Mansour name. Romantic relationships and marriage

This name sounds very majestic. Still, after all, its meaning is truly noble! No wonder it was worn by the great Muslim sheikh. However, our contemporaries do not forget about the name Mansur, quite often naming their sons with it. And that's why…

Etymology, that is, the origin of the given name

It originated in Arabic. The name literally translates as "victorious", "winning".

It gives patronymic: Mansurovich (Mansurych), Mansurovna.

For friends and family he: Manzur, Surik, Manchik, Mansurka, Mans.

In other cultures it sounds like: Mans (Scandinavian countries, means "God is good" in Dutch).

What character does it give?

positive sides: this is an active and independent person with a sharp mind, prone to rational thinking. He does not like risk, law-abiding. Considered a great friend.

This is an optimist, charging everyone around with a premonition of something good that will definitely come in the future. By nature, he is kind, and if he is angry, then not for long. Not greedy, will share the last if he sees that a person is worse than himself.

Weak side: first of all, this is a very selfish person. Mansour can be overly conservative, withdrawn, cunning. Can learn to "twist" relatives or friends for his own good. He is greedy, which is why some of his good deeds are ostentatious. prone to hysteria.

This is how Mansour's fate changes from early to mature years

  • Childhood. These are quiet, obedient children. Surik often "takes" his mother's character. He can be very modest, which does not prevent him from being courteous (as he grows older) with others, deserving universal love.
  • School. With equal success, he can "catch" both the best and the worst mark - it all depends on his mood. In general, he does not like to stretch his hand in class, and in the morning he is in no hurry to go to school, preferring to lie in pillows to the last. But he is friends with the whole class - both boys and girls. In order to instill discipline in a somewhat lax boy, the father should enroll Mance in the fight.
  • Youth. The former child begins to "take shape" into a real aristocrat. Proud posture, love for beautiful garments, stylish and catchy accessories - this is what marks the young Mansour. Sometimes external brightness turns into bad taste, so in search of your own style, the bearer of this name should be very careful, and if possible, do not refuse the advice of people with a delicate taste, or at least read articles on men's fashion.
  • mature years. Most often, this man is not torn into several types of activity, but becomes an excellent specialist, having mastered a certain profession.

Astrology and esotericism

  • Ideal zodiac sign: Virgo (birth period from August 23 to September 22) and Pisces (from February 19 to March 20).
  • Name color: bronze, silver, blue.
  • Celestial body that provides special patronage: Neptune and the Moon.
  • Metal, in the hands of Surik turning into a talisman: platinum, tin and zinc.
  • Charm stones for the bearer of this name: agate, pearls, quartz (exclusively pink).
  • The day of the week that is guaranteed to be lucky: Monday (oddly enough, because for most people this day is considered unlucky), as well as Sunday.

name day: since the name is Muslim, it is not mentioned in Orthodox calendars.

Here is how Mansur does in different life situations:

  • Love. A rare Mance will turn out to be Casanova - for most bearers of this name, the creation of a family will be a completely natural end to a romantic relationship. This is a serious, reliable, sensitive and caring partner. Some girls may not like that this guy is not sentimental and does not know how to look after beautifully. He will never buy a "million scarlet roses", but a heaped-up slow cooker - easily. But partners like the fact that with Surik there is never uncertainty and reticence.
  • A family. The house for this man is a fortress in which everyone obeys the "general", that is, the owner. Because of this, conflicts are possible with a spouse or grown-up children who have a separate opinion and do not want to obey their husband / father every day. And besides, the bearer of the name is a desperate homebody. If the wife wants to go on a visit or to a concert, she should start preparing Mansa for this at least ten days before the festive event. He does not like a sharp change in the situation at home, a change in the image of his beloved.
  • Friendship. For strangers, this person puts up a wall, the “door” in which will not open until Mansur realizes that the person is really pleasant to him. In friends, it is important for him that they accept him as he is, and do not try to change him, to influence his life choice.
  • Job. Thanks to the analytical mind, this man can successfully go into science. He systematizes and analyzes large layers of data well. He will make a valuable analyst, philosopher, psychologist, researcher. But creative specialties, as well as “crisis” ones (work subject to constant risks, change of activity) are not for him.
  • Money. Mansur knows how and loves to live beautifully. Going to the opera, exquisite works of art, expensive things - all this he can afford. He is not a hoarder. Living in wealth, he generously buys expensive gifts for close friends, early begins to help his parents (or even support them). And although he will not “go over their heads” for the sake of a high salary, he will not live in poverty either.

With which woman to build a relationship, and which one will break your heart?

Excellent compatibility: Violetta, Wanda, Diana, Elvira, Emma, ​​Zhanna, Oksana, Olga, Nina, Katya, Stella, Renata, Tatyana, Julia.

Good compatibility(although not without moments that need to be worked out mutually): Galina, Victoria, Varvara, Elena, Inna, Nastya, Polina, Sarah, Tina.

