Summary of classes on the rules of the road. Summary of the lesson on the topic: "Rules of the road"

Abstract of a lesson on traffic rules for older preschoolers

Summary of the lesson: "Traveling according to the rules of the road"

for older preschool children

Target: reinforcing children's knowledge of the rules of the road.
Tasks: -expand knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, in transport;
- fix the name and purpose of road signs;
- educate a responsible attitude to their safety on the street;
-enrich active vocabulary;
- improve motor skills;
- develop flexibility, coordination of movements;
- contribute to the formation of positive emotions from joint games.
Materials: costumes: cat Leopold, two mice; cards with modes of transport; road signs; ball; carpet "pedestrian crossing"; cars big size; two traffic lights; two racks; two cars tied with a rope to a pencil.
The venue is a music or sports hall.

Lesson progress:
Leading: Dear Guys! Today we are going to extraordinary journey according to the rules of the road. On our way there will be several stops, where we are waiting for difficult tasks. But before you set off, tell me what kind of transport you can travel on? (children's answers)
- Correctly. Let's warm up before a long trip.

Game: "What's where?"(Children are offered three cards on which: a cloud, two straight lines-the road, and two wavy lines. The host shows a card, and the children name the transport and the type to which it belongs. For example: card "cloud" - plane - air mode of transport)

Leading:-Let's hit the road.

First station: "City of pedestrians"

Ball game: "Continue the phrase" Children stand in a circle. The host throws the ball and asks a question, the child answers and returns the ball.
-On the way to who is going? (pedestrian) -What is going on the road? (cars) -Where are we waiting for the bus? (at the bus stop) -Who is driving the bus? (driver) -Where do we cross the road? (by pedestrian crossing) -Where do we play? (on the playground) -How many eyes does the traffic light have? (three) -If the red eye is on, then what does it say? (the path is closed) -What does the green one say? (the path is open) Leading:-Well done! All questions were answered correctly.

Music sounds. The cat Leopold enters the hall.
Leopold: - Hello guys! I'm going to school of road sciences, I want to learn traffic rules. And you, what are you doing here?
Leading:- And we just repeat the traffic rules. Stay with us, we will tell you everything we know.
Leopold: - Are you familiar with road signs?

Leading:- Yes.
Leopold: - This is good. I have road signs in my portfolio, but I don't know what they mean.

Mice run into the hall, take the briefcase and run away.
They look out from behind the door and shout: - Leopold, come out! Come out, you filthy coward!
Leopold: (grabbing his head) - Those mice again. Oh, and my briefcase was stolen. Now I'll catch up with them! (cat runs away)
Mice appear in the center of the hall with a briefcase. They shake the briefcase, try it on the “tooth”, shake it out and say disappointedly:

I mouse: -Nothing interesting!
II mouse: - And nothing delicious!
The cat Leopold appears.
I mouse: - Forgive us Leopold!
II mouse: Leopold, I'm sorry!
Leopold: -Let's live in peace!
Mice: -What are you all doing here?
Leopold: -We repeat the rules of the road, which you, of course, do not know!
Mice: -We all know!
Leopold: -I doubt!
Leading:-Let's check it out. Tell me, dear mice, how to cross the road?
I mouse: -How how? Of course crawl on all fours!
II mouse: - No, quickly run across so that the car does not notice!
Mouse: - No, crawl!
II mouse: - No, run!
Leading:-Do not quarrel! Guys, help the mice. (Children's answers)
Why do we need pedestrian and underground passages?
- Well, how should you behave when you get off public transport?
Mice: - Well, is it easy to crawl between the wheels of the bus?
Leading:-Guys, is it possible to do this? (Children's answers)
-What else should we pay attention to when approaching the transition? (at traffic lights)
-Have you heard anything about the traffic light?
Mice: -Of course.
Leading: At what traffic light should you cross the street?
I mouse: -I like red. I'll go for red!
II mouse: - And I don’t like any, so I won’t even look at the traffic light.

