Fundamentals of safe management of vehicles of category c. Vehicle Driving Basics

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Management Basics vehicle

1. Braking, braking and stopping distance of the car

If necessary, slow down or stop, apply braking. The braking maneuver is the most important for safe driving. On the one hand, it allows you to compensate for the consequences of many errors in predicting speed, distance, and the development of the traffic situation.

On the other hand, the difficulty of its implementation is one of the main causes of accidents with serious consequences. A maneuver designed to improve safety may be out of the driver's control and result in loss of vehicle stability and control due to wheel lockup under heavy braking, especially when tire grip is low.

A driver error can cause the vehicle to skid, drift, spin, and roll over. braking distance car

Distinguish service, emergency and emergency braking.

Service braking (with a deceleration rate of less than 3 m/s) is not associated with a shortage of time to slow down or stop the car, and under normal driving conditions is the most acceptable, as it is carried out in a comfortable zone of negative accelerations.

Emergency braking is used in critical situations associated with a shortage of time and distance. It implements the most intense deceleration, taking into account the braking properties of the car, as well as the driver's ability to apply traditional or non-traditional tricks depending on the coefficient of grip of tires with the road and other external conditions.

Emergency braking is applied in case of failure or failure of the service brake system and in all other cases when this system does not allow to achieve the desired effect.

Impulse braking includes two methods - intermittent and stepped.

Intermittent braking - periodically depressing the brake pedal and releasing it completely. The main reason that forces you to temporarily stop the action of the brake mechanisms is the blocking of the wheels. This method is used on rough roads and where sections with different coefficients of adhesion alternate, for example, asphalt with ice, snow and mud. Before hitting a bump or slippery area, fully release the brake. The efficiency of the intermittent method at emergency braking insufficient, since the temporary cessation of the brakes affects the increase in the braking distance of the car.

Step braking is similar to intermittent braking, the only difference in the technique is that the brake pedal, after being fully pressed (to the stop), is not released to the end, but “pumping” occurs from the complete blocking of the wheels (as in hard braking) to unlocking. It is believed that step braking provides the minimum length of the braking distance. This variant of braking is more effective than intermittent braking, since the “passive” phase during the maneuver is reduced to a minimum. And if during intermittent braking there is a complete cessation of braking at the moment when the brake pedal is completely released, then with stepped braking there is only a weakening of the pressure on the brake pedal (sufficient for the wheels to lock once). That is, during stepped braking, the braking forces do not stop, only their intensity changes.

Engine braking does not give much deceleration effect in pure and therefore often ignored by drivers. However, its significance is essential when driving a car in conditions of a low coefficient of friction and allows you to increase the stability and controllability of the car, its stability during emergency maneuvers. Safe driving requires that any braking technique be performed in a combined way, i.e. with the transmission on. Braking in neutral under normal conditions should be regarded as a frivolous act, and under difficult conditions as a dangerous one. Some novice drivers have developed a reflex: when starting to slow down, be sure to turn off the clutch. At the heart of this habit is the student's fear of turning off the engine. But the engine stalls at a shaft speed of less than 500-700 rpm. This mode in direct gear corresponds to a speed of 13-15 km / h, so you should turn off the clutch almost before the car stops. To ensure traffic safety in any road conditions, when driving at any speed, the following rule must be observed: the stopping distance must be less than the visibility distance.

The stopping distance is the distance traveled by the car from the moment the driver detects the danger to a complete stop. The stopping distance is greatly affected by the reaction time of the driver. The range of this value is very large - from 0.2 to 1.2 s, and it depends on the complexity of traffic situations, on the driver's condition. During this time, the car can cover almost half of the stopping distance. If you predict road situations in advance, as well as correctly assess situations on the road, in those places where danger is possible, you will transfer your foot from the gas to the brake pedal in advance, then you will save 0.2 - 0.3 s. In conditions traffic it's a lot.

So at a speed of 60 km / h on dry asphalt, the stopping distance is almost 37m, and on wet asphalt about 60m, on icy asphalt - 155m. It should also not be forgotten that at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility (road visibility is less than 300 m in rain, fog, twilight, etc.), the speed of oncoming vehicles is perceived much lower, and the distance to them seems greater than it is in fact.

Stopping distance is the distance traveled by the vehicle from the moment of braking. brake system to a complete stop. The length of the braking distance depends on the speed, the condition of the roadway, tires, weather conditions. The effectiveness of the braking system (TS) has a special effect on the length of the braking distance. It is made up of technological features units of the vehicle - "Electronic assistants", the logic of their work, the diameter of the brake discs, the material of the brake pads, forced ventilation and other parameters.

One of the components of the stopping distance is the stopping distance - the distance traveled by the car from the moment the brake system is activated to a complete stop. Its value is directly dependent on the speed of movement, the method of braking and road conditions. At a speed of 50 km/h, the average stopping distance will be about 15 m, and at a speed of 100 km/h, about 60 m i.e. more than four times.

The stopping distance of a car depends on many factors:

1 - movement speed; 2- road surface; 3- weather; 4- condition of wheels and brake system; 5- braking method; 6- vehicle weight

In any car manual there is data on the braking distance, this value is indicated at a certain speed on a dry surface. For example, for VAZ21093 with a weight of 945 kg. at a speed of 80 km / h on a dry surface, the braking distance is 38 m., in the rain 2x38 = 76 m., on a wet, dirty, snowy surface - 152 m., and on ice - 304 m. And this is subject to a fully functional braking system, otherwise the braking distance will increase significantly.

The braking distance can be determined using the formula below:

S = Ke x V x V/(254 x Fc)

where S is the stopping distance in meters,

Ke - braking coefficient (for a passenger car \u003d 1),

V - speed in km/h at the beginning of braking,

Fc - coefficient of adhesion to the road:

Dry asphalt - 0.7

Wet road - 0.4

Rolled snow - 0.2

Icy road - 0.1

To determine the braking distance of the car, you need to know the time spent on braking. Considering the braking diagram, it follows that given time consists of the sum of intermediate times.

Braking chart - is a graph of the change in deceleration and speed of the car while driving under braking. It characterizes the intensity of braking of the car, taking into account all the components of the stopping time.

t p - driver reaction time ( 0.2…1.5 s);

· t s - delay time or response time of the brake system, depends on the design of the brake mechanism;

o For hydraulic brake system - 0.2 s;

o For pneumatic brake system - 0.6 s;

o For a road train with a pneumatic drive - 1.0 s;

t n - start time of deceleration ( 0.2…0.5 s);

t s - time of decline;

· t tor - time of direct braking;

· t about - time to a complete stop of the car from the moment of braking;

The stopping distance is determined by the formula

Sost \u003d Vn x trv + St,

where trv is the reaction time of the driver,

St - stopping distance,

VH - initial speed of movement.

The maximum deceleration that can be achieved by the car is determined by the formula

amax= g x µhf,

where g is the free fall acceleration (approximately 9.8 m/s2);

µhf is the tire grip coefficient.

In order for the car to stop in a timely manner, you must follow the following rules.

1 The speed of movement should be chosen in such a way that it is always possible to stop in front of an unexpected obstacle. In other words, it is not the speed itself that is dangerous, but its discrepancy. real conditions movement. Remember that doubling your speed will quadruple your stopping distance.

2 The distance to the car in front should allow stopping in case of emergency braking of the "leader". Pay attention to which car is in front: than newer model vehicle, the shorter its braking distance may be. Cars with ABS tend to stop faster than cars without it. In old textbooks, it was recommended to keep a distance in meters equal to half the speed in km / h.

3 Technical condition of the car. Regularly inspect the brake system (pad thickness, condition of the hoses) and promptly eliminate any malfunctions (increase in braking distance, pull to the side when braking, etc.). Do not forget that after a series of intense braking, the efficiency of the system is reduced due to the heating of the discs and pads.