To become happy with the bearer of this name, a girl or woman must be feminine. This guy loves well-groomed, beautifully dressed ladies, and of course, very neat - both in the wardrobe and at home. And besides, it should be a calm, wise, kind, gentle and gentle personality - a real keeper of the hearth.

Unsuccessful romance, marriage: Anna, Vitalina, Evgenia, Karina, Raisa, Yana.

The namesakes that made the name Mansour sound especially loud

  1. Ushurma, also known as Sheikh Ucherman or Sheikh Mansur (1760-1794) - the first Caucasian revolutionary, Islamic preacher, the first Imam (theologian, leading prayer) of the North Caucasus.
  2. Mansoor Bahrami (1956) - professional tennis player. At the competitions, he represented not only his native Iran, but also France.
  3. Mansour ibn Zayed Al Nahyan (1971) - the son of the Emir of the United Arab Emirates, a member of the ruling family, the husband of the daughter of the ruler of Dubai. He is known for becoming the owner of the Manchester City football club, the ADUG company.
  4. Amir Mansour (1972) - under this name became famous American heavyweight boxer, champion of his country in several versions. The name he received at birth is Laverne Moorer.
  5. Isaev Mansur Mustafaevich (1986) - judoka from Russia. Master of sports, Olympic champion. Born in Dagestan, lives in Chelyabinsk.

And in the end, we offer to get acquainted with another Mansur. This is the cutest bear, rescued by the airport workers and “registered” on their territory. The almost two-meter "baby" has its own video blog on YouTube. He makes touch not only children, but even adult men:

Name origin Mansour. Name Mansour Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh.

Synonyms for the name Mansour. Manzur.

Name Mansour- This is an Arabic name that translates as "one who wins", "celebrating victory", "winner". From a male name Mansour, which can also be pronounced as Manzur, the female name Mansura (Manzura) is formed.

Mansour since childhood, balanced and flexible. Parents give him an excellent upbringing, and the boy has excellent manners. In their actions Mansour often slow. The reason for this is the modesty of the boy. Growing up Mansour can become lazy and heavy on the rise. The positive side of Mansur's slowness is his patience and stubbornness.

This man is always neat and tidy. "Summer" Mansour has a light personality. He also has a good memory. In many ways, this man trusts intuition.

Any business Mansour does it without haste. If he decides something, then it will be difficult to convince him. There are always a lot of ideas in Mansur's head. He not only follows them with persistence, but also infects his friends with them. "Spring" Mansour energetic, but emotional and overly trusting. He is easily deceived. Unfortunately, a man does not learn from his mistakes at all. He takes his failures very simply, because he believes in himself and believes that mistakes can happen to anyone. By nature Mansour- Altruist.

Mansur is able to start a business from scratch and bring it to the end. By nature, this man is a materialist. To be sure of something, Mansur needs to see it.

In communication Mansour friendly, albeit stubborn. A man born in winter is often quick-tempered and stubborn. If necessary, he is ready to lie. Can be very irritable, especially if he feels he is being contradicted. Mansour very touchy, but the man does not hold evil on those around him for a long time. Mansour afraid of loneliness. He tries to be in noisy companies, to be in the thick of things.

Mansur's name day

Mansour does not celebrate name days.

