French from scratch online. French from scratch: tips, books, personal experience

Many people have a blue dream, called - I want to learn French. Many dream, but are afraid, as they are overcome by many questions and doubts.

In this article, we will address questions such as:
- Is it easy to learn French online,
- the best way to learn French from scratch,
- how to quickly learn spoken French online for beginners and many others.

Why you need to learn French

  • Someone wants to own it in order to talk while traveling in France, to be able to understand the French.
  • Someone loves its very sound - so melodic and beautiful, and wants to understand the meaning of songs and poems, quoting them for friends.
  • Someone considers it romantic and would like to be able to whisper words of love in French to their loved one in the ear.
  • Someone dreams of starting a new life in a French-speaking country and for this it is necessary to pass an interview at the embassy.
  • Someone has French business partners, and for business communication it is simply necessary to be able to communicate fluently in French.

The reasons for learning French for beginners can be many, they are all varied and beautiful.

But immediately a lot of questions arise - how to learn French yourself from scratch, where to start and what to do, how to approach this, what are the most common mistakes during training, etc.

Below in the article we will try to answer most of these questions.

Is it difficult to learn French - available options

When asked whether it is difficult to learn French on your own, there can be no definite answer. After all, all people are different and each person has his own potential, his own motivation, each has a different willpower.

It is easy for someone to sit down for daily activities, someone needs a check and a constant reminder, it is difficult for someone to pull themselves together and force themselves to learn French, doing several exercises every day and memorizing dozens of new words and phrases.

For those who still decide to learn French, we offer some of the most common learning options.

OPTION 1: Tutorials, phrasebooks, textbooks and other book aids

If you have great willpower and motivation, then you can learn French from scratch on your own, at home. To do this, it is enough to buy various modern textbooks, methodological kits, phrasebooks, dictionaries and so on in the store.

We have selected for you the most effective and good textbooks that will help YOU in this good undertaking.

TOP 3 textbooks for learning Franaçais:

1. I.N. Popova, Zh.N. Kazakov and G.M. Kovalchuk French language. Manuel de Francais.

2. Potushanskaya L.L., Kolesnikova N.I., Kotova G.M. “Initial course of the French language”.

3. Textbook by Gaston Mauger "French Course".

MINUSES: However, most often it happens that a person sits down at the table, opens these very books, runs through the first pages of the textbook with his eyes and ... closes it, because he understands that it is impossible to figure it all out on his own without the help of a knowledgeable specialist.

After a while, he again approaches the books, opens them again, reads thoughtfully and tries to memorize new sounds and words, writes down some rules and does the first exercises .... But then different thoughts begin to arise -

And again the textbook is closed and already put aside. After a couple of days, when the question arises again, how to learn French at home, the person decides to seek the help of professionals.

OPTION 2: Language schools and groups

When there is a need for an experienced teacher, teacher, tutor, many begin to look for where, at what courses they teach French for beginners in the city, or look at ads where an experienced teacher offers his services.

Of course, learning French is easier and more understandable under the guidance of a specialist teacher who will set the pronunciation, teach the rules of reading and writing, explain the grammar and check the correct understanding of the new material. But the study of Franaçais in groups also has its pitfalls.


1. Average quality of education.

You must understand that in each group in language schools there are approximately 10-12 students.

One person needs to explain new material once, and he has already understood and understood everything, while another is incomprehensible even from the third time. Or it is enough for one person to read the rule to remember it, and another needs to schematically explain the same rule, or hear its interpretation from the teacher.
In the classroom, the teacher always focuses on the average student, and the scope of the academic hour does not allow you to linger more on one or another moment. As a result, the quality of education often suffers.

2. Travel time.

Any language group requires time to get to a certain time in a certain place. After work, during rush hour, drive through traffic jams to another part of the city, in order to learn French together with others for an hour or two, and then again through traffic jams to get back home.
In total, together with the round-trip trip, one such activity takes three to four times more time than planned. Is it worth learning French in such language groups if it is so expensive?

OPTION 3:Personal teacher-specialist

The wisest and most correct option to learn French is to find an individual teacher. Then you don’t have to worry about the fact that some moments of training will remain misunderstood, or under-learned.

Personal study is always more effective than group study.

