The most dangerous way to travel. The safest mode of transport: statistics in the world

Every person regularly makes business trips or travel on vacation. But when choosing a method of transportation, few people focus on the security of their own lives during the trip. Most focus on speed, comfort and prestige. And in vain, because human life and health should come first. Therefore, we will consider all the possibilities of movement and determine the safest mode of transport.

You can determine the safest mode of transport in the world according to several criteria:

  1. by the number of accidents among the total number of flights;
  2. by the number of victims from the number of passengers or those who got into the accident zone and became victims;
  3. by the number of deaths due to an accident or an accident per 160 million kilometers of travel.

The opinion of the world's extras converges on the fact that it is safest to travel by plane. They drew such a conclusion from a negligible proportion of accidents in the sky relative to the total number of flights made. There are only 0.6 deaths per 100 million miles. At the same time, about 30 million flights depart annually, of which about 20 fall into a disaster. Do not forget that half of these aircraft are cargo, and only 10 are passenger ones.

It's hard to disagree with the exact math, but the chances of surviving an airliner crash are almost nil. Thus, we can conclude that the probability of getting into a plane crash is not high, but if such a fate has overtaken, death cannot be avoided. Although there are exceptions to this rule too. Modern progressive technology is designed for an emergency landing on water.

Transport safety statistics in Russia

As practice shows, internal studies of a particular country can provide data that differ from international ones. So, the safest form of transport in Russia is the train. According to the official statistics of the State Statistics Committee for 2017, there were 0 deaths among those who traveled by train, although at the same time, 1626 pedestrians were killed by a train. It turns out that the movement by rail inside the train does not threaten anything. The same cannot be said for those who love walking along the paths. The most attractive such places are for teenagers.

In addition to deaths due to their own negligence, there were also those that followed accidents.

The most common causes of railroad accidents are:

  • the convergence of the train from the tracks;
  • neglect of safety precautions;
  • collision of trains;
  • collision of moving cars on the lost spare parts of the locomotive.

Unfortunately, not all trains are in good technical condition. Even the painstaking work of engineers cannot compensate for the wear and tear of parts. At the moment, a project has been launched in the Russian Federation aimed at improving the safety of such an industry as rail transport.


Unfortunately, the mortality statistics for passengers on an airplane is not as encouraging as on the railroad. Russia is among the top three so-called leaders in terms of the number of deaths due to aircraft crashes. In addition, this number also includes the United States and Canada. Over a period of 30 years, 307 domestic airliners crashed, on board of which 7061 victims died.

Accidents in the sky never happen just for one specific reason.

In order to completely lose control of the aircraft, a combination of a number of circumstances is necessary:

  • human error;
  • external weather conditions;
  • technology failure.

Rather unpredictable consequences can be caused by a miscalculation of the dispatcher, because in the airspace, as well as on the roads, there are clear routes. Precipitation, fog, wind are also recognized as unfavorable for flights. But the most dangerous malfunction of the airliner. Although engineers anticipate emergencies and develop backup control systems for this eventuality, the combination of all three factors is extremely risky.


Traveling by bus implies that a person completely trusts his own life to the driver. If we talk about the general accident statistics on the roads, which includes all types of land transport, then it speaks of 194 thousand victims and 17.2 thousand fatalities in 2017. Such a high number is due to the human factor and vehicle malfunction.

Recently, the number of accidents involving passenger buses has increased. Several times a month there are serious accidents, sometimes with a fatal outcome. According to statistics, it is in the summer that such cases become more frequent and decrease closer to winter. About 5 thousand accidents happened with the participation of buses, 290 people died and 7700 were injured. In 2016, this figure was slightly lower and totaled 214 deaths. Due to the growth trend of the negative coefficient, the head of the traffic police, Mikhail Chernikov, commented on the situation and promised to take the situation under his own control.


In 2013, Russia adopted a program to reduce car accidents by three times. 35 billion rubles were allocated from the budget to carry out the necessary measures. But to date, the problem has not been solved. As of 2017, there were 153,000 serious road traffic accidents. Because of this, 194.3 thousand people were injured and 17,185 died. Despite such frightening characteristics, they nevertheless decreased slightly compared to 2015 and 2016.

