Drawing a Christmas tree with children of the middle group. Synopsis of artistic creativity in the middle group on the topic: “our elegant Christmas tree

Drawing by non-traditional methods "Christmas trees for bunnies"

Program content:

Teach children to draw a Christmas tree by poking with a hard brush. Continue learning to complement the drawing with elements using finger painting. Continue to teach how to hold the brush correctly, rinse it after using the paint. Develop fine motor skills fingers; children's creativity, imagination, aesthetic sense.

To expand children's knowledge about the life of wild animals.

Raise a love for nature and a desire to help animals.

Preliminary work: Conversation "How wild animals prepare for winter." Tracing Christmas trees on a stencil. Drawing with colored pencils and felt-tip pens "New Year's beauty" using various materials"Who lives in the forest". Use in the work of the manual "Magic brush".


Tinted rectangular sheets, with pre-drawn stenciled Christmas trees. A silhouette of a bunny is pasted on each sheet. Gouache, hard brushes, napkins, jars of water, coasters.

Lesson progress:

Guys, do you want to be in the winter forest?

The children are in the group. A bunny sits on a stump.

What happened, where are all the trees?

Bunny: “There was a fire in the forest and everything was burned down. And now me and my friends have nowhere to hide from the wolf and the fox.”

Let's guys try to help the hares, but how do we do it? Guys, do you know how to help bunnies. That's right, let's try to draw Christmas trees using the poke method.

Children sit at tables.

Guys, look how I will draw a Christmas tree using the poke method.

I take the tassel near the skirt and hold it vertically. Then I pick up the paint with the tip of the brush, and remove the excess paint on the edge of the jar. Then, with the tip of the brush, I begin to draw a Christmas tree, while the brush easily jumps over the sheet. After drawing, rinse the brushes and put them on a stand.

Children draw a Christmas tree.

Guys, let's play while the paint dries. Come out from the tables.

Bunny, do you like to play snowballs?

Carrying out finger gymnastics.

One, two, three, four (bend fingers in turn)

You and I made snowballs (imaginary snowballs are made)

Round, strong, very smooth (hands show a circle)

And not at all sweet (threaten with index finger)

One - throw up (throw an imaginary snowball)

Two - catch (squat and hug their knees with their hands)

Three - let's drop (lean forward)

And ... break (trample).

You're not tired?

The children come to the tables.

Tell me, please, what is there on the streets in winter?

That's right, a lot of snow. Let's draw more snow that lies on the ground, and someone can draw snowflakes. We will only draw with our fingers.

Guys, do not forget to wipe your fingers on a napkin. Children draw.

Bunny offers to play the game again: “Guys, if you want to play some more, then go out to the clearing.”

Conducting a physical activity:

A little white bunny sits and moves its ears. (children squat)

It’s cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws. (children stand and rub their palms together)

It’s cold for a bunny to stand, a bunny needs to jump. (children jump in place on two legs)

Jump - jump, jump - jump. Bunny needs to jump.

How well do you jump.

They approach the tables and look at the drawings together with the bunny.

Bunny: “What beautiful Christmas trees you got. Here is the most elegant, and this one is very fluffy ... "

Thank you guys for helping us grow whole forest. Now we will have a place to play and hide from the wolf and the fox. And for the fact that you helped us, here are gifts for you (gives gifts to children).

You liked the winter forest, and what did you like the most?

And now we need to return to the Summary of visual activity in middle group(non-traditional drawing methods)

Abstract of a lesson on visual activity in the middle group of the kindergarten "Journey to fairy forest"

TeacherEfremova I.Yu.

Program tasks:

To form the ability to correctly convey the location of parts when drawing complex objects, create your own artistic image in visual activity;

Introduce unconventional method drawing - drawing by hand;

To consolidate and enrich children's ideas about colors and shades, about how to get them (orange, Brown color) ;

To consolidate ideas about the shape of objects (circle, oval, triangle, size, arrangement of parts;

Enrich musical experience;

Cultivate accuracy, develop aesthetic perception, independence, creative imagination.

Course progress.

Children enter a group room decorated with a winter forest. The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons" sounds.

Guys, where are we? We have come to the winter fairy forest. Look at the beauty all around.