4 Attention and concentration. Even a racing car can fail to stop if you do not pay attention to what is happening on the road. You can not be distracted from driving, talking on mobile phone etc. Watching what is happening through the windows of the car in front, you can get time to make a decision. And by tinting the rear window of your car, you increase the risk of being hit from behind.

5 Maneuvering. Do not change lanes directly in front of trucks and buses. If you have to brake hard, the driver of the car with less braking power will stop in the trunk of your car. In addition, you may be accused of violating clause 10.1 of the SDA, which states that before starting to move, changing lanes and any change in direction, the driver must make sure that this will not create obstacles or danger to other road users. Even if the truck driver is found guilty, it won't make it much easier for you, since you have to repair the car.

Recommendations. Under normal conditions, try to brake smoothly, adjusting the force on the brake pedal depending on the speed of movement - the lower the speed, the weaker the pressure on the pedal. Look in your rearview mirror before braking. Disengage the clutch just before stopping the car. In a safe environment (or better with an instructor), work out the skills: impulse braking; engine braking; performing regasification.

Correct the trajectory of the car when braking with the steering wheel. To compensate for the skidding of the rear wheels, you should stop braking, straighten the trajectory of the car, and then continue braking. Unload the front suspension at the end of braking in front of an obstacle. If you cannot stop completely, just before the obstacle you need to force yourself to release the brake pedal. Then the blow will fall on the unloaded suspension, which will reduce the likelihood of breakage. Drivers with good responsiveness can additionally unload the suspension by quickly depressing the accelerator at the moment of overcoming an obstacle with the front wheels.

2. Describe the rules for driving on dirt and forest roads

A characteristic feature of dirt roads is the presence of a large number obstacles for the movement of vehicles: various potholes, potholes, pits, puddles, ditches with water, etc. All this leads to the fact that the drag force becomes much greater than on a hard road surface, especially during or after rain.

The first rule when driving on dirt roads looks like this: you need to drive at a low constant speed, trying to change gears as little as possible. This way of driving improves the adhesion of the wheels to the surface of the roadway. It is strongly not recommended to pick up speed or brake sharply - there is a high probability of wheel slip.

If there are two deep ruts on the dirt road you are driving on, you need to drive in such a way that one rut passes between the wheels of the car. If the ruts are hidden in the road mud or in water, then from the point of view of safety it is more expedient to continue driving along them, since the bottom of the rut is more compacted. In such situations, you need to get out of the car and assess the depth and condition of the soil. It is recommended to pass sections of the road containing liquid mud and water, having previously accelerated and not stopping (this will avoid slipping).

If you're stuck in the mud, don't rev the engine too fast - it's useless. Try reversing your trail using reverse gear. If all else fails, you will have to dig out the wheels at least a little, and then put everything under them that you can find at hand: boards, floor mats, branches of trees, bushes, etc. Passengers can help get out of the mud, and not only by pushing the car (just this method is known to everyone): have them sit on the hood (for a front-wheel drive car) or on the trunk (for a rear-wheel drive car), which will increase the pressure on the drive wheels and improve them road grip. Passengers must be careful not to dent or scratch the hood or trunk.

Slow down and downshift to drive through the pothole. Drive into it smoothly, and as soon as the front wheels are in the pit, slightly increase the fuel supply by pressing the "gas" pedal. When the rear wheels enter the pit, the speed must be greatly increased. It is not recommended to pass ledges and deep pits at right angles, otherwise the wheels of your car will tend to move along the ledge (pit), as a result of which the car may lose control, or at least maneuverability. Therefore, drive over such obstacles at an angle of approximately 50-60 °.

If you are driving on a gravel road with a lot of stones, reduce your speed, raise your windows and increase the distance to the vehicle in front, as well as the side distance when passing vehicles that are driving towards you. Try not to overtake and stay away from large vehicles.

It should be remembered that the forest road brings with it many surprises due to limited visibility and, therefore, difficulties in orienting the driver when driving along it. As a rule, if such a road does not go along a clearing, then it is very winding, has many closed turns, a small width of the carriageway, and trees, stumps, and shrubs often adjoin it closely. And the surface of the forest road is not uniform. It has many potholes, often filled with water or mud, swampy and difficult to pass areas. In all cases when it is required to move along a forest road without a well-rolled rut on it, it is imperative that you first scout out the path, look for whether it is possible to bypass such a section. If not, then the following tips should be considered.

1. If the road is narrow, then it should be driven at such a speed at which it will be possible to quickly stop the car and thereby prevent hitting stumps, trees in a timely manner, which can damage tires, steering, radiator, windows, etc. It is recommended to lower both side windows in order to “hear” the road better, as an oncoming vehicle may suddenly appear on it. If you hear the sound of an approaching vehicle, it is best to turn to the right in a suitable wide place and stop, and if you miss it, you can move on.

2. If there are areas with wet ground on the road, it is better to go around them or cover them with branches and other improvised materials.

3. If there are low stumps, large rhizomes of trees on the forest road, then it is better to go around them or, in extreme cases, overcome them at low speed so as not to break the springs and damage the wheels.

4. If there are hard-to-pass areas with deep mud, then overcome them in the second, third gears with acceleration, at an increased engine speed.

5. If a section of the forest road is covered with water, then drive along it carefully so as not to fall into a hole or run into stumps and stones hidden under water. In doubtful places, you need to stop and check the depth and bottom with a shovel.

6. If you have to travel along the track, gati, then remember that the logs on it can be rotten, with loose brackets, nails, pins holding them together. Therefore, it is necessary to drive the car carefully, evenly, to ensure that the logs do not part and the wheels do not fall into the gap formed. You also need to be careful not to pierce the tires with nails, staples, pins that are exposed in places where the logs are not firmly connected.

7. If you need to drive through bushes, undergrowth, then you should first explore the intended path, determine if there are high stumps, ditches and other obstacles on it that may interfere with movement. In such places, you should drive carefully, in low gear, but at an average engine speed, skipping low stumps, not very thick trunks that lie along the road and do not have branches sticking up, and bypassing high stumps and thick trunks with large branches.

3. Describe vehicle malfunctions that affect fuel consumption. Describe the economic driving modes

Fuel consumption of a car while driving.

While driving, fuel consumption depends on the speed and power of the engine, the terrain, climate, season, what condition the road is in, whether you are going uphill or downhill, and much more. By increasing the speed of the car, the aerodynamic drag will increase and exceed any force even at 60 km / h. You will feel a significant increase at a speed of 100 - 120 km / h, exceeding all other resistance forces.

Rolling resistance is related to tire pressure and type, as well as the mass of the car, as the speed increases, the resistance will also increase. The friction loss in the mechanisms depends on the speed, it can be determined by the viscosity of the oil you use. The force of inertia will increase with intensity and will prevent acceleration. From the angle of elevation while moving uphill, resistance increases.

Approximately 5% of the consumed gasoline can be attributed to the cost of operating accessory devices, for example, an air conditioning compressor, power steering, generator, and others.

Usable fuel consumption refers to the consumption of gasoline under current operating conditions. These conditions can hardly be called ideal, it is equally important to take into account the weather conditions (riding in winter). In cold weather, gasoline consumption is higher. It is necessary to take into account the difference between city driving and off-road driving. Cars with large dimensions, weight and powerful engine, as well as off-road and all-wheel drive models consume more fuel. Gasoline consumption will increase if the car body is aerodynamically imperfect in shape, if the car is equipped with an automatic gearbox, or an engine with a pair of valves on the cylinder. The average engine speed in any gear for a diesel engine is 1500-2000 rpm, and for gasoline engines it is 2000-2500 rpm. As for inflatable engines - turbocharged, with a mechanical compressor - they operate in economy mode until the moment when the compressor is actively connected to filling the cylinders, that is, until a sharp pickup.

Do not exceed the oil level in the crankcase, do not allow excess oil in the fuel.

If you have added too much oil, suck it out through the hose. Exceeding the oil level in the crankcase leads to a decrease in engine power, an increase in fuel and oil consumption, increased carbon formation on the bottom of the pistons and in the combustion chamber, rapid muffler pollution, not to mention an increase in exhaust into the atmosphere. In addition, the typical oiling of spark plugs occurs, resulting in interruptions in their operation.

