Gallery 1812. Military gallery of the winter palace

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Generals of 1812 and their lovely wives

On the anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, we remember the heroes Patriotic War 1812, we look at their portraits from the Military Gallery of the Hermitage, and also study what lovely ladies were their life partners. Sofia Bagdasarova reports.


Unknown artist. Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov in his youth. 1777

George Doe. Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.1829. State Hermitage

Unknown artist. Ekaterina Ilyinichna Golenishcheva-Kutuzova. 1777. GIM

The great commander Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov is painted in full length in Dow's portrait from the Military Gallery. There are few such large canvases in the hall - Emperor Alexander I, his brother Constantine, the Austrian emperor and the Prussian king, and only Barclay de Tolly and Briton Lord Wellington were awarded such an honor.

Kutuzov's wife's name was Ekaterina Ilyinichna, nee Bibikova. In paired portraits commissioned in 1777 in honor of the wedding, Kutuzov is hardly recognizable - he is young, he has both eyes. The bride is powdered and rouged in the fashion of the 18th century. AT family life the spouses adhered to the mores of the same frivolous century: Kutuzov drove women of dubious behavior in the convoy, his wife had fun in the capital. This did not prevent them from tenderly loving each other and their five daughters.


George Doe (workshop). Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration. 1st half of the 19th century. State Hermitage

Jean Guerin. Wounding of Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration in the Battle of Borodino. 1816

Jean-Baptiste Isabey. Ekaterina Pavlovna Bagration. 1810s Army Museum, Paris

The famous military leader Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration was seriously wounded on the Borodino field: the cannonball crushed his leg. He was taken out of the battle in his arms, but the doctors did not help - after 17 days he died. When, in 1819, the English painter George Dow undertook a huge commission - the creation of the Military Gallery, the appearance fallen heroes, including Bagration, he had to recreate the works of other masters. In this case, engravings and pencil portraits came in handy.

In family life, Bagration was unhappy. Emperor Pavel, wishing him only the best, in 1800 married him to the beautiful, heiress of the Potemkin millions, Ekaterina Pavlovna Skavronskaya. The frivolous blonde left her husband and left for Europe, where she walked in translucent muslin, indecently fitting her figure, spent huge sums and shone in the light. Among her lovers was the Austrian Chancellor Metternich, to whom she gave birth to a daughter. The death of her husband did not affect her lifestyle.


George Doe. Nikolai Nikolaevich Raevsky. 1st half of the 19th century. State Hermitage

Nikolay Samokish-Sudkovsky. The feat of Raevsky's soldiers near Saltanovka. 1912

Vladimir Borovikovsky. Sofia Alekseevna Raevskaya. 1813. State Museum A.S. Pushkin

Nikolai Nikolaevich Raevsky, who raised a regiment on the offensive near the village of Saltanovka (according to legend, his two sons, 17 and 11 years old, went into battle next to him), survived the battle. Dow most likely painted it from nature. In general, there are more than 300 portraits in the Military Gallery, and although the English artist "signed" them all, the main array depicting ordinary generals was created by his Russian assistants - Alexander Polyakov and Wilhelm Golike. However, Dow still portrayed the most important generals himself.

Raevsky had a big loving family(Pushkin recalled for a long time the journey with them across the Crimea). He was married to Sofya Alekseevna Konstantinova, the granddaughter of Lomonosov, together with his adored wife, they experienced many misfortunes, including disgrace and an investigation into the Decembrist uprising. Then Raevsky himself and both of his sons were under suspicion, but later their name was cleared. His daughter Maria Volkonskaya followed her husband into exile. Surprisingly, all the Raevsky children inherited a huge great-grandfather Lomonosov's forehead - however, the girls preferred to hide it behind curls.