Leading: Let's continue our journey.

The next station is "Svetoforiya". There you will find out everything.
I child: At any intersection,
We are met by a traffic light
And it starts very easily
Talk to a pedestrian.
II child: Green light - come in,
Yellow better wait.
If the light turns red
So it's dangerous to move!

Leading:- Well, remember what traffic signal you need to cross the road. - Then let's play.
Music game: "Musical traffic light" music by E. Komalkova, lyrics by S. Mikhalkov (collection "We play and dance" 1992) In the hall, two traffic lights are installed opposite each other, with a footpath between them. Two groups of children are standing at a traffic light. To the music of "Merry Pedestrians", children-pedestrians cross the road along a zebra. The traffic lights are green. To the music of "Cars", child drivers drive cars along the carriageway. The traffic lights are red. The winner is the team (drivers or pedestrians) that closely follows the music and traffic lights.

Leading:- Guys, what else is very important we didn't tell our guests? What do we see every day along the roads? (road signs) -That's right, these are road signs. And how do they differ from each other? (Color, shape) And what are the road signs? (Forbidding, warning, prescriptive and indicative)

Our next station: "Road Signs".
Leopold:- I have a lot of different signs in my portfolio. Only I don't know anything about them.

Leading:- We will play with them now. (Leopold lays out all the signs on the canvas so that they are visible to the children. The leader reads poems, and the children find the corresponding sign, name it and determine the group) 1. “Pedestrian crossing” - Here is a ground crossing,
People walk all day long.
You, the driver, do not be sad,
Pedestrian, pass!
2. "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited" - In the rain, and in clear weather
Pedestrians don't walk here
One sign tells them:
You are not allowed to walk!
3. "Pedestrian crossing" - Pedestrian! A pedestrian!
Remember about the transition!
underground, ground,
Know that only the transition
Will save you from cars!
4. "Place of a stop of passenger transport" - In this place the pedestrian,
The transport is waiting patiently.
He was tired of walking
Wants to be a passenger.
5. "Hospital" - If you need to be treated,
The sign will tell you where the hospital is.
One hundred serious doctors
They will tell you: "Be healthy!"

Leading:-Now Leopold you know what the signs in your briefcase are called. And our journey comes to an end.

The last station left: "Road relay" , here we are waiting for interesting games.

I game: "Nimble drivers"(Two teams of players need to guide the car by the rope between the posts without knocking them down.)

II game: "Fast drivers"(A typewriter is tied to a rope of medium length at one end, and a pencil from the other. Team members need to wind the rope with a typewriter around a pencil as quickly as possible.)

Leading:-So our journey to the country of traffic rules ended. You proved to be competent, knowledgeable pedestrians. And I want to remind you guys again:
Be careful all the time
And remember ahead:
They have their own rules
Driver and pedestrian.

Topic: "Rules of the road"

Targets and goals : Expand children's knowledge about the rules of pedestrians on the road (carriageway) and on the sidewalk; consolidate knowledge of the following concepts: "pedestrian", "pedestrian crossing"; generalize students' knowledge of how to behave on the road; to cultivate a culture of behavior, to instill a desire to comply with the rules of the road in life.

Lesson progress:

1 . Organizing time .

Hello guys! I would like to start our today's lesson by guessing a crossword puzzle.

As you may have guessed, today we will talk about the rules of the road.

2. Main part.


- What is a pedestrian? How should you walk the streets? on the way to? (When you walk down the street, you are a pedestrian. Walking on the street is allowed only on sidewalks or footpaths, keeping to the right so as not to interfere with the movement of oncoming pedestrians. If there is no sidewalk, you need to walk towards traffic along the side of the road or the edge of the road. Then the driver sees you and you see the approaching car.)

