Methodological development (senior group) on the topic: Ecological KVN for preschoolers. Ecological KVN "In the world of nature" game for teachers of preschool institutions

Oksana Shabanova
KVN on ecology for the senior preschool age"Friends of Nature"

Program content:

1. Instilling love for nature, education careful attitude To her;

2. Develop logical thinking, observation, attention;

3. Form an idea of ​​diversity natural world; the formation in children of a consciously correct attitude to objects of wildlife;

4. Contribute to the development of ecological culture of children;

5. Create a fund of your favorite songs, thereby developing a musical ear for songs.

Dictionary enrichment: forest orderly, forest drummer.

Vocabulary activation: birdhouse, needles, wintering birds.


1. Emblems for each participant.

4. Environmental signs.

5. Crossword.

6. Cards with the image of birds and animals.

TSO: tape recorder, magnetic board.

Preliminary work:

1. Making riddles, memorizing poems about nature and weather;

2. Watching birds and trees while walking;

3. Conversations about the inhabitants of nature;

4. Board and didactic games about nature:

lotto “Domestic and wild animals”, “Who lives where?”, “Name the birds”, “The fourth extra”.

Educator: Good afternoon guys! Today we are going to visit nature. And for this we need to jump over the stream and go along the path (the children complete the tasks). Here you and I found ourselves in a clearing in the forest. Guys, let's listen to the voices of forest birds (children, listening, talk about what they hear there).

Look guys, I see footprints here, let's try to guess whose they are. And to make it easier to guess, I will make riddles for you:

1. Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest. He walks boldly and easily, his horns spread wide (moose);

2. The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring. And in winter, under the howl of a wolf, Sleeps in a snow hut (bear);

3. He looks like a sheepdog. Every tooth is a sharp knife! He runs, baring his mouth, ready to attack a sheep (wolf).

Play: Well done boys! Guys, I invite you to take part in the environmental KVN, which will test your knowledge. Are you ready for competitions? (Yes)

I remind you the rules for conducting KVN:

1. Listen to the question, task to the end;

2. If the children of one team do not know the answer to the question, then the children of the other team answer;

3. The answers of the participants will be evaluated by the jury.

Jury presentation.

Play: The jury, as you can see, we deserve respect. They had, and more than once, to evaluate the battle! For each competition, the jury will award one point, which is equal to one chip. We begin.

1 Competition “Representation of teams”

The teacher asks the children the name of their team.

1 team. The answer of the children in chorus: "Team -" Chamomile ". The team captain is Anya. Our motto: “Nature faithful friends! We are friendly, like one family! They came to play in KVN to know more about nature!”

2 Team - “Bee” the answer of the children in chorus. Team captain - Misha.

Our motto: “Each of us will protect nature, our soul hurts about every tree!”

2 Competition Warm-up “Question - Answer”

Play: I will give you a riddle, the team that guesses it first will begin to answer the questions first. You can't shout, raise your hand. And so, listen carefully: “He walks importantly on the grass, comes out dry from the water. Wears red shoes, gives soft feather beds.

1 What is the name of the house of bees?

2 Who sleeps upside down?

3 What does a hedgehog do in winter?

4 Who is called Patrikeevna by patronymic?

5 What is the name of a bird house made by human hands?

6 At what time of the year are strawberries harvested?

7 What birds come to us in winter?

8 What bird is called the "forest drummer"?

9 Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees?

10 Which tree has needles?

11 What animal is called the “forest orderly”?

12 What mushroom is called a forest predator?

Well done boys.

3 Competition “Pantomime”

Each team is given a card with the task of depicting an animal. Then the child shows pantomime, and the opposing team guesses the animal. The task is carried out to music.

1 team: dog, fox, monkey.

Team 2: cat, bear, horse.

4 Captains competition.

The captain of the 1st team selects pictures depicting hibernating wild animals. The captain of the 2nd team selects pictures with wintering birds. Team members name animals and birds.

Fizkultminutka “Song of the Little Red Riding Hood”

If for a long time along the path,

If long on the track

Stomp, ride and run

That, perhaps, then, of course,

That's probably right, right

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible

You can come to Africa.

Ah, in Africa, the rivers are so wide,

Ah, in Africa, the mountains are so high,

Ah, crocodiles, hippos,

Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,

Oh, and the green parrot!

And as soon as, only, only,

And once on the track,

And once on the path

I will meet someone

To the one I meet

Even the beast - I believe, I believe -

I will not forget - I will, I will,

I will say hello.

Ah, hello rivers of such a width,

Ah, hello mountains of such a height,

Ah, crocodiles, hippos,

Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,

Oh, and the green parrot!

But of course, but of course

If you are so lazy

If you're so shy

Stay at home, don't play.

Nothing is dear to you

Hillsides, mountains, mountains,

Gullies, rivers, crayfish.

Take care of your hands and feet!

Why do you need a sea so wide

Why do you need a sky so high

Ah, crocodiles, hippos,

Ah, monkeys, sperm whales,

Oh, and a green parrot.

5 Competition “The Fourth Extra”

A child from the team takes a card and explains why some object is superfluous.

6 competition “Explain the sign”

Environmental signs are laid out on the tables. The teams take turns explaining the meaning of each sign.

