Medicines to lower blood cortisol. Features of treatment and possible consequences

How to lower cortisol and why is it necessary? The hormone itself is produced by the adrenal glands mainly under the influence of stressful situations. For many people, it is vital, but under the influence of nervous overstrain, it can be produced too much. As a result, many organs and systems begin to suffer. A decrease in the indicator has a beneficial effect on overall well-being, due to which a person feels relaxed and calm.

There are several main reasons under the influence of which an increase in the level of the hormone can occur. A jump in the indicator negatively affects the general well-being of a person. This condition can be caused by:

  • starvation;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • coffee abuse.

The lack of normal nutrition leads to. This indicator is responsible for the level of cortisol. However, one starvation for the development of deviations is not enough. Usually this item closely interacts with others.

Constant stressful situations lower the level of the hormone. This happens because of the strong energy costs that the body undergoes. Constantly being in a tense state exhausts a person.

Excessive physical activity is considered a real stress for the body. The more intense the training, the more actively the hormone level begins to rise.

Coffee drinks affect cortisol, but this effect is temporary. Within a few hours, the condition returns to normal.

Usually, jumps in hormone levels are observed when several factors interact. In this case, you can lower cortisol by eliminating provocateurs.

Consequences of the disease

There are several major consequences that often occur with elevated hormone levels. These include:

  • intense loss of muscle mass;
  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • fat deposits that appear exclusively in the abdomen;
  • boost ;
  • low testosterone;
  • weakening of the protective functions of the body;
  • development of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • osteoporosis.

Intensive loss of muscle mass is due to a decrease in energy. This process consists in a gradual decrease in the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the body. Elevated cortisol contributes to the reduction of muscle mass in the first place.

The appearance of excess weight due to constant hunger. A person wants to eat something sweet. It is connected with. This process entails overeating and gaining excess body weight.

Accumulation of adipose tissue mainly in the abdomen. High cortisol leads to the accumulation of excess on the muscles. The gradual deterioration of the situation entails a change in the figure. As a result, the silhouette takes on the shape of an apple.

The development of diabetes. Cortisol can double your blood sugar levels. This negatively affects the work of the whole organism and leads to the development of a second type of disease.

Reducing testosterone levels is a merit.

The weakening of the protective functions of the body occurs due to the presence of a special property of cortisol. For some time, it can work as an anti-inflammatory agent, which causes damage to the immune system.

The development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. An increase in the hormone causes the body to work harder, which can lead to a pre-infarction state.

Finally, another consequence is osteoporosis. This is due to poor absorption of calcium. As a result, the bones become more fragile.

Therapeutic actions

How to lower cortisol levels on your own? It's actually an easy process. The first step is to reduce the intensity of physical activity. For normal health, 45-60 minutes is enough. The longer the workout lasts, the higher the cortisol levels.

To facilitate physical activity and enrich the body with additional energy, it is recommended to take carbohydrates. You can do this during your workout. But at the same time, its optimal duration should not exceed 1 hour.

Proper nutrition reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes in the body. Therefore, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of healthy fats, reduce the amount of coffee, alcohol and other stimulants. This applies to both women and men.

You can use special supplements that help reduce the hormone. Magnesium is used for these purposes, it is desirable to give preference to it during aerobic training. In the case of strength training, a positive result from the trace element is not observed.

It is important to be able to deal with stressful situations. Meditation and yoga allow you to learn to control your own body and emotions.

The last important factor is laughter. A good mood normalizes cortisol levels and allows you to get rid of stressful situations.

Normalization of the diet

It is quite possible to lower cortisol, and you do not need to take medications for this. So, the right diet is the basis of normal well-being.

The first step is to get rid of drinks with a high content of caffeine. This category includes carbonated water, energy drinks and coffee itself. These drinks help increase the hormone.

For normal health, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of processed foods. This expression refers to food with a high sugar content. The use of such food leads to an increase in blood glucose, which entails an intensive production of the hormone. It is recommended to control the intake of foods such as white bread, pasta, sweets and white rice.

Good health largely depends on the amount of fluid. You need to constantly drink water. In the course of research, it was revealed that it is dehydration that triggers a number of unpleasant situations. It entails stress, which intensively affects the work of the adrenal glands.

In order to reduce the level of the hormone, you should take drugs based on Rhodiola Rosea. This herbal plant helps to normalize hormone levels. In addition, it restores strength and affects body fat.

