What does it mean not enough space on the external drive. Android memory is full, although there is nothing there - what to do

If the phone has little memory, it does not matter - you can always find a few extra tens and even hundreds of megabytes. To do this, you need to work with the content and remove obvious garbage. There are other tools to increase the amount of free memory. Some of them are quite tough, but they work. Read the review and find out what to do when you run out of space on your smartphone.

Lack of RAM

If the phone does not have free RAM, it starts to slow down. Users observe difficult operations, are annoyed due to the thoughtfulness of the device. In such a situation, it is difficult to make a call or simply receive a call - the call melody is already playing with might and main, but there is nothing on the screen. The lack of RAM is made up by removing unnecessary applications. These are mainly instant messengers, social network clients, and other network utilities. They constantly hang in the RAM, clogging it.

But it is difficult to do without applications in a modern smartphone. Therefore, their removal will not bring relief. It is best to change the smartphone to a newer model. Today, users have a lot of handsets with 512 MB or 1 GB of RAM. This is not enough - the phone will slow down. And if the tube was released a few years ago, the so-called “fatigue” of the electronics also affects. The reality is that the life of a smartphone is sharply limited. The software becomes voracious, and the stuffing that has worked for several years wants to rest.

Use special software to clean and speed up RAM. Set it to automatically remove applications from the "RAM" after 10-15 minutes of non-use. This will help the smartphone to work a little faster.

Removing unused applications

There is never a lot of free memory - all computer specialists know about it. It must be constantly cleaned of any unused trash. Believe me, there are applications on your smartphone that you use at most once a month, or even less often. Feel free to delete them so that they do not clog extra megabytes in the internal storage. You can also use web versions of some services without downloading extra software.

A striking example of this is the application of the social network VKontakte. It takes a decent amount of memory, cached files should also be added here. Not surprisingly, after a while, the phone screams about the lack of space, although there is nothing (almost nothing) on ​​it. The way out is simple - we delete the application and use the VK web interface in the browser. In terms of its functionality, it is in no way inferior to the application - even music is played. The same applies to many other software (for example, applications of numerous stores).

Move apps to memory card

This functionality is not supported by every smartphone. Despite the fact that this feature is present on Android, it is disabled in many handsets. The reason is that applications do not always work correctly when they are moved to a memory card. The flash card is slower than the internal memory of the smartphone, so applications may slow down. Check for this feature in the "Applications" menu on your handset - select any program there and see if there is a "Move to SD" button.

Using alternative software

The original software is good. Only here he can always find an adequate replacement. Let's take the original Skype client as an example. Here are its shortcomings:

  • Takes up too much space in the phone's memory.
  • Causes a noticeable slowdown of the tube.
  • Significantly accelerates the discharge of the battery.

A bunch of shortcomings from the most advanced developer - Microsoft. But Skype Lite, with similar functionality, takes up a minimum of memory and does not load the processor. And the developer is the same. The same applies to any other applications - you can always find an analogue that takes up a minimum of memory in a mobile phone.

Reset photos and videos on PC

If there is free space on the micro SD card, set the camera on your phone so that all photos and videos are automatically saved there. This will free up space for installing applications in the main storage. We can also advise you to regularly reset the accumulated photos and videos to your computer's hard drive. Use a Bluetooth wireless connection or a micro-USB cable for this.

We use cloud storage

Popular cloud storages:

  • Dropbox
  • Yandex.Disk;
  • Mail.ru cloud;
  • Google Disc.

Use them to automatically save videos and photos. This will free up space in the main storage. The amount of disk space in cloud storages is from 10 GB. Expansion of the volume is provided due to paid tariff plans.

Buying a new smartphone

If there is not enough memory on the phone, buying a new smartphone will help fix the situation. Judge for yourself - even if 8 GB is written in the characteristics of the handset, a maximum of 5 GB will be available to you. Today, even 16 GB is not enough, since about 11 GB are available to users - the rest is occupied by the operating system. They take away free space and regular updates, leaving mountains of garbage. Our recommendation is to buy a phone with at least 32 GB of storage and support for micro SD cards.

whatsapp problem

Tons of forwarded videos and funny pictures - it's a real curse! Not only is this garbage content, it also clogs up the memory of the smartphone. This junk is stored in the Media folder. If you are a fan of sharing videos, check the size of this folder - just sit down on a chair so as not to be frightened by the numbers. All these videos and pictures clog not only the brain, but also the memory of your phone. Salvation will be regular cleaning of this folder.

