Fire safety games in the senior group. Fire fighting games for kids

Galina Podolina
Mobile games by the rules fire safety

Fire in the hearth.

Goals: develop speed of reaction, dexterity, orientation in space, attention, endurance; to form a sense of courage, discipline, will and desire to win, a culture of behavior in everyday life.

One of the players depicts Fire (in half mask). He leaves his dwelling - the hearth and walks around the other players.

THE FIRE. I am Fire, don't touch me!

PLAYERS (in reply)

Why did you leave the hearth

Turned into our enemy?

THE FIRE: I, Fire - your friend and enemy,

not with me can't cope.

After these words, he hisses and waves his arms, catches children who enter the boundaries of the circle where Fire lives. If the Fire caught his "flame"(those who disturbed the peace of his hearth, then turns it into a coal and puts it in his hearth. The one who remains not caught by the last player becomes a brave Daredevil who defeated Fire.

The Fire Dragon

Goals: to improve physical skills, the ability to walk with an added step, to crawl; develop speed of reaction, dexterity, courage.

Players stand in a circle, join hands, walk in a circle with a side step, for each step they say: "Fire-dragon, get out!"

The Sleeping Dragon lies in the center of the circle. When the Dragon gets up, straightens up and waves scarlet ribbons at chest level ( "tongues of flame", the players run away.

THE DRAGON: Tongues of fire are getting closer, closer

Get down, down, down!

All players dodge, bend low, crawl so that the driver does not hurt them.

Those who are not touched return to the circle.

Water and fire.

Goals: develop speed of reaction, dexterity, attention, coordination of movements; create a sense of friendship.

Two lines are drawn at a distance of 10 meters from each other. Girls line up at one line (Water, at the other - boys (Fire leading between them.

On command "Fire!" boys catch girls, on command "Water" girls catch boys (stew fire) . Salted go to the opposing team.

The birds are in trouble.

Goals: develop speed of reaction, dexterity, orientation in space; to form a sense of duty, compassion for the animal world, a desire to help others.

Several circles are drawn on the site, nests with chicks are in them (children). An evil Fire is chosen, which roams the forests, fields, meadows, scatters sparks of flame (red ribbons) and starts fires. The task of the rest of the players is to catch ribbons on the fly - sparks so that they do not fall into the nests, and save the chicks from trouble. The game is considered finished when all ribbons-sparks are extinguished.

Who will extinguish faster fire.

Goals: develop speed of reaction, dexterity, attention; improve coordination of movements.

Chairs are arranged in a circle, on which there is one fire extinguisher each. (substitute item).

The number of chairs is one less than the number of participants games. Everyone walks in a circle to the music. At the signal, everyone must take a fire extinguisher in their hands. The number of chairs and fire extinguishers is reduced until a winner is revealed.

lake master

Goals: to develop dexterity, speed of reaction, attention, courage, the ability to bring the work begun to the end, to overcome mental clamps, self-doubt.

At a distance of 10 - 15 meters from "lake" a line is drawn along which the players line up. At the signal of the driver, the players run to the lake with imaginary or real buckets. Behind the line is the owner of the lake, who does not want the water to subside. Players must touch the line and draw water to put out fire(in a conventional place). Only when the owner is asleep can you scoop up water.

The leader counts to five.

The evil master starts to fall asleep (he covers his face with his hands, goes to sleep at the bottom of the lake). At this moment, the owner suddenly wakes up and catches the sluggish, gape. The game continues until all the players are caught and moved to the dwelling of the owner of the lake.

Game "Fire"

On a prearranged signal (fire siren), the players run from the start line to the chairs on which the "fireman's ammunition" is laid out:

e.g. helmet, gloves, belt, etc. "Firefighters" must prepare for departure - put on ammunition. The one who gets dressed the fastest wins.

The game can be complicated if several players from each team participate in it - for example, three.

Then each already "dressed" player runs to the start line and passes the baton to his friend.

The first team to get dressed and line up at the starting line wins.

You can make the relay race two-stage. Then each team is divided into two parts. Then each team is divided into two parts. Some players are "dressing firefighters", others are "preparing a fire truck".

After the members of the first group are dressed and lined up at the start line, they pass the baton to the players of the other group. The task of the latter is to collect a split picture - an image of a fire engine.

Game "Brave firefighters"

One player is selected from each team.