Notable people named Mansoor

  • Abu Yusuf Yaqub al- Mansour((c. 1160 - 1199) the third emir of the Almohad dynasty (1184 - 1199), under which the Almohad state reached the pinnacle of its power. Having dealt with enemies in Africa, the emir led his troops north, reaching Madrid itself and defeating the Castilian king Alfonso VIII in the Battle of Alarcos (1195), in commemoration of his military successes, he took the title "al-mansur", which means "victorious". In the history of culture, al- Mansour remained as a patron of the philosopher Averroes, who lived at his court. The construction of the world's largest mosque, which he began in Rabat, ceased after the death of the ruler. Muslim historians unanimously regarded the reign of Abu Yaqub al-Mansur as the most brilliant period in the history of the Almohad Empire.)
  • sheikh Mansour Ushurma ((1765 - 1794) military, religious and political leader of the Caucasian highlanders at the end of the 18th century. One of the prominent figures in the Caucasian War of 1785-1791.)
  • Mansour, nicknamed "ustad" - "master" ((d. ​​after 1621) an Indian artist, a representative of the Mughal school, specializing in depicting animals. He began working at the court of Akbar the Great in the last years of his reign, participated in illustrating the books "Akbar-name" and "Babur-name" Under his successor Jahangir Mansour showed himself as a talented portrayer of animals, birds and flowers. The ruler, who admired Mansur's talent, awarded him the title of Nadir-ul-Asr ("wonder of the world"). The artist repeatedly accompanied Jahangir on trips and, at the direction of the monarch, sketched the flora and fauna of the areas he visited. The landscape depicted by Mansur goes back to Persian miniatures, but in its striving for naturalism, it loses many of the decorative qualities of its model. Mansour became famous for his exceptionally thorough and life-like extract of all the features of the plants and animals depicted by him. Although most of his work is unsigned, in most cases they are unmistakably attributed to characteristic features of the style. Among Mansur's works, images of exotic birds for India brought to the court of Jahangir stand apart: the turkey brought from America, the Siberian Siberian Crane and the now extinct bird dodo. The unsigned work, unanimously attributed to Mansour, is exceptionally valuable in that it is the only quality depiction of a dodo made from life. The drawing was kept for a long time in the collection of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, was rediscovered in 1958 and made a splash at the XII Congress of Ornithologists in Helsinki; now kept in the Hermitage. A crater on Mercury is named after Mansour.)
  • Mansour((d. 1427) the eldest son of Idigu, biy of the Nogai Horde since 1419. According to his father’s will, he supported the Siberian Khan from the Shibanid clan Haji Muhammad in the struggle for power in the former Golden Horde, who, with the help of the Nogais, seized power in eastern Desht, but proclaiming himself Khan of the Golden Horde, in fact, did not try to fight for the Volga region.)
  • Al- Mansour((c. 939 - 1002) real name - Muhammad ibn Abdallah ibn Abu Amir; an outstanding statesman and military leader of Muslim Spain, under whom the Cordoba Caliphate reached the pinnacle of its power. A native of the layers of the small local nobility, al- Mansour through intrigues and murders of his rivals, he was able to head the state apparatus of the Caliphate of Cordoba, and subsequently, having isolated Caliph Hisham II from governing the country, he concentrated all power in the state in his hands. 57 campaigns undertaken by him against the Christian states of the north of the Iberian Peninsula led to the establishment of the dominance of the Cordoba Caliphate in the region. The cruelty of al-Mansur towards his opponents and the success of his campaigns became the reason that he (under the name Almansor) became a character in the epic of the Christian countries of Western Europe.)
  • Abu Jafar Abdallah ibn Muhammad, known by his honorary title (laqab) - al- Mansour(One of the greatest rulers of the Arab Caliphate, who stood at the origins of the Abbasid state, the founder and builder of the largest city in the medieval world - Baghdad. Ruled in 754-775.)
  • Mansour Babakhanov ((1931 - 2012) Soviet and Tajik scientist, professor of the department of national history of the Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University, head of the Research Center for Tajiks and Persian-speaking peoples of the world at the Tajik National University)
  • Mansour Isaev ((born 1986) Russian judoka, master of sports of international class, Olympic champion in 2012 in the weight category up to 73 kg. Participant in three world championships - 2009, 2010 and 2011. In 2009 in Rotterdam Mansour won a bronze medal. At the European Championships in 2012, Isaev became the seventh. At the London Olympics on July 30, 2012 Mansour Isaev won the gold medal, defeating the Japanese Riki Nakai in the final.)
  • Mansour Rejepov ((born 1982) Turkmen weightlifter. Mansour Rejepov was born into the well-known sports dynasty of the Rejepovs. Father - Rozumbai Rejepov, two uncles Mumin and Khudaibergen - honored coaches of Turkmenistan, founders of the development of weightlifting in the Dashoguz velayat. Do weightlifting Mansour started at the age of four. Since 2004 Mansour Rejepov plays for the national team of Turkmenistan, in which he won various international competitions and participated in five world championships - in Qatar, the Dominican Republic, Thailand, Turkey and France. Participated in the 2012 Olympic Games in London.)
  • Mansour Olson ((1932 - 1998) American economist. Bachelor of Science from the University of Oklahoma; Master of Oxford; Ph.D. (1963) from Harvard University. He taught at the University of Maryland. President of the Public Choice Society (1972 -1974). The Political Economics Section of the American Political Science Association has been presenting since 1993 Olson Prize for the best dissertation in political economy.)
  • Mansour al-Tagafi ((born 1979) Saudi football player. He played as part of the main national team of Saudi Arabia from 2002 to 2005. A participant in the 2002 World Cup, however, never entered the field. Together with the team, he became the owner of the Arab Cup nations and twice the Gulf Nations Cup.)
  • Mansour Ali (statesman of Bangladesh. Was the country's prime minister in 1975. Companion of Mujibur Rahman.)
  • Mansour Khasanov ((1930 - 2010) Russian scientist and statesman, first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tatar ASSR (1984 - 1992), first president of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan (1992 - 2006))
  • Mansour Rafikov ((born 1964) commander of a separate tank battalion of the 20th Guards Motorized Rifle Division of the North Caucasian Military District, Guard Major. Hero of the Russian Federation, holder of the Order of Courage, the Order of Military Merit.)
  • Mansour Mirza-Akhmedov ((1908/1909 - 1971) Soviet and Uzbek state and party leader)
  • Mansour Ayupov ((b. 1947) rector of the Bashkir Academy of Public Administration and Administration under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan, teacher of social sciences, candidate of philosophical sciences, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Belarus. Author of more than 30 articles on regional political power, federalism, regional political system, transitional society .)
  • Mansour Abdullin ((1919 - 1996) Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the Great Patriotic War)

The name Mansur is an Arabic name, which translates as "one who wins", "celebrating victory", "winner". From the male name Mansur, which can also be pronounced as Manzur, the female name Mansur (Manzura) is formed. Semantic analogues are the names Victor and Nikita.