How to clean your phone from junk files

Apps such as Clean Master, CCleaner, and Power Clean can help you clear your phone's memory. Install any software from the Playmarket and regularly clean your smartphone from accumulated garbage. Another useful utility is Security Master (formerly CM Security). It combines an antivirus, an unwanted number scanner, an identity protector and a phone memory cleaner. A multifunctional program, albeit with numerous notifications.

If the phone writes “not enough memory”, although there is memory, feel free to launch one of the applications and clean it up. The same Security Master will help fix various errors in the operating system. Many smartphones (Xiaomi, Asus and some others) have built-in memory cleaning tools.

It is not for nothing that with each new version of Android devices, developers add more internal and RAM memory - this is the main space that is simply necessary for the entire system to work properly.

If a user recklessly uploads a lot of "heavy" files, then, as a result, the system can react to this, prohibit the installation of other software with a simple system message: "There is not enough free Android memory." But to understand what it is and how to fix it, you need to know what types of memory exist in your device.

  • RAM, or otherwise RAM.
  • This is an operational recorder that is responsible for all applications launched by the user. It is used by all currently running processes, both system and third-party.

    In this area, all processes are very fast, all data is written and overwritten several times. Therefore, the latest models of Android devices can regulate this process themselves without the user's attention, provided that there is a constant power source. Information about all running processes is displayed in the system through the Task Managers. By opening the system folder, you can make sure that you simply do not need some processes, and here you can disable them, freeing up space.

  • ROM.
  • This space is occupied by the Android OS itself, it is not changeable, and the system simply will not allow you to add or remove something from this area. For correction, root rights are needed, that is, unlimited access to system files, and if they are obtained, the user of the new smartphone will lose service support.

  • Internal phone storage.
  • This space is completely dedicated to the needs of the user. All personal files will be stored in memory - software, movies and photos, downloaded applications. Here you can change, delete unnecessary, and add new. From the menu of this memory, you can transfer large files to a memory card, which will just free up space.

  • microSD.
  • The volumes of this memory can be very different, removable media up to 64 GB are already available, and this space is quite enough for a simple user of the device.

The message there is not enough space in the memory of an Android device can be caused by a variety of reasons:

  • It is important to understand that the space of internal memory in different devices varies, and in budget models it can be limited to only 2 GB, that is, if you download at least one full-fledged game, then nothing else will fit there. In this case, the user needs to purchase removable media, a memory card.
  • Even if the owner of the device does not download any applications at all, and even more so, games, then such a device may also run out of internal memory. This can happen because the cache list is too large, which is constantly added when the device is running.
  • If the owner uses various navigation maps, for example, to build a route in an unfamiliar place, then this function greatly affects the overflow of operating memory.
  • When updating software, games and applications, old installation files remain in the system, cluttering up the necessary space.

Ways to solve the problem

Removing unnecessary software

Let's say that you have many different applications installed on your Android smartphone. How can they be viewed, deleted or transferred? By means of the device itself:

  1. Enter the main settings menu, scroll through it and find the "Installed Applications Manager" or a section with some similar name.
  2. You will see a complete list of everything that you have installed on your device.
  3. If you no longer need some software, you can also safely remove it here, especially those that you never run.
  4. Large applications such as maps or the market can be safely sent to removable media by clicking on the “Move to memory card” option.

This method helps so many users to get rid of the system message with the text insufficient Android memory.

Cleaning the device from debris using the system

While working on the device, the system records various caches of browser page visits, crash logs, already read messages, and so on. This, of course, is very important for the health of the OS, but over time there are more and more of them, which leads to a system failure message.

To remove unnecessary garbage, do the following:

  1. Download any file manager from the Google Play market, the choice is overwhelming.
  2. Open the installed application and go to the downloads folder (downloand).
  3. Carefully review all the information, select the software you do not need and permanently delete it, thereby clearing the place.
  4. Open your inbox, sort through the ones you've read, and delete the ones that aren't of much value.
  5. Open the browser that you constantly use, check the folder of all directories where information is entered, and fearlessly delete everything through the file manager - they only clutter up the system.
  6. Clearing the recorded cache list of applications also helps in solving the problem. You need to find each of them from the settings menu, and at the bottom there is a link to clean up, so you can free up enough space.