How do we cross the street? road? (To cross the street, there are certain places and they are called pedestrian crossings. They are marked with road signs "Pedestrian crossing" and white lines marking "Zebra". Before crossing the road, you need to make sure that it is completely safe. To do this, stop at the edge of the carriageway , look left, right and left again and if there are no cars, go to the middle of the carriageway.Look right again, and if there are no cars, finish the crossing.The road must be crossed at right angles and in places where the road is clearly visible in both directions. If there is a traffic light at a pedestrian crossing or intersection, then you must be guided by its signs.)

Name the colors of traffic lights. What do they mean? (You should never cross the street if the red light is on, even if there are no cars. You can only cross the green one! Cross the road calmly, take your time.)

Can you play near the road? (It is dangerous to play near the road: ride a bike in summer or winter on sleds or skis; there are special areas and squares for this.)

Why do you need to know and follow traffic rules?

Traffic rules in verse.

Children, know the rules of pedestrian safety, do not break them, learn how to apply them in life!

All people need to know the rules of the road!
These rules must always be followed!

Children do not play ball on the pavement,
Children, run away from the track, you are down!

If suddenly the car got in the way
Run out on the road - do not rush!

Look carefully, you, on the sides,
Is there any danger there, can you see everything?

There is a special crossing for pedestrians,
He will tell the driver that people are coming.

It will be more attentive, the one who is driving
There may be danger here - he knows it!

And another assistant - stands aside
A green light winks at me!

If a red eye looks at me
So you can't go out on the road!

Even if you are very late
Don't go out on this road!

If you see - suddenly trouble happened to someone
Call the inspector quickly, friends!
- Remember! Compliance with traffic rules save your life and health!

Conducting the game.

- And we continue our work. And now it's time to find out how well you know the rules of the road. Guys, stand in a circle. I will throw the ball and ask a question, and you answer the question and return the ball.

1. Who is walking on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

2. Where are people waiting for transport? (at the bus stop)

3. Who is called the "driver?" (A person driving a vehicle.)

4. How is a pedestrian crossing marked on the road? (Special markings - "zebra".)

5. What is the name of the intersection of two roads? (crossroad)

6. Why can't you suddenly appear in front of a nearby vehicle? (Vehicles will not be able to stop immediately.)

7. What is the difference between a transport traffic light and a pedestrian one? (The traffic light has three signals - red, yellow, green, and the pedestrian two - red and green.)

8. Who should get off the bus first - an adult or you? (From any vehicle The adult always comes out first, then the child.)

9. How should you walk around the bus correctly, in front or behind? (We have to wait until he leaves.)

10. Can children play near the road?

Well done boys!

Solving riddles.

It's time for mysteries.

It will oblige us to go quietly,
Turn near will show
And remind you what and how
You are on your way...Road sign ).

What kind of "zebra" on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open.
Waiting for the green to blink
So this is…(Transition ).

Got up from the edge of the street in a long boot
Three-eyed scarecrow on one leg.
Where the cars move
Where the paths converged
Helping people cross the road. (Traffic light ).

The house on the rails is right there,
He will kill everyone in five minutes.
You sit down and don't yawn
Heading off… (Tram ).

Drinks petrol like milk
Can run far.
Carries goods and people
You know her, of course.
He wears shoes made of rubber, called ... (Car ).

Blitz-poll (2 teams - who will quickly and correctly answer questions on the topic).

The roadway is paved. (Highway ).

A person traveling in a vehicle. (Passenger ).

A person moving on foot. (A pedestrian ).

It can be prohibitive, permissive, informational. (Sign ).

Bus waiting area. (Stop ).

Vehicles powered by electricity. (Trolleybus, tram ).

Emergency phone number. (03 ).

A place where they leave their vehicles for a while. (Parking ).

A multi-seat vehicle for transporting passengers. (Bus ).

Reckless drivers are very fond of doing it. (Overtaking ).

Three-eyed guard. (Traffic light ).

The most strict road signs. (Forbidding ).

