Rating of art galleries in the world. Egyptian Museum in Cairo

When you go traveling, there are many ways to create your excursion itinerary. But almost everyone includes a visit to museums. Museums are ideal place for history and culture lovers. Nowadays, the world's greatest museums offer a variety of interactive and interesting entertainment, which can allow you to unlock the mystery of history in your own unique way. This selection contains 10 museums that are the most famous and recognizable landmarks in the world. You will be impressed by them alone appearance, not to mention what awaits inside.

1. Paris Louvre

Without a doubt the most famous museum in the world, the Louvre was a medieval fortress and palace of the kings of France before it became a museum two centuries ago. Even modernizing the square with the addition of a glass pyramid in its center does not take anything away from the historical charm of the Louvre Palace. The museum's collections, which range from the birth of great ancient civilizations to the first half of the 19th century, are among the most outstanding on the planet. You will find here the works of the most famous artists in history, such as da Vinci and Rembrandt. The main attraction of the Louvre is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

2. Hermitage, St. Petersburg

This gigantic museum has the world's largest collection of paintings. This is a stunning place covering the history of the world from the Stone Age to the present, and the Golden Room is especially impressive with its amazing precious stones. The Hermitage Museum is the most visited in Russia. It is scenically located along the waterfront area in Downtown St. Petersburg. This is a whole museum complex, which includes six different buildings of unique architectural design. Without a doubt, the Emitage is one of the greatest museums in the world, an outstanding landmark of St. Petersburg.

3. British museum in London

Millions of works of art from all continents are collected here. The galleries of the British Museum are dedicated to Egypt, Greece, Roman civilization, Asia, Africa and medieval Europe, tracing human history and culture. The Parthenon Marbles, which once adorned the Parthenon in Athens, are kept here. The museum attracts six million visitors every year. If you can't make it to the Egyptian Museum, you can view the largest and most comprehensive collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts outside of Cairo right here. Also impressive is the new reading room of the British Museum, which you see in the photo below:

4. Egyptian Museum in Cairo

At the Egyptian Museum in Cairo you will find the most comprehensive collection of Egyptian art in the world. Among the thousands of treasures are also famous exhibits from the tomb of Tutankhamun. In 1835, the Egyptian government founded the Egyptian Antique Treasure Service in an attempt to stop the looting of archaeological sites and organize an exhibition of collected artifacts. In 1900, the Egyptian Museum building was built, which now houses more than 120,000 objects from the prehistoric era to the Greco-Roman period, including ancient sculptures of the Sphinx. If you are exploring the sights of Egypt, you should not miss the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

5. Uffizi Gallery in Florence

UNESCO estimates that 60% of the most popular artwork in the world are in Italy, and more than half of them are located in Florence. The Uffizi Gallery in Florence will amaze you to the core. This is definitely one of the finest collections of paintings and sculpture on the planet, with works dating back to the Renaissance by masters such as da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Caravaggio and many more. One of the main attractions here is Botticelli's Birth of Venus.

6. Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York

Established in 1870, the Metropolitan Museum of Art houses more than two million works of art from around the world, from antiquity to modern times. You will find everything from Islamic and European paintings, to collections of weapons and armor. Although there are many other great museums in New York, such as the Guggenheim, the Metropolitan is one of the most essential. This is truly one of the greatest museums in the world.

7. Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam

8. Vatican Museum

The impressive Vatican Museum contains 22 individual collections, ranging from Etruscan and Egyptian art to maps and modern religious art. Even if you are not religious, you will still be impressed by the sheer beauty and magnificence of Michelangelo's dome and Bernini's spiral columns. The main assets here are the renovated Sistine Chapel and the Raphael Rooms.

9. Prado Museum in Madrid

Although its collection is less impressive, the Prado is one of the most respected and visited museums in the world. The greatest value of the Prado Museum is spanish art, with works by Velazquez, Goya, Murillo, El Greco and many other celebrities. Although the museum specializes in paintings, it also houses a large number of drawings, coins, medals and decorative arts. The museum's neoclassical facade is typical of the city's 18th century architecture. Particular attention should be paid to the Three Graces by Rubens. It is one of the twenty most visited museums in the world.

10. National Museum Archeology in Athens

Completes the collection with greatest museums World Museum of Archeology in Athens. This is the best place to admire the masterpieces of ancient Greece.

Sometimes people visit a country just to go to a museum. Are there still people who are sincerely interested in art? There are, and there are many of them. After all, by admiring the great painting and sculptural masterpieces, you can understand more deeply world history. We have collected the top of the world's largest museums that you should definitely visit.