You need to do this "cleaning" regularly, then you will not have to read unpleasant messages if you need to install new software.

Cleaning memory through special applications

If you use a desktop computer, then you probably know that there is special software that professionally cleans the system of unnecessary files, cache and logs. The same functionality can be used on Android, and the Clean Master utility is recognized as the best development, it is available in the Google Play store.

By installing the utility just once, you can easily get rid of everything unnecessary that has accumulated during your work on the device. And at the same time fix the problem due to which Android writes insufficient memory.

The program can work in several modes:

  • Cleaning up accumulated debris.
  • Acceleration of the system itself, freeing up space from crash logs and cache.
  • It will open all installed applications and offer to remove unused ones.
  • Runs the built-in antivirus by checking the device for viruses.

There are other useful utilities to speed up the work, they can be found in the same Market. For example, CCleaner.

If none of the options fit, Hard Reset will help

If, after several attempts, there is still not enough space in the device’s memory on the screen, then most likely the system has failed, and you need to reset all the settings you have set to the factory settings. You can do this through the main menu in the "Backup and Reset" section, the system will prompt you to save some data on removable media, agree, and click on the reset button. After a while, you will get a completely “clean” device, and you can install everything you need for work and play again.

The Android operating system is installed on most mobile devices. It's no secret that smartphones and tablets can easily replace a computer or laptop in terms of their capabilities thanks to powerful hardware and a large amount of memory. There are a huge number of applications for this OS. In the Play Store, according to official statistics, almost 2 million programs have been downloaded. Many owners of portable devices, especially inexperienced ones, install a lot and store a large amount of photos, videos and other files. Features of the mobile operating system over time lead to an error reporting an insufficient amount of free memory. As a result, it is almost impossible to use a smartphone or tablet, as the speed of work slows down, and it simply does not work to save any file or update installed programs.

There is nothing wrong with the “not enough space in the device’s memory” error - it can be easily fixed

What can be done when this error appears on Android, despite the fact that in fact there is still free space left? Let's find out why this message appears, and also consider ways to solve the problem.

Reason for the message

If you have, most likely, it has a decent amount of internal storage. Devices with at least 16 gigabytes of memory are considered the best choice. However, not everyone can afford to purchase such a “capacious” device, so they have to be content with 8 or even 4 gigabytes. And if someone has an old gadget, the amount of storage can be measured even in megabytes. Obviously, the more space, the better. But even if you have enough internal memory, this does not mean that you will never have such a problem. Most likely, you will encounter it a little later.

The Android operating system is designed so that applications and temporary files use internal memory first, even if you have an SD card installed. The latest version of the operating system generally has a problem with full support for a flash drive. Apparently, Google wants to follow the path of Apple, abandoning memory cards altogether.

For the first time, the “not enough space in the device’s memory” error can be encountered on the very first day of work, when trying to install a large number of programs from the Play Store. If you managed to avoid this, the entire application cache (temporary files) will gradually occupy the device's memory during operation.

Even if you transfer applications to the card, some of the files necessary for work will still be stored on the internal drive. The more often you use programs, the faster free space can run out. The leaders in memory consumption are games, especially modern and demanding ones, as well as browsers and various instant messengers. For example, if you actively communicate through WhatsApp, which is popular in Russia, chats and received media files will gradually fill up the free space. Some applications are not transferred to an external drive at all, since the developers did not provide this possibility.

So, what can be done if the system writes that there is not enough free space, although in fact it is?

How to free up memory

You can free up device memory on Android using various means, both built-in to the system and third-party utilities. Let's consider each of the options.

Clearing temporary files

The most accessible option to fight for free space on the device is from temporary files using the settings menu. To do this, go to Settings and open the Memory section. You'll see how much space is left, how memory is allocated, and how much space each type of content takes up. To clear the cache, click on the corresponding item in the menu. After a few seconds, the system will show how much space is freed up.

Some mobile device manufacturers install additional utilities that cannot be downloaded from the Play Store, equipped with a system cleanup function. Explore the capabilities of the firmware, and if necessary, use it for its intended purpose.

