Calendar plan in kindergarten folk culture. Calendar - thematic planning in the preparatory group "folk culture and traditions"

Theme of the week: « Folk culture and traditions ».

Tasks: Continue familiarization of children with folk traditions and customs. Expansion of ideas about art, traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia. Expansion of ideas about the diversity of folk art, art crafts (different types of materials, different regions of our country and the world). Raising interest in the art of the native land; love and care for works of art

Final event:Exhibition of children's creativity

Team work


Individual work

Weekend Talk: What did you do? Where did you go?

Conversation "Peoples of Russia" - to cultivate respect for people of different nationalities.

D / U "Pick a couple" - teach children to compare objects in shape, size, color, purpose.

Situational conversation "Cleanliness is the key to health." C: Continue to acquaint children with the concept of "Health".

Improving gymnastics after daytime sleep.

Reading “In the City of the Short Talker” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to accurately, correctly, expressively and with appropriate intonation use small forms of folklore in one’s speech; to cultivate interest in tongue twisters, proverbs, counting rhymes.

Situational communication: "Our hostess." Ts: Continue acquaintance with a new joke. Show how to use basic household items.

Labor - "Let's put the toys away together!" Purpose: to nurture behavior and positive relationships between children; ability to work together.

"Wonderful miracle, wonder

marvelous - golden Khokhloma "

Purpose: to introduce the history of fishing, the features of Khokhloma painting; instill a sense of patriotism

Veraksy N.E. "Complex lessons. Preparatory group”, page 265

"Small folklore forms"

Purpose: To acquaint children with small folklore forms: proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, riddles; to teach to reproduce figurative expressions, to understand the figurative meaning of words and phrases; develop the ability to compose stories, fairy tales according to proverbs, invent riddles

"Journey to the country of folklore" O.S. Ushakov, E.M. Strunina "The development of speech of children 6-7 years old",

Observationbehind the cloud

Target: continue to form a consciousness of unitylandand the sky as the basis for a holistic perception of the world.

Labor activity

Help the kids in the construction of the slide on their site.

Target: learn to work together, to enjoy the work done.

Movablethe game"Homeless Bunny"


-exercise in the ability to run without bumping into each other;

-cultivate agility and endurance.

With Maxim P., Vova V. repeat the sequence of seasons.

With Katya G., Masha V. didactic exercise "Magic Square". Purpose: to develop attention, logical thinking, ingenuity.

Complex of morning exercises.

D / and "Make no mistake"

Purpose: to clarify, consolidate children's knowledge of the senses, develop resourcefulness, ingenuity, attention.

DI. “Let's dress the doll for the holiday” (paper) C: continue to introduce the elements of the folk costume.

“Like - not like” (verbal) Purpose: to continue to teach children to compare objects, to find a connection in them; signs of entertainment and similarity, recognize objects by description, develop descriptive speech, logical thinking.

Reading and conversation based on the fairy tale "Silver Hoof" by N. Bazhov in order to introduce children to the work of the Ural writer N. Bazhov. C: To cultivate a conscious attitude to the means of expression (polysemy of the word, comparison, amplification).

D / I “To whom, what is needed for work”, “Museum of Objects” Purpose: to deepen children's knowledge about the diversity of the objective world, about the purpose of objects; develop curiosity

Dymkovo toy coloring pages

"Cut pictures" - to develop the ability to make a whole out of parts (folk crafts)

Board printed game "Russian Patterns"


Purpose: to exercise in measuring length using a conditional measure; introduce children to the unit of length - centimeter; introduce the ruler and its purpose; practice counting within 20

V.P. Novikova "Mathematics in kindergarten" (preparatory group) p.133

snow watching


    learn to observe seasonal changes in nature.

    to consolidate knowledge about the relationships that occur in inanimate nature (sun - snow).

Measure snow depth in sun and shade.

Labor activity

Clearing paths from debris.

Target: learn to work together.

Outdoor games


Target: develop the ability to run fast, dodge the catcher.

"Do not back."

Target: learn to jump over a rope at a height of 15-20 cm.

The game "Tangram" (square, triangle) to develop the ability to fold a figure from parts according to the model; develop thinking and attention (Nastya A., Artem U.)

Puzzle game "Vietnamese game". Give an idea about the change in geometric shapes (Katya, Yana)

Complex of morning exercises

Didactic game "Name the toy" (formation of relative adjectives)

Listening “Like it is in our workshop” A. Filippenko “Ural round dance”, round dance “Spinning wheel”. Ts: Tell the children about the folk crafts of the Urals (using pictures)

D / and "Recognize the pattern" - fixing the elements

Wellness exercises after sleep.

Reading and perception of fiction:

"What do crafts smell like" G. Rodari

Proverbs about work. C: To form interest in professions; activation to cognitive, creative activity.

Conversation "Furniture and utensils in

an old Russian hut "Making with children utensils and dishes for a Russian hut (from waste material)

Art of Russian clay toys. (stencil) To form the ability to notice the expressiveness of color. To consolidate knowledge about the features of painting Dymkovo and Filimonovo toys. Exercise in finding a color solution that matches the color of clay toys. Cultivate interest in folk toys

Physical education lesson No. L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. The system of work in the preparatory group for school "p.

Watching Seasonal Changes


    form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bspring changes in nature;

    to teach to see changes in the behavior of sparrows with the advent of spring;

    educate interest in bird watching, respect for them.

Labor activity

Clearing a flower bed from last year's grass.

Target: develop a positive attitude towards work.

Outdoor games

"Who is faster?", "Further and higher"

Target: exercise in running, develop speed

D / game "What has changed" C: Improve children's knowledge of geometric shapes, their color, size, thickness, develop thinking (Kirill F., Polina)

With Veronica, Artem U. didactic game "Cheerful tongue". Purpose: To prepare the articulatory apparatus of children for the pronunciation of sounds.

Complex of morning exercises

Conversation "Life and traditions of the Russian people." C: To develop the ability to express one's impressions in speech, to express judgments. Continue to enrich the speech of children with new words. To improve the ability to compose stories about objects, accurately describing their qualities.

Listening to the play "How a man played the harmonica"

Presentation "Homemade folk dolls" C: to develop interest in the culture of the Russian people through acquaintance with a folk toy

D / and “Whose souvenir?” - to deepen knowledge about some types of folk crafts and crafts. Awaken interest in the talents of folk craftsmen

Wellness exercises after sleep.

Reading: fairy tales "Three daughters" Purpose: name Russian words.

Reviewing a slide presentation with children

"Painted toy".

