KVN "autumn colors". Competitive and educational program "Golden Autumn" Team name and motto "Golden Autumn"

GOU special (correctional) general education boarding school No. 62III- IVkind


Developed by: teacher Berdnikova V.O.

teacher Salikhova N.A.


2014Target: environmental education of students. Raising love for the native land, nature. Development of creative abilities, collective creative activity. Formation of a comfortable microclimate. Development of friendly relations.

The form: competitive educational program with elements of the game.

Preparatory stage: development of the competition program, conversations on environmental topics: "Wildlife", "Taiga", "Green Pharmacy"; solving puzzles and crossword puzzles: "Animal world", "Plant world of the native land", "Birds", Inhabitants of the underwater kingdom"; riddles: “Phenomena of nature”, “Seasons”, “Vegetables and fruits”.

Learning poems about autumn. Registration of a sports ground, preparation of stations. Making crafts, drawings for the exhibition. Preparation of teams (selection of a captain, motto, emblems for participants).

Holiday "Golden Autumn" grades 1-10.

    Drawing competition on the theme "Autumn" grades 1-8;

    Competition of crafts from natural material grades 1-8;

    Competition for the best essay on the topic “I love the lush nature of withering ...” Grades 5-10;

    Competition "Journey through the stations".

Conditions of the competition:

    Team, the captain is chosen;

    Representation of teams (name, motto, emblem);

    Homework (poem about autumn).

Holiday progress:


Hello guys! Hello holiday guests! Today our event is dedicated to the most beautiful time of the year - autumn. Poems, songs, riddles will be performed at the celebration. We will go on an exciting journey, you will take part in various competitions and learn a lot about nature and the amazingly beautiful season - autumn.

The forest, like a painted tower,

Purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving

Shine in blue azure,

Like towers, Christmas trees darken,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that windows.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

During the summer it dried up from the sun,

And autumn is a quiet widow

He enters his motley tower.

Presentation of the jury (teachers and educators of the school).

Moderator: So, let's start our competitive program.

Command presentation.

The jury evaluates the homework.

The facilitator introduces the children to the stations they will travel through and reminds them of the rules of conduct and safety during the journey. Team captains receive route sheets. Teams are sent to stations.

Sadovaya station.

Competition "Great bag."

Exercise: each team member in turn takes a fruit or vegetable out of the bag with his eyes closed and names it (apple, pomegranate, orange, tangerine, onion, potato, pear, pepper, quince.

Station "Cognitive".

Competition: Surprises of a forest clearing.

Exercise: answer the questions.

Station "Crossword" (5-8 cells).

Crossword: "Taiga" (5, 6s).

Crossword: "Wildlife" (6a, 7, 8 cells).

Exercise: solve the crossword.

Fairy tale station.

Competition: "Guess the tale."

Exercise: answer questions (fairy tales in riddles).

      1. What did the Fairy make the carriage for Cinderella from? (from pumpkin);

        What grain did the cockerel choke on? (bean);

        What remedy helped Carlson from the temperature? (jam);

        What vegetable was pulled in six, but not pulled out, but pulled out in seven? (turnip);

        What was the name of the girl who slept in a nutshell? (Thumbelina);

        Why couldn't the princess sleep? (on a pea);

        What is the name of the flower that grants 7 wishes? (Flower-semitsvetik);

        What flowers did Kai and Gerda plant? (roses);

        What flower did Thumbelina come from? (tulip);

        What was the name of the boy from the fruit and garden country? (Chippolino);

        What did the prince give to the capricious princess in the fairy tale "Swineherd"? (nightingale, rose);

        Who helped the soldier to become rich in the fairy tale "Flint"? (witch);

        What bird did the Ugly Duckling dream of becoming? (swan);

        There is a tree by the seashore. What is it called? (oak);

        How many years did the old man and the old woman live near the blue sea? (30 years and 3 years);

        For what payment did Pop hire Balda as an employee? (3 clicks);

        What flowers did the stepdaughter pick in the fairy tale "Twelve Months"? (snowdrops);

        Emelya's vehicle? (Bake);

        The organ grinder who made Pinocchio? (daddy Carlo);

        What did Cinderella lose? (glass shoe).

Sports station.

Competition: "Potato harvesting".

Exercise: in a short time, as quickly as possible, collect vegetables in a bucket and do not knock down more than one skittle.

Station "Ecological".

Competition: "Environmental Issues".

Exercise: solve the problem in an ecological way.

Station "Forest".

Competition: "Who grows in the forest?"

Exercise: answer questions (about wild berries, herbs, trees).

