White obzh preparatory group. Perspective plan for working with children on fire safety

Material Description. I propose a long-term work plan on the topic: “Education of the foundations safe behavior in preschoolers” with children 6-7 years old. This material will be useful to educators of preparatory groups and specialists leading circles and clubs.

I chose this topic for a reason. One of the main tasks in the system preschool education is the task of preserving and strengthening the health of children. And this is impossible if the child does not learn and cannot resist the simplest dangerous situations, and cannot recognize the negative and good intentions of those around him. Therefore, the work on educating the basics of life safety in children is currently particularly relevant.

Joint activities with children

Independent activity children

Working with parents




educational activities

carried out during regime moments


"Road signs"

5.Listening to songs:

1.Board games"Attention road"

"Laws of streets and roads"

2. Plot - role-playing game "Road"

3.Drawing on the topic:

"The streets of our city"

1. Questioning on the topic: "Road safety"

2. Parents meeting: "Safety on the street"

3. Making a memo

"The example of parents is one of the main factors for the successful education of children's skills of safe behavior on the street"

4. Involve parents in holding a game event according to the rules traffic.

"Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy"

"Cars on our street" A. Ilyin

"You have to be careful" T. Kosova

"Rules of a small pedestrian" N. Nikitin

"Do not play on the road" N. Dedyaeva

2. Considering the poster "Rules of the road"

3. Conversation on the topic: "What do you know about the rules of the road"

4. Learning the poem "The ABC of the City" by Ya. Pishunov

5.Listening to songs:

"Road Sign", "Traffic Light", "When the Traffic Lights Sing"

6. Manual labor. Making a street layout ( teamwork)

7. Mobile game "Colored cars"

8. Game event according to the rules of the road "Know the rules and always follow them"

1. Plot - role-playing game "We are firefighters"

2. Offer the children coloring pages "Ministry of Emergency Situations"

3. Considering the poster "Children about fire"

4.Production invitation cards to the performance

1.Consultation for parents: "Basics fire safety»

2. Making a memo: "Fire safety rules"

3. Competition for the best poster, topic: "Fire safety"

"Electrical Appliances"

1. Telling children about the dangers of electric current.

2. Learning the rules for using electrical appliances.

3. Compilation of stories about electrical appliances and how to use them.

4. Creative task:

"Guess a riddle - draw a riddle"

5. Didactic games:

“What is superfluous?”, “What will happen if…”

6. Guessing puzzles on this topic.

7. Psycho-gymnastics.

Studies on the expressiveness of gestures and facial expressions on the topic: "Electrical appliances".

1. Plot - role-playing game "Family"

2. Lotto "Basics of safety in the house"

"The Evolution of Things"

3. Outdoor games at the request of children.

1. Making a folder - moving "Security"

2. Making a memo: "How to prepare a child for school"

"Man and his health"

1. A story based on pictures “Why the guys got sick”

2. Conversation "Dangerous invisible" (Microbes)

3.Experimental - research activity "What I see in a microscope"

4. Acquaintance with proverbs and sayings about health.

5. Didactic games:

"Ascorbinka and her friends", "Healthy baby", "Make a word" (medicine)

6. "Solve the crossword"

7. Learning. “Wet Snow” by I. Kovalev (L. F. Tikhomirova “Health Lessons.”)

8. Shuffling songs about health.

9. Visual activity on the topic: "The boy is healthy or the boy is sick"

10. Reading "Inflammation of tricks" A. Milne.

1. Didactic game "Vitamin family"

2.Artistic creativity"Favorite games and fun"

3. Outdoor games: "Gardener", "Edible - inedible"

1. Making a folder - moving "Children's diseases"

2. Questionnaire "Growing up healthy"

3. Round table "Let's raise children healthy" (with the participation of a doctor and a head nurse)

four. " New Year's celebration»

"Appearances can be deceiving"

1.Reading. Poem: “About strangers” (see appendix), fairy tale “About dead princess and seven heroes "A. S. Pushkin and the fairy tale" The Scarlet Flower”, conversation on content.

2. Learning the poem "Strangers" by E. Sagalakov (see appendix)

3. Playing out situations on this topic.

4. Modeling: "Too gullible heroes of fairy tales"

5. Didactic games:

"Evil - kind, sad - cheerful", "What will happen if ..."

6. Acquaintance with the proverb: “Not everyone

trust me, lock the door tight."

7. Staging of the poem by M. Tambovtseva - Shirokova: “Find -

Chivy Dima"

8.Sports holiday "Health Day"

1. Desktop - printed games: "Basics of Security", lotto "Basics of Security in the House", "How to Avoid Trouble", " Emergencies in the house"

2.Suggest to children table theaters by fairy tales.

1. Making a memo: “Who is knocking on my door?”

3.Individual conversation with the parents of Lyova, Timofey, Dani K. on the topic: "Home Alone"

2.Sports holiday "Health Day"

3. Photo report about the holiday.

4. Wall newspaper "Penza - 2014; one day in relay history Olympic flame»

"If a stranger comes into the house"

1.Reading. Fairy tale "Old woman, close the door!" arr. S. Ya. Marshak and the fairy tale " The Snow Queen» G. H. Andersen, conversation on content.

2. Learning the poem “Do not open to strangers” by G. Shalaev (see appendix)

3. Conversation "My house is my fortress."

4. Drawing: “Remember and draw who pretended to be kind in fairy tales?”

5. Didactic games:

6. Outdoor game: "Two Frosts"

7.Entertainment" Olympic Games»

8. Game exercise "Own, stranger, acquaintance."

9. Psycho-gymnastics "Wolf and seven kids"

10. Thematic lesson"Defenders of the Fatherland Day"

1. Plot - role-playing game "Family" (plot "Home Alone")

2. Offer children coloring books based on fairy tales.

3. Board games on the topic: "Safety".

4. Games with snow. Sledding and skiing.

1.Consultation on the topic: "Fundamentals of child safety preschool age»

2. Questioning: "The quality of food in kindergarten."

3. Competition for the best snow building.

4. Thematic lesson: "Defenders of the Fatherland Day"

"If You're Lost"

1.Reading. The fairy tale "Thumbelina" by G. Kh. Andersen, "If you go from school" by M. Mironov, "About unauthorized absences from home" by E. Sagalakova.

(see Attachment).