Even a child knows where the largest museum in the world is located. Of course, in France. The Louvre is the most big museum world, its area is 195 sq. m. It will take at least a week to get around this castle, which was built in 1190 for the French government. What can you admire in the Louvre? The museum is divided into 7 parts to make it easier to navigate. The largest and most visited part is the painting exhibition. World masterpieces are represented here by paintings by Titian, Vermeer, Rubens, Rembrandt and others. In the museum you can also admire masterpieces of world sculpture and decorative and applied arts. Greece, Rome, Egypt and Ancient East separate parts of the museum are allocated.

Vatican Museum

Now let's move to Rome. Second place in the top most big museums The world is occupied by the Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel. Here a tourist can walk through 1,400 halls, in which there is the opportunity to contemplate 5,000 exhibits. But, of course, you won’t be able to get around the Vatican Museum in a day. Therefore, most tourists prefer to immediately go in search of Sistine Chapel and Raphael's rooms.


Everyone who comes to St. Petersburg should definitely visit the Winter Palace. This is the main building of the Hermitage, which was given over to the museum in 1852. It was formed with the assistance of Catherine II, who replenished the collection with masterpieces of Western European art. The Hermitage is the largest museum in the world, its area is 223 square meters. m. In the museum complex, in addition to Winter Palace, includes 5 more buildings. It also has two branches: the Russian Museum and Peter’s Summer House. In the main building of the Hermitage you can admire masterpieces of world painting, represented by works by Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Matisse, and Titian. Separate parts of the museum are dedicated to sculpture, Roman, Greek and Egyptian art.

British museum

The two previous attractions of Russia and France can only boast exhibits of artistic value. But the world's largest museum in Britain is historical and archaeological. The basis of his collection was laid by Hans Sloane, Robert Harley and Robert Cotton. These people different professions and classes had a common passion for collecting. That is why the museum’s collection was immediately replenished with antiques, works of art and rare stuffed animals. Today the British Museum is divided into sectors. Here you can find geological, zoological, numismatic, and mineralogical departments.

Egyptian Museum

Art as such originated in Greece, and it was this art that all civilized countries took as a basis. Everything except Egypt. There their own original art was created. And that is why today, when you go to any major museum, be it the Louvre or the Hermitage, you can find entire departments dedicated to Egypt. His legacy is considered so unique. But the world's largest museum dedicated to pharaohs, mummies and pyramids can be found in Cairo. It was officially opened only in 1900. The museum is a two-story building, the exhibits of which are presented in one hundred halls. Does the area seem very small? But it will take three whole days to briefly examine all the exhibits.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

What can unite people different nationalities, beliefs, ages and hobbies? One of the world's largest museums is the Metropolitan in New York. It contains exhibits that are Paleolithic artifacts, a collection of weapons and pop art items. Tourists can admire the art of Africa, Egypt, the East and Oceania. In addition to painting, sculpture and arts and crafts, the Met houses clothing. Costumes of people of past centuries are collected from 5 continents.

National Museum in Japan

The Land of the Rising Sun has a distinctive culture and greatly values ​​the objects of its manifestation. Therefore, if you think about what is the largest museum in the world presenting natural science exhibits, then you can safely point to the National science museum Japan. Here you can look at stuffed dinosaurs, as well as study the skeletons of our ancestors. The botanical garden presents almost all varieties of plants that live on our planet.

Museum in Amsterdam

If you are planning to travel to the Netherlands, then you should definitely visit their capital. It houses the Amsterdam Rijksmuseum. This magnificent building contains over a million artifacts to explore. dutch art. Dutch artists Rembrandt, Hals, Vermeer and others are represented here. Also in the museum you can look at household items, sculptures, engravings and finds from archaeological excavations.

Tretyakov Gallery

Pavel Tretyakov's collection is one of the largest in the world. It was the meeting of this famous Moscow philanthropist that laid the foundation for the modern museum exhibition. Tretyakov Gallery was the first in the capital open to the general public. In 1893, after the death of Tretyakov, the museum became public, and in 1918 it was nationalized. During the Great Patriotic War the exhibits were evacuated to Molotov and Novosibirsk, so nothing was damaged. Today the museum is considered the largest in the Russian capital. The collections contain icons by Rublev, paintings by Shishkin, Aivazovsky, Repin. The Tretyakov Gallery often hosts temporary exhibitions, and also hosts festivals and other cultural events.

Prado Museum

Madrid can boast interesting story opening one of its main attractions. The Prado Museum was completed over the course of 11 years after its official opening. Today they are stored here famous masterpieces world art, and previously the museum’s exhibits were a private collection of the royal family. The art of Spain was formed under the influence of the church, therefore most The exhibition is occupied by paintings of a religious nature.