On command, the players must go through the obstacle course, get to the chairs with the doll and take it out of the fire. The one who comes to the finish line first wins.

The game can be made more difficult by inviting the "firefighters" to move blindfolded.

Game "After the fire"

Two players are selected from each team.

They sit on chairs and pick up a reel to which a cord is attached at one end. On command, the players begin to wind the cord. The one who finishes first wins.

The game can be repeated several times - with the participation of other team members.

The game "Extinguish the fire"

Rules of the game: children are divided into 2-3 teams, each team is given a "fire extinguisher". Not far away are placed (according to the number of teams) objects that need to be extinguished (a large cube; a rubber inflatable toy, etc.). On command, the participants each run to their object, run around it (extinguish), put a “fire extinguisher” nearby and run aside. As soon as the "fire extinguisher" touches the ground, the next participant in the game runs. The victory is awarded to the team that extinguishes the fire first.

Game "Bonfire"

Rules of the game: children are divided into 2-3 teams. You need to carry sand from the sandbox with a small children's scoop or spoon (without spilling it on the run) and put out the fire (pour it on a piece of paper with a picture of a fire). The winner is the team that brings more sand to the "bonfire" in the same time, i.e. better put out the fire.

Sports game "Fire drills"

The host greets all participants, fans, guests and informs that sport game dedicated to people whose profession is a fireman.

Leading. Fire brings people warmth, joy, but sometimes it can become a dangerous and cruel enemy. Courageous and smart, fast and resourceful people - firefighters - stand in the way of fire. They fight the fire, rescue the victims.

Then the host introduces the teams of children, calls the judges and announces the start of the game.

The game "What you need in case of fire"

Game progress. The members of each team line up one after the other in one line. At the leader's command, they run to the table, on which are laid out objects or images related to the profession of a firefighter (helmet, gas mask, fire extinguisher, etc.) and not related to this profession. The player must quickly select the desired item and return to the team. Then the next child does the same, and so on. The team with the fastest players to complete the task wins.

The game "Who will dress faster" Game progress. Teams line up behind the start line, at a short distance from which two suitcases with the same set of items are placed: helmet, jacket, boots. At the signal of the leader, the player of each team runs up to his suitcase, opens it, gets dressed and runs to the start line. There he takes off his clothes and passes them to the next player, who, having dressed, runs to the suitcase, takes off and puts things down and returns to the team, etc.

Relay "Upper Floor"

Children climb the inclined bench to the gymnastic wall, climb to the next span, then jump to the mat.

Relay race "Disassembly of hoses"

The first child standing in the column of each team runs to the pyramid, on which the rope is wound, unwinds it and returns back. The second runs and winds the rope around the pyramid. Etc.

Relay "Fire Extinguishing"

Relay "Smoky Corridor"

The members of each team line up in front of their tunnel, take turns crawling through it, then run back.

Relay "Fire Extinguishing"

In the hands of the front standing child each team a bucket of "water". He must run along the bench, climb through the "window" (hoop), overcome the distance, stepping over objects, "pour out the water" and run back. The next player does the same.

Game "Yes" and "No"

The game is called "Yes" and "No"

I want to hear them back.

Everyone play carefully

Think and answer.

Answer questions,

And say yes or no.

All the kids need to know

That you can't play with fire.

Do all the guys know this? (Yes)

Are they playing with fire?

Are fires a joke for guys?

Are all the children here obedient?

Jam is boiling on the stove.

Is it possible without permission

children to run up to the stove,

To stir the jam?

The boy Tikhon burns the leaves,

By the fire he jumps dashingly.

Children give me the answer

Is it good?

Light plays under the table

She lights candles.

Children give me the answer

Is it good?

Vova plays with matches

Mom forbids it.

Children give me the answer

Is our Vova right or not?

Naughty boy Vova,

Plays with matches again.

Let the children answer me

Mom Vova upset?

Here is a candle, a fire is burning,

You try fire - touch it!

Give me an answer, children

Will it hurt or not?

Do we care about fires? (No)

Will we always rescue a friend?

Will we never lie?

Do we always listen to mom?

Can you play with matches?

Light candles for children?

Does fire hurt?

Does fire give goodness?

Are you cowardly when trouble?

Is it a pity for labor?

Are you always careful with fire?

How can I end the game?

The game "Stomp, clap"


If the kids do the right thing - clap,

If it's wrong, they stomp.