All snow and snow, the whole forest is in snowdrifts

Gray pines sparkle with sparks

Snow sparkles on forest roads,

Quietly all the bushes sleep under the snow.

Listen, what silence, only you can hear the trees crackling in the frost. Look around, doesn't it seem strange to you that there is no one in the forest? I will give you riddles, and you answer who we could meet in the winter forest.


cunning cheat,

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty

And her name is (fox).


Not a lamb and not a cat

Wears a fur coat all year round

Gray coat for summer

For winter a different color. (hare)


Hollow in the pine

It's warm in the hollow.

Who is in the hollow

Live in warmth? (squirrel)


The owner of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under a blizzard howl

Sleeping in a snow hut. (bear)

But where could the animals have gone? Look, there's a letter on the tree. (remove the letter from the tree and read)

"Enchanted winter forest

And there will be no miracles in it!

Not a fox will run

Not a bear will roar!

The hare and the squirrel are gone,

paint different animals become.

I invented everything myself

Your grandmother Yaga!

PS. To disenchant the beasts, you will have to try very, very hard! »

Guys, there are only geometric shapes under the tree. What geometric shapes did Baba Yaga leave us? (Answers of children). Do you think we could make animal figures out of them, maybe then we will find paints to disenchant the forest dwellers? (Children, together with the teacher, lay out geometric shapes on the floor white color animals. The head is round, the body is oval, the paws are oval, and the ears are triangular.)

You, Vanya, who turned out? What shape is the head? (torso.)

Where did Baba Yaga hide the paints? Yes, here they are under the Christmas tree! (take paints, move to the table)

See what colors Yaga turned animals into? (children name the colors - white, red, green and yellow) Now close your eyes and remember what color the forest animals are.

That's right, the fox and squirrel are orange, the bear is brown, and the bunny is white in winter.

Do we have these colors? White - yes, but orange and brown - no. But it doesn't matter, let's make them ourselves. To obtain Orange color we add red to yellow paint, and for brown, we need to add green to red paint. (Mixing paints).

Now we are all set, but where are the brushes? Probably, the harmful Baba Yaga took them away so that we could not disenchant the animals. How can we revive forest animals now? (listen to children's answers)

Let's draw with our hands. To draw a small circle on paper, we squeeze the fist, dip it in the paint and put a "seal" on the sheet. To make a big circle, we dip one palm into the paint (fingers raised up) and leave a mark on paper. In order to draw paws for our animals, we dip the finger into the paint with the pads down and transfer it to paper. We can put an end to the eyes and nose with a fingertip (showing how to draw, then, wash our hands and wipe them with a napkin. We turn up our sleeves, put on magic aprons and cast a spell.

One, two, three, four, five (clap hands)

We start to transform. (circling in place)

There were not simple paints (show paints with palms)

The inhabitants of the forest will become. (pointing towards the forest)

Quiet music plays.

Independent drawing. Work analysis. (Who drew whom? Together with the children, we decide what can be added to the drawing to make it even more like forest animals.)

These are great fellows, and now let's release the animals into the forest with you. (We carry the drawings to the "forest")

Where does the bear live in winter? That's right, the bear is sleeping in the den, let's take it there. And the bunny is under the bush, the fox is under the tree, the squirrel is on the tree in the hollow. All the animals are very grateful to you and the squirrel has prepared hazelnuts as a gift for you (a basket with treats is under the tree).

Drawing lesson in junior group.

"Let's draw Petya's tail."

Age of children: second junior group (II junior group)

Program content:

1. Continue to teach children to hold the brush correctly, wash the brush thoroughly when changing colors, draw lines in one direction from given point, enjoy multiple colors: red, yellow, green.

2. Promote development children's creativity with independent drawing of the plot (sun, grass).

3. Arouse in children sympathy for the game character, a desire to help him.

Preliminary work: Examining the cockerel, its tail, noting its color diversity. Reading poetry, singing songs about the cockerel.

Material: Cockerel - a toy, a model of a house, sheets of tinted paper with pasted silhouettes of a cockerel without a tail. Brushes, gouache (red, green, yellow), cups of water, foam rubber.


Creation gaming motivation:

Draw the attention of children to the layout of the house-teremka. Bring the children, examine it, note how beautiful it is.