2. Learning. "What happened?" S. Mikhalkov.

3. Consider the poster "Take care of your safety"

4. Creative storytelling "What to do if you are lost?"

5. Artistic creativity "Gift for mom."

7. Dynamic pause"You can, you can't."

8. Game "Is it true or not?" (see "Games")

9. Rhythmic dance "It's fun to walk together." (“Improving classes with children 6-7 years old” by M. Yu. Kartushina.)

10. Performance "10 tips of Major Murov".

1. Plot - role-playing game "Rescuers".

2. Modeling "This is me and my friends."

3. Creative task "Model a face" (kind, evil, sad, cheerful).

4. Outdoor games at the request of children.

1. Presentation "For health in kindergarten"

3.Decoration of the parent showcase "Caution, flood!"

4. Joint activities of parents and children on the topic: “Dangerous - safe!

"Contacts with strangers»

1. Table theater based on the fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox", discussion after the screening.

2. Learning the poem “Everyone Small child" (see Attachment)

3. Conversation "Caution, stranger!".

4. Training. Modeling dangerous situations associated with violent actions.

5. Didactic games:

“Thieves and resourceful guys”, “Where to run if they are chasing you?”

6. Psycho-gymnastics for the expression of various emotions.

7. Gymnastics for the eyes.

8. Manual labor. Production of road signs (for the game).

9. Labor "Get your site in order"

10. KVN "Rules of the road"

1. Listening to songs: “Wave”, “Song of Barmaley”.

2. Outdoor games: "Firefighters in training", "Road obstacles", "Colored cars"

3. Artistic creativity. Invite children to color "Road Signs".

1. A selection of recipes "Vitamin teas".

2. Visiting doctors - specialists. The goal is a pre-school survey.

3. Making medals For the best connoisseurs rules of the road"

4. Competition for the best headdress.

"Safety rules in nature"

1. Examination of posters "Edible, inedible berries and mushrooms"

2. Autogenic training "In the forest"

3. Conversation "How to avoid trouble on the water and in nature."

4. Excursion "We will go to the clearing and find medicinal herbs."

5. Making a herbarium.

6. Didactic games:

“What grows where?”, “Recognize by smell”, “Put an edible fungus in a container”, “How to avoid troubles on the water and in nature”

7. Drawing "Hear the riddle - draw the answer."

8. Leisure "Every little child ...".

9.Visit to sports and recreation center with parents.

1. Listening to the song "Wave" and songs about health.

2. Plot - role-playing game " Ambulance»

3. Artistic creativity "Come up with a health emblem."

4. Board games: "Lotto", "Domino" on the topic, "First Aid"

1. Photo essay "Outdoor Recreation"

2.Decoration of the parent showcase "Child in the country".

3.Visit FOK with children.

Municipal Preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten" s. Dobrovolskoe

long term plan

on the formation of the foundations of security

in the preparatory group

Prepared by:

Tikhonova O.N.

teacher of the first qualification category

With. Dobrovolskoe

2017-2018 academic year

Formation of the foundations for the safety of one's own life and the formation of the prerequisites for ecological consciousness (safety of the surrounding world).

    formation of ideas about situations dangerous for a person and the natural world and ways of behavior in them;

    communion to rules of behavior safe for a person and the environment;

    transferring knowledge to children about traffic safety rules as a pedestrian and a passenger vehicle;

    the formation of a cautious and prudent attitude to potentially dangerous situations for humans and the natural world.

Safe outdoor recreation

Form the foundations ecological culture and safe behavior in nature.

To form the concept that everything in nature is interconnected. That a person should not violate this relationship, so as not to harm the animal and flora.

To acquaint with the phenomena of inanimate nature (thunderstorm, thunder, lightning, rainbow), with the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm.

To acquaint children with the rules of first aid for bruises and insect bites.

Road safety

Clarify children's knowledge about the elements of the road (roadway, crosswalk, pavement), traffic, traffic lights.

Introduce children to the names of the nearest kindergarten streets and streets where children live.

Familiarize yourself with the rules of the road, the rules for the movement of pedestrians and cyclists.

Continue to acquaint children with road signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Children”, “Bus stop”, “Point of medical assistance”, “Point of food”, “Parking place”, “No entry”, “Road works”, “Bicycle path ".

Safety of own life

Strengthen the fundamentals of human safety.

Continue to acquaint with the rules of conduct during games in different time year (swimming in reservoirs, cycling, sledding, skating, skiing, etc.)

Expand knowledge about the sources of danger in everyday life (electrical appliances, gas stove, iron, etc.)

To consolidate and expand knowledge of the rules of cycling.

Clarify children's knowledge about the work of firefighters, about the causes of fires, about the elementary rules of behavior during a fire.

To acquaint with the work of the rescue service - the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Strengthen safe use skills household items.

Develop the ability to seek help from adults.

To consolidate the knowledge that, if necessary, adults call “01” (in case of fire), “02” (call the police), “03” (“Ambulance”).

To consolidate the ability to say your last name and first name, home address.

By the end of the year, the child:

Follows the elementary rules of organized behavior in kindergarten.

Complies with elementary rules of conduct on the street and in transport, elementary rules of the road.

Distinguishes and names special types of transport (“Ambulance”, “Fire Brigade”, “Police”), explains their purpose.

Understands the meaning of traffic lights. Recognizes and names road signs"Pedestrian crossing", "Children", "Public transport stop", "Underground pedestrian crossing", "Point of medical care".

Distinguishes carriageway, sidewalk, pedestrian underpass, pedestrian crossing "Zebra".

Knows and observes the elementary rules of behavior in nature (ways of safe interaction with plants and animals, careful attitude to environment).

Perspective work plan:

"Formation of the basics of safety in preschoolers."

preparatory group



Road signs

1. Conversation with children "History of traffic."
Purpose: to introduce the history of the emergence of the road, car, traffic rules. To consolidate the ability to distinguish road signs according to their purpose.
D / I "Find and tell."
Purpose: to exercise in the ability to find the sign named leading.

D / I "Pick up a sign."

1. Conversation "Know and follow the rules of the road."
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge that you can’t play near the roadway, that vehicles drive on the right side of the road, etc. 2. Considering the illustrations of the “Rules of the Little Pedestrian”.
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of the pedestrian, to introduce the new rules.

3.Problem situation"Elements of the road - zebra, markings and more ...".
Purpose: to form the need to take care of their safety. / Didactic guide"Safety on the road" /.