I know now, my friends

That you can't play with fire! (clapping)

Matches are burning merrily

I will play with them. (stomp)

Kolya ran behind the house, where he plays with a fire. (stomp)

He's dangerous, Lena knows

The iron no longer turns on (clap)

Tanya and Nina play, they light gas on the stove (stomp)

Klim saw: the house was on fire,

Boy "01" is calling. (clapping)

The game "What you need in case of fire"

Game progress.The members of each team line up one after the other in one line. At the command of the leader, they run to the table, on which objects or images related to the profession of a firefighter are laid out. (helmet, gas mask, fire extinguisher, etc.) and not related to this profession. The player must quickly select the desired item and return to the team. Then the next child does the same, and so on. The team with the fastest players to complete the task wins.

Outdoor safety games for preschoolers

Outdoor safety games for preschoolers are mostly held in the form of relay races. Children are divided into two teams. In such games, instead of the usual signal, you can use a recording of a fire siren.

Game "Fire"

To play, you will need children's firefighter costumes: helmet, belt, gloves, overalls.

On a signal, the players start from the start line and run to the chairs on which the firemen's suits lie. The guys should get dressed, return to their team, undress and give the suit to the next participant.

The team that "gathered for the fire" the fastest wins.

The game "Fire camps"

To play, you will need a table and various items, including those “borrowed” from the fire department: a cord, a gas mask, a helmet.

On a signal, the players run to the table on which the items are laid out, choose one item necessary for the work of the firefighter, and return to the team.

The team that completes the task faster and, most importantly, more correctly than others, wins.

Game "Brave firefighters"

To play, you will need to prepare an obstacle course. At the end of it there is a model of the house in which the toys "live".

On a signal, the children start the relay race: they run through the obstacle course, “rescue” one toy from the house and return to their team. The goal is to save all the inhabitants of the toy house.

The team that helps the injured the fastest wins.

Put out the fire game

To play, you will need a sandbox or a basin of sand.

On a signal, the children scoop up sand with a small scoop and run towards the “fire” - a piece of paper with the image of a flame. You need to run carefully so as not to spill the sand.

The winner is the team that brings the most sand and, accordingly, quickly extinguishes the flames.

Game "After the fire"

Each team has two players. To play, you will need a large reel with a tied cord.

At the command of the host, the participants begin to wind the cord on the reel. Those who complete the task first win.

Game "Up"

The game is played in the gym. Children climb an inclined bench to the Swedish wall, climb onto the next span, jump onto the mat and run to their team. The team that completes the entire distance the fastest wins.

Game "Corridor"

There are tunnels in front of each team.

On a signal, the participants crawl through the tunnel and run back to their team.

The game "Two boots - a pair"

Teams are divided into pairs. Pairs are tied (left foot of one player with the right foot of another player). It is necessary, holding hands, to jump to the hoop that imitates a house on fire, and "rescue" a toy from there.

The team that saves all the victims faster than others wins.

Game "01"

For this game, you need to prepare leaflets and markers.

The members of each team, on a signal, begin to run to the other side of the hall. There is a piece of paper on the chair, on which you need to write with a marker "01", that is, call the fire department.

The game continues until all children have written "01".

Game "Fire"

One player is selected from each team.

On a prearranged signal (fire siren), the players run from the start line to the chairs on which the "fireman's ammunition" is laid out: for example, a helmet, gloves, belt, etc. "Firefighters" must prepare for departure - put on ammunition. The one who gets dressed the fastest wins.

The game can be complicated if several players participate in it from each team - for example, three. Then each player who has already “dressed up” runs to the start line and passes the baton to his friend. The team whose players dress up earlier and line up on the start line wins.

You can make the relay race two-stage. Then each team is divided into two parts. Then each team is divided into two parts. Some players are "dressing firefighters", others are "preparing a fire truck".

After the members of the first group are dressed and lined up at the start line, they pass the baton to the players of the other group. The task of the latter is to collect a split picture - an image of a fire engine.

Game "Brave firefighters"

One player is selected from each team. On command, the players must go through an obstacle course, get to the chairs with the doll and take it out of the fire. The winner is the one who comes to the finish line first. The game can be complicated by inviting the "firefighters" to move blindfolded.

Game "After the fire"

Two players are selected from each team.