Station "Zoological".

Competition: "These amazing animals."

Exercise: answer questions (about birds, insects.

Botanicheskaya station.

Competition: "Whose branch are the kids from?"

Exercise: each team member in turn determines (by appearance, smell, taste) the fruits of which plant are represented.

Poetic station.

Competition for the best performance of a poem about autumn.

Exercise: tell a poem about autumn.

Station "Mysterious".

Competition: "Vegetables and fruits".

Exercise: guess riddles.

Each competition at the station is evaluated:

Completed task - 1 point, not completed 0.

The points are summed up and put on the route list, the team goes to the next station. Having passed all the stations, the teams hand over the route lists to the jury, which sum up (define the winners of the place), the teams are awarded with diplomas and gifts.

Teacher of the secondary school No. 5 named after. M. Auezov, Talgar, Almaty region

Druzhbina N.I.

Representation of the Demetra team at the Autumn Ball event

(Development of team performance)

our team: "Demeter"

Our motto: "More fruits, more vegetables

Demeter is a goddess, we will serve her.”

our song: Somewhere in the world, Demeter is a goddess.

Apples, pears, plums - just do not count!

People grow them for a long time, work in the fields.

Summer gives way to autumn, everyone has been waiting for it for a long time!

Autumn brings many fruits to every home

Goddess Demeter generously gives people a harvest.

Those people are spinning the Earth, the Earth is spinning!

La-la-la-la-la-la-la, the Earth spins faster!


Here is young Demeter before you,

She is the goddess of fertility.

I came to admire the bouquets

Winter with its arrival is not terrible for people

(put trays of fruits and vegetables at Demeter's feet)


Autumn generously brings us

Vegetables and fruits.

Here to collect them only you

People, don't forget.


We rejoice no less

Berries - raspberries

And we want to dance

Of course, Kalinka.


She was in no hurry

Not cold, not talkative

Without an arrogant look for everyone,

No claim to success

Without these little antics

No imitations...

Everything is quiet, just was in it.


Enchanted for a long time

I bow to you for a reason

I'm on my knees before you

Women's beauty!

(Kneels on one knee before Demeter.)

Performance of carrots.

(The boys, dressed in black suits and white shirts, form a circle, facing inward. Inside is a carrot, dressed in an orange dress, with a leaf-shaped cap on its head made of fabric. It is not visible.

Two blows are heard, The boys at this time sit down on one knee. A beautiful carrot appears with the words):

Hey, you are up there!

I want to tell you all!

That I am a beautiful girl

I've been sitting here in a dungeon for a long time.

I have accumulated carotene

He's not the only one in me

Collected all the vitamins

Do you want A, do you want C?

Or maybe B or even PP.

I have miracle sugar

pectin substances.

I always come to you with all my heart,

I can heal, I can feed

You better not find a vegetable,

I advise you to be friends with me.

At this time, the boys lined up and talk about carrots.

(Put two Christmas trees depicting a forest).

In the distant Middle Ages, carrots were considered a delicacy of gnomes. There was a belief: if you take a cup of steamed carrots to the forest in the evening, then in the morning you will find an ingot of gold instead of carrots - after eating carrots, the gnomes will generously repay for the delicacy. (a cup with steamed carrots is placed, a “bar of gold” rises.

But this is a legend, but in reality people have been eating carrots for 4000 years.

Cultural carrots have been created for centuries. And only in the 17th century, Europeans began to breed it everywhere, and at the same time one of the best varieties was bred - carotel.

It came to the territory of our country in time immemorial, it was known in Ancient Russia, and in the 16th century, carrot juice in Russia was used to treat diseases of the heart, liver and nasopharynx.

The jury, we offer several recipes for cooking carrots

fashion show

fashion designer

And now the glamorous moment has come.

I look anxiously into our room.

It's my collection!

How will the strict jury?

Oh Lord, and here they came

(Jury enters)


And who is coming here?

Are you out of your mind spring?

She came and brought the whole village.

Not fashionable, suck!

Summer collection

Where is the relevance? Where is the charmer?

No, really, I won't give you a place!

Winter collection


Oh good people, look

She confuses everything, shaggy winter!

fashion designer:

Not! I will not give you more minutes!

Let my collection go!

Here is the fashion of autumn, look,

Representation of the team at the Autumn Ball

    Summer left behind

And autumn with a yellow hand

Color everything around in a hurry.

    Our team: Generosity

    Our motto:

Never, never be lazy

Well you live and work.

Autumn will generously reward you

And always give you everything!

