Aksakov and his works for children. Aksakov's works

Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov entered the literature as the author of poems and stories, but he became famous thanks to the kind and bright fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower". The author grew and matured along the way with his time, and his entire creative life reflects the history of Russian literature during the period of the writer's life. Our literature remembers in him one of his most talented memoirists, an unsurpassed writer of everyday life, a wonderful writer who writes about nature and, most importantly, as a classic of the Russian language.

Love for his works is still alive and finds its admirers among people of different ages. Aksakov tried to write simply and clearly, but he also perfectly knew the full power of the great and mighty Russian language. Since the author's works are included in the school curriculum, people start reading Aksakov's stories and fairy tales from elementary school. His works help children develop their imagination and take care of nature.

One of the favorite pleasures of the Russian people is to look at the flood of hollow water. “The river has moved ...” - is passed from mouth to mouth, and the whole village, from small to large, will pour out onto the shore, no matter what the weather, and for a long, long time motley, poorly dressed crowds stand, look, admire, accompanying each the movement of ice with your assumptions or fun ...

“Be eager, be amused, console yourself with this good fun, very funny, and whatever, and cheerfully, so that all sorts of sorrows and sorrows do not overcome you. Choose your days, travel often, let loose, do not get lazy and boring, so that the birds do not forget their wise and red prey. O my glorious advisers and reliable and wise hunters...

Speaking of swamp game, I will often mention the place of its residence, that is, the swamps. I will give them different names: clean, dry, wet, etc., but for people who are not really familiar with them, such epithets will not explain the matter, and therefore I want to talk first about the qualities of swamps, which are very diverse. Swamps are clean...

The water bird is the closest neighbor to the marsh bird; brings out children, if not in swamps, then always in swampy places, and therefore I immediately turn to her, although in the general category of game, according to her dignity, she should occupy the last place. The long oval of the shuttle-like camp, the device of all members of the body, the abundance of down and feathers, covered with thin...

Coming to the description of the game, I consider it best to start with the best, that is, with the marsh, which I have already spoken about, and moreover, with the snipe, or, more correctly, with all three types of this noble breed, which differs sharply and takes precedence among all the rest. I mean the snipe, the snipe and the harp, similar to each other in feathers, warehouse, in general ...

All forest game live more or less in the forest, but some species never leave it. So, I will first consider and determine, as far as I can, the difference between forests and forest species. I said about water that it is "the beauty of nature"; almost the same can be said about the forest. The complete beauty of any locality lies precisely in the combination of water with forest. Nature is so...

Aksakov Sergei Timofeevich was born in 1791 in Ufa, and died in Moscow in 1859. This is a Russian writer, public figure, official, memoirist, literary critic, and also the author of books about hunting and fishing, collecting butterflies. He is the father of the Slavophiles, and of the writers Ivan, Konstantin and Vera Aksakov.

In this article we will consider the works of Aksakov in chronological order.


During the years 1820-1830, the main creative activity of Sergei Timofeevich were translations, as well as literary and theatrical criticism, several poems were created. He wrote his first significant work only in 1833. It was the essay "Buran", published a year later anonymously in an almanac called "Right Hand". The basis of this work of Aksakov is a real event, which the writer knew from the words of his eyewitnesses. Already this essay carried the main features of the subsequent work of the author, the main of which was an interest in reality. In this work, the characteristic properties of Aksakov's poetics are already outlined, by which we recognize this author. S. Mashinsky wrote about this creation that the picture of the storm was drawn with such expressive power, conciseness of colors and courageous simplicity, as only Pushkin could write in prose until then.

After publication, the work received very high marks from various critics. Alexander Sergeevich himself appreciated Aksakov's description of the snowstorm. Later, 20 years later, Leo Tolstoy will turn to the experience of this author when creating the story "The Snowstorm".

We continue to describe the works of Aksakov. Their list will be supplemented by "Notes" about hunting and fishing. From the end of the 1830s, a new period began in Aksakov's life. He, as he dreamed, left the public service, concentrating entirely on the conduct of family and economic affairs.