This name sounds very majestic. Still, after all, its meaning is truly noble! No wonder it was worn by the great Muslim sheikh. However, our contemporaries do not forget about the name Mansur, quite often naming their sons with it.

General description of the name Mansur

Arabic origin - " winning».

The character is balanced, complaisant. Enjoys universal love. Looks like a mother. He has good manners, receives an excellent upbringing and education. Modest, slow in action.

At school, he learns according to his mood. Somewhat lazy, likes to sleep longer in the morning. In the class, he is friends with all the boys and girls, he can not always get together and concentrate after the break, he is inactive in the lessons. Patient, difficult to lead astray, stubborn, usually the last child in the family. After school, he hurries home to do his homework, then he plays football and other games. He goes to the school wrestling section, and this disciplines him.

« Winter» is disposed to the disease of sinusitis, this prevents him from speaking normally, communicating with peers. Frequent illnesses make him irritable, quick-tempered. If one of the kids contradicts him, he gets offended, quits the game and leaves. Can cry for a long time. He is very neat, he will never stain his suit, he will not sit on a dirty bench, he is worried if he puts a stain.

Growing up, it becomes less irritable, more assertive and persistent. He will never quit what he has started, he is obligatory and punctual. He is purposeful, he has a lot of ideas, he is able to captivate friends, with the help of which he carries out plans. Fair and true. Does not tolerate lies, flattery.

« February» Mansur is very quick-tempered, stubborn; can lie if necessary, studies well, problems arise only with chemistry, but he tries. Sometimes he can argue with the teacher if he gets a three.

« spring» Mansur is a smart, charming boy, somewhat altruistic. He loves animals, he always keeps a dog in the house, he is very worried if his parents do not allow him to do this. Growing up, he chooses a profession related to the humanities or natural sciences: he can become a biologist, a botanist.

« Autumn» Mansour is not so painful, he is more balanced. However, he lacks perseverance when it is required to do things that are not of interest to him. It is difficult for him to focus his attention on one thing, he is always rushing somewhere, his friends are always waiting for him in the yard. Likes to play football, hockey, can become a professional athlete.

He does not study very well, but if his parents compare him with the best students, it hurts him. He needs to be helped to do his homework, to captivate with something that is not included in the school curriculum, to make his knowledge more extensive and deep. In the classroom, he is inattentive, does not learn a new topic well, he needs additional classes. However, in high school, he completely changes, is fond of mathematics, attends technical circles, he likes to design, often takes the initiative, he comes up with models himself.

« September»Studies for solid fours, tries not to miss school for no reason. At the blackboard, he answers without prompting, he always prepares for lessons very seriously, so he has good grades. Classmates love him, he is kind, unobtrusive, polite, many turn to him for advice. But he refuses to be an elder.

At the lessons he is very concentrated and attentive, it is difficult to distract him to extraneous conversations. Spends a lot of time at the computer and knows it perfectly. Likes to watch different shows. The second half of the day is more active. Very musical, poetic nature.

Adult Mansur, born in spring, is usually emotional and energetic. Always in the spotlight, in the thick of things. He cannot stand loneliness, he tries to surround himself with many friends, but he has few real friends, he chooses them himself. Somewhat gullible, it is easy to deceive. But the most interesting thing is that he does not learn from his mistakes, he can get burned on the same one several times.

« summer”, becoming an adult, has a lighter character, it is easier to relate to failures, is able to start all over again if it was not possible for the first time. Has a good memory. By nature - a materialist, does not believe anyone's word, must make sure personally.

He has a sharp sense of humor, a well-developed intuition, is well versed in the psychology of people, knows how to get along with everyone. His friends adore him, he is a success with girls. He is very sexy, knows how to charm a woman. Charming and helpful, beautifully caring for his beloved. Likes to travel, make new friends.

The nature of the name Mansur

Mansur has been balanced and accommodating since childhood. Parents give him an excellent upbringing, and the boy has excellent manners. Mansour is often slow in his actions. The reason for this is the modesty of the boy. As an adult, Mansour can become lazy and heavy on his feet. The positive side of Mansur's slowness is his patience and stubbornness.

This man is always neat and tidy. "Summer" Mansur has a light character. He also has a good memory. In many ways, this man trusts intuition.

Any business Mansour does without haste. If he decides something, then it will be difficult to convince him. There are always a lot of ideas in Mansur's head. He not only follows them with persistence, but also infects his friends with them. "Spring" Mansur is energetic, but emotional and overly trusting. He is easily deceived. Unfortunately, a man does not learn from his mistakes at all. He takes his failures very simply, because he believes in himself and believes that mistakes can happen to anyone. By nature, Mansur is an altruist.

