The most famous art museums in the world. Vatican Museums - a single complex

Coming to rest in a new country, any tourist tries to visit as many interesting places and sights as possible so that the trip is remembered for a lifetime. Beyond the amazing natural scenery and outstanding architectural monuments, the majority of travelers tend to visit places associated with the country's culture, such as famous museums or art galleries, to see the great masterpieces of world art with their own eyes. Today we will tell you about the most interesting galleries in the world that you should definitely visit when you come to these countries.

1. Gallery of St. George in the Czech Republic- this museum-gallery is located in the Czech city of Benesov, in the beautiful Konopiste castle, fifty kilometers southeast. This old castle-fortress, with powerful towers, gave shelter to the Museum of St. George. There are more than four thousand of the most interesting exhibits collected around the world: rare paintings by great artists, amazing sculptures, objects decorated with filigree wood carvings, other objects of decorative and applied arts, period from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries.

2. Dresden Gallery in Germany- located in Dresden, in the Old Town area. Dresden picture gallery has been functioning for five centuries, and every year, its exposition is replenished with great world masterpieces best artists. The year 1945 became tragic for Dresden and this art gallery, because during the bombardment of Anglo-American aircraft, it was partially destroyed, and many paintings were irretrievably lost, and the Nazis hid their surviving part in wet limestone mines, which caused damage to the canvases huge damage. But, fortunately, from their inglorious disappearance, they were saved Soviet soldiers, who, having found them in the mines, took the paintings to the USSR, where they were carefully restored, and already in 1955, transferred to the German Democratic Republic. The building of the gallery in Dresden was restored and the newly found life canvases again adorned these walls. In the gallery you can get acquainted with the great works of masters Italian painting fifteenth-eighteenth centuries: Titian, Giorgione, Veronese, Raphael, Correggio, Tintoretto. Here are the works of the Dutch masters: Rembrandt, Vermeer, Ruisdael, Hals, as well as the famous Flemings: Rubens, Van Dyck, Snyders. In addition, the gallery has a room dedicated to Spanish art. But, probably, the main treasure of the Dresden Gallery is “ Sistine Madonna»inimitable Raphael. To date, there are fifty halls with wonderful expositions, and stored in storerooms, another three thousand paintings - a great part of the world cultural heritage planets.

3. Gallery contemporary art in Germany- located in the city of Düsseldorf, in the Exhibition Center "Kunstahalle", built in 1967. The building of the art center originally had an urban style, as it was built from ready-made blocks of concrete panels, and it acquired its current shape as a result of reconstruction. It opened its doors again to visitors in 2002, and new options appeared here: information department, ticket offices, cafes. This gallery does not have a permanent exhibition, it constantly hosts exhibitions of new talented artists modernity. By the way, many of today's well-known artists were able to reveal their talent to the general public, thanks to such exhibitions at the Kunstahall.

4. Gallery of European and American Art of the XIX-XX centuries in Russia- This is a department of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, opened in, in 2006. Here are stored paintings by artists of the nineteenth-twentieth centuries. Gallery halls are divided by theme. There is a hall of masters of the German school of painting, early nineteenth century, chamber halls, where paintings by Delacroix and Ingres are placed, and the works of the great Goya are represented by the Spanish school of masters. In addition, there are separate rooms where the artistic creations of the French Impressionists, Post-Impressionists, artists of the early twentieth century are placed: Monet, Renoir, Degas, Cezanne, Toulouse-Lautrec.

5. Tretyakov Gallery in Russiafamous museum art, located in Moscow. This gallery was founded in 1856 by P. M. Tretyakov. At first it was a private collection, which in 1892 was transferred to the Moscow authorities, along with the mansion. In the Tretyakov Gallery you can see beautiful sculptures and graphics from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries, a large collection of Russian paintings, as well as ancient Russian icon painting, of the same period. Since 1985, the Tretyakov Gallery has been merged with the State Art Gallery. The museum building was reconstructed in 1986, and since 1989 it has been supplemented with a new complex, with a children's studio, an information center, a conference hall and exhibition halls. The number of canvases stored in the gallery is constantly replenished, and if in 1917 there were about four thousand of them, now there are about sixty thousand. Since 1991, the gallery has been awarded the title - "All-Russian Museum Association" State Tretyakov Gallery ".

