Being a patriot does not mean hating. It means to love

Decree of the President Russian Federation 2016 is declared a year in Russia Karamzin. The largest Russian writer of the era of sentimentalism and the father of Russian history (or its first falsifier, as some believe) was born on December 12, 1766. By the way, “the first historian and the last chronicler” did not call him anyone, but Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. And he showed the perspicacity characteristic of a great poet: Karamzin's works, although they were historical studies in form, were essentially annalistic in nature. But first things first.

Karamzin's childhood and youth are not particularly remarkable. Born either in Simbirsk itself, or somewhere nearby, he was brought up on the estate of his father, a retired captain from an ancient noble family. On his instructions, in 1783 Karamzin entered the service of the Preobrazhensky Guards Regiment, but did not last long there. Army days were not to his liking. Father's death Mikhail Egorovich Karamzin died in the same year) gave the young lieutenant the opportunity to retire and return home. Here he also did not stay long - he received an inheritance and soon left for Moscow. But it is in Simbirsk that the significant event in his biography: Karamzin joins the Golden Crown Masonic lodge. It is difficult to say what this organization was like. Masonic lodges for the province at that time were generally very rare. But in Simbirsk, the Freemasons distinguished themselves in a very special way: they built a temple specifically for their meetings. No services were held there - only meetings of members of the Golden Crown lodge. However, meetings were held infrequently, and the lodge was, apparently, not numerous. In 1792, it actually ceased to exist. Karamzin had already lived in Moscow for a long time, but his ties with the Masons after leaving Simbirsk did not break off. In 1785 he became a member of the Friendly Learned Society, a mysterious organization founded by Freemasons. Ivan Schwartz and Nikolai Novikov. By the way, Schwartz appears in Karamzin's biography even earlier: in 1781-1782, Karamzin attended his lectures at the Imperial Moscow University.

The declared goal of the "Friendly Scientific Society" was to spread enlightenment in Russia by publishing useful books, educating Russian teachers and inviting talented teachers from abroad. One of its members Ivan Lopukhin, defined the tasks of society in this way: “... to publish spiritual books and instructing in morality and gospel truth, translating the deepest writers about this into foreign languages and to contribute to a good upbringing, helping especially those who were preparing to preach the Word of God... For him, more than 50 seminarians were brought up with us, who were given from the diocesan bishops themselves with great gratitude. The position of society was strengthened by representatives of many noble noble families (Trubetskoy, Vyazemsky, Cherkassky, Tatishchev), who made large donations in his favor. But this did not save the organization from problems. After the death of Schwartz in 1784, members of the society began to be attacked, which especially intensified after the start of the Great french revolution. In 1791 "Friendly learned society”(or rather, the“ Printing Company ”, as they began to call it over time) ceases to exist.

Karamzin's connections with the Freemasons are fertile ground for various conspiracy theories. The most radical branch of his haters even ascribes to the "first historian" the desire to undermine the foundations of Russian statehood. Version from the category of "nothing is impossible." But there is no smoke without fire. Some facts of Karamzin's biography do raise legitimate questions. Especially when it comes to his European tour of 1789-1790. In total, the journey lasted 14 months. Karamzin visited many European countries, met with Immanuel Kant, personally observed the French Revolution in Paris, and upon his return to Moscow wrote his famous Letters of a Russian Traveler, which brought the author great literary fame. The question remains open: what prompted the novice writer Karamzin to break off ties with Novikov and go wandering around Europe? Why did he not correspond with his family and friends during the trip? But the most important thing: where did the poor retired lieutenant get the money for this?

And the version seems quite logical that no break with the Masonic "Printing Company" actually happened, and Nikolai Novikov himself allocated money for the trip to the talented ward. Karamzin's biographer writes about this Albert Starchevsky: according to him, Karamzin received not only money from Novikov, but also detailed instructions from famous mason Gamaleya seeds(Copies with these instructions allegedly belonged to many lovers of Russian antiquity in Moscow).

Today, one can only guess about the circumstances of this trip. But with confidence we can talk about the changes that have undergone Political Views Karamzin upon his return to Moscow. Being one of the first "Russian Europeans", Karamzin ardently supported the slogans of the French Revolution. But the bright ideals of freedom, equality and fraternity before his eyes turned into bloody terror. Karamzin took this lesson of history hard, but he was brave enough to learn it. Now he knew that pernicious passions were fatal to the people, and that firm autocratic power was virtuous, unless it became despotic. Karamzin's position on this issue was unchanged. By the end of his life, he had become a staunch supporter absolute monarchy, although at heart he always remained a Republican (paradoxically, but true).