Eating fish oil can help lower your cortisol levels. Experts recommend taking about 2 grams of the drug daily. This is quite enough to normalize the functioning of the body.

Lifestyle changes

How to lower the level of the hormone, you need to know every person. To do this, it is recommended not only to reconsider the diet, but also the lifestyle. Experts have proven that the constant use of black tea normalizes the general condition. People who prefer this drink are the least susceptible to the negative effects of stressful situations. Therefore, in difficult moments, it is recommended to just drink tea.

A good way to bring order to your own thoughts is meditation. Yoga promotes maximum relaxation of the body. Systematic exercises help to cope with stressful situations.

Constant nervousness and irritability affect the standard of living of a person. Therefore, reducing the level of cortisol, you must try to make adjustments to your own behavior. More time should be spent on interesting activities. A funny movie or an interesting story distracts from problems and allows you to relax.

There are special exercises that affect the hormone cortisol. These include yoga and Pilates. Running and strength training, on the contrary, increase the level of the hormone.

Improves the general condition of the music. Therefore, in difficult periods of life, it is recommended to listen to your favorite tracks.

Hello healthy guys and girls! But even if one of you is not feeling healthy right now, this article can help you improve the situation for the better. Why? Yes, because we are talking about a substance that can seriously affect your well-being and the functioning of the whole organism. You should definitely know about it! So let's go...

In the modern world, stress is a constant companion of a person. Boring intro? Yes, I agree - let's get down to business. In short, let's talk about cortisol. This mysterious hormone helps us deal with stress.

The catch is that if the body produces this substance too high, it has the opposite effect, which is why it is otherwise called the “death hormone”, which slowly kills people. Let's figure out how to lower cortisol if it starts to go off scale, and find harmony by banishing chronic stress from your life. Well said, right? Move on...

In general, this harmful thing has a positive effect on the body. During unexpected stress, a small surge of a harmful substance occurs, after which a “second wind” opens up in a person.

As if out of nowhere, much-needed strength is taken, the brain begins to think feverishly, consciousness is enlightened. All this is essential for survival in extreme conditions.

However, if the negative situation drags on and gets out of control, cortisol begins to behave inappropriately, like an animal with rabies: the hormone begins to break down not only fats (which is one of its normal functions), but also proteins, as a result of which the internal tissues are destroyed. organs.

These are the unfortunate things that this hormone does. This substance is produced by our adrenal glands.

The rate of hormone content in the body

During the day, the level of cortisol in the blood is constantly changing. Its amount begins to grow even before dawn, when a person is in a state of sleep. This is necessary so that we wake up fresh and energetic. The hormone breaks down fats, producing glucose, and thus gives us energy for the whole day.

Gradually decreasing, by the evening the amount of this substance becomes quite insignificant. This is if everything goes on as usual, the mood remains even, the load on the body does not increase, and the person is not faced with difficult tasks that he was not ready to solve.

So, the normal level of the adrenal hormone in women is considered to be 140-600 nm / l. In addition, during pregnancy, the amount of this substance exceeds the norm by 5 times. And this is not a pathology, pregnancy is the same extreme situation during which all the forces of the body are thrown into bearing the fetus.

But what to do if the morning bus was overcrowded, you were late for the office, the boss reprimanded you and gave you overtime, on the way home you went to the store where you were rude ... - any of us can face all these factors every day, and Some people spend their whole day like this.

Constant stress, piling up from all sides, causes irritation and is incredibly tiring. However, when you go to the doctor's office complaining of chronic fatigue, don't be surprised to hear that you need to get your cortisol levels checked.

Circulating in the blood of the stronger sex, this hormone has an additional function: it suppresses the amount of androgens. This affects the ability to fertilize. The levels of this substance in the strong half of humanity also change during the day.

So, the amount of adrenal hormone in men in the morning is 170-535 nm / l, and in the evening - up to 330 nm / l.

The effect of physical activity on hormone levels

We all know how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In many ways, exercise helps to increase immunity. But fanatical training, on the contrary, suppresses the immune system.

This is especially true for professional athletes who are passionate about strength training (bodybuilding, arm wrestling, weightlifting, etc.).

The level of this hormone after training at an accelerated pace can jump as much as 50%. That is why after training you should not immediately run on business, increasing the level of stress received by the body during sports.