Some interesting information about museums.

  1. The largest number of archaeological museums in the world is represented in Israel. Why there? Because there are more of them per capita than in other countries.
  2. The first museum created from nationalized collections was the Tretyakov Gallery.
  3. The largest museum in the world by area is the Louvre.
  4. Many films were filmed within the walls of the Museum of Natural History, which is located in New York, USA. The most famous of them is Night at the Museum.
  5. There is a Museum of Death in Hollywood. It features works and photographs taken by serial killers.
  6. In 1981, the Water Museum was created in Kharkov. Here tourists and city residents can get acquainted not with all the world's sources of fresh water on Earth, but with the history of local sewage systems. Also, everyone can look at the development of plumbing. The main task of the institution is to make people care about environment, because this is where the water for the local water supply comes from.
  7. There is a Museum in Massachusetts bad art. It would seem strange to judge art, but still there are generally accepted canons, violating which the creator can guarantee himself disrepute. In the Museum of Bad Art, among the exhibits you can find not only funny paintings, but also sculptures, for example, made from trash cans. I'm glad that you can at least look at all this for free.
  8. The Museum of the Body is located in Holland. Here anyone can walk inside the 35-meter statue. As the name suggests, visitors examine, look at and even touch human insides.

The goal of all museums is to enhance human culture and introduce people to the world of art.

Today, there are about one hundred thousand museums all over the world, and this figure is not exact, since new ones are periodically opened and existing ones are developed. In every corner of the world, even the smallest populated areas, there are local history or other museums dedicated to one or another topic. The largest museums in the world are known to everyone: some contain the maximum number of exhibits, while others amaze with their scope and area.

Largest museums of fine art

If we take European fine art, then one of the largest collections is collected in Uffizi Gallery in Italy. The gallery is located in the Florence Palace from 1560 and consists of paintings by the most famous creators of the world: Raphael, Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, Lippi and Botticelli.

One of the largest fine art museums is no less famous. The foundation of the museum dates back to the end of the 18th century, when it was decided to make the royal collection a property and heritage of culture, to give everyone the opportunity to look at it. Complete collections of works by Bosch, Goya, El Greco and Velazquez are stored there.

Among the largest museums, it is definitely worth noting Museum fine arts named after A.S. Pushkin in Moscow. Priceless collections of works are stored there French impressionists, collections of Western European painting.

The largest art museums in the world

The most famous among the largest artistic works is rightfully considered Hermitage. A museum complex of five buildings housing exhibits from the Stone Age to the 20th century. Initially, it was only a private collection of Catherine II, consisting of works by Dutch and Flemish artists.

One of the largest art museums is Subway in New York. Its founders were several businessmen who revered art and knew a lot about it. Initially, the basis consisted of three private collections, then the exhibition began rapid growth. Today, the main support for the museum is provided by sponsors; the state practically does not take part in the development. The amazing thing is that you can get into one of the largest museums in the world for a nominal fee, even just asking for a ticket at the ticket office without money.

Among the largest museums in the world, both in terms of the number of exhibits and the space occupied, Gugun in China and Cairo Egyptian Museums. Gugun is a huge architectural and museum complex, which is approximately three times larger than the Moscow Kremlin. Each of the museums has its own special history and is worthy of the attention of tourists.

6 chosen

Today the Tretyakov Gallery celebrates its birthday. It was founded by merchant Pavel Tretyakov 157 years ago, on June 4, 1856. I propose today to go on a cultural trip and visit other famous art galleries peace.

Louvre Art Gallery

How was it with Grishkovets in the play “Simultaneously”? Fly to Paris and immediately run from the plane to the Louvre, look at the Mona Lisa, because you are not like all the other tourists.

The Louvre, located in the royal palace, is the most famous, visited and oldest museum in the world.

In the collection of paintings of the Louvre about 6,000 works of art from the Middle Ages to the middleXIXcentury. Including "Mona Lisa", "St. Anne with the Madonna and Child Christ" and "Madonna of the Rocks" by Leonardo da Vinci, "The Imposition of the Crown of Thorns" and "Woman before a Mirror" by Titian, "Little holy family"Raphael, "The Oath of the Horatii" by Jacques-Louis David and many others.

The famous and unfortunate "Mona Lisa" has gone through so much here! One “modern Herostratus” poured acid on the painting, another threw a stone at its mysterious smile. After this, the canvas was protected with bulletproof glass, but still from time to time there are figures trying to encroach on it. I don’t know why she didn’t please them.

To avoid spending a lot of time in line, experienced tourists advise coming to the Louvre either early in the morning or after lunch. Another option is to try to enter not through the main entrance, but through shopping mall"Carousel".

