Methodological development on the topic: Musical ring. Television program "Musical Ring" - the history of the emergence and development of NTV musical ring

Transfer "Musical ring". The authors of the program are Vladimir and Tamara Maksimov.

"Musical Ring" was invented in 1983 as a heading for the television program "Horizon" popular at that time on Leningrad TV. But soon Ring became cramped within the heading and the program became an independent and very successful musical television show of the 80s. And on November 10, 1986, "Musical Ring" goes out to the entire Union from the Leningrad television studio. program guest Valery Leontiev, presenter Tamara Maksimova with her famous synthesizer. But the audience naturally did not expect Leontiev, who was enough on Soviet television and the "Musical Ring" invited Soviet rock groups that were fashionable at that time - "Aquarium", "Bravo", "TV", "Secret", "Sounds of Mu", " Center, Alisa.

Program "A"

Program "A" - a Soviet and Russian musical program that aired on the First Program of the Central Television, on the channels of RTR and TV Center; presenter Sergei Antipov. It specialized, first of all, in unusual and promising musical phenomena, alternative and non-commercial music, Russian rock. The editors defined the concept of their program as "Music for the smart." Program "A" first aired on February 5, 1989, during the era of Perestroika, and reached its peak of popularity in the mid-1990s, airing on the RTR channel. Then the program featured numerous Russian artists and rock bands. According to journalists, Program A was the stronghold and bunker of the rock generation on Central Television, and the creators of the program gravitated towards hard and uncompromising rock. The editors of the program invited only those groups that were of interest to them to live concerts, and categorically refused to take money from the musicians (and, accordingly, show commercial musicians for money).

What? Where? When?

Game "What? Where? When?" has always been one of the most beloved and long-awaited TV shows on Soviet television. This intellectual TV game first appeared on the air on September 4, 1975. This day is considered the birthday of the program. Its creators are Vladimir Voroshilov and Natalia Stetsenko. Vladimir Voroshilov was the host. But in the beginning, the game was played according to rules similar to the modern game of Lucky Chance. In 1976, the format of the game changed a lot, the game became a "television youth club". And in the first release of the updated game, Alexander Maslyakov was the host. The first players in the new format of the game were students of Moscow State University, a minute for reflection was not introduced: the player, on whom the spinning top "pointed" with an arrow, answered without hesitation. This format of the game was maintained until the end of 1977. And on December 24, new innovations appeared: the spinning top began to point to the questions of viewers contained in the letters; the famous "minute of discussion" appeared.

Brain-Ring is a television version of the game invented by the Odessa club of intellectual games "Erudite". The first issue came out in 1989. The idea of ​​implementing "Brain-Ring" on TV was born by Vladimir Voroshilov back in 1980, but he was able to break through it only after almost 10 years. Voroshilov himself conducted the first few episodes, but later, due to his lack of free time, the role of the host was transferred to Boris Kryuk, who could not appear on the set, and Andrei Kozlov became the host. Each issue of "Brain-Ring" consisted of several fights. A battle is a separate battle that was held until one of the teams scored a certain number of points. In each battle, 2 teams of 6 people took part: one sat at the red table, the other at the green one.

In 1974, with the broadcast of the program 9 studio, the system of the most prestigious Soviet journalism - international - was formed. The program is hosted by a political observer, Professor Valentin Zorin. He is considered the main TV anti-Americanist.

Music project NTV is an uncompromising musical competition, where each participant will have to show all the strength and power of his talent.

History reference:

The Musical Ring on NTV program has a prototype: in 1980, the Musical Ring program appeared on Soviet TV. In 1990 it was closed, resurrecting again only in 1997. "Musical Ring" existed on the RTR channel until 1999.

Once a week for "Musical Ring NTV" two popular artists or groups compete. Their main weapon is vocals, because star rivals will only have to sing live.

Two people will lead the project according to all the rules of a real ring: the legendary actor, the favorite of millions, the People's Artist of Russia Mikhail Boyarsky and popular showman, musician, TV presenter Timur Rodriguez.

During several rounds, the participants will not only compete in the ability to sing without a phonogram, but also perform the most unexpected musical tasks. Masterfully perform cover versions of each other's songs or a popular hit, sing a composition in English or try to hold the audience only with the power of your voice - without the help of instruments - the participants must be ready for the most daring experiments!