6. Caryton Art Gallery in Canada- located in the British Columbia region, in the city of Abbotsford. She has been working for over forty years, exhibiting interesting work local artists, natives of British Columbia. Over the years, more than three thousand exhibitions have taken place, opening to the general public many brilliant painters who later achieved world recognition. The gallery is always crowded, and admission is free.

7. National Gallery of Armenia– this famous museum is located in the city of Yerevan. It is entirely dedicated to the visual arts. This art Gallery- the largest in the post-Soviet space, that's why, it is considered national treasure countries. The gallery was founded in 1921. To date, more than thirty-five thousand paintings by the great artists of the world are stored here. There are a lot of paintings by Armenian and Russian artists, as well as Western European painters: French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian and German schools. This gallery contains the most complete collection creations of Aivazovsky, the magnificent masterpieces of Rubens, Van Dyck, Rousseau, Goya.

8. Dulwich Art Gallery in the UK- this is one of the most interesting art galleries in the world and a wonderful art museum, opened in 1817, in a building specially erected for this purpose. Architect John Soane placed the halls of the building in such a way that you can see their close relationship. The main part of the collection is paintings from the period of the seventeenth - nineteenth centuries, but there are also canvases from other eras. Visitors will be able to get acquainted with the works of Rembrandt, Antoine Watteau, Bartolome Esteban Murillo, Paul Rubens, Raphael. It is in this museum that you can see the richest collection of portraits. famous painters Britain.

9. Baroque gallery in front of the Jesuit College in the Czech Republic- is located in an interesting, from a historical and architectural point of view, the city of Kutna Hora. This gallery opened at the beginning of the eighteenth century, at the same time as the construction of this college began. The project of the gallery building was developed by the architect Orsi from. The structure is interesting in itself: its baroque gallery is on an approach that is similar in architecture to the Charles Bridge in Prague, it is also decorated with a terrace with sculptural group of twelve saints, including: St. John Nepomuk, St. Barbara, St. Joseph, St. Franciszek Xavier, St. Charlemagne. Under each sculpture there is an inscription indicating the name of the saint and the event associated with this person, the date of creation of this sculpture is also indicated. That is, this baroque gallery not only decorates the city, but is also a historical chronogram that clearly tells the history of the Czech Republic to tourists.

10. National Gallery of Australia in Canberra- this building, where the art gallery and the museum were combined, was built in 1967. It occupies a vast area of ​​twenty-three thousand square meters, and was built in the brutalist style: it has angular shapes, concrete walls, rough texture, in sharp contrast with the bright and lush greenery around. On the main floor of the gallery there are large exhibition halls, with interesting collections dedicated to local natives, but there are also collections from European countries and America. The main exhibit of the Aboriginal collection are two hundred logs, they marked the graves, it is called "Aboriginal Memorial" and is dedicated to the indigenous people of Australia who died fighting the Europeans who came to their lands. The European and American collections are represented by the works of famous world artists. There are also exhibits of Asian art, which are located on the lower floor of the gallery building. All exhibits represent different eras: from the Neolithic to the present day, there are: sculptures, miniatures, engravings made on wood, ceramics and textiles. On the top floor you will be able to see objects of Australian art, as well as see paintings, sculptures, photographs. In total, there are more than one hundred and twenty thousand objects of art in the national gallery.

11. Salzburg Gallery in the Residence- this is a unique collection of paintings European painting period of the sixteenth - nineteenth centuries, collected in the Austrian city of Salzburg. The gallery has a luxurious decoration and an exquisite rich collection fund. Mostly pictures here. Dutch painters seventeenth century, French, Italian, Austrian baroque painting, seventeenth - eighteenth centuries, Austrian painting of the nineteenth century. There are often traveling exhibitions or specialty screenings, where visitors are presented with examples of contemporary and historical art. This museum opened its doors to visitors in 1923, but at that time, the gallery did not own a single painting, because ... they were all borrowed.