With liberal moralism, Karamzin also approached the study of history. Or rather, not to study, but to writing. It was he who wrote Russian history, giving the features of historical research artwork. Or even vice versa. Connoisseurs are still arguing what is more in the works of Karamzin: artistic or historical? In the 19th century, the "History of the Russian State" was read more like literary work, but under its influence a holistic view of the people about their past was formed. However, not only then. Often, we unconsciously fall under the influence of Karamzin. This happens whenever the prince Yaroslav we call him wise (this epithet was given to him by Karamzin). And what image does our imagination draw when we hear about Ivan the Terrible? The view of the first Russian tsar as a torturer and murderer triumphed in the historical memory of the people under the influence of Karamzin. But this is a special topic.

Somehow weak with the arguments of those who consider Karamzin an insidious enemy of the Russian people. National history in his interpretation is depicted as ambiguous, but by no means negative. Yes, Karamzin admires the achievements of European civilization and regrets that we moved towards enlightenment much more slowly. But Russia for him is an equal part of Europe, and not its appendage. Karamzin states with pride: "Russia, oppressed, crushed by all sorts of disasters, survived and rose in a new greatness, so that history hardly presents us with two examples of this kind." How, for example, to explain the fact that PetraI, one of the most unloved Russian rulers in the West, Karamzin praises without hesitation even in Letters from a Russian Traveler? Comparing LouisXIV and Peter, Karamzin writes: “... These two heroes were very unequal in the greatness of their spirit and deeds. The subjects glorified Louis, Peter glorified his subjects, (...) I respect the first as a strong king; I revere the second as a great man, as a hero, as a benefactor of mankind, as my own benefactor.

But with Ivan the Terrible, Karamzin did not have a relationship. Volumes dedicated to the first king were more popular among the people than others, they were read with special interest. This is not surprising: the image of a despot, a tyrant and simply an immoral person is created in an artistic and picturesque way. Ivan the Terrible, the author, as they say, “did not digest” (as he “did not digest” Ivan Kalitu another great Russian historian - Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky). Let's not argue about the objectivity of Karamzin's assessments. Another thing is important: the obvious hostility to any of the historical figures indicates that the author approaches the study of the issue with passion and enthusiasm.

Karamzin emphasizes the main feature of his multi-volume offspring in the preface to The History of the Russian State: “It was necessary either to say nothing, or to say everything about such and such a prince, so that he would live in our memory not with one dry name, but with some moral physiognomy.” Karamzin coped with the task set “excellently” (the skill of a talented fiction writer helped). This is his main merit and main fault. Merit, because any knowledge is the unity of word and image. Guilt, because in the "market" historical images Karamzin was and, by and large, continues to be a monopolist. In addition, is it reasonable to use the concepts everyday morality, evaluating the actions of the arbiters of world history? Karamzin's problem is that the criterion of morality has become dominant and indisputable for him. He also used it to evaluate those times when the concepts of morality in modern sense the word didn't exist at all. For example, in the chapter on reigning Oleg Karamzin writes: Ancient Russia is famous for more than one hero: none of them could compare with Oleg in the conquests that confirmed her mighty being. (…) But the blood Askold and dira remained a stain of his glory. Indeed, by the standards of the 19th century, the murder of Askold and Dir is an immoral, criminal and condemnable act. But is it appropriate to apply the terms "morality" and "crime" in relation to the time when the very word "rule" meant to fight and kill enemies?

The 250th anniversary of the birth of Karamzin was celebrated in Russia new round controversy about his identity. As usual, over the years these disputes become more and more unprincipled. It's hard to distinguish real facts his biography from fiction, just like the historical truth of his works from artistic interpretation. But Karamzin was right about one thing: “Patriotism should not blind us; love for the fatherland is an act of clear reason, and not a blind passion; and, pitying those people who look at things only from the bad side, never see the good and always complain, we do not want to fall into the other extreme; we do not want to assure ourselves that Russia is already at the highest level of goodness and perfection. The historical legacy of Karamzin will remind more than one generation of descendants of this.

In discussions on the topic of what patriotism is, different people express their ideas about it. When Leo Tolstoy said that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel (by the way, a similar idea was expressed both before and after him), he had in mind not patriotism as such, but nationalism. Many thinkers call patriotism a defensive feeling, and nationalism an aggressive feeling, so those who attack people of another nationality cannot be called patriots. The militarization of the school has nothing to do with education. Military-patriotic education makes sense outside of school. For example, military-patriotic, military-historical clubs, but even here their leaders should exercise caution, avoid manifestations of any kind of nationalism. Children can be brought up in the spirit of love for their country, and not in the spirit of hatred for enemies who are unknown and who still have to be sought. As Nikolai Karamzin said: “Patriotism should not blind us; love for the fatherland is the action of a clear mind, and not a blind passion.

Today in our "Discussion Club" we will talk about patriotism. The discussion can be continued if you, our readers, send us your thoughts on this topic, objections to the opinions expressed today.