However, the tests for the stars will not be limited to one music competition. In between rounds, they will have to honestly and frankly answer the sharp, tricky, and sometimes uncomfortable questions of the legendary "sharks of the pen", among which Sergey Sosedov, Alexey Ostudin, Mikhail Margolis and Artur Gasparyan.

True, not only participants, but also spectators should be ready for surprises. They are expected in every issue premieres of new songs and frank confessions from your favorite performers.

The project will take part Valeria, Leonid Agutin, Anzhelika Varum, Igor Krutoy, Igor Nikolaev, Mirage, Na-Na” and many, many others. However, the creators promise that not only recognized stars will compete, but also novice artists, as well as representatives of the creative underground, so that not a single new musical battle will turn out to be similar to the previous ones.

First on "Musical Ring NTV" will come out sparkling Lolita and inimitable Sergey Penkin. The battle promises to be hot, but who will be the winner? It will be chosen by the audience by voting!

Mikhail Boyarsky, project leader:

I have taken part in TV projects before - I was a member of the jury, an entertainer, but this is my first time as a presenter, and for me this is certainly an exciting moment. Of course, I was pleased to go on the same stage with the most talented musicians: Igor Krutoy, Leonid Agutin, Anzhelika Varum and others.

Battle one: Lolita vs. Penkin.

    - "Musical Ring" Soviet and Russian musical TV show. It aired in the 1980s, was closed in 1990 and briefly revived after an almost eight-year break in 1997 on RTR, in 1999 it was closed again. Presenter: ... ... Wikipedia

    Music Express with Sergey Lazarev is a program that tells everything about music. The program covers the latest music news for the week, broadcasts music videos, and also talks about the ups and downs in music ... ... Wikipedia

    Sports tournament in the brain ring. Ukraine, Lviv, club "Picasso". Brain ring is a game between two (or more) teams in response to questions. The idea of ​​the game of two teams belongs to Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov and expressed by him in the book "The Phenomenon of the Game". First ... Wikipedia

    Brain Ring Genre Television game Presenter Elizaveta Arzamasova, Andrey Kozlov, MC Bely. Country of origin ... Wikipedia

    This section is missing references to information sources. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and removed. You can ... Wikipedia

    Zhanna Aguzarova ... Wikipedia

    Channel 5 JSC "Teleradiocompany Petersburg Channel 5" Country ... Wikipedia

    Main article: Valery Yakovlevich Leontiev

The program "Musical Ring" is one of the few musical and entertainment programs belonging to two eras. Soviet viewers had the opportunity to admire her from 1984 to 1990, Russian viewers from 1997 to 2001.

