Congratulations on getting a job. Wishes to a colleague at a new job in prose

Congratulations on your new job!
And I want to show myself
So that he could in this harsh life
You pave the way to success!
Let them appreciate you according to your merits,
Let there be no obstacles in your career!
Let out new colleagues be your friend
Everyone will be happy to call you!

You are in a new place today
You are extremely happy today
And we are happy to be with you
And guessing at random
Wish you something, advise
So that it is easy for you at work,
So that you don't have to complain
Here is our congratulations for that.

Now you've washed up on the shore.
Today is the first time for you
Why did you come into this world
Write in the work book.
Write and stamp
That this is the way it is.
And they will give a table, and they will get a chair,
And they will say: "Your place is here."
You are both happy and scared
And the head is spinning.
But these feelings will evaporate -
Not in a day, so in two.
Work days will begin.
Now - plow, plow, plow ...
The boss will get wise -
It won't be stressful.
But it will be a dream very soon
How labor excitement subsides,
Once a disgusting school
Or even kindergarten.

Congratulations! You managed
Despite the crisis in the world,
Aim accurately
Fate-mistress in the dash!
Grand prize for you
The new work has become -
Show yourself now
After all, there are many abilities!

Finding yourself is hard work!
After all, went through the options do not count.
But now, there is such a job,
What only praise to you for that, and honor!
You found your soul an island,
interests and finances.
I am writing to you now congratulations!
We just have to wait for the advance.

Let the new work bring you joy
Your new salary will pleasantly surprise you
New duties will not be a burden,
And let your new boss look kindly.
May the team welcome you very warmly,
And you will quickly find new friends there,
Your mind, and the new boss will notice the initiative,
You will climb the career ladder with confidence.

Don't let freshness scare you at all.
Again, there is room for talent to unfold.
Colleagues new in business will learn about you.
We wish you to plunge into it with your head.
Then there will be no nostalgia for the past.
But don't forget the teachers
What have you recently been instructed on projects,
And there were many fruitful days.
Everything in a new place is a breath of air,
After all, you need to develop, not stand still.
Accept this melodious congratulations
From those who know that work is a matter of honor.

Change brings happiness to all of us.
Vacation, car and found treasure -
All this life will undoubtedly decorate,
Anyone will be happy with new achievements.
We congratulate you on your new job!
Let the money always flow like a river!
Let your work become a pleasant concern,
At least sometimes I dream of peace.

You, my friend, are lucky -
When a crisis rages in the country,
You found a job
And we were all surprised.
Now hold on, don't fall behind
And do not oversleep suddenly inadvertently.
Don't forget - everything is monitored
Head with a vigilant eye.
Let your talent be appreciated
And you will get what you deserve
Rewards and money starfall!
But don't forget - you were our friend!

Let change be difficult for someone
But never be discouraged!
Congratulate on the long-awaited work
We want, and in addition wish
Salaries like the Eiffel Tower
Chief - kinder than Santa Claus,
Career takeoff - inconceivably brave
And a huge whole cart of prizes!

Let your career start with luck!
Easy and joyful life!
Rewards and profits will fill your pockets!
After all, more than once we will raise our glasses,
For the hands of workers, talent, creation,
The work you need - even more, would be - a vocation!

Let it accompanies
On the stretch
Knowing no defeat
Go the road of victories!

How nice of you to change jobs again!
Now you'll wake up earlier
And transport will also suddenly become a concern -
After all, it takes longer to get to the place of service;
This is life! You, managing it,
I chose the most difficult of all methods ...
I congratulate you on your new place
But do not change it for at least a year!

Wish at work in your own words Here are a few examples of how it might look: “Our dear friend, you have reached the heights you aspired to. On this significant day for you, we want to wish you an excellent salary, good relations with your superiors and success in your work. Now you will have a new team, may there never be quarrels and misunderstandings in it. We wish that, despite your workload, you always have time for a pleasant rest ”Congratulations on the promotion can also be presented in the form of a small verse: Let you live well, Let there be everything, health and success; And whatever you do, let it be possible right away, So that there are no serious cases and up to joys.