"Life-Giving Shrine"

I turn to the dictionaries of the Russian language to clarify the concept. V. Dahl: patriotism - love for the motherland; S. Ozhegov has devotion and love for his fatherland, for his people. According to A. Pushkin, these feelings are important for a person:

Two feelings are wonderfully close to us,

In them the heart finds food -

Love for native land

Love for father's coffins.

A life-giving shrine, the Earth would be dead without them...

Is it possible to talk about the devotion to their fatherland of the millions who emigrated during the perestroika period? And what fuels the love for the motherland among millions of disadvantaged Russians who continue their lives in the Russian expanses? In what and how do they manifest themselves - this devotion and love for the motherland?

I do not condemn talented and highly qualified compatriots who have gone abroad, but I am proud that they - pupils of the Soviet school: scientific, musical, sports - find work in highly developed countries. May God grant them creative success and prosperity. Their accomplishments will be included in the global treasury of human achievements, and over time we will also be able to use them. But I am sad for my country, which does nothing to use their talents. My sense of patriotism responds to reviews of my country. It pains me when I hear a European say that the West can do without Russia, but Russia is unlikely to do without the West (culturally). I am overwhelmed with pride when they report on the triumphant performances of our artists abroad, on the prize-winning places of our students at Olympiads in Physics and Mathematics, on the gold medals of our athletes. Is there really no healthy spirit in the country to cope with the problems that have accumulated in society - corruption in the bureaucratic environment, hazing in the army, destitute old people and homeless children?

We were led astray by the golden calf. For most Russians, this incentive has never been inspiring, and during the years of perestroika, a virtual financial bubble arose and distracted society from real life. But another symbol known to us since childhood - the golden cockerel, is also not good. This is how we live: a small part of society prays for the golden calf, and a large part for the golden cockerel, at the signal of which the authorities activate the troops, so that later they howl over the victims. Having mourned, he continues to reign, lying on his side, along with his people. In those fabulous times, the king paid with his life for his indiscretion. Now people are paying with their lives. How long will we stay "lying on our side"? I think, until the Russian public is concerned about the situation in the real economy of their own country.

Four national projects proposed by the government - education, health, housing, agriculture, inspire hope for a turn to specific case. The opposition claims that these projects are a myth, another PR stunt. Perhaps they are right. But, apart from criticism, no more constructive proposals are heard from her.

Finally, we need to start doing something concrete. Words do not give birth to civil society. Fifteen years the people, not engaged in business, physically disappears. Why does this not bother the democratic opposition, the defenders of human rights in our country? From their point of view, the term patriot allegedly acquired a nationalist connotation in our country. In this case, showing complete indifference to the fate of the Russians, their activities have an anti-national connotation.

But the patriotic intelligentsia found a nerve in modern society. Crowded cinema halls and the number of TV viewers watching domestic films testify to the enthusiasm that has accumulated in the country for the revival of Russia. Find now a real deal for those who do not have access to large format halls!


This is the energy of creation.

Which main secret patriotic education? Talk less about patriotism, create more situations for the child to empathize with the problems of their small homeland. First, a child learns to love his mother, his family, his home, his friends. Impossible to love your great motherland as long as you can do without the little one. I really appreciate the rare conversations with Boris Vasiliev, on whose books and films I was brought up in my youth. “The dawns here are quiet”, “I didn’t appear on the lists” - in these immortal works there is not a word of lectures on how to love your country. You just can’t help but love her if tears of empathy for the heroes of Boris Vasiliev appeared in your eyes. Therefore, the essence of patriotic education is not in edifying conversations about patriotism, but in the education of inner love for the Fatherland.

Our lyceum students gave regular concerts to wounded soldiers-border guards in the Golitsyn hospital of the border troops. Everyone needed these concerts - both children and wounded soldiers, who understood that in front of them were the children of those who remained on the battlefield. I am convinced that the energy of patriotism is the main resource for Russia's development. Only a patriot can convey this energy. “What goes from the heart to the heart will reach,” our ancestors taught. How to convey to a child the motive of patriotic service to Russia? This is what Russian educators should be concerned about.

Today, a patriotic teacher is having a hard time. Someone very skillfully put an equal sign between the concepts of "nationalism" and "patriotism" in the public consciousness. A person who preaches patriotic values ​​has become almost an outcast. Patriot? So chauvinist. I spent a long time discussing how to expose this deception to teenagers, how to protect them from the ideologists of Russo-fascism, skinheads, fans, "fans" and other aggressive groups recruiting their supporters on the basis of adrenaline of destruction.

Patriotism is the energy of creation. If you are a patriot, then you will direct all your energy to ensure that your country, your family, your loved ones begin to live better. Nationalism is the energy of destruction. The nationalist spends all his strength on "drenching" foreigners, non-believers and other fictitious enemies of Russia. Nationalism is the ideology of a helpless consciousness. Forgetting about patriotic education, social education of children, we are losing to crime, which, no doubt, will find a way to use youthful energy in the right direction for itself. From love to hate one step. From blindfolded patriotism to nationalism, even less so.