Strengths of the name Mansour:

Developed mind, activity, fidelity to friendship, independence, giftedness, law-abidingness, rationalism.

Feels successful only in social activities. Good-natured character, outgoing. An optimist who generously shares joy and good mood with everyone. He will always lend a helping hand to the needy, even if his own affairs are far from ideal. Feels better in summer than in winter.

Weaknesses of the name Mansour:

Selfishness, demonstrativeness, isolation, hysteria, conservatism, greed.

Egocentric, raising his desires to the absolute. Cunning, knows how to imperceptibly make others work for his own good and fulfill all whims.

Health and talents named after Mansour

Interestingly, the meaning of the name Mansur can be determined by analyzing the time of year in which its owner was born. For example, if Mansur celebrates his birthday in winter, he is very touchy and vulnerable. Any comment can easily be misinterpreted and angry.

In some situations, he will not disdain to lie if it is necessary to achieve his goal. Can be lazy and lack of initiative if not interested in the assigned task. The name Mansur, born in winter, is always neat and loves order.

Always has goals or ideas that he strives to realize at any cost. " Spring» Mansour is very energetic, active, optimistic, but, unfortunately, too trusting and prone to deceit. He is afraid of loneliness, and therefore, strives for constant communication and tries to make as many friends as possible.

He usually does not learn from his mistakes and is an optimist by nature. " summer» Mansour easily experiences failures and always believes in himself. Has a wonderful sense of humor. Mansur, born in autumn, is a very kind person and is very balanced, resistant to the hardships of life.

origin of the name Mansoor

The name of a person is an integral part of the culture to which he belongs. Therefore, it is interesting for us to know what people created this or that name, in what way and when it came to the national culture, who was called by this name.

The bulk of the Turkic names are borrowed from the Arabic and Persian languages ​​along with the religion of Islam. Gradually, the former alienation of many of them was forgotten, and they began to be perceived as their own, national, representatives of various peoples. So the noble name Mansur came from the ancient Arabic language. In translation, the word "mansur" means "the winner celebrating the victory."

The name was originally given as a title, in the form al-Mansur, "the Victorious One". This title was borne by several Muslim rulers and commanders, among whom the most famous were the second caliph of the Abbasid dynasty, the founder of Baghdad, Abu Jafar, Abdallah al-Mansur (707-775) and the vizier of the Cordoba Caliphate, Muhammad ibn Abu Amir al-Mansur, who became king of Spain in 992 (939-1002). Subsequently, with the spread of Islam from Arabia to the East, the ancient meanings of the names, as well as their true meaning, were forgotten, but the names themselves were preserved.

This name is found among a variety of peoples - Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Tatars, as well as in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan. In ancient times, people believed that the name affects the future life of a person, affects his fate. Therefore, wanting to alleviate the fate of the child, to protect him from evil forces or the evil eye, parents gave their children magical or protective names, as well as names-wishes of happiness, health and wealth. So the name Mansur was supposed to become for the little successor of the family a wish for well-being, a symbol of a happy fate and a sign of great destiny.

Family and marriage for the name Mansour

Mansur in the family is a real master, a wonderful husband, a caring father and an attentive son. A gentle, economic, good-natured and decent girl becomes a wife. He gladly shares household chores in half with his other half. He loves children very much and is ready to devote all his free time to them. He takes care of their education and strives to give them a good education. Treats parents with great respect, love and care.

The owner of this name is a real family man. Having married once, he is unlikely to decide on a divorce. With his wife, he is very gentle and attentive, pampers with gifts and flowers, showers with compliments. He also loves to mess with children: play with them, educate, teach. He strives to give his children all the best: education, leisure, hobbies.

He treats his parents with the same kindness: he visits those who live with him in the same city very often, those who live far away - he tries to visit several times a year, and sometimes invites him to live with him. One can only envy the woman whose husband Mansur becomes, since marriage with this man means a strong and indestructible union.

Business and career for the name Mansour

A man named Mansur can succeed in almost any field of activity. He is most suited to professions related to technology and engineering. He will become a good programmer, driver, design engineer. He also has every chance to become an excellent athlete. All these qualities speak of leadership, which means that he can easily become a leader.

Colleagues love and respect Mansur, treat him with trust, recognize his authority. The management also does not bypass him, paying due attention, since this person treats his work responsibly and conscientiously.

Mansour is able to achieve excellent results in any field of activity. He can choose professions related to technology. He makes a good engineer, driver, programmer. In the team builds smooth and trusting relationships with colleagues. He is respected among the management team. The work is conscientious and responsible. He has the prerequisites to become a professional athlete.