Do not fill the fuel tank to the top of the cap on hot days.

At a gas station, you fill in cold fuel, heating up, it expands in volume (up to 5%). It is dangerous if the fuel, heating up, starts to leak from the tank. A drop of fuel is placed in the neck of the tank, and the increase in fuel supply due to this is insignificant. We inherited the habit of drinking gasoline to the eyeballs from the old days, the era of "deficit". The filler neck of the tank in most cars is connected to an air vent tube, so fuel flows out or into the trunk when overfilled.

We recommend that you store fuel in various canisters and tanks without special need. Due to leaks in the dishes, the fuel partially evaporates, its chemical composition changes, the octane number decreases, dirt enters the fuel supply system of the engine and causes its malfunctions. The line of canisters in the garage is another throwback to our sad past.

Always use gasoline with the correct octane rating.

It goes without saying that gasoline mixed with diesel fuel cannot be used: after that, you will have to change the oil. Filling the tank with fuel High Quality than recommended by the manufacturer has no effect. The use of fuel with a lower octane number can cause two negative phenomena: self-ignition, which occurs before the moment the working mixture is ignited by an electric spark, and detonation - which ultimately leads to a decrease in engine power and increased wear of valves, their seats, pistons, pistons. rings and spark plugs, not to mention a simple increase in gas mileage.

An increase in detonation is evidenced by the frequent knock of the engine, similar to a drum roll. Detonation can lead to failure of the main and connecting rod bearing shells and piston pins. Only in some modern cars, the coordination of engine operation by fuel brand occurs automatically, while in others it is necessary to change the ignition characteristics in accordance with the change in fuel brand. Ignition in some cars can be adjusted by recoding the plug in the compartment, the engine to another characteristic (from 98 to 95 and from 95 to 93).

Repair any leaks from the fuel system immediately.

After a long parking of the car, inspect the place under it. Fuel leakage usually occurs through cracks in worn hoses, leaks in hose and pipe connections, from a faulty fuel pump. Problems in the power system are usually indicated by a sharp and noticeable increase in fuel consumption. Checking the tightness of the fuel system begins with an external inspection. Be sure to replace all hoses that are damp on the outside. Tighten connections if necessary. The reason for the formation of cracks and leaks is the consequences of impact, constant friction, and corrosion. Leaks from the fuel tank usually occur in its upper part, in the places where the pipeline and the fuel gauge sensor are attached due to loose connections, damaged gaskets. If necessary, replace gaskets.

Fuel leakage from the fine fuel filter is usually due to wear of the gasket, which should be replaced. For the same reason, fuel may leak from the fuel pump.

Fuel leakage from the carburetor is usually due to the displacement of the gasket under the roof of the float chamber (but sometimes simply due to advanced level gasoline in the floats "chamber).

For proper, economical operation of the carburetor, its outer surface should be completely dry.

Only with a difficult, protracted start of the engine, it can, as it were, fog up. Constant wetting of the carburetor indicates a malfunction.

Vapor-air plugs in the fuel lines, caused by contamination of the fuel systems and overheating of the engine, increase fuel consumption.

That is why you should regularly clean the carburetor (SRT) and the gas tank (on your own). If the idle jet is clogged, interruptions appear in the engine at low idle speeds. It is also possible to stop the engine after a short operation. Temporarily increase the speed of the knees of the shaft by turning the throttle stop screw, then clean the carburetor and blow the jet with compressed air (it is better not to do this yourself). suddenly stop working while the vehicle is moving. To temporarily fix the problem, cool the engine by stopping the car for a while or covering the fuel pump with a damp cloth, then have the cause of the problem repaired at a service station.

Incorrect carburetor adjustment can cause an increase in fuel consumption by 20-30%.

Often there is such a disadvantage as the wrong composition of the resulting mixture. The following signs indicate that the mixture is too lean: when the gas is pressed sharply, the cold engine seems to choke, does not pull, pops are heard in the muffler.

Signs of an over-rich mixture: the engine does not gain full power, but overheats, fuel consumption rises sharply, exhaust gases are black and smell of gasoline, spark plugs and the exhaust pipe outlet are covered with a characteristic black coating.

The carburetor may consume more fuel than it should be due to a leak in the needle valve of the float chamber or incorrect position of the float.

Bend the float tongue, repair the valve.

If valve clearances are incorrectly adjusted, engine power may decrease and fuel consumption may increase by 10-20%.

If the gaps are too large, the duration of the open state of the valves is reduced, due to which the cylinders are not sufficiently filled with the mixture. With small gaps, the valves remain open in all cycles, and the combustion chamber of the cylinder does not close tightly.

The reason for the incorrect operation of the valve mechanism may be the weakening of the chain and camshaft drive belt. The correct adjustment of the valves can be verified by ear, using a stethoscope, the initial period of engine operation, when it has not yet warmed up, a slight tapping of the valves is usually heard, which should subside as the engine warms up.

Low compression in the cylinders contributes to useless fuel consumption

Full tightness of the combustion chamber of the cylinder is one of the main conditions for obtaining normal engine power. Check compression with a compress meter each time you change the oil. It is measured with the engine warmed up to operating temperature. Screw the tip of the compression gauge into place of the spark plug of one of the cylinders. Then fully open the throttle valve of the carburetor (you need an assistant or fix the gas pedal) and for a few seconds, until the arrow of the compression gauge reaches the maximum deflection, turn on the ignition. In the same way, compression is measured in other cylinders. If the pressure difference in different cylinders is more than 10%, then the compression is lowered and the engine needs a thorough repair.

Non-standard muffler must not be used.

Any changes and modifications to the muffler, and sometimes decorative decorations on the exhaust pipe, lead to a change in the composition of the exhaust gases and an increase in fuel consumption. In case of severe contamination of the exhaust system, which affects the operation of the engine, remove the exhaust pipe and muffler and clean them by removing plaque from the walls with a stiff brush, a bundle of wire. The sediment is separated from the exhaust pipe by tapping on it with a rubber mallet. The muffler is harder to clean. If it is rusted or deformed, it is more advisable not to clean it, but to replace the entire gas exhaust system.

With increased carbon formation in the cylinders, fuel consumption increases by 5–15%.

If, after turning off the ignition, the engine continues to work for a certain time, it means that there is too much carbon deposits in the cylinders. Do not pull with repairs: piston bottoms, valve plates and seats may burn out, and piston rings may seize.

Overheating or hypothermia of the engine as a result of poor performance of the cooling system also affects fuel consumption.

In winter, the most common cause of a malfunction in the cooling system is the failure of the thermostat. The engine may overheat due to coolant leakage, radiator contamination, water pump drive belt slippage. A natural increase in fuel consumption also occurs with improper adjustment of the ignition system, its malfunctions.

First, you need to correctly set the ignition timing. Secondly, the ignition distributor must be in good condition, the gap between the contacts of the breaker is adjusted, the contacts are not dirty or worn. Thirdly, you need spark plugs to provide a strong uninterrupted spark. Rotor, ignition coil, capacitor must be in working condition.

For economical driving:

· Avoid sudden acceleration, and pressing the gas pedal, in order to avoid getting into the cylinders of large portions of fuel.

· Maintain a clear distance from the vehicle in front of you. Due to this, the brake system will be used less often, which means that the need for further accelerations that increase fuel consumption is reduced.

· You can use the fast engine warm-up mode at low engine speeds. This reduces the operating time of the engine in the mode of supplying an enriched fuel-air mixture to the cylinders.

· Try to drive less in the heat, as the energy of the motor is spent on the air conditioning compressor, or on increased air resistance with the windows or sunroof open. It should be noted that in hot air there is less oxygen than in cool air. And this means that for the required engine power it is important to burn more fuel in the cylinders. Thus, at high speeds (over 70 km / h), close the window and sunroof. It is better to turn on the interior ventilation system that supplies air from outside.