The most common causes of road accidents are:

  • drunk driving;
  • vehicle malfunction;
  • ignorance or non-observance of traffic rules;
  • over speed;
  • non-compliance with the distance;
  • inattentive driving;
  • non-compliance with overtaking rules.

In order to reduce the number of accidents, every driver must take a responsible attitude to driving, since not only his own life, but also that of other people depends on it.


It would seem that nothing could be safer than spaceships. They are built from ultra-dense materials and undergo a thorough engineering check, but, alas, the shuttles cannot give 100% reliability. Accidents on satellites occur periodically and most often they can no longer be repaired. As for the spacecraft themselves, 16 people died during the flights around the world, 4 of them were Soviet.

The most common causes of disasters were:

  • unsuccessful launch or landing;
  • the destruction of the shuttle in the air when entering the dense layers of the atmosphere;
  • incorrect calculations;
  • technical malfunction.

At the stage of space tourism, it is important to take into account all aspects and dangers of such travel, but the high cost of a flight is beyond the reach of the majority of the population.

Water passenger transport

According to surveys of social organizations, half of the people consider water transport dangerous for movement. Such an opinion is not justified by statistics. Sea and river vessels rank second in terms of safety in Russia. A feature of this type of travel is that the lion's share of passengers die precisely because of the human factor.

Today, ships are equipped with lifeboats, which are enough for everyone on the ship. Another characteristic feature of watercraft is high speed. Some passengers do not drown, as many believe, but die from a strong push with an obstacle.

The largest water accident in the Russian Federation in recent years is the wreck of the ship "Bulgaria" on July 10, 2011. The incident happened in the Kuibyshev reservoir, the Republic of Tatarstan, and resulted in 122 deaths.

Mopeds and motorcycles

The largest proportion of deaths occur in road accidents involving mopeds and motorcycles.

This situation is due to the minimum protection of passengers from shock and damage. At best, the rider will be dressed in a special suit and helmet, but they do not always save. Drivers of this particular vehicle are 29 times more likely to have accidents than, for example, a motorist.

For some, this type of transportation is also fun, like Russian roulette. But common sense speaks of a rather high probability of dying while driving a bike: for those who overcome 24 kilometers daily, this is 1/860. If we consider incidents in one region, then about 6-7 thousand car accidents happen per year, 250-350 people die and 7-9 thousand are seriously injured.

Of course, the rhythm of modern life is impossible without traveling long distances, and it is impossible to completely protect yourself from them. But it is possible to observe the elementary rules of self-preservation, which at times increase the chances of saving and maintaining health in an extreme situation. And for complete peace of mind, you can choose the safest mode of transport according to statistics - the train.

Choosing what to get from point A to point B, we take into account 2 factors - speed and safety. Long trips narrow the choice of vehicle. Today we will discuss the degree of danger of popular modes of transport.

Public opinion

"What is the safest transport?" - this was the question asked by VTsIOM sociologists. Monitoring was carried out for 3 years. Throughout the time, the opinion of Russians has not changed much. Considered safe:

  • Metro - 69%;
  • bus and tram - 68%;
  • trains - 51%;
  • cars -48%;
  • trolley bus - 40%;
  • ferries - 38%.

It is interesting to see how the attitude of people towards air travel has changed. In 2011, only 22% of respondents named the aircraft as the safest mode of transport. The following year, the number increased to 33%, and in 2013 it fell to 16%.

Director of the center V. Fedorov notes that information affects the indicators. Major air crashes in 2013 caused a drop in citizens' confidence in aircraft.


Official data differ from the position of ordinary Russians. First, let's find out how the death rate is determined for different vehicles.

There are several methods. The most accurate and common is the calculation of the number of deaths per 100 million km or 160 million miles.

Each transport group has the safest types of cars, motorcycles, etc. But the average option "as a whole" is taken. American Bureau of Statistics DERT in 2000. calculated the crude death rate as follows:

  • Aircraft - 0.5;
  • buses - 0.4;
  • trains - 0.6;
  • minibuses - 1.2;
  • water transport - 2.6;
  • cars - 3.1;
  • bicycles - 44.6;
  • on foot - 54.2;
  • motorcycle - 108.9.