Vosp: Quickly coped, well done. You know the signs well!

7 Competition “Solve the crossword puzzle”.

Play: Guess the riddles, and I will write the answers in a crossword puzzle. Then we will read the word that turned out in the selected cells.

1 In the morning I'm buzzing, I'm waking flowers. I circle - I circle the honey.

2 He walks with his head up,

Not because of a proud disposition,

Not because an important count,

And because he...

3 Cunning cheat, redhead,

Fluffy tail - beauty!

And her name is...

4 What kind of helicopter is it going to fly. Over lakes, meadows, over flowering fields?

5 Mustachioed muzzle, striped coat. Often washed, but with water is not known.

6 A log floats on the river.

Oh, and it's wicked!

For those who fell into the river

The nose will bite off.

7 Stroking - caresses, teasing - bites.

Play: What word is in the highlighted cells? (NATURE)

What does this word tell us? Nature is everything around us. These are air, water, plants and animals. Sometimes, without thinking at all, a person causes great harm. environment. Guys, we should not offend a cat, a bug, or a sparrow. A person must be kind! Let's take care of nature, our common home. Protect and love all living things!

Summing up the game

Ecological KVN for children preparatory group"In union with nature"

to consolidate children's knowledge of nature;
to form elements of ecological consciousness and culture in children;
generalize children's knowledge about natural communities;
to form the ability to solve riddles about natural communities, to name natural communities (field, meadow, forest, etc.) according to their constituent plants and animals living in them;
continue to form speech, teach coherently, concisely answer the questions posed;
activate vocabulary children;
develop speed of reaction, quick wits, logical thinking, erudition;
captivate children and evoke a joyful experience from joint team activities;
to cultivate a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and opponents in the game, teach to follow the rules of the game, the ability to listen to answers and supplement them.

Materials and equipment:

pictures from the life of nature;
pictures for the game "Zoo Joke";
equipment for the game "Guess who?";
six juice bags;
phonogram "Voices of the Forest";
pictures with the rules of conduct in the forest;
panel with bird feeders;
scoreboards for the jury;
prizes for rewarding children;
emblems for teams;
sound recording - the voices of birds and animals;
split pictures;
interactive board.

Preliminary work:

conducting circle work on environmental education (games, observation, etc.);
memorizing poems, proverbs, guessing riddles about nature and weather;
conversations with children about endangered animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book;
holding a contest of advertising posters "Do no harm to nature";
board and didactic games about nature and weather: "Edible and inedible", "Field, forest, garden", "Fishermen and fish", lotto "Domestic and wild animals";
Consideration of the encyclopedia "Animals and plants of our nature."

Introductory conversation.

Guys, today we will talk about nature. A wonderful writer and a great lover of nature M. Prishvin wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a pantry of the sun with great treasures of life. A fish needs water, a bird needs air, a beast needs a forest, a steppe, mountains, and a man needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland. (Quote - on the interactive whiteboard)
- Today we are waiting for a fascinating journey along ecological paths. Ecology is the science of the home, of nature. And nature is our big house and we must all work together to keep it in order.
Open wide the doors!
Come quickly!
KVN clicks here
All friends and all girlfriends.
What a miracle
What a wonder?
The hall is decorated so beautifully!
Gotta think
It's time to start KVN!
Good afternoon, Dear friends! Welcome to the Club of cheerful and resourceful! Our KVN today is called "Our home is nature." The teacher reads the motto of KVN:
"You are a person who loves nature
Feel sorry for her sometimes
On fun trips
Do not trample its fields.
In the station hustle of the century
You hurry to evaluate it.
She is your old good doctor,
She is the ally of the soul.
Don't burn it down
And don't go to the bottom.
And remember the simple truth
We are many, but she is one.

Preparing for the game.

The facilitator distributes elements present cut pictures. On command, the players begin to collect the whole picture: for example, some get an elephant, others get a dog. The team unites children who have parts of the same picture. Teams come up with a name for themselves and choose captains ...
So, today the game will be played by two teams. A jury will judge them. Allow me to introduce the members of our distinguished jury.

Presentation of the members of the jury.

The jury, as you can see, we deserve respect.
They had, and more than once, to evaluate the battle!
For each competition, the jury will award one point, which is equal to 1 chip.
(the host puts the chips on the table)
The teams are asked to take their places. Nature hides many secrets and mysteries from us. But we are an inquisitive people and any secrets are revealed to us! We start the game. So - forward to victory! The teacher asks the children the name of their team
1 team - "Sunshine". Children answer in chorus.
Team Sunshine Captain
Our motto: "Take care of your planet - there is no other in the world."
Team 2 - "Droplet" The answer of the children in chorus.
Captain of the Drop Team
Your motto: “Tree, grass, flower and bird will not always be able to defend themselves! If they are destroyed, we will be left alone on the planet.
The floor for evaluation is given by the jury. It is a blitz poll. Each KVN game begins with a warm-up, so we will not break the tradition. I will ask questions to the teams, and you will take turns answering them. You can’t shout, points will decrease for this.
In one minute you need to answer as much as possible more questions. Notifies about the beginning and end of the competition sound signal jury.