MINUSES: The travel time to the teacher and back, taking into account traffic jams and the cost of travel, will not go anywhere, which again increases both the cost of one lesson and the time spent on it.

OPTION 4: Try in learn french from scratch online.

You and I live in an amazing time, when everything around is developing at a rapid pace, you need to be in time everywhere, and saving time is very acute for each of us.
The same is true in training: we want to get the result quickly, efficiently, inexpensively and in the shortest possible time. Now there is no problem in learning French online, at home, via the Internet.

Is it difficult to learn French online, what methods of online learning exist, how to learn French online more effectively, we will describe below.

Learn French online - effective ways

Today, there are quite a few resources on the net offering to learn French online for beginners from scratch for free or for little money. Consider the most popular of them.

1. BBC French

An excellent portal for learning many foreign languages. There are plenty of grammar exercises, a weekly newsletter with new lessons, a complete video course for self-learning Franaçais from scratch, dictionaries, reference books, and even access to French TV and radio. Each lesson is provided with detailed comments and audio files so that you can memorize the pronunciation correctly.

Attention! The site is in English, so it is suitable for those who speak it well.


The site is a French language tutorial, which contains not only all kinds of textbooks, dictionaries, tutorials, phrasebooks, but also online lessons on various topics that help you learn French online. Each online lesson is equipped with theory, audio materials, exercises and many other useful things. You can choose which moment you need to parse, work out and fix. For each problem, the resource will find several utilities.


Great podcast site on Franaçais. You can learn French online by listening to one audio lesson every day, which is additionally provided with an interlinear. There are various levels - from zero to advanced. You can choose different areas of study - conversational, grammar, reading, phonetics, and so on. They also have a full website and mobile version, which is very convenient on the go.

A free site for those who decide to learn French online. Here you will find a large number of texts, exercises for them, games, songs, dictionaries and other things that will help you quickly gain basic knowledge.


A very popular YouTube channel for French learners online. This resource is built as a radio conversation between a native French speaker and his English-speaking friend. They discuss various topics and then follow with exercises, games and quizzes to learn new phrases.
There is also a website of the same name, where you can find a bunch of additional information, exercises, games, online lessons and much more, however, you have to pay for a subscription.

Is it easy to learn French from scratch online using free online resources?

The answer is that nothing is impossible.

But independent study is always associated with certain difficulties, because there is no one to evaluate your learning. Therefore, there is always a risk that you will do something wrong.

It is best to learn French online from scratch under the guidance of a specialist. And when you have a basic base, an entry level, then you can already switch to independent online learning.

Learn French online for beginners at our school.

In ours, we learn French from scratch with personal tutors.

That is, you can learn French right at home, via the Internet, personally with your personal teacher, online tutor.

We have noticed that being at home, the student is more relaxed and better tuned for deep immersion in the process. Then the learning itself takes place naturally, in the mode of friendly conversation, the material is better absorbed, words and phrases are better remembered.

Agree, this method is the most comfortable and takes into account all the features of both the student himself and his lifestyle.

All you need is a computer and an internet connection. In doing so, you can -

  • change start times,
  • duration of study,
  • frequency of these activities
  • you can even adjust the program if you have specific deadlines or goals.

And all this without leaving your home, at a convenient time for you.

At our school, we are very sensitive to the quality of teaching. Our online tutors are constantly training and improving their level, and they are constantly mastering the latest teaching methods.

Another nice moment - the opportunity to take a free trial demo lesson.

In this demo lesson, you -

  • get to know your teacher
  • ask him all your questions,
  • and go through a demo lesson to understand what kind of technique this specialist has, how he explains the material, what exercises he gives, how he answers your questions.

And after that, you can decide whether it is convenient for you to learn French online, whether this learning method suits you or not. If everything suits you, then you can further pay for the classes of this online tutor and start classes.

You can right now by leaving a request.

In our school we study French from scratch, for beginners. There are courses for continuing, separate courses for tourists, for children and for schoolchildren.

Learn French for children and schoolchildren online

In modern schools, they are increasingly beginning to study French as the main foreign language. And so many parents face a number of questions -

Yes, learning French is difficult, especially for children. It is more difficult than English in grammar, in pronunciation. But all these difficulties pale before its beauty. And after Franaçais, it will not be difficult for your child to learn any other language of the Romano-Germanic group.

