A series of plot pictures on the development of speech. Collection of VKR development of coherent speech through plot pictures

The picture has great importance in the development of speech, primarily due to its concreteness, visibility.

The picture creates the basis for the conscious mastery of the word, reinforces and clarifies the word used by the children to express their thoughts.



Painting as a means of developing the speech of preschoolers.

The picture is of great importance in the development of speech, primarily due to its concreteness and clarity.

The picture creates the basis for the conscious mastery of the word, reinforces and clarifies the word used by the children to express their thoughts.

Stories based on the picture contribute to the development of figurative thinking and figurative speech.

Children are faced with the task of inflecting nouns, conjugating verbs, and agreeing adjectives with nouns. According to Ushinsky, the picture puts in order a discordant phrase. The painting is one of effective means development of observation, attention.

When examining and discussing pictures, the teacher also solves educational problems.

To prepare children for life is not only to give them certain knowledge, develop skills, teach them to work, harden them physically and morally, but also instill a love for art. This is possible only when children learn to independently and correctly understand the pictorial canvas, will be able to determine their attitude to artistic images. In the classroom for familiarization with the picture, the teacher develops active attitude to life, teaches children to see and correctly understand the beautiful not only in art, nature, but also in public life, teaches themselves to create beauty.

That is why the picture takes an increasing place in the educational process.

The picture quite deservedly won a strong place in preschool practice as a means of developing the speech of children.

An interesting picture affects the feelings of preschoolers, develops not only observation, but also imagination.

But any work with a picture will be useful only if it is carefully prepared for it.

The picture should be accessible to preschoolers in terms of content and so emotional as to cause a desire to speak out. The emotional perception of the picture by children is a stimulus for their creative activity.

For the description, the teacher must select pictures that are simple in composition with a limited number of people and objects depicted on it, mainly with a plot containing a conflict situation.

Children are more excited about the picturesque image that revives in their imagination life situations. That is why the works of artists dedicated to small children, close people, animals, nature are especially close to preschoolers, first of all.

A realistic landscape is always imbued with a living feeling, carries a peculiar and deep thought, and therefore excites various emotions. As practice shows, it is advisable to use such landscapes " March sun» Yuona, « Early spring» Ostroukhova, « gold autumn» Levitan. Organizing the work on the picture, the educator is based on children's impressions obtained as a result of observing nature.

The life experience of children is not only what they have seen and experienced, but also what they have learned and heard. One of the principles for selecting paintings is the closeness of the content of the painting and the literary work read to the children.

Work based on Vasnetsov's paintings "Bogatyrs", "The Knight at the Crossroads" is associated with listening to epics. Work on landscape paintings is associated with listening to poetic and musical works. Such work contributes to a deeper perception and understanding of works of art and painting.

Methods and techniques for working with a picture.

In working with a picture, the teacher adheres to approximately the following sequence.

1.Preparing children for the perception of the picture

2. Silent examination of the picture.

3. Free expression of children

4. Analysis painting canvas.

5. Vocabulary and stylistic work.

6. Collective planning.

7. Oral story based on the picture.

Before showing the children a picture, it is necessary to prepare them for the active perception of the work of painting. The picture should not be posted immediately, because. children will consider it, get distracted and lose interest in the work proposed by the teacher. In the introductory conversation, it is useful to briefly introduce preschoolers to the author of the picture or to the history of its creation.

The forms of communication of information about the life and work of the artist are varied: a story, a disk, an excerpt from any art book. In order to better convey to children the content of the picture, especially the landscape, it is necessary to rely on the children's personal observations of nature.

When preparing children for compiling a descriptive story, you can take an excursion with children to a forest or park. The objects of observation of children can be: earth, air, sky, snow, trees, birds. Even before looking at the picture, the children will be mentally transported to an environment similar to that depicted in the picture.

During the conversation, the teacher helps to find vivid words, figurative expressions to convey everything that they saw during the excursion.

In the introductory conversation, the educator often refers to literary works, the subject matter of which is close to the content of the analyzed picture. For example, consideration of Ostroukhov’s painting “Early Spring” is preceded by a conversation during which preschoolers recalled works about spring (Tyutchev “ spring waters" and etc.).

Before moving on to examining Shishkin's painting "Winter", you can read to children how poets and writers describe beauty winter nature(Pushkin " Winter evening”,“ Winter Morning ”, Nikitin“ Meeting of Winter ”). You can also draw a piece of music, remember proverbs, sayings, riddles.

We take "March" Levitan. We note changes in nature, listen to Pushkin's "Driven by spring rays." And then we listen to Tchaikovsky's "The Seasons", "Snowdrop". Then a conversation.