4. The composition of the team is the best,

We have a bouquet of excellent students

The talents of the class are in front of you,

And this in sports has no equal!

5. If anyone asks me

I am quiet autumn

I'm melting in the fall

And I pour rain.

I follow the fog

Through fields and oak groves,

And viburnum reddens

On the bushes and mountain ash.

I am rich in fruits

I came to you guys

So that you know who is autumn,

If suddenly someone asks!

Our song:

Autumn suddenly in silence

knocked on the door,

Are you again

I believe and I don't.

A ray of sunshine, rain from clouds,

The autumn was drizzling

So many days and weeks

Where was she worn?

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, Autumn has come

And brought gifts with her

Apples, pears gave you and me,

We did not argue with fate

We worked, we always waited,

We know it wasn't in vain

All that was, was not in vain,

It was not in vain!

I came to you here

Replaced the summer

Your happiness is with me

I know this for sure.

The one who waits will take everything down,

No matter how life beats.

If only everything, this is everything

It was not in vain!

    Yes, I am autumn, friends,

And I will always come in handy for you

I will reward the harvest

I will treat everyone generously.

(Pulls fruit out of the bag of happiness)

fashion competition

Beauties went to the podium

They want to show off their outfits

Great clothes on them today,

No one else has these guys!

Extracurricular activity in 10-11 grade

KVN "Autumn colors"

Purpose: the development of general intellectual skills, to teach to master the existing amount of knowledge, applying them in non-standard situations, to develop interdisciplinary connections, actively using the knowledge gained in the study of one subject in another.

Outside the windows now is autumn ... We call it differently: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad ... But, be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of the year, this is the time of harvesting, summing up the results of field work, this is the beginning of study in school, this is preparation for a cold and long winter ... And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And folk wisdom says: "Autumn is sad, but I want to live"

Team "Listopad"

- Our motto: "Leaf fall, leaf fall, leaves are falling, we will defeat all the guys and put an end to it."

Emblem. Various colorful leaves.


leaf fall, leaf fall,

The yellow leaves are flying.

Leaves in the park and in the alley

Everything is flying, flying, flying.

But we are ready to fight.

Just don't trample us.

Team "Autumn"

Our motto: "We are the autumn guys, we will rustle the leaves, we will win the fall of leaves"

Emblem. On an autumn theme.

Song. To the motive of the group

Autumn, autumn

The leaf fell into our laps.

We will easily defeat you in one count.

Autumn, autumn

Come on, let's tell each other

Who is stronger, he will win.

  1. How long is autumn? (91 days)
  2. What is the term for warm weather in mid-autumn in Russia? (Indian summer)
  3. What universal rain remedy was invented in China? (Umbrella)
  4. Which tree is the symbol of autumn? (Maple)
  5. Which birds are considered the best weather forecasters? (Swallows, swifts)
  6. How do you say "big wind" in Chinese? (Typhoon)
  7. How does autumn end? (November)

(Each correct answer is worth one point.)

Now the lines of Russian poets will be heard, and you will name their authors.

1) Sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold ... (A.S. Pushkin)

2) Already the sky was breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less
The day was getting shorter
Forests mysterious canopy
She stripped naked with a sad noise. (A. Pushkin)

3)) Eat in the original autumn
Short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal
And radiant evenings. (F. Tyutchev)

4) The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,

Fog and damp from the water.

Wheel behind the blue mountains

The sun went down quietly. (S. Yesenin.)

Each team will be given riddles related to autumn. The jury will evaluate you by the number of guesses.

L. Came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves (Autumn).

A. He sees and does not hear, walks, wanders, prowls, whistles (Wind).

L. The beast is afraid of my branches, they won’t build nests in them, my beauty and power are in the branches, tell me quickly - who am I (Autumn).

O Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Sheet)

L Very friendly sisters, they wear red-haired berets. Autumn is brought to the forest in summer (Chanterelles).

A. They ask me and wait, but when I come, they hide (Rain).

L. Under the ground, a kublo bird twisted and laid eggs (Potato).

О There is a hat but without a head, there is a leg, but without shoes (mushroom).

L. Lumpy, puffy, and lippy, and humpbacked, and hard, and soft, and round, and brittle, and black, and white, and nice to all people. (Bread)

O. Standing in the garden: a hat from Volodya, a jacket from Andryushka, trousers from Vanyushka, boots from Timoshka, in the hands of galoshes! (Scarecrow)

L. In this smooth bronze-colored box is hidden a small oak of the next summer. (Acorn)

A. Without arms, without legs, knocking under the window, asking to come into the house. (Wind)

The “farewell beauty” of autumn has inspired many artists, and I hope it will inspire you too. Each team receives a sheet of white paper and a set of color. Using scissors and glue, you should be able to create an Autumn appliqué painting in 5 minutes. Time has gone!