If the fitness center you visit has a sauna, take it to give your body a chance to relax and unwind. This relieves muscle tension, the heart rhythm calms down, cortisol levels normalize.

Measures aimed at reducing the amount of cortisol in the body

In general, the role of the hormone produced by the adrenal glands in our body is invaluable. It synthesizes energy, due to which a person is able to perform the most complex tasks throughout the day. It is used even by psychotherapists as an additional tool for the treatment of sick patients suffering from phobias.

When the level of the stress hormone (as cortisol is otherwise called) in the body is constantly high, negative results will not keep you waiting: your memory will begin to fail you, and constant fatigue will affect your appearance. The body will begin to break down: the thyroid gland will cease to perform its function, blood pressure will begin to "jump", the immune system will weaken.

To reduce the production of cortisol by the body, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Limit physical activity on the body, buy more time for rest.
  2. Bring more positive emotions into your life: watch comedies more often, communicate with positive people, avoid stressful situations.
  3. After exercising or at the end of a work day, try to relax by reading a book or chatting with friends.
  4. Listen to soothing, soothing music more often. Scientists have proven that the reasons for the decrease in cortisol are timely relaxation.
  5. Get enough hours of sleep. The balance of the hormone is normalized during the night's sleep, so do not neglect the opportunity to get a good night's sleep.

The above measures relate to changes in lifestyle. However, your diet should also be adjusted. There are foods that can help you lower your cortisol:

  • Black tea significantly lowers the level of this hormone.
  • The consumption of fish oil also contributes to the decrease. It is not necessary to take it with food in the form of special supplements, it is enough to diversify your diet by including fish dishes (salmon, sea bass, sardines are suitable).
  • If you have nothing against nutritional supplements, use products made on the basis of radiola rosea - it not only lowers the level of this harmful substance, but also burns fat.
  • The adrenal hormone will drop significantly if you drink at least two liters of water per day.

While trying to lower your hormone levels with healthy foods, don’t forget about those that you need to minimize: these are any drinks containing caffeine, sweet carbonated drinks, foods rich in carbohydrates - white bread, chocolate, sweet flour products, pasta, white rice etc.

As for coffee, coffee lovers can relax a little: the constant use of this drink causes a not as sharp increase in cortisol as it happens in people who usually do not abuse coffee.

Yes, I also found an interesting video that tells when the harmful hormone is still being produced:

I am sure that the article turned out to be useful for you and you were able to figure out what this harmful-useful substance is responsible for, and now you will control its level in the body. Until we meet again, friends - be healthy and do not cortisol mope in vain.

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Cortisol in women is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Otherwise, it is called the stress hormone. Under its influence, blood pressure and sugar levels increase. And if you learn to manage your emotions, and hence cortisol, then this will protect your body from various diseases.

normal cortisol levels

It is difficult to talk about the normal level of cortisol, since this hormone has one feature. A high rate is observed in the morning, and by the evening it gradually decreases, reaching its minimum value. On average, the normal amount of cortisol - for both women and men - is 600 nm / l. If this figure is higher, then you should think about how to lower cortisol levels in women.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are no traditional drugs designed specifically to lower the hormone. Therefore, many try to lower cortisol with folk remedies. To achieve a positive effect, you must adhere to a number of recommendations:

1. First of all, it is necessary to determine for what reason the hormone level in the blood has increased. Often this happens due to stressful situations, so they need to try to eliminate. Also at risk are women suffering from insomnia, following a strict diet.

2. Include foods that lower cortisol levels in your diet. This is a protein food, thanks to which glycogen stores in the body increase, helping to reduce the stress hormone. Be sure to eat foods containing protein in the morning. This contributes to the ingestion of a sufficient amount of energy into the body.

3. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates. Such substances lead to a jump in insulin, as a result of which it is difficult to avoid the onset of depression.

4. You need to drink enough water. Due to dehydration, cortisol in the body of a woman becomes more, so immediately after sleep, you need to drink enough fluids.

Cortisol is a specific hormonal component that is produced by the cells of the adrenal cortex. Its role in the female body is quite large, since it regulates many vital processes. Any deviations from acceptable norms can not only talk about health problems, but also cause serious complications.

Let's try to understand in detail the causes and consequences of increased cortisol in women, and also consider in more detail what clinical picture is characteristic of this disorder.