Often in schools, the quality of teaching a foreign language leaves much to be desired. When there are 25-30 students per teacher in a class, he physically cannot control how one or another student has mastered the material.

The teacher is simply unable to clearly explain the new rule to each student. Therefore, most often, you have to look for a private teacher-tutor who, in an accessible and playful way, will help the child learn both the compulsory school curriculum and delve into the intricacies of the subject being studied.

A modern parent who keeps up with the times will offer his child to learn French remotely with an online tutor who teaches French for children online.

And this will be a great option to save time, because not many parents have the opportunity to take their child to a specialist, and those teachers who come themselves ask for an additional fee.

After considering all the pros and cons of the options for helping children learn Franaçais, you will come to the conclusion that learning French online at home for children is the most acceptable way.

For parents this training option also has advantages, because in this case they will be able to control the learning process -

  • see and hear how their child behaves in the classroom,
  • what does he do during class
  • What is the teacher's methodology?
  • what is the relationship between the child and the teacher,
  • what difficulties and difficulties arise.

Thus, the parent can help his child in time and facilitate the learning process for him.

Learning French for tourists online

Usually, for those who travel or are about to travel to France, the question arises of knowing the Franaçais.

After all, everyone knows the fact that the French do not like English. Indeed, they often pretend that they do not understand English and prefer to answer only in French. Many tourists try to prepare for the trip and master at least the most common phrases in French.

There are specially designed programs focused on French for tourists, where the main points of phonetics, pronunciation, grammar are explained, as well as the basic colloquial phrases necessary for any traveler in France.

Note that the French language for travelers is a truncated and most basic course, which in many ways intersects with the main program for those who decide to learn French from scratch.

Vocabulary will be the most basic, it will only be enough to:

  • check into a hotel
  • fill out a form with personal data,
  • ask for directions and not get lost in the city,
  • be able to order food in a restaurant
  • and call for help if needed.

Tourists sometimes have enough of this knowledge to feel calm and relaxed while traveling in France.

You can right now and find out if it is difficult to learn French online.

At all times it was considered that the more languages ​​a person knows, the more chances he has for a promising future. Learning French as a foreign language is (for various reasons) one of the main aspirations of many people. For some, learning French is a necessity related to life circumstances, for others it is a hobby, for others it is just a blue dream. But before all equally there is a question on monetary investments in this business. Certified courses are not a cheap pleasure, but about private lessons that only a few can afford and there is nothing to say. Therefore, let's talk about self-study of the French language: methods, ways and means.

Faced with the need or with your own will to start learning French from scratch, it is enough to have the proper level of motivation. Otherwise, you will be helped by the presence of a huge amount of educational material: relevant didactic literature, reference books, dictionary sources, tutorials, etc. All this can be found both in libraries, bookstores, and on the Internet. In addition, there are also video and audio courses, teaching foreign languages ​​via skype, etc. The most important thing is the right approach to planning and organizing classes and a clear distribution of time.

In order to learn French from scratch, the first stage (40-50 lessons) is usually devoted to the rules of reading and pronunciation. These are basic skills that are extremely important, as their development affects the ability to read French texts and listen to French speech.

The next 50-60 lessons, aimed at adults or adapted for children, are accompanied by a number of exercises, audio material and familiarization with texts and tasks for them. At this stage, the basic lexical and grammatical material is mastered, which includes the relevant texts to consolidate the already existing (studied) skills.

It should also be noted that each lesson should last an average of 3 hours.

As a result of these two stages (of course, with perseverance and patience), you will be able to conduct and maintain a conversation on basic, everyday topics, read in French and understand the general meaning of what you read. You will be able to understand basic and intermediate texts. You will also be able to listen to elementary audio texts and know the basic communicative norms.

Help for beginners

"Is it possible to learn French on your own?" It is difficult to give a definite answer to this question. After all, people are different: each person has a certain potential, each has his own degree of motivation, and few can boast of willpower. Someone easily sits down for daily activities, and it’s not easy for someone to get together and force themselves to learn a foreign language, doing dozens of exercises every day and memorizing new words and phrases.

To help those who nevertheless dared to learn French on their own and stand firm in their position, we can advise the most common and affordable ways of learning that save not only money, but also time.