1. Conversation "Biking".
Purpose: to consider various dangerous situations that may arise when children ride a bicycle. OBZh, p. 79
2.D / I "Pick up a sign."
Purpose: to learn to compare road signs by value, to develop observation skills.
3.P / I "Skillful pedestrian."
Purpose: to develop traffic coordination, to consolidate the rules of behavior for pedestrians.
4. Modeling the problem situation "Seasonal behavior on the road."
Purpose: to teach to answer the questions of the educator, to find a solution to the problem situation. /Didactic manual "Safety on the road"/.

Conversation "Behavior in transport."
Purpose: to accustom the child to the culture of behavior in transport.

6.Lessons of the traffic light "Safety rules in transport."
Purpose: to introduce the concept of "dead zone", safety measures during landing, in the passenger compartment.

Game - KVN "The Best Pedestrian".
Purpose: to cultivate the desire to know and follow the rules of the road.

Fire safety rules.

1. Quiz "Do you know the rules of fire safety?".

Purpose: to clarify children's knowledge of fire safety rules, to teach to hear and answer the teacher's question.

Thematic story "Fireman".
Purpose: to introduce the history of the firefighter profession. Clarify the knowledge of the telephone number to call firefighters. Learn to answer teacher questions.
D / I "How will I put out the fire."
Purpose: to explain that not all objects and methods are suitable for extinguishing a fire. To teach children to name fire extinguishing agents: fire extinguisher, sand, water, etc.
Fire evacuation rules.
Purpose: to consolidate the rules for evacuation in case of fire from a kindergarten. Know how to deal with heavy smoke. Learn to remain calm, collected, cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Conversation "Protection of life and health when dealing with fire."
Purpose: to develop and consolidate knowledge about the rules of fire safety.

Reading Zhitkov "Fire"

Experimental - experimental activity "Dangerous Candle".
Purpose: to consolidate the danger posed by a fire, to form skills in using personal protective equipment.
Game training"Fire Evacuation"
Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of evacuation in case of fire. Learn to listen carefully to the instructions of the teacher and follow them.

KVN "So that there is no fire, you do not play me"
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about objects that children are strictly forbidden to use, to instill in children the skills of careful handling of fire. Cultivate observation, attentiveness, continue to teach behavior in extreme situations.

Watch out for gas.

Conversation "The kitchen is not a place for games."
Purpose: to clarify the idea of ​​​​children about the dangers lurking in the kitchen. / "On the rules of fire safety", T.A. Shorygin, p. 40/
2.Reading fiction"Feast of mice".
Purpose: to teach by example literary heroes understand that household appliances can be dangerous and cannot be used without adults.

C / R game "Cooking".
Purpose: to introduce the gas and its properties.

Reading G.Ya. Pavlov "Conversation at children's gatherings about gas".
Purpose: through a literary work to acquaint children with the benefits of gas for humans.

Rescue Service talk.
Purpose: to clarify and replenish the knowledge of children about the existing rescue services, their work to protect the life and health of people.
2. P / Game - relay race: "What will I take with me."
Purpose: to teach to select the necessary items for first aid to victims of a fire.

Beware of ice.

Thematic conversation"Winter Roads"

Purpose: to introduce the natural phenomena "Ice", "Snowfall". To give knowledge that the roads are slippery in winter, the braking of vehicles does not occur immediately. To consolidate the concept of "Safe behavior on the roads."
Practical exercise "Rules of conduct in icy and icy conditions."

Purpose: to introduce such natural phenomenon, which happens in winter, like ice and sleet. Explain the difference, ways to avoid injuries and fractures.

Electrical appliances.

Conversation "Caution - electrical appliances."
Purpose: to clarify and systematize children's knowledge of household electrical appliances. Learn to take care of your health.
3. D / I: "The fourth extra."
Purpose: to learn to find and name objects that can cause a fire.
4. Simulation of the "Home Alone" situation.
Purpose: to instill a sense of self-security while at home.

Memo for children "Safety rules with electrical appliances."
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge on the prevention of accidents in everyday life.

Conversation "The danger of broken wires."
Purpose: to give the concept of the words: electricity, electricity. Learn to be especially attentive and prudent if you are near an electric pole.

Reading fiction. Fairy tale "Cat Fedot".
Objective: to reinforce knowledge about safety precautions for household electrical appliances through a work of art.

"Flower - Semitsvetik".

Purpose: to form children's behavior skills during the absence of adults. Teach children to choose safe games and entertainment. Review the rules for using electrical appliances. Teach children to give each other first aid.

Quiz: "In the world of electrical appliances"

Purpose: To summarize the knowledge of children about household electrical appliances, their purpose and rules of use.
Activate the ability to avoid dangerous situations and, if possible, act correctly.
Encourage the development of caution and prudence.


1. Conversation "A person's appearance can be deceiving"

Purpose: to explain to the child that a pleasant appearance stranger does not always mean his good intentions.

2. Practical lesson"Let's not open the door to the wolf"

Purpose: to consider and discuss with children such dangerous situations as contacts with strangers, to teach them how to behave in such cases.
3. Conversation "Caution, not familiar!".
Purpose: to consider dangerous situations of possible contacts with strangers, to teach how to behave in such situations.

4. D / I: "Familiar, own, alien."

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to distinguish people according to certain characteristics. Cultivate the speed of reaction to a verbal signal.

On the playground and on the street.

"On the Playground"

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the sources of potential danger on the playground, about the rules of safe behavior on a walk.

Joint discussion of the educator and children "Rules of conduct on the d / garden during a walk."
Purpose: to teach to observe the rules of safe behavior on the site, to remind them of the dangers that await them on the site.

First aid.

Introduction to the rules.

Looking at illustrations and pictures.

Practical activities.

New Year without worries.

Quiz "Let the New Year tree bring us joy."
Purpose: to consolidate and replenish knowledge about fire safety rules during the New Year holiday.

Telling children "Winter holidays".
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of behavior on the street, namely: winter games should not be arranged on the roadway, in winter you should not walk under the canopy of houses, it is dangerous to go out on the ice, etc. " Winter fun».
Objective: to continue to form an understanding of the safety rules during the winter games to cultivate respectful, friendly attitude towards each other.

Game training "Rules of conduct on ice."
Purpose: to introduce the prohibition rules of behavior on the ice. Develop a sense of self-preservation, the ability to avoid tragic situations.