What do you imagine when you listen?

How does the melody sound in Tchaikovsky's music? (timidly, tenderly)

Then, after the conversation, the picture "March" is offered. All this should set the guys up for a more complete and deep perception of the picture.

Analysis of the picture is the fourth stage of work. The problem of analyzing a painting is one of the main problems in solving the problems of educating thinking, the culture of oral and written speech, and the aesthetic taste of children. Skillful analysis of the picture, directed by the teacher, is one of the active means that helps to master the ability to think and speak figuratively. Analysis of the canvas is carried out in the process of conversation or story of the educator. The conversation helps children to see, feel and comprehend the work of art more subtle, deeper.

By asking questions, the teacher reveals the relationship between the objects depicted in the picture. In addition to questions related to the specific content of the picture, questions should be asked that encourage children to express their impressions. What impression does the picture make on you? What mood does the painting evoke for you? What impression does the landscape in the picture make on you? And then you need to find out why such a mood is created? The theme of the picture is revealed. It is not always possible for preschoolers to determine the theme of the picture on their own. This assignment can help. Title the picture, because In the title for the most part thought is expressed. By the names that the children offer, we can conclude how they understood the main content of the picture, how they managed to generalize what they saw. It is useful to carry out such work twice: before and after analyzing the picture. Comparison of these two names will show how deeply and correctly preschoolers understood the content.

Sometimes you can do it differently: tell the children the name, and ask why the artist called the painting that way. Often the title speaks not only about the content of the picture, but also about the artist's intention, about what he considered the most important. One may ask why Shishkin I.I. called his painting “In the Wild North”, and not just “Pine”? It is necessary to remember the first line from Lermontov's poem “In the north, a lonely pine tree stands wild. This is the Lermontov pine, which dreams of a distant sunny land, is depicted on Shishkin's canvas. The title of the painting helps to understand the expressed feeling of melancholy and loneliness.

The picture has special figurative means, like any other art. Children should perceive it aesthetically. The teacher, working with the picture, should use the knowledge of children on fine arts. (-How is the picture built? What color prevails? Which colors are cold and which are warm? Where is the main thing in the picture actor? Who is in charge? How did the artist show? Who does he single out?)

Questions should be feasible for preschoolers. The purpose of questions is to help mental development children, to promote and strengthen their knowledge, shape their grammatical thinking and improve their speech. This task obliges the teacher to bring his questions into the system in the classroom, but also to limit their number. The main thing is not quantity, but accuracy and consistency.

One of the effective methods of working with a picture is comparison, during which the children begin to develop their own attitude towards the work. Comparisons can be made in different ways: two or more paintings, comparison of paintings and artwork, paintings and music. Comparison can be carried out in order to identify differences or establish similarities in the paintings under consideration. Sometimes a comparison is used to make it easier to understand. ideological orientation. The comparison technique is successful when working with Grabar's painting " february blue"," March "Levitan.

Initially, work is underway only on Grabar's painting. (Levitanovsky "March" is not displayed). The name of Grabar's painting is not reported. After listening to the first statements of preschoolers about the picture, the teacher asks questions:

What time of year did the artist depict?

What time of day?

How are birch trunks painted?

On what background did the artist depict them?

The title of the painting is given. The meaning of the word "azure" is clarified, cognate words (azure) and synonyms (blue, light blue) are selected. Here you can tell about the history of the creation of the picture.

Then comes the question:

Does the painting live up to its title?

Then a reproduction of the painting "March" is hung out.

What changes do you notice in this picture?

How can you tell if it's spring?

How did Levitan convey the awakening of nature?

What colors did you use?

It is necessary to compare the colors of Grabar and Levitan.

Analysis of the picture in the process of conversation is the most common, almost the only method of working on a picture. However, it is necessary to diversify the techniques and methods, and not to forget about the power of the spoken word. The teacher's lively story about the picture enriches perception, awakens preschoolers to active verbal action. The speech of the teacher serves as a model of the statement about the picture.

Familiarization with the story plan is the fifth stage of work.

An oral story based on a painting is the sixth stage of the work. It is necessary to involve as much as possible in the oral story more guys. At this stage, it is vocabulary work, work on the construction of proposals. It is necessary to take into account the capabilities of weak children. They should take part in oral work with all the children, and then they should be given a facilitated individual task.

Analysis is the eighth stage of work.

Speech development of students is facilitated by exercises of various types.

I group of exercises - the formation of the ability to determine the topic.

  1. silent contemplation
  2. Looking to the music
  3. Mental reproduction of the previously considered picture (close your eyes and imagine)
  4. What sounds can be heard when looking.
  5. What would you like to do if you were in this picture?
  6. Definition of the topic (what do you see?)