They sit on chairs and pick up a reel to which a cord is attached at one end. On command, the players begin to wind the cord. The winner is the one who finishes first. The game can be repeated several times - with the participation of other team members.

The game "Extinguish the fire"

Rules of the game: children are divided into 2-3 teams, each team is given a "fire extinguisher". Not far away are placed (according to the number of teams) objects that need to be extinguished (a large cube; a rubber inflatable toy, etc.). On command, the participants each run to their object, run around it (extinguish), put a “fire extinguisher” nearby and run aside. As soon as the "fire extinguisher" touches the ground, the next participant in the game runs. The victory is awarded to the team that extinguishes the fire first.

Game "Bonfire"

Rules of the game: children are divided into 2-3 teams. You need to carry sand from the sandbox with a small children's scoop or spoon (without spilling it on the run) and put out the fire (pour it on a piece of paper with a picture of a fire). The winner is the team that brings more sand to the "bonfire" in the same time, i.e. better put out the fire.

Sports game "Fire drills"

The host welcomes all participants, fans, guests and informs that the sports game is dedicated to people whose profession is a fireman.

Leading. Fire brings people warmth, joy, but sometimes it can become a dangerous and cruel enemy. Courageous and smart, fast and resourceful people - firefighters - stand in the way of fire. They fight the fire, save the victims. Then the leader introduces the teams of children, names the judges and announces the start of the game.

Word game "Yes" and "No"

The game is called "Yes" and "No"

I want to hear them back.

Everyone play carefully

Think and answer.

Answer questions,

And say yes or no.

All the kids need to know

That you can't play with fire.

Do all the guys know this? (Yes)

Are they playing with fire?

Are fires a joke for guys?

Are all the children here obedient?

Jam is boiling on the stove.

Is it possible without permission

children to run up to the stove,

To stir the jam?

The boy Tikhon burns the leaves,

By the fire he jumps dashingly.

Children give me the answer

Is it good?

Light plays under the table

She lights candles.

Children give me the answer

Is it good?

Vova plays with matches

Mom forbids it.

Children give me the answer

Is our Vova right or not?

Naughty boy Vova,

Plays with matches again.

Let the children answer me

Mom Vova upset?

Here is a candle, a fire is burning,

You try fire - touch it!

Give me an answer, children

Will it hurt or not?

Do we care about fires? (No)

Will we always rescue a friend?

Will we never lie?

Do we always listen to mom?

Can you play with matches?

Light candles for children?

Does fire hurt?

Does fire give goodness?

Are you cowardly when trouble?

Is it a pity for labor?

Are you always careful with fire?

How can I end the game?

The game "Stomp, clap"


If the kids do the right thing - clap,

If it's wrong, they stomp.


I know now, my friends

That you can't play with fire! (clapping)

Matches are burning merrily

I will play with them. (stomp)

Kolya ran behind the house, where he plays with a fire. (stomp)

He's dangerous, Lena knows

The iron no longer turns on (clap)

Tanya and Nina play, they light gas on the stove (stomp)

Klim saw: the house was on fire,

Boy "101" is calling. (clapping)

Sample games and relay races.

The game "What you need in case of fire»

Game progress. The members of each team line up one after the other in one line. At the leader's command, they run to the table, on which are laid out objects or images related to the profession of a firefighter (helmet, gas mask, fire extinguisher, etc.) and not related to this profession. The player must quickly select the desired item and return to the team. Then the next child does the same, and so on. The team with the fastest players to complete the task wins.

The game "Who will dress faster"

Game progress. Teams line up behind the start line, at a short distance from which two suitcases with the same set of items are placed: helmet, jacket, boots. At the signal of the leader, the player of each team runs up to his suitcase, opens it, gets dressed and runs to the start line. There he takes off his clothes and passes them to the next player, who, having dressed, runs to the suitcase, takes off and puts things down and returns to the team, etc.

Relay "Upper Floor"

Children climb the inclined bench to the gymnastic wall, climb to the next span, then jump to the mat.

Relay "Fire Extinguishing"

In the hands of the child in front of each team is a bucket of "water". He must run along the bench, climb through the "window" (hoop), overcome the distance, stepping over objects, "pour out the water" and run back. The next player does the same.

Relay "Smoky Corridor"

The members of each team line up in front of their tunnel, take turns crawling through it, then run back.