Questions for the Sun team:

When does a squirrel store nuts? (in autumn)
What is the name of the birds that fly into warmer climes? (migratory)
Carp, catfish, pike, perch? (fish)
What is the name of a baby horse? (foal)
When do raspberries ripen in the garden? (summer)
What animal can be called long-eared? (hare)

What bird heals trees? (woodpecker)
When the white snow sparkles in the sun? (winter)
What is the name of the animals that live next to a person in one word? (home)
Is the dog wild or domestic? (homemade)
What tree has a white trunk? (at the birch)
When does the snowdrop bloom in the forest? (spring)
What does a butterfly eat? (nectar)
What plant helps to heal a wound? (plantain)
Name the baby chickens (chickens)
What do they mainly eat migratory birds? (insects)
What is the name of a baby pig? (piggy)
When do leaves fall from trees? (in autumn)

Who spins a web in the forest? (spider)
When does the ground rest under the snow? (winter)
What is the name of the animals that live in the forest? (wild)
What is the green cover of the Earth? (grass)
Which insect has ears on its feet? (at the grasshopper)
What does a hedgehog do in winter? (asleep)
Which birds come to us first? (rooks)
How many legs does a spider have? (eight)
Who was red in summer and gray in winter? (squirrel)

Questions for the "Kapelka" team

When does grandpa dig potatoes? (in autumn)
What tree do acorns grow on? (on oak)
What is the name of the animals that live next to a person in one word? (home)
Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is it? (birds)
What is the name of a baby cow? (calf)
When does an icicle drip and melt? (spring)
What animal has a red coat? (for squirrels, foxes)
How many legs does a beetle have? (six)
Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (hedgehog, bear, badger)
When does river water freeze? (winter)
What bird has a red breast? (at the bullfinch)
Is the lion a wild or domestic animal? (wild)
Which insect has red wings with black dots? (at ladybug)
When are strawberries ripe? (summer)
Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill)
Fly, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, ant - who is it? (insects)
What is the name of the house of ants? (anthill)
Which bird lays its eggs in other people's nests? (cuckoo)
Who wears his house on his back? (snail)
What animal has quills? (at the hedgehog)
When is harvested from fields and gardens? (in autumn)
What is the name of the birds that winter with us? (wintering)
When does a butterfly fly over a field? (summer)
What bird is called "forest radio"? (magpie)
What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands? (birdhouse)
What is the name of the person who guards the forest, keeps order? (forester)
What tree has a white trunk? (Birch)
What is the name of the ant's house? (anthill)
What mushroom is called a forest predator? (chanterelle)
What animal looks like a hedgehog? (porcupine)

The floor is given to the jury, which names the total score.

1. Guess where we came from?
- Around high grass, beautiful flowers, trees and shrubs are not visible at all, butterflies are fluttering, bumblebees are buzzing busily. (meadow)
2. It has become darker and cooler. The grass has become less dense. Here a birch grows, here an oak, and there are many deciduous trees further on. (forest, grove)
3. Look, now there is no grass underfoot at all, deciduous trees come across less and less. On the ground - prickly needles, cones. (coniferous forest)
4. Here the forest thinned out, the trees parted. What is that glittering ahead? Not a horse, but running
Not a forest, but noisy, murmuring. (stream)
5. The river is getting slower, the current is getting smaller. It smells of mud, frogs croak. Mosquitoes fly in flocks. (swamp)
At the end of the competition, the floor is given to the jury. Two representatives from each team are invited to participate in the competition. There are juice bags, scissors on the tables, and bird food in the plates. It is necessary to make a feeder and pour food into it. It is not the speed that is evaluated, but the quality of the task performed.
The teacher invites the rest of the team members and spectators to a musical break. Offers to remember as many songs about nature as possible and sing a line from each song. Then, at the end of the competition, the jury is given the floor. You need to remember which birds fly to the feeder in winter and place their images on the panel.

How to call in one word the birds you have chosen? (wintering) Pictures of which birds were left on the table? How to call them in one word? (migratory) Now their voices are not yet heard, and quite recently the forest was full of bird hubbub. But are we a bit of a wizard? We close our eyes: "One, two, three - spring forest, revive!"

Representatives of the teams take turns calling the birds. They recognized the singing of the nightingale, magpie, cuckoo, woodpecker, sparrow, titmouse, crow, owl, bullfinch.
Fans are invited to recognize the voices of animals: wolf, bear, fox.

The jury evaluates the results of the training.

Both team captains are invited. Participants of KVN greet the captains.

An unusual animal wandered to us, no one saw it, no one knows what it is called.
These are the animals. You, captains, need to tell what parts of animals and birds this animal consists of.
The captains lay out pictures of animals on an easel and explain. Now let's have a little rest. Close your eyes.

The music of F. Schubert "Ave Maria" sounds. Auto-training "Trees"

I imagine that I am a tree.
My roots are deep in the ground.
My trunk, my branches reach for the sun.
These are the trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, brushes shaken.
The wind knocks down the dew.
Gently wave our hands.
The birds are flying towards us.
How they sit down, we'll show -
Wings folded back
Or 2nd option:

Relaxation "If I were a tree" (to the music).