Group II - the formation of the ability to compare, generalize.

  1. Comparison of the theme of a poem, a fairy tale, a story and a painting
  2. Comparison of the mood of a painting and a piece of music
  3. Comparison of the main idea of ​​the picture with proverbs
  4. Comparison of paintings and different moods
  5. Comparison of images created by the same artist, but in different paintings

Group III - the formation of the ability to analyze the picture

  1. Name Explanation
  2. Inventing your own name, comparison with the author
  3. Multiple heading selection
  4. Definition by content title
  5. Color gamut analysis
  6. Identification of the character's character based on his appearance (poses, facial expressions, clothes)

Group IV - vocabulary enrichment exercises

  1. The game "Say the opposite" (selection of antonyms)
  2. Selection of synonyms for color definition
  3. Selection of words by microthemes
  4. Selection of adjectives or verbs to describe the object.

  1. Teaching preschoolers the ability to coherently and consistently, grammatically and phonetically correctly express their thoughts is one of the main tasks of speech therapy influencing children with OHP.
  2. Teaching storytelling from a picture or a series of plot pictures plays an important role in the development of coherent speech of preschoolers with OHP.
  3. The picture is one of the main attributes of the educational process at the stage preschool childhood.
  4. Pictures for working with children are distinguished by format, subject matter, content, nature of the image and functional method of application.
  5. When choosing paintings, one should take into account the gradualness (transition from more accessible to complex plots). Their content should be related to the surrounding reality of the child.
  6. The picture in its various forms, with skillful use, allows you to stimulate all aspects of the child's speech activity.

One of the main tasks of speech therapy impact on children with OHP is to teach them to coherently and consistently, grammatically and phonetically correctly express their thoughts, talk about events from the life around them. It has importance for schooling, communication with adults and children, the formation of personal qualities.

Each child must learn to express his thoughts in a meaningful, grammatically correct, coherent and consistent way. At the same time, children's speech should be lively, direct, expressive.

The ability to tell helps the child to be sociable, overcome silence and shyness, develops self-confidence. Coherent speech is understood as a detailed presentation of a certain content, which is carried out logically, consistently and accurately, grammatically correct and figuratively. Teaching storytelling through a series of plot pictures plays an important role in the development of coherent speech in preschoolers. The famous teacher K.D. Ushinsky said: "Give a child a picture, and he will speak."

It is well known what enormous significance the experience and personal observation of a child have for the development of his thinking ability and speech. Pictures expand the field of direct observation. The images and representations they evoke are, of course, less vivid than those given by real life but, in any case, they are incomparably more vivid and definite than the images evoked by a bare word. There is no way to see life in all its manifestations with your own eyes. That is why paintings are so valuable and their significance is so great.

The picture is one of the main attributes of the educational process at the stage of preschool childhood. With its help, children develop observation, improve thinking, imagination, attention, memory, perception, replenish the stock of knowledge and information, develop speech, contribute to the formation of specific concepts, ideas (S.F. Russova), contribute to the development of mental processes, enrich sensory experience.

In the methodology for the development of speech of preschoolers, according to researchers O.I. Solovyova, F.A. Sokhina, E.I. Tiheeva, the use of paintings plays a leading role.

Classes with children according to plot pictures occupy a leading place in the methodology for developing the speech of children. The child willingly translates his experiences into speech. This need is an accomplice in the development of his language. Considering the plot picture, the child talks all the time. The teacher must support this children's conversation, he must speak with the children himself, by leading questions to guide their attention and language

Let us dwell in more detail on the types of paintings that are used in educational process in a preschool.

Pictures for working with children are distinguished according to the following criteria:

  • by format: demonstration and handouts;
  • by subject: the natural or objective world, the world of relations and art;
  • by content: artistic, didactic; subject, plot;
  • by the nature of the image: real, symbolic, fantastic, problem-mysterious, humorous;
  • according to the functional method of application: an attribute for a game, a subject of discussion in the process of communication, an illustration for a literary or piece of music, didactic material in the process of learning or self-knowledge of the environment.

When choosing plot pictures in order to enrich ideas, concepts and develop the language, strict gradualness should be observed, moving from accessible, simple plots to more difficult and complex ones. Their content should be accessible to children, connected with the life of the kindergarten, with the surrounding reality of the child. For collective stories, paintings with sufficient material are selected: multi-figured, which depict several scenes within the same plot.
By examining sequentially displayed pictures, children learn to build logically complete parts of the story, which eventually form a coherent narrative. In the classroom, handouts are also used, for example, subject pictures that each child receives.