Path along the road, not for cars. (Sidewalk ).

This happens to those who do not follow the rules of the road. (car accident ).

Pedestrian crossing is different. (Zebra ).

The most dangerous place for pedestrians. (crossroads ).

This "says" the yellow light of the traffic light. (Attention ).

Part of the car under which the gap falls. (Wheel ).

Rule breakers fear him. (Inspector ).

A gaping driver gets into it. (Ditch ).

The game

Now we will play another game that you know very well, it is called -

"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!" I I will read out the questions and if you agree with the statement, then unanimously say the phrase “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, If you do not agree, be silent. And now I'll check you:

Which of you goes forward only where there is a pedestrian?

Who walks to school like a merry gang every day?

Who always goes forward with his mouth wide open?

Who lets cars through, does everyone follow the traffic rules?

Who walks indiscriminately at traffic lights?

Who always gives way to the elders in a cramped tram?

Who will cross the road only where the crossing is?

Who kicks the merry ball on the road in front of the house?

To get some air in the trolley bus,

Who stuck his head and torso out the window?

Does anyone know that a red light means there is no move?

Who runs ahead so fast that they don't see a traffic light?

Does anyone know that the green light means the way is open?

Who is merrily chasing a ball near the roadway?

Who helps the traffic police, monitors the order?

- Well done guys, you did a great job.

3. Summing up .

Working with memos "Young Pedestrian"

Read the memos that are on your desks. Follow the rules of the pedestrian and traffic rules!

You know the rules of the road well. Try to be extremely careful on the road so as not to cause trouble either to yourself or to people close to you.

Abstract open lesson according to traffic rules in preparatory group"Safe Behavior of Children on the Roads".

Purpose: Formation of knowledge, skills and practical skills of safe behavior on the road and in the street. Summarize children's knowledge about the Rules of the road.


  • To consolidate the knowledge of children about transport, about modes of transport.
  • Fix the rules for using public transport.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the dangers that await children on the street;
  • To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic signals;
  • To consolidate the ability to distinguish and understand the meaning of some road signs;
  • Improve your driving skills by learning the signs
  • Repeat the rules of behavior on the street. Traffic Laws.
  • Develop attentiveness, observation when performing a task;

Develop logical thinking;

  • To educate in children a respectful attitude to the Rules of the road and the desire to follow them;
  • To develop a culture of behavior in order to prevent child road traffic injuries;
  • To cultivate the ability to listen carefully, not to interrupt, to supplement and correct the mistakes of their comrades.
  • Learn to compare, highlight the main, essential;
  • Develop the ability to group objects;
  • Coordination of speech with movement.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment: (Children enter the group. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the guests, offers to say hello to them).

Teacher: Hello children. Guests came to our lesson today, let's say hello to them. Now let's stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly.
And we smile at each other.

Left - turn right.
And we smile at each other.
Starting the day with a smile
Everything will work out for us!

Now let's go to the tables and sit on the chairs.

Guys, look who came to visit us!

(The teacher shows the children a doll - Masha). She wants to get to know you and get to know our city better. Masha also wants to take a walk around the city, but she does not know the rules of behavior on the street. But what rules are in question, you will learn from the poem:

They don't just walk around the city, down the street

When you don't know the rules, it's easy to get into trouble.

Always be careful and remember ahead.

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

What are the rules of the poem?

Children: Rules of the road.

Educator: Right! Guys, can we help Masha understand the Rules of the Road?

Children: Help.

Educator: Let's remember the rules of behavior on the road, traffic signals, road signs. Guys, we need to convince Masha that

Very important science
Traffic rules.
And they must comply
All without exception.

Do you understand, friends? (children's answers).
Well, that's good!
So here we go!
And we're on our way right now

By main road towards the dream
Only attention will come in handy everywhere.
I see you all are waiting
And your first mission!