1. "Cockfight"

The host calls 2 captains - these are “roosters”.

They should face each other, one hand behind their back, take one leg in the other hand and, bouncing on one leg, knock each other sideways so that the enemy stands on both legs.

2. In one minute, sort out buckwheat and peas, mixed together, into different bags.

3. Polysemantic words.

I.Introductory conversation. Lesson topic message.

We have gathered today in the club of the cheerful and resourceful. Our KVN is dedicated to the time of the year, about which A.S. Pushkin said:

Sad time.
Oh charm!

- What time of year is this? (autumn)

“Autumn is a glorious time. And today we will sum up what we know about autumn, about autumn changes in nature. And besides, we can still compete.

They say about autumn that she is a mother.
In autumn, jelly and pancakes.
Autumn is rainy, but satisfying.

- And why did people put together such sayings about autumn?

Friends, today we came
To our cheerful KVN
We brought you a smile
To smile every day.

II. Jury presentation.

As in any KVN, we have a jury.

The jury, as you can see, we have
Worthy of respect.
They had to - and more than once -
Rate the battle!

We trust the jury
we entrust the fate of the teams!

III. Appeal to the fans.

Fans are warned
That the meeting will be hot!
And we sincerely wish you
Sick without calling a doctor.

IV. Command presentation. Homework.

Teams of 3-a, 3-b, 3-c classes take part in our game. We give them the floor.

(team greeting)

  • 3-a - "Friends of Autumn"
  • 3-b - "Yellow leaves"
  • 3-in - "Chizhi"

Team "Yellow Leaves"

– Our team is called “Yellow Leaves”

- Our motto:

We are a top class team
Try to win with us!

Song. (To the motive of the song "Yellow Leaves")

We cannot live in this world / 2 p.
No loss / 2 p.
It seemed that summer would not go away / 2 p.
And now / 2 p.

And from autumn neither hide nor hide.

    We are funny guys
    And we do not like to be bored.
    With pleasure we are with you
    We will play KVN.

    Opponent teams: "Hi!"
    We wish you success, brothers!
    We have an answer for everything.
    And we are all ready to fight.

    We will not prevaricate,
    Our character is not like that.
    We will get the team
    More of your points!

    Because for this meeting
    We have been preparing for a long time!
    All: Don't get angry unless
    You are destined to lose.

    Jury and glory and honor!
    We all love accurate counting.

(Continuation of the song)

The sheet sticks to the window / 2 p.
Golden / 2 p.
Autumn showers the earth / 2 p.
Beauty / 2 p.

Yellow leaves swirl over the school,
With a quiet rustle, they lie down on 3-b.
And from the autumn neither hide nor hide,
The leaves are yellow ready to party.

Jury scores.

V. Contests.

Autumn - eight changes. What changes take place in autumn?

(children's answers)

- And it’s not for nothing that we divide autumn into early, golden, late.

1 contest. Poetic.

Tell 1 poem about autumn from the team.

Challenge for the fans:

What autumn is described in each poem? Prove it.

Jury scores.

2 competition. Migratory and wintering birds.

In autumn, changes also take place in the life of animals, birds, and insects. How do birds behave in autumn? Write migratory and wintering birds.

(at this time, 2 students tell the fans about the birds)

  1. Autumn has come and more and more often one can observe how some species of birds gather in flocks and fly away to warmer climes. Such birds, which every year move from nesting places to the wintering area and return back, are called migratory. They make up more than a third of the total number of birds.
  2. Birds fly at different times of the day. Fast flying birds can feed on the fly and travel during the day. Other birds feed and rest during the day, and fly at night. Some birds stay over the winter with us, do not fly away. In total, about 40 species of birds hibernate.

The captains read out the answers.

3 competition. Musical.

We will start the third competition,
We'll call the captains.
Captains, come
And get the job!

(choose one card with the task)

  1. Sing the 1st verse of the song "Gena the Crocodile" (Let them run awkwardly ...) like a sparrow (chirp-cheep).
  2. Sing the 1st verse of the song "Blue Wagon" like a cuckoo (cuckoo)
  3. Sing the 1st verse of the song "Chunga-Changa" like a crow (kar-kar)

- And let the jury not yawn
And gives grades.

4 competition. Crossword.

Each team receives a crossword puzzle with a picture of birds.

