The monkey is a symbol in art: a favorite of the East or an outcast of Medieval Europe. Mythological Encyclopedia: Animals in Mythology: Monkey

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Another Catholic woman who didn't like some petty, external aspects her faith, saw in a dream that the church was in her hometown demolished and rebuilt. But the tabernacle with the consecrated...

Results from the AIDS Prevention Center showed that young people are ignoring this reliable way to prevent incurable disease. Until recently, psychologists explained this phenomenon by the carelessness, frivolity and infantilism of modern youth, who do not know how to take care of tomorrow.

However, a survey of the most common segments of the population showed that, it turns out, using a condom ... ashamed.

The questionnaire questions were: “What would you think of a girl who has...

“Nothing exists until it is measured” (Niels Bohr).

The Internet is good, you can find an answer to any question. The other day, a friend of mine told me that he had read on the Internet about the amazing "hundredth monkey effect" and urged me to read and then express my authoritative opinion on this subject as a scientist.

I immediately turned to the computer and found quite a few duplicate reports about this effect. In numerous reprints, the essence of the matter was stated ...

Tearing off the mystified robes of images and forms from folk tales, stories, epic legends, biblical chronicles and legends, from colorful national encodings of patterns, songs and rituals, from iconic pictographic resonators.

Covered with dark secrets, garments woven truly from greatest achievements humanity - Humanism and Law, we can with high probability to personify a chaotically reflective, highly socialized monkey. A monkey whose extremely arrogant, screaming...

A third, at best a quarter, we spend our lives not in figuratively in a dream. Symbols in a dream often puzzle us, we remember them for a long time, trying to decipher the essence of the message that they wanted to convey to us.

On the scientific basis this is the psychology of dreams. At the same time, you can also be a decoder of information that comes through dreams.

The psychology of dreams - the key to the unconscious

To understand your dreams means to understand the language of your...

Sartre discovered the "universal key" to the interpretation of symbols in the "psychoanalysis of things" developed by his contemporary Gaston Bachelard. If a person has what he wants. It is necessary to understand the nature of this preferred being.

If an artist often refers to images of animals, then in order to understand the artist, it is necessary to understand objective meaning animal. As a result of clarifying the objective symbolism of each thing, a certain realm of meanings is formed, which stands on the other side ...

The problem of symbolism is much broader than the theory of dreams. On the one hand, this is a general cultural problem, on the other, a general psychological one. Ultimately, any culture is a complex of generally accepted meanings, symbols ... But it is the problem of symbolism that is a "bridge" between different psychoanalytic theories from Freud to Lacan.

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"The king ordered the soldiers to set up a night guard in the church ...

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Year: 1944,1956,1968, 1980,1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
Time of day: 15:00-17:00
Zodiac Symbol: Gemini
Motto: "I'm curious"
Element (element) of the sign: Metal-yang
Direction: west - southwest
White color
Gemstone: olivine
Feast traditions: vegetables and meat with lots of spices Monkey is the ninth sign of the eastern horoscope. She personifies resourcefulness, ingenuity and curiosity, and at the same time, frivolity and vanity.

The natural element of the Monkey is Metal, in which the Yin and Yang qualities are in relative balance, but since the nature of the Monkey sign is yang, people born in the year of the Monkey are more active, prone to creation.

The sign Monkey in all its manifestations (year, season, time of day) corresponds to White color(bye). In Chinese tradition, white represents the West and, in accordance with the symbolism of the West, is associated with death - in China, white is the color of mourning, mourning clothes and objects associated with funerals. In the Taoist system of images, white color has a different meaning - it conveys the idea of ​​emptiness as a defining property of Tao, personifies the purity of its comprehension and spiritual quest of the individual.

AT European tradition a contemptuous attitude towards a monkey is a symbol of debauchery, drunkenness, shamelessness and lust. In the East, the monkey, on the contrary, has a fairly high symbolic status. In southern China and Tibet, families proudly traced their ancestry back to monkey ancestors who supposedly kidnapped women and bore them children. The Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, incarnated as the Dalai Lama, originally appeared in the form of a sacred monkey, from whose marriage the six ancestors of the Tibetan people descended.