Fate for the name Mansour

  • Childhood. These are quiet, obedient children. Surik often "takes" his mother's character. He can be very modest, which does not prevent him from being courteous (as he grows older) with others, deserving universal love.
  • School. With equal success, he can "catch" both the best and the worst mark - it all depends on his mood. In general, he does not like to stretch his hand in class, and in the morning he is in no hurry to go to school, preferring to lie in pillows to the last. But he is friends with the whole class - both boys and girls. In order to instill discipline in a somewhat lax boy, the father should enroll Mance in the fight. Read more:
  • Youth. The former child begins to "take shape" into a real aristocrat. Proud posture, love for beautiful garments, stylish and catchy accessories - this is what marks the young Mansour. Sometimes external brightness turns into bad taste, so in search of your own style, the bearer of this name should be very careful, and if possible, do not refuse the advice of people with a delicate taste, or at least read articles on men's fashion.
  • mature years. Most often, this man is not torn into several types of activity, but becomes an excellent specialist, having mastered a certain profession.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Mansur is a detailed description of the origin and features of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Synonyms for the name Mansur. Manzur.
origin of the name Mansoor The name Mansur is Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh.

The name Mansur is an Arabic name, which translates as "one who wins", "celebrating victory", "winner". From the male name Mansur, which can also be pronounced as Manzur, the female name Mansur (Manzura) is formed. Semantic analogues are the names Victor and Nikita.

Mansur has been balanced and accommodating since childhood. Parents give him an excellent upbringing, and the boy has excellent manners. Mansour is often slow in his actions. The reason for this is the modesty of the boy. Growing up, Mansour can become lazy and heavy on his feet. The positive side of Mansur's slowness is his patience and stubbornness.

This man is always neat and tidy. "Summer" Mansur has a light character. He also has a good memory. In many ways, this man trusts intuition.

Any business Mansour does without haste. If he decides something, then it will be difficult to convince him. There are always a lot of ideas in Mansur's head. He not only follows them with persistence, but also infects his friends with them. "Spring" Mansur is energetic, but emotional and overly trusting. He is easily deceived. Unfortunately, a man does not learn from his mistakes at all. He takes his failures very simply, because he believes in himself and believes that mistakes can happen to anyone. By nature, Mansur is an altruist.

Mansur is able to start a business from scratch and bring it to the end. By nature, this man is a materialist. To be sure of something, Mansoor needs to see it.

In communication, Mansur is friendly, albeit stubborn. A man born in winter is often quick-tempered and stubborn. If necessary, he is ready to lie. Can be very irritable, especially if he feels he is being contradicted. Mansur is very touchy, but the man does not keep the evil on those around him for a long time. Mansour is afraid of loneliness. He tries to be in noisy companies, to be in the thick of things.