· Air conditioning should be turned on, as a last resort, and for a short time. This eliminates the extra consumption of engine energy for the compressor, respectively, we will save fuel by 5-20%. Remember that excessive heat affects the attention of the driver.

· Rolling resistance is reduced if the tire pressure is increased by 0.3 bar above normal. Strong loads are transferred to the suspension parts and to the body, but this is imperceptible to passengers.

· Fitting summer tires with reduced rolling resistance also reduces fuel consumption by up to 5% thanks to the use of a special rubber compound and breaker design. This model is quite popular with manufacturers.

· Remove the luggage rack from the roof - save, thereby, fuel consumption. You can install special aerodynamic boxes.

· Clear the trunk of excess cargo (such as snow chains), which will also reduce fuel consumption.

· Think over the routes of movement in such a way as to maintain a constant speed of movement.

Used sources

1. Bosch Automotive Guide, ed. 1999

2. Baranov L.F. Maintenance and repair of machines: Proc. allowance. (Sir. "Textbooks of the XXI century"). Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2001. - 416 p.: ill.

3. Great Soviet Encyclopedia: In 30 volumes - M .: " Soviet Encyclopedia", 1969-1978.

4. Civil Code Republic of Belarus December 7, 1998 No. 218-3 (Adopted by the House of Representatives on October 28, 1998 Approved by the Council of the Republic on November 19, 1998)

5. Dynko A.V. "600 practical advice experienced driver "; M., TID CONTINENT-Press, 2001

6. Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus July 9, 1999 No. 275-З (Adopted by the House of Representatives on June 2, 1999 Approved by the Council of the Republic on June 24, 1999)

7. Operation and Maintenance road machines, cars and tractors: A textbook for environments. prof. education /S.F. Golovin, V.M. Konshin, A.V. Rubailov and others; Under the editorship of E.S. Lokshin. -M.: Mastery, 2002. -464 p.

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Topic 3. Basics of conflict-free interaction of road users

General human culture as the basis for safe behavior on the roads. Ethical qualities of a person. Ethics of the driver as the most important element of his active safety.

The concept of conflict. Sources and causes of conflicts. The dynamics of the development of a conflict situation. Prevention of conflicts. Ways to regulate and constructively end conflicts. Opportunities to reduce aggression in conflict.



Topic 4. Planning a trip depending on the goals and traffic conditions

Influence of the purpose of the trip on the safety of driving. Assessment of the need for a trip in the prevailing road traffic conditions: in the daytime or at night, in conditions of insufficient visibility, different traffic intensity, in different conditions of the road surface, etc. Route selection and travel time estimation. Examples of typical motives for risky behavior when planning trips. Arguments in favor of risk management.

Influence of road conditions on traffic safety. Types and classification of highways. Road construction. The main elements of road safety. The concept of the coefficient of adhesion of tires to the road. Variation of the friction coefficient depending on the state of the road, weather and meteorological conditions.

The concept of a traffic accident. Types of traffic accidents. Causes and conditions of occurrence of traffic accidents. Distribution of accidents by seasons, days of the week, time of day, road categories, types of vehicles and other factors.

Topic 5. Assessment of the level of danger of perceived information, organization of observation in the process of driving a vehicle

Three main road viewing zones ahead: far (30-120 seconds), medium (12-15 seconds) and near (4-6 seconds). The use of the far viewing zone to obtain preliminary information about the peculiarities of the situation on the road, the medium one to determine the degree of danger of the object and the near one to proceed to protective actions. Features of monitoring the situation in settlements and when driving on country roads. Skills for inspecting the road behind when driving forward and in reverse, when braking, before turning, changing lanes and overtaking. Controlling the situation from the side through the side rear-view mirrors and turning the head. Advantages of side mirrors of a panoramic type. A method of developing the skill of inspecting instrumentation. Algorithm for inspection of adjacent roads when passing through intersections.

Examples of making a forecast (forecasting) of the development of a regular and emergency situation. Situational analysis of the road situation.

Topic 6. Evaluation of braking and stopping distances. Formation of a safe

space around the vehicle at different speeds

Driver reaction time. Response time of the brake actuator. Safe distance in seconds and meters. Ways to control a safe distance. Levels of acceptable risk when choosing a distance. The time and space required to brake and stop at various speeds and driving conditions. Safe lateral spacing. Formation of a safe space around the vehicle in various traffic conditions (in terms of intensity, flow speed, road conditions and meteorological conditions) and when stopped. Ways to minimize and share the danger. Making compromise decisions in difficult traffic situations.

Topic 7

Landing the driver behind the wheel. Use seat adjustments and controls to achieve optimal working posture.

Monitoring compliance with safety in the transportation of passengers, including children and animals.

Appointment of controls, instruments and indicators. Actions of the driver on application: light and sound signals; the inclusion of systems for cleaning, blowing and heating glass; headlight cleaning; activation of alarms, regulation of comfort systems. Actions in case of emergency indications of instruments.

Methods of action by the governing bodies. steering technique.

Engine start. Engine warming up.

Start of movement and acceleration with sequential gear shifting. Selecting the optimal gear for different speeds. Engine braking.

Brake pedal actions that ensure smooth deceleration in normal situations and the implementation of maximum braking force in abnormal braking modes, including on slippery roads.

Getting started on steep descents and ascents, on difficult and slippery road sections. Starting off on a slippery road without wheel slip.

Features of driving a vehicle with ABS.

The specifics of driving a vehicle with automatic transmission. Methods of action by automatic transmission controls. Selection of the automatic transmission operating mode when driving on steep slopes and ascents, on difficult and slippery road sections.

Topic 8. Actions of the driver when driving a vehicle

Forces acting on the vehicle. Road grip. The clutch force reserve is a condition for traffic safety.

Driving a vehicle in confined spaces, at intersections and pedestrian crossings, in traffic and in conditions of limited visibility, on sharp turns, uphill and downhill, while towing. Driving a vehicle in difficult road conditions and in conditions of insufficient visibility.

Ways to park and park a vehicle.

The choice of speed and trajectory of movement in turns, during turns and in limited passages, depending on the design features of the vehicle. The choice of speed in urban traffic, outside locality and on motorways.

Overtaking and oncoming traffic.

Passage of railway crossings.

Overcoming dangerous sections of roads: narrowing of the carriageway, freshly laid road surface, bituminous and gravel coatings, long descent and ascent, approaches to bridges, railway crossings and other dangerous areas. Precautions when driving on repaired sections of roads, fences used in this case, warning and light signals.

Features of driving at night, in fog and on mountain roads.

Topic 9. Actions of the driver in emergency situations

Conditions for loss of vehicle stability during acceleration, braking and turning. Rollover resistance. Vehicle stability reserves.

Road use in autumn and spring. Use of winter roads (winter roads). Movement on ice crossings. Actions of the driver in the event of skidding, skidding and drifting. Actions of the driver in the event of a collision in front and behind.

Actions of the driver in case of failure of the service brake, tire rupture in motion, failure of the power steering, separation of the longitudinal or transverse steering rods of the steering drive.

Actions of the driver in case of fire and the fall of the vehicle into the water. Actions of the driver to evacuate passengers from the vehicle.


Name of topics

Number of hours of theoretical training

Passenger motor transport enterprises, their structure and tasks

Technical and operational indicators of passenger vehicles

Dispatch management of buses on the line

Bus operation on various types routes

Tariffs and ticketing system for passenger vehicles

Features of the work of fixed-route taxis and departmental buses

Passenger transport insurance

Bus driver's work and rest schedule

Basics effective communication





Topic 1. Passenger motor transport enterprises, their structure and tasks

Structure and tasks of passenger transport enterprises. Types of bus transportation: urban, suburban, intercity, international. General scheme management of transportation of passengers by buses. The structure of passenger traffic. Tasks of the bus driver; its role in ensuring the safety of passengers.