Using special cleaning utilities

There is a whole section in the Play Store dedicated to applications for deleting temporary files and monitoring system status. Enter the Play Market, enter Cleaner in the search bar and download the required utility. The leaders in popularity are Clean Master and SD Maid. They give control over the system and allow you to free up a significant amount of device memory. Some features require . To clean up, run the application, select the appropriate menu item, mark the files that you want to delete, and wait for the process to finish.

Clearing the cache through Recovery

Sometimes it turns out that cleaning Android with standard system tools, as well as third-party programs, does not bring results - the error still appears. In this case, you can try clearing the system cache. Switch your Android smartphone or tablet to Recovery mode. To do this, simultaneously hold down the power and volume buttons up. The key combination may differ for some brands and models. Information on how to put the device into Recovery mode can be found on our website.

In the main recovery menu, select the Wipe Cache Partition section, and after the process is completed, reboot in normal mode. As a result of the procedure, personal data will not be affected, and memory will increase, since all temporary files will be deleted.

Move apps and files to SD card

Another effective method can be to transfer applications to a memory card. This may slow down the performance of applications. It should be remembered that some manufacturers deprive the user of the function of transferring programs using standard system tools. In this case, you will need to get root rights and use third-party utilities.

Let's immediately consider the process of transferring to a USB flash drive using standard means. Enter Settings - Applications. After a few seconds, you'll see how much space each program takes up, and you can sort by that parameter. Find the application you are interested in in the list, click on it. If the transfer is possible, you will see an active "Move to SD card" button. Transfer the largest programs, and then do not forget to clean the device using the appropriate programs. You will get more free space on your internal storage.

If some application cannot be transferred, get root rights and try to transfer data using the Link2SD utility. Remember that you will use such software at your own peril and risk, and in case of their incorrect operation, you will be responsible for the damaged device.

Removing unnecessary or rarely used applications

Despite all your efforts, is there still not enough memory? Make an audit of the installed programs on your Android device. Perhaps you have software that you use very rarely or do not use at all, but it takes up precious space. Open the application settings, select the program that you don't need at the moment and uninstall it. If you actively use social networks, we advise you to use the mobile versions of the site through a browser, instead of installing clients. The same Facebook can take up to 400 megabytes.

Reset app preferences

With prolonged and active use of some applications, their size can grow to indecently large. Such a sin is seen in many programs. We advise you to periodically delete the data of the most "gluttonous" programs. Thus, precious megabytes will be released, and the stability of Android will increase. To do this, go to Settings - Applications, select the desired program from the list, and then click on "Clear data". All settings will be reset.

In some cases, only resetting the settings of all programs can help, especially when the system is unstable due to overcrowded memory, giving other errors along the way. To do this, open Settings - Applications - All, press the menu button and select "Reset settings".

Reset system settings to factory settings

Well, the extreme, but the most effective remedy is resetting the device to factory settings. You will lose all data, but your device will work like new. You can perform a reset both through the settings menu and through the Recovery mode. In the first case, you need to go to Settings - Recovery and reset - Reset settings. In the second - transfer the device to, select wipe data / factory reset. After that, go through the process of setting up your Android smartphone or tablet from the very beginning.


Obviously, the low memory problem is popular among Android device owners. This problem can be solved in several simple ways, but in most cases it will not be possible to completely get rid of it. One can only hope that Google in its future updates of the operating system will make sure that the internal drive is not clogged with any garbage.

How often do you encounter this problem? Share your experience with it in the comments.

This is the question we received from one of the users of our site Alexey. He writes that when downloading the application from the Google Play Store, an error is displayed: “The application could not be downloaded. There is not enough space in the device's memory." At the same time, there is plenty of memory space - at least a few gigabytes, while the size of the downloaded application is only a few megabytes. What to do, how to be?

This is what the error looks like when downloading the application:

We must say right away that there is no single solution to this problem, so we will consider various options that can help deal with the problem.

Clearing the cache in the Google Play app

If you believe the numerous reviews in RuNet, then the first thing the user needs to do is clear the cache for the Google Play application. It is recommended to proceed with this action in the first place precisely in cases where there is a lot of space on the device, and the application is not installed.

Go to your phone or tablet settings.

Select the "Applications" section.

Find the Google Play Store app or Google Play Services (the name may vary depending on the firmware) and tap on it.

Here, click on the "Erase data" button, then - "Clear cache".

After that, try to install the application from the Market. This method should help you.