Teenagers often ask me what is the main thing in the character of a special forces officer, while mentioning the images from the films of Steven Seagal and Sylvester Stallone. I don't know what to call this feature. But this “something” is sacredly kept in completely different films, such as “Only Old Men Go to Battle”, “Battalions Ask for Fire”, “Belorussky Station”, “Ships Storm Bastions”.

Anatoly YERMOLIN, Deputy of the State Duma

Everyone's natural feeling

Citizenship is a kind of spiritual state of a person. Patriotism is one of its components, and to single out this concept, I think, is unproductive today from the point of view of the comprehensive upbringing of the child. If, however, to intensify patriotic work, forgetting about other sides, then one can go to extremes. To raise a man with a weapon who is ready to do anything. We don't need militant patriots.

Patriotism must be inside every citizen. For him, love for the Motherland is a natural state, it is inherent in him to be proud of his country, to strive to do something for it.

My understanding of patriotism is, first of all, the constant desire to do something yourself to improve life in your country, to honestly do the work that you are doing. Worry about her future, about her prestige. If necessary, then with weapons to defend their Fatherland, this is natural.

Times change. If once patriotism was brought up on the example of Pavka Korchagin, the Young Guards, now such guidelines are not suitable. That was a different country. There were other examples with whom young people made their lives. In a united Europe, people feel like citizens, as well as patriots of the European Union, but at the same time they remember the interests of their country. The concept of "citizenship" is much broader, it includes both patriotism and democratic values, tolerance, the ability to respect the interests and rights of others.

Today, the cultural situation is different, which is difficult for many representatives of the older generation to perceive. The world is changing very rapidly nowadays, and children know about it. They communicate with each other on the Internet, with peers from other countries. It never occurs to them that they need to fight each other. They are just friends, sharing information.

In our international camp, created under the program " New Civilization", the guys from different countries created a gaming state, where the patriotic feeling was really clearly manifested. The guys proudly represented their country. Then a boy from America was elected president, and a boy from Russia became prime minister. The guys very quickly found compromises, and there were no conflicts. Children, as citizens of the future, are free from the myths that adult people have.

Patriotism is an inner feeling of everyone, it is like love for a mother, for a child. This is the natural feeling of every person. Live with the feeling that this is my country, no matter what happens to it, no matter the difficulties, no matter how other states treat it. The child intuitively senses this. It is even unnatural for him when we defiantly try to teach him love for Russia. It follows from his entire worldview of the Motherland.

Alexander PRUTCHENKOV, Doctor of Historical Sciences

Memory of the native land

Unfortunately, the crisis of patriotism is being talked about in many countries today. I talked on this topic with a significant number of Europeans, including those who are related to the education of young people, and they all state that teenagers and young people are no longer so proud of their homeland, they do not love it so warmly and wholeheartedly. And our political parties are concerned that the level of patriotism is declining. I heard that teachers in Russia and the public are also expressing concern. Perhaps we adults do not quite understand the young.

I think that in our time the very concept of “patriotism” is changing everywhere. After all, what is patriotism? Or is it some pure national motives associated with a particular nationality. You are devoted to her, you are concerned about her future fate, preservation of traditions, language, culture, position among other peoples. Or patriotism contains some democratic values. This is the adoption of a democratic way of life, freedom, including freedom of movement around the world, freedom to live where it is convenient for you.

It just changes the essence of the concept. Therefore, some kind of contradiction arises, a discrepancy between the usual views on this feeling and the new ones, due to modern trends, the globalization of our life. People belonging to the older generation often say to a young man or girl who, say, wants to go abroad to study or work: "You are no longer a patriot." I think this is an outdated understanding.

And young people believe that something new has appeared inside the concept of “patriotism”. To the question, if, God forbid, the country is attacked from outside, will you defend it? Everyone answers without hesitation: of course, without hesitation. Therefore, I do not at all consider those who leave to work, say, in Germany, France, the USA, as non-patriots of Lithuania, they go for material reasons or in order to get a more thorough education. Or because there more possibilities to unleash your abilities. There the labor market is more liberal. When we in Lithuania achieve the same conditions for work, study, comprehensive development of a person, then, naturally, most of those who leave will want to stay in their homeland. Well, those who are still called to their place by other gave, please, a happy journey and prosperity in a foreign land. But I'm sure for many of them motherland where you were born, where your roots are, remains forever in the soul.