Topic 2. Technical and operational indicators of passenger vehicles

Quantitative indicators: traffic volume, passenger turnover, machine-hours of work. Qualitative indicators: coefficient of technical readiness, coefficient of output per line. Measures to increase the production of buses per line. The duration of the rolling stock on the line. Movement speed. technical speed. operating speed.

Message speed. Measures to improve the speed of communication, the average distance traveled by passengers. Mileage utilization rate. Measures to increase the mileage utilization rate. Capacity utilization factor. Average daily mileage. Total mileage. The performance of passenger vehicles.

Topic 3. Dispatch management of buses on the line

Dispatch management system for passenger road transport. Centralized Dispatch Service (CDS). Organization of the release of rolling stock on the line and the implementation of the traffic schedule.

The procedure for switching buses to other routes. Means of dispatch communication with bus drivers working on the line. The procedure for providing technical assistance to buses on the line.

The procedure for receiving rolling stock on the line. The order of delivery and registration waybills when buses return from the line at the end of the shift. Monitoring the timely return of buses to the park.

Control and audit service on passenger vehicles and its tasks. Control of buses on the line.

Regularity of movement and its importance. Traffic control equipment. Organization of control of the regularity of the movement of buses on city routes. Bus stations and bus stations.

The main forms of primary accounting for the operation of buses. Travel (route) sheet of the bus. The procedure for issuing and filling out travel (route) sheets. Ticket registration sheet, traffic regularity sheet. Rules for filling them out on the line.

Topic 4. Operation of buses on various types of routes

Classification of bus routes. Stops their arrangement. Concepts about the route passport. The concept of rationing the speed of buses.

Requirements for roads on which the movement of passenger route vehicles is organized. Inspection of routes and identification of dangerous areas. Scheme of dangerous areas.

Forms of labor organization of bus crews. Timetable for the movement of buses on the line. Route, station, control timetables for the movement of rolling stock.

movement intervals. Shift coefficient. Flight. Return flight.

Bus operation during peak hours. Significance of the introduction of short, express and semi-express flights. Stops on demand.

Organization of the work of buses without a conductor.

Types and characteristics of special transportation of passengers by buses (transportation of workers to and from work, allocation of buses for one-time orders, transportation of children, tourist and excursion transportation, etc.).

Ways to improve the efficiency of the use of buses. Bus load limits. Danger of bus operation with overload.

Norms of consumption of fuel and lubricants for buses. Measures to save fuel and lubricants and the experience of advanced bus drivers.

The procedure for accounting and issuing coupons for fuel and lubricants. Filling the bus with fuel; precautionary measures.

Topic 5. Tariffs and ticketing system for passenger vehicles

Bus fares. Application of tariffs for the transportation of passengers and luggage in buses, as well as for the use of buses on separate orders. Types of tickets used to pay passengers for travel on city, suburban and intercity buses.

Discounts for bus travel.

Topic 6. Features of the operation of fixed-route taxis and departmental buses

Organization of passenger transportation fixed-route taxis. Organization of taxi transportation of passengers. Organization of transportation of passengers by departmental buses. Coordination of work of departmental and public passenger transport.

Topic 7. Passenger transport insurance

Normative acts regulating insurance on passenger vehicles. Insurance for city, suburban, intercity and excursion transportation. Features of international transportation insurance.

Topic 8. Mode of work and rest of the bus driver

Normative acts regulating the mode of work and rest of bus drivers.

The duration of the driver's working time and what it consists of. Rest period after continuous bus driving. Daily, weekly rest of the driver. The maximum time spent behind the wheel during one work shift.

Topic 9. Fundamentals of effective communication.

The concept of communication, its functions, stages of communication. The parties of communication, their general characteristics(communication as the exchange of information, communication as interaction, communication as the perception and understanding of other people). Characteristics of verbal and non-verbal means of communication. The main "effects" in the perception of other people (first impression effect, "halo effect", etc.).

Types of communication (business, personal). Human qualities that are important for communication (openness, tact, etc.). Communication styles. Barriers in interpersonal communication, causes and conditions of their formation.

Drivers categories"CE" Printed edition pcs. one Program professional training drivers transport funds categories"CE" approved...

  • The act of examining the educational and material base of an organization carrying out educational activities under the training programs for drivers of motor vehicles of the relevant categories, subcategories (4)


    1991 Medical School No. 22 Moscow, Nurse- By ... hours. 28 According to exemplary programs professional training drivers transport funds relevant categories, subcategories approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science ...

  • The driving mode selected by the driver on the road is the result of processing huge amount information coming to him. It follows that the more experience the driver has, the more developed his skills, the more prepared he is for the route, the more safer mode The traffic he ultimately chooses, the greater the potential to travel without an accident. The movement of cars in cities with heavy traffic and pedestrian flows has its own characteristics:

    • Row traffic
    • Short distances between cars
    • Abundance of technical means of regulation
    • Pedestrian crossings
    • Crossroads
    • The presence of a continuous oncoming traffic

    In these conditions special meaning acquires the following sequence of actions:

    • Observation
    • Signaling
    • Maneuver

    It is necessary to correctly determine and maintain the distance between cars and the intervals between rows.

    When choosing a safe distance between vehicles, consider:

    • Road conditions
    • Visibility
    • atmospheric conditions
    • Tire tread condition
    • Travel speed
    • The reaction of the driver, which can vary depending on different situations

    In urban conditions, a distance equal to half the speed of movement is considered safe. At a speed of 60 km / h, the distance should be at least 30 m. On steep ascents and descents, the distance between cars should be increased by two to three times.

    It is also necessary to observe the interval not only between oncoming cars, but also between, but also between cars and sidewalks, roadsides, pedestrians. The higher the speed, the longer the interval. In any case, the interval must be at least one meter. Especially carefully you need to choose the interval when passing, in conditions of poor visibility, when overtaking cyclists and motorcyclists. Frontal and side collisions of vehicles are often caused by the fact that drivers leave too small a distance between the sides of the vehicles.

    Driving through pedestrian crossings, the driver must exercise increased caution and be ready to stop the car in time. The same precautions must be observed when moving past public transport stops. The main safety measure is an early reduction in the speed of movement, readiness for immediate action when pedestrians appear in the immediate vicinity of the car.

    Road conditions can be varied: straight sections of roads and turns with varying radii, descents and ascents, different widths and conditions of the carriageway, changes in visibility range and viewing conditions. All this has a significant impact on the mode of movement. For acceptance right decision when choosing a speed, the driver needs to have the appropriate knowledge and skills in assessing on the road. It is especially important for the driver to be able to evaluate the grip qualities of the road surface, as well as to know the reasons for its increased slipperiness. This will help to correctly determine the magnitude of the braking distance, and therefore, to choose a safe speed.

    Danger on a road with good traction can create isolated, often small areas of smooth pavement resulting from wear and grinding by car wheels. Such sections are in places where the mode of movement of cars often changes, acceleration and deceleration are performed: in front of intersections and pedestrian crossings, directly on and behind them, on curves, before ascents and descents, in public vehicle stop areas, in front of and directly on areas of limited visibility. There may also be areas on the roads that are most often exposed to pollution and moisture. These are junctions or intersections with roads that do not have a hard surface, sections of roads with unpaved shoulders.

    As for the technical condition of vehicles. Without fail, our cars must undergo daily maintenance, MOT 1, MOT 2.

    As you know, before each turn, the driver must slow down. However, not everyone knows that braking should be completed before the start of the turn. If you brake while cornering, this will significantly reduce the lateral stability of the car, which can even cause a rollover. It should also not be forgotten that cornering braking causes increased wear of the chassis and steering parts, as well as wheel rubber.

    When making a turn, the trajectory of the vehicle must have the maximum steepness at its beginning. As the corner progresses, the vehicle gradually levels off.

    In front of a pothole, pit, ledge or other similar obstacle on the road, slow down in advance, and just before hitting an obstacle, release the brake pedal. This way you can minimize the impact force. Sometimes in such a situation it is advisable to squeeze the clutch.