C / R game "First aid for frostbite."

Purpose: to acquaint with the dangers that threaten a person in the winter, to teach how to provide first aid for frostbite, to learn to play according to a given topic.

Mini-quiz "What should always be in a first-aid kit?".
Purpose: to provide knowledge about drugs that help provide first aid in situations hazardous to health.

Literary quiz"What? Where? When?".
Purpose: to introduce literary works which describe situations dangerous to human life.

Modeling the situation "I'm lost."
Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the home address, F.I. patronymics of parents. Develop the ability to seek help from adults.
D / I: “I would go to the police, let them teach me.”
Purpose: to introduce the work of a policeman, his duties. Learn to use the phone, skillfully explain the reason for calling the police.

Conversation "What is terrorism"

Target. Formation in children of the foundations of countering terrorism and extremism.

Modeling the situation: "How to behave if you find a suspicious object?".
Purpose: to introduce children to objects that may cause suspicion. Establish rules of conduct in such situations.

1. "The tricks of the Queen of the cold."

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​health as one of the main values. Teach children the rules of safe behavior in the winter, caution in the period of ice.

2.Practical work with experiences.

"Beware of germs!"

Purpose: To consolidate children's ideas about the importance of sanitary and hygienic measures for health, to form ideas about the cause of some diseases - microbes.

1. Cognitive conversation

"Children's right to health".

Purpose: To acquaint children with the most important human rights, state documents on human rights. To form a desire to take care of their own health.

Learn to ask for help when needed.

Modeling and analysis of the problem situation "Meeting with a friend".

Purpose: To acquaint with Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The child has the right to rest, leisure, participation in cultural and creative life.
D / I "What is good, what is bad."
Purpose: to teach to evaluate the actions of a person, to cultivate a caring attitude towards the environment.

conflicts between children.

Purpose: To teach children to solve independently interpersonal conflicts, while taking into account the state and mood of the other person, as well as use the norms - regulators (yield, agree, keep the order, apologize).

Conversation "Caution icicles!".

Purpose: to give knowledge that icicles can be dangerous to human health, to teach to beware of icicles, to be able to foresee the danger.

"Man and his health"

1. A story based on pictures “Why the guys got sick”

2. Conversation "Dangerous invisible" (Microbes)

3.Experimental - research activity "What I see in a microscope"

6. "Solve the crossword"

10. Reading "Inflammation of tricks" A. Milne.

Examination of posters "Edible, inedible berries and mushrooms"

Purpose: To teach children to recognize poisonous plants and mushrooms to give knowledge that a person can be poisoned by the poisons of these plants.

Conversation "Don't play with stray animals."
Purpose: to explain that contact with animals can be dangerous, to teach to take care of one's safety.

Practical work. Simulation of the situation "Meeting with an unfamiliar animal"

Purpose: To teach the correct handling of an unfamiliar animal, to familiarize with the rules of behavior in dangerous situations.

Conversation "how to behave during a storm, hurricane or tornado?".

Purpose: to introduce such natural phenomena as a storm, tornado, hurricane, to find out the difference and the degree of danger to human life. Clarify safety rules during natural disasters.

Fire safety.

A conversation about the rules of safety in nature with an examination of the relevant illustrations. Reading poems by N. Belyanina “At the leisure of the children ...”, “From a burning match in the summer ...”, conversation on content. D / and "Fire extinguishing equipment"

Dramatization "Chanterelle with matches"

Work on traffic rules

The situation of communication "We are on the street." Game situations "How do I know the rules of the road." D / and Rules of Conduct.

"Safety rules in nature"

Conversation "Let's save and protect nature."

To educate children in environmental behavior, to develop ideas about what actions harm nature, and which contribute to its restoration.

Talk about the smallest "Insects - benefit or harm."

Purpose: to give knowledge about the rules of safe behavior when meeting with insects. Cultivate a sense of self-preservation.
4. Practical exercises"Protection from ticks."
Purpose: to explain that a tick bite leads to serious illness, and a timely visit to a doctor saves people's lives. Familiarize yourself with the habitats of ticks, their appearance and methods of protection against ticks.

Conversation "On the water, in the sun ... ...".

"Water Safety"

Introduction to the rules.

Examining illustrations.

Reading the poem "The Diver's Tale".

Task: what rule of behavior on the water did the heroes of S. Marshak's poem "Three wise men in one basin .."

Explain to children that swimming, swimming is good for health only if you follow certain rules security.

Problem situation "How to use forest gifts?".
Purpose: to give the concept that not all edible mushrooms, berries can be eaten. Tell about unsuitable places for picking mushrooms or berries. Continue to acquaint with the rules of safe behavior in nature

4. Excursion "We will go to the clearing and find medicinal herbs."

5. Making a herbarium.

List of used literature

1. Belaya K.Yu. Formation of the basics of safety in preschoolers. Benefit for

teachers preschool institutions and parents. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.

2. "Conversations about the rules of fire safety" Shorygina T.A. Publishing house "TC Sphere". Moscow, 2005

3. “Fundamentals of safe behavior of preschoolers: classes, planning, recommendations / ed. - comp. O.V. Chermashentsev. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.

1 junior group

Organization of work on the section "Security"

Integration according to the tasks and content of psychological and pedagogical work

Integration by means of organizing and optimizing the educational process

"Health" - formation of primary value ideas about health and healthy way human life.

"Physical Culture" - the use of games, game exercises, improvisations for the formation of the ability to most adequately use the available motor abilities in conditions that simulate difficult and dangerous life situations.

"Reading fiction", "Music", "Artistic creativity" - usage works of art to form the foundations for the safety of one's own life and the safety of the surrounding world

"Physical Culture" - the development of physical qualities and the accumulation of motor experience necessary in a variety of life situations to save life and health.

"Socialization"- formation of primary ideas about oneself, gender characteristics, family, mastering the generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with adults and peers in the context of safe behavior.

"Labor" - the formation of ideas and the development of methods of safe behavior in the process of labor activity.

"Communication"- development of free communication with adults and children in the process of mastering ways of safe behavior, ways of providing self-help, helping another.

"Knowledge" - formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons in terms of ideas about possible dangers, ways to avoid them, ways to preserve health and life, the safety of the surrounding nature.