Based on the coefficient of flights - 0.5, a person needs to fly 200 million km in order for him (according to statistics!) to have an accident. According to statistics, the safest mode of transport is the plane. It is followed by rail and water transport. In order not to be unfounded, I will take the latest reports as a basis. has been tracking aviation accidents since 1996. From June 1 to November 1, 2017, 117 aircraft crashed or made an emergency landing in the world, 279 people died.

In the first five months of this year, in Russia alone, 5,770 people died as a result of road accidents and another 71,461 were injured. Even the safest cars are not able to reduce this number.

According to, for 5 months the trains had the least results: 41 people were killed, 172 were injured.

Planes take to the air every 3 seconds. Therefore, the figures are quite comparable and give a general idea of ​​the number of victims over the same period of time. Every year, about 1,000 people die from the crash of air transport, and up to two thousand on the railway.


The safest means of transportation is not a car. In addition, the opinion that it is impossible to survive in a plane crash is also erroneous. If we refer to the resource table for registering incidents, we can see that in most cases there were no casualties. 500 accidents in the United States over 20 years accounted for 5% of deaths.

If we take only large crashes from the sum, then the mortality rate will be about 50%.

In 2007, Popular Mechanics magazine named the safest seats on an airplane. The journalists analyzed the data of the US National Security Council for 30 years. They drew attention to the dependence of the number of victims on the place.

The number of aircraft survivors as a result of accidents, depending on the landing site

Nearly 70% of the survivors remain in the section beyond the edge of the aircraft's wing. Survive 56% of those sitting above the wing. The main impact in a collision with the ground falls on the nose of the liner, so the tail is relatively safe.

There are also statistics on the safest aircraft. Here are the top five:

  • Airbus A340 - 341 aircraft of this type have been produced in 24 years. During 13.5 million flight hours, 5 accidents were recorded and no one was injured;
  • Airbus A330 - 577 copies. 1 accident per 14 million flight hours. Total lost 8 pieces, 346 deaths;
  • Boeing 747 - 1 accident in 17.5 million departures. 941 ships are in operation, 51 are lost as a result of accidents, 3732 people died.
  • Boeing 737 NG - since 1997 3 tragedies occurred (1/17 million hours).

Interesting fact: Boeing 747 is officially certified to fly without 1 engine (out of 4). Those. in case of failure, he can safely continue the flight to the destination, without emergency landings.

The Boeing 777 is considered the safest aircraft in the world. The total flight time of 748 copies since 1995 has amounted to more than 20 million hours. 3 people died in two incidents. In the entire history, one ship has been lost. It is important to understand that the rating is compiled without taking into account hostilities and terrorist attacks..

Motor transport

Oddly enough, the car familiar to us is one of the most dangerous means of transportation, second only to motorcycles. Let's think about your safety in the car. The resource publishes the data of the largest companies conducting crash tests. Based on this rating, we will determine the safest cars.

In the column overall score, “excellent” is given to Volkswagen Passat, Volvo XC-90, Toyota RAV-4, Toyota Prius, Mercedess E-class and C-class, Lexus GS, Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Such popular brands as BMV 3 series, Dodge Caliber, Honda Accord VI, Honda Civic Hathback V, Honda CR-V, Volvo S-70 and S-80 and a number of other cars passed the “good” test.

The main criteria for scoring are frontal and side impacts, coups, child safety. You can familiarize yourself with other assessments in detail on the indicated site, but we have listed all the excellent students. The source calls the Volvo XC90 the safest car in the world with reference to EuroNCAP specialists. The device scored the maximum number of stars.

Interestingly, in the evaluation system of some crash tests there is an indicator "pedestrians". Unfortunately, if you look at the table, it becomes clear that these road users are practically not protected by anything. Be careful on the roads!

Safe seats in the cabin


Do you know what is the safest place in a car? Most people are convinced it's behind the driver's seat. If the vehicle is hit in the side, then the chances of salvation will be equal for the driver and the passenger sitting behind.