The first option: the use of book aids (tutorials, phrasebooks, textbooks, etc.), among which the most popular and suitable are:

  1. French textbook. Manuel de Français”, authors - I.N. Popova, Zh.N. Kazakov and G.M. Kovalchuk;
  2. textbook "Elementary course of the French language", Potushanskaya L.L., Kolesnikova N.I., Kotova G.M.
  3. textbook "French Course", author - Gaston Mauger.

The disadvantage of this method of learning is that a person opens books, flips through, running his eyes over the first pages, and ... closes. Because he understands that it is almost impossible to deal with the material on his own without the help or at least the advice of a knowledgeable specialist.

More diligent students open study guides, try to read, memorizing new sounds and memorizing new words, independently write down some rules in a notebook and even begin to do the first exercises .... But gradually they also have doubts: “Do I pronounce this or that sound correctly?” “Is this intonation supposed to be in this phrase?” "Am I reading this word correctly?" and many other questions that appear in the process of studying.

As a result, some abandon this business, while others call for the help of professionals, signing up for French courses or hiring tutors.

The second option is to try to learn French from scratch using online methods.

To date, the network presents a lot of resources with a specific thematic focus. With their help, you can also try to learn French from scratch, and for free or for a small fee.

A great help for beginners can be the BBC portal, which includes a French section dedicated to learning French. The section contains a large number of grammar exercises, dictionaries, reference books, a weekly newsletter with new lessons, a video course for those who study on their own, and even open access to radio and French TV. Each lesson is supplemented with detailed comments and audio files necessary for correct pronunciation.

However, there is one drawback: the site is in English, so it is desirable for users to speak English.

Self-study of foreign languages ​​is always associated with some difficulties, even with strong motivation and exemplary diligence. The difficulty lies in the fact that there is no one to give an objective assessment of your learning. Therefore, there is a risk of erroneous knowledge and skills in one aspect or another. It is better to start learning French, like any other language, under the guidance of a qualified specialist. When the main base is laid, the initial level is reached, then you can try to move on to independent study.

Instructions for self-study of the language

First of all, special attention should be paid to phonetics. In French, pronunciation is key. Read different texts aloud every day, even if you do not know their translation. Train your speech apparatus in French by repeating French words as often as possible. The speed of mastering French speech depends on the frequency of training.

To be able to speak French, you also need to understand what is being said. Find an opportunity to regularly watch movies and TV shows in French. It is better if they are accompanied by subtitles in their native language. Pay close attention to intonation and pronunciation, try to reproduce some of the remarks you heard. Record all your efforts on a voice recorder so that after listening, you can compare them with the original.

Learn new words every day, memorize speech turns and set expressions. Beginners can use a dictionary, phrase book, this will help in mastering lexical material. When studying grammar, try to immediately form sentences in French without translation into Russian. Start with phrases, simple sentences, and gradually try to make complex long sentences on your own. It is recommended to learn about ten words daily.

Using a dictionary, try to translate simple texts yourself, read three or four pages every day. Try not to skip or postpone learning for minor reasons, listen and try to translate the lyrics of French artists. Work two to three hours a day and consolidate your skills, then you can learn French faster.

You can check how your goal has been achieved, and how much you have managed to increase your level by moving it from “0” to intermediate or even advanced (B), using appropriate testing. You can easily take the test online. Similar checks are also carried out at full-time and correspondence French courses.

And at the end, one more piece of advice: remember that any language, if it is not used in practice, is considered dead, therefore, having mastered the first basics, try to communicate in writing or orally with native speakers of French, whether it be correspondence on the Internet or oral conversations in real life. life.

Learning something new is always a complex long process that requires not only excellent theoretical knowledge, but also frequent practice. Learning French from scratch is more than realistic. All it takes is a little patience, effort and diligence. In this article, we will help you deal with all the intricacies of the upcoming case.

In contact with

We start with the basics

To start speaking a foreign language no worse than native speakers, you will need to make a lot of amplification. How to learn French if you have never encountered it before? It is worth starting the study from the basics, so it will be easier to get used to speech, spelling and other things. This stage includes an elementary vocabulary, a set of rules for pronunciation, use, which are most often used in reality.