Congratulations on your new work in prose

Today we will see you off, we are on a good journey, We are the only ones to plow here now, But do not forget us! Come to visit more often -For tea and just like that! We wish you to find more new benefits! A wish to a colleague upon dismissal in prose It is always a pity to part, and especially with good people. You leave and we stay. You leave not because it's bad here, but because there, ahead, it will be even better.

Let in life you meet only good people who will help, appreciate, teach. Let your ambitions help you move forward, and daring dreams turn into reality, giving way to new desires.

Good luck in all your endeavors. Well, it's time to raise the sails and embark on a new voyage! It may not be easy to leave everything you are used to and those with whom you worked side by side, but changes are always for the better, you have to believe in it. Fate will surely respond and present a surprise that I could not even dream of.

Congratulations on a new job in prose 2018, how to congratulate online

New Year's wishes to a colleague in prose "The long-awaited New Year's holiday is in a hurry to us, and on the eve of its arrival, let me say a few nice words to you, my dear colleague! Let joy come in your daily life and a smile multiply! And let sorrows go away along with the passing year! Corporate New Year greetings in prose The upcoming New Year should give us the unity of our thoughts so that we could all achieve the most important goals together, strive for the best, develop our company, aim only at a positive result, and at the same time remain healthy and happy and loved ones! I wish you a birthday, my wonderful colleague, so that you go to work with incredible pleasure, because your best friends will be waiting for you there.

Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job in prose and poetry

We wish you only fun, excellent mood, creativity and activeness, and, of course, positive! On your birthday, colleague, we wish this holiday to be a bonfire. So that all problems burn out in it, So that joys are born in it. Congratulations, we wish to sparkle, And, as before, intoxicate without wine. -bird, Our colleague is strong in this. We wish you to continue to glow, Lighting up the world with smiles. Since you have become our colleague, So let's start this feast! We are very pleased to congratulate you! We want to wish you on this holiday, So that the energy of life beats with a key, Any work was nothing, As in a fairy tale, everything that you wanted was fulfilled, And it would be sweet to live and sing merrily! Congratulations on your new job, new beginnings and new successes. I wish you a successful runway, positive results and high achievements in your work, creative ideas and brilliant thoughts, constant inspiration and unquenchable enthusiasm.

Wish at work in your own words

A promotion is always an exciting and pleasant event. We wish that your worries were only pleasant, the work brought a stable income and moral satisfaction! We wish you success in your professional field everywhere.

May all creative ideas always be successfully implemented and appreciated by the authorities. So that colleagues respect and listen to your opinion.

With promotion! Sincere congratulations on your promotion. We wish you enthusiasm and inspiration. Develop creatively and never get upset over trifles! We sincerely congratulate you on this joyful event.


Thanks to your persistent patience and impeccable work, you have become one step higher. We wish that with the promotion of your position, your faith in yourself will grow, working conditions will improve, and your salary will reach unprecedented heights.

Congratulations on promotion in prose

I wish you creative success, high quality of your products, successful prosperity in the business world. May luck always accompany you in all your affairs, and may there be many good events in your personal life.
Colleague, happy birthday! On this wonderful day, an amazing woman was born: charming, fragile and tender. However, in your heart you are a real tigress, ready to defend your rights and defend your interests.

You have no equal in the field of business and economics. Only you are able to convey to the audience all the prospects, goals and results. You combine excellent professional qualities and very feminine data.

You can always rely on. You are perfection, dear colleague! It is a great fortune to work with you! Beautiful birthday greetings to a woman colleague in prose. You illuminate our entire team with your beauty and femininity.

Congratulations on the new job are cool

Dismissal is not a problem, but a big change, Guiding star, let him lead boldly through life. There will be a new job, interesting, cool. And with a huge salary, so that you can relax in Hawaii. There will be good bosses and will appreciate what they deserve And they will be more likely to advance up the career ladder. In general, like this: you shouldn’t be sad, you need to keep your nose up, Soon we will noisily congratulate you on your new job.

Are you leaving colleague? Well, a tablecloth path! After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “The road to dinner is a spoon.” It can be seen somewhere that they have looked after a decent place? Don’t be angry, this is a joke. We sincerely wish you a Peaceful Sky, health and, of course, good luck, a fighting mood and great love in addition. To live and work with enthusiasm, inspiration. You, colleague, can do everything, even the sea is knee-deep.