Metropolitan Museum of Art

New York The Metropolitan Museum of Art has one of the largest art galleries in the world. But initially the collection was based on paintings from three private collections and consisted of only 174 canvases.

Today in the museum you can see paintings by Rembrandt, Velazquez, Van Gogh, Botticelli, Titian, El Greco and many other great painters.

A nice little detail is that the Metropolitan Museum of Art uses multi-colored badges as entrance tickets, which you can keep as a souvenir.

London National Gallery

The collection of the London Gallery is perhaps not as extensive as that of its predecessors, but no less representative. Here you can see paintings by almost all great artists. The English school is represented by the works of Gainsborough, Lawrence and the witty Hogarth, in particular, his satirical series “Fashionable Marriage”. Among the Italians are Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Piero della Francesca, Titian, Veronese and many others. Spaniards - El Greco, Goya, Velazquez. The Dutch school is represented by a rich collection of van Eyck, Bosch, Rubens, Rembrandt, van Dyck and many others.

Dresden Gallery

IN Dresden gallery can see collection of paintings by old masters– artists of the XIII-XVIII centuries. Previously, there were more late works art, but the collection grew so large that it had to be divided.

Paintings began to be collected back in the 15th century. And in XVII century Augustus II set out to collect a rich collection and began buying famous works art, including "Sleeping Venus" by Giorgione and "The Kingdom of Flora" by Poussin. Later, the collection was replenished with masterpieces by such authors as Titian, Cuccino, Rubens, Rembrandt and many others. In addition, in the Dresden Gallery you can see the famous " Sistine Madonna"Raphael.

By the way, the gallery is located in one of most beautiful places city ​​- in the Zwinger complex.


Has an impressive collection madrid museum Prado. Stored here most full meetings works by Bosch, Velazquez, Murillo, Goya and El Greco. In the gallery you can see the works of the most famous representatives of the Italian, Spanish, Flemish and German schools. Among them Raphael, Titian, Sandro Botticelli, Rubens, Anton van Dyck and many others.

25. National Museum Te Papa Tongarewa (Wellington, New Zealand)


The National Museum of New Zealand focuses on the history of the island nation and the culture of its indigenous people, the Maori. Nature lovers will be pleased with the huge collection of dinosaurs, birds, fish, insects and even mythical creatures- for example, orcs. And all because it was in New Zealand that Peter Jackson filmed the famous film trilogy “The Lord of the Rings”.

24. Museum of Latin American Art (Buenos Aires, Argentina)


The museum's exposition is devoted mainly to works of Latin American art of the 20th century: on the ground floor there are works modern masters, and on the second - more early painting. Almost all the exhibits are owned by Argentine philanthropist Eduardo Constantini.

23. Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum (Xi'an, China)


The Great Wall and the Terracotta Army are one of the most recognizable symbols of China, the construction of which took place during the reign of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the unified Chinese state. The powerful ruler saw in them a stronghold of the security of his country and the continuation of personal power in the afterlife. It is noteworthy that among the figures there are no identical warriors: they all differ in rank, weapons used and facial expression.

22. Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem (Jerusalem, Israel)


The Holocaust Memorial Complex is located on Mount Herzl in western Jerusalem. Everlasting memory about the disaster and a tribute to all fighters against fascism.

21. National Gallery of Art (Washington, USA)


The complex consists of a sculpture garden and two buildings connected by an underground passage. The museum's collection demonstrates a myriad of works of art from different eras and styles. By the way, a considerable part of the exhibits are Hermitage masterpieces purchased by American connoisseurs of beauty from the Soviet authorities.

20. Inhotim (Brumadinho, Brazil)


Art objects under the canopy of primeval forests? Why not! Objects in the Brazilian park-museum contemporary art placed directly under open air. Of course, there are also closed exhibition centers of the of different nature. Bright Inhotim is often called “Disneyland for adults.”

19. Ricardo Brennand Institute (Recife, Brazil)


The cultural center is owned by Brazilian collector Ricardo Brennand and includes a museum, art gallery, library and park. A considerable number of exhibits are dedicated to the colonial era of Brazil. Of particular interest to tourists is the impressive collection of weapons.

18. National Air and Space Museum (Washington, USA)


The Smithsonian Institution Research Center is a real outlet for those who, for whatever reason, cannot become a pilot or. Under the high arches of the museum, unique examples of real aircraft and spacecraft are collected.

17. Getty Center (Los Angeles, California)


The Getty Complex will delight its visitors with amazing architecture with stunning views of Los Angeles. The museum displays works by European photographers, sculptors and artists. The adjacent park is famous for the unique murmur of its waterfall. Within the walls research institute training sessions and exhibitions are held.