The center of the vehicle is least susceptible to damage in an accident. That's why the middle between the two rear seats is considered the safest place in the car.

Public transport

It is the least dangerous to occupy the central places of public transport. The logic is similar: the highest probability of collision with cars moving on the left. Accordingly, passengers sitting by the window will be under attack.

It is also not recommended to sit on the back four rows. On the first seats, it is better to sit behind the driver's seat, especially if the seats are located with their backs in the direction of travel. The middle of the cabin remains the safest place on the bus.

Other payment options

This article considers one option for calculating safety, in terms of passenger-kilometers. The question can be answered in terms of the number of deaths per billion hours. Then, the buses will come out in first place, and the planes will go down to third. If we take a billion trips as a basis, trains will become the leader, air travel will move to seventh place.

All methods have advantages and disadvantages. Extras use different algorithms. It is enough for us to know that it is safer to travel by land for short distances, and by air for long distances. Well, the safest transport is a spaceship. He is unbeatable in any case. In the entire history of space exploration, 18 people have died.

We introduced you to the transport safety calculation systems, introduced you to the course of sociological surveys. Now, the word is yours. What is your preferred means of transportation? We are waiting for your comments!

In the midst of the summer period, many begin to disperse to various resorts. Therefore, the question of what is the safest mode of transport began to appear in people more and more often. The reason for its relevance was a large number of various accidents that have occurred recently both in the air and on the ground.

Frightened people are no longer able to believe in the safety and reliability of vehicles and begin to spend hours on the Internet in search of an answer to the question - what transport should be used to travel or fly? At the same time, everything is taken into account: the characteristics of vehicles, the degree of their deterioration and reliability.

But you should not go into too much detail on this topic, but rather try to find the safest mode of transport for yourself. Recently, especially witty people began to assert that soon they will become the safest means of transportation, since the horse is sometimes smarter than the person who controls it. Following this simple logical conclusion, it will even be possible to exclude

So, you should turn your attention to the problem called "the safest mode of transport." Statistics over the past few years has not changed much. Therefore, we can safely say that the first position, according to the people surveyed, is occupied by rail transport. Aviation is in last place. About 70 percent of those polled were in favor of commuter trains and trains. Approximately 84 percent decided that aircraft were the most dangerous means of transportation.

But the undisputed leader in the field of passenger transportation are cars. About 82 percent of people worldwide use the services of a variety of makes and models of cars. Moreover, most of the respondents - very often. About 64 percent of people prefer to travel by train. Least of all the inhabitants of the Earth use aviation and water transport - only about fifteen percent.

But everything that was listed above refers to a purely individual opinion of people. However, an independent study identified a completely different safest mode of transport. It's about aviation. It is this vehicle that is the most reliable and safe. After aviation, water and rail facilities are in the ranking. But cars are, on the contrary, the most dangerous means of transportation.

But if we take the distance traveled as a basis, then the safest mode of transport is spacecraft. Only three such devices have crashed in the history of mankind. In addition, despite the high cost, it is becoming increasingly popular and is already in great demand.

calculate, what mode of transport is the safest, not so easy. To build a beautiful and visual graph, at least two indicators are required - the number of dead or injured, as well as the number of people who use this type of transport. For air, rail and water transport, finding this data is not difficult, because thanks to tickets, each person is taken into account. But there are problems with road transport. Tracking the movement of the average Russian from work, to work and to the store is not possible - after all, no one passes registration to leave on the threshold of their home.

Our transport safety rating according to statistics for 2018 was compiled using various sources - from the data of the National Union of Insurers, which keep statistics on registered insured events from 2012 to the present, to data on traffic accidents on the Rosstat website.

> 200 deaths per 1.6 billion km

Although the number of motorcycle accidents has decreased by more than 70% since 2005, the motorcycle still remains one of the most dangerous modes of transport. According to statistics, it turns out that every 1.6 billion kilometers of the way are paid for by the lives of more than two hundred drivers and their passengers.