“Our feet are roots. They keep us firmly on the ground, they are looking for water for us to drink. They grow deeper and deeper (sitting on a chair with their feet firmly planted). Our skin is the bark. It is hard and tough, all in bumps and furrows. It protects us from injury. And everyone will understand that it is impossible to carve inscriptions and signs on this skin, which is called bark (stroke themselves with their hands). Our hands are branches. They reach, reach for the sun. Birds can rest on them and even build a nest (raise their hands up). Our fists are kidneys. Every spring, our buds open and leaves appear.
"I am all people and birds
green friend,
I stretch my hands to everyone
And a lot - a lot of hands ”(squeeze and unclench fists). How wonderful to be a tree! In the summer heat, give coolness and shade. And a light breeze will blow, and we will sway to the left to the right, barely audibly talking to each other (they will sway with their hands up).
And now the trees have grown (get up).
The wind blows in our face
The tree swayed (swaying).
The wind is quieter, quieter
The tree is getting higher and higher (straighten up). Children perform 3 ditties from the team, prepared together with the music director. Little dramatizations are held on the topic: “How to behave in nature”

1 situation for the Sun team

A girl was walking in the forest in the early spring morning.
- Oh, look what I found. Nest!
- It has an egg in it.
"Maybe we can take him home and we'll have a chick."
- We'll take care of him!
The girls took the egg with them.
Host: Did the girls do the right thing?
Children: Wrong. The chick will die because it needs maternal warmth.

2 situation for the team "Droplets"

The boy was walking along a forest path, saw a hedgehog and decided to take him home.
Host: Did the boy do the right thing?
Children: Wrong. Wild animals cannot be taken home, they may die in captivity. - Each team receives 5 badges. The children must identify the name of each of them.

1st team:

1) - You can not spoil the bark of trees.
Did you know that oxygen is released by green plants. Especially useful are large spreading trees. It has been calculated that one 60-year-old pine tree releases as much oxygen per day as is needed for three people per day.
2) - Don't leave trash.
Do you know that most of garbage decomposes for a very long time, for example:
orange peel - 2 years;
plastic bags - from 10 to 20 years;
tin cans - from 80 to 100 years;
plastic bottles do not decompose at all!
3) - Do not destroy mushrooms, even poisonous ones.
Do you know that even mushrooms that are poisonous to humans are useful, because they are food for some animals, in addition, some plants cannot live without them.
4) - You can not cut down trees.
Did you know that man uses trees to make paper. By saving paper, you save trees from being cut down!
5) - You can not make noise in the forest.
Did you know that in the forest you can see many interesting animals, provided that you keep quiet and do not frighten them. Chamois, deer, squirrels are afraid of noise.

2nd team:

1) - Don't catch butterflies.
Do you know that no animals should be killed because they are part of our natural environment. Under special protection are such animals that require special attention, because they are either very useful or very rare.
2) - Don't break branches.
Do you know that plants delay great amount atmospheric pollution and dust, in addition, they dampen noise. Trees, absorbing pollution, purify the air, but they themselves fall ill and die. Remember that if you break at least one branch, the tree can dry out!
3) - Don't touch the bird's nests.
Did you know that birds leave nests that people have touched and never return to this place. If there were eggs in the nest, then chicks will not appear from them. If there were chicks in the nest, they will die without a mother.
4) - Take good care of the water.
Did you know that all living organisms need water. A healthy person consumes about 2 liters of water daily. People get water not only in the form of drinks, but also contained in food. For example, an apple contains 80% water. A person cannot live more than a week without water.
5) - Do not pick flowers.
Did you know that humans have endangered 25,000 plant species in the last 100 years. Among them are lilies of the valley, bluebells, snowdrops, oak anemone, lady's slipper, which blooms only at the age of 18, and many others. - Let's think together: will our forest be worse if, walking along the path, you break a branch, or step on a fly agaric; make a wreath of flowers that grow in a clearing? (Children's answers)
- Yes, nature will be worse! After all, every branch broken in vain, or a crushed mushroom is a small wound inflicted on nature. And it is difficult for nature to heal even the smallest wounds. Listen again and try to remember the forest rules. The facilitator in turn gives riddles to each team. Guess the riddles, and I will write the answers in a crossword puzzle, and then we will see what word we got in the highlighted cells.


1 fluffy cotton
Float somewhere.
The cotton is lower
The closer the rain (Clouds)
2 In winter, he dresses in a white caftan,
In spring - in a green sundress,
In summer - in a colored dress,
In autumn he wears a golden cloak. (Earth)
3 Himself scarlet, sugar,
The caftan is green, velvet. (Watermelon).
4 The blue tent covered the whole world (Sky)
5 Worth a cake
On one leg
Whoever passes by
Everyone will bow down. (Mushroom).
6 The red cheat lives in a dense forest. (Fox).
p r i r o d u


1. Not rider, but with spurs
Not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up (rooster).
2. He flies all night - he gets mice
And it will become light, he will sleep in a hollow (owl).
3. Flies, squeaks, rings very thinly.
The case will not miss, sit down and bite (mosquito).
4. Water craftsmen build a house without an axe.
A house made of brushwood and mud and a dam (beavers)
5. Red-breasted, black-winged loves to peck grains.
With the first snow on the mountain ash, he will appear again (bullfinch)
6. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.
7. Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village (fox)
What word is in the highlighted cells? (HELP)
What does this exciting word tell us?
The fact that sometimes, without thinking at all, a person causes great harm to the environment.
Let's take care of our beautiful Earth, our common home. Protect and love all living things! Remember, children, you are a particle of nature! A forest or a river gets sick, and we will feel bad. Do not hurt a tree, or a cat, or an ant! Don't hurt each other! A person must be kind!