12. National Gallery of Slovenia in Ljubljana- is the largest art museum in the country and an interesting gallery in the world. There are collected many old works of Slovenian and European artists, including different styles and genre directions. The National Gallery opened in 1918. It is divided into several rooms dedicated to different directions: neoclassicism, realism, impressionism. In addition, sculptures and statues of the Renaissance are stored here.

13. National Gallery of Italy in Emilia Romagna- located in the city of Parma, in a beautiful palace - Palazzo della Pilotta, near the Cathedral Square. Initially, the collection of paintings was collected by the influential Italian family of the Dukes of Farnese, and the first collection of the National Gallery included canvases donated by the Academy of Painting of Parma. In the gallery you can see works famous masters Italian painting of the period from the fifteenth to the sixteenth centuries: Fra Beato Angelico, Tintoretto, Giulio Romano, Leonardo da Vinci, paintings by masters who worked in the period from the seventeenth to the eighteenth centuries: Carracci, Canaletto, Tiepolo, paintings by the painters Parmigianino and Correggio - residents of Parma.

14. Ivan Mestrovik Gallery in Croatia- a house-museum in the city of Split, which houses more than three hundred works of art of various directions, from religious paintings and great masterpieces of portrait art to nude sculptures. There are sculptures made of stone, marble, wood, bronze, and there is also a large collection beautiful drawings and interesting antique furniture. Ivan Mestrovik opened the doors of his gallery to visitors in 1952, and until now, this is a popular place to visit, not only among local residents but also numerous tourists.

15. Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh the gallery is in beautiful building nineteenth century, neoclassical style. There is a large collection of works here. contemporary artists. In front of the gallery building interesting garden, where you can admire the sculptures of Henry Moore, Rachel Whiteread, Tony Cragg, Barbara Hepworth, and since 2002, the lawn at the entrance has been turned into a huge sculpture of Charles Jenks. In 2005, thanks to the support of the Art Fund, the exposition of this gallery was replenished with twenty drawings by the artist Tracey Emin from Britain, in 2008 they were singled out as a separate topic. Here are the works of others, more famous artists world: Picasso, Braque, Mondrian, Ben Nicholson, Matisse, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud. Unfortunately, in order to demonstrate to the public all the paintings stored in the gallery, there is not enough space in the building, which is why temporary exhibitions are practiced here.

16. Art Gallery of Samarkand in Uzbekistan- presents to its visitors an original collection of paintings from different eras, which characterizes the life and culture of different eastern peoples. Almost four thousand canvases are presented here, including examples of painting and graphics, chasing and sculpture. The museum collection contains rare works by Russian artists: Samuil Dudin, Richard Sommer, Usto Mumin, Leon Bure, Vasily Vereshchagin.

17. National Gallery of Ireland in Dublin- art gallery, which houses the world's largest collection of Irish paintings. The gallery was founded in 1864, at the time of opening there were only one hundred and twenty-five paintings, but the popularity of this place grew, and many simple people and artists gave paintings here as a gift. To date, the gallery owns more than fourteen thousand paintings. There is a collection of graphics, sculptures, antique furniture, photographs and other works of art. Entrance to the National Gallery is free.

18. Sigiriya Mural Gallery in Sri Lanka- in this most interesting place in the rock, there are five hundred ancient frescoes that stretch for one hundred and forty meters in length and go for forty meters in height. Here is depicted the favorite motif of Sigirian wall painting - naked dancers, next to whom verses are written on the walls, praising strength. female beauty. According to the guides, all these images refer to one female goddess - Tara - the mother of all Buddhas. On the frescoes she is depicted with different appearance and even varies by nationality. Get into this unusual, and one of the most interesting galleries of the world, you can climb a spiral staircase and real rope bridges, which are stretched over the abyss.

