more than once: four versions of the play are known). The author's attempts to interest the central Soviet theaters with her production ended unsuccessfully.

Vampilov's breakthrough on the Soviet theater stage was the production of the play "Farewell in June" in 1966 by the Klaipeda Drama Theater (chief director - Povilas Gaidis). This production was staged by a young Belarusian director Vadim Dopkyunas. The success of the Klaipeda production opened the doors of Soviet theaters to Vampilov's work: in 1970, the play "Farewell to June" was already shown in 8 theaters of the USSR, although not yet in the theaters of the capital.

In 1965, A. Vampilov wrote the comedy "The Elder Son" (the first name was "Suburb"). In 1968, the playwright finished the play Duck Hunt. In the same year, Vampilov wrote a one-act play, The Story of a Met Entrepreneur. This one-act comedy, combined with the play "Twenty Minutes with an Angel" forms the play "Provincial Jokes".

In 1971, Vampilov completed work on the drama "Valentina", but the name had to be changed, because while the play was being censored, M. Roshchin's play "Valentin and Valentina", written later, became widely known. The name was changed to "Red Summer - June, July, August ...". In his first one-volume Vampilov included a play under the working title "Last Summer in Chulimsk" - and after the author's death it became final.

Only in 1972, after the death of Vampilov, did the attitude of the central theaters to his work begin to gradually change. His plays are staged by the Yermolova Theater in Moscow, the Stanislavsky Theater and the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theatre.

During his literary work, A. Vampilov wrote about 70 stories, sketches, essays, articles and feuilletons.

Alexander Vampilov's works have been translated into English, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Spanish, Chinese, Latvian, Lezgi, Moldavian, Mongolian, German, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, French, Czech, Estonian and other languages.


  • Laureate of the Irkutsk Komsomol Prize named after Joseph Utkin for the play "Farewell in June" (1972 - posthumously).


Monument to Alexander Vampilov, Viktor Rozov and Alexander Volodin. Sculptor A. S. Charkin, courtyard of the Tabakerka Theater (Moscow)

  • Asteroid (minor planet) No. 3230 is named after Vampilov.
  • In 1977, the street in the village of Kutulik, where Alexander Vampilov lived, was renamed Vampilov Street.
  • In 1987, the name of Alexander Vampilov was given to the Irkutsk Theater for Young Spectators. There is a memorial plaque on the theater building.
  • In Kutulik there is the House-Museum of A. V. Vampilov (coordinates at the top of the page) and the Central Library of the Alar District named after him.
  • In 1987, the name of Alexander Vampilov was given to a new street in the Pervomaisky microdistrict of Irkutsk, a panel was installed on a residential building - a portrait of Alexander Vampilov (artist - Kvasov Yuri Nikolaevich), in 2007, on the 70th anniversary of the playwright, a square named after Alexander Vampilov was opened near the house with a panel .
  • In 1987, in Irkutsk, a memorial plaque in his honor was installed on the house where Alexander Vampilov lived.
  • Since 1987, theater festivals have been held in Irkutsk, which were originally called “Vampilov Days”, “Baikal Meetings at Vampilov”. Since 1997, the festival has been given the status of All-Russian. Since 2001, the modern name has been established - the All-Russian Theater Festival of Modern Drama named after. Alexandra Vampilova.
  • In 1997, in Irkutsk, on the building of the administrative building of the Irkutsk University, where Alexander Vampilov studied, a memorial plaque was erected in his honor.
  • The name of Alexander Vampilov is given to the ship on Baikal and the Irkutsk Regional Fund.
  • In 2003, in Irkutsk, in the square of the Okhlopkov Drama Theater, the first monument to Alexander Vampilov was opened by the Moscow sculptor Mikhail Pereyaslavets. The idea of ​​the monument belongs to the Irkutsk poet Gennady Gaida.
  • In 2007, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the playwright in the city of Cheremkhovo, a memorial plaque in honor of Alexander Vampilov was installed on the building of the maternity hospital.
  • In 2007, in Moscow, in the courtyard of the Tabakerka Theater, a monument to Alexander Vampilov was erected (the sculptural composition “Dramaturgs Vampilov, Rozov, Volodin”).
  • In 2012, a monument to Alexander Vampilov was erected in Cheremkhovo, Irkutsk region.
  • In 2012, a monument to Alexander Vampilov was erected in Kutulik, Irkutsk Region, by the Ulan-Ude sculptor Bolot Tsyzhipov.
  • In 2012, the Alexander Vampilov Cultural Center was opened in Irkutsk, where you can get acquainted with the collection of the writer's personal belongings.