The teacher's story about folk crafts. Examination of toys, postcards and illustrations about folk art.

"Counting in threes"

V.P. Novikova "Mathematics in kindergarten" (preparatory group) p.135

"Dymkovo young ladies"; To consolidate the ability to sculpt based on a folk toy, sculpt hollow forms (a young lady's skirt), observe the proportions of the figure. Develop the ability to properly evaluate your work and the work of your comrades. Komarova T.S. Page 60

Musical according to the plan of music. worker

Observation of the height of the sun

Target: consolidate knowledge about the impact of solar energy on plant, animal and human life

Research activities

Touching metal objects, determine where the sun heats more.

Answer which objects heat up faster: dark or light?

What can you use to look at the sun for a long time?(Dark glasses.)

Labor activity

Organization of assistance to the janitor in cleaning the curb around the site.

Target: develop a desire to help elders.

Mobile game "Sun and planets".

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the movement of planets around the sun.

With Denis and Maxim P., consolidate the ability to call numbers in forward and reverse order (oral counting).

With a subgroup of children, continue to learn the names of the months for the seasons

Complex of morning exercises.

Watching cartoons: "Silver Hoof"

D / I "What's gone"

Purpose: to teach children to coordinate nouns with numerals; use nouns in the genitive case.

"Lay it out yourself." Purpose: to teach children to analyze the shape of objects using the image of a figure, to make a drawing from geometric shapes (ornament)

Wellness exercises after sleep.

Conversation according to proverbs: “The master is happy - the owner is happy”, “Many guests - a lot of news”

Russian folk games "Smoking room", "Burn - burn bright".

Board printed game "Fold the Pattern"

Purpose: to teach how to make a whole from parts.

"Decorative and applied art". Purpose: To distinguish the features characteristic of each type of fishing through the ability to guess riddles to develop visual-figurative thinking. Exercise in the word formation of adjectives from nouns using suffixes (wooden, clay).

"Doll in the national

suit” p.144, T.S. Komarova

Physical education lesson No. L.I. Penzulaeva “Physical education in kindergarten. The system of work in the preparatory group for school "p.

Drop Watching


-consolidate knowledge about changes in water depending on temperature;

-teach research activities.

Labor activity

Sanding the paths in the kids area.

Target: help children and their caregivers.

Outdoor games

"Fifteen", "Don't get your feet wet", "Wind".


    to consolidate the ability to run in all directions, jump over obstacles;

    learn to listen carefully to the commands of the educator, to overcome obstacles.

Anzhelika and Artem - to consolidate the skills of working with scissors.

Game "Make a pattern of ropes" - Kostya, Ksyusha, Timofey

Sedova Olga
Planning educational activities for the week "Folk culture and traditions"


Group __ middle group ___

Topic:. Folk culture and traditions.

Target: continue to introduce children to folk traditions and customs, With popular arts and crafts (Dymkovo, Gorodets, Gzhel). Expand your understanding of folk toys(matryoshka, Gorodets, Bogorodskaya, spillikins). To acquaint with the national arts and crafts.

Final event Sports leisure "Journey to the Spring Forest" _ Date of the final event_18.03.2016_

Responsible for conducting the final Events:

Day weeks

Mode Integration


Tei Joint activity


children's activities general style. institutions).


Individual educational


in regime moments

Monday 14.03.2016 Morning breakfast, games Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, art. - aesthetic development, physical development Morning Hymn. Conversation: "Russian folk toy» Target: introduce children to Russian folk toys show them and talk about them. round dance the game: "A goat walked through the forest". Target: introduce children to a new round dance game.

With Nastya T, Mark, to consolidate the ability to cut a circle, a square with scissors. Di "Recognize the pattern". Target: fixing elements of the painting Dymkovo, Gorodets painting.

Work in a corner of nature Target: fostering a desire to help elders. Self-playing activity. Plot - role-playing games: "Daughters-Mothers"

Target: The game teaches family relationships.

Advice for parents. At the request of parents




Games, preparation for a walk

Walkphysical education for the birds. Target: Learn to recognize birds by their appearance, introduce folk omens associated with birds. mobile game "Cat and Mouse".

Target: Discuss with the children the tactics of the players, teach them to act in concert. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

Kirill and Zakhara to train in accuracy. Play the game of hitting the target. Solution situations: “Paints have disappeared - how can you paint the dishes?”. Target: arouse children's interest in reflection.

Labor - to clear the site of branches. Target: educate the ability to work together. Independent motor activity of children on the site

Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before going to bed KGN. Reading a fairy tale of the choice of children.

Evening children's activities,leisure,

mugs, ind. work Gymnastics after sleep. Exhibition books: "Russian folk tales» . Target: to interest children in new books, instilling a love of reading.

S/r game "Fair". Target: learn to convey the atmosphere of a street fair trade.

Individual work on drawing elements of the Gorodets painting (berries, curls)

With Milana, Zhenya, Kirill.

Di "Whose souvenir?". Target: deepen knowledge about some species folk arts and crafts. Arouse interest in talent craftsmen

Attributes for s/r games, d/i, board games, illustrations of birds. Independent play. Target

Walk. search engine activity"What has changed on the street?"

Target: To develop observation in children, the ability to concentrate, learn to navigate the territory of the kindergarten, in space.

Day weeks


area Joint activity adult and children, taking into account integration

educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent

children's activities(activity centers, all group premises) Interaction with parents, social partners (theaters, sports, art schools, general images. institutions).


Individual educational


in regime moments

15. 03. 2016 Morning: games, duty, individual work, assignments, morning exercises, KGN,

breakfast, games

Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, art. - aesthetic development, physical development Morning Hymn. Conversation by proverbs: "The master is happy - the master is happy", "Many guests - a lot of news". Target: Learn new things with children. vocabulary and make it clear and meaningful.

Di Where is this bird from?. Target: guess the names of birds and where birds live. Exercise children in the ability to lay out sample from counting sticks. Target: development of fine motor skills. Zhenya, Nastya S., Milana. Theatrical play "These wise Russian fairy tales". Target: remember what fairy tales are.

Set of illustrations by

topic, d / i, independent

game activities in

employment centers.

"Mosaic" Make a pattern - the development of fine motor skills

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children.

Consultation Weekend itinerary "Spring Walk"




Games, preparation for a walk

Walk: games, observations, work, individual work, physical education-improving work Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, art. - aesthetic development, physical Development Observation "Windy weather".