Over the fields, over the seas,

Per high mountains,

Stands in the field Teremok,

And a rooster lives in it.

Come out to us rooster,

Show me your comb.

(a toy cockerel appears in the window of the tower).


I'll show you the scallop

I'll be fine to go out.

Educator: What happened, tell us?


All she is, the villainous fox,

sprinkled grains,

plucked feathers,

All chickens without a tail

Laugh in the street.

Educator: Calm down cockerel.

Formulation of the problem.

The teacher turns to the children and asks if they want to help the cockerel. Having received an affirmative answer, the teacher promises to show the children how to draw colored feathers on the cockerel's tail.

Fashion show.

The children are seated at the tables. The teacher distributes sheets of paper with pasted silhouettes of cockerels.

Educator: Let's draw feathers in the air.

(Shows the movement of the brush, the children repeat)

Educator: Look, I will draw a cockerel's tail with different colors, from one point.

(The teacher draws a cockerel's tail on a small easel).

The teacher shows how, with continuous movements, non-stop up and smoothly down (arc), draws one feather cockerel. Then it changes color - a different color, etc. After the teacher draws a few colored feathers for a cockerel, he recites a poem:

Cockerel, cockerel,

Show me your skin!

The box is on fire

How many feathers does it have?

One, two, three, four, five -

The teacher offers to listen to the verses again, and the children repeat after the teacher.

Management of children's activities.

The teacher reminds the children of the rules for working with paints. Children draw on their own. Watch how the children dip the brush into the paint, how they squeeze the excess on the edge of the jar and rinse it. Watching the children at work. Encourage to depict several colored feathers for a cockerel. Specify the color of feathers in children.

The teacher places his show (a sheet with a cockerel and a painted tail) on a large easel and turns to the children.

Educator: Guys, look, the cockerel was delighted with the appearance of a beautiful tail and sang merrily.

(The cockerel crows in the house. The teacher hangs the sun on a large easel)

Educator: And what did the cockerel wake up?

Children: Sunshine!

Educator: Look, children, the sun woke up, what a yellow - yellow! Did the sun wake up on your leaves?

Children: No.

Educator: Do you want the sun to wake up in you?

(independent answers of children).

Children independently draw the sun on their sheets, and grass if desired.

Educator: Let's collect all the cockerels in the clearing.

Children carry their drawings, the teacher hangs them on a large easel. A cockerel comes out of the house, examines the drawings of children, praises, thanks the children.


Abstract of a drawing lesson in the middle group: “ Winter forest»

Lesson summary


in the II middle group

Educator: Efremova I.Yu. MKOUSOSH village of Talitsa. 2012

Program tasks:


to teach children to draw a simple landscape in accordance with the content of the poem, to depict a Christmas tree in snow decoration;

continue to develop the ability to correctly position the drawing on the sheet, draw with paints;

to teach children to expressively read a poem by heart, conveying admiration of winter nature with intonation, to teach to feel and reproduce the figurative language of a poem;

clarify and activate children's vocabulary.


cultivate love for nature; respect for her;

independence, observation, accuracy, initiative.


develop Creative skills, attention, imagination, speech, aesthetic and figurative perception.

Health saving:

monitor the posture of children, observe the mode of physical activity

throughout the lesson.

Material and equipment:

paints "Gouache" (brown, green, white); water glasses

palette, brushes, brush stands, napkins, oilcloths

tinted sheets of paper (1/2 landscape sheet)

artificial trees; painting " Winter evening»

soft toy(white bunny)

TSO: audio recording "December" ("The Seasons" by P. I. Tchaikovsky)

Previous work:

learning poems about winter nature;

excursions to the forest park;

viewing illustrations of winter landscapes.

Lesson progress:

I. Introduction

(children sit in a semicircle on chairs)

Educator. Guys, what time of year is it?

Why do you think so?

Let's take a walk through the winter forest with you and remember the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Herringbone" (children read in chorus).

Not a leaf, not a blade of grass!

Our garden has become quiet.

And birches and aspens

Boring stand.

Only one Christmas tree

Cheerful and green.

It can be seen that she is not afraid of frost,

Apparently she's brave!