Richardas TOTORAITIS, Specialist of the Department of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania

We are being tested

The image of Russia, our Motherland... It is probably completely different for people of the young and older generations. To remain faithful to one's long-suffering Motherland is not only patriotism, but also great trials and difficulties, if a person, in essence, and most importantly, in his deeds, proves daily, hourly his devotion to the country in which he lives. We are all now being tested by temptation: someone with easy money, fame, all available and inaccessible “pleasures”. We are forced to displace our traditions, culture, our roots in order to create such an Ivan who does not remember kinship, they destroy our Orthodoxy. Most recently we celebrated St. Valentine's Day, the commercial project of which continues to be successfully promoted in our Orthodox state. No one pays attention to the fact that the holiday is Catholic, that in the III century AD, when St. Valentine lived, the church wedding ceremony did not yet exist. True, in some places publications began to slip in the press that it would be nice to approve your holiday of love and harmony and celebrate it on the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, July 8th. These were quite real princes and peasant women who lived in the 13th century in Murom. Moreover, it would be necessary to pay close attention to the demographic situation in the country, which is becoming simply catastrophic for Russians. D. Mendeleev, who not only discovered his famous Periodic Table, but also wrote a treatise on the population of Russia, calculated that by the year 2000 470 million people should live in our country. Nearly half a billion. But Dmitry Ivanovich made his conclusions based on the population growth rate tsarist Russia. He could not know what would terrible wars, hunger, repressions, rivers of Russian blood will flow, the gene pool of the Russian nation will be systematically destroyed ... The count about nationality disappeared from the passport, they say they wanted to remove the patronymic, all according to the Western model? And the very word "Russian" is gradually being replaced. We were all made Russians and Russian women.

I have always called and will call myself Russian, I have never been and will never be a nationalist and chauvinist, although they are always ready to stick this label on me if I say that I am Russian, if only to kill this very feeling of Russianness in my soul. And this is especially true for our Orthodox faith. Who just does not work against Orthodoxy in Russia: sectarians, various emissaries of movements, religions? History often repeats itself. Everyone to some extent knows about the Mongol-Tatar invasion. But very few people know about it. important event which happened at that time. In addition to the Mongol-Tatars, the Teutonic Order went to Holy Russia. And then Prince Alexander Nevsky in Veliky Novgorod said this: “Rusichi! Orthodox! The East takes our body. The West takes our soul. Let's protect our souls! And we will agree with the body! And thanks to the wisdom of the young prince, we saved Russia, our faith, we saved ourselves.

And now there is a fight for the soul great Russia. It is beneficial for someone to accuse the Russian people of laziness, drunkenness, theft, cruelty. See what our numerous channels of television are filled with! They perfectly work off the money that the West has invested: they are corrupting our youth. It is already becoming an act not to support what is foreign, or rather what is alien, so as not to plunge into the darkness of national unconsciousness.

And I want to repeat the answer of the Russian writer Vladimir Krupin to the question of a foreign colleague whether the Russian people will leave the history of mankind. It will only go with history.

Elizabeth Markova

In the cells vertically from the number 14, a meaningful word should be obtained.

1. “A very useful, as well as entertaining, truly golden little book about the best structure of the state and about the new island ...” (Complete).
2. The concept is opposite in meaning to the concept of "egoism".
3. “Because the world is unrighteous, do not suffer
Do not tell us about death and do not weep yourself.
Pour this scarlet moisture into the bowl,
Give your heart to the white-breasted beauty.
(O. Khayyam
(Name a philosophical position)
4. On the Marquesas Islands, among many other typical ..., there is an original prohibition in relation to water: not a single drop of it should be spilled into a dwelling. (missing word).
5. Assumptions about the future state of the phenomena of nature and society or about phenomena unknown in this moment but detectable.
6. A specific type of reflection and formation of reality by a person in the process artistic creativity according to certain aesthetic ideals.
7. “Love for our own good produces in us love for the fatherland, and personal pride - national pride, which serves as a support ...” (N.M. Karamzin)(To complete).
8. One of the four priority national projects in modern Russia.
9. A person who has the highest degree of creative talent and has achieved extraordinary creative results.
10. In the philosophy of O. Spengler, the completion of her life (in figurative sense) is a civilization.
11. Extreme ideological direction mid-nineteenth century, which denied the main foundations of the modern political and social system.
12. The national religion of the Japanese, which arose on the basis of totemic ideas of antiquity.
13. A religious truth received in Revelation, the recognition of which the church requires from all believers.

1 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 The Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that knowledge of the past is “not only a need for a thinking mind, but also an essential condition for a conscious

and correct activity," because it gives that eye of the situation, that instinct of the minute, which protect a person "both from inertia and from haste." And then he gives advice: “Determining the tasks and direction of our activities, each of us must be at least a little historian in order to become a conscious and conscientiously acting citizen.” What is the significance of these thoughts of V. O. Klyuchevsky for our days?