Target: Invite children to determine the strength of the wind in one of the ways they know, characterize the wind (strong, moderate, gusty, cold, make a story based on the results of observing what happens in windy weather (The wind drives the clouds quickly across the sky, people turn up their collars.).

mobile game "Geese-geese".

Target: Teach children to act on a signal, develop attention, form the ability to act in accordance with the rules Train Milan and Zhenya to navigate in place Situational conversation "Why is the snow melting outside" Target: Enrich children's knowledge of spring, and teach children to think and answer questions. Work on the site according to the situation. Target: educate the desire to take care of the cleanliness of the environment. Self-playing activity on site.

Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before going to bed KGN. Reading thin. liters "Nikita Kozhemyaka".

Evening:heals. and hardened. procedures, KGN, afternoon tea, games, self. children's activities,leisure,

mugs, ind. Work

Exercise after sleep. Walking on gymnastic paths. Hearing a play "How a man played the harmonica". Target: introduce children to the play, tell and show what it is. Di "Make a Pattern". Target: Fixing mural elements.

Remember and fix the seasons, the time of day with Cyril, Zhenya, Sveta. situational conversation "What Happens in the Spring" Target: Encourage children to think, write stories. Attributes for s/r games, d/i, board games, illustrations of birds. Self-playing activities in employment centers. Target: to cultivate friendly relations between children.




Walk. Observation of changes occurring with ice in spring. Target: Invite the children to identify the changes that have occurred with the ice in early spring.

mobile game "Mice and Cat".Target: Teach children to run on their toes, monitor the maintenance of posture, follow safety rules

Day weeks


area Joint activity adult and children, taking into account integration

educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent

children's activities(activity centers, all group premises) Interaction with parents, social partners (theaters, sports, art schools, general images. institutions).


Individual educational


in regime moments

03/16/2016 Morning: games, duty, individual work, assignments, morning exercises, KGN,

breakfast, games

Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, art. - aesthetic development, physical development Morning Hymn. Conversation on the topic

"What folk toy Target: introduce the concept, show them a toy. Didactic game "Make no mistake".

Target: To teach children to distinguish objects by the material from which they are made, to identify and correctly name such properties how: hard, soft, rough, flexible, hard, etc. Memorizing poems about spring.

Target: Learn subgr. children of children expressively convey the content of the work, correlate the pictures of nature described in the poem with the observed phenomena.

Role-playing game "Mail". Plot "Postal work".

Target: To form in children the ability to implement and develop the plot, to contribute to the enrichment of the plot of the game, its inclusion in other storylines.

Work in a corner of nature: water indoor plants. Wipe off the dust. Target: fostering a desire to help elders

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children.

Consultations at the request of parents



activity Physical. to-ra

By plan physical educator. to-re

Games, preparation for a walk

Walk: games, observations, work, individual work, physical education-improving work Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, art. - aesthetic development, physical development Watching the trees in early spring.

Target: To activate in the speech of children concepts related to the names of trees growing on the site, their structure. Invite the children to look at the trees, make sure that there are no visible changes yet. mobile game "Higher feet off the ground".

Target: Introduce children to the rules of the game, discuss how the players, the driver, should act. game exercise "Knock down the skittles".

Tasks. To teach children to correctly perform the basic movements of the exercise (take the starting position, swing and throw the bat from the side and from the shoulder, develop the mobility of the joints of the hands. Warm up children. "First thaws".

Target: Invite the children to consider thawed patches, note the condition of the soil, bring the children to the understanding that the soil is saturated with moisture, absorbs water and then gives it to plants. Work on the site - clean the feeders from debris, feed the birds. Target: fostering a caring attitude towards birds. Independent physical activity of children on the site. Outdoor games for children of your choice.

Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before going to bed KGN. Reading a fairy tale of the choice of children

Evening:heals. and hardened. procedures, KGN, afternoon tea, games, self. children's activities,leisure,

mugs, ind. work Gymnastics after sleep. Walking along the massage paths. Suteev V Reading a fairy tale "One, two, together" Target: to introduce the new work of Suteev V. Didactic game "Strike the tambourine". Target:To teach children to use signs and symbols to indicate various characteristics of sound, to determine the strength of sound according to a model made up of strips of different lengths. Didactic game "Guess What We're Thinking".

Target: The development of Prokhor, Milana, Sveta, coherent speech, logical thinking, attention.

Conversation "Bread is the head of everything".

Target: Invite the children to talk about what they know about growing bread, making bakery products, find out why it is necessary to take good care of bread. Attributes for s / r games, material for manual labor. Self-playing activity children in employment centers. "Building a Spaceship".

Tasks. To teach children to distribute responsibilities in the game, to act together, to beat buildings.




Walk. Snow watching. Target: Invite the children to consider snowflakes, choose from those proposed by the educator the most suitable for characterizing the observed phenomenon expressions: falls with hats, knocks, sweeps, pours, etc.

Day weeks


area Joint activity adult and children, taking into account integration

educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent

children's activities(activity centers, all group premises) Interaction with parents, social partners (theaters, sports, art schools, general images. institutions).


Individual educational


in regime moments

Thursday 03/17/2016 Morning: games, duty, individual work, assignments, morning exercises, KGN,

breakfast, games

Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, art. - aesthetic development, physical development Morning exercises. Matryoshkas love different clothes"

Target: To introduce children to the perception of arts and crafts by means of music and drawing, to acquaint them with the appearance and features of the painting of the Polkhov-Maidanskaya nesting dolls, to teach how to paint the blank nesting dolls in the style of the Polkhov-Maidanskaya painting, to develop aesthetic perception and imagination; Acquaintance of children with sayings about spring.

Target: To teach children to understand the meaning of sayings by considering the situations in which they are used. Nursing children

situation. talk "Grandma's Hands".

Target: Teach children to respect the elderly, cultivate kindness, support the children's desire to help their grandmother, discuss how the guys can activity Board games for the interests of children. Games in the play area.

coloring pages "My profession".. Role-playing games "My profession" Target: Using the indirect method of guidance, lead children to independently create game ideas, teach them to combine various plots in a single action, take on two or more roles

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children.

Consultation. "Careful Spring"



activity drawing

By plan music director

Games, preparation for a walk

Walk: games, observations, work, individual work, physical education-improving work Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, art. - aesthetic development, physical Development Observation "First Signs of Spring".Target: To introduce children to the characteristic signs of spring, teaches them to identify changes associated with the sun (shines brighter, warms more, daylight hours lengthen).

P / s "Bird and cat".

Target: To teach children to jump on two legs, jump over an obstacle, walk and run, coordinate the movements of arms and legs. "Throwing balls into the basket".