Why do we say "our garden has become quiet"?

Why are "birch and aspen trees boring"?

And why "the Christmas tree alone is cheerful ..."?

Look what a beautiful snow-covered Christmas tree! Santa Claus took care of her and decorated her with white and fluffy snow, and you will know who hid under her if you guess my riddle:

Changed the color of the coward

And then he lost track. (A bunny appears)

What coat does a bunny have in winter?


Bunny. - Hello guys! You came to visit me to admire winter forest? Just don't make noise...

Like on a hill - snow, snow,

And under the hill - snow, snow,

A bear sleeps under the snow.

Hush, hush... Don't make noise.

My friend Mishka has never seen winter, snow...

Guys, why do you think?

Let's draw a winter forest for him, and when he wakes up in the spring, I will give him your work, and he will see the winter and be delighted.

Educator. - Let's go to the tables and draw a winter forest for Mishka. And you, bunny, sit down with us and see how the kids are trying.

II. Main part

(children sit at tables)

Educator. In the forest on the mountain grew beautiful tree. Once an artist saw a Christmas tree and painted it like this. (Showing the picture "Winter Evening")

Then the writer saw this Christmas tree and composed such a poem. Let's remember him. (read by one child)

A tree grew in the forest on the mountain,

She has needles in winter in silver,

She has ice on her cones,

A snow coat lies on the shoulders ...

Let's remember what parts the Christmas tree consists of?

What color will we draw the trunk?

What color will we draw the branches?

(I explain the technique of drawing spruce)

How do we start drawing a Christmas tree?

What paint will we use?

Practical part

Independent work(under musical accompaniment)

Physical / minute (standing near the tables)

Oh, how cold the bunnies are, and everyone has a cold nose!

Oh, the rabbits are so cold, and everyone has a cold tail!

To keep the bunnies warm, we all need to jump,

Bunnies need to rub their paws to keep warm.

Bunny paws warm like this, like that, like that!

Bunnies play with their paws like this, like that, like that!

Here all the hares sat down and quietly sit -

Is there a cunning fox here? They look in all directions.

But everything is very quiet in the forest, the bunnies are jumping again.

Our bunnies love to have fun and play!

Paw to the side, paw to the side.

Paw top, paw top.

They circled more cheerfully near their Christmas tree!

What color will we draw the "coat"?

III. Final part (summary of the lesson)

(I post my work on the board)


Ate on the edge - to the top of the sky -

They listen, they are silent, they look at their grandchildren.

And the grandchildren are Christmas trees, thin needles -

At the forest gates they dance.

Guys, look what a round dance turned out! Bunny, did you like it? (work analysis)

Bunny. - I liked it very much, your fabulous winter forest resembles the forest in which I live. I will definitely pass on your work to my friend Mishka; when he wakes up in the spring, he will find out what a winter forest is like.

(the bunny leaves and takes away the work)

Educator. - Children, you are great today. Well answered, you know a lot of poems. I think Mishka will be pleased.

Self-analysis of a comprehensive drawing lesson

in the II middle group "Winter Forest"

The program content of the lesson corresponds to the age and level of development of children. When I set tasks for myself, I tried to take into account the age of the children, as well as the fact that psychological processes are just starting to form.

In the program content, the tasks of an educational, upbringing, developmental and health-saving nature are formulated. The lesson consisted of three parts:

Introduction - “a walk through the winter forest” - guessing a riddle, reading a poem by children;

The main part - fixing the technique of drawing a Christmas tree in snow decoration;

The final part (the result of the lesson) is the analysis of children's work using the artistic word.

Galina Puchkova
Drawing lesson in the middle group "Our elegant Christmas tree»

Program content: To teach children to convey the image of a Christmas tree in a drawing; to form a skill paint Christmas tree with branches extending downwards, continue to teach children how to use paints different colors; evoke a feeling of joy when perceiving the created drawings.

Bring up careful attitude to nature.

materials: Album sheets, gouache of different colors, brushes, jars of water, napkins - for each child. Artificial Christmas tree, letter.

Lesson progress:

1. Guys, I went to work today and noticed that the weather is very beautiful today. Snowing large white flakes, and you want to spin like snowflakes.

White fluffy snow is spinning in the air,

And quietly falls to the ground.