Long-term planning for the formation of safe behavior skills in children is carried out in accordance with the program of R.B. Sterkina "Fundamentals of safety of preschool children", which implies the content of knowledge and skills of children in several blocks. In the proposed version advanced planning 4 blocks are allocated, revealing the issues of the child's health, his safe behavior at home and on the street, his communication with strangers. The content of the program to ensure a comfortable stay of the child in kindergarten and his communication with nature is revealed in other blocks of the long-term plan or in scheduling.

Younger preschoolers are not independent enough in their actions, to a greater extent, as a rule, they are under the supervision of adults. Due to the fact that children of primary preschool age have limited opportunities to communicate with strangers in the absence of parents or caregivers, this block is not presented monthly.


Methodological techniques


"Child and his health"

It's good to be healthy. Vegetables and fruits

The story of the teacher about health. Examining vegetables and fruits. Examining illustrations. Conversation "Tasty and healthy fruits." Didactic games: "Name the vegetables and fruits correctly", "Find a picture." Role-playing game "Vegetable shop". nursery”, S. Kaputikyan “Masha is having lunch”, E. Yankovskaya “I go to kindergarten”. Didactic games: "Let's treat the doll with tea", "Let's put the doll to sleep", "Recognize and name the vegetables", "Where to put the bunny harvest", "Guess the taste", "Name it right"

"Child on the city street"

We're walking down the street

The teacher's story about the rules of the road

"Child safety at home"

Fire is our friend and enemy

Teacher's story about fire safety rules

"Child and other people"

You are coming

to a kindergarten

Conversation in a kindergarten, its employees. Conversations: “What lies where”, “How we clean toys”. Didactic games: "We have order", "Where to put the object." Role-playing game "Kindergarten"


"Child and his health"

How to dress so as not to get sick

Showing the sequence of dressing. Teacher's story. Reading nursery rhymes. Didactic games: “Let's show the bear how to dress properly so as not to catch a cold”, “Let's dress the doll for a walk.” Role-playing game “Family”.

"Child on the city street"

What are the cars

Target walk along the street. Considering illustrations. Conversation "Cars on our street."

Didactic games: “Find and name”, “Find the same one”. Role-playing game “Trip to the zoo”.

Productive activity: "Let's build a bus (car)"

"Child safety at home"

Edible and non-edible mushrooms

The teacher's story. Considering illustrations.

Productive activity: “Beautiful, but dangerous

fly agaric", "Edible mushrooms" Examination of illustrations. Conversation "How I care for my pet." Design: "Hospital for animals"

"Child and other people"

Parents and strangers

Conversation "My family and other people"


"Child and his health"

Cleanliness and health: the importance of hygiene procedures

Reading: K. Chukovsky “Moydodyr”, “I am the only son of my mother.” Role-playing game “Kindergarten”.

Productive activity: "Let's draw beautiful towels"

"Child on the city street"

Who drives a car

Observation of transport. Considering illustrations. The story of the educator. Reading: A. Barto "Truck", "Airplane", "Ship", B. Zakhoder "The Chauffeur".

Role-playing game "Transport"

"Child safety at home"

Pets are our friends

Viewing illustrations. Conversation "How I take care of my pet." Design: "Animal Hospital"

"Child and other people"

Can - can't

Conversation about the rules of behavior in the group. Relationships with children and adults


"Child and his health"

Voditsa Queen

A conversation about the benefits of water procedures, about the benefits and dangers of water. D.pack. Good-Bad”; Situation “Let’s Help Mishutka to Cure His Throat”. S.R.I. "Batch"; water experiments.

"Child on the city street"

Behavior in transport

Consideration of illustrations. Conversation "How well-behaved children behave in transport." Modeling of problem situations

"Child safety at home"

Dangerous beautiful toys

examination Christmas decorations. Conversations "Caution, glass!"; "Multicolored crackers".

Productive activity "Let's decorate the Christmas tree"

"Child and other people"

Friendly attitude

to comrades

Watching children play. Considering illustrations about children’s games. The teacher’s story about a friendly attitude towards comrades, about the ability to share toys. Didactic games: “How the bear played with the squirrel”, “You can’t fight”


"Child and his health"

My body: knowledge about body parts

Examining illustrations. The teacher's story. Joke game "My body"

"Child on the city street"

How to behave on the street

Examining illustrations. The teacher's story. Modeling situations. Role-playing game "We are pedestrians"

"Child safety at home"

Don't touch the matches, there's fire in the matches

Examination of illustrations. The story of the educator.

Reading: K. Chukovsky "Confusion"

"Child and other people"

"We are friendly guys"

The teacher's story. modeling situations. D. control “Resolve the dispute”, conversation “How to behave if someone is fighting?” "Quarrel and danger", viewing m / f.


"Child and his health"

To grow big

Teacher's story about proper nutrition and adherence to the regime.

Didactic game "What do we do in the morning (afternoon, evening)"

"Child on the city street"

Traffic signals

Target walk to the traffic light. Considering the illustrations “On the street of the city.” Conversation “How to cross the street.” Reading: G. Georgiev “Traffic light”, A. Severny “Traffic light”, O. Tarutin "Transition". Didactic game "What the traffic light says." Role-playing games: "Different cars drive down the street, pedestrians walk along the path", "Bus".

"Child safety at home"

Dangerous pills

Conversation about the rules of handling medicines

"Child and other people"

If you are lost

Modeling situations. Ex. “Let's help Katya's doll find her mother.” Reading an excerpt from a verse. S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa"


"Child and his health"

Vitamins are good for

Examining vegetables and fruits. Examining illustrations.


Teacher's story about vitamins. Didactic games: "Wonderful bag", "Find and name",

"Show the same." Role-playing game "Hospital". Productive activity: "Blinding vitamins"

"Child on the city street"

Road crossing rules

Examining illustrations. Conversation "How to cross the road." Modeling situations. Role-playing game "Transport". Productive activity: "Let's make a" zebra "

"Child safety at home"

To avoid trouble

Examination of illustrations. The teacher's story about the rules for handling electrical appliances.

Didactic games: "Find and name", "What for what", "Can-can't"

"Child and other people"

A treat from a stranger

The teacher's story. Modeling situations. Examining illustrations.