Causes of high cortisol in women

The concentration of cortisol in the female body can fluctuate under the influence of various factors. They can be:

  • physiological;
  • functional;
  • pathological.

Of course, the division of the reasons that cortisol is elevated in women into groups is very arbitrary. However, in order to more accurately understand them, such a gradation is considered the most optimal.


The physiological reasons for the fact that cortisol is elevated in the blood of women include, first of all, the onset of pregnancy. This period is characterized by many changes in the body, and since the hormonal background changes one of the first, an increase in the concentration of the “stress hormone” is not considered a threatening condition. Of course, if the deviation does not exceed the maximum allowable indicators.


The functional reasons that cortisol is elevated in a woman are often associated with:

  • puberty in adolescent girls;
  • the onset of menopause;
  • overweight;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • lack of proper sleep;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • prolonged depression;
  • disorders in the work of the central nervous system;
  • following a strict diet;
  • abuse of therapeutic fasting;

These factors may well explain why cortisol is elevated in women. They are not too dangerous, but it is better, nevertheless, to stop their effect on the body. Then no specific treatment is required.


The causes of increased cortisol in women may also lie in the development of pathological processes, both in the tissues of the adrenal glands and in the area of ​​other internal organs. So, a jump in the level of a hormonal substance can be a consequence of:

  • diabetes;
  • dysfunction of the ovaries;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • neuroses;
  • malfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, when the adrenal glands begin to produce cortisol uncontrollably;
  • adenomas;
  • carcinomas;
  • malignant tumors of various localization.

Note. High cortisol in women can also be the result of taking hormonal drugs. In particular, glucocorticosteroids. Such a violation is not considered critical, but it should not be ignored. This is necessary for the safety of the patient herself.

Clinical manifestations of hypercortisolism

The causes and symptoms that a woman's cortisol is elevated are closely interconnected with each other. First of all, the clinical picture characteristic of the underlying disease appears. But you should not close your eyes to the signs of hypercorticism either.

Symptoms that cortisol is elevated in women are manifested:

  • frequent outbreaks of severe hunger;
  • a sharp increase in body weight;
  • increased susceptibility to colds against the background of a decrease in the immune system;
  • sleep problems;
  • general weakness;
  • emotional lability;
  • persistent increase in blood pressure.

These are the most basic symptoms of elevated cortisol in women. But such a deviation can be accompanied in parallel by:

  • attention disorder;
  • flushing of the skin of the face;
  • increased body hair (as in men);
  • the appearance of a rash on the surface of the facial epidermis.

There are also subjective symptoms of excess cortisol in women. These include:

  • groundless fear and panic attacks;
  • irritability;
  • nervousness;
  • desire to consume sweets in large quantities;
  • shortness of breath even with minor physical exertion.

These symptoms of elevated cortisol levels in women may or may not occur at all. But if there is a suspicion of a hormonal imbalance, nevertheless, it is better to donate blood for analysis.

Features of treatment and possible consequences

How to lower the hormone cortisol in women? If the problem is not too significant, then you can try to cope with it without the use of medications. Otherwise, pharmacotherapy is indispensable.

Conservative treatment

How to lower cortisol levels in women with medication? First of all, it should be remembered that pharmacological agents can only be prescribed by a doctor. Often doctors resort to the appointment:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • caffeine (of course, in limited quantities);
  • vitamin complexes based on magnesium (Magne-B6, etc.);
  • fortified drugs containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • lecithin.

Drugs to reduce cortisol in women are not always of synthetic origin. So, the attending physician may prescribe alcohol tinctures of Eleutherococcus, licorice roots, or St. John's wort. But no matter how safe they are considered, they must be used in strict accordance with the doctor's instructions!

Folk remedies

If we talk about how to reduce cortisol in women with folk remedies, then alternative medicine has a lot of effective recipes aimed at stabilizing the condition with hypercortisolism.

  1. Rhodiola rosea tincture contributes to the normalization of the adrenal glands. In addition, the medicinal plant normalizes the psycho-emotional state. Therefore, if you are wondering how to lower cortisol in women, try taking an alcoholic extract of Rhodiola rosea.
  2. St. John's wort is a good alternative to Rhodiola. It can be consumed in the form of an alcoholic tincture or decoction.
  3. Eleutherococcus tincture is another way to lower blood cortisol in women. She struggles with prolonged depression, normalizes sleep and psycho-emotional state.
  4. Licorice root naked. This is another component that helps improve the functioning of the adrenal glands. As a result, the level of hormones also returns to normal.