    Ascents and descents on a slippery road are recommended to be driven at the same speed, but in no case not coasting, periodically slowing down (as inexperienced drivers often do when driving downhill), but in a lower gear. Unless absolutely necessary, do not change gears, increase the fuel supply and make sudden movements with the steering wheel.

    Not all drivers know that the road becomes very dangerous in the first minutes after the start of rain. The fact is that water mixes with road dust and dirt that has not yet been washed off the roadway, forming a liquid slurry. At this time, special care must be taken: do not make sudden movements (accelerate, brake, change direction of travel), turn at low speed and keep a high distance from the vehicles ahead.

    On wet roads, you need to be especially careful. In any case, in heavy rain it is not recommended to drive at a speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour (motorways are an exception, but not always). Failure to follow this recommendation leads to hydroplaning.

    Drivers know that one of the most difficult and dangerous maneuvers on the road is overtaking. Let me remind you that in the current version of the Rules of the Road, overtaking is considered to be ahead of one or more moving vehicles associated with the departure from the occupied lane (not necessarily into the oncoming lane). A significant part of traffic accidents when overtaking occurs not with oncoming, but passing cars. Most often this is due to the fact that cars move on high speeds without keeping distance.

    Be aware that the driver of the car you are overtaking may not see you and at any time take to the left, for example, to avoid an obstacle (potholes, etc.) on the road, without giving a corresponding signal with a turn indicator.

    At the end of overtaking, you can return to your lane only when the vehicle that you overtook is visible in the mirror, and the distance to it is about 20 meters.

    When overtaking cyclists, keep a lateral interval of at least 1 meter with them. According to his mentality, a cyclist is the same pedestrian, but he moves faster. It is forbidden to make unexpected movements in front of a cyclist, and after overtaking, brake briskly. On the other hand, this is quite expected from a cyclist (in particular, he can lose his balance at any moment and fall under the wheels of a car).

    If you find yourself on the road in heavy fog, rain or snow, remember: turning on your regular headlights will only reduce visibility, as a kind of “light wall” may form. In this case, it would be advisable to turn off all lights, but this is prohibited by the Rules of the Road, since the vehicle will become poorly visible to other road users.

    In this situation, it is easier for drivers whose cars are equipped with fog lights. If the fog is not very strong (visibility is at least 100 meters in the high beam headlights), then turn on the high beam headlights along with the fog lights. When there are oncoming vehicles, do not forget to switch to the dipped beam and turn off the fog lights. When exposed to medium fog or heavy rain, turn on the fog lights and low beam headlights. If the fog is very thick or you are in a heavy snowfall, then turn on only the fog lights.

    When visibility on the road is less than 10 meters, you can move at a speed of no more than 5 kilometers per hour. Otherwise, you endanger not only yourself, but also other road users.

    Some of the most dangerous places on the road are unregulated intersections. Traffic accidents on them usually occur due to violation of the rules of maneuvering, non-observance of a safe distance, and also because one of the drivers did not notice traffic signs in a timely manner.

    When driving, always take into account the possibility that any other road user may ignore the Rules of the Road or make a mistake that will lead to a dangerous situation. ATTENTION.

    On the road, try to stay away from military vehicles. Often these machines are driven by young soldiers who have recently received a license. Needless to say, how dangerous is the large-sized Ural, which is driven by an inexperienced driver!

    Be careful even when you have an advantage (running a green light, being on main road) in order to respond to possible traffic violation other members of the movement.

    A vehicle standing on the side of the road is always an object of increased danger. In particular, because of a parked bus or truck, a pedestrian can run out onto the road at any moment. Pay attention to the gap between the bottom of the body of a standing car and carriageway. So you will notice a passerby or his legs, which will be a signal to take appropriate precautions. Expect trouble from pedestrians who walk close to the roadway, such as along the very edge of the sidewalk or curb. First, a person can stumble and fall on carriageway. Secondly, there is a possibility that he will start crossing the road. Thirdly, perhaps this is a visually impaired or hearing impaired person who is unaware of the danger.

    Be especially careful if you see children playing near the roadway. Pedestrians in a state of intoxication are also unpredictable.

    It should be borne in mind that at an ambient temperature of more than 28 degrees, the vast majority of people have a markedly reduced driving ability. In addition, the following factors increase the likelihood of getting into a traffic accident:

    • smoking while driving (if you really need to, then stop on the side of the road and smoke);
    • taking certain medications by the driver;
    • poor health, driver fatigue;
    • tight steering wheel, soft brake pedal;
    • slippery road;
    • movement in conditions of limited visibility;
    • insufficient contrast and illumination of a potential source of danger;
    • able to drive a vehicle strong commotion or excitement;

    The human body reaches its greatest fatigue, as a rule, during the daytime from about 15:30 to 19:00 and at night from 2:00 to 6:00.

    In general, experts distinguish three degrees of driver fatigue:

    • a mild degree is recognized with the onset of yawning and heaviness of the eyelids;
    • average degree characterized by pain in the eyes, dry mouth, the appearance of certain fantasies. In this case, a warm wave can pass through the body and a false impression is created that other vehicles are moving very slowly;
    • with a strong degree of fatigue, the head begins to lean forward, the hands slide off the steering wheel, ripples appear in the eyes, the person is covered with sweat, and most importantly, it seems that all this is not happening to him.

    To relieve mild fatigue, it is enough to wash cold water, take a break or drink strong tea. Only sleep helps to get rid of moderate and severe fatigue.


    One of the most dangerous states the driver is the so-called "sleep with open eyes”, which occurs as a result of overwork. From the outside, it seems that a person is not sleeping and is driving a car, but in reality he is in a complete "out".

    Before a trip, each driver must set himself up that driving a car is primarily a difficult job, and not a pleasant pastime, which is accompanied by listening to music or talking with passengers.

    As you know, within settlements, the Rules of the Road allow moving at a speed of no more than 60 kilometers per hour, outside the settlement - no more than 90 kilometers per hour (unless otherwise regulated road signs). For safe driving in the city, it is necessary to keep a distance between vehicles of at least 20 meters, outside the city - at least 40 meters (provided that the road is dry and clean, without ice, etc.).

    Keeping an unreasonably large distance is also not recommended. Firstly, it will provoke other drivers to overtake and change lanes, and pedestrians may be tempted to cross the road just in front of your car.

    Please note that when driving at 60 kilometers per hour, the car covers a distance of 17.7 meters every second, and when driving at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour - 24.5 meters. However, the braking distance at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour is twice as long as at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour (the discrepancy is explained by more high strength inertia, as well as other factors).

    In case of oncoming traffic with other vehicles in conditions of poor visibility, try to stay as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway. An oncoming vehicle may carry a poorly marked and therefore almost invisible bulky load protruding from the sides. If a vehicle is moving towards you with one headlight on, remember that this is not necessarily a motorcycle, it may be a car with one headlight not working.

    Inexperienced drivers make the same mistake when coasting: after releasing the gas pedal, they continue to hold the clutch pedal depressed and drive like this until the next gear shift. This cannot be done. When coasting, you must put the gear lever in neutral and release the clutch pedal. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the clutch will “burn out” (the release bearing is not designed for this mode of operation).

    Rear-view mirrors should be used every 5 seconds on average, as the driver must be aware of the situation not only in front, but also on the sides and rear of his car. Be sure to look in the rear-view mirror before driving, changing lanes, turning, overtaking, braking.

    Most modern cars are equipped with anti-theft devices located in the steering column and blocking the steering (installed by the manufacturer). On such vehicles, it is strictly forbidden to turn on the ignition while driving (sometimes this is done on older cars to save fuel when driving downhill). Otherwise, the steering wheel may lock up while driving, with catastrophic consequences.

    When making a left turn at an intersection, try to stay as far from the center of the intersection as possible to reduce the chance of a collision in the event of a dangerous situation.

    In heavy traffic, try to move at the speed of this stream, avoiding lane changes and other maneuvers without special need. You should not overtake a line of cars standing in a traffic jam, especially in the oncoming lane (if an oncoming vehicle appears, you will not have room to return to your lane). If you have a choice, it is recommended to take a familiar route, even if it is a little longer.