19. Brera Art Gallery in Milan- here is the widest collection of artistic masterpieces ever created by Italian sculptors and painters. In the forty halls of the gallery you can get acquainted with the great creations of such masters as: Raphael, Titian, Hayes, Caravaggio, the works of famous Flemish painters, as well as impressionist painters. In order to see all the exhibits of the gallery, you will not have enough for a couple of hours, you need to spend at least a day here. If you are limited in time, then you should definitely look at the two-ton three-meter statue of Napoleon, the work of the sculptor Antonio Canova and Raphael's painting "The Betrothal of the Virgin". The gallery opened to the public in the Brera Palace in 1809, by decree of Queen Maria Theresa of Austria.

20. London Art Gallery- a place where a unique collection of paintings by English and Western European artists is collected. The gallery is located in Trafalgar Square. Here you will see the famous world masterpieces of the brush: Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Titian, Rubens, Canaletto, Durer, Thomas Lawrence, William Hogarth. And also, the gallery presents portraits of members of the royal family, the work of masters of the twelfth - nineteenth centuries. The London Art Gallery opened in 1824 with a modest collection of thirty-eight paintings, but today, thanks to the help of patrons and the tireless work of the gallery staff, there are two and a half thousand paintings written between the thirteenth and twentieth centuries. For the convenience of gallery visitors, the paintings are exhibited in chronological order.

We hope that we have been able to guide you through the world's most famous galleries that are worth a visit if you find yourself in one of the above countries in order to better understand their people, history and culture.

I present to you the most famous and greatest museums in the world. If you are close to these museums, be sure to check it out. You will be impressed by what you see.

In the first place of such a list will definitely be the Paris Louvre.

Without a doubt the most famous museum in the world, the Louvre was a medieval fortress and palace of the kings of France before it became a museum two centuries ago. Even the modernization of the square with the addition of a glass pyramid in its center does not take anything away from the historical charm of the Louvre Palace. The museum's collections, which range from the birth of great ancient civilizations to the first half of the 19th century, are among the most outstanding on the planet. You will find here the works of the most famous artists in history such as da Vinci and Rembrandt. The main attraction of the Louvre is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

This gigantic museum has the largest collection of paintings in the world. It is a stunning place that illuminates the history of the world from the Stone Age to the present, and especially impressive is the Golden Room with its amazing precious stones. The Hermitage Museum is the most visited in Russia. It is scenically located along the waterfront area in the Center of St. Petersburg. This is a whole museum complex, which includes six different buildings of a unique architectural design. Without a doubt, Emitage is one of the greatest museums world, an outstanding landmark of St. Petersburg.

British Museum in London.

Here are collected millions of works of art from all over the world. The galleries of the British Museum are devoted to Egypt, Greece, Roman civilization, Asia, Africa and medieval Europe, tracing human history and culture. It houses the Parthenon marble that once adorned the Parthenon in Athens. The museum attracts six million visitors every year. If you can't get to the Egyptian Museum, then you can view the largest and most comprehensive collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts outside Cairo right here. Also impressive is the new reading room British Museum, which you can see in the photo below:

Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

In the Egyptian Museum of Cairo you will find the most complete collection of Egyptian art in the world. Among the thousands of treasures are also famous exhibits from the tomb of Tutankhamun. In 1835, the Egyptian government established the "Egyptian Antiquities Service" in an attempt to stop the looting of archaeological sites and to organize an exhibition of the artifacts collected. The Egyptian Museum was built in 1900 and now houses more than 120,000 objects from the prehistoric era to the Greco-Roman period, including the ancient sculptures of the Sphinx. If you are exploring the sights of Egypt, then you should not miss the Egyptian Museum of Cairo.