Describe the main forms of the relationship between man and society. 4. What is the historical process? 5. How do you understand the connection of the past, present and future in the history of countries and peoples? Give examples. 6. Based on knowledge of history, literature, other subjects, give examples that characterize the role of the people in historical process. 7. Is it true that a worldview can have not only a separate personality, but also social group, nation, historical era? Explain your opinion, confirm it with examples. 8. Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that knowledge of the past is “not only a need for a thinking mind, but also essential condition conscious and correct activity”, because it gives that eye of the situation, that instinct of the minute, which protect a person “both from inertia and from haste”. And then he gives advice: “Determining the tasks and direction of our activities, each of us must be at least a little historian in order to become a conscious and conscientiously acting citizen.” What is the significance of these thoughts of V. O. Klyuchevsky for our days? 9. The word "civilization" and its derivatives can mean: a) good manners, the ability to behave in society ("he was a completely civilized young man, with excellent manners and manners"); b) the stage of social development following savagery and barbarism; c) the state of society that recognizes the values ​​of peace, economic prosperity, freedom, legality (“in a civilized society there is no place for violence, crime, violation of the law, disrespect for human rights”); d) a set of manifestations of culture (“ancient civilization is a unique culture underlying European culture subsequent epochs"); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others (“the economy, power system, values, lifestyle and psychology of people of the Middle Ages distinguished this civilization from ancient or modern"). Which of these meanings are directly related to the characteristics of the historical process? Apply these propositions to the analysis of specific societies known to you.

1. What conditions are necessary to become a person? 2. What, in your opinion, is the role of the family in the life of a person and society? 3. Name and

Describe the main forms of the relationship between man and society. 4. What is the historical process? 5. How do you understand the connection of the past, present and future in the history of countries and peoples? Give examples. 6. Based on knowledge of history, literature, and other subjects, give examples that characterize the role of the people in the historical process. 7. Is it true that not only an individual, but also a social group, a nation, a historical era can have a worldview? Explain your opinion, confirm it with examples. 8. The Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that knowledge of the past is “not only a need for a thinking mind, but also an essential condition for conscious and correct activity,” because it gives that eye of the situation, then flair of the minute, which protect a person "both from inertia and from haste." And then he gives advice: “Determining the tasks and direction of our activities, each of us must be at least a little historian in order to become a conscious and conscientiously acting citizen.” What is the significance of these thoughts of V. O. Klyuchevsky for our days? 9. The word "civilization" and its derivatives can mean: a) good manners, the ability to behave in society ("he was a completely civilized young man, with excellent manners and manners"); b) the stage of social development following savagery and barbarism; c) the state of society that recognizes the values ​​of peace, economic prosperity, freedom, legality (“in a civilized society there is no place for violence, crime, violation of the law, disrespect for human rights”); d) a set of manifestations of culture (“ancient civilization is a unique culture that underlies the European culture of subsequent eras”); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others (“the economy, power system, values, lifestyle and psychology of people of the Middle Ages distinguished this civilization from ancient or modern"). Which of these meanings are directly related to the characteristics of the historical process? Apply these propositions to the analysis of specific societies known to you. PLEASE, HELP!!! THANKS IN ADVANCE.

1. What conditions are necessary to become a person? 2. What, in your opinion, is the role of the family in the life of a person and society? 3. Name

and describe the main forms of the relationship between man and society. 4. What is the historical process? 5. How do you understand the connection of the past, present and future in the history of countries and peoples? Give examples. 6. Based on knowledge of history, literature, and other subjects, give examples that characterize the role of the people in the historical process. 7. Is it true that not only an individual, but also a social group, a nation, a historical era can have a worldview? Explain your opinion, confirm it with examples. 8. The Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that knowledge of the past is “not only a need for a thinking mind, but also an essential condition for conscious and correct activity,” because it gives that eye of the situation, then flair of the minute, which protect a person "both from inertia and from haste." And then he gives advice: “Determining the tasks and direction of our activities, each of us must be at least a little historian in order to become a conscious and conscientiously acting citizen.” What is the significance of these thoughts of V. O. Klyuchevsky for our days? 9. The word "civilization" and its derivatives can mean: a) good manners, the ability to behave in society ("he was a completely civilized young man, with excellent manners and manners"); b) the stage of social development following savagery and barbarism; c) the state of society that recognizes the values ​​of peace, economic prosperity, freedom, legality (“in a civilized society there is no place for violence, crime, violation of the law, disrespect for human rights”); d) a set of manifestations of culture (“ancient civilization is a unique culture that underlies the European culture of subsequent eras”); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others (“the economy, power system, values, lifestyle and psychology of people of the Middle Ages distinguished this civilization from ancient or modern"). Which of these meanings are directly related to the characteristics of the historical process? Apply these propositions to the analysis of specific societies known to you. PLEASE HELP WITH ANYTHING YOU CAN!!! THANKS IN ADVANCE.