"Child and his health"

We love exercise

Looking at photographs of physical education classes. Conversation "How we do physical education"

"Child on the city street"

If you are lost in the street

The teacher's story. Exercise "If you are lost"

"Child safety at home"

Dangerous items, rules for handling them

Examining pictures: a boiling kettle, matches, a needle, etc., talking about them. Didactic game with pictures “Select objects that cannot be touched”


"Child and his health"

My Body: Knowledge of the Senses

Consideration of illustrations. Story-conversation “What is for what.” Didactic game “Show me what I will call the bear (doll, hare)”

"Child on the city street"

Pedestrian rules

Educator's story. Conversation "Remember the important rules." Reading: A. Barto "Truck", S. Mikhalkov "My Street"

"Child safety at home"

Safety at

Communication with unfamiliar animals; insects

Examination of the paintings "Cat with kittens", "Dog

with puppies. "" Bees ". The story of the educator.

Reading: riddles about a dog and a cat. Outdoor games.

"Child and other people"

We are going to rest

Conversation about behavior with strangers

June- August

"Child and his health"

We have grown

and become strong

and strong

Looking at photographs. Conversation about health.

Familiar didactic games at the request of the children

"Child on the city street"

Baby Pedestrians

Target walk to the traffic light. Examination of illustrations. Conversations about the rules of behavior on the street and in transport. Didactic games: “What people ride”, “Find and name”.

"Child safety at home"

Playing with sand

A conversation about the rules for handling bulk materials, pebbles. sand games.

"Child and other people"

Consolidation of acquired knowledge

Examining illustrations. Familiar didactic games



Formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life;

Formation of the prerequisites for ecological consciousness (safety of the surrounding world).


formation of ideas about situations dangerous for a person and the natural world and ways of behavior in them;

familiarization with the rules of safe behavior for a person and the environment;

transferring knowledge to children about the rules of road safety as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle;

the formation of a cautious and prudent attitude to potentially dangerous situations for humans and the natural world.

Remind children that cycling is allowed only under the supervision of adults, without disturbing others.

Learn how to use scissors correctly (in the presence of adults).

Continue to introduce the culture of behavior on the street and in transport.

O traffic safety regulations .

Continue to introduce the elements of the road (median strip, pedestrian crossing, public transport stop). Remind that pedestrians must cross the road at the ground, underground or pedestrian crossing "Zebra".

To consolidate knowledge about special types of transport: “Ambulance” (goes on a call to sick people), a fire truck (goes to put out a fire), “Police” (goes to help people in trouble), an emergency vehicle.

To acquaint with road signs: "Pedestrian crossing", "Children", "Public transport stop".

To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of conduct in public transport (in public transport you can only ride with adults; talk calmly without disturbing other passengers; obey adults; keep clean and tidy; you can get out of the vehicle after adults have left, etc. .d.).

Tell the children that public transport should be expected at the bus stop.

Explain that public transport stops are located near the carriageway, therefore, while waiting for transport, you need to behave calmly (do not run, do not walk along curbs, do not push, do not run out onto the carriageway, do not litter, do not shout).

Formation of the preconditions for ecological consciousness

Continue to form elementary ideas about how to interact with plants and animals: consider plants without harming them; observe animals without disturbing or harming them; feed animals only with the permission of adults; do not stroke other people's animals; do not bring animals home without the permission of adults; do not take homeless animals.

Explain to children that it is impossible to tear plants and eat them without the permission of adults - they can be poisonous.

Develop the habit of conserving water by turning off the water faucet.

By the end of the year, children 4-5 years old have an idea:

about situations dangerous for a person and the natural world and ways of behavior in them;

about the rules of safe behavior for a person and the environment;

on traffic safety rules as a pedestrian and a vehicle passenger;

about dangerous situations for humans and the natural world.

September - November

Formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life


Lexical topic



Traffic Laws

Continue to acquaint children with the elementary rules of behavior in kindergarten.


"Rules of Conduct in a Group"

To deepen children's ideas about the family, about the rules of communication with strangers.


"Familiar and Unfamiliar People"

"The Danger of Disobedience"


Garden. Vegetables

Introduce the rules of sand games: do not break buildings made by other children; do not throw sand, etc.


"Rules of conduct in the sandbox"

"Dangerous Inventory"

To form the skills of safe behavior in outdoor games and when using sports equipment.


"Rules of conduct in outdoor games"

Garden. Fruit

Learn to use scissors (in the presence of adults).


"Safety Rules for Working with Scissors"

Forest. Mushrooms. Berries

Education the basics of safe behavior in the forest

Reading Russian folk tale"Masha and the Bear"

Conversation: "Masha got lost"


Continue to teach children to maintain order in the group room, to anticipate the danger hidden in "dangerous", broken and scattered toys.


“We have order in the group”, “Dangerous toys”

Didactic games:

"What lies where"

"Everything has its place"

Familiarize children with dangerous objects and how to handle them.


"Prickly Perils"

Examining items: scissors, needles, buttons, etc.

Experimental research activities: what can be done with dangerous items.

Didactic games: “You can - you can’t”, “Take away dangerous objects”

Continue to acquaint children with the elementary rules of behavior in kindergarten, when dressing and undressing.


"Rules of conduct in the dressing room when dressing and undressing"

Fix the rules safe movement indoors: carefully go down and up the stairs; hold on to the railing; open and close the door by holding the door handle.


"Rules of conduct in kindergarten"

Familiarization with the rules of safe traffic.




Expand children's knowledge about traffic lights. To consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic signals (pedestrians and cars are standing at a red light, on yellow they are preparing to move, on green they are moving).

To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road: cross the street only with an adult, in strictly designated places and at the green traffic light.

target walk to the traffic light on the street

Examining the illustrations "On the street of the city".


"How to cross the street at a traffic light"

Construction: "Our street"

Reading :

S. Mikhalkov "Traffic Light";

M. Druzhinina "Our friend is a traffic light."

N. Pavlova "In the car"

O. Tarutin "Pedestrian"

Role-playing games: "The outside"

Game situations: "The bear got sick", "Street"

Outdoor games:

"Traffic light", "Stop"

Riding on tricycle, turns right, left.


Continue to introduce the elements of the road (median strip, pedestrian crossing, public transport stop). Remind that pedestrians must cross the road at a ground crossing, or a Zebra crossing, at a traffic light.

target walk on the street

Examining the illustrations "On the street of the city".


