Olga Platonova designer personal life children. TV presenter Olga Platonova showed her country house

Several generations of my family lived on Malaya Nikitskaya street, says Olga. - In the Church of the Ascension of the Lord, which is opposite the house, one of my great-great-grandfathers served as a priest when Alexander Pushkin got married there. But contrary to fashion, I moved from the center of the capital to the city. Traffic jams under the windows, thousands of cars… Especially since I have four children in my family. I wanted space and air. I bought a cottage in Mamontovka. A plot of 28 acres so quickly ennobled that it became boring. Asked realtors to find something bigger. They were dumbfounded and said that then it was necessary to consider options with the old pioneer camps and sanatoriums. I agreed. An abandoned rest house of the Pravda publishing house was found, where the entire Soviet elite rested. Hectare of land. By that time, I had successfully sold my dacha in Mamontovka, so I had money to buy this plot. But there were difficulties with the design. According to the documents, the intended purpose of the land is a holiday home, and not individual construction. So you have to pay huge taxes. It took two years to change the status of the land. And the view of the former boarding house was depressing: a peeling concrete fence, dilapidated buildings, waist-deep weeds. The building, which was once a dining room, was demolished, and two gazebos were built on its foundation. The central sleeping building with a corridor system was overlaid with stone, two semi-rotundas were attached to it. We live in it. The sports building was converted into a guest house, a studio, a winter garden and a water park with a home cinema. Since I got the boarding house with furniture, I received a lot of sofas and 22 Temp TVs, and also myriad carpets. I distributed the best ones to friends, the rest I laid under the apple trees to insulate the roots for the winter.

“My husband meets any of my ideas with hostility. But I'm used to it and I don't argue."

“It is in this room that my stories for the Fazenda program are filmed.

An artificial pond with waterfalls and fish, paths, gazebos, flower beds, greenhouses appeared on the site. She was engaged in the development of interior and landscape design herself. I have 15 certificates of completion of various courses. This house was designed in the style of Russian classicism. Many, having entered here for the first time, believe that great amount of money. This is not true. I developed the project myself. I bought some of the furniture and decor elements at flea markets, and then I myself brought it to mind with the craftsmen. Silk, with which the walls are upholstered in some places, was purchased in Pavlovsky Posad for 100 rubles per meter. Curtains with fringe and bedspreads sewed by myself. Bronze upholstered a cheap chipboard kitchen. The main thing here is to show imagination.

Olga Platonova is a popular TV presenter, gardener, designer, and writer. Widely known for programs in landscaping and interior design, as well as horticulture. Graduated from the Institute foreign languages, worked as a teacher for a long time. Practically fluent in three foreign languages. In addition, she studied at the courses of art history, architecture, floriculture and landscape design.

He is a member of the British Society of Horticulturalists and the Union of Russian Designers. Host of popular author's TV shows about gardening and co-host of the TV project "Country Fairies". Author of the book "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Gardener".

Personal life

Being the mother of four children, she once again fell in love and married Alexei Ruchkin. Olga has three daughters and one son, Alexei also has a child from a previous marriage.

The popular gardener has been married five times and has four children and two grandchildren. She wrote more about her life in the biographical book “Alaska. Chapters of my life”, which can be found in the public domain.

House of Olga Platonova

Since childhood, she lived in a house on Malaya Nikitskaya opposite the Church of the Ascension of the Lord.

With the advent of a large family, I thought about expanding and, having sold a small Vacation home in Mamontovka, moved to the village of Pravdinsky. It is located a few kilometers from the city of Pushkino. Platonova admits that, while working on the furnishings of the new mansion, she focused primarily on the memories of “the very” first apartment in which the spirit of antiquity soared.

The new mansion is located on a plot of one hectare at the end of a quiet street. Previously, the Pravda rest house was located here. After the collapse of the USSR, one of the officials bought this place, but never took up the arrangement, so Olga got the mansion built in 1933 in its original form.

There were several dilapidated buildings on the site, which it was decided to get rid of. They left only the main building and the former sports complex, which was converted into a guest building and a winter garden. The large dining room was demolished, and two gazebos were erected in its place.

The main building was given a full-scale redevelopment, getting rid of small spaces and, to the maximum, from extra walls where possible. On the second floor there is a master bedroom, bathroom, office and dressing room. And on the first one, they managed to equip three children's rooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and a billiard room. The space was "conditionally" divided into two parts: private and guest.