Target: To teach children how to throw objects at a horizontal target. Nurturing children Role-playing game "chauffeurs". Plot "Long Flight".

Target: Encourage children to independently develop the role and bring it to the end, use various attributes, build role-playing interaction.

Work on the site Repair of boxes for storing games, inventory, toys.

Target: Introduce children to a new labor operation, discuss its purpose and importance, learn to interact in work, perform it carefully.

Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before going to bed KGN. Blaginina E. "Mother's day"

Evening:heals. and hardened. procedures, KGN, afternoon tea, games, self. children's activities,leisure,

mugs, ind. work Gymnastics awakening. Target: promote the prevention of flat feet when walking on massage paths Circle "Young ecologist" Topic: "Animals of hot countries". Target: give an initial idea of ​​​​the desert, plants. Articulation gymnastics. An exercise "Song of the Locomotive" .Target: To develop the articulatory apparatus of children Zhenya, Kirill, Arina. "Passengers in Public Transport".

Target: To introduce children to the rules of conduct in public transport related to entering and exiting transport, with variety of polite words used in a similar situation Independent games of children with remote material

"Beauty saloon". Plot "Manicure"

Target: To form in children the ability to apply their knowledge and personal experience in the game, to deploy role-playing actions, to implement deputy villages of the game.




Walk. "Beautiful Spring".Target: To generalize and supplement children's knowledge of spring, continue to acquaint children with the signs of spring and seasonal changes in nature. P/ and "Crows and Dog".Target: Introduce children to the rules of the game, teach them to perform actions in accordance with the signal.

Day weeks


area Joint activity adult and children, taking into account integration

educational areas Organization of a developing environment for independent

children's activities(activity centers, all group premises) Interaction with parents, social partners (theaters, sports, art schools, general images. institutions).


Individual educational


in regime moments

Friday 18. 03. 2016 Morning: games, duty, individual work, assignments, morning exercises, KGN,

breakfast, games

Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, art. - aesthetic development, physical development Morning exercises. Conversation with children "Which folk do you like the toy the most? Target: remember and consider what are folk toys.

"Wonderful bag" Target: develop coherent speech and fine motor skills of hands. (Lida, Milana, Barbara.) Riddles about spring.

Target: to teach children, guessing a riddle, to motivate their answer (this allows you to judge how children are able to compare the description with a real object or phenomenon. Education culture of table manners. Practical exercise "Legs are friends".

Target: Teach children to sit correctly at the table, monitor the maintenance of posture, independently check the correct position of the body (the back is straightened, the legs are bent at a right angle ( "are friends").

Labor in the classroom. Target: to cultivate the ability to prepare the workplace for classes. Self-playing activities in employment centers.

Ind. conversations with parents about the well-being of children.



activity Physical

By plan physical education teacher

cognitive development

Games, preparation for a walk

Walk: games, observations, work, individual work, physical education-improving work Social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, art. - aesthetic development, physical development Observation of the weather.

Target: Invite the children, based on the questions of the educator, to characterize the state of the weather, learn to correctly use concepts that reflect weather conditions, and record observations on the weather calendar. P / s "Hunters and Hares".Target: Contribute to the improvement of children's performance of jumps on two legs with moving forward, exercise children in throwing the ball Individual work on the development of OD with Nastya T, Zakhar (jumping up from a place)

situational conversation

Conversation Reading proverbs about spring.

Target: To teach children to understand the content of sayings, proverbs, explain their meaning, choose according to the description of the situation that can be characterized by one or another proverb or saying, explain their choice Labor activity. Site cleaning. Target: To form in children a conscious attitude to order, the desire to restore and maintain order on the site, the ability to distribute responsibilities, select

Return from a walk, KGN, lunch, work before going to bed KGN Reading fairy tales at the choice of children.

Evening:heals. and hardened. procedures, KGN, afternoon tea, games, self. children's activities,leisure,

mugs, ind. work Gymnastics awakening. Nesting dolls-entertainers»

Target: introduce children to small folklore forms: riddles, counting rhymes, jokes, jokes, tongue twisters, proverbs, fairy tales, enrich the vocabulary of children at the expense of concepts: a joke-a proverb, to form the ability to give a complete answer to a question. Di "Gnomes with bags".

Target: To teach children to correlate real objects with their substitutes in size, use speech constructions of the assumption, Articulation gymnastics. An exercise "Warm your hands".

Target: Develop articulatory breathing in children, learn to form a warm air stream, making a sound "X", develop a rise in the back of the back of the tongue. Role-playing game "Salon".

Target: To promote the further development of the plot of the game, the creative processing and use of personal experience and knowledge by children, to teach how to select attributes for the game. Attributes for s / r games, material for manual labor. Self-playing activity children in employment centers.




Walk. Birdwatching. Target:invert children's attention to changes in the behavior of birds, offer to feed them with crumbs, talk about the appearance and behavior of birds. P / s "At the bear in the forest".

Target: To teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text, to correctly perform basic movements when running and walking, to maintain posture. Encourage activity, learn to focus on the actions of comrades.

Since ancient times, Russia has been famous for its craftsmen - blacksmiths, potters, artists, etc. Craftsmen make wonderful toys, paint wonderful dishes, make clothes and at the same time sing folk songs. You can tell children about such people and their work as part of their acquaintance with the folk crafts of Russia. According to the program "From Birth to School", children get acquainted with such crafts as pottery, woodcarving and the manufacture of folk toys, blacksmithing and, of course, various types of painting dishes and toys. The teacher will introduce the children to the Gzhel and Khokhloma paintings in more detail a little later, and in early November, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, a week is planned aimed at introducing children to the life and work of Russian people, expanding knowledge about folk toys and Russian folk art. Poems on the theme of the week, the contents of the excursion to the Russian hut, stories about applied art for children can be found in the annex to the plan “Thematic week “Folk crafts of Russia”.

Social and communicative development

In the field of social and communicative development, conversations are planned about the professions of a potter, a blacksmith, the organization of plot games “A family of artisans from Gorodets”, “Fair”, etc., which will expand children's knowledge about the work of Russian people. Children go to the past of toys, learn about the decoration of the Russian hut and the meaning of the words "hospitality and cordiality."

cognitive development

Solving the problems of cognitive development, an adult organizes observations in nature for, harvesting leaves for a herbarium, viewing the presentation "Skopinskaya ceramics" and experiments to identify the properties of clay.

