Investing in antiques. Key features Collection or individual items

In the comments on various posts, readers constantly ask me for advice on how to properly invest in antiques and collectibles. Many clarify - just don't talk about numismatics (probably due to the complexity of studying this topic).
This post provides ten tips for investing in general antiques.
If you want to invest in painting - instead of the word antiques, insert the word painting and ... voila - you get the right answer. Similarly with the words porcelain, icon painting, samovars, weapons, etc.
Perhaps such universalism will somewhat simplify the question, but this blog is also intended for beginner antique dealers and collectors, and not sharks of the investment business from Wall Street.

1.Select the area and investment objects.

You need to invest in the direction that you love!
The right mindset for investing in antiques and collectibles should be: I can't make money, but I'll have fun!

2.Determine for yourself the possible amount of investment for the year. Make a schedule and stick to it strictly.

You must clearly know how much you can spend on investments per month, per year, per 5 years. In no case do not exceed this bar. There will be many temptations. Most novice investors do not stand up and burn out during the first few months, without even realizing the whole technology of investing. Hurry up slowly. Your profit will not leave you!

Discuss investment issues with your family and relatives. After all, you are depriving them of a certain share of the family's financial budget.
You can't invest all of your money. This should be the amount you can afford to part with!

3. Do not invest in an unfamiliar topic for the first 2-3 years until you have acquired certain knowledge and skills in this area.

So many novice investors make one characteristic mistake - they want everything at once.
I decided to start investing - and went to spend money on the first objects that came into my view! A year later, I saw the light - what kind of garbage I bought!

4.Constantly improve your intellectual level in the areas of antiques in which you invest!

Read specialized literature. Invest in books and catalogs (although literature is very expensive in the antiques business). Make it a rule to read on this topic, albeit a little, but daily.
Set up a circle of colleagues and like-minded people, communicate with them to develop your understanding of the topic of investment.
Remember the first law of the antique market - no one will tell you the truth. But in the process of communication, you will acquire information, draw your own conclusions, and therefore improve your level!

5.Invest in popular things.

Do not immediately buy mega-exclusive things.
Firstly, you do not understand them, you do not know the market situation.
Secondly, they are difficult to sell now and will be difficult to sell later.
Thirdly, popular things will surely retain their popularity in 10 years.
However, I want to warn you about the difference between popularity and fashion.
Popular objects were, are and will be in demand, but fashionable objects are needed by everyone today, and tomorrow other objects will come into fashion.
This is especially true of contemporary art and contemporary artists.

6.Invest in properties in perfect condition.

Do not buy antiques in poor condition under the slogan "It's cheap!". Thus, you can buy a mountain of garbage and subsequently not sell it anywhere.
Remember: an antique in excellent condition is easy to sell now, easy to sell tomorrow, easy to sell in a year!
And no one needs garbage ever!

7.Improve the quality of the collection instead of expanding the range.

It is better for an investor to have 10-20 expensive and in mint condition antiques than a truckload of mediocre items.
Expensive, but compact antiques are more convenient to store, transport, exhibit.
And remember that in the circle of collectors and dealers, on your topic of investment, you will be known for one exclusive thing that you have, and not for thousands of ordinary people who are not interesting to anyone.

8.Define market feedback.

To do this - sometimes try to sell individual copies of the collection to find out the correctness of the chosen direction.
Perhaps the price bar that you have set for yourself is not true. You can invent prices for the objects that you own. You can be mistaken about the growth of the market in the segment of your investments.
Sales will put everything in its place. If your antique item sold and also at a good price, then you are on the right track. If not, then something is wrong. Either you buy low quality, or make expensive purchases, or take unpopular things.
Diversify investment directions.
Invest in a variety of antiques and collectibles!

9.Hold exhibitions and presentations of the collection.

The feedback mechanism can be installed without selling the object. But remember that money always tells the truth. After all, it is not for nothing that Americans have such a concept - to vote with their wallet!
Exhibitions and presentations will help you find like-minded people, find new suppliers, expand your social circle and give you new ideas about investing in antiques and collectibles.

10.Don't fall in love with investments.

Investments always end with the implementation of the business plan, which means the sale of your collection.
Remember that you are an investor first and a collector second.
Your task is not to collect the best collection, which after your death will be transferred to the museum, or in a barbaric way divided among the heirs. Your task - using the tools of the antique market - is to preserve and increase your capital, and then, choosing the right time, sell your entire collection and fix the profit.
No one says that after the end of the investment plan, you need to leave this area of ​​​​antiques and move on to another.
No, your knowledge gained in the process of investment will bring you money for the rest of your life.
Just by completing this investment project, you will move on to a new one, but this will be the next round of the spiral of history!