A motorcycle, like another two-wheeled vehicle - a bicycle - is characterized by increased vulnerability, so accidents involving motorcyclists are highly likely to end sadly. The reason is non-compliance with the rules of the road, and, surprisingly, the fundamental refusal of some drivers to use a helmet.

5.75 people per 1.6 billion km

In second place in the number of road accidents are private cars. In total, at least 5.75 people die in 1.6 billion kilometers of the way.

The reasons are both the unwillingness of drivers to comply with the rules of the road, and the condition of the roadway, the increased wear and tear of the vehicle fleet due to the crisis and the deterioration in the purchasing power of the population. And also (due to the increase in the average age of life) and the aging of drivers. All these factors together serve as a guarantee that road transport in Russia will not be safe for a long time to come.

9.4 deaths per 1 million passengers

Among air transport, the greatest danger to human life is not international, but intercity. Especially if a person in a helicopter is forced to go to those parts where even the notorious Makar prefers not to drive his calves. Perhaps this is the reason for such a high number of casualties among helicopter passengers. For every 1 million people, at least 9.4 are injured. You will have to fall from a great height, and, with a high degree of probability, the injuries will be incompatible with life.

5 dead per 1.5 billion km

Fixed-route taxis are by no means the safest form of transport in Russia. According to statistics, every 1.5 billion kilometers traveled by a minibus are paid for with five human lives. Among the reasons can be named both the work of drivers for wear and tear, and the design miscalculations of minibuses, the condition of the roads, the unwillingness to follow the rules of the road and drunk driving.

2.84 injured per 1 million transported

In 2018, there were several major accidents involving intercity buses, including a tragic accident in the Voronezh region, when two buses collided, five people died and 17 were injured. injured or killed at least 2.84. In total, in 2018, trips on intercity buses brought death to more than 600 passengers, and more than 13 thousand people were injured.

2.3 accidents per 1 million passengers

This category includes both international ships and domestic river carriers. In total, in 2018, 62 incidents occurred during sea and river travel, which ended tragically for five people. In general, according to NSS statistics, for every million passengers carried, there are 2.3 accidents.

Passengers on sea and river vessels are threatened not only by the elements of water, but also by fire. One of the most common causes of transport accidents is a sudden outbreak of fire on board a ship, usually caused by a faulty electrical wiring. This is not surprising, given that the Russian domestic fleet is in a deplorable state, and almost a third of the ships have celebrated 40 years of operation.

Probability of dying: 1:11,000,000

The safest transport in the world, however, in Russia it is not possible to obtain accurate statistics on the number of accidents per number of passengers. The data of the National Association of Insurers, on which we relied when assessing the risk of other modes of transport, are not available for them. The reason is the peculiarities of the insurance system in Russia; most air transport companies carry their passengers not only within the country, but also abroad. Therefore, they use international insurance policies.

That's why the plane is the safest mode of transport: according to statistics, the odds of dying in an accident on board an aircraft are 1 in 11 million. For comparison: the chances of being struck by lightning while walking in a thunderstorm are 16 times higher!

0.17 accidents per 1 million passengers

This category includes both intercity and international trains, as well as ordinary commuter trains. In general, for 2018, the statistics for Russian Railways look excellent - for almost the entire year, from January to November, only seven accidents were registered. Unfortunately, there were no deaths - one person died. In general, there are no more than 0.17 accidents per 1 million passengers.

More and more people prefer to use one of the safest modes of transport, and this cannot be explained by price alone. After all, for some destinations, the cost of plane and train tickets is almost equal. According to the Russian Railways website, in 2018, almost 8% more passengers were transported on long-distance trains than last year. And the growth in the number of passengers on electric trains amounted to almost 3%.

0.09 cases per million transported

Trolleybus is in second place in terms of safety among modes of transport in Russia. According to NSS statistics, there are only 0.09 accidents for every million passengers carried. Most of them are banal “stumbled and fell”.

The reasons for the low injury rate of a trolleybus are very simple - its volume and weight, as well as its low speed. In a collision, for example, with a car, the car will have much worse. And the passengers of the trolleybus will get off with light bruises.