Kindergarten should strive to ensure that he has a selection of paintings that can satisfy all the requirements of the current work. In addition to the paintings assigned for hanging on the wall, there should be a selection of plot paintings, classified by topic, the purpose of which is to serve as material for holding certain methodical lessons. For these purposes, postcards, pictures cut out from worn-out books, magazines, even newspapers, and pasted on cardboard, mounted from parts of posters, can serve. Teachers who are graphic literate can draw simple, uncomplicated pictures themselves.

So, the picture in its various forms, with skillful use, allows you to stimulate all aspects of the child's speech activity.

Classes in a painting or a series of plot paintings are important in the system of teaching storytelling.

Theme: Narration based on the painting "Horse with a foal", from the series "Pets", author S.A. Veretennikova.

At the beginning of the lesson, the children easily guessed the riddle about the horse:

She is slim and proud

There are hooves, there is also a mane.

The children were able to justify the answer. Bringing the picture into the lesson caused a lot of emotions. The picture "Horse with a foal" made a great impression on the children, so they were happy to talk about it. In the process of storytelling, we were able to achieve complete answers, saturated with epithets and various turns, demonstrating our sample of the story.

With interest passed the game "Who has whom?". The children were not mistaken in naming the baby animals, only "lamb" and "piglet" caused difficulty.

Analyzing the answers of children to questions based on the story of E.I. Charushin "Horse", we are faced with the fact that not all children can answer questions such as: What did you like about the story? Why do you think so? Therefore, I gave my sample answer to the question, giving the child the opportunity to answer subsequent questions on his own, based on my example.

Children freely named baby animals in singular. Difficulties caused the names of animals in the accusative case plural. For example: a lot of tiger cubs, wolf cubs. We had to repeatedly correct the children. In the end, we got all the children correct answers.

Children with great desire described the hare and picked up epithets for the mood of the hare.

The work on compiling stories based on plot pictures was also interesting. We listened to the stories of three children. All stories were different and interesting. In the course of the story, we asked clarifying questions: Why did the hare return to the mink? What else could he come back for?

In the process of storytelling, we observed the grammatical correctness of speech: we corrected the children's mistakes and asked them to repeat the correct word.

Pictures depicting animals, in the names of which the sound "l" occurs, the children called correctly - the children have developed phonemic hearing.

Descriptive story.

A descriptive story based on pictures depicting a hare and a bear. From the picture with the image of a hare, we told ourselves, thereby giving a sample

story. The children added to our story. After our own story, we

were asked to tell two children from the same picture. According to the picture with the image of a bear, the children have already told on their own. We paid attention to detail, to the selection of epithets for the image of a bear. We think that this work was successful.

Comparative story.

A comparative story based on pictures with the image of two birds: a magpie and a sparrow.

Based on previous experience (descriptive stories), taking into account our requirements, the children described birds in great detail, figuratively and compared them: they found similarities and differences. We encouraged children to compare not only appearance, but also habits, and what the sparrow and magpie eat. After reading the poem by I. Grishashvili "Protect the birds", we had a conversation about how to protect the birds, take care of them.

The word game is nonsense.

The children enjoyed the word game a lot. The kids were fun and interesting. The following tales have been proposed:

The horse flies through the sky

The fish are walking across the field.

The bird floats on the sea

The ship is moving across the field, etc.

Children easily corrected fables, replacing words. After the fables we proposed, the children came up with their own, for example:

The hedgehog floats in the sky

The legs are walking across the field.

(This fiction was invented by Demin Kostya).

The game is a fiction, it was interesting not only for children, but also for us.

Individual work.

Drawing up a story based on a plot picture. The children were offered stories: N. Nosova "Live Hat" and N. Artyukhov "Coward".

The story "The Living Hat", the children retold after reading the work, based on the pictures. Then the task became more complicated: the children had to divide the story, which consisted of 6 pictures, into three parts - the beginning, the main part, the ending. The children tried to title each part, but the titles were not very successful, for example: "How the children saw the running hat" (Murashov D.); "When the boys ran away from the sofa" (M. Lobova). Seeing that children are unable to name parts of the story, we, as an example,

read a short story "The Whale" by S. Sakharnov and asked to come up with a title for the story. Then they read the real title of the story, and asked: Why is it called that? Together with the children, we divided the story into parts, and titled each.

The story "Coward", the children came up with pictures without reading, they themselves gave names to their story. For example: "Girl and dog", etc.

Then the task became more complicated: children need to divide the story, consisting of 4 pictures into three parts - the beginning, the main part, the ending.

Story poem "The Eagle and the Frog" using pictures.