The central place is occupied by a living room with a second light, it is decorated with a chandelier brought from Sofrino, and a massive oak staircase, carved by a master cabinetmaker, leads to the second floor.

The balustrade is also enclosed by carved railings made by this craftsman. A spacious dining area adjoins the living room, the entrance to which is decorated with two massive columns. Their basis is metal poles, professionally decorated to look like natural stone.

The kitchen is separated from the dining area by an exact copy of the wooden balustrade from the capital's apartment, and a special mood is given to this room by an Art Nouveau chandelier, which, on a special occasion or wish, can be raised or, conversely, lowered. But the highlight of this room is still an old Dutch buffet.

The mansion has a lot of wooden elements, replicas of antique furniture and household items. late XIX centuries. There are six bookcases in the library, two of which are original antiques, and the rest are made in their likeness.

The billiard room is made in the style of the "salon" of the XIX century. The walls here are covered with Pavlovo-Posad silk, this material is used to sew mantles for clergy. The door handles are exact copies of the palace handle, which the hostess purchased in an antique shop, and in her likeness she ordered duplicates to be cast on all the doors in the building.

The master bedroom is upholstered in raw clapboard and also upholstered in dark green silk with a classic pattern. The swags hanging over the windows decorated slopes that were not very appropriate in this room. Olga brought a Czech chandelier from a Moscow apartment, but it did not fit into a room with small ceilings. The hostess did not despair and dismantled it for small parts, bought a skeleton of the required size in an antique shop and assembled the chandelier again to the height she needed. This chandelier fits perfectly into the interior of the bedroom.

The attic is distinguished by the same low ceiling and non-standard windows, but even here the hostess showed professionalism and turned all the shortcomings into advantages.

Now the estate includes main house size 450 sq. meters, guest gym, a small water park, a winter garden and its own recording studio. Opposite the main entrance, the hostess installed a fountain brought from England, and magnificent gardens and cascading fish ponds are laid out throughout the estate.

According to CIAN, houses in the village of Pravdinsky cost from 7 to 40 million rubles.

In the photo, the TV presenter of the program " Good morning"on Channel 1 - Olga Platonova. She runs a column about vegetable gardens, orchards, etc. I have to watch all this splendor, because I get up at 5.00 and need a hardcore background to wake up. It seems to me Olga Platonova, who hosts a program about seedlings, seedlings and manure - this is a Channel One feil comparable to a crucified boy.
I know that there are many fans of "plastic" faces, but they are unlikely to be present in the target audience of such programs. Yes, I admit that Platonova is an awesome landscape designer who was trained in Europe, a person with a name, but ... hey, after all. What kind of landscapes are in the ass of our people now on 6 acres? To collect potatoes, and pickle cabbage, so that the homeless would not break the cellar.

By the way, I did not find a photo of Platonova in her youth, someone carefully hid them. I guess why. I assume that the nose, eyelids and lips underwent surgery.

People are drawn to those who are similar to them - this is the law of social psychology. Something better. Remember there was such a charming slacker - Boris Popov, the host of the program "Our Garden", so he inspired. Well, it was immediately obvious - a shaken-up gardening person. Yours on the board. Even without plastic. Rest in peace.

Olga Platonova - Russian TV presenter, professional gardener and designer. Her name became known to the viewer thanks to a number of television projects. Among them are “Everything in the Garden”, “Country Fairies”, “Fazenda”, “Good Morning” and others.

Childhood and youth

Olga Platonova was born on April 23, 1972 in Moscow. In an interview, the TV presenter said that for several generations in a row her family lived on Malaya Nikitskaya Street. Opposite the house, in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord, once married Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and the first beauty of the capital Natalia Goncharova- in those distant times, one of Olga's great-great-great-grandfathers served as a priest at the temple.

It is possible that Platonova's interest in design and a sense of beauty were formed under the influence of the environment that surrounded her in childhood. In the apartment in the center of Moscow, where she lived, the spirit of antiquity soared; the first thing the girl saw when she opened her eyes in the morning was a stucco decoration in the form of angels. The TV presenter admits that, while working on the interior of her own house, she was guided by memories of her parental “nest” - she wanted to be among things similar to those that surrounded her in childhood.