But we sincerely believe that, despite this, you will not forget us! During this time, you have become a part of us all!” Wishes in verse Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job can also be presented in the form of a small verse. Let there be many clear days in life, A time of long-term success begins, And vigorous health, which is more important, Than the search for meaningless tasks, So that you can boast of constancy, And let life always give what you cheerfully call happiness, And from what your heart is so Good! Wishes to a colleague when moving to another job can also be presented in the form of short wishes: Huge salary, Pleasant work, More clients, Understanding bosses, Cheerful team, Successful projects, Interesting business trips.

Wishes to a colleague at a new job in prose

It is not a pity to part, but we must hope and believe that the best is ahead: new prospects, friendly team, successes, discoveries. In other words, the beginning of a new interesting life. Letting changes into your life, Sometimes it’s not easy sometimes, But always be brave in life, And fate will smile again! We, your colleagues, part with you with regret. You have been a model of diligence and honor for us. Thank you for your kindness, sympathetic heart and willingness to help fellow workers. Many thanks to you from the whole team! We dedicate a few lines of poetry to you: Our friendly team expresses its gratitude to you. Colleague, with the dismissal! Having decided to take this step, do not regret what you have done. Strive exclusively for the best and remember us.

I congratulate you on your new job and from the bottom of my heart I wish to feel like a sought-after and accomplished specialist in my field, I wish to love this work and give 100 percent in every business, I wish to be on the same wave of purposefulness with my colleagues and always receive far immodest rewards for all my efforts. Good luck and good ideas! Congratulations on your new job, new beginnings, new plans, new aspirations, new opportunities.

Let it be easy and fun to work, let every effort bear fruit, let your activity provide you with a high status, prestige, success and prosperity. Congratulations on your new status, new achievement, new job.

I want to wish you an inexhaustible flow of creative ideas and wonderful ideas, high enthusiasm and brave optimism, good health and brilliant prospects, great mood and good colleagues.

Wishing a colleague at a new job in prose

The main thing is not to regret anything and move only forward, towards new horizons! Dear colleague, today you are leaving our team. We are eternally grateful to you for your labor contribution to our common cause.


You will leave a good memory of yourself in our hearts. We wish you good health, peace and prosperity in your home, success in business. May your every day be fruitful, full of pleasant events.

Greet and see him off with a grateful smile. Live long in love and happiness! Colleague! Let your dismissal be the starting point on the path to new dreams come true. We wish you unsurpassed success, real prosperity, amazing benefits! Wishes to a resigning colleague in your own words You are going to leave. We are sorry to let you go, but we have no right to keep you. May all the best await you ahead. Know that we are always glad to see and hear from you.

Congratulations on the New Job in verse

Congratulations on your new job!
And I want to show myself
So that he could in this harsh life
You pave the way to success!
Let them appreciate you according to your merits,
Let there be no obstacles in your career!
Let out new colleagues be your friend
Everyone will be happy to call you!

You are extremely happy today
And we are happy to be with you
And guessing at random
Wish you something, advise
So that it is easy for you at work,
Here is our congratulations for that.

Now you've washed up on the shore.
Today is the first time for you
Why did you come into this world
Write in the work book.
Write and stamp
That this is the way it is.
And they will give a table, and they will get a chair,
And they will say: "Your place is here."
You are both happy and scared
And the head is spinning.
But these feelings will evaporate -
Not in a day, so in two.
Work days will begin.
Now - plow, plow, plow ...
The boss will get wise -
It won't be stressful.
But it will be a dream very soon
How labor excitement subsides,
Once a disgusting school
Or even kindergarten.

Congratulations! You managed
Despite the crisis in the world,
Aim accurately
Fate-mistress in the dash!
Grand prize for you
The new work has become -
Show yourself now
After all, there are many abilities!

Finding yourself is hard work!
After all, went through the options do not count.
But now, there is such a job,
What only praise to you for that, and honor!
You found your soul an island,
interests and finances.
I am writing to you now congratulations!
We just have to wait for the advance.