Consider a few tips to help direct forces in the right direction:

  • Learning French start with easy words such as greetings, farewells, words of gratitude. It is enough to memorize two phrases every day, as well as translate them into frequent use in life.
  • Gradually add additional elements to what you have learned, translating them into simple sentences, like: “How are you?”, “Can I count”, “How much does it cost?”. Like words, repeat them every day, using in real practice.
  • Make up your own biography in a foreign language, where there will be answers to the main questions: “What is your name?”, “How old?”, “Where from?” …
  • Keep practicing daily, even if the words and phrases are clearly in your memory. Use the tutorial, it helps in learning French from scratch.
  • Paste stickers throughout the house, denoting objects that are most often used in everyday life with foreign names: refrigerator, stove, bedside table, doors, windows, tables, chairs, TV, telephone, iron and more. Remembering the French names will be much easier, because they are constantly in sight.

Advice! If you are studying on the eve of a business trip, significantly increase your French vocabulary, focusing on the profession, supplementing with basic terms for beginners.

Deep Learning

If it is easier to master the basics on your own, then deeper knowledge requires assistance of a qualified professional. Is it hard to do it alone? Of course! You will be able to memorize, group words into whole sentences, over time you will understand how to learn how to speak French well, but this is not enough. The ability to correctly select temporary insertions, incline, and become understandable for a native speaker is a lot of work that only a professional can help with.

To learn French in depth, use the following rules:

  1. Educational program for children and adults is different, but there is one main thread: associate each new knowledge with something ordinary. In this way, it will be easier for you to remember even the most complex terminology.
  2. Hire a professional teacher, he will help with the question: “How to quickly learn French from scratch?” Attend his lessons 2-3 times a week. Do not stop repeating the old in everyday life, supplementing with new knowledge. Watching movies will help you understand spoken language and improve your mental perception as you hear how French is spoken.
  3. Do self-evaluation after every French lesson. Thanks to him, you will be able to focus on the vulnerable sides, not forgetting to analyze them in the next lesson.
  4. Focus on tenses, word forms, especially when learning how to read French. Write down the main rules on one sheet, then hang it in a conspicuous place. Say them regularly in your mind before you write a sentence or read texts.
  5. Reinforce what you have learned in every lesson. and only then proceed to the knowledge of the new .
  6. How to quickly learn French from scratch? - a common question, the correct answer to which is one: "Hurry is useless!". Pay attention to even the smallest details, only in this case you can perfectly master speech and spelling.

Attention! How much it takes to learn French from scratch is a loose concept, but with the help of a professional, it will be much easier and faster to achieve the goal.

Common Mistakes

French for beginners to learn from scratch is difficult at first, and much will be incomprehensible. If you decide to study on your own, pay attention to the following mistakes:

  • Chaotic learning French on your own from scratch is the most common mistake that will never lead to good results.
  • Start learning thinking only about how to quickly learn the language. Quality perception takes time and effort.
  • Do not supplement the process with watching movies, listening to music in french. Avoiding this, you will not understand how to learn to speak correctly.
  • Without knowing foreign language literature, it is impossible to understand how to read as well as a native speaker.
  • French for children is taught in a strict regime, especially if the acquaintance comes from scratch.
  • Intermittent study is wrong. Buy a French tutorial and use it daily.

Advice! French for beginners is always a test that is best done under the strict supervision of a professional.

  1. Learning for children is easier if learn material in a playful way combining the complex with the easy.
  2. Watch more films and read books in a foreign language, preferably aloud. Thus, not only memory will work, but diction will also improve.
  3. Daily contact with sources will help you understand whether it is difficult to learn French on your own and whether it is worth getting a tutor.
  4. Do not forget to pronounce interrogative phrases with increased intonation. Start from the first lesson, so it will be easier to get used to pronouncing French questions correctly.
  5. Do not try to master both the base and the main part at the same time. Chaos is the main enemy it does not contribute to how to learn French easily.
  6. Don't be afraid to make mistakes while communicating. Sorry, try to fix it yourself.
  7. Consider the factors that led you to want to learn, if this is a work area - start learning French for business, focusing on your profession.

Polyglot. Learn French in 16 hours!

Recently, I have often been asked how I learned French, what books I used and where to start, so I finally decided to tell you everything in order.