Each word corresponded to a picture (except for conjunctions and prepositions). This method of memorizing a poem proved to be very effective: the children memorized the poem with ease. Usually, memorizing poems does not give children pleasure, and pictures allow you to learn a poem quickly and with interest.

Working with parents. Screen.

The screen includes 4 parts:

1. Appeal to parents, the topic of the screen and its rationale, statements by L.V. Vygotsky;

2. "You can develop coherent speech with the help of subject pictures." This section provides an example of a descriptive and comparative stories("Mushrooms");

3. "You can develop coherent speech with the help of plot pictures." This section provides an indicative list of questions that parents can ask their children to describe the plot pictures;

4. "Play with the child." Game-fiction "Is this true or not?". L. Stancheva. Literature is also indicated here, in which parents can find other fiction games for the development of children's speech.

The screen stood in the dressing room for two weeks, and was available to all parents. Mama Zvereva Y. asked: "What other pictures can be used to develop coherent speech?", "Is it possible to use illustrations in books for storytelling?"

Drawing a conclusion, we can say that the screen for parents was not made in vain.

Children's Program

Description of the picture: "Horse with a foal."

Purpose: To introduce children to a new picture; learn to compose a related story based on a picture; continue to teach children to guess riddles and justify guesses; to form the ability to explain the meaning of the saying; continue to teach children to answer questions about the read work (story by E.I.

Charushin "Horse"); fix the names of cubs of wild and domestic animals; to cultivate interest in viewing the picture; to cultivate a desire for storytelling in a picture; educate the culture of speech communication. Activation of the dictionary, clarification and consolidation of the dictionary (mane, hooves, horseshoe, cart, nostrils); vocabulary enrichment (farmer, dairy farm, harnessed).

Looking at scene pictures.

Purpose: To teach children to compose a plot story from a picture; develop the ability to independently invent events preceding the depicted and subsequent ones; continue to learn to guess riddles and explain their riddles; fix the names of animals and cubs; to exercise children in the use of the names of baby animals in genitive case singular and plural, in the selection of comparisons and definitions for a given word, as well as synonyms and antonyms; to fix the correct pronunciation of the sound "l" in words and phrasal speech. To cultivate interest in looking at pictures, the desire to compose an independent story from pictures, the ability to work in pairs, the culture of verbal communication. Activation, clarification, consolidation and enrichment of the dictionary (weaving, wandering).

A descriptive story based on pictures depicting a hare and a bear.

Purpose: To continue to teach children to look at pictures in detail; develop connected speech; answer the teacher's questions; activate the speech of children; select epithets for images of a hare and a bear; learn to speak emotionally, expressively; enrich vocabulary. To cultivate interest in looking at pictures, a desire to tell from a picture, a culture of verbal communication.

A comparative story based on pictures depicting two birds: a magpie and a sparrow.

Purpose: To develop the connected speech of children; activate the speech of children; learn to answer the teacher's questions; describe the paintings, observing the details; teach children to compare two birds; continue to learn to select epithets; enrich vocabulary. To cultivate interest in looking at pictures, a desire to tell from a picture, a culture of verbal communication.

Word game - fiction

Purpose: To acquaint children with fables; to teach children to find inconsistencies between fiction and reality; teach children to invent fables on their own; continue to activate speech; continue to teach children to answer the teacher's questions. To cultivate interest in fables, the desire to independently compose fables, the culture of speech communication.

Individual work

Drawing up a story based on plot pictures based on the work of N. Nosov

"Living Hat"

Purpose: To teach children to compose a story based on a work; independently title parts of the story; describe the characters of the characters, their moods; teach children to come up with their own ending to the story; to form the skills of selecting epithets, figurative expressions; teach children to answer the teacher's questions. To cultivate interest in storytelling from pictures, the ability to listen to a story, the culture of verbal communication, the ability to emotionally tell, empathize with the characters.

Drawing up a story based on pictures.

Purpose: To teach children to compose a story based on plot pictures; independently build the plot of each picture; title the story and each part; activate verbs expressing different states; to form skills to describe the characters of the characters and their moods; invent a story, going beyond the pictures (past, future); learn to answer the teacher's questions. To cultivate interest in storytelling from pictures, the culture of verbal communication, the desire to empathize with the characters.

The story of the poem "The Eagle and the Frog"

Purpose: To introduce children to a new poem; develop the memory and thinking of children; activate speech; teach to tell a poem based on pictures; arouse interest and desire to tell a poem from pictures.

2.3. The program of the forming experiment.


1. "Journey with signs."

Formation in children preschool age the ability to find similarities between objects, to compare objects according to several criteria; development of the imagination; educating the ability to listen to each other, wait their turn, follow the rules of the game.