Let the new work bring you joy
Your new salary will pleasantly surprise you
New duties will not be a burden,
And let your new boss look kindly.
May the team welcome you very warmly,
And you will quickly find new friends there,
Your mind, and the new boss will notice the initiative,
You will climb the career ladder with confidence.

Don't let freshness scare you at all.
Again, there is room for talent to unfold.
Colleagues new in business will learn about you.
We wish you to plunge into it with your head.
Then there will be no nostalgia for the past.
But don't forget the teachers
What have you recently been instructed on projects,
And there were many fruitful days.
Everything in a new place is a breath of air,
After all, you need to develop, not stand still.
Accept this melodious congratulations
From those who know that work is a matter of honor.

Change brings happiness to all of us.
Vacation, car and found treasure -
All this life will undoubtedly decorate,
Anyone will be happy with new achievements.
We congratulate you on your new job!
Let the money always flow like a river!
Let your work become a pleasant concern,
At least sometimes I dream of peace.

You, my friend, are lucky -
When a crisis rages in the country,
You found a job
And we were all surprised.
Now hold on, don't fall behind
And do not oversleep suddenly inadvertently.
Don't forget - everything is monitored
Head with a vigilant eye.
Let your talent be appreciated
And you will get what you deserve
Rewards and money starfall!
But don't forget - you were our friend!

Let change be difficult for someone
But never be discouraged!
Congratulate on the long-awaited work
We want, and in addition wish
Salaries like the Eiffel Tower
Chief - kinder than Santa Claus,
Career takeoff - inconceivably brave
And a huge whole cart of prizes!

Easy and joyful life!

Let it accompanies
On the stretch
Knowing no defeat
Go the road of victories!

How nice of you to change jobs again!
Now you'll wake up earlier
And transport will also suddenly become a concern -
After all, it takes longer to get to the place of service;
This is life! You, managing it,
I chose the most difficult of all methods ...
I congratulate you on your new place
But do not change it for at least a year!

In the team of the new you
We congratulate now!
And we wish you well
And warmth!
For work - inspiration,
For employees - patience,
Believe me, we are a family
And now we are all friends!
Be always cheerful
For communication - generous!
Congratulatory verse -
This is the best greeting!

Today you got a new job
And he got a good job!
Let the weather be beautiful in the team,
So that you successfully solve more than one question!
Colleagues become new friends
Companions cool in everything!
Worthy are you on the path,
And let life be better every day!

Let the humor never leave you
Let the positive charge you
After all, I heartily congratulate
Don't frown now.
Let work quickly argue
Flies like an ordinary day
Let the boss care
Will overcome your laziness quickly.
Let money flow to you like a river,
Never missing
And only change for the better
You will always have a job.

Friend, you are just great!
All the same in his attempt to hundredth
You finally got
Good place to work!
How many days have I been looking for her
How many bypassed the companies.
But not in vain waited so long -
Worth the search!

We sincerely wish you

With a new job, my friend, congratulations -
I wish you new experiences.
New paper and non-cash,
Let everything be great at work!
Let that work please you
With its meaning and the ringing of the ruble.
So that you can implement your plans -
It has become for you to live happier!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
With the fact that you have her -
Not spring, not prison, not wife.
But her movements are good
To the acquisition of bright fruits.
If you are ready to go along the road,
You will gain freedom and life.
So - boldly forward, do not grieve.
This path, where labor is the measure of everything,
Don't rush to let go.
We would make the road, loving.
And then we'll get some rest.

Other horizons are waiting for you!
Prospects light up like a beacon!
Congratulations on your new job!
And we want your expectations to come true!
Wish you rarely visited
You and tension, and stress,
And at work this attracted
Prosperity, respect, interest!

Congratulations on your new job
We wish to earn many friends
May the road be clear to you everywhere,
What would you have grown to a big post,
What would work be a joy,
And you didn't have to change
Just lots and lots of money
Managed to earn
congratulations on the job,
Congratulations will bring you.

And, really, it's cool that in the morning,
You have a new job!
Colleagues are new, the boss is not like that,
And the rhythm of life is still different!
Salary, I hope, is high?!
You must sign up then!
There are career opportunities too.
Well, well, praise and honor to you!
Me too just the way you want
New job, good luck streak!
I wish you only victories
Good luck, joy and fulfilled hopes!