Antiques are antiquities with cultural, religious or historical value. It includes paintings, decor items, furniture, weapons, books, coins and banknotes, icons. Antiques are one of the most profitable investment options.

The benefit of investing in antiques is that they only become more expensive over time. At the same time, you also satisfy your aesthetic needs.

The disadvantage of this method of investing is that you will not be able to determine the cost of the purchase if you are not an expert. High-quality work of a specialist appraiser is quite expensive.

Another disadvantage is storage conditions and safety. Antiques require special care, and the protection must be such that the condition once disappeared without a trace. The organization of special storage facilities is an expensive undertaking.

It would be a perfectly reasonable option.

However, many do it easier - they buy antiques and use them for domestic purposes - furniture, dishes. After a while, you can sell, though items deteriorate from use, sometimes deteriorate and lose value. Certainly this approach is unacceptable for a serious investor.

Investing in antiques can bring a lot of income. But this requires the acquisition of special knowledge and connections. There are consultants in the field of antiques who are ready to offer their services in determining the true potential of an antique. But their work is associated with expensive items, the consultation fee is up to 5% of the price of the product.

Where to begin?

A novice contributor may or works of art, which will increase in value over time.

  • A collection of vintage items will always cost much more than a single item.
  • One of the most profitable options for investing in antiques is precious coins.
  • When acquiring paintings by young artists, their creative perspectives should be taken into account.

For an examination of the authenticity and value of things, it is best to turn to professionals. For example, the sale of proven antiques is guaranteed by the famous Christie's and Sotheby's auctions.

Specialized investment funds and banking programs also provide an opportunity to invest money in antiques. They analyze the market and select the best options.

When investing in antiques, there are certain risks. Under the guise of an antique, an ordinary trinket, a fake, can be sold. When buying a valuable item abroad, burdensome duties and taxes are imposed on the transportation of products. Self-storage of antiques can lead to its theft or loss.

There are those that allow you to invest in antiques, starting with small amounts, and guaranteeing investments at the expense of experienced experts. Typically, in such cases, antiques are kept in special warehouses under protection, and all related costs are included in the commission of the management company.

Investing in antiques and collecting

Investing in antiques

I keep looking at options. I recently wrote an article and in this article I decided to continue browsing options. Another popular and promising way to invest money is antiques. Investment in antiques with the right approach, they can bring good profits in. In this overview article, I will cover the following things:

  • What is it - "antiques";
  • How to invest in antiques;
  • Risks and pitfalls of investing in antiques.

What is an "antique"?

I have been blogging for over 6 years now. During this time, I regularly publish reports on the results of my investments. Now the public investment portfolio is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Especially for readers, I developed the Lazy Investor Course, in which I showed you step by step how to put your personal finances in order and effectively invest your savings in dozens of assets. I recommend that every reader go through at least the first week of training (it's free).

To begin with, let's figure out what it is - "antiques"? Antiques are old items that have cultural, historical, religious and other value. These can be things that belonged to famous personalities in history or are associated with any historical events. Antiques can be called items such as:

  • paintings, sculptures and other decor items (including porcelain, silver and glass);
  • pieces of furniture and various household utensils;
  • weapon;
  • books, letters, diaries, manuscripts;
  • coins and other types of money;
  • icons.

The word "antique" is of Latin origin and translates as "old". That is, the main value of antiques lies precisely in the fact that they are old. The age of objects of antique value can start from 10-15 years, depending on the historical, physical and chemical characteristics of the object. Often investment in antiques and collectibles are walking side by side. That is why it is better to make money on antiques for those who are kind to them and are well versed in history.

How to invest in antiques?

Investing in antiques- the occupation is not easy, but with a successful development of events, it is quite profitable. In order to earn serious money, you will need to acquire special knowledge and establish contacts in the relevant circles. It is necessary to understand which things really have the potential to add value, and which, on the contrary, are unpromising.

Among antique dealers, consultants work, whose task is to help the investor separate the "wheat from the chaff" and make a competent investment. However, they often work with items worth $10,000 or more, and you will need to pay a commission for their services in the amount of 1-2%. If it is necessary to conduct an examination, commissions can reach up to 5% of the cost.

It is worth noting that to start investing in antiques, it is not necessary to have a large amount of money. Many start with inexpensive paintings by young artists and various interesting items. As a rule, at first the investor collects works of art in the style that he likes, just for himself, and much later he begins to think about making money.