Speech development

Work continues on developing the ability to describe dishes, highlighting the features of painting on them, reading and retelling Russian folk tales. Speech development is facilitated by the discussion of proverbs and sayings, as well as games with breathing simulators and learning myrilok.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Senior preschoolers learn songs and round dances, listen to folk music. Children weave floorboards, work as blacksmiths and decorate the Zhostovo tray, which contributes to the artistic and aesthetic development of children.

Physical development

The teacher continues to acquaint children with folk outdoor games, talks about the importance of the daily routine, offers games for the development of oculomotor muscles, which has a positive effect on the physical development of children.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Didactic game "Who needs it?". Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about objects and their use in labor processes.Conversation "Russia is famous for its craftsmen." Purpose: to introduce children to folk art, to expand knowledge about the work of adults.Finger game "Blacksmith". Purpose: to learn words.Opening of the mini-museum "Painted Miracles". Purpose: to continue introducing children to different types of murals: Gorodets, Zhostovo, Gzhel, etc.Fizminutka "Wonder Birds". Purpose: to develop coordination of movement and speech.
Conversation "What did our grandmothers play with." Purpose: to tell children about folk toys.The game "Live numbers". Purpose: to exercise in counting (forward and backward) within 10.The game "Which word got lost." Purpose: to form the ability to select words that are accurate in meaning.Glove theater games. Purpose: to develop the imagination and theatrical abilities of children.P.i. "Tea, tea, help me out." Purpose: to develop physical qualities. P.i. "Zhmurki". Purpose: to please children.
2 p.d.The teacher's story about the work of a potter. Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the work of adults.Clay experiments. Purpose: to empirically find out the properties of clay and determine why it is used in the manufacture of dishes.Reading Russian folk tales at the choice of children. Purpose: to find out what fairy tales children like.Application "At the birch round dance." Goal: continue to teach children to work with scissors, fold paper with an accordion.Board game "What first - what then." Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the daily routine.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Excursion to the mini-museum "Russian hut". Purpose: to expand knowledge about the life of our ancestors, to enrich the vocabulary.The game "Fold the pattern" (Nikitin's cubes). Purpose: to develop the ability to analyze the sample, spatial perception.Compilation of descriptive stories about Khokhloma dishes. Purpose: to teach to compose a story according to the plan proposed by the teacher.Round dance "Mother had twelve daughters." Purpose: to expand knowledge about Russian life through dances and songs.Problem situation "Come up with a new rule for an outdoor game." Purpose: to expand ideas about outdoor games, to develop attention.
One subgroup of children - sweeping the path in the collection of fallen leaves; the other is loosening sand in a sandbox. Purpose: to cultivate industriousness, the ability to work together.Aspen observation. Purpose: to acquaint with the tree - aspen, its structure, leaves.Independent games in the book corner. Purpose: to form a careful attitude towards books.Excursion to the mini-museum "Different Spoons". Purpose: to expand knowledge about the methods of painting dishes.P.i. "Drop the bag." Purpose: to teach children to throw sandbags at a horizontal target, aiming with their right left hand.

Tatyana Sorokina
Thematic week "Folk culture and traditions" (preparatory group)

Theme of the week: « Folk culture and traditions»

Tasks: Introduce children to

traditional holidays to develop understanding

holiday names.

Final event







The first half of the day

AT group

Canteen duty.



Working in a corner of nature

Duty for classes


Speech Development Sound a culture of speech. Preparing for literacy.

Target: improve the phonemic perception of children; to form the ability to divide words into parts.

Artistic creativity. Drawing. "Russian hut"

Target: To acquaint with the rural landscape; To develop the ability to feel the mood expressed in the picture; to expand the idea of ​​the Russian hut as a monument of Russian wooden architecture; generate interest in folk culture;

Music (according to the plan of the music director). Learning a poem about spring.

Target: Develop memory, learn to tell with intonation.

Board game


Target: To develop attention, consideration, independence.

Conversation: «»

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the name of the country in which they live, about its nature, historical events, culture; clarify the knowledge about such a concept as « tradition» , recall traditions of the Russian people traditions

Individual work with Polina and Nikita: "Repeat after each other".

Target: Develop logical thinking, memory.

Presentations: "Peasant hut"

"The Labor of the Peasants"

subject pictures

Gouache, watercolor, album sheets, brushes,

water containers, napkins.

Illustrations depicting a Russian hut.

On a walk

Drop observation.

Target: expand children's understanding of spring, enrich their knowledge with new words and concepts

labor in nature

feed the birds

P / s: "The gray bunny washes".

The goal is to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content.

P / s: "Jumpers".

The goal is to exercise in jumping on two legs with forward movement.

art word

Under the very cornice,

Above the window

Climbed into icicles

Spring sun.

Sparkling, teardrops run along the icicles.

And icicles are melting - funny ice floes.

(I. Demyanov)


Shovels, buckets, forms, constructor.


AT group

Breathing exercises.

Canteen duty.

Goals: learn to set the table, name the items needed for serving


C/R: "A family"

Target: encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. To improve the ability to independently create a game environment for the intended plot. Reading a fairy tale

"As it comes around - it will respond"

Target: To teach children to expressively retell a fairy tale using words and expressions from the text.

On a walk

Goals: generalize ideas about typical winter phenomena in inanimate nature (short days and long nights, few sunny days, the sun is low, so it's cold); educate interest in winter natural phenomena (children notice a noticeable increase in daylight hours).

Labor activity

Goals: to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcollecting toys and putting things in order, as a necessary step. P/ and: "Listen and dance".


P / s: "The Dragon".

Target Signs

Sayings and proverbs: "Winter day with sparrows"; “In December, the frost grows, but the day arrives”; "At the end of December, the sun for the summer, the winter for the frost begins". Individual work with Lenya and Liza - obstacle course.


Remote material

Theme of the week: « Folk culture and traditions»

Tasks: Introduce children to traditional Russian folk holidays learn to share experiences with others

using artistic means of expression, to instill love for traditional holidays to develop understanding

holiday names.

Final event: Journey through the origins of Russian antiquity.

Regime moments Content of activity ( group,

subgroup) (directly educational, cognitive-research, constructive, visual, musical, self-service, the formation of KGN, labor activity Gaming activity


subgroup) Communicative activity (conversations,

reading fiction, etc.


subgroup) Individual work with children Formation of the object-spatial environment

The first half of the day

AT group

Morning exercises complex No. 15

Canteen duty.

Goals: learn to set the table, name the items needed for serving


Working in a corner of nature: to exercise children to take care of plants, independently, correctly and conscientiously carry out instructions.

Duty for classes

Tasks: to improve the ability to independently lay out the material for the lesson.