Multi-act plays

  • "Farewell in June" (1966)
  • "Elder Son" (1968)
  • "Duck Hunt" (1970)
  • "Last Summer in Chulimsk" (1972)

One-act plays

  • "House with windows in the field" (1963)
  • “One hundred rubles in new money” (original version of the play “Twenty Minutes with an Angel”, mid-1960s)
  • "Crow Grove" (original version of the play "History with a Metransezh", mid-1960s)
  • "Provincial Jokes" (1970). "A Tragicomic Performance in Two Parts": Anecdote One. "The Story of the Metranpage" The second anecdote. "Twenty Minutes with an Angel"
  • "Success" (dramatization of the story of the same name)
  • "Incomparable Tips" (2 paintings from an unfinished play, 1972)

Short scenes

  • "A Month in the Village, or the Death of a Lyricist"
  • "Flowers and Years"
  • "Date. Scene from non-knightly times»
  • "The lodger"
  • "Elephant Cemetery"
  • "Process"
  • "Raphael"


  • "From Notebooks"
  • "Letters"


In 1976, based on the play "Farewell in June", a performance was staged at the Riga Youth Theater.

In 2016, based on the play "The Elder Son", a performance was staged at the Kirov Drama Theater. Director - K. Soldatov.


  • 1975 - Last summer in Chulimsk
  • 1976 - Eldest son
  • 1979 - The story of the meter page (based on the play "Provincial Anecdotes")
  • 1979 - House with windows in the field (S. Lyubshin, I. Kupchenko, dir. G. Pavlov)
  • 1979 - Vacation in September (based on the play "Duck Hunt")
  • 1980 - Endgame (short film based on the story of the same name) Dir. V. Buturlin.
    Cast: O. Borisov, M. Rozhdestvenskaya, E. Baranov.
  • 1981 - Incomparable Tips
  • 1981 - Valentina (based on the play "Last Summer in Chulimsk")
  • 1989 - Twenty minutes with an angel (one short story each from "Provincial Jokes")
  • 1990 - Provincial anecdote (one short story each from "Provincial Anecdotes")
  • 2003 - Farewell in June
  • 2006 - Elder son (Eng. Elder son)
  • 2011 - Date (short film based on the work of the same name)
  • 2014 - Last summer in Chulimsk - director Victor Dement
  • 2015 - Paradise (based on the play "Duck Hunt")

In music

  • 1983 - opera "Elder Son", composer Gennady Gladkov, Moscow Academic Musical Theater. K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov was born August 19, 1937. Although often the birthplace of A.V. Vampilov is called the village of Kutulik, in fact he was born in the maternity hospital of the neighboring city of Cheremkhovo, Cheremkhovo district

Father - Valentin Nikitich Vampilov (1898-1938) - Buryat, teacher by education. Shortly after the birth of his son (January 17, 1938), he was arrested, and on March 9, 1938 he was shot by the verdict of the “troika” of the Irkutsk regional department of the NKVD. In February 1957, V.N. Vampilov was posthumously rehabilitated.

Mother - Anastasia Prokopievna Vampilova-Kopylova (1906-1992), left after the death of her husband with 4 children, continued to work as a mathematics teacher at the Kutulik secondary school. The mother had a decisive influence on the formation of the personality of A. Vampilov.

In 1954, the first attempt to enter the ISU failed. For one year, Vampilov worked as an instructor for a string club at the regional House of Culture. From 1955 to 1960 studied at the Faculty of History and Philology of the Irkutsk University (together with Valentin Rasputin).