The "Musical Ring" is a place where the artists invited to the studio, after their performances, "fought off" the questions of the audience present. The scene was designed accordingly - in the form of a boxing ring. Many programs featured two performers. There was a sort of duel between the stars, both among themselves and with the audience in the studio. The winner was chosen by viewers who called the television on the phone numbers named by the presenter. They evaluated both musical numbers and the ability to fend off sometimes tricky questions.
In the Soviet period, the transmission can be characterized rather as open-educational. For 1984, this was nonsense - a wide audience got acquainted with Soviet rock music and its prominent representatives! It turns out that we had such a direction, and quite interesting.
Thanks to the idea of ​​Vladimir and Tamara Maksimov, the country recognized Boris Grebenshchikov and his Aquarium group, the Bravo group with the extravagant Zhanna Aguzarova, Sounds of MU, Secret, and many, many others.
Everything was interesting in the program - the design, the script, and the host's manners. But most of all, it attracted the fact that pop stars on the program opened in a completely new way. Carefree merry fellows on the stage turned into erudite and witty interlocutors. A sense of respect was added to the love and adoration from the fans. Or vice versa (it was, unfortunately, and such).
The transfer became a sensation in the second half of the 80s. How could she surprise in 1997, when she went on the air again after a seven-year break? How did you want to attract the viewer, seemingly oversaturated with all sorts of information, including music?
Then, in the late 90s, many even had some fear - whether the returned program would deteriorate, whether it would betray its principles, honest and open.
I would like to pay tribute to the authors of the program. Not only did they not undermine confidence, but they returned on time. After the first programs, the audience realized that they missed their national heroes after so many years of being loaded with Western television standards.
In 1997, the transmission format did not change. Everything was also focused on the competitive moment, all the stars also fought for the viewer's sympathy. All the same, the program was a "mirror of the sinful" for the stars of show business.
What was new and interesting in the renewed broadcasts? The appearance of the heroes of the 90s was new, and the most interesting was the “fights” of stars of different generations. The audience of the program was very diverse in age, so the chances of the participants in the duel were equal. What the authors were counting on, so as not to offend the artists. There was only one winner, but the difference in votes was not significant.
There were many exciting shows. In one, for example, the audience could give preference to Leontiev of the 80s or Leontiev of the 90s, in others, they evaluated the family artistic couples Agutin - Varum, Milyavskaya - Tsekalo. In the third, performers of different musical directions were "tried". Each episode had its own highlight.
The programs of one performer were also attractive. These were mega stars, all the airtime was devoted to communicating with them. Iosif Kobzon, Alexander Rosenbaum, Renat Ibragimov - well, who could compete with them! And how many funny and curious cases there were! Suffice it to recall the program with Masha Rasputina and Oleg Gazmanov. What can I say, each program is a separate story, which can be told endlessly.
It is unfortunate that in 2001 the program was closed for reasons unknown to the viewer. Today, there is clearly a lack of kind and frank dialogue at the Musical Ring, from which everyone benefited - both the stars and their fans.

Absolutely everyone heard about the “Musical Ring” program, even those who “walked under the table” during the years of its release. In fact, it was the most popular musical program, which first aired on Leningrad television on November 1, 1986.

The idea of ​​creating the program belonged to Vladimir and Tamara Maksimov. "Musical Ring" began to appear on TV screens back in 1983, as one of the headings of the Horizon program.

The program "Musical Ring" consisted of two parts. In the first part, invited performers performed with their compositions. In the second part, viewers and guests in the studio asked questions to the guest star. To the questions asked, it was necessary not only to make an interesting joke, but also to beautifully get out of the situation when the question was asked with a certain trick. Despite the fact that the questions of the viewers passed through the hands of the editors and were carefully selected, the questions that were suppressed in the studio were not censored, and there were “honored guests” among the viewers. By the way, that is why the program was called "Musical Ring", and the studio where the shooting took place was designed in the form of a ring. Two participants were always invited to the ring, they were either teams or single performers. The winner of the musical program was determined by the number of votes that "came" to the studio by two phone numbers. The winner was determined by the largest number of phone calls addressed to him.

The first host of the program was its creator Tamara Maksimova. Later, her daughter Anastasia joined her. The first guest of the program was Valery Leontiev.

In 1987, Tamara Maksimova received a reprimand from the leadership for congratulating the people of the country on Christmas on the air.

The program ran until 1990. It was relaunched in 1997. The program was released first on Channel Five, and then on RTR. The Musical Ring was closed in 2001.

Thanks to the Musical Ring, the whole country learned about Boris Grebenshchikov, Andrei Makarevich, Zhanna Aguzarova, as well as the groups Bravo, Aquarium, Secret, Alisa, Time Machine, bard Alexander Rosenbaum. Alla Pugacheva took part in one of the programs. The last programs that aired in 1999 were attended by: Irina Otieva and Soso Pavliashvili, Irina Saltykova and Viktor Saltykov, Ilya Reznik, Iosif Kobzon, Nikolai Noskov and Alexander Marshal, "Na-Na", "Inveterate scammers", Alexey Glyzin, Renat Ibragimov, Lyceum, Mikhail Krug and Sergei Trofimov, young opera soloists of the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater and the Mariinsky Opera and Ballet Theatre.

In 1999, the KVN team "New Armenians" in the ¼ finals of the game in their music competition presented a parody of the "Musical Ring" program.

In 2000, in honor of the 15th anniversary of the Musical Ring program, a big gaga concert was held.

In 2010, the NTV channel released the Musical Ring program of the same name, which had nothing to do with the Soviet program. This fact did not hide from the owner of the Musical Ring brand, who later accused the channel of plagiarism and copyright infringement.

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