Let your career start with luck!
Easy and joyful life!
Rewards and profits will fill your pockets!
After all, more than once we will raise our glasses,
For the hands of workers, talent, creation,
The work you need - even more, would be - a vocation!

Life is a swift bird
The work is new, like a new page;
Useful experience of previous achievements -
It is logical to wait for career improvements.
We wish you in a team - friendly, new,
Work intelligently and creatively.
Like a Pro with a capital "P"
Bring the company commercial success!

With a new job
How about a new life
Today we.
Let it be interesting
You will work
May you be
Needed at work.
And with this event
Very pleasant
Accept a gift -
Our congratulations
To appreciate you
And respected
Salary was paid
Always on time.

You are in a new place today
You are overjoyed today.
And we are happy with you together -
That there were fewer obstacles!
We also want to advise you
To live easily at work,
So that you don't have to complain
And we managed to fly high!

Accountants do not hover in the clouds,
Their work is their life
Test of fate.
And the computer is obedient
In their capable hands
Submits to them, like a dear friend!
Yes, and a pile of papers lends itself to hands -
Never find fault
In the work to the accounts,
Off-balance sheet accounting is clearly kept,
And for what they will not undertake -
In everything you'll be lucky!
We congratulate you and wish you
more for you
To your personal account receive!
And also - so that you do not have
equal balances,
In personal life and in leisure,
In song and dance!

Sometimes we have to change our work,
Searched the Internet - something is not found.
And when, like a ray of light, suddenly a vacancy pops up,
Everything, we rush to the personnel department and are afraid that he will leave.
It's time for you to move on to your new job.
And of course, someone will say: “Here's a freebie! Lucky."
Someone may be frightened, will think: "Oh" yes "Ah".
Bravo! With your new job! And good luck in your business!

A new job is a new step in life,
Every step is an aspiration
To creativity, success,
To career growth, bright insight.
I wish you good luck
Good bosses, cheerful colleagues,
Hassle-free everyday life, more bonuses,
And may success always accompany you!

Congratulations on your new job
We sincerely wish you
Good career, new friends,
Generous bosses, sunny days!

Nowadays, it is important for every person to have a job. For those who are just getting started, going to work for the first time in their life seems to be something special. Relatives, friends want to cheer up the newly minted employee on this important day and say various congratulations in honor of the first working day. This day is so exciting for most employees that they need support and good wishes. He will be pleased that someone is really happy for him. If you do not have suitable congratulations in stock, it's time to use this site and choose wonderful and worthy congratulations, of which there are several dozen. They will make the employee believe in their own strengths and success.

Today is the first day of work
We are glad to see you here
Now you are our colleague
Fate has brought you to us.
Work for the benefit of our company,
We will warmly welcome you
The workers here are very nice
Substitute your shoulder in an instant.

The first entry in the work book,
Now officially our colleague,
Happy first week to you newbie
Strive to succeed here.
Don't be afraid to ask for advice
Let not all working moments scare you,
And if you do everything right,
Then dividends await you as a reward.

You are still young, you do not know everything.
I read fear in your eyes
But you absorb everything like a sponge.
And now you will be like a brother to us
I know the first day of work
The hardest day of all
But do not be afraid to work here,
And success will await you.

Although the experience is only a day,
Don't be like a shadow among us.
You are now our colleague
We only expect business from you.
Let the working first day
Will open the door for you
In a world where career growth awaits,
And a big increase in your pocket.

I wish you laughter in your work,
And endless working kindness,
You are our new promising colleague,
We do not expect fuss from you.
On the first day at the workplace,
Get used to us, don't rush
And from the bottom of my heart I advise, of course,
Look around first.

We love newbies here
Hello our new colleague,
We are now your home.
Here you will succeed
We'll explain everything without any problems.
And show all that's hidden
You will listen to us in everything
You won't be ashamed.

Hello our new employee,
Happy first day to you, our friend,
That's due to our team,
We will raise your leisure.
We are your older friends
We will instruct you
Feel free to ask
We will enlighten you.
Forget what you taught
We'll tell you everything
Well, let's go quickly.
We are to your place.
This is where you will work now.
Express thoughts in letters
And when the time comes
That is to receive a salary.