FEMP Tasks:

Continue to learn how to independently compose and solve problems for addition and subtraction; consolidate the skill in the consecutive name of the days weeks; develop the ability to model spatial relationships between objects on the plan.

"An extraordinary story about miracle samovars"

Target: introduce children to the concept tradition; reveal the importance of samovar traditions for the Russian people; tell about the history of the emergence of samovars in different countries, about the origin of the samovar craft in Tula

Physical training(according to the plan of a physical instructor). D/ and: "Guess"

Target: consolidate knowledge about the arts

"Draw a Pattern"

Target: exercise in drawing elements of a floral pattern (flowers, blades of grass, stems, leaves)

Conversation: "Russian folk clothes»

Target: Continue to acquaint children with the history and characteristics of Russian folk costume. Expand children's knowledge of Russian folk culture. Show the beauty of embroidered products, patterns from plant elements.

Individual work with Danya Zh and Platon - D / and "Far and near, high and low (develop spatial orientation). Presentation:

"Russian national costume"

Pictures set

« Peoples of Russia»

Sheets of paper (1/2 sheet, whole sheet, pencil, number cards, worksheets) notebooks.

Presentation "An extraordinary story about miracle samovars."

On a walk

Observation - around the water

Target: show children a variety of actions with melted snow.

labor in nature

Use a shovel or stick to measure the depth of the puddle in different places.

Launch paper, plastic, wooden boats. P/ and: "Streams by the Lake".

The goal is to teach how to run after each other with small groups, become in a circle.

The goal is to exercise in running a race, throwing a projectile, speed.

art word

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

The window blew in the spring. A. Pleshcheev

Individual work with Platon and Nastya - lateral canter with a change of direction. remote material: Shovels, buckets.


AT group

Complex of gymnastics after sleep No. 15

Breathing exercises.

Canteen duty.

Goals: learn to set the table, name the items needed for serving


C/R: "School" Goals: expand children's knowledge about the school, help children master the expressive means of the role (intonation, facial expressions, gestures). "Ivan Tsarevich

and the Gray Wolf

Target: continue to get acquainted with Russians folk tales, genre features of the fairy tale.

On a walk

Cloud observation.

Goals: expand ideas about the diversity of inanimate nature (clouds, sun, sky, earth, water, rain, snow, fog); to teach children to see and describe the beauty of the sky; Expand words knowledge.

Labor activity:

Collect large debris in the area. P/ and: "Wand - lifesaver"

Target: develop running, the ability to jump on two legs.

P / s: "Zhmurki" Target: teach children to be dexterous, learn to regulate breathing while running. Signs: clouds or clouds are moving fast - towards clear weather.

Sayings and proverbs: "Two friends - winter and blizzard"; "Don't scare, winter, spring will come". Individual work with Maxim and Angelina - walking along a crooked path. remote material: shovels, rakes, buckets, shovels, sand molds

Theme of the week: « Folk culture and traditions»

Tasks: Introduce children to traditional Russian folk holidays learn to share experiences with others

using artistic means of expression, to instill love for traditional holidays to develop understanding

holiday names.

Final event: Journey through the origins of Russian antiquity.

Regime moments Content of activity ( group,

subgroup) (directly educational, cognitive-research, constructive, visual, musical, self-service, the formation of KGN, labor activity Gaming activity


subgroup) Communicative activity (conversations,

reading fiction, etc.


subgroup) Individual work with children Formation of the object-spatial environment

The first half of the day

AT group

Morning exercises complex No. 15

Canteen duty.

Goals: learn to set the table, name the items needed for serving


Working in a corner of nature: to exercise children to take care of plants, independently, correctly and conscientiously carry out instructions.

Duty for classes

Tasks: to improve the ability to independently lay out the material for the lesson.

The development of speech.

Spring is coming, spring is coming!

Target: reading poems about spring to children, introducing them to the poetic style of speech.

Artistic creativity. "My favorite fairy-tale hero!"

Target: to teach children to convey images of fairy tales, characteristic features of a beloved character in a drawing; consolidate the ability to draw with paints; develop imagination, figurative representations.

Music (according to the plan of the music director). D/ and: "Name the Sound"

Target: exercise in the ability to distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonants

Examination of illustrations for the epic

Target: develop ideas about Russian history, the life of ancestors and heroes

Conversation: "Old building - tower"

Target: To acquaint children with the structural features of ancient wooden buildings, with their decorations.

Individual work

With Varya T and Fedya

"Cheerful maths»

Target: (fix the ability to compare numbers within 9). Presentation

"Royal Terem"


F. Tyutchev “Winter is not without reason angry…”

"Spring Waters"

E. Baratynsky

"Spring! Spring! How clean the air is!

White sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins.

On a walk

Observing the signs of spring in nature.

Goals: to form the ability to establish a causal relationship between the observed objects; learn to understand the patterns of natural phenomena; consolidate knowledge about the signs of the season; recall proverbs and sayings; develop observation.

Di:"Yesterday Today Tomorrow".

Target: learn to use adverbs of time correctly.

P / s: "Day and night" Target: teach children how to throw and catch a ball.

P / s: "Knock down the pin" Sayings and proverbs: February builds bridges, March breaks them.


Carrots grew white all winter.

The sun warmed up, ate all the carrots.

(Icicle.) Individual work with Diana Zh and Platon - obstacle course. remote material:

Shovels, rakes, buckets.


AT group

Complex of gymnastics after sleep No. 15

Breathing exercises.

Canteen duty.

Goals: learn to set the table, name the items needed for serving


C/R: "Library"

Target: display in the game knowledge about the surrounding life, show the social significance of libraries, fix the rules of behavior in a public place.

K. D. Ushinsky

"How the shirt grew in the field".

On a walk

Watching the color of the sky

Goals: - develop cognitive interest;

Cultivate steady attention, observation, love for nature.

Labor activity: Sweep paths.


MP/s: "Swap Places". Goals: increase creative activity, cheer up, mindfulness.

P / s: "Owl"

Target: to form creative imagination. Poems:

The last leaves fell from the birch,

Frost crept up to the window.

And for the night with your magic brush

He painted a magical country.

Individual work with Fedor and Varya A - exercise in long jumps. remote material: shovels, rakes, buckets, scoops, molds for snow.

Theme of the week: « Folk culture and traditions»

Tasks: Introduce children to traditional Russian folk holidays learn to share experiences with others

using artistic means of expression, to instill love for traditional holidays to develop understanding

holiday names.