1 child:

Take care of the earth! Take care!
Love native nature:
Lakes, forests and seas.
After all, this is ours with you
Forever native land!

2 child:

On it you and I were born,
We live with you on it.
Children in chorus:
Come on people, all together
We treat her kindly!

3 child:

Let's save the planet
There is nothing like it in the whole universe,
There is only one in the entire universe,
It is given to us for life and friendship!
Our planet earth
Very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields
Our home, guys!
Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let us disperse clouds and smoke over it,
We won't let anyone hurt her!
We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
This will only make us better.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers.
We need such a planet!

The jury sums up.

In our Club of Cheerful and Resourceful, the team won… it is awarded… The team receives incentive prizes…

We tested you for glory
And winners by right
Worthy of praise. And awards
Now we are very happy to give


Thank you for your participation
Here are some souvenirs for you!
Look, admire, accept
Choose whatever you like!
KVN is over, friends, goodbye!
I want to say goodbye to everyone:
There are so many of us on earth
And we can take care of nature - one - completely!
April 22 is Earth Day. (on interactive whiteboard)
- Read the sentence. Maybe some of you know why people started celebrating Earth Day on this day?
(The story is accompanied by a display of photographs on an interactive whiteboard) For the first time this day began to be celebrated in the United States, after the tragedy that occurred in 1969. A big accident happened at an oil rig. A huge amount of oil spilled over the surface of the ocean, polluted the beaches. Many animals died, especially birds were affected. This tragic event shocked many people. They decided at least once a year to remind the inhabitants of the planet about their attitude to the environment. This is how the idea of ​​Earth Day was born. This holiday unites people from many countries. Every year there are more and more of them. Earth Day began to be celebrated in Russia as well. In addition, by government decree, from April 15 to June 5, we are holding special days environmental protection.
- And what good deeds can you guys do to make our Earth a little more beautiful and cleaner? (Hang up feeders, clean your yard, plant trees, break a flower bed near the entrance, whitewash the trees, tell the younger ones about the rules of behavior in nature, etc.) Formation of respect for native land in older preschool children

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 9

Ecological KVN "In union with nature" for children of the preparatory group

Educator: Kolchirina Elena Mikhailovna

Kizel, 2017

Target:to form elements of ecological consciousness and culture in children.


to consolidate children's knowledge of nature;

generalize children's knowledge about natural communities;

to form the ability to solve riddles about natural communities,

name natural communities (field, meadow, forest, etc.) according to their constituent plants and animals living in them;

continue to form speech, teach coherently, concisely answer the questions posed;

to activate the vocabulary of children;

develop speed of reaction, quick wits, logical thinking, erudition;

captivate children and evoke a joyful experience from joint team activities;

to cultivate a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and opponents in the game, teach to follow the rules of the game, the ability to listen to answers and supplement them.

Materials and equipment:

Ø pictures from the life of nature;

Ø equipment for the game "Guess who?";

Ø pictures with the rules of conduct in the forest;

Ø panel with bird feeders;

Ø emblems for teams;

Ø crossword;

Ø chips;

Ø cut pictures.


Preliminary work:

Memorizing poems, proverbs, guessing riddles about nature and weather; conversations with children about endangered animals and plants that are listed in the red book.

Board and didactic games about nature and weather: "Edible and inedible", "Field, forest, garden", "Fishermen and fish", lotto "Domestic and wild animals";

Consideration of the encyclopedia "Animals and plants of our nature."



Good afternoon dear friends! Welcome to the Club of cheerful and resourceful! Our KVN today is called "In union with nature." A wonderful writer and a great lover of nature M. Prishvin wrote:

“We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is the pantry of the sun with the great treasures of life. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains, and man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland.

Today we are waiting for a fascinating journey along ecological paths. Ecology is the science of the home, of nature. And nature is our big house, and we all together must maintain order in it. The teacher reads the motto of KVN:

"You are a person who loves nature,

Feel sorry for her sometimes.

On pleasure trips

Do not trample its fields.

In the station hustle of the century

You hurry to evaluate it.

She is your old good doctor,

She is the ally of the soul.

Don't burn it down.

And don't go to the bottom.

And remember the simple truth

We are many, but she is one.

Preparing for the game

The facilitator distributes elements of split pictures to all those present. On command, the players begin to collect the whole picture: for example, some get the sun, others get a drop. The team unites children who have parts of the same picture.
So, today the game will be played by two teams. A jury will judge them. Allow me to introduce the members of our distinguished jury.

Presentation of the members of the jury.

The jury, as you can see, we deserve respect.
They had, and more than once, to evaluate the battle!

For each competition the jury will award one point.
The teams are asked to take their places. Nature hides many secrets and mysteries from us. But we are an inquisitive people and any secrets are revealed to us! We start the game. So - forward to victory!