Exercise 1: "Guess a riddle"

1. Food for this horse -
Gasoline, and oil, and water.
He does not graze in the meadow.
On the roads he rushes.


2. Small houses run through the streets,
Adults and children are taken to the houses.


3. Early in the morning outside the window
Knock and ring and commotion
Red houses are walking
On straight steel tracks.


4. Amazing wagon!
Judge for yourself:
Rails in the air, and he
Holds them with his hands.


Educator: Guess what types of transport are discussed in riddles?

Children: About ground public transport.

Educator: Right. When we ride in a bus, tram, who are we?...


When we walk down the street, who are we?...


Well done! So imagine you are passengers! What are the rules for using public transport? It will be difficult for our Masha to immediately remember the rules of behavior, so we will teach her using prompt models.

Children: In public transport, passengers behave calmly. They speak in a low voice. You can't scream or make noise. Passengers must go inside the cabin. Hold on tight to the handrails. Pay for travel. Give way to older, elderly people, passengers with small children. You can not lean out of the window, drink drinks, eat sweets and ice cream.

Educator: Well done! You know the rules for passengers well. Now tell Masha the obligatory rule road safety: how to get around a bus, trolleybus and tram standing at a stop.

Children: A bus and a trolleybus standing on the road or a stop must be bypassed from behind, and a tram from the front.

Teacher: That's right guys!
Well, what if you break the rules?
You get different injuries
And suddenly something bad happens

What should we do then?
Children: Call "03", an ambulance.

Educator: Remind Masha, what kind of ambulance is this?

Children: This is a special transport.

Educator: Children, what other special transport do you know (fire engine, police car).

Educator: Well done! You have mastered the modes of transport well, and now show what kind of drivers you will be:

Physical education minute (coordination of words with movements).


"We are chauffeurs" .

Let's go, let's go by car (steering wheel movements)
We press the pedal (bend the leg at the knee, straighten)
Turn gas on and off (turn the lever towards you, away from you)
We look intently into the distance (palm to forehead)

The wipers count the drops (wipers)

Right, left cleanliness!

Educator: And now, let's introduce Masha to true friend and assistant drivers and pedestrians. Guess the riddle and find out his name:

He exists to help you.
The path is dangerous
Burning day and night
Green, yellow, red.

Educator: What is it?

Children: Traffic light. Guys, do you know that a traffic light had a long time ago only two eyes: red and green. (SLIDE FIRST TRAFFIC LIGHT). And only with the advent of high-speed cars did the third one appear - the yellow signal.

Educator: And now we will play a game "Say a word"

Choose the right rhyme for the poem (Game "Tell me a word").

Learn the simple law
The red light came on... (wait)
Yellow will tell the pedestrian
Prepare for… (transition)

Green ahead
He tells everyone... (go)

Educator: Well done, and you know the traffic lights. Now let's see how smart you are. Let's play a game: "Traffic light" .

Be careful. Showing:
Green circle - stomp your feet,
Yellow circle - clap your hands,
Red circle - silence!

Well done! Do you know traffic lights very well?
Quiz "Be Careful"
And now I'll check you
And I'll make a game for you.

I'll ask questions now -
Answering them is not easy.

If you act in accordance with the Rules of the Road, then unanimously answer: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!" And if you hear a riddle, do not do this, then just be silent.

1. Which one of you is moving forward
Where is the transition?
2. Who flies forward so soon
What does not see a traffic light?

3. Who knows that the light is green
Means the way is open
And that the yellow light is always for us
Are you talking about attention?

4. Who knows that the red light -
Does this mean there is no move?
5. Who doesn't have the patience to wait for the green light?
6. Who is near the roadway

Having fun chasing a ball?

7. Who listens to traffic lights without arguing?

Educator: Well done children! You know the rules of the road very well. Do you know road signs?