Regime moments Content of activity ( group,

subgroup) (directly educational, cognitive-research, constructive, visual, musical, self-service, the formation of KGN, labor activity Gaming activity


subgroup) Communicative activity (conversations,

reading fiction, etc.


subgroup) Individual work with children Formation of the object-spatial environment

The first half of the day

AT group

Morning exercises complex No. 15

Canteen duty.

Goals: learn to set the table, name the items needed for serving


Working in a corner of nature: to exercise children to take care of plants, independently, correctly and conscientiously carry out instructions.

Duty for classes

Tasks: to improve the ability to independently lay out the material for the lesson.

FEMP. Tasks

Continue to learn to independently compose and solve arithmetic problems within 10; develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage; improve the ability to design three-dimensional geometric shapes; practice counting forward and backward up to 20. Artistic creativity. modeling "The character of a favorite fairy tale"

Target: to teach children to highlight and convey in modeling the characteristic features of the characters of famous fairy tales.

Physical training(according to the plan of a physical instructor). D/ and: "Tell me a story"

Target: exercise in expressive retelling of a fairy tale using words and expressions from the text

Conversation: "Russian folklore"

Target: listening to russians folk songs; development of figurative perception of songs;

acquaintance with folk musical instruments (Balalaika, spoons, psaltery harmonica).

Individual work with Lenya and Daniil Zh - To consolidate ideas about three-dimensional and flat geometric shapes. Exhibition folk instruments.

Selection folk songs to listen to.

Road signs, cars toys: 4 trucks and 6 cars; ball, checkered notebooks, cards with numbers.

Books of fairy tales with illustrations, toys - characters of fairy tales, plasticine, boards, stacks, napkins.

On a walk


Target: to form elementary ideas about changes in the position of the Earth relative to the Sun.

Labor activity: we sweep the veranda from the sand.

Di:. "Nature and Man".

P / s: "At the bear in the forest"

Goals: learn to navigate in space; develop attention

P / s: "Jack Frost" Signs: in winter the sun sets in the clouds - to the snowfall; the sun rises red - on a snowstorm.

Sayings and proverbs: "The winter sun does not warm well". Individual work with Varya A and Kirill - Jumping on two legs with forward movement. remote material:

Shovels, buckets


AT group

Complex of gymnastics after sleep No. 15

Breathing exercises.

Canteen duty.

Goals: learn to set the table, name the items needed for serving


C/R: "Construction"

Target: to form specific ideas about construction, its stages; consolidate knowledge about working professions.

Learning by heart

invocations “Ay, larks, my children…”, "Larks-flyers".

On a walk

Observation of bird behavior

Goals: - clarify children's ideas about the change in the lifestyle of birds in the fall;

Establish a connection between the weather, changes in the state of plants and the lifestyle of birds known to children;

attitude towards them.

Labor activity: Sweep paths.

Target: educate the desire to work.

MP/s: "Five steps" Target: educate quick wit and quick thinking.

P / s: "Two Frosts"

Goals: to develop motor activity, attention.

P / s: "Watch out, I'll freeze!"

Target: develop dexterity. Riddles about birds Individual work with Misha S and Diana S - walking in single file, jumping on two legs. remote material: shovels, rakes, buckets, shovels, sand molds. Magnifying glass, water for viewing sand.

Theme of the week: « Folk culture and traditions»

Tasks: Introduce children to traditional Russian folk holidays learn to share experiences with others

using artistic means of expression, to instill love for traditional holidays to develop understanding

holiday names.

Final event: Journey through the origins of Russian antiquity.

Regime moments Content of activity ( group,

subgroup) (directly educational, cognitive-research, constructive, visual, musical, self-service, the formation of KGN, labor activity Gaming activity


subgroup) Communicative activity (conversations,

reading fiction, etc.


subgroup) Individual work with children Formation of the object-spatial environment

The first half of the day

AT group

Morning exercises complex No. 15

Canteen duty.

Goals: learn to set the table, name the items needed for serving


Working in a corner of nature: to exercise children to take care of plants, independently, correctly and conscientiously carry out instructions.

Duty for classes

Tasks: to improve the ability to independently lay out the material for the lesson.

Acquaintance with the outside world « Culture and traditions of the Russian people» Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the name of the country in which they live, about its nature, some historical events, culture. Clarify children's knowledge of such a concept as tradition, recall traditions of the Russian people that they were told about, to introduce to others traditions.

Physical education on the street, running in one, two, three columns. Walking in drill step along the perimeter of the site, diagonally. Band obstacles: run 30 m. and:

"Tell me how much".

Target: continue to acquaint children with the rules of word formation, learn to form plural nouns, coordinate words in a sentence.

P / s: "The Frogs and the Heron" Conversation: « Folk holidays in Russia» Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, Apple Spas.

Target: Enrichment and concretization of knowledge about folk holidays and their features.

Individual work with Varya A and Iman - Learning Russian proverbs about work.


« Folk holidays in Russia»

Geographic map, books with Russians folk tales, products folk- applied arts

On a walk

Wind observation.

Goals: expand children's knowledge about the world around them, about the air, about the wind; get to know the reasons behind it.

Labor on site: cleaning the area from fallen branches, paths near the veranda from debris. P/ and: "Shaggy Dog"

Target: develop attention, fast running; learn how to designate objects in the game in different ways.

P / s: "Cat Vaska".

Target: development of motor activity. Wind, wind! You are powerful

You drive flocks of clouds

You excite the blue sea

Everywhere you fly in the open…

(A. S. Pushkin. From "The Tale of the Dead

the princess and the seven bogatyrs.")

Individual work with Nikita and Varya T - jumping in and out of the circle on two legs. remote material:

Shovels, buckets, molds


AT group

Complex of gymnastics after sleep No. 15

Breathing exercises.

Canteen duty.

Goals: learn to set the table, name the items needed for serving


Experimental activities

Topic: Ice transparency.

Target: When observing, reveal the property of ice.

Invite the children to walk along the edge of the puddle, listen to how the ice crunches. Where there is a lot of water, the ice is solid, durable, does not break underfoot. Reinforce the idea that ice is transparent. FROM/ R: "A family"

Target: encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. To improve the ability to independently create a game environment for the intended plot. Reading a fairy tale by P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse"

On a walk


Goals: generalize ideas about typical winter phenomena in inanimate nature (short days and long nights, few sunny days, the sun is low, so it's cold).

Labor activity: cleaning sports equipment, toys.

P / s: "Listen and dance". Target:

Develop dance movements, speed of reactions.

P / s: "The Dragon". Target: develop dodge running, jumping. Signs: in winter the day is dark, but the night is light; when a whitish circle is visible near the sun, then a strong storm should be expected that day.