You can buy antiques literally everywhere, even from your neighbor's grandmother. By the way, in the 1990s, a whole class of amateur antique dealers formed who traveled around our vast Motherland, buying icons, samovars, and other things of historical value from pensioners. However, if you are not well versed in antiques, then it is better to trust the authority of various antique shops, exhibitions and museums. Such institutions conduct an examination of the items sold and do not allow fakes to be sold. Auctions like Christie's ( and Sotheby's ( are another popular place to buy antiques reliably.

If you google, you can find many similar auctions held in different parts of the world. All items admitted to auctions are carefully checked, and their value is not in doubt. One of the most popular art portals in the Russian Federation is, but it is more dedicated to investing in art, more precisely, in painting. Over time, a separate article will be devoted to this topic.

You can also invest in antiques through thematic investment funds and banking programs (the so-called art banking). As part of their work, an analysis of the situation on the market is carried out, various operations with antiques are carried out on behalf of the client, and the most profitable and reliable items for investment are selected. The advantage of such an investment is that you do not have to deal with market analytics, storage of antique items and their restoration. Professional consultants of financial institutions will tell you when it is better to buy or sell this or that item in order to get the maximum profit. For example, there are art banking programs in Gazprombank (Russia) and OTPbank (Ukraine).

Pitfalls and risks of investing in antiques

As in any other field, the antiques trade has its own fashion trends and trends. Moreover, their changes are very difficult to predict, and they are very clearly reflected in the cost of certain things. If a fashion trend has turned away from some category of things, then not only will you not earn money on it, it will be difficult to return the funds invested initially. However, there are things that are out of fashion - these are objects recognized throughout the world that have cultural and historical value. They will always increase in price, but their cost starts from $50,000.

Among the risks of investing in antiques, there are three main ones:

- the danger of acquiring a fake under the guise of an antique;

- high taxes and duties on the import / export of specific items across the border (you need to know the specifics of the legislation of the countries from which antiques are exported);

- the danger of physical loss and theft in the case of self-storage of antiques.

Investing in antiques and collecting is a long-term investment option. Although some items gain up to 30% in value per year, the real price increase begins 5-7 years (my observation) after purchase. Therefore, you should not count on a quick profit. However, throughout the entire period of investing in antiques, you will receive aesthetic pleasure from owning a valuable antique. In continuation of the topic, I suggest watching a short video about investing in antiques in Russia.

In the comments, I would like to see feedback on the personal experience of antique investments among lazy investors.

All profit!

Investing in antiques. Key Features

According to the fifth paragraph of Presidential Decree No. 1108 of May 30, 1994, antiques- items of cultural value and which were made at least 50 years ago. Investing in antiques is gaining popularity in Russia.

The main task of the investor is to buy an item at a bargain price with the prospect of selling it. The goal is to save money and generate income. Nothing complicated. That's just antiques has its own specifics.

Types of antiques:

  • coins. A very popular type of antique. It is better for a novice investor to start with investment coins made of precious metals. They do not need special storage conditions, it is not difficult to determine their authenticity. Over time, you can switch to old silver and gold coins, expensive copper coins of the Russian Empire. When buying such things, you need to understand the situation on the market, be able to distinguish fakes from originals, and know the rules for storing them.
  • Books. The first lifetime editions of popular writers are valued, limited edition copies. It is difficult for beginners to start with such antiques. The market is unstable, elitist. In addition, books do not grow in price so quickly. It takes years for them to generate income. You need to store them in an equipped room.
  • Paintings. Attractive type of antiques for the investor. The price of a painting can soar in a short time. However, to invest in painting, you need start-up capital, special knowledge - there are a lot of fakes on the market. That's why experts recommend starting with something else.
  • Porcelain. Inexpensive figurines and vases (worth up to $300) can start a career. They are used in the decoration of residential premises, offices and offices, and therefore are in stable demand. In addition, they are less forged. The only negative is fragility.
  • Furniture. Investing in antique furniture is tricky. The initial cost is high, unstable demand, storage space is needed - these are far from all the pitfalls. Yes, and in Russia there is little real antique furniture. Mostly come across cabinets, chests of drawers and tables of mass production.
  • Weapon. Another traditional type of antiques. It can be cold, firearms and throwing weapons. The demand for it is high, the market is developed and growing. Risks: high initial cost, permits to store weapons, some items are difficult to evaluate and determine their authenticity. It will be difficult for a beginner to get used to.