In India, monkeys are treated with special reverence and patience, and the most famous is the Gulman monkey (Presbytis entellus), which is revered as a divine monkey. Monkey King Hanuman is one of the central characters ancient Indian epic Ramayana. In China, the monkey is revered in the form of Sun Wukong. Some scholars believe that Sun Wukong is the Chinese version of Hanuman, and there is some truth in this, but there is also a very significant difference - unlike Hanuman, Sun Wukong did not receive divine abilities at birth; he decided to become immortal through spiritual cultivation and succeeded in doing so.

AT Ancient China the monkey was certainly a positive symbol. Although she was also considered a vessel of dark unconscious forces, their energy could, in certain situations, do good to a person. Therefore, in China, the monkey was credited with the ability to protect a person, ensure his health and success.

In Japan, many folk beliefs are associated with monkeys, such as the belief in werewolves (hengeekai). Monkeys can also be werewolves - they are called Saru. When turning into humans, the monkeys look like old people, very smart and knowledgeable, but somewhat strange. They are very fond of large companies, and in some legends they even saved people just to chat with them. The Saru get angry, but quickly move away. In addition, in medieval Japan, the monkey was considered the guardian spirit of horses.

People born in the Year of the Monkey

They believe that people born in the year of the Monkey are smart, well-read, they are constantly aware of all events. The monkey wants to know as much as possible, he has read everything, knows an infinite number of things, is aware of everything that happens. She has an excellent memory, she can easily remember the smallest details of what she saw, read or heard. People born this year love to learn and teach. They can get information in any way and always try to keep abreast of all interesting events and topics. A good memory, the ability to extract knowledge from any source of information allows them to successfully operate with their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Don't try to argue the last word will remain with them anyway. The monkey is very cunning, and if desired, can fool anyone. However, at the same time, as a rule, she does not have selfish intentions, she follows the call of her nature, she is cunning, so to speak, out of love for art.

The main quality of people born in the year of the Monkey is their indefatigable curiosity, and this property largely determines her life. Smart and capable, they are excellent workers in all areas that require quick wit and awareness. Monkeys are independent, do not attach importance to external regalia and are ready to ridicule anyone; there is no authority for them. It is almost impossible to inspire anything to the Monkey, she will always remain in her opinion. Outwardly, she is friendly and frivolous, although she is always on her mind.

No one is better than a monkey to get out of difficult life circumstances. Monkeys do not strive for leadership, because they are not ready to take responsibility for other people; most of them they consider inferior to themselves intellectual development. The sophisticated mind of the Monkey sometimes pushes her to weave intrigues, conspire and even circumvent the law.

Others consider the Monkey a sociable, cheerful and friendly person who easily converges with people and gets along well with everyone. In part, this is true, but in no case should it be recklessly taken at face value. In fact, the monkey has a low opinion of others. She enjoys watching people and often uses her observations to manipulate people to her advantage. However, the Monkey manages to fool those around him and deftly hide his true intentions behind a mask of participation.

Despite the seeming openness and simplicity, the Monkey is quite secretive, she carefully hides her personal problems and true attitude towards people. The real Monkey, hidden behind many masks and disguises, is not known and will not be recognized by anyone.

Knowledge, good memory and the ability to adapt to circumstances make the Monkey a valuable worker in any place. Since she loves to learn, she can easily and quickly learn new skills. She works quickly, quickly, inventively. She is eloquent and smart. This is a gifted speaker who knows how to use his talents. Monkeys make money easily and spend it easily. They are not able to save - money literally burns their pockets. However, sometimes they manage to put something off for a rainy day.

The famous Shinto shrine Nikko Tosho-gu in the Japanese city of Nikko houses a work of art known throughout the world. A carved panel depicting three wise monkeys has been located above the door of this temple since the 17th century. The carving made by the sculptor Hidari Jingorō is an illustration famous phrase“I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything, I don’t say anything.”

Three wise monkeys. / Photo:

It is believed that this proverb came to Japan from China in the 8th century as part of the Tendai Buddhist philosophy. It represents three dogmas that symbolize worldly wisdom. Carved panel with monkeys - only one small part big series panels at the Tosho-gu shrine.

Three monkeys at the Tosho-gu shrine in Nikko, Japan.