    Please note that with a road train, when turning, the trailer always moves closer to the center of the turn.

    If you unexpectedly hit a small section of road covered with ice, drive it at the same speed (of course, if the current traffic situation allows). Many beginners in this situation get lost and press the brake pedal or try to go around this section of the road, which ultimately leads to a skid.

    If you are driving monotonously on the highway, then from time to time look at the speedometer. The fact is that when driving like this, a person tends to underestimate real speed movement: it seems that you are moving at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour, and on the speedometer - already 110 kilometers per hour.

    Today, spherical rear-view mirrors have become fashionable. They greatly increase the view, but have a serious drawback: in them, the distance to the reflected object seems to be greater than it actually is.


    Behind the wheel

    Competent driving technique also depends on the correct seating of the driver. A careless, relaxed seating position (in particular, when the driver sticks his left elbow out the window or leans his body on the left door, and holds the steering wheel with one hand) does not ensure that the driver is always ready for quick and clear actions in the event of a sudden change in the situation on the road. Correct fit? the driver leans quite tightly on the back of the seat, the legs are not fully extended when the pedals are fully depressed, and both arms, slightly bent at the elbow joints, are located on the steering wheel. The position of the body should be stable, but not tense? this prevents rapid fatigue.

    Sit at the wheel at ease, holding the steering wheel lightly. Do not squeeze it like a vise until your fingers turn white? extra effort and nervous tension only exhaust the body. Make it a rule when driving on straight sections of road to keep the steering wheel in the range from ten minutes to two to fifteen minutes to three, corresponding to the position of the hour hands. This makes it possible to drive the car without any effort and instantly respond to changes in the situation on the road.

    The clarity of the driver's action in driving a car largely depends on the form of clothing, especially in winter. Clothing should be light, loose and comfortable. It is not recommended to use ski or climbing boots, felt boots, high fur boots. Their bulkiness makes it difficult to quickly control the pedals. Difficult to control the pedals and any shoes with high heels.

    Preparing the car for movement

    Before leaving the garage or parking place, check the technical condition of the car. The 8-10 minutes spent on this can more than compensate for all the time lost on troubleshooting along the way and increase your safety. For this:

    1. Check and adjust the air pressure in the tires. The difference in tire pressure by only 0.2?0.3 kgf/cm2 impairs the car's handling, and when braking can lead to its skidding.

    2. Check the oil level in the engine crankcase and top up if necessary.

    3. Check the levels of coolant, brake and washer fluids and top up if necessary. Tanks with these liquids are made of translucent plastic, which allows visual control of the level.

    4. Check the serviceability of signaling devices and lamps of external lighting devices.

    5. Check the operation of the windshield wipers and washers, parking brake.

    6. Inspect the parking lot. The presence of traces of oils and operating fluids under the car indicates the leakage of its components and assemblies. In this case, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of their appearance.

    7. When moving from a parking lot, check the serviceability of the service brakes.

    Engine warm-up

    After starting a cold engine, before starting to move, it is recommended to warm it up to stable operation at a minimum crankshaft speed in idling mode. Many drivers, in order to save time, warm up the engine while driving. This is permissible only at low speeds when leaving a parking lot or garage before entering the main road. Driving on the road with a cold engine is especially dangerous when maneuvering and starting off at intersections, since the engine is running at high idle speeds, and pressing the accelerator pedal in the usual mode can cause the working mixture to be over-rich and stop the engine (engine? choked¦) .

    In addition, keep in mind that car jerks when driving with a cold engine will dramatically reduce the life of the timing belt.

    Similar troubles also occur during unstable operation of a warm engine at idle due to malfunctions or clogging of the carburetor idle system.

    Driving tactics

    The tactics of driving a car is the ability to choose the right mode of movement, where the main indicator is speed. It is the wrong speed limit that is the most common cause of traffic accidents. The complexity of the correct choice of the speed of movement lies in the fact that it requires the simultaneous consideration of various factors or, in other words, integrated assessment the conditions under which the movement takes place. The ability of the driver to fully cover the entire set of moving and stationary objects that are important from the point of view of traffic safety, and at the same time exclude from his attention all objects that are not related to the movement that fall into his field of vision (for example, billboards, buildings removed from the road, etc.). etc.), are the main condition for the correct tactics of driving a car. For the same purpose, it is not recommended to hang or fasten amulets, souvenirs, etc. in the areas of the windshield and rear windows and on the instrument panel, which reduce the driver’s view and additionally distract not only his attention, but also the attention of other participants.

    movement. It should be remembered that with increasing speed, the driver's field of view decreases. So, at rest, the field of view is 120¦, at a speed of 30 km / h? 100¦, and at a speed of 100 km/h? 40¦ (?tunnel vision¦).

    In no case can speed be determined by whether you or your passengers are in a hurry. It is necessary to firmly grasp this and, even in the most urgent cases, choose the speed only in accordance with the situation. In this regard, very important quality the driver is the restraint that allows you to remain calm and not succumb to someone's wishes to go faster, regardless of the specific situation.

    After a long break in driving (winter period, illness, business trip, etc.), it takes some time to restore skills. In this regard, perform several training trips to sections of roads with a minimum traffic load.

    Be a good psychologist and be critical of your mistakes while driving. Only self-criticism and introspection will help you avoid repeating such mistakes in the future.

    Road ethics

    When driving a car, behave calmly, follow the rules of the road, do not start races with drivers of other cars. Remember that the road belongs to everyone and is not a racing track.

    If the driver of the vehicle behind asks you to give way, let him pass. You should not take as a personal insult a request to let go, even from the side of the driver of a less powerful car.

    Sound and light alarms do not insure against traffic accidents. The abuse of the signaling will cause far from kind remarks addressed to you by other road users.

    If you see that the driver of another car is acting cautiously and insecurely, help him out of a difficult situation in every possible way, even if there is your advantage.

    Never demand the right of way from pedestrians in a crosswalk by sound or light signaling. Remember that the advantage is on the side of pedestrians.

    Be cultured and polite, as befits a real motorist. Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.

    Movement in traffic

    Driving in a traffic flow requires more attention and discretion from the driver, since in order to predict a change in the speed limit, he must monitor and evaluate the situation for several cars in front and simultaneously control the situation from behind and from the sides through the rear-view mirrors and side vision.

    During rush hours, traffic slows down and there are often traffic jams at intersections. Nervousness and attempts to slip faster than others, leaving on the side of oncoming traffic or on the sidewalk, are unacceptable here. Such actions, as a rule, cause emergency situations and additional traffic delays.

    On the road

    The greatest danger on the road is represented by sections where it changes its direction, i.e., turns in which, due to inertia, the car seeks to maintain rectilinear movement and is kept on the road only by tire friction forces. Remember that the grip of the wheels on wet or icy roads is drastically reduced.

    No less dangerous are the sections at the end of the climbs, on which overtaking is unacceptable.

    On long trips, stop periodically after three hours, during which you perform several exercise and rinse your face and neck with cool water. If the nap does not go away, it is better to sleep for 20-30 minutes. Usually after short sleep drowsiness subsides. Tea and coffee? best tonics. But the effect of coffee is short-lived and is replaced by a phase of fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended to drink coffee only for those who have to travel a short distance.

    During stops, check the luggage securing and the condition of the wheels.

    overcoming puddles

    When driving through puddles, you need to be extremely careful, as they can hide pits and bumps on which wheel disks or suspension parts can be damaged. In the event that you are moving along unfamiliar road, it is better to let other vehicles go ahead, and by the way it overcomes the puddle, it will be possible to judge the condition of the road. If this is not possible, get out of the car and use any object (stick, rod, etc.) to measure the puddle along the intended trajectory. Move through the puddle at the lowest possible speed. The dashing overcoming of puddles, as a rule, ends with the ingress of moisture on the elements of the ignition system and the engine stops.