16. Pergamon Museum (Berlin, Germany)


The museum's exhibition is divided into three blocks: the Ancient Collection, the Museum of Islamic Art and the Western Asian Museum. Monumental works of architecture, sculpture, mosaics, relief and writing with a very difficult fate are presented here. The fact is that the bombing of Berlin during the Second World War affected the Pergamon Museum, as a result of which part of the collection was transported and has not yet been returned.

15. National World War II Museum (New Orleans, USA)


The opening of the museum was timed to coincide with the 56th anniversary strategic operation on the landing of troops in France in 1944. The atrium of the building displays military equipment that contributed to the Allied victory in World War II.

14. Academy of Fine Arts (Florence, Italy)


Within the walls of the first Academy of Painting in Europe you can see internationally recognizable objects of art, for example, Michelangelo’s “David”. Don't like sculpture? Anyway, don’t pass by: tourists who adapt to naked stone bodies in an original way will amuse you a lot.

13. Vincent Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)


Beauty has no price, but we have repeatedly heard about the fabulous sums for which paintings by the famous Dutch post-impressionist artist are sold. In addition to the works of the master himself, the museum exhibits works by his equally famous contemporaries: Paul Gauguin, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso.

12. British Museum (London, UK)


Over the centuries, colonists from the British Empire discovered the most hidden corners of the planet and grabbed interesting “souvenirs” from there, which later became exhibits in the second most visited museum in the world. Huge collection covers the most different eras, cultures and arts.

11. New Acropolis Museum (Athens, Greece)


The complex, expensive and lengthy construction of the museum was due to two interrelated reasons. Firstly, greek history has accumulated an excessive amount of artifacts. Secondly, the British did not want to return the stolen historical and cultural values, citing the fact that they had nowhere to display and store them. In the end, I still had to give it away.

10. National Museum of Anthropology (Mexico City, Mexico)


The culture of the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica is shrouded in a haze of fantasy, ideas about their bloodthirstiness and unprecedented wealth. How true all this is, you can appreciate in the main museum of Mexico, where the ancient values ​​of such powerful civilizations of the past, such as the Mayans or Aztecs, are presented.

9. Vasa Museum (Stockholm, Sweden)


The most visited museum in Scandinavia was built around the ship Vasa, which belonged to the Swedish navy in the 17th century. This is the oldest warship that has survived to this day. And what helped him stand the test of time, oddly enough, was a very quick wreck during his first voyage. Submerged in low salinity waters, the ship was not eaten by sea worms.

8. Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)


The central place in the exhibition of the museum, founded in 1808 by Louis Bonaparte, is occupied by paintings by Dutch masters of painting of the 15th–19th centuries. For example, here is Rembrandt’s “Night Watch” - a canvas measuring 363 by 437 cm, which is famous for its difficult history with attempts at destruction, a lot of mysteries and several mentions in films.

7. London National Gallery (London, UK)


The art gallery receives about 6.5 million tourists annually. More than two thousand paintings are exhibited in chronological order, which helps the unprepared viewer to follow the development of Western European painting since the 13th century.

6. State Hermitage (St. Petersburg, Russia)


Mecca for all guests Northern capital Russia, with a mind-boggling number of exhibits, unimaginable decoration, as well as representative offices throughout the country and abroad.

5. Louvre (Paris, France)


Trying to unravel the smile of “La Gioconda” through the lens of a smartphone is the sacred duty of every guest of Paris. To do this, you will have to look into the most popular art museum in the world. However, before your date with the painting by Leonardo da Vinci, you will have a photo session with the glass pyramid - the main entrance to the Louvre.

4. National Prado Museum (Madrid, Spain)


Along with bright works art belonging to masters of Flemish, English, German and French schools, the museum, of course, stores a rich collection of paintings Spanish painters. Admirers of El Greco, Velazquez and Goya will be delighted.

3. Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago, USA)


The museum is also a higher art museum. educational institution The USA, where such creators as Walt Disney were educated. Of course, among the exhibits there are many examples of American art.

2. Orsay Museum (Paris, France)


The museum's collection is housed in a former railway station. In addition to a rich array of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist works, visitors can enjoy wonderful views of the Parisian Seine here.

1. Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, USA)


In the “Big Apple” there’s already nowhere for an apple to fall, but here there are still millions of visitors running from one city attraction to another in order to get acquainted as quickly as possible. The Metropolitan Museum of Art will not work quickly: even a cursory acquaintance with some of the “miscellaneous” exhibits will take many hours.

I had a chance to visit interesting museum? Tell us about it in the comments.

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