“The advantage of patriotism is that under its cover we can deceive, rob, and kill with impunity. It is not enough to say, with impunity - with a sense of one's own rightness.

Aldous Huxley

“Patriotism should not blind us; love for the fatherland is the action of a clear mind, and not a blind passion.

Nikolai Karamzin

"He who does not love his country cannot love anything."


The concept of patriotism has existed for tens of hundreds of years, but during all this time unity between thinkers, economists, statesmen and, finally, just people has not been achieved. Is patriotism good or bad? Is he a moral virtue or justification for hatred towards other people who speak a different language? The truth is very difficult to establish, therefore, disputes on the need of society for patriotism will stop only if a super-state is formed that unites all nations on planet Earth and sends the uniqueness and differences of the culture of each people into the past.

However, one cannot but admit that patriotism is a very bright, strong and violent feeling, which means it is an excellent lever for controlling the masses. The only question is how exactly and with what intentions this lever is used. If the intention is protection, unity, the desire to create something, then this is an extremely powerful tool that, like nothing else, can help a country cope with a crisis. But very often this spiritual light is distorted, perverted and takes absolutely disgusting forms, degenerating into malicious chauvinism and xenophobia, giving rise to hatred. And this hatred is used by those in power to achieve their own goals, far from the common good.

It doesn’t even matter what exactly a person experiences this unconditional love written in the subconscious - for a country, region, city or even his district. After all, the main feelings that help pull our strings are fear and love, and patriotism perfectly combines them - we devotedly love our Motherland (although different people put different meanings into this concept) and are desperately afraid that it is dear, familiar, beloved - will be trampled by some external threat. This is how the image of an external enemy is born. Although, if you understand yourself and your feelings, you can understand that, probably, nothing threatens you and what you love. No wonder there are so many famous phrase like "Home is where your heart". And if the notorious symbol of the depth of feelings reaches out to people, and not to the area, then is it even possible to call you a patriot? Is it possible to be a patriot not of a country, not of a city, but, for example, of one's family? After all, we experience almost the same feelings for relatives - affection, love, devotion, respect, a feeling of happiness from belonging to a certain circle of people.

Quite interesting is the fact that the presence in a person of such a feeling as patriotism is easily explained by the simplest basic instincts, laid down so deeply and so long ago that it is impossible to resist them, it is only possible to translate rude animal impulses in the style of “beat-break-break, and then let's figure out who and why ”into more moral and moral qualities. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, our ancient ancestor was few in number, had no special advantages, and could barely earn his living. A pitiful sight, isn't it? However, the situation changed radically when strange upright semi-animals, who were threatened by the whole vast and hostile world, gathered in a certain community, where each had his own function, where they helped the weak, together protected their relatives in trouble and fought with a very unfriendly attitude. environment. For example, what could oppose not very brilliant physical development Neanderthal to a large animal like a bear? Only a particularly spectacular loss of consciousness - however, it is unlikely that a predator would appreciate an artistic fainting. However, 10-15 individuals without any problems could repulse the aggressor. At the same time, such affection and a sense of community should have developed only in relation to the representatives of their own tribe, since representatives of another community were competitors in the struggle for vital resources - food, access to water, a place to live. Thus, a strange, unlike at that time, feeling of community, connectedness and desire to protect crystallized out - the first sign on the long and thorny path of the concept of "patriotism".

Developments recent months in Ukraine they raise the issues of patriotism for the inhabitants of our country to a completely new level, because the relatively young state of Ukraine has not known such an increase in community, national self-consciousness, pride in their country and love for it in all two decades of its existence.

This rise is especially noticeable among young people:

«… love and appreciate your homeland, or your own abode. To have a sense of responsibility for what is happening in it, to feel like a part of it, and at the same time try to be a worthy representative of it”- this is how Dima Arestov answers my question “what does the term“ patriotism ”means to you - a 26-year-old architect, musician and book lover who, among other things, is fond of painting.

Student of the Faculty of Geology at the National University. T. G. Shevchenko, Sergey Svinarets - a tall young man with a charming smile - says that patriotism should be based on a critical approach, on identifying mistakes, irregularities and injustices in the activities of the state and trying to correct them. He does not recognize blind adoration, however, despite the fact that he has visited many European countries, Russia and even China, he admits that he loves his country and wants to build his future here.

Equally interesting are the views on patriotism expressed by residents of other countries:

« Patriotism for me is solidarity with my country, pride in it. When someone speaks badly about her, I will not remain indifferent and stand up for her.
I am proud of my homeland and nation - many great thinkers, writers, scientists and artists were Germans, I consider myself a patriot - but it also places a responsibility on me: I have to do something when my country or its leaders are wrong. This is the difference between nationalism and patriotism for me, because nationalism accepts any point of view and any act, blindly obeying the decisions of leaders or the public
"- this is how a 30-year-old resident of Germany, a student and a responsible worker with the flowery name Florian, sees patriotism for himself and typically German surname Richter.