    Driving in rainy weather

    Moisture on the elements of the ignition system can get in and stop the engine when driving on the road during heavy rain. A good and reliable way to prevent dampening of the elements of the ignition system is their pre-treatment with water-repellent preparations such as "Unisma" or "Auto-lubrication VTV-1" in aerosol packaging or their foreign counterparts.

    Pay special attention and caution in the first minutes after the onset of rain, as moistened dust on the road surface forms a soapy film that sharply reduces the grip of tires on the road.


    Movement in winter

    in mountainous area

    Regularly while driving, lightly brake the car to dry the brakes, as the effectiveness of damp brakes drops sharply.

    When overtaking, turn on the windshield wiper at maximum speed? this will help to avoid loss of visibility due to the possible release of water from under the wheel of the overtaken vehicle. It is advisable to apply such precautions even if you are overtaken.

    Do not overtake in rainy weather if the water cloud from under the wheels of the vehicle in front completely blocks the view of the overtaking zone.

    In order not to move in the water plume from the vehicles in front, increase the distance and reduce the speed of movement.

    When driving along sidewalks during or after rain, when driving through puddles, slow down so that the spray from under the wheels of your car does not fall on pedestrians.


    From the driver's seat, the rear view always has "blind" zones. Therefore, moving in reverse in the hope that there is no one and nothing in these zones is unacceptable. In such cases, it is best to get out of the vehicle and inspect the backing area carefully or have another person help you.

    Driving at night

    At dusk, turn on your headlights. If your car is painted in a dark tone, turn on the dipped beam a little earlier, since against the background of dark asphalt your car is invisible and its appearance for oncoming drivers becomes unexpected.

    When driving at night, the driver sees only a limited section of the road and for safe movement increased attention is required. It has been noted that with age, a person needs more illumination to recognize an object. For people over 20, it doubles every 13 years. Consequently, a driver at the age of 60 sees almost 8 times worse at night than at the age of 20. In accordance with this, the speed of movement at night should decrease in proportion to the age of the driver.

    If you are blinded by the headlights of an oncoming vehicle, slow down or better stop without changing lanes and turn on your hazard warning lights. Beware of blind driving? it is very dangerous! Keep in mind that it may take up to 10 seconds to restore the ability to see after being blinded.

    If you follow a vehicle in front at night and do not intend to overtake it, switch to low beam and keep a distance from it so that you do not disturb its driver with your headlights.

    Movement in winter

    Be very careful on wet or slippery roads? don't let hard braking with the risk of blocking the wheels, which will inevitably lead to a skid. To this end, drive the car smoothly, without sharp turns. Slow down only by gradually shifting to lower gears with partial braking with service brakes. If, despite everything, the car begins to skid, turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid, do not touch the clutch and brake pedals, and remain calm.

    In places where roads cross, ice often occurs due to wheel slip when starting off. Therefore, when approaching such places in a dry area, start slowing down in advance.

    In winter, it can be difficult to start on a slippery surface. To do this, turn on the second or third gear and, slowly releasing the clutch pedal, gradually increase the engine speed. If you need to make a turn, after the car has started moving, shift into first gear and go through the turn with the engine running “tight” without allowing the drive wheels to slip.

    in mountainous area

    When driving uphill, switch to lower gears in a timely manner, preventing the engine from running “in tightness” and jerking the car.

    On long descents, use the engine in braking mode with partial use of the service brakes. Never descend with the clutch disengaged and using only the service brakes. This will cause the brakes to heat up and the brake fluid to boil. Keep in mind that as altitude increases, the boiling point of brake fluid decreases. Boiling brake fluid in the wheel cylinders means a complete failure of the service brakes? the brake pedal falls off.

    If in the mountains you want to park in the area viewing platforms or recreation areas, then after a long lift, do not immediately stop the engine to avoid boiling of the coolant and fuel in the carburetor, but let the engine run for 1-2 minutes at minimum idle speed. This will make it easier to start the engine later.

    As nowhere else, in mountainous areas, keep to the right side of the road. The smaller width of the road and the complex profile of the track require more attention and caution. Give sound and light signals when turning. When stopping on an uphill or downhill, turn the steering wheel all the way out so that in the event of a spontaneous start of the vehicle’s movement, it rests on a road curb or other obstacle.

    On a slippery road, do not start driving up a steep hill until the vehicle in front has reached the top of the hill.


    When approaching an intersection, do not increase your speed in the hope of having time to slip through the traffic light. Make it a rule to slow down when approaching an intersection. This will give you the opportunity to assess the situation at the intersection.

    If at the intersection where organized Roundabout Circulation, you do not have time to change lanes to the right to turn right, it is better to go to the second circle, but do not cut off the path of transport on the right.


    If you decide to overtake a vehicle in front, make sure there is no vehicle behind you that is starting to overtake or moving faster than you. Before overtaking, move the vehicle slightly to the left and make sure there is a clear path in the area being overtaken. Turn on the left turn indicator light in advance, and not simultaneously with the start of the maneuver, so that traffic participants know about your intentions. When overtaking, increase your speed to reduce maneuver time. If you see that overtaking is dragging on, do not insist that the driver of the vehicle being overtaken slow down and let you pass. In this case, it is wiser to slow down yourself and return to your lane.

    After overtaking, return to your lane only when you see the vehicle you overtook in your rearview mirror. Change lanes smoothly, without sharp turns.

    Using the brakes

    Learn to brake smoothly without locking up the wheels. It is even better to use smooth braking with service brakes while shifting to lower gears. This technique ensures vehicle directional stability even on slippery road sections and, in addition, contributes to fuel economy, increases the life of tires and brake linings.

    Experienced drivers, regardless of the presence of additional brake lights, anticipating the possibility of applying service brakes, first touch the brake pedal several times before the brake lights come on, in order to draw the attention of drivers following him, to be ready to slow down.

    The braking distance depends on the reliability of the braking system itself, the condition of the tire tread, the vehicle load, the road profile, the type and condition of the road surface, and the speed of the vehicle. The braking distance increases in proportion to the square of the speed, i.e. if the speed doubles, the braking distance increases fourfold.

    If, with serviceable suspensions, adjusted front wheel alignment angles and normal air pressure in the tires, when braking, the car pulls to the side and you need to turn the steering wheel to maintain the direction of movement, it is necessary to revise the service brakes.

    Getting behind the wheel of another car for the first time, check the operation of the brakes on a free section of the road at speeds of 40, 60 and 80 km / h, which is necessary to assess the condition of the brakes and acquire the first skill.

    To avoid “sticking” of the brake pads to the drums, do not park the car for a long time with the parking brake on.

    To prevent brake pads from freezing to the drums after driving on wet roads with sudden temperature fluctuations, do not leave the car in an open area with the parking brake applied without drying the brakes by gently braking when driving to the parking lot.


    Sharp accelerations and decelerations, insufficient or high air pressure, neglect of wheel alignment, imbalance, driving at high speeds on rough roads, incorrectly set front wheel angles significantly reduce tire life. On worn tires, driving becomes dangerous, because during rain the tread does not have time to let water through at a certain speed, the tire runs into a water wedge that drives ahead of itself, and loss of traction occurs (hydroplaning effect).

    Car and alcohol

    It is unacceptable to drive a car in a state of intoxication, as well as in a state of a hangover. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 60% of road traffic accidents are associated with the use of alcohol by transport drivers. Under the influence of even a small amount of alcohol (50 g of vodka or a glass of beer, equivalent to a mild degree of intoxication), the driver's reaction time increases by an average of 3 times. In a state of intoxication, the driver’s coordination of the movement of arms and legs is disturbed, the ability to visually determine the distance is lost, carelessness appears, incorrect perception of the environment, feelings are dulled, the field of vision is narrowed.

    No less dangerous is the driver behind the wheel in a state of a hangover, when a person is essentially sick: he experiences nausea, a headache, his hands tremble, movements are uncertain and inaccurate, the perception of time and distance is disturbed, his mood is depressed.

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