"Fishing Notes"

Aksakov's works undergo significant thematic changes in the 1940s. Then he began to create the "Family Chronicle", and later, in 1845, he decided to write a book on fishing. Work on it was completed a year later, and in 1847 it was published under the title "Notes on Fishing". In form, this work is a selection of essays by a fisherman. This creation of Aksakov was met with unanimous approval. A substantially supplemented and revised edition was published in 1854 under the title Notes on Fishing, and two years later a third appeared.

"Notes of a gun hunter"

The works of Aksakov, the list of which we are compiling, will be supplemented by a book called Notes of a Rifle Hunter. In 1849, Sergei Timofeevich began work on a work about hunting. It was printed in 1852. In style, this creation resembled the previous one: its chapters were essays. This book also soon became popular, and the circulation of this work was instantly sold out. And again rave reviews from various critics, including Gogol, Turgenev, Chernyshevsky.

"Family Chronicle"

In 1840, Aksakov began to create the "Family Chronicle". However, then his attention switched to the aforementioned books on hunting and fishing, and only in 1852 did work on these memoirs resume.

Separate episodes of Aksakov's work were published as they were written in periodicals. A small excerpt was already printed in 1846, and in 1854 the first episode from the Family Chronicle appeared in the Moskvityanin, followed by the fourth (in the Russkaya Conversation in 1856) and the fifth (in the Russkiy Vestnik in 1856). year). At the same time, Memories were published, which later became the third, separate book of the trilogy.

The second edition, published in 1856, included two more extracts from this work, which finally acquired its final form.

The release of "Family Chronicle" was associated with censorship friction. Aksakov also feared the reaction of his neighbors and relatives, who did not want family secrets to be made public. Therefore, the writer changed many geographical names and faces. The book acquaints the reader with a picture of the landowner life in the provinces. took an important place in Russian literature, meeting with an enthusiastic reception from both critics and readers.

"Childhood of Bagrov-grandson"

This work was created in the period from 1854 to 1856. The author wanted to create a unique book for children, which should be written as if for adults, not faked for the age of the audience, with no moralizing. The birth of this work by Aksakov for children took place in 1858. The book shows the transformation of the hero's inner world with age.

Aksakov's tales, the list of which, strictly speaking, consists of only one work, are considered by some to be numerous for some reason. This is understandable: only an experienced author could create such a beautiful fairy tale. Aksakov was very experienced, but he worked mainly in other genres. This work was posted by the author as an appendix to the book "Childhood of Bagrov-grandson". Aksakov's works for children, as you can see, are not numerous, but very interesting and popular even today.

The idea of ​​"The Scarlet Flower" is an artistic adaptation (not the first) of the famous story about the meeting of the beauty and the beast. It was published many times separately, becoming the most published work of Sergei Timofeevich and creating the myth of "Aksakov's fairy tale".

Other works

The work on the trilogy inspired the writer, who came up with the idea of ​​another memoir work dedicated to the period of his life in 1820-1830. However, he did not have time to bring it to life, but in the course of work he created a number of interesting memoir essays. "Acquaintance with Derzhavin", "Biography of M.N. Zagoskin" and "Recollection of M.N. Zagoskin" appeared in 1852.

In the period from 1856 to 1858, the author created memoir essays that continued the series about A. S. Shishkov, Ya. E. Shusherin and G. R. Derzhavin. This book was published in the "Russian Conversation" in parts, and then, in 1858, was included in the collection entitled "Various Works of S. T. Aksakov." This time, the memoirs were met without enthusiasm by critics, including N. A. Dobrolyubov. The author was accused of partiality and subjectivity in relation to his friends of youth.

Latest works

"Collecting Butterflies" - a story written in 1858 for the collection "Bratchina", a charity publication in favor of students at Kazan University. This creation adjoins thematically to the author's university memoirs. It appeared after his death. Aksakov, 4 months before his death, dictated another work - "Essay on a Winter Day". "Meeting with the "Martinists" was the last work published during the life of Sergei Timofeevich and published in the "Russian conversation" in 1859.

Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich (1791-1859)

Russian writer, theater and literary critic, statesman, author of books about fishing and hunting. He became famous as a writer from the essay "Buran", published in 1834. In the 1930s, he inherited an estate and began writing notes about fishing and hunting. His eyesight fails him and most of his writings are written down from dictation by his daughter.

Aksakov's fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower"

Aksakov has few fairy tales, he became famous as a storyteller thanks to his masterpiece - the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower", a Russian interpretation of the European fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast". Many cartoons have been made based on this story. Aksakov dedicated this fairy tale to his granddaughter, the original name of the fairy tale is "Olenkin's flower". Aksakov heard this tale in childhood from the housekeeper Pelageya. After the publication of the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower", Aksakov gained worldwide fame. Perhaps there is no child in the world who would not know this beautiful tale of love.

Aksakov's Tales read online

All Aksakov's fairy tales presented on our website are collected from open sources on the Internet, any fairy tale can be read online for free and without registration. All fairy tales of Aksakov with colorful illustrations and brief content.

Tales of Aksakov list:

Tales of Aksakov


adventure Aksakov's fairy tale about the magic The Scarlet Flowerand its terrible owner - an enchanted prince in the guise of a monster. Based on thefairy tales scarlet flowermany cartoons have been made. A rich merchant went on his business to the thirtieth kingdom, and his daughters ordered him to bring overseas gifts. And the choice of the youngest and most beloved daughter of the merchant fell onThe Scarlet Flower. The merchant fulfilled the wishes of all his daughters, but having found and pluckedflower Scarletincurred the wrath of an overseas monster, the ownerscarlet flower. The monster wanted to kill the merchant forThe Scarlet Flower, but then she set a condition - to send one of her daughters to live with him instead of herself, otherwise the merchant would die. The merchant returned, told everything to his daughters, and the youngest daughter volunteered to live with the monster. It did not offend her, but was an obedient slave and fulfilled all her desires. After some time, the daughter missed her father and asked to go home to visit her father. The monster let her go, but warned that if after 3 days she did not return, he would die, because he loved her and could live without her. The daughter kept her word and returned to the monster a minute before the deadline, but found him lifeless. She began to feel sorry for him and said that she loved him. After these words, the monster turned into a handsome prince, the spell fell off him. And they lived happily ever after.

Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich came into being in October 1 1791 in Ufa, and died in Moscow in 1859 -m. This is a Russian writer, public figure, official, memoirist, literary critic, and also the author of books about hunting and fishing, collecting butterflies. He is the father of the Slavophiles, public figures and writers Ivan, Konstantin and Vera Aksakov.

In this article we will consider the works of Aksakov in chronological order.


During the years 1820-1830, the main creative activity of Sergei Timofeevich were translations, as well as literary and theatrical criticism, several poems were created. He wrote his first significant work only in 1833. It was the essay "Buran", published a year later anonymously in an almanac called "Right Hand". The basis of this work of Aksakov is a real event, which the writer knew from the words of his eyewitnesses. Already this essay carried the main features of the subsequent work of the author, the main of which was an interest in reality. In this work, the characteristic properties of Aksakov's poetics are already outlined, by which we recognize this author. S. Mashinsky wrote about this creation that the picture of the storm was drawn with such expressive power, conciseness of colors and courageous simplicity, as only Pushkin could write in prose until then. After publication, the work received very high marks from various critics. Alexander Sergeevich himself appreciated Aksakov's description of the snowstorm. Later, 20 years later, Leo Tolstoy will turn to the experience of this author when creating the story "The Snowstorm".

We continue to describe the works of Aksakov. Their list will be supplemented by "Notes" about hunting and fishing. From the end of the 1830s, a new period began in Aksakov's life. He, as he dreamed, left the public service, concentrating entirely on the conduct of family and economic affairs.