Higher education Olga received at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Thorez (now - Moscow State Linguistic University). In the diploma, her specialty is designated as “teacher of English language”, The TV presenter also speaks French and Georgian. Platonova defended her PhD thesis on “Bilingualism in the USSR”, completed a number of courses in interior design, floristry, basics European architecture etc.


2010 was a turning point in the life of Olga Platonova - on April 25, the premiere of the TV magazine “All in the Garden” took place on the TVC channel. The show was positioned as a "television guide to gardening" with the participation of specialists and famous people.

Once a week, Platonova paid visits to movie stars, pop stars, writers and composers - they willingly showed their plots to the presenter and the audience and gave advice to beginners and experienced gardeners. So, for example, a participant in the first issue, Lev Leshchenko, spoke about his bonsai winter garden.

On this television career Olga did not end, on the contrary, it was only the beginning. In 2011 and 2012, her author's program “Garden Stories” was released on the Trust channel. Original design solutions, expert advice, master classes - this is how the creator herself described the program.

Platonova devoted 2012 and 2013 to a new project - the heading “Good mood” in morning program"Mood" on the TVC channel.

In 2013, the gardener and designer appeared in the program of the First Channel “Good Morning” as the leading heading “Useful Tips”. Each issue was devoted to a particular topic, and it was not only about garden life hacks (like “how to make fertilizer out of cardboard”), but also about cooking, phytodesign and design in general.

In 2013 and 2014, the TV presenter visited film set another project of Channel One - “Dinner Time”, where, together with the hosts of the show, Natasha Koroleva and Lyudmila Poryvay, she shared recipes and culinary secrets with the audience. Also during this period, Platonova participated as a guest expert in the filming of the program “Good Health!” with Gennady Malakhov and Angelina Vovk.

From 2006 to 2017, the television program Fazenda was broadcast on Channel One. Initially, its leader was Sergei Kolesnikov, later he was replaced by Roman Budnikov. The advice given to viewers by the show's experts covered all areas of country life.

Olga Platonova joined the Fazenda team as a specialist in horticulture and horticulture; she shared her knowledge with the audience (among the topics of the issues, for example, "How to grow geraniums at home") until the end of the program.

In 2016 in creative biography Olga has a new TV project called "Country Fairies". A trio of presenters, which, in addition to Platonova, included an expert in the field of growing crops Oktyabrina Ganichkina and showman Sergey Asharin, transformed the territory of VDNKh in real time.

The topics of the releases are “Digging up dahlias”, “Processing garden strawberries in spring”, “Forming a hedge from spruce”, etc. “ country fairies” and is now being shown on the Beaver TV channel.

A kind of spin-off of "Country Fairies" was the program "Telecafe", in which, under the guidance of all the same presenters, the audience comprehended the secrets of culinary skills.

Personal life

Platonova spoke in detail about herself and her life in autobiographical book"Alaska. Chapters of my life” - it is easy to find in open access on one of the sites of the TV presenter. The book consists of three parts, each of which is devoted to a separate period in the life of the author. Childhood and youth, student years, the path to an old dream of a career on TV - Olga accompanies her stories about herself with numerous photographs from her personal archive.

TV presenter happy family life, her husband is producer Alexei Ruchkin. Together with her husband and children (she has four of them - daughters Olga, Daria, Elizaveta and son Sergei), Platonova lives in a country house. According to her, it is much better outside the city than in the capital - here both expanse and clean air.

Olga Platonova now

Now Olga is a member of the Union of Designers of Russia and a full member of the British Royal Horticultural Society.

In addition to working on TV, the gardener and designer publishes a lot in thematic magazines, such as Favorite Dacha, DIY Garden. In 2016, the Eksmo publishing house published the book Country Secrets from Olga Platonova. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Gardener. Also, the TV presenter continues to give helpful tips your Instagram followers.

From time to time, the Internet is disturbed by “hot” topics related to Olga - did the TV presenter do plastic surgery and what actually happened to her with science fiction writer Andrei Cruz, but Platonova refrains from commenting on this.


2010 - “All in the garden”

2011 - “Garden Stories”

2012 - “Good mood”

2013 - “Helpful Tips”

2013 - “Dinner Time”

2013 - “Good health!”

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