Snowflakes are spinning in the frosty air,

Lace stars fall to the ground.

Here is one that fell into my palm.

Ouch! Don't hide, snowball, wait a little.

Yes, it's a big snowflake!

And not just a snowflake, but a letter.

From whom is it?

Let's read it? (Reads the letter)

Dear guys, we want to have a beautiful New Year's Eve. elegant Christmas tree. And in the forest there are no beautiful toys, bright tinsel and colorful rain. Help us please.

Forest dwellers.

Guys, let's help the forest dwellers and draw for them elegant Christmas trees.

Tell me, guys, how will we decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year? (Toys, garlands, tinsel, rain).

And who lives in the forest? (Bear, hare, wolf, fox, squirrel, hedgehog).

Guys, how in one word can you call the animals that live in the forest? (Wild animals)

That's right, they are called wild, so that they have a beautiful New Year, elegant Christmas tree. We are going to decorate the Christmas tree for them.

2) Examining the sample smart Christmas tree.

Guys how decorated Christmas tree? What shape are the balls on the Christmas tree? What color, etc.

3) Reception display drawing a fancy Christmas tree.

Clarify the techniques of the image of the Christmas tree. Spruce branches are located on the right and left sides opposite to each other. The lower branches grow for a long time, they are long, and towards the crown they decrease in length. They are growing recently.

Each branch has needles instead of leaves. (needles)

4. Independent work of children. Remind the rules of working drawing: back straight, legs together. Children who have dressy drawing Christmas tree causes difficulty - repeat techniques drawing on your paper.

In the end lessons the children examine the drawings, discuss and put them in an envelope, the teacher says that he will definitely send them by mail to the forest dwellers.

Related publications:

Abstract of a drawing lesson with children of the early age group "Christmas Tree""Christmas tree" Abstract of a drawing lesson with group children early age. Educational: Continue to teach children how to smear.

A comprehensive lesson on the development of speech and drawing in the middle group of the kindergarten "Journey to the Corner of the Forest" Purpose: To activate an effective motive for helping, to arouse interest. To consolidate ideas about animals living in the forest ( appearance, habitat,.

Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson in the middle group "New Year Tree" Lexical theme: "Christmas tree". Purpose: the formation of the ability to make a simple common sentence. Tasks: - activate.

Summary of the lesson on applicative activities in the middle group "Festive Tree" (greeting card) Purpose: Generalization of knowledge about the season winter. Tasks: "Artistic creativity": - to arouse interest in the design of the "postcard". - bring up.

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the second junior group Topic: "Festive tree" Program content: learn to draw oval shapes while decorating a fluffy Christmas tree; to fix the drawing of round shapes; develop small.

Open drawing lesson "Teremok" in the middle group. Educator Guryanova O.N. Purpose: to teach children to convey the image of the house in the drawing.

Directly educational area for social and communicative development "Our friendly family" Purpose: Formation of the idea of ​​Fr.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of the village of Alatorka" of the municipal district Iglinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Synopsis of an organized educational activities using non-traditional drawing methods in the middle group on the theme "Our smart Christmas tree".

Conducted by: teacher Migranova L.Sh.

Target: introduce children to non-traditional methods drawing - crumpled paper print.


Educational: to form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality based on familiarization with non-traditional techniques drawing.

Figurative: learn to draw a spruce, decorating it New Year's toys;

Technical: develop the ability to independently draw a Christmas tree using non-traditional forms(drawing - with crumpled paper);, priming, fix the technique of doing the work with a cotton swab;

Compositional: improve compositional skills in the location of the object in the center of the sheet, decorating the drawing with details;

Color: choose the appropriate color for New Year's toys;

Developing: to develop creative imagination, thinking, observation, speech, visual memory, integrative personality traits;

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards trees, independence in the choice of solving educational problems (the ability to actively and creatively apply previously learned methods of image in drawing, the ability to bring things to the end.

Software content.

1. Repetition with children about the New Year holiday

2. Teach children draw with crumpled paper.

3. Finger gymnastics.

4. Physical education.

5. Results for occupation.

Preliminary work.

1. Conversation with children about nature.

2. Individual work with children by drawing

Integration of educational areas.