In a year, I went from the "bonjour" level to the level of light casual conversation, French films and books in the original. Of course, the background in the form of knowledge of English gives an additional advantage, because the roots of the words still often coincide. Although it only dawned on me after half a year of immersion in French that the French "beau" and the English "beautiful" seem to start in the same way, although they are read differently.

So where do you start?

Usually, all beginners are advised to study according to the textbook by Popova and Kazakova, but it seemed to me too boring and lengthy. Audio recordings for it also leave much to be desired: Russian speakers read the text, too exaggerated, unnatural and, in principle, disgusting (may the admirers of this manual forgive me!). So I decided to start my acquaintance with French from the Linguist website. The material is presented there in the form of 32 lessons with audio recordings and assignments for consolidation. Keys are included, of course. In addition, to be honest, you can gain a good vocabulary. Unfortunately, somewhere in the 10th lesson, I was attacked by stereotypes that it is impossible to learn a foreign language (especially a language with such complex phonetics) without a teacher, so I decided to enroll in courses.

Why you shouldn't join a group.

After studying the offers of several language schools and the reviews of the guys I know, the choice fell on N. language courses (we will do it like Gogol's). The center itself is very conveniently located on Lubyanka, and the lessons there are taught exclusively by native speakers. Since I did not believe in the power of the communicative technique (rejection of the intermediary language), before enrolling in the ranks of the students of the center, I attended a trial lesson. It was held by a provocative Frenchman who taught us the simplest dialogue in just 5 minutes and conquered everyone with his crazy charisma. After that, there were no more doubts: I quickly completed the contract, bought the Saison textbook that the center offers, and was looking forward to the classes.

However, soon after the start, it became clear that we would go through the material with snail's steps, wasting a lot of time in vain. For simple tasks like "Spread the words into two columns", when they are all translated, we could spend 15 minutes. You also need to take into account the fact that in the group everyone learns the material at different rates. As a result, in 2.5 months, only 2 lessons of the textbook were completed, the material of which I already knew, thanks to the aforementioned site. It so happened that by going to the courses with the hope that they would teach me how to read correctly, I simply wasted time and money. No one paid any attention to reading there, and students' mistakes were simply ignored. Although it is worth noting that we somehow understood the teacher, although he spoke only French, though sometimes we still had to connect English. Since then, I have forever said goodbye to the stereotypes that you cannot learn a language alone, and vowed never to go to group classes, which I advise you to do as well.

What textbooks to use for self-study?

In all the articles I read, they say that the main mistake of language learners is the transition from one textbook to another. Oddly enough, for me, on the contrary, it was the best solution. I didn't finish any of the tutorials. What is it connected with? With boundless and all-consuming love for French. By the way, where it came from is still a mystery to me, but that's another story. So, from the first days I surrounded myself with everything French: I endlessly listened to the songs of French performers; listened to rfi radio, although she did not understand anything; I watched movies with Russian subtitles. All this greatly affects listening and pronunciation and imperceptibly improves them. In addition, I immediately began to read the well-known "Little Prince" by Exupery. There was little knowledge: there was not enough grammar and vocabulary, so each page was given with great difficulty. When I came across an unfamiliar time, I calculated it from the verb conjugation table and studied it. Thus, I just quickly "grew out" of the textbooks, and they became uninteresting. I believe that you need to learn from the complex, so my advice is not to get hung up on one book. If it starts to seem to you that it is easy for you (in terms of vocabulary, grammar, or something else), then it really has become easy, do not try to go through it to the end. However, one might say that gaps may remain with this method. Agree. That is why I recommend that you check yourself against the tables (A1-A2, A2-B1, B1), which lists the set of required topics for each level.

My first textbook after the Lingvist site was a French language guide for beginners from Gromova and Malysheva. The pluses include the fact that the grammar is given in a very accessible and dynamic way. For those who are able to quickly absorb the material, this is an ideal option. However, there are no clues to the tasks, although in my opinion, in almost all cases, you can check yourself in a dictionary or in verb conjugation table.

As for grammar, I am of the opinion that it is more important to understand it than to memorize it, so I advise you a series of books Les 500 exercices de grammaire (available for all levels) from the Hachette publishing house. At the beginning of each topic, you are invited to analyze a short text and formulate a rule yourself. At the end of the books for levels A1 and A2 there is reference material on the lessons learned. There are keys to the exercises throughout the series, which is very convenient for self-study.