He began his literary career as a prose writer: in 1958, as a student, published 10 humorous stories in Irkutsk newspapers. Subsequently, they compiled the first book of Vampilov's stories, "Coincidence of Circumstances", published in Irkutsk under the pseudonym A. Sanin ( 1961 ). Vampilov's early stories are a kind of "small scenes", the source of many conflicts and images of his future plays. The story "Success" was later remade by him into a one-act comedy under the same title.

In October 1959 year, studying in the fifth year, Vampilov became a literary employee of the regional newspaper "Soviet Youth". In this newspaper, he worked as a literary employee, head of department, executive secretary until February 1964. After leaving the editorial office, A. Vampilov did not break ties with the newspaper and went on business trips more than once on assignments from Molodezhka.

In 1960 married ISU student Lyudmila Dobracheva, in 1963 divorced her and in the same year married Olga Ivanovskaya. In 1966 they had a daughter, Elena.

In 1962 at the seminar of playwrights in the village. Maleevka Vampilov presented 2 one-act plays - "One Hundred Rubles in New Money" and "Crow Grove" (subsequently "Twenty Minutes with an Angel" and "A Story with a Met Entrepreneur" respectively). However, an attempt to publish the first of them in the journal "Theatre" ran into a refusal from the editors. Vampilov's debut as a playwright took place in 1964 in the same magazine "Theater" (No. 11), where under the heading "People's Theater" his one-act comedy "The House with Windows in the Field" was published. In the early works of Vampilov, some characteristic features of his creative appearance were already identified: interest in the world and life of ordinary people from the provincial Russian outback; slightly ironic, kind and at the same time demanding look at human relations; the ability to convey the feeling of the whole past life of the character in the microscene, etc. A small incident, taken from life, turns under the pen of Vampilov into a real moral test of the hero.

From 1965 to 1967 Vampilov studied at the Higher Literary Courses in Moscow, where he became close with Nikolai Rubtsov, who dedicated one of his poems to him - “I will sail away on a steamer ...”

Autumn 1965 following the results of the Chita seminar for young writers A.V. Vampilov was recommended to the Writers' Union of the USSR.

Vampilov's arrival in the "big" drama is associated with the appearance of his first multi-act play "Farewell in June", which was released in 1966 three editions (almanac Angara. No. 1; Theatre. No. 8; distribution department of the VUOAP). It was first staged in Lithuania (Klaipeda Drama Theatre, 1966 ), then in many provincial theaters of the country. However, the play was able to break through to the capital's stage only in 1972(K.S. Stanislavsky Theatre, directed by A.G. Tovstonogov). Closely associated with youth prose and dramaturgy of the 1960s, it was subjected to repeated alterations due to the author's dissatisfaction with his play and the persistent desire to improve it (according to the writer's wife O.M. Vampilova and his senior colleague A. Simukov, there are 17 options of this work). The edition of the play, included in the Vampilov collection "Favorites" (M., 1975 ).

Later, the lyric-comedy began to deepen even more in Vampilov's play "The Elder Son" ( 1968 , originally called "Suburb"). It premiered at the Irkutsk Drama Theatre. N.P. Okhlopkova ( 1969 , dir. V. Simonovsky), a year later she appeared on the stage of the Leningrad Regional Drama and Comedy Theater (dir. E. Padve). The Elder Son quickly became Vampilov's most popular work ( in 1972 it was staged by 44 theaters of the country). Based on the play, a television movie was created ( 1976 , dir. Vitaly Melnikov), opera ( 1983 , composer Gennady Gladkov).

Vampilov's new works clearly revealed his attraction to the genre of tragicomedy. In the center of the "Duck Hunt" ( 1970 ; published in the anthology "Angara", No. 6) - the fate of the "unlucky" hero, the internal struggles of a complex, contradictory personality, the merciless revelation of a person's spiritual crisis, hidden behind an outwardly prosperous existence. This type of hero made the play the subject of discussion in the literary and theatrical press. None of her productions, carried out in 1970s and first half of 1980s(including in the Moscow Art Theater, 1979 , dir. HE. Efremov), with some individual achievements in acting and directing, was not recognized as fully successful, corresponding to the level and spirit of Vampilov's play. The same can be said about the film "Vacation in September", created on its basis ( 1979 , dir. Vitaly Melnikov, screening in 1987 ). No wonder it gained a reputation as "the most difficult" and enigmatic play by Vampilov.