The speech therapist invites the child to choose a picture and connect it to the train with the help of a sign wheel. Baby calls than two objects are similar in this feature. The game continues similarly as long as there are signs and children's interest. For example: How are a snail and a leaf similar? The back of the snail is rough in relief and the leaf is rough in relief. And how can a leaf and a boat be similar in terms of humidity? The ship is wet because it is in the water, and the leaf is wet after the rain.

2. "Describe the object."

Formation of the ability to describe an object according to the available features.

Children choose a card, name an object of the natural or man-made world, lay out signs and describe the object according to the available signs.

3. “Track of features”

Development of the ability to describe an object using the names of features in speech; correlate the meaning of the name of this attribute with a graphic designation; the formation in children of the ability to focus attention, to cultivate the skills of benevolence, independence.

Children choose cards with a sign and, on a signal, select the necessary objects according to their sign.

Children choose cards with a sign. The host shows the picture and asks: “Who has a fragrant pear?” ( blue car, rubber ball, fluffy cat). The child explains his answer, and if it is correct, he receives a picture, if not, then the children correct the mistake and the card is not counted. The winner is the one who first collected the track.

4. “Train of sounds”

Formation of the ability to build a line of objects according to a given sound, explain your choice.

We offer the child to select pictures of objects according to a given sound at the beginning of a word (further complication: in the middle, at the end of a word) and distribute them among the cars. At the next station, another sound is lucky - a letter and the children select other objects. And compose a story in which they will be present pictures-titles objects.

5. "Train of time".

To form the ability to build a line of development of events in time, in a logical sequence and encourage them to compose a story.

Invite the child to choose from 3 or more pictures, arrange them in the desired sequence and make up a story.

6. "Cryphers".

To develop the child's speech through the naming of the names of signs and their meanings. Talk about an object using icons - signs. Develop logical thinking, orientation in space, knowledge of directions clockwise, counterclockwise, left, right.

The child, using the chosen cipher card, finds the location of three signs. For example, the first red is clockwise, the second blue is counterclockwise, the third yellow is clockwise. We open the encrypted feature schemes and describe the object using them.

7. “Tell me about your new neighbor”

Exercise children in the ability to select a meaning for a sign, talk about an object using signs, develop coherent speech.

Children take a card, put a picture in an empty cell between the icons - signs and talk about a neighbor - an object in the picture according to nearby signs.

8. "Journey around the world."

To develop coherent speech, expand the horizons of children, consolidate knowledge about the natural and plant world.

With the help of an arrow, the child selects any corner of the planet and tells according to the plan in the form pictures - diagrams story.

9. "Sunshine"

Teach children how to read syllables, fix the sounds of speech.

The child reads a syllable, invents a word with a syllable, a sentence with this word, composes a story.

10. “Smart tablets”

To consolidate the idea of ​​children about the proposal, to exercise in making sentences from words according to a given scheme.

The child is asked to choose a picture, then the child inserts the picture into the bottom pocket of the first side, the adult gives the task to come up with a sentence according to the scheme, with an object and a sign on the card. AT initial stage, the sentence scheme consists of two words, a sign and an object. Then the sentence becomes more complicated, and it is made up of three words - object, sign and action.

When the child has mastered the composition of a sentence of three words, an adult suggests putting a sentence of 4 words, where the fourth word is a preposition.

11. “Come up with rhyming lines”

Teach children to make rhyming lines for a given phrase.

The speech therapist invites the children to choose any rhyming pair (to begin with - nouns) and compose a rhyme as follows: “There lived - there was someone and looked like something.”

12. “Magic words”.

Develop the ability to form, change, coordinate words.

The child is offered a card with which he can complete the appropriate task. The most convenient thing is that all these tasks can be used on any speech material, when working with any group of sounds. It is possible to approach the task differently, knowing the characteristics of children. This is a universal manual that can be used in all types of work (individually, with a group of children and frontally). First, children work with a color set, then with black and white

13. "Make a proposal."

To promote the development of the ability to distinguish between the structural components of speech, to develop the ability to build sentences of various structure.

This model helps the child to understand more easily, more consciously and faster the complex hierarchical structure of human speech (text, sentence, word, syllable, letter and sound); and learn the order of words in sentences of various types.

14. “Mnemonic Tracks”

Development of the ability to compose sequential retellings and stories, based on mnemonic tracks.

The child is invited to compose a story, the plan of which is laid out in the course of the story. Speech is accompanied by a mnemonic track

15. “Ask questions”

To promote the formation of skills to ask various types of questions to objects or processes, classifying them.

The child, using a card with a certain type of questions, learns to ask different types questions and formulate them correctly. Particular attention is paid to the place of the question word in the formulation of the question.