0.04 affected out of 1,000,000 people

The safest transport according to statistics for 2018 in terms of the ratio of the number of accidents to the number of passengers. In total, out of one million arrivals from point A to point B, no more than 0.04 people are injured. In addition to safety, the tram has many advantages:

  • it moves more smoothly than a car and even a trolleybus;
  • less noisy;
  • completely autonomous from traffic jams (unless, of course, motorists are trying to drive along the tracks);
  • of all urban transport causes the least harm to the environment.

Unfortunately, trams are gradually disappearing from small towns in Russia. The reason is the limited local budget, which is simply unable to support a separate line. In total, over the past twenty years, the number of trams has decreased by more than 35%. Does this mean that the safest mode of transport will gradually disappear from the urban landscape?

The safest form of transport has not yet been found, so do not be naive to believe that you are completely safe when traveling on it. When compiling statistics, the human factor and a series of ridiculous accidents are often not taken into account.

Of course, it will not be possible to name the safest modes of transport unequivocally, but statistics indicate that the safest mode of transport is the train, and the most dangerous is a motorcycle or moped. Only one percent of the world's population travels on motorcycles, but more than twenty percent of deaths will occur on this vehicle. Motorcyclists die twenty-eight times more than car drivers.

In second place among dangerous modes of transport is an ordinary bicycle. This vehicle is also dangerous because children and teenagers die on it.

Next come the subways and ferries, which kill a lot of people in one moment. The next two places are occupied by minibuses and cars, which a couple of years ago were considered the most dangerous modes of transport. The fact is that the design of machines has changed a lot, the level of safety has increased.

In third place is the bus, which accounts for 0.5% of deaths per billion kilometers. Of course, these data are consolidated, since bus accidents happen more often in Egypt than in Russia.

Is it possible to consider the statement that the plane is the safest mode of transport as true? Probably not in full due to a number of factors.

It is much safer to fly by plane, since only 0.5% of deaths per one and a half billion kilometers. This takes into account not only civil aviation accidents, but also small aircraft helicopters.

It is worth clarifying that almost always all passengers and crew members die. When purchasing tickets for a flight and boarding a plane, passengers do not often think about where it is best and safest to sit down.

Experts, of course, are trying to determine the safest places on the plane. These do not include comfortable seats located in front, although they are located quite far from the engines.

The most dangerous places are considered to be in the middle of the cabin of the liner, since they are located above the wing of the aircraft. This leads to sad consequences when the fuel ignites, and there will be quite a lot of victims.

Is it safe to fly on an airplane? Yes, if you find those very safe places in it. In order to minimize damage in a plane crash, you should choose seats at the emergency exit or at the tail of the aircraft. This is due to the fact that as a result of the panic that occurs during emergencies, passengers run to the emergency exit. Those who sit near him will not have to run through the entire salon.

At the end of the cabin, it is safe to sit because the impact of the nose on the ground during the fall will cause vibrations that will not reach the tail of the aircraft. By the way, most often during a catastrophe, it is the tail part of the liner that falls off, giving people the opportunity to survive.

Thus, to the question of whether it is safe to fly on airplanes, one can answer that, subject to all safety standards, it is quite safe. However, if the liner explodes at an altitude of several tens of kilometers, there is no need to talk about the safety of passengers.

The most interesting thing is that all the people of the world are terribly afraid of flying, however, they easily get behind the wheel of a dangerous motorcycle.

The statistics of the safest mode of transport show that the bus is the third dangerous place. It is worth noting that there are some differences between long-distance or intercity buses.

The buses that go far have soft and most comfortable seats. Volumetric and heavy bags should not be kept with you, they are put in the luggage compartment, so they do not injure the passenger, falling on his head in an emergency.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences as a result of an accident, you should follow some simple rules. Even the safest seats on the bus will not be able to save a person during an emergency if they are not wearing their seat belts.

It is worth looking around in advance, choosing places closer to hatches or emergency exits. You should always keep documents, money and the most primitive first aid kit with you.

In order to feel safe, you do not need to occupy the front and rear seats. It is worth noting that in a head-on collision, passengers who occupy the first four rows will suffer the most.