"Fishing Notes"

Aksakov's works undergo significant thematic changes in the 1940s. Then he began to create the "Family Chronicle", and later, in 1845, he decided to write a book on fishing. Work on it was completed a year later, and in 1847 it was published under the title "Notes on Fishing". In form, this work is a selection of essays by a fisherman. This creation of Aksakov was met with unanimous approval. A substantially supplemented and revised edition was published in 1854 under the title Notes on Fishing, and a third appeared two years later.

"Notes of a gun hunter"

In 1849, Sergei Timofeevich began work on a work about hunting. It was printed in 1852. In style, this creation resembled the previous one: its chapters were essays. This book also soon became popular, and the circulation of this work was instantly sold out. And again rave reviews from various critics, including Gogol, Turgenev, Chernyshevsky.

"Family Chronicle"

In 1840, Aksakov began to create the Family Chronicle. However, then his attention switched to the aforementioned books on hunting and fishing, and only in 1852 did work on these memoirs resume. Separate episodes of Aksakov's work were published as they were written in periodicals. A small excerpt was already printed in 1846, and in 1854 the first episode from the Family Chronicle appeared in the Moskvityanin, followed by the fourth (in the Russkaya Conversation in 1856) and the fifth (in the Russian Messenger in 1856). year). At the same time, Memories were published, which later became the third, separate book of the trilogy. The second edition, published in 1856, included two more extracts from this work, which finally acquired its final form. The release of "Family Chronicle" was associated with censorship friction. Aksakov also feared the reaction of his neighbors and relatives, who did not want family secrets to be made public. Therefore, the writer changed many geographical names and faces. The book acquaints the reader with a picture of landowner life in the provinces. This trilogy has taken an important place in Russian literature, meeting with an enthusiastic reception from critics and readers alike.

"Childhood of Bagrov-grandson"

This work was created in the period from 1854 to 1856. The author wanted to create a unique book for children, which should be written as if for adults, not faked for the age of the audience, with no moralizing. The birth of this work by Aksakov for children took place in 1858. The book shows the transformation of the hero's inner world with age. Aksakov's tales, the list of which consists, strictly speaking, of only one work - "The Scarlet Flower", some consider for some reason numerous. This is understandable: only an experienced author could create such a beautiful fairy tale. Aksakov was very experienced, but he worked mainly in other genres. This work was posted by the author as an appendix to the book "Childhood of Bagrov-grandson".Aksakov's works for children, as you can see, are not numerous, but very interesting and popular even today.

The idea " scarlet flower» is an artistic adaptation (not the first) of the famous story about the meeting of the beauty and the beast. It was published many times separately, becoming the most published work of Sergei Timofeevich and creating the myth of "Aksakov's fairy tale." The list of creations of this author is not yet complete; after writing this work, he created others.

Other works

The work on the trilogy inspired the writer, who came up with the idea of ​​another memoir work dedicated to the period of his life in 1820-1830. However, he did not have time to bring it to life, but in the course of work he created a number of interesting memoir essays. "Acquaintance with Derzhavin", "Biography of M.N. Zagoskin" and "Recollection of M.N. Zagoskin" appeared in 1852. In the period from 1856 to 1858, the author created memoir essays that continued the series about A. S. Shishkov, Ya. E. Shusherin and G. R. Derzhavin. This book was published in the "Russian Conversation" in parts, and then, in 1858, was included in the collection entitled "Various Works of S. T. Aksakov." This time, the memoirs were met without enthusiasm by critics, including N. A. Dobrolyubov. The author was accused of partiality and subjectivity in relation to his friends of youth.

Latest works

"Collecting Butterflies" is a story written in 1858 for the collection "Bratchina", a charitable publication in favor of students at Kazan University. This creation adjoins thematically to the author's university memoirs. It appeared after his death. Aksakov, 4 months before his death, dictated another work - "Essay on a Winter Day". “Meeting with the “Martinists” was the last work published during the lifetime of Sergei Timofeevich and published in Russkaya Conversation in 1859.

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