A young Serb looks at the world in a completely different way - an artist, sculptor, musician and a person with an active civic position - Dusan Kzhnevic. He considers himself a disillusioned patriot, and says that he cannot be proud of his country - only some of its representatives, since the population is not united by anything other than a common territory, and national unity, in his opinion, is completely absent. During the conversation, he is keenly interested in what is happening in Ukraine and expresses his opinion that a positive outcome in the current situation is impossible - “ Ukraine will still be torn apart, as they did with Serbia, the only question is who exactly will do it and how soon».

Quite unexpected is the opinion of a resident of the small American town of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Jean Ratelle (55) criticizes rather harshly the fatherland, the patriotism of whose inhabitants has long become the talk of the town all over the world. A man cannot call himself a patriot, because he admits that the population is basically indifferent to everything that happens around and cares only about itself, and the policy of the state is such that it is almost impossible to determine what positions and freedoms they defend. For him, patriotism is a cultural attachment to one's homeland, shown by the behavior and any social activity of a person. But the Motherland is rather a specific area where a person was born and grew up, therefore, the interviewee considers himself, rather, a patriot of his state or even a town, and not of a whole state.

His Ukrainian peer is a retired colonel who devoted three decades of his life to the armed forces first Soviet Union, and then independent Ukraine - was born in Russia, changed a dozen places of residence, had work experience in Canada, Germany, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates. This respectable man with a chuckle in his eyes continues to work in government structures. He speaks of patriotism with sadness and nostalgia - after all, like most people who grew up in the Union, he sincerely believed in loyalty to his country and made every effort for its flourishing. " Patriotism is not an unconditional feeling. You can love a person just like that, but you need to love a country for something. And not only for its nature - although this is also important - what kind of patriotism can there be on a scorched patch of desert? For its people, who must be creative, smart, honest and hardworking. For being the first in something. Let not in everything, but at least in some areas. For giving you hope for a better future. In general, this is an incomparable feeling, love for the Motherland - it inspires"- says Alex.

But a twenty-year-old student of the Kyiv Economic University with a beautiful and sonorous name Marina is visited by such thoughts: “ I cannot say that I am a patriot in the full sense of the word. I am very respectful of Ukrainian culture and history, I sincerely love many cities, especially in the territory Western Ukraine- after all, everything there is literally saturated with love for one's own ethnic group people are very kind and polite. And of course, there is no trace of any aggression towards Russian speakers - for example, I spoke very often in Russian and did not get any unpleasant experience. I also love to listen to the pure Ukrainian language, it is incredibly beautiful, if not crippled by Russianisms. But I perceive surzhik very badly, because I think that both languages ​​\u200b\u200bare crippled in this way, and it is precisely because of surzhik that some linguists have a delusional opinion that Ukrainian language does not really exist, it is only a distortion of Russian. But I can't call myself a true patriot. Patriotism for me is not only a feeling, but also an action. Yes, I want to build my future in Ukraine, because it is beautiful. I want to create something new here, improve it, show the world how wonderful our country is, but so far these are only desires, which means I cannot be called a true patriot».

« I don't know what patriotism is anymore. Previously, it was obvious, understandable, but now it’s not ... Too often this feeling is manipulated”- the representative of the noblest profession on Earth sadly answers the pediatrician Victoria, a beautiful short woman of 54 years old.

« I realized that I was a patriot only after the beginning of the Maidan. Before that, I was very skeptical about my country, I did not believe that people could unite for the sake of something, everyone is too lazy or cowardly for this. But in the fall of 2013, I saw what I thought was impossible - unity. Of course, I did not really like the fact that the center of events was my native city, because events could develop in any way. It was scary because of the stupid fanaticism sometimes shown by people. Let's say the phrase "Whoever does not jump, that Muscovite" is simply humiliating for true patriots. Patriotism is a creative feeling. To be a patriot does not mean to hate, it means to love. Do not oppose yourself to someone, do not beat, do not spit with rage at the notorious "Muscovites" - this is some kind of chauvinism and abomination. We need to create, unite. For example, the same posters "I am a drop in the sea" - they are very light. It is this kind of good energy that patriots should carry, and not evil and rage.”- the words of a student of the Kyiv Trade and Economic University.

In general, the opinions of people with whom brief interviews about patriotism were conducted are unanimous. The most important thing in this feeling for them is creation. They all want to build, not destroy, to be together, and to believe in the best. After all, fear, rigidity and violence will never lead to anything good, forming an endless circle of hatred and resentment.

Patriotism is the medicine for the country and the nation, it unites different people reconciling their "dissimilarity" to each other. The main thing to remember is that in a spoon there is medicine, and in a cup there is poison.

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