(At this time, a task for the audience)

Solve riddles.

    empty fields,
    the earth gets wet.
    The rain is pouring.
    When does it happen?
    (in autumn)

    There was a child
    didn't know diapers
    Became an old man
    a hundred diapers on it.

    What without pain and sadness brings to tears?

    Sitting in the ground
    tail looks up
    Sugar can be extracted from it,
    Cook delicious borscht.

    The clouds are catching up
    Howls, blows.
    Roaring around the world.
    Sings and whistles. (wind)

Teams read their answers.

Jury scores.

5 competition. Plants.

Each team receives a herbarium of plant leaves.

- Find out what kind of plants they are. (linden, birch, mountain ash, maple, oak, pine)

Story for viewers.

In the second half of September, the color of maple, linden, oak, and birch leaves changes. From the end of the first decade, linden and elm leaves are dropped; thinning crowns of hawthorn, maple, bird cherry, aspen, ash. Linden and poplar begin leaf fall from below; elm, hazel, ash - from above. Mass fall of leaves - leaf fall - falls on October.

Jury scores.

6 competition. Continuation of the poem.

    The swallows are gone

    Forest, like a painted tower,

    Sad time, eyes charm

Story for viewers.

  1. In the old days, autumn was met three times:
    1. On Semyon-Day, September 14 is the day of memory of Simeon the Stylite - Seeds of the Pilot.
    2. On the Nativity of the Virgin (September 21) - a holiday of women and women's work.
    3. On the day of Theodora 24 September.
  2. In autumn, Indian summer is distinguished, which begins on August 28 and lasts until September 21. Tyutchev wrote about him:

"There are in the autumn of the original
short but wonderful time.
The whole day stands as if crystal
And radiant evenings ... "

Jury scores.

7 competition. Puzzles.

    I bring the harvest, I sow the fields again,
    I send birds to the south, I undress the trees,
    But I don’t touch the pines and fir trees, I ... (autumn)

    In the morning we go to the yard -
    Leaves fall like rain.
    Rustle underfoot
    And fly, fly, fly. (autumn)

    The days got shorter
    The nights got longer.
    Who's to say, who knows
    When does it happen? (in autumn)

    Who hits the roof all night
    Yes, it knocks
    And mumbles and sings
    lulls? (rain)

    The cold scares them so much
    Fly to warm countries.
    Can't sing, have fun
    Everyone gathered in flocks ... (birds)

    August comes after
    Dances with leaf fall.
    And he is rich in harvest.
    Of course we know him! (September)

    Redhead Egorka
    fell into the lake.
    Didn't drown myself
    and did not stir up the water. (Autumn leaf)

    Large, fractionally frequent.
    And the whole earth got wet. (rain)

    Walked lanky,
    got stuck in the cheese. (rain)

VI. Summarizing.

Well done boys. We have seen that you know nature well and are friends with it.

Now let's all sing the song "Leaves are falling" together.

VII. Team awards.

We all played together
Songs were sung and answered.
And now it's time for us to sum up,
To reward the best team as soon as possible.

(The jury announces the results of KVN)


"Friends of the Birds" "Yellow leaves" "Chizhi"
Command presentation.
1 contest. poetic
2 competition. Migratory and wintering birds
3 competition. Musical
4 competition. Crossword
5 competition. Plants
6 competition. Continuation of the poem
7 competition. Puzzles
  • 1 place - team____________________
  • 2nd place - team ____________________
  • 3rd place - team____________________

Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
For the excitement of competition
Ensuring success.
Now it's time to say goodbye.
Our speech will be short.
We say: "Goodbye,
Until we meet again!

Orphaned coffee on the stove...
And outside the window it's raining, it's windy and so on...
And autumn is a hymn to faded beauty
Ile leaving ... In the sign of the ellipsis

So beautiful it took your breath away.
Its colors cannot be conveyed by paints.
The leaves rustle, delighting my ears.
A graceful face can only be hidden by masks.

It is given to hide this beauty -
And my heart sank from the loss.
It's still September, the fire is still burning.
But on the threshold are northern matchmakers.

With mirrored gifts, like ice.
Their gemstones are a little deceiving.
And autumn ... Autumn is waiting for something.
Her poems with sadness ... Even strange.

Don't cry, beauty! Still give life
Beautiful days of greatness and idleness.
Do not worry. And hold on to the sheet.
Your motto is bright: Diversity.


Olga, You have wonderful poems about autumn!

At first autumn was green
With barely noticeable yellowness,
Then she decorated her outfit with maples
And became pink and gold.

Best regards and best wishes,

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