Regarding how to lower cortisol in women with folk remedies safely, treatment should be carried out only after prior consultation with a doctor. An endocrinologist or gynecologist can prescribe this or that medicine.

Sports that relieve stress

What to do if cortisol is elevated in women, and how to normalize it without any medication? In this case, the following sports will benefit:

  • horseback riding;
  • swimming;
  • rhythmic gymnastics;
  • dancing;
  • aerobics;
  • yoga;
  • Pilates;
  • piloxing.

It is important to receive as many positive emotions as possible, then the question of how to lower cortisol levels in women will not disturb either the doctor or the patient for a long time.

Prevention and consequences of hypercortisolism in women

It is possible to reduce the level of cortisol in women without medication, but it is better, nevertheless, to prevent such an unpleasant phenomenon as hypercortisolism. This can be achieved provided:

  • full sleep;
  • performing moderate physical activity;
  • proper and healthy nutrition;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • drinking enough fluids.

High cortisol levels in women require certain dietary restrictions. Having experienced such a pathological condition once, the patient runs the risk of encountering unpleasant symptoms again. To avoid this, it is necessary to include in the diet as much food enriched with vitamins and minerals as possible.

You need to eat marine varieties of fish, nuts, vegetables, fruits and berries. At the same time, the frequency of drinking alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks should be significantly reduced.

Consequences of hypercortisolism

The hormone cortisol, if it is elevated in women, can lead to undesirable and very unpleasant consequences. These include:

  • the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, which occurs under the influence of high blood pressure;
  • hyperglycemia, which is fraught with the onset of diabetes mellitus;
  • decrease in insulin concentration;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • failure of electrolyte balance;
  • development of obesity.

In addition, if cortisol is elevated in women, it can cause:

  • development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a sharp increase in the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • deterioration of cognitive functions of the brain;
  • infertility;
  • miscarriages or premature births;
  • inhibition of the production of thyroid hormones.

In severe cases, hypercortisolism can be fatal. This is especially true in situations where there are dangerous diseases such as AIDS, cancer, etc.

Based on the foregoing, we draw the only correct conclusion: if deviations from the norm were found in the indicators of cortisol or any other hormone, it is necessary to discard thoughts of self-medication. Even harmless folk recipes should be discussed with the attending physician before use, and self-administered pharmacotherapy must be completely abandoned in order to avoid serious health consequences!

How do we lower cortisol levels?

It performs very important and even vital functions in our body.

Although its chronically elevated levels can significantly affect quality of life and become a major cause of poor health, cortisol also helps to maintain homeostasis in the body and ensure its normal functioning.

How does cortisol work?

Cortisol, like many other hormones in our body, is produced in the adrenal glands by their cortex. When we experience stress, the hypothalamus tells the pituitary gland to release a special hormone to stimulate the adrenal cortex to produce cortisol. When the stress hormone is released in abundance, the two mentioned brain structures become silent, the level of cortisol gradually decreases and returns to normal. This is an ideal scenario that does not occur very often in real life. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we are almost constantly in a state of stress, respectively, cortisol is released a lot and the body gets used to the fact that now it needs more hormone to overcome the same problems. So there is an imbalance in the entire hormonal system, after all, a failure in the work of one hormone inevitably leads to a failure of others. Complicating the problem, cortisol levels are also affected by diseases such as hypothyroidism, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and elevated estrogen levels.

Important properties of the stress hormone

In addition to the function obvious from its name, the stress hormone cortisol also has a number of other useful properties:

  • stimulates the liver, facilitating the processing of amino acids into glucose;
  • improves the metabolism of fatty acids in the body;
  • helps in the fight against inflammation and allergies;
  • prevents the loss of sodium important for health in the urine;
  • helps to remain calm and maintain concentration.

The lowest level of this hormone is observed in the evening hours, and the highest - in the morning (details about the cortisol curve). With the sleep hormone melatonin, the situation is reversed: during awakening, its level is minimal, and then during the day it rises at the same rate as cortisol levels decrease. These two hormones, acting in opposite directions, maintain the natural rhythm of sleep and wakefulness to maintain homeostasis.