The game "Trail of the young fireman"

In the hand of a participant in the game is a racket with a ball on it. Task: climb onto the gymnastic bench and get off without assistance. You can't drop the ball all the way. The racket with the ball is passed to the next team member. The team that completes the task first and drops the ball the fewest times wins.

The game "Bonfire in the ditch"

In the middle of the hall, two lines are drawn at a distance of 70-90 cm from one another. These lines form a moat in which the fire (imaginary). The participants in the game must all jump over the "bonfire", the one who does not jump over, or steps on the line, burns out. The team with the most members left wins.


Target: using story pictures to form children's ideas about dangerous situations during a fire; the ability to behave correctly in a dangerous situation. Develop attention, logical thinking, coherent speech. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Game progress:

The teacher gives the players cards drawn into 10 empty rectangles ( playing fields), then shows the children a plot picture depicting the situation during a fire (the boy plays with matches, the girl ran out onto the balcony of the burning apartment, the iron was left unattended, the children turned on the Christmas tree, etc.). The child, who correctly described the situation, covers the empty playing field with a picture. Whoever has the most closed fields wins.

Target: reinforce children's knowledge of fire safety rules. Develop memory, thinking, speech. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Game progress:

The teacher lays out on the table, or puts squats in a beautifully designed box with questions on the rules of conduct during a fire. The child who answers the question correctly receives a token. Whoever has the most chips at the end of the game wins.

Question options:

Name possible cause fire;

How to properly call firefighters;

What to do if during a fire there is no way to call firefighters, and the paths from the house are cut off by fire;

Is it possible to extinguish a fire without first calling the fire department;

What to do if the house smells of gas;

Is it possible to hide in a closet or under a table during a fire;

Is it possible to set fire to poplar fluff;

Is it possible to create a draft during a fire by opening all windows and doors at the same time;

Is it possible to use the elevator during a fire in the house;

What needs to be rescued during a fire in the first place: money, documents or yourself;

How to leave a smoky room;

Is it possible to play with matches and lighters and why.

Target: to form knowledge about the causes of the fire. Develop attention, memory, speech. Cultivate responsibility.

Game progress:

From the plot pictures proposed by the teacher (children collect autumn leaves, children hang burning candles on a Christmas tree, a boy plays with matches in a closet, children water flowers, etc.) the child must choose those situations that can cause a fire and argue his answer, for which he receives a chip. Whoever has the most chips by the end of the game wins.

Target: to form children's knowledge about the items necessary for extinguishing a fire, the rules for their use. To consolidate knowledge about objects that can cause a fire. Develop speech, memory, logical thinking. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Game progress:

The child is offered a set of subject pictures (a fire extinguisher, a bucket of water, a TV set, a telephone, a box of sand, an electrical socket, a fire hose, a kerosene lamp, a firefighter's helmet, a lighter, a gas stove, a gas mask) from which he must choose those used in extinguishing fires and causing the occurrence of a fire. The correct answer gets a token. The player with the most chips wins.

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior during a fire. Develop imagination, logical thinking, fine motor skills arms. Cultivate perseverance.

Game progress:

The child must put together a picture cut into 8-10 parts depicting the situation in a fire.

Target: form ideas about useful and harmful properties fire. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention.

Game progress:

The child is shown a picture of different kinds the use of fire (both good and bad). Children are given cards depicting fire and objects related to fire (matches, firewood, gas stove, kerosene lamp, etc.) children must place the cards in the picture - in the right place.

Target: to consolidate knowledge about fire prevention measures. Develop vocabulary, attention, memory.

Game progress:

The teacher, together with the children, stands around, passes the red ball to the child, who must complete the line of poetry.

Where people are careless with fire

There will rise in the sky a ball,

There will always threaten us


One two three four.

Who has a fire in ... .. (apartment).

Smoke rose suddenly.

Who has not turned off ... .. (iron).

The red light flickered.

Who with matches ...... (played).

The table and cabinet burned down at the same time.

Who dried clothes over ... (gas).

The flame jumped into the foliage.

Who is burning the house ... (grass)?

Who threw it into the fire

Unfamiliar ... (objects).

Remember every citizen:

This number:….(01).

I saw smoke, don't yawn.

And firefighters .... (call).

Target: consolidate knowledge about objects that can cause a fire. develop logical thinking, enrich vocabulary children.