George Doe (workshop). Alexander Alekseevich Tuchkov. 1st half of the 19th century. State Hermitage

Nikolay Matveev. The widow of General Tuchkov on the Borodino field. State Tretyakov Gallery

Unknown artist. Margarita Tuchkova. 1st half of the 19th century. GMZ "Borodino field"

Alexander Alekseevich Tuchkov is one of those who inspired Tsvetaeva to write poetry, which later turned into Nastya's beautiful romance in the film "Say a Word About the Poor Hussar". He died in the Battle of Borodino, and his body was never found. Dow, creating his posthumous portrait, copied a very successful image by Alexander Warneck.

The picture shows how handsome Tuchkov was. His wife Margarita Mikhailovna, nee Naryshkina, adored her husband. When the news of her husband's death was delivered to her, she went to the battlefield - the approximate place of death was known. Margarita searched for Tuchkov for a long time among the mountains of dead bodies, but the search turned out to be fruitless. For a long time after these terrible searches, she was not herself, her relatives feared for her mind. Later, she erected a church on the indicated place, then - convent, whose first abbess she became, taking tonsure after a new tragedy - sudden death teenage son.

Published by order of the Sovereign Emperor. , 89 l.l. heliogravures and phototypes on expensive cardboard paper, 294, pp. text on velvet paper. There are 329 portraits sized 11.4x9.8 cm in alphabetical order of the names of the depicted faces of the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812. 4 portraits per sheet in a golden ornamental frame. In addition, there are 4 more large full-length portraits of Emperor Alexander I, Tsesarevich and Grand Duke Kostantin Pavlovich, Prince M.B. Barclay de Tolly and Prince M.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, made by heliogravure. There are also 2 large kind Military gallery, filled with heliogravure. All the portraits of the "Military Gallery of 1812", except for a large portrait of Emperor Alexander I, painted by Kruger, were painted in the first half of the 20s of the 19th century by an English artist specially called for this purpose in 1819 in St. Petersburg, the famous portrait painter Georg Dau (Dawe), at the behest of Emperor Alexander I. Many of the portraits Dau painted from nature, while others - from the most faithful images. Following the collection of portraits, in the second half of the book, a reference text is placed in the same order, making it possible to get acquainted with the service activities, mainly in the troops and especially in the era of the wars with Napoleon, of all those persons who are depicted in the portraits. This information is not a biography, but only abbreviated track records, giving, among other things, short list military exploits and awards of every figure of that glorious era. Painstaking work, as track records, executed by the secretary of the Imperial Russian Historical Society A.A. Golombievskiy. In publisher's green calico binding with artistic embossing in gold and silver, as well as 3 more colors on the front cover. Original light green endpapers with floral ornament. Format: 42x35 cm. Weight 8.5 kg. This deluxe edition was printed in a small number of copies not for sale. Rare in this form!

Bibliographic sources:

1. Antiquarian catalog of the Joint-Stock Island "International Book" No. 22, Military Affairs. Army and Navy. Moscow, 1933, No. 428.

2. Antiquarian catalog of the Joint-Stock Island "International Book" 50, Military history. History of the Russian Army. Moscow, 1934, No. 124.

3. Bibliographic index of literature and recommended prices for the section "Russian History" Mosbukkniga, No. 67, 250 rubles!

Nikolai Mikhailovich (1859-1919) – Grand Duke, general of infantry, freemason. Participated in Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878, served in the Cavalier Guard Regiment. He made a great contribution to the Russian historical science, published a number of publications and studies about the era of Alexander I. They are dedicated to the personality of the emperor himself and his associates, diplomatic relations between Russia and France. He owns the famous publication "Russian portraits XVIII and 19th century". The Grand Duke was chairman of the Imperial Russian Historical and Geographical Society, director of the Alexander III Museum. Nikolai Mikhailovich compiled huge collection butterflies. Supported with him friendly relations M. Dobuzhinsky, S. Diaghilev, A. Benois, he was familiar with the French politicians R. Poincare and J. Clemenceau. In 1915, on the proposal of the professors of Moscow University, he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Russian History. He shared the views of the opposition Duma majority on the critical situation in the country and welcomed the Provisional Government. He spoke out against the involvement of Russia in the First world war predicted upcoming social upheavals. Shot by the Bolsheviks in the Peter and Paul Fortress: A.V. petitioned for his release. Lunacharsky and M. Gorky, V.I. Lenin gave him permission, but at that time Nikolai Mikhailovich had already been executed. His literary archive was acquired by the Royal Berlin Academy.