Individual work with Lenya and Liza - obstacle course.

Target: Practice steeplechase.

Remote material: shovels, rakes, buckets, shovels, snow molds

Approximate plan of educational work

with middle school children

Topic: "Folk culture and traditions"

Program content:

    Development of the need and desire of children in the knowledge of the creativity of folk culture, the perception of beautiful household items, works of folk, decorative, applied and fine arts.

    Familiarization with household items, their names, purpose.

    Acquaintance with various types of decorative arts (wood, clay, paper, cardboard, sewing, embroidery, weaving).

Directly organized educational activities

"Knowledge" - the development of horizons

Didactic game "How the hut was built" Continue to develop the ability to distinguish and name building details. Develop the ability to analyze a sample building.

"Labor" - man-made world

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Apron Decoration" Learn to draw a pattern on a square-shaped paper napkin from circles and squares, placing the circles in the corners of the square and in the middle, and the squares between them. Develop a sense of rhythm. Strengthen the ability to draw accurately. Cultivate independence.

"Communication" / "Reading fiction"

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Wonderful paws." Continue to acquaint children with the works of oral folk art through reading Russian folk tales, learning nursery rhymes. To teach children to understand the figurative content and idea of ​​a fairy tale, to see the relationship between the content and the title of the work.

"Artistic creativity" - drawing

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Scarf decoration. (Based on the Dymkovo painting) Learn: highlight the element of the pattern (straight lines, intersecting lines, dots and strokes); evenly cover the sheet with continuous lines (vertical and horizontal), put strokes, dots and other elements in the resulting cells. Develop a sense of rhythm, composition, color.

"Artistic creativity" - modeling

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

"Plasticine painting" (Dymkovo). To introduce children to some ways of making and painting clay toys. Engage in folk art. Cultivate a creative spirit. Learn to enjoy the success of your work and the work of other children.

"Artistic creativity" - design

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

Building "Turret", "House". Purpose: to teach children to create their own combinations of existing parts, to find in them a certain side of the building. Continue to develop the ability to distinguish and name building details. Develop the ability to analyze a sample building.


In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use

    Hearing: "Shepherd Boy"; Russian folk dance melodies.

    Singing: “Where was Ivanushka”, “Kisonka - Murysonka” Russian; folk songs.

    pictures, illustrations about objects of ancient life;

    illustrations for enrichment and creation of mood, individual musical performance, exercises, crafts, chants, movement, plastic, dance studies;

    illustrations for the fairy tales "Zayushkina's hut", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Turnip";

    ready-made forms from paper, cardboard of household items, for stroking along the contour of drawing a pattern

    waste material for the manufacture of the layout "Compound"

    forms for laying out a pattern on a flannelgraph

    painting by E;Racheva "Chanterelle with a rolling pin"

    illustrations for the fairy tales "Khavroshechka", "Fox - sister and gray wolf";

    Matryoshka toys and albums of matryoshka painting samples

    decorating household items, strokes along the contour

    for independent games-experiments with water, clay, wood, sand;

    a doll in a folk costume, looking at a doll in a folk costume

    coloring "Dymkovo toy";

To carry out educational activities in the family on the topic, recommend to parents:

    reviewing books, discussion;

    examining objects on the theme of "Russian hut",

    outdoor games with children: with running; “At the bear in the forest”, “Bird and cat”, “Horses”, “Homeless hare”, “Traps”;

    visit the museum of decorative and applied arts;

    draw an illustration with the child on the topic “My favorite fairy tale”;

    look at the photo album "National Costumes" at home;

    tell the child about folk crafts (knitting, embroidery, weaving, etc;)

Joint educational activities on the topic in sensitive moments:


    experimental activity with the properties of wood and clay;

    developing situations: looking at albums, looking at a doll in a folk costume, pictures, illustrations about objects of ancient life, illustrations of "Heroes of Russia";

    consideration of objects of folk crafts (knitting, embroidery, weaving, etc.);

    examining illustrations for the fairy tales "Zayushkina's hut", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Turnip";

    the use of ready-made forms made of paper, cardboard, household items, for tracing along the contour of drawing a pattern;

    production of the layout "Compound";

    laying out a pattern on a flannelograph;

    acquaintance with folk instruments ratchet and pipe;

    painting by E; Rachev "Chernet with a rolling pin";

    Matryoshka toys and albums of matryoshka painting samples;

    organization of outdoor games;

    looking at toys, illustrations, talking about them;

Hygiene procedures

    the use of nursery rhymes sayings, riddles; "The sun, the bell", when washing, dressing for a walk;

    situational conversations about washing devices (washbasin, basin with water);

    to acquaint with fables and amusing folklore - teasers; tongue twisters; "Barabek", "Sack";

    nursery rhyme for combing hair "Grow, braid, to the waist"

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner


Observation: use folk songs, calls "Sun, turn around!" "Rain, rain, more!"

Outdoor games: games - round dances: "Three Merry Brothers", "Garden", "Wind", Russian folk games: "Geese-Swans", "Wolf in the Ditch", "Wolf and Sheep", "Crows and Sparrows", "Snake", “Hares in the Garden”, “Bees and Swallows”, “Cats and Mice”, “At the Bear in the Forest”, etc.

Work: Collect sticks, pebbles, dry grass, leaves to make the Compound layout

Individual work on the development of movements:

Independent activities of children:


    experimenting with water, clay;

    looking at pictures depicting items of ancient clothing, utensils;

    problematic situations “How can we wash if there is no running water”;

    figurative imitation games, organization of game situations using toys, characters of the finger and puppet theater;

    viewing CDs with folk tales;

    learning sayings and proverbs, reading nursery rhymes;

    viewing objects of decorative art, illustrations, paintings;

    reading riddles and poems about the Dymkovo toy;

    the use of counting rhymes in the game “They were sitting on the golden porch ...” “The cuckoo was walking past the net ...”;

    Russian folk tales “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed” (arranged by O. Kapitsa), “Zhikharka”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Wintering of Animals”, “Chanterette-sister and Wolf”, “Wonderful Lapotochki”;

    game situations "Visiting grandmother Matryona". Enrich children's active vocabulary. To intensify the use in speech of the names of clothes, its parts.



Outdoor games:"Mice and a cat"; with running "At the bear in the forest" (learning); with jumps "Fox in the chicken coop" (learning); with throwing "Who will throw the bag further"; with lasagna "Hatch and chickens"; Folk outdoor game "Grey Bunny washes";

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