There are 8 panels in total, which are the "Code of Conduct" developed by the famous Chinese philosopher Confucius. In the collection of sayings of the philosopher "Lun Yu" ("Analects of Confucius") there is a similar phrase. Only in the edition, dating from about the 2nd - 4th centuries of our era, it sounded a little differently: “Do not look at what is contrary to decency; do not listen to what is contrary to decency; do not say what is contrary to decency; do not do what is contrary to decency." It is possible that this is the original phrase, which was shortened after it appeared in Japan.

World War II poster addressed to the participants in the Manhattan Project.

The monkeys on the carved panel are Japanese macaques, which are very common in the Land of the Rising Sun. Monkeys sit in a row on the panel, the first of them covers its ears with its paws, the second closes its mouth, and the third is carved with eyes closed.

Monkeys are commonly known as "see not, hear, not speak", but in fact, they have their own names. The monkey that covers its ears is Kikazaru, the one that covers its mouth is Iwazaru, and Mizaru closes its eyes.

Three wise monkeys on the beach in Barcelona.

The names are probably a play on words as they all end in "zaru", which is Japanese means monkey. The second meaning of this word is "leave", that is, each word can be interpreted as a phrase aimed at evil.

Together, this composition in Japanese is called "Sambiki-Saru", that is, "Three mystical monkeys." Sometimes, a fourth monkey named Shizaru is added to the well-known trio, which represents the principle of "doing no evil." It is worth noting that according to the generally accepted opinion, Shizara was added much later in the souvenir industry, only for commercial purposes.

Casting from brass.

Monkeys represent an approach to life in the Shinto and Koshin religions. Historians believe that the symbol of the three monkeys is about 500 years old, however, some argue that such a symbolism was spread in Asia by Buddhist monks, originating in the ancient Hindu tradition. Pictures of monkeys can be seen on ancient koshin scrolls, while the Tosho-gu shrine, where the famous panel is located, was erected as a sacred building for Shinto believers.

Most old monument cosin.

Contrary to popular belief that the three monkeys originated in China, "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" sculptures and paintings are unlikely to be found in any other country than Japan. The oldest koshin monument that featured monkeys was built in 1559, but it only has one monkey, not three.

A monkey

Hanuman, Monkey God Playing with the Peaches of Immortality (from a Chinese dish)

The symbolism of the monkey is controversial. Most often, the monkey personifies sin, in particular physical. She is also a symbol of cunning, deceit, the pursuit of luxury, spitefulness, laziness (due to her angular movements), drunkenness, sometimes a symbol of learning. The monkey (along with the white elephant and the cow) is the third sacred animal in India. Even now, insulting a monkey with action causes great resentment among religious people. In Japan, the cry of a monkey is a symbol of deep longing. Carvings of three monkeys are considered in the East as a talisman protecting from slander.

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Opinions about the monkey are quite sharply and clearly divided along the East-West mental line. In the countries of the East, especially in Egypt, India and China, the monkey symbolizes wisdom, courage, dexterity and selflessness. Another thing is the West, where our heroine has become the main character in caustic fables and an ugly caricature of a person. For Europeans, the monkey personifies such vicious human qualities, as stupidity, vanity, imbalance, greed, laziness and lust, and in relation to a woman - also cutesy coquetry, importunate curiosity, frivolity and talkativeness.

The reason for such a negative attitude of a European towards a monkey, a fidgety and shrill creature from a distant and alien world, is easy to understand. The funny antics and antics of a monkey imitating a person are often perceived as an evil parody of himself. However, the actions of the monkey lack meaningfulness, and all its attempts to compare with a person are completely in vain, this is “monkey labor”, ridiculed in fables.

In the mythology of the Indians and Chinese, divine monkeys often play the role of smart and dexterous heroes. The greatest fame was gained by the Indian monkey god Hanuman - a brave warrior and faithful companion of the god - the hero Rama. Hanuman is endowed with miraculous abilities: he flies through the air, changes his appearance and size, and his strength is such that it allows him to tear mountains out of the earth. While still a foolish baby, Hanuman tried to swallow the sun, mistaking it for an appetizing fruit, but the thunder god Indra, protecting the heavenly body, threw his perun at him and broke the jaw of the monkey god. Since then, he was nicknamed Hanum-nom, i.e. "having a broken jaw."