Separately, I would like to highlight a series of books en dialogues. Vocabulaire en dialogues, Grammaire en dialogues and Civilization en dialogues are the ones I used, but there are others. They contain wonderfully voiced dialogues on topics that perfectly develop oral speech. After less than half a year of learning French, and after studying a few sections from these books, I could easily do without English during my stay in Paris.

It is necessary to read and retell the texts as much as possible. If suddenly you, like me, are haunted by a language barrier, then you can solve it by recording yourself on video: read poetry, sing songs, speak monologues. Let no one see it, but it will really help you. Also, write as much as you can on any topic that interests you. On this site, native speakers will be happy to correct your mistakes. And remember, everything is possible, the main thing is to really want it. Bonne Chance!

This tutorial was created by an experienced French teacher using a simplified methodology developed by her and is aimed at effectively mastering live conversational speech. The course consists of 17 lessons, the study of each requires 1.5-2 hours. You will be able to speak and form simple sentences after the first lesson.
The tutorial contains the basic rules of pronunciation and grammar, Russian transcription, as close as possible to French phonetics, thematic dictionaries, conjugations of the most necessary verbs, the formation of the five most common tenses, exercises with keys, dialogues and colloquial expressions. The course is very intensive, so if you go to Paris in just a month, it will help solve your problem.

Two kinds.
In French, there are two genders - feminine and masculine, and they rarely coincide with the Russian language. For example, le livre (le livre) - a book - is masculine, but we have a feminine one.

The gender can be determined by the article: le (le) is the masculine definite article, 1a (la) is the feminine definite article. To remember the gender of a French noun, it is easier to learn it immediately with the article.

If a noun begins with a vowel, the truncated form of the article is used regardless of gender:
le + amour \u003d l'amour (lyamour) - love.

In this case, an apostrophe is put - a superscript comma, indicating the omission of a vowel. That is, “love” is masculine in French, but this is not visible from the word, since the article le is truncated due to the vowel a. In French, e and other vowels at the junction of words are unacceptable, so you can’t say “le amour”; the vowel e will definitely fall out.

1. Two genders, 6 Unstressed pronouns, 6 Basic reading rules, 7 Conjugation of two basic verbs, 11 Common phrases, 11
2. Indefinite articles, 13 Letter h, 14 Binding (liaison), 15 Turnover c "est, 16 Two important verbs, 18
3. The most important prepositions, 20 Turn se sont, 22 Possessive pronouns, 23 Word order in a sentence, 25 Preposition chez, 25
4. Demonstrative pronouns, 27 Rules for reading some nasal vowels, 27 Fluent e, 28 Negation, 28 Hack to ask a question, 30 Interrogative phrase est-ce que, 31
5. Gender of adjectives, 36 Place of adjectives, 38 Plural of adjectives, 39 Groups of verbs, 41 Regularity in the endings of conjugation of verbs, 42
6. Continuous articles (definite article + prepositions a and de), 46 Imperative, 47 Adverb, 48
7. Question words, 55 Conjunctions, 57
8. Negative question, 64 Comparative degree of adjectives, 65 Grm meanings of the word si, 66 Time and hours, 70
9. Personal verbal pronouns, 72 Emphasis, 73 Impersonal expression ilfaut, 74
10. Personal stressed pronouns, 80 Verbs like venir, 81 Near future and recent past, 81
11. Impersonal phrase Well, 88 Suffixes that help determine the gender of a noun, 89
12. Feminine nouns, 95 Plural nouns, 97 Polite expressions, 98
13. Indefinite personal pronoun on, 104 Passe compose (past compound), 105
14. Personal verbal pronouns, 112 Reflexive verbs, 113 Other reflexive verbs, 114 Indefinite words 118 Restrictive phrase ne... que, 120
15. Prepositions and adverbs, 129
16. Futur simple (simple future tense), 132 Adverbs en, y, 135 Adjectives and nouns - antonymous pairs, 137 Verb plaire - to like, 138 Degrees of comparison of adverbs, 139
17. Imparfait (incomplete past tense), 141 Basic Conversation Phrases, 142
Repetition 148.
Keys 149.

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