The fate of Vampilov's last drama, "Last Summer in Chulimsk" ( 1972 ). Like some of his previous plays, it ran into prejudice, misunderstanding and was withdrawn from the already dialed number of the almanac "Siberia". The author never saw it printed.

During his literary work, Alexander Vampilov wrote about 70 stories, skits, essays, articles and feuilletons.

August 17, 1972, two days before the 35th birthday, A.V. Vampilov died tragically - he drowned in Baikal at the source of the Angara (a motor boat capsized).

An unfinished work was left on his desktop - the vaudeville "Incomparable Tips". A memorial sign was erected at the place of death on the shore of Lake Baikal in the village of Listvyanka.

He was buried in Irkutsk at the Radishchevsky cemetery. In 1973 a monument was erected on the grave - a stone with an autograph.

Alexander Vampilov's works have been translated into English, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Spanish, Chinese, Latvian, Lezgi, Moldavian, Mongolian, German, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, French, Czech, Estonian and other languages.

Andfamous Russian writer specializing in dramaturgy, prose, journalism. He was born into a teacher's family on August 19, 1937. His birthplace is the village of Kutulik in the Irkutsk region. He did not know his father, as he fell under a wave of repressions and was shot shortly after the birth of his son.

After graduating from high school, Vampilov enters the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University. From the very beginning of his studies, he begins to try the power of his pen, writes short humorous stories, essays and feuilletons, which are published both in the university and regional newspapers.

He publishes his works under the pseudonym A. Sanin.
With the same pseudonym, he signs his first book of humorous stories called "Coincidence". It was published in 1961.

In the early 1960s, he began to publish dramatic works: a playful play containing only one act "Angel" (better known as "Twenty Minutes with an Angel") -1962; "Crow Grove" - ​​1963;
"House with windows in the field" - 1964; and others...

In his very first works, Vampilov often uses plots of well-known anecdotes, where his characters are sometimes involved in funny, and sometimes in strange incidents. As a rule, after going through all these trials, the heroes overestimate their views on life. For example, in the work "Twenty Minutes with an Angel" the characters are thoroughly tested for their ability to be disinterested (the entire action of the play takes place in a provincial hotel). As a result of this test, it is concluded that only death can be disinterested in our world.

In 1970, the play "The Story of the Metropolitan Page" was written, which was more like a parable about fear. It was based on the story where the hotel administrator Kaloshin meets his own death. Later, the plays "Twenty Minutes with an Angel" and "The Story of the Metropolitan Page" will form a general presentation in 2 parts - "Provincial Anecdotes". Despite the outward comedy of this work, tragic notes often slip through it.

In 1964-1965 Vampilov began to actively write stories. They were published as part of the collective collections "Princes leave fairy tales" and the Wind of Wanderings.

In 1965 he graduated from the Higher Literary Courses (at the Literary Institute named after A.M. Gorky in Moscow). In the same year, he accidentally met the famous playwright Alexei Arbuzov, which had a huge impact on his future creative destiny.

During his studies, he wrote the comedy "Fair" (the second name is "Farewell in June"). The plot is that the main character, student Kolesov, who had a great deal of cynicism, as a result of the events taking place with him, comes to the conclusion that money does not always decide everything and tears up the diploma, which he received in a not entirely honest way. In this play, the image of an angel, already used by Vampilov in his earlier work, appears again, which helps the hero to transform, to understand eternal values.

"Farewell in June" and "Provincial Anecdotes" made up a single satirical cycle. Vampilov's plans included writing the play Belorechensk Anecdotes, but he simply did not have time to do it.

Upon his return to Irkutsk, he continues to publish plays. Dramaturgy becomes his forte. His plays are published in such well-known magazines as "Theatrical Life", "Theatre", "Modern Drama", they are beginning to be included in the repertoire of the best theaters in the country. The term "Vampilov's theater" even appears in the press.