Game progress:

of the four proposed pictures depicted on one card, the child chooses an extra one related or not related to the fire. An example is a boiler, a comb, a saucepan, a box; carpet, TV, painting, chair, etc.).



Preliminary work: an excursion to the fire station, conversations about the work of firefighters, viewing plot pictures, reading stories about a fire (L. Tolstoy "fire dogs", S. Marshak "Cat's House", S. Mikhalkov "fire"), drawing on this topic, playing out situations about rules of conduct in a fire, didactic games, OOD on this topic.

Target: to form the ability to develop a plot based on knowledge of PPD; coordinate their actions with the actions of partners, observe role-playing interactions and relationships in the game. Coordinate and predict role-playing actions and behavior in accordance with the plot of the game.

Equipment: a set of fire engines, helmets for firefighters, buckets, shovels, substitute items - cords, skipping ropes, a Swedish ladder, a sports rope, sports mats, a set of toys “We are firefighters”, a tape recorder (an audio recording of a “fire flasher”).

Game with the floor constructor "Fire in the city".

Preliminary work:

building design,

Games with a floor constructor,

Examination of the plan-scheme of the streets of the city,

Tour of the nearby neighborhood

Playing situations on the topic " fire engine on the streets of the city,

Conversations about the profession of a firefighter,

guessing riddles,

games with transport toys,

Conversations about the rules traffic on the topic of special vehicles on the street.

Target: consolidate the ability to take on various roles in accordance with the plot of the game; use attributes, constructor, construction material, items substitutes. Promote creative use in the yoke of ideas about COIN. Develop creative imagination, the ability to co-deploy the game.

Equipment: different types floor constructor, maps, toy fire trucks, small toys, an audio recording of a fire flasher.

Preliminary work:

conversations about home safety,

learning proverbs about fire and water,

conversation on the topic “Fire is a companion and helper of man”,

guessing riddles about fire, water, household items.

Consideration of plot pictures on the topic “So that trouble does not happen at home”,

Acquaintance with proverbs about fire,

Didactic games on fire safety.

Target: develop the ability to take on a role in accordance with the plot of the game; use attributes, objects substitutes. Develop creative imagination, game plan, based on the acquired knowledge of the PPD.

Equipment: toy household items(iron, computer, gas stove, microwave oven, washing machine, ironing board, electric kettle, hair dryer, etc.), substitute items (counting sticks in a box, etc.), a telephone, attributes for the game “We are firefighters”, a play corner equipped with children's and doll furniture.




Target: using story pictures to form children's ideas about dangerous situations during a fire; the ability to behave correctly in a dangerous situation. Develop attention, logical thinking, coherent speech. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Game progress:

The teacher gives the players cards drawn into 10 empty rectangles (playing fields), then shows the children a plot picture depicting the situation in a fire (the boy plays with matches, the girl ran out onto the balcony of the burning apartment, the iron was left unattended, the children turned on the Christmas tree, etc. ). The child, who correctly described the situation, covers the empty playing field with a picture. Whoever has the most closed fields wins.


Target: reinforce children's knowledge of fire safety rules. Develop memory, thinking, speech. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Game progress:

The teacher lays out on the table, or puts squats in a beautifully designed box with questions on the rules of conduct during a fire. The child who answers the question correctly receives a token. Whoever has the most chips at the end of the game wins.

Question options:

Name the possible cause of the fire;

How to properly call firefighters;

What to do if during a fire there is no way to call firefighters, and the paths from the house are cut off by fire;

Is it possible to extinguish a fire without first calling the fire department;

What to do if the house smells of gas;

Is it possible to hide in a closet or under a table during a fire;

Is it possible to set fire to poplar fluff;

Is it possible to create a draft during a fire by opening all windows and doors at the same time;

Is it possible to use the elevator during a fire in the house;

What needs to be rescued during a fire in the first place: money, documents or yourself;

How to leave a smoky room;

Is it possible to play with matches and lighters and why.


Target: to form knowledge about the causes of the fire. Develop attention, memory, speech. Cultivate responsibility.

Game progress:

From the plot pictures proposed by the teacher (children collect autumn leaves, children hang burning candles on a Christmas tree, a boy plays matches in a closet, children water flowers, etc.), the child must choose those situations that can cause a fire and argue his answer, for who gets the chip. Whoever has the most chips by the end of the game wins.