What does imbalance lead to?

In the absence of any disease, normal cortisol levels ensure that optimal health is maintained. If the level is too low or high, disturbances are observed in many areas of life:

  • body weight increases;
  • libido decreases;
  • sustained tension headaches appear;
  • anxiety and depression develops;
  • the level of vital energy decreases;
  • there are problems with sleep;
  • the menstrual cycle is disturbed;
  • development of infertility is possible;
  • chronically elevated blood sugar levels;
  • there are problems with the intestines;
  • there is a high risk of developing osteoporosis;
  • the cardiovascular system suffers.

This hormone is the main participant in the body's reaction "fight or flight", which was especially relevant and necessary in the distant past to save people from a real physical threat to life. Today, such situations are extremely rare, but the structure of our body has remained the same and now we react in a similar way to less life-threatening situations such as diseases, chronic sleep deprivation, strict diets, suppressed emotions, environmental pollution, etc. Such situations occur everywhere and cause us to stay in a state of stress for a long time, which means that the production of cortisol becomes chronically high. Thus, we are almost always in the "fight or flight" mode, which causes us to downplay the importance of other important bodily functions: reproduction, digestion, and relaxation.

With chronically elevated cortisol levels

  • are happening severe thyroid disorders.
  • Rising, the stress hormone stimulates the production of insulin, which in turn increases appetite. Especially cravings occur for carbohydrate and fatty foods, which is reflected in an increase in body weight, and the abdominal area is most susceptible to excess fat deposition.
  • This whole process resembles a vicious circle, because due to weight gain levels may rise estrogen,
  • what, in turn, provokes weight gain due to violations in the work of the thyroid gland, increased insulin production and decreased leptin sensitivity.

We determine and reduce the level of cortisol

You need to take a test to determine the level of cortisol at different times of the day, taking into account the natural fluctuations of the hormone and revealing the real dynamics of its changes. Analyzes can be carried out in different ways, donating blood, urine or saliva, and thus determining the very fact of an imbalance of cortisol and the degree of its complexity.

You can reduce the level of the hormone cortisol with the help of such useful supplements:

  • Magnesium. It is known for its calming properties, reduces the sensitivity of the adrenal glands and is involved in over 300 reactions of the human body. This mineral is useful to take from time to time for all people, and not just those who have problems with the balance of cortisol, especially since magnesium deficiency is observed in the majority of the world's population. The most acceptable form is magnesium glycinate, as glycine acts as a sedative, has a high bioavailability and minimal side effects.
  • Holy basil is an excellent natural adaptogen that helps to normalize thyroid function and form a healthy response to stress.
  • B vitamins, in particular B12, B9 and B6, help in modeling the correct response to stress, directly affect the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain.

During stressful situations, the body loses large amounts of magnesium and vitamin B along with urine, so replenishment of these substances in such a chronic condition is mandatory.

Lifestyle change is the key to success

Taking a variety of supplements is always good for the body, but it cannot replace the positive effect on the hormonal system that comes after a change in lifestyle. This will take quite a long time, because cortisol levels have risen to chronically high levels for far more than one day. If you follow these important, but not at all complicated rules in everyday life, you can eventually get rid of the problems associated with high levels of the stress hormone:

  • Try to go to bed between 10:30 pm and 11:00 pm, this will help reduce cortisol and increase melatonin to optimal levels, as a result of which you will sleep long and soundly.
  • By sleeping at least 7.5 to 9 hours a day, you will help the body cope with excess weight, while improving the response of the hormone leptin, which is also associated with cortisol.
  • A balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, healthy fats such as avocados, fiber, chia seeds, and protein from any source will help to saturate the body with the necessary nutrients to fully restore the processes affected by the increase in cortisol.
  • Take warm baths with Epsom salt and lavender essential oil, which will enrich your body with magnesium and give it a feeling of peace and relaxation.
  • Learn stress management techniques and try to reduce your caffeine intake.
  • Get regular physical activity such as yoga, stretching or tai chi.

Work on the normalization of cortisol levels in the blood is quite long and painstaking, and is primarily based on finding out the main cause of hormonal imbalance. Remember that it is impossible to isolate yourself from stressful situations, but you can learn how to manage them effectively, deal with your emotions constructively, thereby making a significant contribution to your good health and well-being.

All beauty and radiance! And take care of yourself.

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