Competition "Warm-up" (question-answer)

It is a quiz. Each KVN game begins with a warm-up, so we will not break the tradition. I will ask questions to the teams, and you will take turns answering them. You can’t shout, points will decrease for this.

In one minute you need to answer as many questions as possible. For each correct answer 1 point. The start and end of the competition is signaled by the sound signal of the jury.

Questions for the Sun team:

When does a squirrel store nuts? (in autumn)
. What is the name of the birds that fly to warmer climes? (migratory)
. What is the name of a baby horse? (foal)
. What animal can be called long-eared? (hare)
. What bird heals trees? (woodpecker)
. When the white snow sparkles in the sun? (winter)
. What is the name of the animals that live next to a person in one word? (home)
. Is the dog a wild or domestic animal? (homemade)
. What tree has a white trunk? (at the birch)
. When does the snowdrop bloom in the forest? (spring)
. What does a butterfly eat? (nectar)
. What plant helps to heal a wound? (plantain)
. Name the baby chickens (chickens)
. What do migratory birds mainly eat? (insects)
. What is the name of a baby pig? (piggy)
. When do leaves fall from trees? (in autumn)
. Who spins a web in the forest? (spider)
. When does the ground rest under the snow? (winter)
. What is the name of the animals that live in the forest? (wild)
. What is the green cover of the Earth? (grass)
. Which insect has ears on its feet? (at the grasshopper)
. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (asleep)
. Which birds come to us first? (rooks)
. How many legs does a spider have? (eight)
. Who was red in summer and gray in winter? (squirrel)
. Which bird lays its eggs in other people's nests? (cuckoo)

Questions for the "Kapelka" team

When does grandpa dig potatoes? (in autumn)
. What tree do acorns grow on? (on oak)
. What is the name of the animals that live next to a person in one word? (home)
. Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is it? (birds)
. What is the name of a baby cow? (calf)
. When does an icicle drip and melt? (spring)
. What animal has a red coat? (for squirrels, foxes)
. How many legs does a beetle have? (six)
. Who sleeps in the forest all winter? (hedgehog, bear, badger)
. When does river water freeze? (winter)
. What bird has a red breast? (at the bullfinch)
. Is the lion a wild or domestic animal? (wild)
. Which insect has red wings with black dots? (at the ladybug)
. When are strawberries ripe? (summer)
. Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (crossbill)
. Fly, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, ant - who is it? (insects)
. What is the name of the house of ants? (anthill)
. Which bird lays its eggs in other people's nests? (cuckoo)
. Who wears his house on his back? (snail)
. What animal has quills? (at the hedgehog)
. When is harvested from fields and gardens? (in autumn)
. What is the name of the birds that winter with us? (wintering)
. When does a butterfly fly over a field? (summer)
. What bird is called "forest radio"? (magpie)
. What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands? (birdhouse)
. What is the name of the person who guards the forest, keeps order? (forester)
. What tree has a white trunk? (Birch)
. What is the name of the ant's house? (anthill)
. What mushroom is called a forest predator? (chanterelle)
. What animal looks like a hedgehog? (porcupine)

The floor is given to the jury, which names the total score.

2 Competition-relay "Bird's canteen"

You need to remember which birds fly to the feeder in winter, and place their images on the panel.


How to call in one word the birds you have chosen? (wintering) Pictures of which birds were left on the table? How to call them in one word? (migratory).

3 competition "Ecological training" - "Guess whose voice?"

Representatives of the teams take turns calling the birds.

(singing of a nightingale, magpie, cuckoo, woodpecker, sparrow, titmouse, crow, owl, bullfinch).

The jury evaluates the results of the training.

Musical pause

4 competition "How to behave in nature"

The facilitator reads out the situations “How to behave in nature”.

1 situation for the Sun team

A girl was walking in the forest in the early spring morning.
- Oh, look what I found. Nest!
- It has an egg in it.
"Maybe we can take him home and we'll have a chick."
- We'll take care of him!
The girls took the egg with them.

Host: Did the girls do the right thing? Why do you think so?

Children: Wrong. The chick will die because it needs maternal warmth.

2 situation for the team "Droplets"

The boy was walking along a forest path, saw a hedgehog and decided to take him home.

Host: Did the boy do the right thing?

Children: Wrong. Wild animals cannot be taken home, in captivity they may die.

5 competition "Environmental signs"

Each team receives 4 badges. The children must identify the name of each of them.

1st team:

1) - Don't leave trash.

Educator: Why can't you leave garbage in the forest?

Did you know that most of the garbage decomposes for a very long time, for example:

Orange peel - 2 years;

Plastic bags - from 10 to 20 years;

Tin cans - from 80 to 100 years;

Plastic bottles do not decompose at all!

2) - You can't make noise in the forest.

Children's answers.

Educator: Do you know that in the forest you can see many interesting animals, provided that you behave quietly and do not frighten them. Deer, squirrels are afraid of noise.

3) - Don't catch butterflies.

Children's answers.

Educator: Do you know that no animals can be killed, because they are part of our natural environment. Under special protection are such animals that require special attention, because they are either very useful or very rare.

4) - Don't break branches.

Children's answers.