Target: to form children's knowledge about the items necessary for extinguishing a fire, the rules for their use. To consolidate knowledge about objects that can cause a fire. Develop speech, memory, logical thinking. Cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Game progress:

The child is offered a set of subject pictures (a fire extinguisher, a bucket of water, a TV set, a telephone, a box of sand, an electrical socket, a fire hose, a kerosene lamp, a firefighter's helmet, a lighter, a gas stove, a gas mask) from which he must choose those used in extinguishing fires and causing the occurrence of a fire. The correct answer gets a token. The player with the most chips wins.


Target: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior during a fire. Develop imagination, logical thinking, fine motor skills of the hand. Cultivate perseverance.

Game progress:

The child must put together a picture cut into 8-10 parts depicting the situation in a fire.


Target: to form ideas about the beneficial and harmful properties of fire. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention.

Game progress:

The child is shown a picture depicting various uses of fire (both good and bad). Children are given cards with the image of fire and objects related to fire (matches, firewood, gas stove, kerosene lamp, etc.), children must place the cards in the picture - in the right place.


Target: to consolidate knowledge about fire prevention measures. Develop vocabulary, attention, memory.

Game progress:

The teacher, together with the children, stands around, passes the red ball to the child, who must complete the line of poetry.

Where people are careless with fire

There will rise in the sky a ball,

There will always threaten us



One two three four.

Who has a fire in ... .. (apartment).


Smoke rose suddenly.

Who has not turned off ... .. (iron).


The red light flickered.

Who with matches ...... (played).


The table and cabinet burned down at the same time.

Who dried clothes over ... (gas).


The flame jumped into the foliage.

Who is burning the house ... (grass)?


Who threw it into the fire

Unfamiliar ... (objects).


Remember every citizen:

This number:….(01).


I saw smoke - do not yawn.

And firefighters .... (call).


Target: consolidate knowledge about objects that can cause a fire. develop logical thinking, enrich the vocabulary of children.

Game progress:

of the four proposed pictures depicted on one card, the child chooses an extra one related or not related to the fire. An example is a boiler, a comb, a saucepan, a box; carpet, TV, painting, chair, etc.).



Preliminary work:excursion to the fire station,conversations about the work of firefighters,looking at scene picturesreading stories about a fire (L. Tolstoy "fire dogs", S. Marshak "Cat's House", S. Mikhalkov "fire"),drawing on the topicplaying situations about the rules of behavior in a fire,didactic games,OOD on this topic.

Target: to form the ability to develop a plot based on knowledge of PPD; coordinate their actions with the actions of partners, observe role-playing interactions and relationships in the game. Coordinate and predict role-playing actions and behavior in accordance with the plot of the game.

Equipment: a set of fire engines, helmets for firefighters, buckets, shovels, substitute items - cords, skipping ropes, a Swedish ladder, a sports rope, sports mats, a set of toys “We are firefighters”, a tape recorder (an audio recording of a “fire flasher”).

Game with the floor constructor "Fire in the city".

Preliminary work:

building design,

Games with a floor constructor,

Examination of the plan-scheme of the streets of the city,

Tour of the nearby neighborhood

Playing situations on the topic "fire truck on the streets of the city",

Conversations about the profession of a firefighter,

guessing riddles,

games with transport toys,

Conversations about the rules of the road on the topic of special vehicles on the street.

Target: consolidate the ability to take on various roles in accordance with the plot of the game; use attributes, constructor, building material, substitute items. Promote creative use in the yoke of ideas about COIN. Develop creative imagination, the ability to co-deploy the game.

Equipment: different types of floor constructor, maps, toy fire trucks, small toys, audio recording of a fire flasher.


Preliminary work:

conversations about home safety,

learning proverbs about fire and water,

conversation on the topic “Fire is a companion and helper of man”,

guessing riddles about fire, water, household items.

Consideration of plot pictures on the topic “So that trouble does not happen at home”,

Acquaintance with proverbs about fire,

Didactic games on fire safety.

Target: develop the ability to take on a role in accordance with the plot of the game; use attributes, objects substitutes. Develop creative imagination, game plan, based on the acquired knowledge of the PPD.

Equipment: toy household items (iron, computer, gas stove, microwave oven, washing machine, ironing board, electric kettle, hair dryer, etc.), substitute items (counting sticks in a box, etc.), telephone, attributes for the game " We are firefighters”, a well-equipped play corner. children's and doll furniture.

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