Features of investing in antiques and the main risks

Investing in antiques requires knowledge, and not only in the field of finance. The investor must understand art, know the market, be able to distinguish originals from fakes. The yield is quite high. Coins, orders, porcelain products increase in price by 15-30% a year. Pictures of famous artists can rise in price by two or three times over the same time. However, books and furniture are not so rapidly growing in price, but the demand for them is stable.

When to buy antiques? During a period of economic growth in the hope that it will continue and prices will rise. Or during a crisis, because then there is a chance to buy valuable items cheaply. It happens that some kind of antiques was underestimated, and then began to gain in price. So it was with Christmas decorations, Baltic amber beads. If you do not miss the moment, then the income will be high. It is worth selling antiques when the price is close to the peak.

Investing in antiques comes with a lot of risks. First of all, the investor should be wary of fakes. Most often, paintings, rare coins and orders are forged. Another danger is damage to the object, physical loss. Market fluctuations can also cause losses. It can be caused by anything: a change in fashion, a decrease in the price of precious metals. Finding a large number of the same type of things can cause prices to drop. So it was with some copper coins of Russia, military ammunition from the time of the Second World War.

Where to buy antiques?

Swap meet. In such places, you can buy valuable items inexpensively. However, flea markets are still focused on the buyer who needs used items. That's why you have to review hundreds of items before you come across something worthwhile. Cons: you need to prepare yourself for a meeting with sellers who have little understanding of antiques, there are a lot of fakes.

Antique shops. A traditional place to buy antiques. Usually there are sold paintings, figurines and sculptures, military paraphernalia, coins, musical instruments. Items sold come with a guarantee of authenticity. Often, antique shops are looking for things for a specific client. It is beneficial for the investor - no need to waste time.

Online auctions. There are two types of online auctions: open sites and periodic auctions. At first, everyone can start trading. Enough to register. Cons: there is a high risk of fraud, it is difficult to assess the condition of an item from an unprofessional photo. The second are organized by auction houses and take place one or more days.

Face-to-face auctions. Another classic way to buy antiques. Usually face-to-face auctions are organized by auction houses and take place periodically. Separate auctions are held for the sale of especially valuable collections. At the face-to-face auctions, the most interesting things are sold. However, their prices are always the highest. Yes, and the competition is very high.

From the direct owner. This method is good because you do not need to pay intermediaries for services. Are there any downsides? Yes. Ordinary people do not adequately assess the value of the things they have. For an item, they can ask for two or three times its market value. And it can be very difficult to convince them.

The right way to buy antiques

Before buying a thing or collection, you should study the market: demand, the number of similar offers, prices. This information will help you understand when the item will pick up the maximum price. It is important to carefully examine the painting, figurine or furniture live for hidden defects and restoration.

If you doubt the authenticity, it is better to contact the experts. You can find them in museums, many antique shops provide similar services. Demand from the specialist a paper confirming the conclusion. Has the purchase decision been made? Then draw up a contract of sale.

In this article, I would like to review antiques, art and collectibles as an investment and think about whether it is worth investing personal capital in such things for investment purposes, how profitable it is, what risks are involved, etc.

To begin with, collecting has always been and is one of the most common human hobbies (and, as you know, you can always try if you wish).

Collecting: investment or hobby?

What is the point of collecting? In the collection and storage of certain items, most often - having some value. Rich people tend to collect very expensive items, while poor people tend to collect inexpensive, sometimes even worthless items.

The following common collectibles can be distinguished:

- antiques (antiques);

– objects of art (both antique and modern);

– coins (old, commemorative, investment);

– products made of precious metals (antique and modern).

By and large, anything can be a collectible (badges, postage stamps, beer cans, bottle caps, postcards, records, etc.), but not all collectibles can be considered investments.

Investments in art, antiques, collectibles are most often carried out with the first goal: to acquire an asset that will increase in value over time, and then resell and earn on it. However, in rare cases, there may be a second option: for example, art or antiques can be rented to a museum, exhibition or some elite institution and receive a constant passive income for this.

In any case, it is important to understand the following: if you purchase art and collectibles, antiques with the aim of simply collecting and storing at home, this will no longer be an investment. Investments involve making a profit, but here it will not arise from anywhere. This option can only be considered as a way to save money, replenish the assets of a personal or family budget, but not as an investment.

A lot of people collect for fun, and that's okay too - it's their choice. The main thing is not to confuse such collecting with investments, but to call a spade a spade.