May your first working day
Brings joy to your heart
Get rid of laziness right away
And it will work here in sweetness.
Don't forget that newbies
It's not sweet at all
But I won't give you offense
You will be my little brother.
I will help you in everything
And I'll tell you what to do
I myself know - alone,
Don't want to do something.

May this day be remembered as a holiday
When you took your first step towards us,
We hope you feel great.
And you are happy with our team.
Today is the first day of work
Together we congratulate you
We wish you lots and lots of urine
We are like a new family to you.

Happy first day to you colleague
And work in the sweat of your face
After all, our director told us.
What are you a guy - well done!
Don't be lazy and don't sleep
The goal is always on the way
Here we wish you
Find your way here, with us.

Happy holiday to you colleague
Know! You are on the right track
Much joy, success,
You can find us.
You get used to our team.
And try your best.
Here are our girls
We were told that you are nice.
And the director praises you
And all will be well,
I remember my first day
Gone in an instant.

We wish you success in life,
Fewer tears, more laughter
The road of life is more authentic
And a lot of joy on it.
Let your first working day
It will turn into a wonderful holiday,
And never sadness shadow
It won't show in your eyes!

Prepare all the documents, and settle down at the table,
Congratulations to our colleague, with a labor, working day.
And let this day be the first, do not be discouraged at all,
We have a friendly company, get to know each other, come on.
The director is here, and he watches over us,
The secretary still walks around and knocks on us.
Here is our favorite accountant, we distribute money to everyone on time,
Remember everyone in a new place - this is your first lesson.

New job, new worries,
With a new team to converge,
New spaces, new flights -
New work renews life!

We wish together that everything will work out.
Change of place fortunately, they say.
For the heart to sing, for the eyes to sparkle,
To not want to turn back!

Always in the mood to be and in high esteem,
To please everyone with your positive attitude.
Let them wait at a new job
Recognition, profit, instant success.

Let it be as comfortable as at home.
Excitement, energy, new ideas!
Let the circle of useful acquaintances expand
And new, but kind and true friends.

Congratulations on your new job, new beginnings and new successes. I wish you a successful runway, positive results and high achievements in your activities, creative ideas and brilliant thoughts, constant inspiration and unquenchable enthusiasm. I wish you to work cheerfully, receiving in return an excellent mood and high prosperity.

Congratulations on your new job.
This is the start of a long journey.
I wish you success
Find yourself in this work.

Happy to go to work in the morning
Fast, easy to do everything.
So that without emergency work, without unnecessary worries
Then get a super salary.

With a new job
I congratulate you
careers for you
I wish you success.

friendly colleagues,
good bosses,
High salaries
And comfortable chairs.

So that at work
Appreciated the new
Prizes to
They paid the salary.

I wish stability
And positive
Successful work
And a happy life.

Now in a new place
You work hard.
Let the positions of the beautiful
Your dreams will come true.

May success overtake you
There will be premiums - just darkness.
Let them respect and love
All employees of you.

We are in a new place for you
We wish you by all means
Easy to conquer heights
Only all sorts of victories.

Let the leadership appreciate
Your skills and experience
And you will serve successfully
Many, many more years!

A new horizon has opened
New work is calling
Congratulations on this event,
We want to find a calling!

To get into a rut faster,
And let it be in business, so that passion,
For inspiration to visit
And never disappeared!

New steps quickly
On your career ladder
So that your work brings joy,
So that the team does not fail!

With a new job
I congratulate you
Let the horizons
She opens.
Opportunity gives
talent to reveal
Good luck
Achieve in a career.

I want to keep
Strive forward
Let the road let you
Leads to the heights.

With a new job, with a fresh page
In life, I congratulate you now
Let the team be proud of you
There will always be a boss and colleagues!

Let your work not happen
Headache or sadness
New successes and fresh events,
And inspire with your mood.

And let the salary inspire you
Your boss does not forget about bonuses,
There will be work on the way for you
A good and important place always!

At a new job
Work with conscience.
other worries,
Life is changing.

good colleagues
And great salaries.
May there be success
positive charge.

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Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...