Make sure you have enough memory

In some cases, the amount of available memory may not be correct. For example, you may think that there are still a few gigabytes of memory available, but in fact, there are only a few megabytes. To make sure you have free memory, go to the settings and select the "Memory" section.

As you can see, in our case there is very little free memory, and if you install applications that are several hundred megabytes in size, there really won’t be enough space.

Clear device contents

If there is really not enough memory, you need to get rid of junk and unnecessary applications, as well as files.

To remove temporary files, data from the cache, etc., it is better to use a special application, for example, Clean Master. Download it, run it, then click on the "Trash" button.

When the system finds all unnecessary and temporary files, just click on the "Clean" button.

In this way, you can free up quite a lot of space, but if it is still not enough, we recommend deleting unused applications, which are usually always there.

In some cases, memory is occupied by various files, such as music, video files, photos, etc. They need to be deleted manually, and preferably with the help of a file manager. We use ES File Explorer. Find the file or folder you want to delete, tap on it, select it and click on the recycle bin icon.

Often there can be a lot of such files, and deleting them simply frees up a huge amount of memory.

Move apps to memory card

If you have a memory card and have the ability to move apps to it from main memory, use this feature to avoid deleting apps.

To do this, go to the settings, then to the "Applications" section. Here, select the desired application and click on the “Move to SD card” button (in our case, the button says “Go to SD card”).

Please note that system apps are not migrated. It is possible that on your device the ability to transfer applications to a memory card is not available at all.

What else can help?

Tips from the net that may or may not help. If it is worth using them, then only in the most extreme cases, when nothing helps at all. You can also try:

  • Remove updates for the Google Play app.
  • Delete cache and data not only for the Google Play app, but also for the Google Service Framework.
  • Clear Dalvik cache with .
  • Do . In this case, all data will be cleared, and files will be deleted.

The problem with memory overflow, which can be recognized by the message issued by the Android operating system "Memory is full", is quite common. Moreover, there are no universal solutions for it, but there are many tips. In this material, we will try to systematize all or at least most of the available information on this issue.

Types of memory in Android devices

RAM, Random Access Memory or RAM - random access memory or random access memory. The software (including the operating system and installed applications) writes the data they need in the course of work into this memory and can quickly read them. RAM requires constant power - when you turn off or reboot the device, it is completely cleared. The more RAM, the more different processes and services can be running simultaneously. The “Phone memory is full” error can occur if the entire amount of RAM is completely exhausted, and there is not enough free space for the application to be launched.

ROM, Read Only Memory or ROM - read-only memory. The information stored in it cannot be changed and is recorded during the manufacture of the phone, or when the operating system is reinstalled - that is, during the flashing process. ROM is often divided into several sections to perform internal functions.

Interal Storage (Interal Phone Storage) - internal storage of a smartphone (or other device). This section of memory is designed to store user data, installed applications, and so on. This is something like an analogue of a hard drive in a personal computer. Naturally, in the process of writing data to the internal memory of an Android device, there is less free space here. The total amount of storage and the amount of free space can be viewed in the device settings.

External Storage - or, in fact, a microSD / microSDHC memory card. The user can expand this type of memory at will, unless, of course, the device supports memory cards, and there is an appropriate slot for this. It is something like an external hard drive for a personal computer. The total and occupied volumes of this type of memory, as well as free space on the card, can be checked in the settings of the Android gadget. The memory card can store multimedia data such as music, movies, pictures. Starting with Android 2.2, it became possible to transfer installed applications to a memory card, if the application itself supports it, thus saving space on the internal drive. Before replacing a memory card, it is strongly recommended to first unmount it, and not just remove it from the device.

Why does memory run out

Usually, after some time of relatively “quiet” use of the device on Android, users begin a period when they want to programmatically modify this device in every possible way. The endless installation of applications, scripts, and so on begins. And sooner or later, the message “Phone memory is full” appears, especially if the model is not one of the “top-end” ones, and this very memory is not so much. It is logical to assume that the problem is in the RAM - yes, this is partly true. But it is much easier to clean it up, it can be done both through the settings and using various downloadable utilities. So, the message about the lack of memory in the device appears when the internal drive is full. Of course, you can constantly clean this very drive, delete unnecessary applications, and so on, but over time it will be seen that the notorious “Phone memory is full” will appear more and more often. What is it connected with?