"What we saw on the street"

Didactic games and exercises: “Collect a picture”, “Collect a car”, “Broken traffic light”, “You can - you can’t”

Construction: "Our street"

Reading :

S. Mikhalkov "My Street";

V. Lebedev - Kumach "About smart little animals"

N. Kalinina "How the guys crossed the street"

Role-playing games: "Journey down the city street"

Game situations: “The bear is walking down the street”, playing out the situation “Overview is closed 1”, “We are walking along the street”

Outdoor games:

"Cars - pedestrians", "Sparrows and a car", "Colored cars"


To acquaint with road signs: "Pedestrian crossing", "Point of first aid"

target walk crosswalk.

Examining the illustrations with road signs.


"How to Cross the Road"

Didactic games and exercises: "Collect the Sign"

Role-playing games: "The outside"

Game situations: "Let's teach a bunny to cross the road"

Outdoor games:

"Cars - Pedestrians"

Senior group

Explanatory note

Development work educational field"Safety" is aimed at shaping children's primary ideas about a healthy lifestyle; development of the desire to maintain and strengthen one's health (observe the daily routine, eat right, play sports); fundamentals of ecological culture; systematization of knowledge about safe behavior on the streets of the city; fostering a culture of behavior on the streets and in public transport; fixing the rules for safe handling of household appliances; the formation in children of an understanding of the need to take precautions and the ability to assess their ability to overcome danger; expanding children's knowledge about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire service, the ambulance service; developing the ability to seek help from adults; fixing the rules of safe behavior during games at different times of the year.

When implementing these goals and objectives, the principle of age targeting is necessarily observed. The same content on a topic is used for work in different age groups with more or less content, and the educator selects methods that correspond to age characteristics.

Goals: the formation of the foundations for the safety of one's own life, the formation of the prerequisites for ecological consciousness.

* the formation of ideas about dangerous situations for humans and the natural world and ways of behavior in them;

* familiarization with the rules of safe behavior for a person and the environment;

* transferring knowledge to children about the rules of road safety as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle;

* the formation of a cautious and prudent attitude to potentially dangerous situations for humans and the natural world.


Complies with the elementary rules of organized behavior in kindergarten, behavior on the street and in transport, traffic. Distinguishes and names special types of transport (“Ambulance”, “Fire”, “Police”), explains the appointment. Understands the meaning of traffic lights. Recognizes and names the road signs "Pedestrian crossing", "Children", "Public transport stop", "Underpass", "Point of medical aid". Distinguishes the carriageway, sidewalk, pedestrian underpass, "Zebra". Knows and observes the elementary rules of behavior in nature (ways of safe interaction with plants and animals, respect for the environment).


Skills for safe behavior in nature

Fire Safety Rules

Basics of own life safety

Traffic Laws


Conversation with children.

Excursion to the park

"Seasons" P.I. Tchaikovsky, other music. Reading and conversations after reading about the ability of animals to adapt to their environment (V. Zotov "Giraffe and Okapi". M., 1981)

Conversation "Fireman - a heroic profession", Reading S. Marshak "The story of unknown hero”, P / and “Who is faster?”

Safety in the house. Sharp, piercing and cutting objects.

Electrical devices.

"I'm a pedestrian - I'm a passenger."

Target walk to the pedestrian crossing.

Reading of works: G Georgiev "Traffic Light", S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa - a policeman."


Planet Earth

Find the mistake game.

Acquaintance with the service "01". Game trainings with the phone. D / and “What does a firefighter need?”. Reading L. Tolstoy "Fire Dogs".

Medicines and household chemicals.

D / and “What is superfluous?”

"Safety at home". Gas.

Rules of conduct on the road.

"Pavement for cars, sidewalk for pedestrians"

D \ and "Guess the type of transport according to the description"


Preparing wild animals for winter

Conversation: "This match is small." Reading S. Marshak "The Tale of Matches", a conversation on the content. D / and "Fire hazardous objects."

Balcony. Stair railing

D \ and "High - low." "Personal Safety at Home"

"About the striped" zebra "and the road sign" Pedestrian crossing ".

D \ and "It is possible - it is impossible, right - wrong"


Conversation Conversation about the forest

Reading, talking and modeling situations on the topic: "Decorate the Christmas tree." A conversation with looking at illustrations about the rules of behavior near the Christmas tree, actions with dangerous objects (crackers, sparklers, etc.). D / and "On - off."

Conversation Personal safety on the street. (Not everyone you meet is a friend of the heart)

D / and “Say a word”, D / and “Observer”

"Red, yellow, green."

D / and “Show the same sign”, “Find by description”.


Who and how saves the forest from fire

"Where can trouble come from?" or "Why did this happen?" with the beginning or end proposed by the teacher.

Game-lesson "What can not be done in the absence of adults." Reading S. Marshak "Cat's House"

Conversation Winter fun (safety rules during the winter games)

Examination of illustrations, paintings “Well, I went for a ride ...”, teach how to use a sled, play snowballs. D / and “So - not so”

Safety in public transport.

Conversation "What is a crossroads."

D / and "If you cross the street."


Respect for wildlife

Everything in nature is interconnected.

Conversation "On good and evil fire." Reading the story of V. Podolny "How a man tamed fire." D / and "Objects - sources of fire."

Competition of children's drawings "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy"

Conversation Safety on Ice»

Introduction to the rules.

D / and "Yes - not so." Reading poems on the topic. Examining illustrations. Pictures. Solving a problem situation: Why Emelya from the fairy tale “By pike command» was not afraid

go to the hole?

"Safety when dealing with animals."

Introduction to the rules.

Simulation of the situation "Meeting with a strange dog"

Assignment: remember what the calf Gavryusha did with the postman Pechkin in Prostokvashino. Conversation "Cats can be dangerous too"

Conversation "How the traffic light works."

D / and "Who controls what."

Examining illustrations.

Plot - role-playing game "Tram".

Collective application "Street of our village".


Contact with animals and insects

Y/N Please follow the description.

Conversation "If there was a fire in the house." Phone "01". Reading and discussion of the poem by I. Tverabukin "Andreykino duty." D / and "Who needs what for work."

"So that we do not get sick" (the formation of a conscious attitude to the need to improve health).

C / r game “Hospital”, d / and “Light the flashlight” (medicinal plants). Simulation of the situation: A woman with a child asks for brilliant green to anoint her broken knee ...

Conversation "It's not time, don't go out of the yard."

D / and "Find and tell", "Name the sign."