16. Rings of Lull

Promote enrichment vocabulary children, the formation of the correct grammatical structure of speech, the development of coherent speech of children.

The child is invited to combine the sectors on the large and small circles and complete the task (for example, “What first, what then ?, “Count the objects”, “Think up a story” .

17. "System operator".

Contribute to the assimilation of the object systematization model.

The table with nine screens offered to children helps children understand how to organize objects. Introduces children to the system (the object in the present, past and future), above the system (the place of the object in the present past and future) and the subsystem (parts of the object in the present, past and future). First, the children complete the table together with the teacher. Then, as you master the skills of schematization, independently.

18. "Composing a story according to the scheme."

Teach children to make descriptive stories about objects according to the scheme.

The child is invited to describe the object (natural or depicted in the picture) according to the scheme.

19. "Describe an object or phenomenon." (toys, animals, birds, clothes, vegetables and fruits, seasons, dishes)

Contribute to the assimilation of the model of compiling a descriptive story.

The child is asked to compose a story based on the diagram. This model is for the child a plan for compiling a descriptive story. Helps to fill it with content.

20. “Drawing up a story based on reference pictures”.

Formation of a coherent speech statement based on reference pictures.

The teacher writes a story. After the story, asks the children questions and helps them answer using other reference pictures. After that (perhaps in later sessions) some of the children could be asked to repeat the entire story.

One of the means of developing coherent speech is storytelling in a picture, many teachers and psychologists spoke about this: E. I. Tikheeva, E. A. Flerina, V. S. Mukhina, S. L. Rubinshtein, A. A. Lyublinskaya. The theme of the story based on a series of story paintings in different time engaged in such scientists as N. N. Poddyakov, V. V. Gerbova and others.

Relevance and significance At the heart of the storytelling in the picture is the perception of children around life. The picture not only expands and deepens children's ideas about social and natural phenomena, but also affects the emotions of children, arouses interest in storytelling, encourages even the silent and shy to speak.

Object: teaching preschoolers storytelling using pictures. Subject: the process of developing coherent speech of preschoolers in the classroom using pictures. Purpose: to study and analyze the impact of classes using pictures on the development of coherent speech in preschoolers. Methods: theoretical analysis psychological and pedagogical literature, observation, conversation.

SERIES OF PICTURES USED IN KINDERGARTEN: subject paintings - they depict one or more objects without any plot interaction between them (furniture, clothes, dishes, animals; "Horse with a foal", "Cow with a calf" from the series "Home animals "- author S. A. Veretennikova, artist A. Komarov). plot pictures, where objects and characters are in plot interaction with each other.

Reproductions of paintings by masters of art: - landscape paintings: A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"; I. Levitan "Golden Autumn", "March"; A. Kuindzhi " Birch Grove»; I. Shishkin "Morning in pine forest»; V. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka"; V. Polenov "Golden Autumn" and others; - still life: I. Mashkov "Ryabinka", "Still life with watermelon"; K. Petrov-Vodkin "Bird cherry in a glass"; P. Konchalovsky "Poppies", "Lilac at the window".

Requirements for the selection of pictures - the content of the picture should be interesting, understandable, educating a positive attitude towards the environment; - the picture must be highly artistic: images of characters, animals and other objects must be realistic; - the picture should be accessible not only in terms of content, but also in terms of image. There should be no pictures with an excessive pile of details, otherwise the children are distracted from the main thing.

General requirements to the organization of work with the picture: junior group kindergarten. 2. When choosing a plot, it is necessary to take into account the number of drawn objects: the younger the children, the fewer objects should be shown in the picture. 3. After the first game, the picture is left in the group for the entire time of studying with it (two to three weeks) and is constantly in the field of view of the children. 4. Games can be played with a subgroup or individually. At the same time, it is not necessary that all children go through every game with this picture. 5. Each stage of work (a series of games) should be considered as intermediate. The result of the stage: the child's story using a specific mental technique. 6. The final story can be considered a detailed story of a preschooler, built by him independently with the help of learned techniques.

Types of storytelling in the picture: 1. Description of subject pictures is a coherent sequential description of the objects or animals depicted in the picture, their qualities, properties, actions. 3. Story by serial story series pictures: the child talks about the content of each plot picture from the series, linking them into one story. 2. Description of the plot picture is a description of the situation depicted in the picture, which does not go beyond the content of the picture.

4. narrative story according to the plot picture: the child comes up with a beginning and an end to the episode depicted in the picture. He needs not only to comprehend the content of the picture, to convey it, but also to create previous and subsequent events with the help of imagination. 5. Description of the landscape painting and still life.