  • The Android operating system installs apps on internal memory by default;
  • not every application is available for transfer to a memory card;
  • Vital programs like Google Maps and Google Play “sewn” into your device are updated periodically, taking up additional internal memory cells;
  • some manufacturers throw pre-installed games and other software, which is called bloatware, into the smartphone or tablet you bought to the heap.

Free space check

Through the dispatcher

Button - dispatcher call

On Samsung devices, press and hold the Home button for about a second, then go to the storage icon.

The data here is displayed in the Busy/Total format, so you will need to remember a little arithmetic lessons.

Through settings

Everything is simpler here: Settings> Options> Memory . And you don't have to count.

How to clean - overview of options

Operational measures

For a quick, although not very long, solution to the situation, cleaning up temporary files will help. They have the .rm extension and are stored in the folder data local mp. You can delete temporary files with Root access, for example, using Root Explorer.

Also, in the above folder data you can find many files that have the .log extension and contain "error" in the name - these are error log files of various applications that take up quite a lot of space. We delete them and forget about “Phone memory is full” for a while.

Removing dex files

And now let's look at a more thorough way to clean up space on the internal drive. Each program on a smartphone or tablet, or any other Android device, when installed, creates a file with the extension .dex in the directory datadalvik-cache. But sometimes, on some system applications, these files are missing, and the following picture is visible:

Indeed, it is strange that the program takes 0 bytes. As it turns out, the reason lies in the fact that along with these files, the firmware contains files of the same name, but with the .odex extension. These files can be created, and then you don't need to leave .dex files. For example, LuckyPatcher can "dress" applications. So, first we look in the properties of the application, how much space it takes:

In this case, it's 1.68 MB, so the corresponding .dex file in datadalvik-cache takes up the same amount of space, and the created .odex file will weigh the same. We launch the mentioned LuckyPatcher, select the desired application in the list, hold down on it (not just “tap” once, but hold down), we see the context menu:

We select the first or second item, and it does not matter that the application may not need to remove the license check or remove ads at all. After that, the program will create the .odex files we need. Now you can remove the .dex files from datadalvik-cache. And now we see that the application already takes 0 bytes, but it works fine. This method is suitable for system applications.

For custom applications, things are a little different. We select the application we need and go to its folder on the memory card, look at the free memory of this application. In this example, 1.56 MB is reserved for the program folder, while the .dex file is 1.68 MB.

There are several ways to solve this problem: either move the selected application to the system directory and carry out the manipulations described above, or forget about this idea specifically with this application and take on some other program. By the way, if you move the application to user memory, and then create .odex, you can delete .dex, and the program will work fine. But when you move it to a flash drive, the .odex file will be deleted, and the application will refuse to work. In this case, there will be only two options left: reinstall the program again or do a complete cleanup of dalvik-cache. So not every application can work without .dex - the method will only work with applications that have more free memory than .dex.

hard reboot

You can solve the problem radically by using Hard reset - a hard reset of the communicator. The step is not bad, returning the device to its original, factory settings. The speed of work increases, the smartphone instantly responds to all inputs and literally starts to “fly”. But, on the other hand, such an action can cause inconvenience for the user, because it is the deletion of data, files, applications that he will be forced to install again.

An effective but harsh way to solve a problem

Removing unnecessary applications, their updates and cache

To get rid of unused applications, go to Settings > Options > Application Manager.

Find in the menu "Application Manager" is not so difficult

Once in the "Downloaded" tab, call up the menu and sort the files by size. Next, select the applications you abandoned and click "Delete".

You can remove updates only for those applications that you installed yourself - with the built-in ones, such a trick will not work.

Select the application, click on "Uninstall updates", and after that - on "Disable".

If you have root, then you can even get rid of the system software. But be careful - one awkward movement, and the smartphone will fall into a dead sleep.

To clear the application cache, go to: Settings> Options> Memory.

Wait a few seconds until the amount of occupied space is determined, then select the "Cached data" item and tap "OK".

Using the CCleaner utility

CCleaner is perhaps the best of the utilities

Not to say that this method is super-efficient, given that some utilities themselves take up a lot of space, and even show ads. Therefore, if you decide to resort to it, then choose a proven CCleaner.

After the utility has done its job, you can safely delete it - until the next need.

Video: How to free up memory on Android

“Phone memory is full” is by far one of the most annoying and annoying inscriptions for Android device owners. We hope that thanks to our advice, she will not bother you for a long time.

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