"Artistic aesthetic development», « cognitive development"," Speech development "

Methods and techniques.

Visual, verbal, conversation.

Didactic tools:

Demonstration - artificial spruce, drawing sample - spruce with New Year's toys, toy - snowman with a postcard

Handouts: sheets - A4, gouache, sheets of paper for printing, palette, jar of water, napkin, cotton buds

Lesson progress:

Organizing time.

Educator: Guys, let's greet each other:

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And smile at each other!

Educator:- Oh, guys, who is this in my bag sitting? Is someone moving there? The teacher takes out a Snowman toy and a picture of a Christmas tree in a winter forest from the bag.

Educator: Yes, it's a snowman! And how did he get here? Guys, he probably got into my bag while I was walking down the street in the morning at Kindergarten. And what does he have in his hands? Children:- Telegram. - Guys, yes, listen to what is written in it.

"Hello guys, we forest dwellers. The New Year holiday is coming soon, we really want to have a beautiful elegant Christmas tree. But in the forest there are no beautiful toys, colorful balls, bright tinsel. What can we do, please help"

Educator: Guys, how can we help the forest dwellers? (Children's suggestions)

Educator:- And what holiday is coming soon? Children:- New Year!

Educator: That's right, it will come to us soon New Year! Guys, guess the riddle and tell me, without which there is no New Year's holiday?

This tree in winter

We invite you home.

green needles

At (Christmas tree).

Children: Christmas tree.

Educator: Of course, what a holiday without a beautiful Christmas tree!

Let's draw for them Christmas tree . (Let's)

Physical education is being held.

Educator: But, first we will play the game "Christmas trees are"
Different Christmas trees grow in the forest, both wide, and low, high, thin.
Now, if I say "high" - raise your hands up.
"Low" - squat and lower your arms.
"Wide" - make the circle wider.
"Thin" - make a circle already.

Main part.

The children take their seats.

(Teacher shows herringbone decorated with balls, toys, tinsel)

Guys look at herringbone. What is she? (beautiful, fluffy, prickly, elegant, wonderful, etc.)

And now, guys, let's get to work and draw Christmas trees, otherwise the forest dwellers have been waiting, the snowman still needs to get into the forest with your Christmas trees.

Look and tell me where herringbone trunk? Where are the branches? Why herringbone called evergreen beauty? (children's answers)

Children sit at the tables, where there are already drawing supplies Educator:- Children, pay attention, there is a sheet on the table. white paper, gouache, cotton buds, a small sheet of paper, all this is needed to draw Christmas tree.

caregiver: What kind colors we will use?

Children: Green, red, yellow, blue.

Educator: We take one sheet of paper, crumple it and dip it in green paint. Then this draw with a paper ball (sticking method) Christmas tree on the whole sheet. See how to draw.

The teacher shows on a sheet of paper attached to a magnetic board how to draw a Christmas tree in stages.

caregiver: Guys, let's do exercises for our fingers.

Children: Let's.

Finger gymnastics.

"Let's warm up."

Let's play a little Children clap their hands.)
Let's clap our hands.
We warm our fingers Clench your fingers into a fist and unclench).
We squeeze them, we squeeze them.

Educator: Our Christmas tree has dried up, and now guys, let's draw colorful balls on our Christmas trees. Balls will be draw with cotton swabs. We take one cotton swab, we lower one end into the paint, for example, red and in the way poke apply balls(points) on the herringbone, as if we are hanging them on twigs. Then we turn over the same cotton swab and dip it with a clean end into a paint of a different color, for example, yellow, and do the same. We put points on different branches so that the whole the Christmas tree has become elegant.

Look how many beautiful balls turned out on herringbone. What color are they? (red, yellow, blue, orange)

Now let's admire our beautiful Christmas trees.What elegant Christmas trees turned out, the snowman liked them too. Then we will send our drawings with the Snowman to the forest dwellers. - Well done boys! We helped the forest dwellers, now they will have beautiful Christmas trees And they will be able to joyfully celebrate the New Year!

The Christmas tree is dressing up -

The holiday is approaching.

New Year at the gate

Christmas tree forest animals

(we put all the works on the board, consider, praise the most accurate, beautiful ones)

caregiver: Guys, you deserve everything today according to the medal of the artist.