Notable people named Mansoor

  • Abu Yusuf Yakub al-Mansur ((c.1160 - 1199) the third emir of the Almohad dynasty (1184 - 1199), under which the Almohad state reached the pinnacle of its power. Having dealt with enemies in Africa, the emir led his troops north, reaching Madrid itself and defeated the Castilian king Alphonse VIII at the Battle of Alarcos (1195).To commemorate his military successes, he took the title "al-mansur", which means "winner".In the history of culture, al-Mansur remained as the patron of the philosopher Averroes who lived at his court. The construction of the largest mosque in the world, which he began in Rabat, ceased after the death of the ruler.Muslim historians unanimously considered the reign of Abu Yaqub al-Mansur the most brilliant period in the history of the Almohad empire.)
  • Sheikh Mansur Ushurma ((1765 - 1794) military, religious and political leader of the Caucasian highlanders at the end of the 18th century. One of the prominent figures in the Caucasian War of 1785-1791.)
  • Mansur, nicknamed "ustad" - "master" ((d. ​​after 1621) an Indian artist, a representative of the Mughal school, specializing in depicting animals. He began working at the court of Akbar the Great in the last years of his reign, participated in illustrating the books "Akbar-name" and "Babur-name". Under his successor, Jahangir, Mansur proved himself as a talented depicter of animals, birds and flowers. The ruler, who admired Mansur's talent, awarded him the title of Nadir-ul-Asr ("wonder of the world"). The artist repeatedly accompanied Jahangir on trips and at the direction of the monarch, he sketched the flora and fauna of the areas he visited.The landscape in the image of Mansour goes back to Persian miniatures, but in his striving for naturalism loses many of the decorative qualities of his model.Mansour became famous for his exceptionally thorough and life-like extract of all the features of the plants and animals he depicted.Although most of it works are not signed, in most cases they are unmistakably attributed by characteristic persons the essence of style. Among Mansur's works, images of exotic birds for India brought to the court of Jahangir stand apart: the turkey brought from America, the Siberian Siberian Crane and the now extinct bird dodo. The unsigned work, unanimously attributed to Mansour, is exceptionally valuable in that it is the only quality depiction of a dodo made from life. The drawing was kept for a long time in the collection of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, was rediscovered in 1958 and made a splash at the XII Congress of Ornithologists in Helsinki; now kept in the Hermitage. A crater on Mercury is named after Mansour.)
  • Mansur ((died 1427) the eldest son of Idig, biy of the Nogai Horde since 1419. According to his father's will, he supported the Siberian Khan from the Shibanid clan Haji Muhammad in the struggle for power in the former Golden Horde, who, with the help of the Nogais, seized power in eastern Desht, but having proclaimed himself Khan of the Golden Horde, he actually did not try to fight for the Volga region.)
  • Al-Mansur ((c. 939 - 1002) real name - Muhammad ibn Abdallah ibn Abu Amir; an outstanding statesman and military leader of Muslim Spain, under whom the Cordoba Caliphate reached the pinnacle of its power. Coming from the layers of the small local nobility, al-Mansur through intrigues and murders of his rivals, he was able to head the state apparatus of the Caliphate of Cordoba, and subsequently, having isolated Caliph Hisham II from governing the country, to concentrate all power in the state in his hands.The 57 campaigns undertaken by him against the Christian states of the north of the Iberian Peninsula led to the establishment of the dominance of the Caliphate of Cordoba in the region. The cruelty of al-Mansur towards his opponents and the success of his campaigns became the reason that he (under the name Almansor) became a character in the epic of the Christian countries of Western Europe.)
  • Abu Jafar Abdallah ibn Muhammad, known by his honorary title (laqab) - al-Mansur (one of the greatest rulers of the Arab Caliphate, who stood at the origins of the Abbasid state, the founder and builder of the largest city in the medieval world - Baghdad. Ruled in 754-775.)
  • Mansur Babakhanov ((1931 - 2012) Soviet and Tajik scientist, professor of the department of national history of the Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University, head of the Research Center for Tajiks and Persian-speaking peoples of the world at the Tajik National University)
  • Mansur Isaev ((born 1986) Russian judoka, master of sports of international class, Olympic champion in 2012 in the weight category up to 73 kg. Participant in three world championships - 2009, 2010 and 2011. In 2009, Mansur won a bronze medal in Rotterdam. Isaev was seventh at the European Championships in 2012. At the London Olympics on July 30, 2012, Mansur Isaev won the gold medal, defeating the Japanese Riki Nakai in the final.)
  • Mansur Rejepov ((born 1982) Turkmen weightlifter. Mansur Rejepov was born in the famous sports dynasty of the Rejepovs. Father - Rozumbay Rejepov, two uncles Mumin and Khudaibergen - honored coaches of Turkmenistan, founders of the development of weightlifting in the Dashoguz velayat. Mansur began to go in for weightlifting in age four. Since 2004, Mansur Rejepov has been playing for the national team of Turkmenistan, in which he won various international competitions and participated in five world championships - in Qatar, the Dominican Republic, Thailand, Turkey and France. Participated in the 2012 Olympic Games in London.)
  • Mansur Olson ((1932 - 1998) American economist. Bachelor of the University of Oklahoma; Master of Oxford; Ph.D. (1963) Harvard University. He taught at the University of Maryland. President of the Public Choice Society (1972 -1974). The Political Economics Section of the American Political Science Association has been awarding since 1993 Olson Award for the best dissertation in political economy.)
  • Mansour al-Tagafi ((born 1979) is a Saudi footballer. He played as part of the main national team of Saudi Arabia from 2002 to 2005. A participant in the 2002 World Cup, however, never entered the field. Together with the team, he became the owner of the Cup Arab Nations and twice the Gulf Cup of Nations.)
  • Mansour Ali (statesman of Bangladesh. Was the country's prime minister in 1975. Companion of Mujibur Rahman.)
  • Mansur Khasanov ((1930 - 2010) Russian scientist and statesman, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tatar ASSR (1984 - 1992), First President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan (1992 - 2006))
  • Mansur Rafikov ((born 1964) commander of a separate tank battalion of the 20th Guards Motorized Rifle Division of the North Caucasian Military District, Major. Hero of the Russian Federation, holder of the Order of Courage, the Order of Military Merit.)
  • Mansur Mirza-Akhmedov ((1908/1909 - 1971) Soviet and Uzbek state and party leader)
  • Mansur Ayupov ((born 1947) Rector of the Bashkir Academy of Public Administration and Administration under the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan, teacher of social sciences; candidate of philosophical sciences, Honored Cultural Worker of the Republic of Belarus. Author of more than 30 articles on regional political power, federalism, regional political system, transitional society.)
  • Mansur Abdullin ((1919 - 1996) Hero of the Soviet Union, participant in the Great Patriotic War)
  • Having learned the meaning of the name Mansur, one can understand what its owner is. A free interpretation of the meaning and interpretation of the name Mansour is the "Winner Man".

    When choosing how to name a son, parents are advised to find out what the meaning of the name Mansur is for the child and whether it suits the temperament and foundations of their family. Since, naming their baby, mom and dad doom him to the behavior that carries and conveys to its owner the character of this name.

    The child, whose name is Mansur, has a calm and complaisant character. He knows how to behave in society, as he usually receives a good upbringing and knows what etiquette is.

    The boy cannot be called easy-going: he is patient, reasonable and sometimes excessively slow. He is also stubborn, although he is very friendly. Knowing this, we can conclude that the meaning of the name Mansur for a boy is nothing more than a "reasonable stubborn one."