Educator: Tell me, what shape are the signs? What colour? That's right, there are three main types of signs and they can be compared with traffic lights. Look, what does a red traffic light mean? That's right, the red signal prohibits movement. And there are prohibition signs. These are round signs with a red border around the edge. (I put the model of prohibition signs in front of the red circle). What does a yellow traffic light mean? Yes, the yellow signal warns of a traffic light change and there are signs that also warn a person about something. These are warning signs. They have a triangular shape and a red border. And the green, permissive traffic light signal corresponds to information - direction signs. These are the signs of blue color square or rectangular shape. Children, in fact, there are a lot of road signs and it is difficult to remember them, but even children should know some signs - these are signs for pedestrians. Look closely at this sign "No Pedestrians" what type does it belong to? (forbidding)

Signs "Children" , "Crosswalk" What type are these signs? (warning)

And now we will play a game "What is this sign?"

1. Educator: I want to cross the street:

Which road sign I have to find to determine the transition point?


2. Educator: We went to rest outside the city.

What sign should we take with us?

(Beware, kids!)

3. Educator: If we want to eat:

What sign will help us find a canteen or cafe?

(Point of supply)

4. Educator: We need to get on the bus, by what sign do we know that this is a stop? (Public transport stop - bus)

5. Educator: If you need to urgently call? What sign will help us find the phone?


Okay, well done! And we end the conversation with the task:

Educator: Well done! And tell me guys, who monitors the implementation of the Rules of the Road on the road?

Children: A police traffic controller or he is also called a guard.

Masha, before going out into the street, you need to know not only road signs and traffic signals, but also other pedestrian rules. Now the guys will tell you about them by reading poems about the Rules of the road.

1. Both avenues and boulevards -
Everywhere the streets are noisy.
Walk on the sidewalk
Only on the right side. (Vitya P.)

2. If you are just walking,
Look ahead anyway.
Through a noisy intersection
Walk carefully. (Jan T.)

3. Riding as a hare, as you know,
For - pre - scha - et - sya!
Make way for the old lady
Allowed! (Katya L.)

4. Red Light Transition
For - pre - scha - et - sya!
With green - even for children
Allowed! (Alina S.)

Teacher: Well done guys! You have mastered the rules of the road. And in conclusion, I want to ask:

Do you think we were able to complete an important task - to teach Masha safe behavior on the road, on the street, in transport?

Children: - We did it!

Educator: Together with Masha, let's repeat the basic rules of the road again and play the game: "It is forbidden - it is allowed."

(The teacher asks questions, and the children answer "Allowed" or "Forbidden").

Walk in a crowd on the sidewalk ...
Run across the street at a red light...
Cross the street on a green light...
Give up your seat on public transport...

Bypass the standing tram in front ...
Play near the roadway...

Respect traffic rules...

Well done! Now I am sure that you were able to teach Masha the Rules of the road.

Well, guys, you successfully completed all the tasks. Today you showed excellent knowledge of the laws of streets and roads! All this will help you and Masha to be exemplary pedestrians in life. Be careful on the roads and streets of the city.

Educator: Masha and I thank you for your good knowledge of traffic rules. Thank you guys, thank you to all the guests! This concludes our lesson.

Vaganova Natalya Alexandrovna

MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 272", Nizhny Novgorod

position - educator

Abstract of the lesson on traffic rules in senior group

Topic:"Smart Pedestrians"

Goals: to expand children's knowledge of the rules of behavior on the road and on the sidewalk; reinforce the children's ideas about the purpose of road signs.


To consolidate the rules of the road, to learn to apply the knowledge gained earlier in practical activities.

Develop the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; cultivate ingenuity and resourcefulness.

To educate the need for children to be disciplined and attentive on the streets, careful and prudent.

Equipment and materials: road signs cut into pieces (for each child), cards depicting traffic situations, a diagram of the intersection of two roads (for each child), images of different road signs.

Preliminary work: looking at road signs. Familiarization with the rules of the road.

Lesson progress

There is a knock on the door, the postman enters and delivers a letter from the guys from junior group.