In 1967, Vampilov wrote his famous plays Duck Hunt and Eldest Son.

In the comedy "The Elder Son" he raises the theme of eternal human values ​​- love, understanding and forgiveness between people, the continuity of generations. The theme of the relationship between father and son is permeated with the personal pain of the author, who never managed to communicate with a loved one.

The plot of the play "Duck Hunt" is based on the fact that the friends decided to play the main character Zilov and sent him a mourning wreath, which was also accompanied by a condolence telegram. As a result, his whole life passes before the eyes of the hero, he tries to assure himself that he is still alive. He realizes that all his life he has been chasing meaningless pleasures, but in fact he was running from himself. His only interest was duck hunting. And when interest in her was lost, he wanted to end this worthless life. But Vampilov leaves his hero to live, although it is difficult to call life the existence that Zilov drags out. This play became one of the most significant events in the dramaturgy of the late 1960s.

In 1972, the drama Last Summer in Chulimsk was written. In it, the writer creates his best female image - a young tea worker in a provincial town - Valentina. Throughout the play, she struggles to preserve the front garden, which is constantly trampled down by soulless people, she wants to preserve the “living soul” in herself.

How many more interesting plays would have been written by this talented man! But, unfortunately, his life was tragically cut short on August 17, 1972, he drowned in Lake Baikal.

We draw your attention to the fact that the biography of Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich presents the most basic moments from life. Some minor life events may be omitted from this biography.

VAMPILOV, ALEXANDER VALENTINOVICH (1937−1972), Russian playwright, prose writer, publicist. Born August 19, 1937 in the village. Kutulik, Irkutsk region in a family of teachers. In 1937, Vampilov's father was shot by the NKVD. After graduating from school, Vampilov entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University, graduating in 1960. During his studies, he published essays and feuilletons in university and regional newspapers under the pseudonym A. Sanin. Under the same pseudonym, his first book of humorous stories, Coincidence of Circumstances (1961), was published. In the early 1960s, he wrote his first dramatic works - one-act joke plays Angel (other name Twenty Minutes with an Angel, 1962), Crow Grove (1963), House with Windows in the Field (1964), etc.
Vampilov's early works were based on strange, sometimes funny incidents and anecdotes. The heroes of stories and skits, getting into these strange situations, came to a reassessment of their views. So, in the play Twenty Minutes with an Angel, which takes place in a provincial hotel, a kind of test of the characters for their ability to selflessness takes place, as a result of which it turns out that only death is selfless in this world. In 1970, Vampilov wrote the play The Story of the Page, a parable of fear based on the story of the meeting of the hotel administrator Kaloshin with his own death. The story with the meter page, together with the play Twenty Minutes with an Angel, made up a tragicomic performance in 2 parts Provincial Anecdotes. In 1964-1965 Vampilov published his stories in the collective collections Wind of Wanderings and Princes Leave Fairy Tales. In 1965 he graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky in Moscow. While studying, he wrote the comedy Fair (other name Farewell in June, 1964), which was highly appreciated by playwrights A. Arbuzov and V. Rozov. Her hero, a cynical student Kolesov, came to the conclusion that money is not omnipotent, and tore up the diploma he had received dishonestly. In the play, the image of an angel appeared again through Vampilov's dramaturgy, the meeting with which transformed the hero. The presence of a higher power in the world was a constant theme of Vampilov's work. There is evidence that he suffered greatly from his inability to believe in God. Together with the Provincial Anecdotes, the play Farewell in June constituted a satirical cycle. Vampilov intended to write another play, Belorechensky Anecdotes, but his early death prevented the implementation of this plan. Returning to Irkutsk, Vampilov continued to work as a playwright. His plays were published in the magazines "Theater", "Modern Dramaturgy", "Theatrical Life", were included in the repertoire of the best theaters in the country. Critics spoke of the "Vampilov's theatre" and saw in the characters of his plays, outstanding people capable of high spiritual ascent and at the same time weak in nature, the heirs of the classic heroes of Russian literature - Onegin, Pechorin, Protasov, Laevsky. They also represented modern “little people” (Ugarov, Khomutov, Sarafanov, etc.), and female types. In 1967, Vampilov wrote the plays The Elder Son and Duck Hunt, which fully embodied the tragic component of his dramaturgy. In the comedy The Elder Son, within the framework of a masterfully written intrigue (deception by two friends, Busygin and Silva, of the Sarafanov family), there was talk of the eternal values ​​​​of being - the continuity of generations, the breaking of spiritual ties, love and forgiveness by close people to each other. In this play, the “theme-metaphor” of Vampilov’s plays begins to sound: the theme of the house as a symbol of the universe. The playwright himself, who lost his father in early childhood, perceived the relationship between father and son especially painfully and sharply. The hero of the play Duck Hunt Zilov became the victim of a gloomy friendly prank: his friends sent him a cemetery wreath and telegrams of condolences. This forced Zilov to remember his life in order to prove to himself that he had not died. His own life appeared before the hero as a senseless pursuit of easily accessible pleasures, which was in fact an escape from himself. Zilov understood that the only need in his life was duck hunting. Having lost interest in her, he lost interest in life and was about to commit suicide. Vampilov left his hero alive, but the existence to which Zilov was doomed caused both condemnation and sympathy from readers and viewers. Duck Hunt became a symbolic play in the late 1960s. In the drama Last Summer in Chulimsk (1972), Vampilov created his best female image - a young provincial tea worker Valentina. This woman strove to preserve the “living soul” in herself with the same tenacity with which throughout the play she tried to preserve the front garden, which was trampled down by indifferent people every now and then. Vampilov's work was interrupted by a tragic accident. Vampilov drowned in Lake Baikal on August 17, 1972.