Educator: Do you know that plants trap a huge amount of atmospheric pollution and dust, in addition, they dampen noise. Trees, absorbing pollution, purify the air, but they themselves fall ill and die. Remember that if you break at least one branch, the tree can dry out!

2nd team:

1) - Don't touch the bird's nests.

Children's answers.

Educator: Do you know that birds leave nests that people have touched and never return to this place. If there were eggs in the nest, then chicks will not appear from them. If there were chicks in the nest, they will die without a mother.

2) Do not light fires

3) Do not ruin anthills

No wonder the ants were called the orderlies of the forest. Ants are omnivorous - they are universal predators and scavengers. Actively eating larvae of harmful insects - beetles, butterflies.

4) - Don't pick flowers.

Children's answers.

Educator: Do you know that people over the past 100 years have endangered 25,000 plant species. Among them are lilies of the valley, bluebells, snowdrops, oak anemone, lady's slipper, which blooms only at the age of 18, and many others.

Summing up the results of the competition "Environmental Signs".

Let's think together: will it be worse for our forest if, walking along the path, you break a branch, or step on a fly agaric; make a wreath of flowers that grow in a clearing? (Children's answers)

Yes, nature will be worse! After all, every branch broken in vain, or a crushed mushroom is a small wound inflicted on nature. And it is difficult for nature to heal even the smallest wounds.

6 competition "Crossword"

The teacher in turn asks riddles for each team. Guess the riddles, and we will write the answers in a crossword puzzle, and then we will see what word we got in the highlighted cells.


1 fluffy cotton
Float somewhere.
The cotton is lower
The closer the rain (Clouds)

2 In winter, he dresses in a white caftan,
In the spring - in a green sundress,
In summer - in a colored dress,
In autumn he wears a golden cloak. (Earth)

3 Himself scarlet, sugar,
The caftan is green, velvet. (Watermelon).

4 The blue tent covered the whole world (Sky)

5 Worth a cake
On one leg
Whoever passes by
Everyone will bow down. (Mushroom).

6 The red cheat lives in a dense forest. (Fox).


Educator:What word is in the highlighted cells? (take care)

What does this word tell us?


1. Not rider, but with spurs
Not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up (rooster).

2. He flies all night - he gets mice
And it will become light, he will sleep in a hollow (owl).

3. Flies, squeaks, rings very thinly.
The case will not miss, sit down and bite (mosquito).

4. Water craftsmen build a house without an axe.
A house made of brushwood and mud and a dam (beavers)

5. Red-breasted, black-winged loves to peck grains.
With the first snow on the mountain ash, he will appear again (bullfinch)

6. The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.
Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village (fox)

Educator: What word came out in the highlighted cells? (HELP)

What does this exciting word tell us?

The fact that sometimes, without thinking at all, a person causes great harm to the environment.

Let's take care of our beautiful Earth, our common home. Protect and love all living things! Remember, children, you are a particle of nature! A forest or a river gets sick, and we will feel bad. Do not hurt a tree, or a cat, or an ant! Don't hurt each other! A person must be kind!


Let's save the planet
There is nothing like it in the whole universe,
There is only one in the entire universe,
It is given to us for life and friendship!
Our planet earth.
Very generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields
Our home, guys!
Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world.
Let us disperse clouds and smoke over it,
We won't let anyone hurt her!
We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
This will only make us better.
Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers.
We need such a planet!

The jury sums up

In our Club of Cheerful and Resourceful, the team won… it is awarded… The team receives incentive prizes…
Jury: We tested you for fame,
And winners by right
Worthy of praise. And awards
Now we are very happy to give.


Thank you for your participation
Here are some souvenirs for you!
Look, admire, accept
Choose whatever you like!

In our Club of Cheerful and Resourceful, the team won ... it is awarded ...

KVN is over, friends, goodbye!
I want to say goodbye to everyone:
There are so many of us on earth
And we can take care of nature - one - completely!

KVN in kindergarten on the ecological development of children of senior preschool age

KVN on the ecological development of children of senior preschool age is a generalizing event on previous work in the framework of environmental classes. The systematization of knowledge of preschoolers takes place in a playful way and is acceptable for children of all levels of development. This material will be interesting and useful for educators. preschool institutions its ease of implementation, the absence of costly materials and the availability of content.

KVN "Seasons" for children of the senior group

Target: generalize and systematize children's ideas about the seasons according to the main, essential features: the length of the day and night, temperature conditions, natural phenomena; learn to use the acquired knowledge in games, drawing; to form the ability to generalize according to essential features; maintain interest in wildlife phenomena; to cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and peers, a sense of responsibility to their team.

Materials, equipment: emblems for team members; didactic game "Seasons" (from the series "educational games"); 2 pictures where the artist mixed up all the seasons; ball; 2 easels, drawing paper, paints, brushes.

Two teams are organized - "Snowdrops" and "Bullfinches". The moderator introduces the jury. After each competition, the results are summed up.

Team greeting
The snow is no longer the same
It darkened in the field.
Ice cracked on the lakes
It's like they split.
Bear sneaks
Through the forest deadwood,
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop blossomed

We made feeders
We opened a canteen.
Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,
You will have lunch in the winter!
Visit on the first day of the week
The bluebirds have come to us.
And on Tuesday, look:
The snowmen have arrived!