Educator: The guys from the younger group ask us to help solve the riddles. Let's help them? (children: Yes.)

Three colored circles

They flash one after another.

Glowing, blinking -

They help people.

(traffic light)

This horse does not eat oats

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive.


I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very fast at any hour

I'll take you underground.

Amazing wagon!

Judge for yourself:

Rails in the air, and he

Holds them with his hands.


Does not fly, but buzzes

The beetle runs down the street.

And they burn in the eyes of a beetle,

Two brilliant lights.

Educator: Well done boys. What were the riddles about?

Children: About transport and traffic lights.

Educator: That's right guys. On the road, a traffic light helps to follow the rules of the road, and what else helps our safe movement on the roads?

Children: Road signs.

Educator: Road signs - best friends pedestrians and drivers. They talk about what you can and cannot do on the road.

On the way guys - the road,

Transport travels fast, a lot.

No traffic light nearby

The road sign will give advice.

So let's get out

Gather signs quickly!

Each child receives a road sign cut into pieces. Children begin to collect their sign. When all the signs are collected, the children name their signs and explain what they are for.

Physical education "Road signs".

The teacher shows signs, and the guys perform various activities depending on which sign is shown.

"Pedestrian crossing" (walking in place),

"Movement of pedestrians is prohibited" (stand still),

"Roadwork" (imitation - they dig the earth),

"Slippery Road" (swaying from foot to foot),

"Bicycle path" (imitation - riding a bike)

Educator: Well done guys, you did a great job. Children, pedestrians have assistants when crossing the street. Name them.

Children: traffic light and traffic controller.

Educator: That's right guys. Now I suggest you become traffic inspectors. Each child is given a card depicting a traffic situation (an image of some kind of violation), the child must comment on the image.

Possible situations:

1. The boy runs out on carriageway chasing the ball.

2. The boy runs across the road in the wrong place, because his attention was attracted by friends on the other side of the road.

3. Girls in the back seat of a car are traveling without wearing seat belts. In addition, they interfere with the driver.

4. The car has not yet parked and stopped, and the boy is already in a hurry to get out, and onto the roadway.

5. The boy crosses the road at a pedestrian crossing, but in front of a nearby vehicle.

6. The girl crosses the road, bypassing the bus in front.

7. Children run out onto the roadway because of the bushes.

8. A boy and a girl are rollerblading on the roadway.

9. A boy makes a land crossing on a bicycle.

10. The girl is walking along the sidewalk past the arch from which the car leaves. The driver does not see the girl and may hit a young pedestrian.

Educator: Well done! Guys, I have prepared an unfinished drawing for you - a diagram depicting the intersection of two roads. There are no road signs and no traffic lights in the picture. Help pedestrians and drivers by drawing the necessary signs.

The children are doing the task.

Educator: How careful you are! Now let's play a game.

The game"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Educator: I will read out the questions and if you agree with the statement, then unanimously say the phrase “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”, If you do not agree, be silent. And now I'll check you:

Which of you goes forward only where there is a pedestrian?

Who walks into the garden every day like a merry gang?

Who always goes forward with his mouth wide open?

Who lets cars through, does everyone follow the traffic rules?

Who walks indiscriminately at traffic lights?

Who always gives way to the elders in a cramped tram?

Who will cross the road only where the crossing is?

Who kicks the merry ball on the road in front of the house?

To get some air in the trolley bus,

Who stuck his head and torso out the window?

Does anyone know that a red light means there is no move?

Who runs ahead so fast that they don't see a traffic light?

Does anyone know that the green light means the way is open?

Who is merrily chasing a ball near the roadway?

Who helps the traffic police, monitors the order?

Educator: What good fellows you guys are! You know the rules of the road well. Try to be extremely careful on the road so as not to cause trouble either to yourself or to people close to you. And for the guys from the younger group, we will not only write a letter with answers to their riddles, but also draw pictures of vehicles.

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