Option 2

Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich - Russian playwright, publicist. Born on August 19, 1937 in the village of Kutulik, Irkutsk Region. Vampilov's parents worked as teachers. The father was shot by the NKVD on March 9, 1938, when the son was still very young. The mother was left alone with four children, but continued to work at the school in order to feed her family. She had a huge impact on the development of A.V. Vampilov as a person.

In 1955 he graduated from high school and entered the Irkutsk University at the Faculty of History and Philology. During his studies, Vampilov is engaged in literary activities. He published his essays and stories in the university and regional newspapers. He signed the works as A. Sanin. One of his first stories is "The Persian Lilac".

After graduating from university in 1960, he remained to work in the regional newspaper "Soviet Youth". Vampilov got a job as a writer in this newspaper when he was a 5th year student. He continues to write. Most of his works are based on funny stories, anecdotes. But this did not deprive them of deep meaning.

In 1964, Vampilov left the editorial office of the Soviet Youth newspaper. During this period, he writes his famous plays: “Farewell in June”, “The Story of the Metropolitan Page”, “Duck Hunt”. Thanks to the play “Farewell in July”, Vampilov was known as a playwright.

His plays were published in the magazines "Theater", "Modern Dramaturgy", "Theatrical Life". Performances are staged in many Soviet theaters. It was only after Vampilov's death that his plays began to be staged at the Yermolova and Stanislavsky theaters in Moscow and the Bolshoi Drama Theater in Leningrad.

Vampilov wrote about 70 essays, sketches, stories for his creative activity. The life of Alexander Valentinovich was interrupted suddenly. On August 17, 1972, he rested in the village of Listvyanka. The village is located on the shores of Lake Baikal. That day he sailed on a motorboat, for unknown reasons the boat capsized and Vampilov drowned. An unfinished work, The Incomparable Tips, was found on his desktop. In this village, on the shore where the tragedy occurred, a memorial sign was erected.