Uffizi Gallery in Florence

UNESCO estimates that 60% of the most popular artwork in the world are located in Italy, and more than half of them are located in Florence. The Uffizi Gallery in Florence will amaze you to the core. It is definitely one of the finest collections of paintings and sculptures on the planet, with works dating back to the Renaissance by masters such as da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Caravaggio and many more. One of the main attractions here is the Birth of Venus Botticelli.

Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York

Created in 1870, the Metropolitan Museum of Art houses more than two million works of art from around the world, from antiquity to modern times. You will find everything from Islamic and European paintings, to collections of weapons and armor. Although there are many other great museums in New York such as the Guggenheim, the Met is one of the most significant. This is truly one of the greatest museums in the world.

State Museum in Amsterdam

The Rijksmuseum is located near the center of Amsterdam. This is one of the greatest museums and definitely worth a visit during a trip to one of the most beautiful European capitals. The museum overlooks one of the iconic water channels of Amsterdam, while on the opposite side there is a spacious panoramic square with a green picturesque lawn. Inside, you can fully immerse yourself in the art and history of the Netherlands. With a collection of nearly 1 million pieces, it is perfect place to indulge in inspiring masterpieces by Rembrandt, Frans Hals and more Dutch artists. Read more about it in the selection of the best museums in Amsterdam.

Vatican Museum

The imposing Vatican Museum contains 22 individual collections, ranging from Etruscan and Egyptian art to maps and modern religious art. Even if you are not religious, you will still be impressed by the sheer beauty and splendor of Michelangelo's dome and Bernini's spiral columns. The main values ​​here are the renovated Sistine Chapel and the Raphael Rooms.

Tourists and travelers, being in a particular country, try to visit the most significant museums. So in St. Petersburg - this is the Hermitage, in London - this is the British Museum, and in the capital of France - the Louvre.

The most famous museum in London

The most famous museum in London is the British Museum. Its foundation was initiated by the government in the middle of the eighteenth century. Just six years after the emergence of such an idea and the expressed initiative, the museum invited the first visitors. Thousands of people were involved in its creation and development.

The British Museum has two more names, the first is the Museum of Stolen Masterpieces, the second is the Museum of All Civilizations. All names are fully justified. Most of the treasures presented there were not obtained in a completely honest way. So, the Rosetta Stone, which helped in deciphering the ancient hieroglyphs, was taken along with other ancient Egyptian monuments from Napoleon's army.

Similar story happened with the sculptural friezes of the Parthenon - they were taken out of Greece by a certain English lord on the written order of the Turkish government. In a similar way, the collection of this museum was replenished with sculptures of the temple of Artemis in Ephesus, and sculptures of the mausoleum in Halicarnassus, and a number of other works of art. It should be noted that the exposition of the British Museum itself is not very large. In terms of the size of the exposition, the National Gallery is in first place in London.

The most famous museums in Russia

The most famous museums in Russia are the Tretyakov Gallery, located in the capital of Russia, and the world-famous Hermitage in St. Petersburg. The Hermitage is considered one of the largest cultural and historical museums in the world. It owes its origins to the personal collection of Catherine II. This museum was formed and opened to visitors in the middle of the nineteenth century. The date of its foundation is considered to be the year 1764, when the Empress acquired huge collection Western European painting. To date, this museum is represented by almost three million works of art, monuments of world culture. The Hermitage is represented by several majestic buildings, where the main one is Winter Palace. All these buildings are located near the embankment of the Neva River.

A huge collection of Russian fine art on a global scale is represented by the Tretyakov Gallery. This collection is recognized as the most significant on a global scale, for which the Russians should be grateful to the merchant Pavel Tretyakov. The history of the gallery began precisely with his personal and largest collection at that time, made up of works of Russian art.

Vatican Museum

by the most big museum world recognized as the Vatican Museum. Its exposition is fifty thousand objects presented in the halls, the number of which is one thousand four hundred. In order to simply bypass all these halls, you need to walk about seven kilometers.