Indians are very proud of their mythological hero, and representatives of the Jaitwas tribe, living in the state of Rajasthan, in northwestern India, even assured that they were descended from Hanumana, since their princes had a longer spine than all other people, similar to monkey tail.

Oddly enough, but in many myths different peoples it is claimed that monkeys are descended from ... people. So did the Indians of Central America, who expressed the idea that the monkeys were once a human tribe, and the inhabitants of Southeast Africa, who called them "the first people." As for the reasons for the transformation of some people into monkeys, opinions differ here.
Some Indian myths tell of a tribe of bloodthirsty cannibals, defeated by people and driven back by them into the dense forests. There, the cannibals became completely feral and eventually turned into monkeys. These myths echo the traditions of the African Bambuti and Efe tribes, saying that chimpanzees are ancient tribe people expelled to dense forests other tribes for their vicious and quarrelsome disposition.

AT ancient Greek mythology there is a mention of a tribe of kerkop who inhabited the island of Pitecus (literally, "monkey island") and were turned into monkeys by Zeus for their constant vile lies.
The South African Zulus saw the reason for the degradation of people in their monstrous laziness. According to Zulu myth, people African tribe the Amathenians, completely lazy, stopped cultivating the land. Deciding to feed on the labor of other people, they tied the handles of hoes that had become useless to them to their backs. Over time, these handles adhered to the body of the Amathens and turned into tails, their entire body was covered with hair, their foreheads hung down, and the Amathens turned into baboons.

According to many Christian missionaries who preached to the Negroes, their wards were absolutely sure that the monkeys could talk, but they wisely kept quiet so that they would not be forced to work.

So, if we take all of the above at face value, then contrary to the generally accepted theory of evolution, it turns out that it is not man who evolved from a monkey, but just the opposite! Of course, a myth is not yet a scientific fact, but, as you know, under the bizarre layers of human fantasy there is always a certain rational grain, you just need to be able to extract it without damaging it. In addition, numerous experiments conducted by scientists on anthropoid primates convincingly prove that no amount of training and education can help a monkey become a man. On the other hand, a person cut off from civilized society for a long time easily falls into a wild state, unless he has great willpower and amazing diligence. There are a great many examples in history of how a person isolated from the benefits of civilization descended to the level of an animal. Here it is already scientific facts! I wonder what Charles Darwin would say to all this?

In the religion of many peoples of the East, the monkey was revered as a sacred animal. In Egypt, the baboon was seen as a symbol of wisdom, in China, the female gibbon personified maternal care, and in Japan, a toy monkey is still considered a child's amulet. However, the real expanse for monkeys in India. There, to this day, there are temples dedicated to them, where monkeys live carelessly on full government support. Despite the fact that rhesus monkeys, literally flooding the states of India, cause serious damage agriculture countries, break into houses, steal and damage things, and sometimes even kidnap children, they nevertheless enjoy complete immunity, they cannot even be driven away. More recently, in India, there has been a very funny case: some malicious monkey managed to steal a folder with secret documents from a guarded office of a certain high rank. I wonder if the divine monkey will be charged with espionage? Or maybe she will be offered to cooperate with the special services?

In Tibetan Buddhism, our heroine had an even higher honor. There, the sacred monkey gave birth to six ancestors of the Tibetan people, after which he took and incarnated into the bodhisattva (saint) Avalokiteshvara, who, in turn, each time incarnates into the next Dalai Lama - spiritual father Tibetans. Such a Tibetan "matryoshka" is not subject to our understanding, but the East is a delicate matter.
In Christianity, such liberties are not allowed to the monkey, since the church has branded it as the personification of vicious passions, as a symbol of idolatry and diabolical heresies.

AT fine arts, since the Middle Ages, the monkey has become an allegory of art itself, since artists allegedly only imitate what has already been created by nature. Depicting the artist as a monkey writing female portrait, self-critical Flemish painters philosophically uttered: "Art is a monkey of nature!" As for the monkey as such, it mostly "shone" in the caricature genre. In Christian painting, a monkey with an apple in its teeth personified the fall of Adam and Eve.

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