The safest place on the bus is in the middle. However, you need to understand exactly where it is located. If the place is on the left at the window, then a blow from the side of the roadway is possible. It is worth sitting down closer to the aisle, which will save you from a fatal blow, which will be taken by the person sitting next to you.

The safest places on a long-distance bus are located in the very center. They are located next to the emergency exit or the middle door, provided the vehicle is large. Of course, these places are unlikely to be saved when the bus is rammed by another vehicle, but in any other circumstances they will help save your own life.

By the way, in a frontal impact, the safest places will be from 13 to 18, and in a left impact - from the third to the seventh. In an emergency with a blow to the right, those who take 10th and 22nd places will definitely not die, and in a collision in the back of the bus - 1st, 2nd, 21st, 22nd places.

The question of which seats on the bus are the safest can be completely answered by statistics. In this case, you need to specify the type of bus and its range. In suburban options, the safest place is where a person sits with his back to the driver or another passenger.

Many people in the world continue to worry about the question of which mode of transport is the safest. It is worth clarifying that as a result of a huge number of surveys conducted around the world, it was found that the safest mode of transport is the train.

The safest trains are vehicles that travel on the rails of most American and European countries. Russian railways are not the last in terms of safety and reliability, since the death rate on them is only 0.7% per one and a half billion kilometers.

What is the safest mode of transport Russians found out for themselves in the All-Russian survey, more than 70% of the citizens of our country consider the train the most reliable transport. At the same time, there is no separation between commuter trains and trains that will be taken to another city or even a country.

The safety of this type of transport lies in the fact that it follows strictly on rails. Dispatch services ensure that trains do not collide, which significantly reduces the possibility of an accident.

The safest seats in a train carriage are those located in the middle of the train. These cars, as a rule, are more stable and safer than tail or head counterparts. In a head-on collision, the passengers in the first carriages have very little chance of surviving, they will be the first to derail.

If you are traveling on a long-distance train, then you should choose the fifth or sixth compartment. At the same time, it is necessary to clarify that when traveling on the top shelf, you need to choose it in the direction of the train. Do not leave any objects on the table in the compartment, because there is a possibility of injury.

The safest mode of transport according to statistics in the world will be reliable if all conditions are met. This can only be done if it is possible to book a ticket with the right to choose a seat.

It is best to choose a compartment near the conductor, as it will be easier to get out of it. In case of a fire or other problems in the cars, do not pull the stop valve on the bridge or in the tunnel, as this will make it difficult for passengers to evacuate.

The safest seats in a subway car

The safest mode of transport in Russia is the train, which travels on the ground, but the metro is only in seventh place in terms of injury rates.

Before getting into the subway car, it is worth writing down or memorizing the phone behind the glass in the cab. It is necessary in order to contact the station attendants.

Most often, trains in the subway, according to the safety statistics of modes of transport, are under the threat of terrorist attacks. If an explosion has taken place, you should not leave the car, because there is a risk that the electrical wires in the tunnel are damaged.

It is necessary to choose places in the middle cars, because it is rather dangerous to be in the head section during an accident. Some experts specify that it is not bad to be in the tail car because of the possibility of quick evacuation from it.

The safest seats in a subway car are standing ones, since explosive devices are most often placed under the seats. It's nice to be in the crowd, while the surrounding people will become a kind of human shield during the explosion.

Speaking about the safety of passengers during terrorist attacks, it should be clarified that explosives are most often left in medium-sized cars filled to capacity. For example, during the terrorist attacks in the Moscow metro, cars number three and two suffered the most.

During a terrorist act, you need to lie on the floor and not touch the metal parts in the car in order to avoid electric shock.

Transport safety statistics are compiled from surveys of the world's inhabitants in various surveys or questionnaires. It is worth remembering that this sad statistic is calculated as the number of dead people on a certain segment of the path.

Statistics do not always coincide with surveys of people, but you still need to believe stubborn statistics.

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FOREWORD "... So in these parts, with the help of God, we received a foot, than we congratulate you," wrote Peter I in joy to St. Petersburg on August 30...
Topic 3. Liberalism in Russia 1. The evolution of Russian liberalism Russian liberalism is an original phenomenon based on ...