The first place that almost all visitors want to get to is the Sistine Chapel. The structure of the museum is such that if you want to get into the Vatican Pinakothek, which is one of the farthest halls, visitors must go through all the previous halls. Naturally, it is impossible to see a significant part of the museum even in a day. To have time to see all the most interesting, you can start with Egyptian Museum, then follow to the famous Belvedere, and then to the Stanzas of Raphael and the Sistine Chapel. The chapel is called the main shrine museum.

It is known that the construction of the Vatican began in the fourth century, when the church of St. Peter and the residence of the high priest were laid. In the ninth century, fortified walls appeared, and in the thirteenth century a vast new papal cloister was built.

Despite the small territory owned by the Vatican, fabulous treasures are concentrated there. They accumulated gradually, but over the years the collection became so huge that it became necessary to create several museums.

The Louvre is the most famous museum in the world

The Louvre is the largest art museum in the world. Every tourist visiting Paris tries to get to the Louvre. At one time it was a castle of the French kings, which was built in 1190 by Philip Augustus. It became a museum only in 1793 and then opened to visitors. The area occupied by the Louvre is one hundred and ninety-five thousand square meters. The area occupied by the exposition is sixty thousand six hundred square meters. The Louvre collection has about 400 thousand exhibits

The most impressive is the painting department. Arriving there, you can see the works of Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Rubens, Goya, Vermeer and Titian. By the way, according to the site, it is in the Louvre that the most mysterious and famous painting in the world, the Mona Lisa, is located.
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This museum has a complete collection of art from the Middle and East Asia, as well as Far East, which in general is more than 147 thousand exhibits. This museum complex can boast not only of its exhibition activities, but also by the work of the research institute. The museum has twelve permanent exhibitions, some of which can be found on the museum's website. Here are the news and reference Information for visitors.

The largest collection of Russian art in the world is located here. Visit this site to understand the diversity of the museum's exhibitions: on the main page you will see what exhibitions are presented there, indicating the dates for temporary exhibitions or marked " permanent exhibition". Some works from the collections can be found directly on the site. And in the "Visitors" section, you will find the necessary background information that will come in handy before going to the museum.

You can admire one of the largest collections of foreign fine art in Russia by visiting this museum, which presents works by masters of both antiquity and modernity. Using the museum's website, you will find out at what price tickets can be purchased, and whether it is possible to get on an excursion for free, what are the opening hours of the museum complex and how to get to it. The museum also hosts musical concerts– so as not to miss them, study the poster on the site.

Before you go to the gallery, carefully read the information on the site about the content of the exhibition, the poster of events, the cost of excursions and behavior in the institution. Sign up for a master class, seminar or debating club, visit a musical and creative evening or participate in a summer educational program from the gallery - all this can also be done using this resource. You can find the address and other contact information in the corresponding section of the "Contacts" menu.

Not everyone has the opportunity to travel around the world and visit numerous art museums and galleries, but thanks to this resource, users can get a little closer to the treasures of the world's fine arts. You can choose any museum from the list presented on the site and look at the paintings that are stored in its collection. All works are placed in high resolution, indicating the name of the artist and the title of the work.

Connoisseurs of the world's fine arts will definitely appreciate this resource, which provides information about the largest art galleries on our planet. Users are waiting for the history of the creation of museums, Interesting Facts about them, albums with works of art from museum expositions, as well as news from the world of painting. You can help the site administration collect statistics and participate in a survey on how often you visit art museums.

The official website of the Hermitage has all the necessary information that those who wish to visit the museum may need. Opening hours, ticket prices, additional information about the operation of the box office and the summer mode of the museum - all this you will find on the website. The poster of exhibitions is also available on this resource. In addition, you will see a summary of events and an archive of news related to the museum. It also highlights the scientific and journalistic activities of the museum complex and educational programs.

This resource has brought together information about the largest and most famous museums in Russia. It contains information about the mode of operation of a particular museum, the exact address and location on the map. Even information about the route of travel and a link to the site, if available, is presented. In addition, on this portal you can find a poster cultural events Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as a news report on the topic of art in the Russian Federation. And in the menu on the right, users can see the TOP-20 best museums in the Russian Federation.