    Mansur likes spectacular, smart and gentle girls. In a love relationship, the guy manifests himself as a passionate romantic, he knows how to beautifully look after, while remaining a true "male". The beautiful half of humanity is very attracted to this combination, which means that this man rarely suffers from loneliness.

    But, despite his male superiority, he does not like "empty" girls. His ideal is a beautiful and intelligent woman who knows how to present herself only from the best side, skillfully disguising flaws as virtues.

    A family

    The owner of this name is a real family man. Having married once, he is unlikely to decide on a divorce. With his wife, he is very gentle and attentive, pampers with gifts and flowers, showers with compliments. He also loves to mess with children: play with them, educate, teach. He strives to give his children all the best: education, leisure, hobbies.

    He treats his parents with the same kindness: he visits those who live with him in the same city very often, those who live far away - he tries to visit several times a year, and sometimes invites him to live with him. One can only envy the woman whose husband Mansur becomes, since marriage with this man means a strong and indestructible union.

    Business and career

    A man named Mansur can succeed in almost any field of activity. He is most suited to professions related to technology and engineering. He will become a good programmer, driver, design engineer. He also has every chance to become an excellent athlete. All these qualities speak of leadership, which means that he can easily become a leader.

    Colleagues love and respect Mansur, treat him with trust, recognize his authority. The management also does not bypass him, paying due attention, since this person treats his work responsibly and conscientiously.

    origin of the name Mansoor

    The secret of the name Mansur is revealed after meeting the person who wears it. Sometimes, in order to understand who is in front of you, it is enough to know the phonetic composition of the word and its meaning. The firm pronunciation of "Man" and "Sur" makes it clear that you are facing a person with strong energy, not used to losing.

    The origin of the name Mansur is a long-standing topic of debate among historians and linguists studying etymology. What they agree on is that the history of this word goes back many centuries.

    One of the first mentions of it can be noted in 712 AD. e. It belongs to the founder of the city of Baghdad and the Caliphate of Baghdad, Abu Jafar al-Mansur. The man, whose name went down in history as a talented politician and military leader, with his honorary title "al-Mansur" bestowed "birth" on the first boy Mansur.

    Characteristics of the name Mansur

    Having studied the characteristics of the name Mansur, you can see that sometimes it endows its owner with such a property of character as "a thing in itself." It may seem only at first glance and only to those people who first encountered it.

    Since this person is more of a theorist than a practitioner, he loves to study everything, learn and attach importance to the smallest details of the subject being studied, so it seems to many that he is too withdrawn into himself.

    The pros and cons are as follows:

    The undoubted advantage is the strong positive energy and the potential of the word "Mansur". The hardness of the sound of a word in any language and the power inherent in the meaning are transferred to the spirit of its bearer, making a person self-confident and resistant to trouble.

    The fact that parents very rarely call their children that in the Orthodox world can be attributed to minuses. After all, having learned his secrets, one can understand that by naming a little boy that way, they can be sure that their son will grow up to be a real Man.

    The time of the year in which he was born also has a great importance on the character of a person.

    Born in winter - quick-tempered, stubborn, rarely, but can lie. Sometimes he is irritable, but only if he is contradicted and disagrees with obvious things. But at the same time, he is a very purposeful person, able to achieve his goals.

    The one who was born in the spring is overly energetic, trusting, emotional. He is afraid of loneliness, so they start a family very early and always try to be in the center of any events. He is an altruist by nature.

    Born in summer has a very light and pleasant character. He just looks at things and does not "kill" over his failures, as he is able to start any business from scratch. By nature, he is a materialist, rarely takes a word, preferring to make sure of everything on his own.

    Those who were born in autumn are distinguished by kindness and politeness. He has a great sense of humor, is always ready to help, helping both in deed and advice. However, what they lack is perseverance - they are extroverts in life and strive to cover "everything at once and a lot."

    Mystery of the name

    • Stone - emerald, agate, glass, topaz, rock crystal, porphyry, sardonyx.
    • Name days are not celebrated in Orthodoxy.
    • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Gemini, Virgo.

    Notable people named Mansoor

    Mansur Isaev is a Russian judoka, Honored Master of Sports, Olympic champion in 2012 in the weight category up to 73 kg.

    Mansour name in different languages

    Translation of the name Mansur: منصور‎‎ manṣūr “winner” - it is of Arabic origin, comes from the verb “nsr” and translates as “help”, “grant victory”.

    • In Hindi - मंसूर (Mansūra).
    • In Chinese - 曼蘇爾 (Màn sū ěr).
    • In Japanese it is マンスール (Mansūru).
    • In English - Mansour (Mansour).

    Name Forms

    • Full name - Mansour.
    • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Mansurik, Mansurchik, Mansury, Man, Masya, Masik, Sur, Surik.
    • Name declension - declined by cases (Mansur, Mansur, etc.).
    • The church name in Orthodoxy is not, because it is Muslim.
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