Teaching children to look at pictures The structure of the lesson Methodological techniques Jr., Wed. group St., prepared. group I part. Arouse interest and desire in children to look at the picture. Prepare them to receive it. II part. The examination of the picture consists of two parts. The goal of part 1 is to create a coherent view of the whole picture. Goal of Part 2: Establish connections and relationships. III part. Summarize in a coherent monologue the children's ideas about what they saw in the picture. Arouse the desire to tell yourself and listen to the stories of other children. questions, riddles, didactic games before submitting the picture. Artistic word. Entering a picture. Questions from the introduced character. An example of a teacher's story. Introductory conversation, children's questions (the answer is found in the picture). Puzzles, art word etc. Questions about the content of the picture. Teacher sample, partial sample, story outline, literary sample, collective storytelling.

Purpose: to exercise in guessing riddles, to form the ability to carefully examine the picture, reason about its content, compose a detailed story based on the picture, based on the plan; develop the ability to select words that are close in meaning, denoting the actions of objects; develop a sense of collectivism, healthy rivalry. Lesson (Appendix E) Topic: "Compilation of stories based on the painting "Cat with Kittens".

Activity (Appendix E) Topic: Compilation of stories based on a series of plot pictures “How the puppy found friends”. Purpose: To form the ability to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures (according to a given beginning). Exercise in the selection of adjectives for a noun; in the choice of words denoting action. Develop memory, attention.

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Cospect of GCD on the development of speech "Storytelling based on the painting by I. Shishkin" Winter ".

Kiseleva Evdokia Ivanovna, teacher of MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 4", Liski, Voronezh region.
Description: this summary allows you to teach children to correctly compose descriptive story by the picture. It will be useful to educators, teachers of fine arts, teachers additional education, parents. A conversation will help you talk with confidence about what you see and give confidence in your own abilities.
Target: the formation of the ability to compose a coherent, consistent story in the picture.
Tasks: continue to teach children to look at landscapes; help the emergence of an emotional mood in the process of their perception; lead to an understanding of the artistic image; to express their feelings caused by the picture; learn to select definitions, to answer the same question in different ways.

Lesson progress

Educator. Today we will talk about winter.

Guys, remember that it happens only in winter. Guess the riddle: "The white tablecloth covered the entire field." What's this?
(Children answer questions).
Educator. What is snow like?
Children. White, fluffy, clean, airy, heavy, sparkling.
Educator. What is a snowdrift? What are the snowdrifts? (Children answer)
What is the forest like in winter?
Children. Sleeping, fabulous, motionless, magical, mysterious, harsh, majestic.
Educator. What words can describe winter?
Children. Magical, fabulous, blizzard, frosty, sparkling, winter is a sorceress.

Children to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons" examine the picture. The teacher reads excerpts from poems, naming the authors.

F. Tyutchev
Enchanted winter
Bewitched, the forest stands -
And under the snowy fringe,
Motionless, dumb
He shines with a wonderful life.

S. Yesenin
Bewitched by the invisible
The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of the day.
Like a white scarf
The pine has tied up.
Bent over like an old lady
Leaned on a stick
And under the very crown
The woodpecker hammers at the bitch.

Educator. Here is a picture that was written by a Russian artist
I. Shishkin, he loved very much native nature. Think and say what is shown in the picture? (Answer children).

- How did the artist draw snow, sky, forest? (Answer children).
What title would you give the painting? Why? (Answer children).
- What is the mood of winter in the picture? (Answer children).
What feelings do they evoke in you? (Answer children).
Listen to my story about this painting.
“Great view of winter nature. Bushes and trees are covered with brilliant hoarfrost, on which the sun's rays glide, showering them with the cold brilliance of diamond lights. The air is soft. The forest is solemn, light and warm. The day seems to be slipping by. Bullfinches sit, ruffled, on trees covered with snow. The sky is very bright, almost white, it thickens towards the horizon and its color resembles lead ... snow clouds. In the forest it becomes more and more gloomy, everything is quieter, now - thick snow will fall. The whole earth is covered with shining, soft white snow. Only deep traces turn blue. The air is frosty, it seems to tingle cheeks with prickly needles.
Winter is magical. She enchants nature, decorates it with fabulous outfits ... "
Educator. Well, now you try to tell your story. What will you start with? How do you end the story?
(Children tell, the teacher evaluates the stories of children, based on the criteria: whether artistic image pictures, how coherent and figurative speech is, the degree of creativity in the description of the picture).
Educator. Each of you, in your own way, with the help of words, drew winter picture. And now we will sit down at the table and draw winter with pencils and paints.

The lesson is summed up.
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