You have the opportunity to travel to the main museums of the world - all thanks to this portal. Here are collections of paintings from the largest art galleries of our planet, each of which is accompanied by a description or history of its creation. On the main page of the site there is an interactive map showing the locations European museums. By clicking on the links in the bottom menu, you can go to other sections of the resource, in particular, look at virtual museums, galleries in Germany and Finland.

The official website of the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow welcomes its visitors who are interested in art even online. Thanks to the work of the portal, you can find out all the news and announcements directly from the main page of the site, and most importantly, get information about new lectures, excursions and exhibitions in advance, as well as look behind the scenes of the museum to see part of the exposition being prepared. And of course, all users of the resource have the opportunity to order tickets to the gallery.

The Sevastopol Art Museum presents unique works of the Italian Renaissance, as well as French and Dutch painters of the so-called "Golden Age". To find out when you can personally admire all this splendor, the official website of the institution will help you. There is information about the cost of excursions for adults, schoolchildren and excursion services for entire groups of visitors. The address of the museum and its opening hours can be found on the website.

The minimalistic site hospitably welcomes all users who want to get to know this institution better online. Immediately on the main page of the portal you will see a brief historical information about the museum, schedule and announcements of exhibitions, address of the institution, contact phone numbers, e-mail and links to the resource in in social networks. And the top menu contains information that relates directly to the very content of the museum, its exposition.

The Yaroslavl Art Museum is able to interest potential visitors with just one website, on the main page of which you can endlessly admire the dynamic presentation of works of art that are in the institution. If you are interested in the history and charter of the museum, the opportunity to participate in children's programs - pay attention to the links below. In the menu "Contacts" you will find the address of the institution, contact numbers of the administration and transitions to the portal in other social networks.

Welcome to the website of the Surgut Art Museum! In slide mode, the site presents a poster of current and upcoming exhibitions at the museum, and users will see all the basic information regarding the work schedule, directions, contact addresses and telephone numbers in the top menu of the portal. Also located here interesting information about art projects carried out by employees of the institution. Also, site users have the opportunity to switch to a version for the visually impaired.

Residents and guests of Gorlovka have the opportunity to visit the local art museum, and so that everyone can prepare for the trip in advance, this information resource was created. The timely updated news feed allows you to follow the events taking place in the museum, where text and photo reports about past events are posted. A separate menu item will allow users to navigate virtual tour around the museum, presented as an interactive panorama.

Welcome to the official portal of the Sochi Art Museum. This museum is known not only for its art exhibitions, but also for its active research activities, the results of which you will learn by visiting this site. Also presented here is history reference about this art museum. You can get acquainted with the exposition of the institution using the list on the left side of the portal, and the poster and the scheme of museum halls are available via the links in the main menu.

This site will tell inquisitive tourists all the conditions necessary to visit the Dresden Art Gallery. When is the art gallery open, at what city address is it located? Look for answers to these questions on the portal. Here on the site you will find a list of headings and artists that will allow you to understand what kind of exhibits you will see when visiting the gallery. Detailed descriptions each of the paintings and reproductions in high resolution are attached.

Prepare to visit the State historical museum in Moscow, his official website will help you. On what days and when the museum is open, how much tickets cost, what excursions are available to visitors, where the building is located and what number to contact the administration - all the answers are on the portal. Do not forget to read the rules for visiting this institution, posted in the "Your visit" section. And those who are interested scientific activity will find thematic information in the science menu.

The Grand Egyptian Museum will open in Giza in 2015. It will be built next to the famous pyramids. It is planned that it will become one of the largest museums in the world (its area should be about 480 thousand square meters).

The museum will contain more than 120 thousand artifacts reflecting the history of Egypt over the past 7 thousand years, as well as all the treasures from the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen. In addition, it will become the largest center of Egyptology in the world, as well as the largest restoration center in the Middle East.