Essay on literature on the topic: Brief biography of the Vampils

Other writings:

  1. Alexander Vampilov was born in the village of Kutupik, Irkutsk Region, in 1937. After graduating from high school, he studied from 1955 at Irkutsk University, as a student he wrote humorous stories that made up his first book, "Coincidence." Five years after graduation, he worked at Read More ......
  2. Alexander Vampilov was born in the village of Kutupik, Irkutsk Region, in 1937; after graduating from high school, he studied at Irkutsk University in 1955, as a student he wrote humorous stories that made up his first book, “Coincidence”; five years after graduating from the university he worked in the Irkutsk Read More ......
  3. In the well-known play Duck Hunt, Alexander Vampilov used a non-standard plot that allowed him to create a gallery of characters that puzzle the viewer and reader and cause great public concern. Before us is one of the countless institutions at one time, called KB, IB, etc., formed from Read More ......
  4. Alexander Vampilov was born in 1937 in the village of Kuzhulik, Irkutsk Region. In 1955, having entered the university, he moved to Irkutsk. The students of the late 1950s and early 1960s were probably one of the happiest generations of students. It seemed that the whole world was the same age as Read More ......
  5. Carlo Goldoni Biography The famous Italian playwright Carlo Goldoni (1707-1793) was born on February 25 in Venice. From an early age he was passionate about theater. He wrote his first play at the age of 8. At the insistence of his parents, he studied medicine and law. Entered the bar and Read More......
  6. Alexander Vampilov was born in 1937 in the village of Kuzhulik, Irkutsk Region. And in 1955, after entering the university, he moved to the city of Irkutsk. Probably, one of the happiest generations of students was the students of the late 50s and early 60s. It looked like this, Read More ......
  7. The author of four large plays and three one-act ones (considering the student’s “House as Windows in the Field”), who tragically died at the age of 35, who did not see any of his plays on the Moscow stage, who published during his lifetime only a small collection of short stories (1961) - Vampilov, Read More ......
  8. Monzaemon Chikamatsu Biography Chikamatsu Monzaemon (real name Sugimori Nobumori) was a Japanese playwright (1653-1725). He was born in the Kyoto region in a samurai family. As a child, the playwright received a good education and training, but a military career did not attract him. In 1864 he Read More ......
Brief biography of the Vampils

Soviet literature

Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov


VAMPILOV, ALEXANDER VALENTINOVICH (1937−1972), Russian playwright, prose writer, publicist. Born August 19, 1937 in the village. Kutulik, Irkutsk region in a family of teachers. In 1937, Vampilov's father was shot by the NKVD. After graduating from school, Vampilov entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University, graduating in 1960. During his studies, he published essays and feuilletons in university and regional newspapers under the pseudonym A. Sanin. Under the same pseudonym, his first book of humorous stories, Coincidence of Circumstances (1961), was published. In the early 1960s, he wrote his first dramatic works - one-act joke plays Angel (other name Twenty Minutes with an Angel, 1962), Crow Grove (1963), House with Windows in the Field (1964), etc.