1st competition. Warm up
The facilitator asks questions to each team in turn.
1. At what time of the year are strawberries harvested? (summer)
2. When do birds fly to warmer climes? (in autumn)
3. When do people put up birdhouses? (spring)
4. What time of the year is most likely to experience thunderstorms? (summer)

5. When does ice appear on the river? (winter)
6. When do acorns appear on an oak tree? (in autumn)
7. At what time of the year do children launch boats? (spring)
8. What time of the year is called “white”, “crystal”, “silver”? (winter)
9. When the hare is gray (in summer)
10. When do people harvest? (in autumn)
11. When can you see bullfinches in the city? (winter)
12. When does ice drift occur? (spring)
13. When do people insulate their homes? (autumn and winter)
14. When is the day short and the night long? (winter)
15. When does the drop occur? (spring)
16. At what time of the year does ice occur? (winter)
2nd competition. "Name the artist."
The host reads poems - riddles and asks the children to name the artists.
four artists,
So many pictures.
Painted with white paint
All in a row one.
Forest and field are white,
white meadows,
At snow-covered aspens
Branches like horns ... (winter)

The second is blue
Sky and streams.
splashing in blue puddles
A flock of sparrows.
transparent in the snow
The first thawed patches
First grass. (Spring)

In the picture of the third
Colors and do not count:
yellow, green,
Blue is…
Green forest and field
blue river,
White fluffy
There are clouds in the sky. (summer)

And the fourth is gold
Painted the gardens
fields are fruitful,
Ripe fruit...
Berries everywhere
Ripe in the forests
Who is that artist?
guess yourself! (autumn)
3rd competition
Didactic game"Seasons" (From the series "educational games").

4th captains competition “What did the artist mix up?”
Children receive pictures in which the seasons are mixed up. They have to find five artist's mistakes.

5th competition. Ball game "It happens - it doesn't happen"
Hoarfrost in summer (does not happen), snow in winter (does not happen), frost in summer (does not happen), ice drift in autumn (does not happen), drops in summer (does not happen), leaf fall in spring (does not happen), snowstorm in autumn (does not happen), frosts in spring (sometimes), rain in summer (sometimes), thunderstorm in spring (sometimes), dew in winter (no) etc.

6th Recitation Contest
Reading poems about the seasons (from previously learned).

7th Art Competition
Let's draw a portrait of Winter and Summer.


The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that environmental education and education of children is extremely important. actual problem present time: only ecological outlook, ecological culture living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which they are now. The natural world hides in itself great opportunities for comprehensive development children. The thoughtful organization of walks, training, special observations develops their thinking, the ability to see and feel the colorful diversity of natural phenomena, to notice large and small changes in the world around them. Thinking about nature under the influence of an adult, a preschooler enriches his knowledge, feelings, he develops the right attitude towards living things, the desire to create, not destroy.




I. Summarize children's knowledge about characteristics plants and animals, recognize them by description.

II. Develop attention, observation.

III. Cultivate love for nature, the need for a careful attitude towards it.

Preliminary work:choice of team names, motto, prepare emblems as a gift.

Material: emblems, tree leaves, vegetables, a box, a cat toy, 2 pencils, leaves, a wonderful bag, gifts for the winners.

KVN progress

Two teams enter. Reading a poem by E. Serov "Green Country".

I love to wander

Through the green country.

Make friends here

I like it very much.

In that country - grace,

Amazing light.

Let's figure it out:

What is the main secret here?

Evaluates our competition jury

Use the counting rhymes to choose captains.

(Children independently choose a rhyme and count).

I. team: "Grasshoppers" (children speak in unison)Motto: "Jump more fun, you'll be healthier!"

II. team: "Butterflies"

Motto: "If the air is cleaner, then we will flutter more often"

The teams prepared surprises for each other. Give gifts!(emblems).

I. We start our KVN:

a) Name as many domestic and wild animals as you can.(in order).

B) Wintering and migratory birds.

c) Identify the tree by the leaves.

II. Reading poems on the theme "Nature".

III. Solve three riddles.

A) Under the pines, under the trees, there is a bag of needles(hedgehog).

B) I am a cheerful animal, jumping from the tree to the oak(squirrel) .

C) sleeps in winter, stirs hives in summer(bear) .

D) Run up the mountain, and somersault down the mountain(hare) .

e) Who changes clothes four times a year?(Earth) .

E) I feed the whole world, but I don’t eat myself(Earth) .

a) Identify the vegetables by touch.

B) Determine the taste of vegetables with closed.

V. Determine what's in the black box. Whose team will guess the fastest.

Ears upright, but not big,

The tail is fluffy, but not short,

Himself smooth, but not hard,

(Teams take turns offering options).

VI. Captains with eyes closed draw:

  1. captain - grasshopper
  2. captain - butterfly

VII. Teams take turns asking each other riddles about animals, insects, birds

VIII. List the rules of friends of nature

A) do not pick flowers

B) do not break branches

C) don't kill the frogs

D) do not catch insects

D) do not catch wild animals

While the jury is summing up, let's all sing a song together:

Song: "Dove of Peace"

I give the floor to the distinguished jury.

Jury score. Presentation of gifts to the winners.

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