The Great Egyptian Museum promises to be no less significant place than other major museums in the world. Let's recall the most famous of them.

Louvre, Paris

A week is not enough to walk around the entire museum.

Once the Louvre was an ancient castle of the French kings. It was built in 1790 by King Philip Augustus. It was opened as a museum on November 8, 1793. The Louvre occupies a space of approximately 195 thousand square meters. m and has a total exhibition area of ​​60,600 sq. m. It exhibits 400 thousand exhibits.

For the convenience of visitors, the museum is divided into seven parts: the departments of applied arts, painting, sculpture and graphics, the ancient Egyptian department, the department ancient east and Islamic Art, as well as the Department of the Art of Greece, Rome and the Etruscan Empire. To get around all this, not even a week is enough. Therefore, for tourists who, as a rule, have only a day left, there are special signs leading to the main treasures of the Louvre (for example, the Gioconda by Leonardo da Vinci).

Vatican Museum, Rome

Another largest world museum is the Vatican Museum with 1400 rooms, 50 thousand objects - to get around all the exhibits presented, you will need to walk 7 km.

Of course, most visitors want to immediately visit the Sistine Chapel, which is decorated with paintings by Michelangelo, but you can get there only by passing many other places. You should start from the Egyptian Museum, then head to the Belvedere, then to Raphael's Stations and in the end see the same chapel.

British Museum, London

The exhibits presented in the museum are not obtained in a very honest way.

The British Museum was founded on June 7, 1753 at the initiative of the government, and 6 years later it was opened to visitors. It is based on three major collections.

The museum is called the Museum of Stolen Masterpieces and the Museum of All Civilizations. Both names appeared for a reason. Some of the museum exhibits were obtained in a not very honest way. For example, the Rosetta Stone, with which scientists were able to decipher hieroglyphs, was taken in Egypt from Napoleon's army.

Initially, the museum was conceived as a collection of objects of culture and art. Ancient Greece and ancient rome, but today it has halls dedicated to the East and many European countries.

National Museum of Nature and Science of Japan, Tokyo

The Tokyo Museum was founded in 1871. It includes the Global Gallery, dedicated to the planet as a whole, and the Japanese Gallery.

The basis of the exposition of the Global Gallery is natural science exhibits: stuffed animals, dinosaur remains, their modern models, and so on. Also here you can conduct independent experiments in physics.

The gallery has a "forest" hall and its own botanical garden, where you can appreciate all the richness of the flora of our planet.

The Japanese Gallery, of course, presents expositions natural world Japan and opened a 3D cinema with a 360-degree viewing angle, which shows films about the origin of the universe, the world of dinosaurs, continental drift and food chains.

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the second most visited museum in the world and the largest site on the Museum Mile, located in New York between Fifth Avenue and 57th Street. It is on this mile that best museums America.

The museum was founded in 1870 by a group of American businessmen and art lovers, and opened to the public two years later. It is based on a collection of 174 works of European painting.

You can find literally everything in it: from Paleolithic artifacts to pop art items. There are rare collections of art from Africa and Oceania, the Middle East and Egypt. It also houses a special hall with clothes worn by the inhabitants of all five continents for seven centuries.

Prado Museum, Madrid

Here you can see paintings by Raphael and Bosch.

Another of the largest and most important museums in the world is the Spanish Prado. It was founded in 1819. A significant part of its exposition was collected by the royal family and the church.

In the museum you can see paintings by Raphael and Bosch, El Greco and Velazquez, Botticelli and Raphael, as well as Titian and many other recognized masters.

State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

The Hermitage is the largest art and cultural-historical museum not only in Russia, but throughout the world. It is a complex complex of six buildings. The main exposition is located in the legendary Winter Palace.

It owes its origins to the private collection of Empress Catherine II. The founding date of the museum is considered to be 1764, when Catherine acquired large collection Western European painting. The museum was opened to visitors in 1852.

Today, the Hermitage houses more than three million works of art and cultural monuments.

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