Poisonous plants and mushrooms

Looking at the illustrations. Watching the video

"Actions in case of fire" using illustrations, posters.

Examining illustrations with an image fire truck.

Drawing "Fire truck"

Conversation poisonous mushrooms and plants.

Introduction to the rules.

Examining pictures depicting edible and inedible mushrooms.

D / and "Edible - inedible", "Find the mistakes."

Drawing "Draw to remember and not to touch!" (Amanita)

Conversation "If you walk alone."

D / and "Spread out the signs."


Rules of conduct for

First aid

D / I "Help a friend"

"Determined what the sign means"

Conversation about the rules of safety in nature with a review of the relevant illustrations. Reading poems by N. Belyanina “At the leisure of the children ...”, “From a burning match in the summer ...”, conversation on content. D / and "Fire extinguishing equipment

"Safety in Nature"

Introduction to the rules.

Looking at illustrations and pictures.

Y/n Yes, not so. Modeling situations "We are in the forest ..."

C / r game "Let's go to the country"

"Water Safety"

Conversation " Important Rules for pedestrians.

D / and "Traffic Light".

A long-term plan for carrying out fire safety measures in the preparatory group.

Week 1
1. Conversation: "The fire is the judge of people's carelessness."- To teach children about fire safety measures, to form in children elementary knowledge about the danger of pranks with fire (electrical appliances, matches, lighters, etc.)
2. Memo "Fire".- To acquaint children with the rules of fire safety, to teach the careful handling of fire.
3. role-playing game: "Firemen".- Deepen and expand ideas about the work of firefighters to protect people's lives, about equipment that helps to extinguish a fire. Raise respect and interest in the profession of a firefighter.
4. Reading a poem by I. Tverabukin "Andreykino duty."- To introduce children to the rules of fire safety, to teach the careful handling of fire through reading a work of art.
2 weeks
1. Game-dramatization "Cat's House".
2. Mobile game "Help the victim."-To consolidate knowledge about the norms of behavior during a fire.
3. Didactic game "What for what."
4. Evening of riddles (Electrical appliances)-To consolidate and expand knowledge about the rules for the operation of electrical and gas appliances.
3 week
1. Reading the story of L. Tolstoy "Fire".-Avoid accidents at home. Cultivate a responsible attitude towards your health.
2. Excursion around the kindergarten. Introduction to fire alarms.-Reinforce ideas about the meaning of fire alarms in order to warn people of danger.
3. Electrical appliances. view presentation. -To consolidate ideas about electrical appliances, about their significance for people, about the rules for using them.
4. lesson "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy."- Show children the importance of fire in human life, give knowledge about the need for safe handling of fire. Develop a sense of responsibility for your actions.
5. Drawing based on the story of B. Zhitkov "Fire in the Sea".-Arouse the desire to depict in the picture their impressions of the read story.
4 week
1.Fire number - 01.
Quiz.-To acquaint with the history of the creation of the fire service, to show its significance for people. Introduce fire extinguishing equipment, firefighter combat clothing, fire service telephone number. Form ideas about the profession of a firefighter, cultivate respect for their work.
2. Consideration of illustrations "Fire Department".-Raise respect and interest in the profession of a firefighter. Making up a story from pictures.
3. Problem situation "How to behave in case of fire."-Familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior during a fire and with the means of extinguishing it. Develop problem solving skills.
4. Reading proverbs and sayings about the caution in handling fire.-Explain to children the meaning of proverbs and sayings.
5. Learning the counting rhyme "Ene-Ben 2 logs .."-Continue to acquaint with the rules of fire safety with the help of a counting rhyme.
Week 1
1. Didactic game "Objects - sources of fire."-To deepen and systematize children's knowledge about the causes of fires.
2. Reading a poem by E. Khorinsky "Match is a small one." - Continue to acquaint with works on fire topics.
3. Making masks for the game-dramatization "Cat's House."-To consolidate the rules of fire safety knowledge and the ability to behave in case of fire, to arouse the desire to make masks for the game ourselves.
4. Quiz "Protect your home from fire."-Continue to give ideas about the fire and its consequences. - Develop the skills of careful handling of fire.
2 weeks
1. Didactic game "put it in order." (work with models - actions during a fire).-To consolidate knowledge about the norms of behavior during a fire, the sequence of actions.
2. Compilation of a story on the topic "Where trouble can come from."-To consolidate children's knowledge about fire safety rules, about the norms of behavior during a fire.
3. Drawing competition "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy."- Arouse the desire of children to depict in the drawing objects that are dangerous to people.
4.Consideration plot picture"Firemen rush to the rescue."-To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of a fire truck, the ability to compose a story.
5. lesson on cognitive development"Electricity in your home".-To consolidate and expand knowledge about the rules for the operation of electrical household appliances.
3 week
1. Relay "Young firefighter".-3 to strengthen and systematize knowledge about the rules of fire safety, to form an interest in the profession of a firefighter.
2. Quiz "Day of Knowledge of the rules of communication with fire."-Reinforce the concept of fire safety.
3. Mini-relay race "We are firefighters."-Exercise children in running, walking with obstacles, crawling under an arc, balance, develop a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance. Raise respect for the work of a firefighter.
4. Saying "Dwelling from the past."-Continue to acquaint children with the life of people in the primitive system, their dwelling, dangerous items for the dwelling at that time.
5. Didactic exercise "Collect a phone number."- Among the many digits, find the phone number 01 necessary for compiling.
6. Viewing the presentation "House in Russia".-Draw the attention of children to the illustrations of wooden settlements-cities, villages. To consolidate ideas about what houses are built from. How the houses are located to each other.
4 week
1. Game - lesson "What can not be done in the absence of adults."-Continue to deepen and systematize children's knowledge about the causes of fires.
2. The story of the teacher and children "Bonfire in the forest."-To consolidate the skills of careful handling of fire, to protect the forest from fire.
3. Reading the poem "The Story of an Unknown Hero."-To consolidate ideas about the norms of behavior during a fire, to form a negative attitude towards violators of these rules.
4. Conversation "Firefighter - a heroic profession."-To consolidate the rules of knowledge of numbers of emergency rescue services, to acquaint children with the heroic deeds of a fireman.
5. Didactic game "What does a firefighter need?".-Continue to reveal the importance of the firefighter's profession, items that help firefighters put out fires.
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