Let's discard these options and consider antiques, art and collectibles as an investment. In this regard, all this is very significantly different from other various investment assets. Let's highlight these differences.

Features of investing in antiques and art objects.

1. Small quantity or uniqueness. The number of collectibles, antiques is often very limited, even on a global scale, and art objects are generally unique, which significantly increases their value.

2. Limited demand, low liquidity. However, on the other hand, the demand for such goods is also very limited, especially when it comes to selling them at a real market price (all kinds of antique shops, of course, will be happy to buy art and collectibles at a price that is several times lower). Thus, it is very difficult to quickly sell antiques and other collectibles.

3. The price depends only on demand, supply and time. Many different factors influence the value of other investment assets, but with art and collectibles, things are much simpler: their prices are regulated only by supply and demand.

There is another important feature: art and antiques, as a rule, increase in price over time: the older they are, the more expensive they are. This feature can be perfectly used for investment purposes.

At the same time, it is never possible to determine exactly at what point in time the next rise in price of a particular piece of art or antiquity will occur. Doing such forecasting is many times more difficult than forecasting exchange rates, real estate prices or stock quotes, it is generally beyond the power of an ordinary person.

Prices for art and antiques form a certain circle of people involved in collecting and investing this kind: only they give rise to supply and demand, which, in turn, “move” the price. This single factor is almost impossible to predict.

4. Long investment period. Based on what has been described above, an important feature of investing in art and collectibles is also a very long investment period – usually at least a few years. Not every investor will be willing to invest for such a period, given the fact that there are many investment options for shorter periods, which may turn out to be more profitable.

5. Large capital intensity. Truly valuable collectibles, art and antiquities are not just expensive, but very expensive. Therefore, only very rich people can invest in them. Of course, there are also less expensive things, but they do not always represent the same investment value as their expensive counterparts.

6. The need for expert knowledge. To invest in art, collectibles, antiques, you must have an expert level of knowledge in the field of those assets that will be selected for investment. That is, it is necessary to be able to give them an accurate assessment, to be able to distinguish a collectible item of true value from a fake, and indeed, as they say, “be in the know”. Without this, they increase several times and, in my opinion, it is generally inappropriate to invest. Of course, as an option, you can enlist the help of an expert in these matters, but this will cost serious additional costs, which may not be profitable in terms of investment.

7. The need for proper care and storage. After buying an antique or piece of art, it must be stored for a long time and carefully looked after. Such care can be quite expensive, as well as ensuring the safety of storage. In addition, many antiques (for example, furniture) can be quite large and require a certain amount of space to accommodate them. All this must be provided by the investor.

Where to buy and sell art and collectibles, antiques?

If all these features of investing in art and collectibles, antiques do not scare you, and you decide to try yourself in this direction of earning, you need to find the best answer to the question: where to buy the items that you are going to invest in, and where you can then sell? There are several options here:

1. Internet auctions. Very often, collectibles, art, antiquities can be found at online auctions. Moreover, there is always a chance to find a seller who is poorly versed in the value of a particular item, and make a purchase very profitable (cheap). Online auctions can also be used to sell a previously purchased item: this is a great way to announce your offer to the whole world.

2. private collectors. The easiest way to find the desired antiques and art objects in private collections. Many collectors publicly display their collections, and their composition and replenishment can be monitored via the Internet. However, they are not always willing to sell the item you want to buy. What's more, it's profitable to sell. When you want to sell your asset, you can also offer it to private collectors, and here you will have every chance to make a good deal.

3. Antique shops. There is always a large selection of antiques and collectibles in antique shops that make money on their resale. But the price there always “bites”, such stores always use a very large margin: they want to buy very cheaply, and sell very expensively. Therefore, experienced investors and collectors rarely consider this option.

4. Black market. It is impossible not to consider this option of acquiring antiques and collectibles, because there are a lot of them in circulation. However, in this case, the risks of buying a thing with a criminal record increase very much, for which you can not only later lose this thing (for example, if it was stolen, it will be returned to its rightful owner), but also become a defendant in a criminal case.

In any case, when buying and selling antiques, art and collectibles, the risks of becoming a victim of fraud are very high. Therefore, in no case should you lose your vigilance!

Here, perhaps, are all the main points to consider when investing in art and collectibles.

It can be concluded that investing in antiques and collectibles in the long run can bring a very good income. But for this you need to be an expert in this field, have a lot of free capital and beware of scammers. The risks of investing in art and collectibles are also very high!

That's all. I wish you successful investment! See you at!

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