(Giving medals.)


- Did you guys like it occupation?

What did we draw today?

How did you draw the Christmas trees?

Program content:
To teach children to convey in the picture the image of the Christmas tree.
To form the ability to draw a Christmas tree with branches extending downwards. Learn to use paints of different colors, carefully apply one paint to another only after drying. Lead to an emotional assessment of the work. Induce a feeling of joyperception of the created drawings.

Methodology of the lesson:
Recall with children the New Year tree in kindergarten,
talk about how it was decorated.

Sheets of white paper, brushes, paints, jars of water, a napkin for each child.

Lesson progress:
Guys, please guess the riddle
Winter and summer
One color.(Spruce)
That's right, well done! This is a tree.
(I show a Christmas tree decorated with balls, lanterns, beautiful tinsel).
Guys, look at the tree.
What is she like? (Very beautiful, elegant, green, prickly, wonderful, etc.)
-Children, yesterday we had New Year's party. Have you seen the Christmas tree? (Yes)
What is she like? (Alive, green, fluffy, smelling good, etc.)
And what was it decorated with? (Balloons, lanterns, tinsel, multi-colored lights)
(Noise is heard outside the door)
-Oh, guys, what's the noise? (I open the door)
- Oh, yes, it's a beautiful Christmas tree! Why are you crying? Did something happen to you?
(The group includes a girl from senior group in a Christmas tree costume)
Herringbone. I want to tell you a story. Recently I had many girlfriends. But one day lumberjacks came to the forest and cut down all the Christmas trees and trees.
Now I was left alone, and I became very bored (Herringbone cried)
-Guys, do you feel sorry for the Christmas tree? (Yes). Tell me, is it possible to cut down trees, bushes?
(No) Of course not!
-Children, but how can we help the Christmas tree? (Assumptions of children)
-Let's draw our Christmas tree girlfriends! (Let's)

Physical education is being held.
Our Christmas tree is big (Circular motion with hands)
Our tree is high (Stand on your toes)
Above mom, above dad (Sit down and stand on your toes)
Reaching for the ceiling (Stretch)
Let's dance merrily. Eh, Eh, Eh!
Let's sing songs. La, La, La!
To make the tree want to visit
Come visit us again!

Now kids, let's get to work. Look and tell me where the tree trunk is?
Where are the branches? Why is the Christmas tree called evergreen? (Children's answers).
We draw a Christmas tree in order: first we draw a brown trunk, green branches depart from the trunk, we begin to draw branches from top to bottom. And we will apply needles
with the tip of the brush, in short strokes.
(Under cheerful music children draw)

Now let's admire your Christmas trees. (I turn to the Christmas tree)
Christmas tree, did you like your girlfriends? (Yes) (Very)
Thank you guys for the beautiful trees! Now I will not be bored in the forest.
I now have many friends and girlfriends.

-Well done boys! Helped the Christmas tree to make friends.
What a miracle! What a miracle!
All of us are beautiful!
It turned out, a whole forest
Full of fairy tales and wonders!

List of used literature.
Classes on visual activity T, S. Komarova p.55.


To expand and deepen children's knowledge about the New Year's holiday, the Christmas tree, as a New Year's attribute of the holiday;

To consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers about geometric shapes;

To form the ability to draw patterns on a given plane;

Continue introduce children to application techniques;

To form the ability to create an artistic image on a limited plane;

Learn to use glue and paint correctly and accurately;

To form the ability to draw straight lines with a finger;

Correct the correctness of the names of geometric shapes and animal names, active and passive vocabulary on this topic;

Develop emotions and facial expressions;

Learn to enjoy the results of work;

Develop imagination, perseverance;

Raise the love of preschoolers for applique and drawing classes.

Equipment: animal masks for each child, Christmas tree, demonstration geometric shapes; geometric shapes for each child, oilcloths, dry and wet napkins, glue, brushes, blue paint, ribbons, stapler; video fairy tale "Herringbone", recording a song about animals, video physical education minutes, musical instruments.

previous job

Teacher's conversation with children on the topic "Christmas tree"

Consideration of drawings of a decorated Christmas tree

Didactic game "Forest animals"

The course of classes in kindergarten by application

1. Psycho-gymnastics "Dance of animals"

Music is playing. The teacher and the children become in a round dance. An adult names some animal, and children transform into it, imitating its voice and movements. The teacher distributes animal masks to children.