Vampilov's early works were based on strange, sometimes funny incidents and anecdotes. The heroes of stories and skits, getting into these strange situations, came to a reassessment of their views. So, in the play Twenty Minutes with an Angel, which takes place in a provincial hotel, a kind of test of the characters for their ability to selflessness takes place, as a result of which it turns out that only death is selfless in this world. In 1970, Vampilov wrote the play The Story of the Pager, a parable of fear based on the story of the meeting of the hotel administrator Kaloshin with his own death. The story with the meter page, together with the play Twenty Minutes with an Angel, made up a tragicomic performance in 2 parts Provincial Anecdotes. In 1964-1965 Vampilov published his stories in the collective collections Wind of Wanderings and Princes Leave Fairy Tales. In 1965 he graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky in Moscow. While studying, he wrote the comedy Fair (other name Farewell in June, 1964), which was highly appreciated by playwrights A. Arbuzov and V. Rozov. Her hero, a cynical student Kolesov, came to the conclusion that money is not omnipotent, and tore up the diploma he had received dishonestly. In the play, the image of an angel appeared again through Vampilov's dramaturgy, the meeting with which transformed the hero. The presence of a higher power in the world was a constant theme of Vampilov's work. There is evidence that he suffered greatly from his inability to believe in God. Together with the Provincial Anecdotes, the play Farewell in June constituted a satirical cycle. Vampilov intended to write another play, Belorechensky Anecdotes, but his early death prevented the implementation of this plan. Returning to Irkutsk, Vampilov continued to work as a playwright. His plays were published in the magazines "Theater", "Modern Dramaturgy", "Theatrical Life", were included in the repertoire of the best theaters in the country. Critics spoke of the “Vampilov Theater” and saw in the characters of his plays, outstanding people capable of high spiritual uplift and at the same time weak in nature, the heirs of the classic heroes of Russian literature - Onegin, Pechorin, Protasov, Laevsky. Modern “little people” (Ugarov, Khomutov, Sarafanov, etc.) and female types were represented in them. In 1967, Vampilov wrote the plays The Elder Son and Duck Hunt, which fully embodied the tragic component of his dramaturgy. In the comedy The Elder Son, within the framework of a masterfully written intrigue (deception by two friends, Busygin and Silva, of the Sarafanov family), there was talk of the eternal values ​​​​of being - the continuity of generations, the breaking of spiritual ties, love and forgiveness by close people to each other. In this play, the "theme-metaphor" of Vampilov's plays begins to sound: the theme of the house as a symbol of the universe. The playwright himself, who lost his father in early childhood, perceived the relationship between father and son especially painfully and sharply. The hero of the play Duck Hunt Zilov became the victim of a gloomy friendly prank: his friends sent him a cemetery wreath and telegrams of condolences. This forced Zilov to remember his life in order to prove to himself that he had not died. His own life appeared before the hero as a senseless pursuit of easily accessible pleasures, which was in fact an escape from himself. Zilov understood that the only need in his life was duck hunting. Having lost interest in her, he lost interest in life and was about to commit suicide. Vampilov left his hero alive, but the existence to which Zilov was doomed caused both condemnation and sympathy from readers and viewers. Duck Hunt became a symbolic play in the late 1960s. In the drama Last Summer in Chulimsk (1972), Vampilov created his best female image - a young provincial tea worker Valentina. This woman strove to preserve the “living soul” in herself with the same persistence with which throughout the play she tried to preserve the front garden, which was trampled down by indifferent people every now and then. Vampilov's work was interrupted by a tragic accident. Vampilov drowned in Lake Baikal on August 17, 1972.

Vampilov Alexander Valentinovich - Russian playwright, publicist. Born on August 19, 1937 in the village of Kutulik, Irkutsk Region. Vampilov's parents worked as teachers. The father was shot by the NKVD on March 9, 1938, when the son was still very young. The mother was left alone with four children, but continued to work at the school in order to feed her family. She had a huge impact on the development of Vampilov A.V. as individuals.

In 1955 he graduated from high school and entered the Irkutsk University at the Faculty of History and Philology. During his studies, Vampilov is engaged in literary activities. He published his essays and stories in the university and regional newspapers. He signed the works as A. Sanin. One of his first stories is "The Persian Lilac".

After graduating from university in 1960, he stayed to work in the regional newspaper "Soviet Youth". Vampilov got a job as a writer in this newspaper when he was a 5th year student. He continues to write. Most of his works are based on funny stories, anecdotes. But this did not deprive them of deep meaning.

In 1964 Vampilov left the editorial office of the Soviet Youth newspaper. During this period, he wrote his famous plays: "Farewell in June", "The Story of the Metropolitan Page", "Duck Hunt". Thanks to the play "Farewell in July" they learned about Vampilov as a playwright.

His plays were published in the magazines "Theater", "Modern Dramaturgy", "Theatrical Life". Performances are staged in many Soviet theaters. It was only after Vampilov's death that his plays began to be staged at the Yermolova and Stanislavsky theaters in Moscow and the Bolshoi Drama Theater in Leningrad.

Vampilov wrote about 70 essays, sketches, stories for his creative activity. The life of Alexander Valentinovich was interrupted suddenly. On August 17, 1972, he rested in the village of Listvyanka. The village is located on the shores of Lake Baikal. That day he sailed on a motorboat, for unknown reasons the boat capsized and Vampilov drowned. An unfinished work, The Incomparable Tips, was found on his desktop. In this village, on the shore where the tragedy occurred, a memorial sign was erected.

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