Forest animals gathered in a clearing to visit the Christmas tree.

Let's see how the Christmas tree lives in the forest.

2. Watching the video-fairy tale "Herringbone"

The teacher invites children to watch a movie using musical instruments about the life of the Christmas tree.

3. Motivation

Educator. Our Christmas tree is in a hurry New Year's celebration to children in kindergarten. The Christmas tree dreamed of coming to the kids beautiful, with bright toys, colored decorations, rain. But Baba Yaga bewitched the Christmas tree, because she was offended, Santa Claus did not invite her to the holiday.

Our Christmas tree asks you, the forest dwellers, to save it. Prepare Christmas decorations and decorate the Christmas tree. But we don't have toys. Where will we take them? Correctly! Let's do it by hand!

The Christmas tree gave us such a magic leaf to tell us where to find toys. Let's open it? Oh what is this? Correctly! Geometric figures.

Close your eyes and we will go to the country of geometric shapes.

4. Creative play"Journey of Figurines"

The teacher shows a video presentation and tells the children about the journey of each geometric figure. The kids are looking to see who the figurine could be friends with.

“The circle went out for a walk around the country of geometric shapes and met a bun, a ball and the sun on the way. A merry little square came to visit the engine, and then looked into the house from a large window. The merry triangle, having gone on a holiday, took a cap, a pyramid with him and came to the Christmas tree "

The presentation is available for download at the end of the material.

5. Motivation

Our geometric shapes will become ours Christmas decorations. By using of blue color paints and applications will make bright decorations from these figures. Decorate them with snowflakes.

And now let's rest a little and do exercises with our Christmas tree

6. Physical education "Herringbone". Children repeat the movements behind the tree

7. Help at work

What do we see in front of us?

Geometric figures. Everyone has it different figure. Light and dark color

What figure does Sasha have? What figure does Dasha have?

Dye. What colour?

Sequins. What form?

Glue and brushes for glue.

8. Practical work

Take your geometric figure and put in front of you in dark color.

First, we will decorate the toy with sparkles-snowflakes.

Take a glitter and apply glue to it with a brush. glue the glitter

Wipe the adhesive area with a tissue

While our decorations are a little dry, forest animals will play a game

9. The outdoor game "White Bunny is sitting"

or video physical education "Repeat after the animals"

Children sit on tiptoe and say:

A white bunny is sitting

And wiggles his ears

(Children put their hands like ears to their heads)

Like this, like this

And wiggles his ears

(Move hands like ears)

It's cold for hares to sit

I need to warm my paws

(Put hands like paws in front of the chest)

Like this, like this

I need to warm my paws

(Rubbing hands as if warm paws)

They're tired of standing

Gotta jump a little

(start jumping)

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Gotta jump a little

10. Practical work

And now we will decorate the toy with paints. We will draw with our fingers.

Drawing techniques: dots, straight lines.

Dip your index finger in blue paint and draw a straight line and another crosswise, then two more crosswise.

Put dots at each line to finish our snowflake.

Wipe your finger with a tissue.

Educator. What is missing from our toys so that they could be hung on a Christmas tree? We don't have enough ribbon for the loop. We attach the tape with a stapler.

Remember! We work carefully with the stapler, we do not fasten the parts ourselves, we DO NOT substitute our fingers under the stapler, we press only with the teacher.

Take the ribbon and attach it to your toy.

11. Exhibition and discussion of works

Look at our toys. Everyone has their own, unique, beautiful, bright toy. And who likes the toy the most? children's answers

Let's decorate the Christmas tree with our toys. Hang toys on the tree.

12. Summary of the lesson

Did you like the trip to the Christmas tree? And now it's time for us to say goodbye to the Christmas tree. Let's invite the Christmas tree to our New Year's holiday. And we return to the group and become kids again.

Music sounds. Children become in a round dance. The teacher removes the masks from the children.

Did you enjoy the trip?

What was interesting about the trip?

What did you do?

How were geometric shapes decorated?

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