MILITARY GALLERY OF THE WINTER PALACE(Military Gallery 1812) in St. Petersburg, an art exhibition of portraits that immortalized the memory of many heroes and participants in the Patriotic War of 1812 and foreign campaigns of the Russian army in 1813–14. The gallery housed portraits of military leaders who had the rank of general and at the same time directly took part in hostilities, including in non-combatant positions. Lists of generals were compiled at the General Staff, presented personally to Emperor Alexander I and then approved State Council. The British portraitist J. Doe was invited to paint portraits (no doubt 100 portraits are considered to be his works, including in the growth of Field Marshals M. B. Barclay de Tolly, M. I. Kutuzov and Duke A. Wellington). He worked together with assistants A. V. Polyakov and V. A. Golike and other artists. Work continued in 1819–29, although the exposition was replenished later. In total, St. 330 portraits, among them - portraits of P. I. Bagration, D. V. Davydov, D. S. Dokhturov, A. P. Ermolov, P. P. Konovnitsyn, Ya. P. Neverovsky, M. I. Platov, N. N. Raevsky, N. A. and A. A. Tuchkov and others. different reasons was not written, instead of them, frames were placed in the gallery, covered with green cloth, with a name plate. In the 2nd floor. 1830s equestrian portraits of Emperor Alexander I (artist F. Kruger) and his allies - the Prussian king are placed in the gallery Friedrich Wilhelm III(artist Kruger) and the Austrian Emperor Franz II [Franz II (I)] (artist I.P. Kraft).

The gallery occupied a room specially built for it in 1826 according to the project of the architect K. I. Rossi between the White (later Armorial) and the Great Throne (Georgievsky) halls of the Winter Palace. On the walls next to the portraits there are 12 stucco medallions, framed with gilded laurel wreaths, with the names biggest battles Russian army in 1812–14. On the opening ceremony of the gallery on December 25, 1826 (January 6, 1827), on the next anniversary of the end of the war, generals and officers - veterans of the war with Napoleon, as well as soldiers of the guards regiments, who were awarded medals for participating in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the capture of Paris, were invited.

At big fire in the Winter Palace in 1837 the paintings of the gallery were saved; by 1839, according to the drawings of the architect V.P. Stasov, the premises for the gallery were restored. AT Soviet time the exposition was replenished with four portraits of the ranks of the company of palace grenadiers painted by Dow from life in 1828, formed in 1827 from veterans of the Patriotic War of 1812, and two paintings by the famous battle painter P. Hess, executed in the 1840s. for the Winter Palace: "Battle of Borodino on August 26, 1812" and "Crossing the Berezina on November 17, 1812". Now the Military Gallery of 1812 is part of the Hermitage.

G. Chernetsov, 1827 ... Wikipedia

Military Gallery of the Winter Palace, E. P. Hau, 1862 The Military Gallery is one of the galleries of the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg. The gallery consists of 332 portraits of Russian generals who participated in the Patriotic War of 1812. The portraits were painted by George Doe ... ... Wikipedia

military gallery- The Winter Palace (now part of the Hermitage), a collection of portraits of Russian commanders and military leaders - participants in the Patriotic War of 1812 and Foreign campaigns of 181314 (written in 181928 by the English portrait painter J. Doe with the participation of ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

"Patriotic War" redirects here; see also other meanings. This term has other meanings, see War of 1812. Patriotic War of 1812 Napoleonic Wars... Wikipedia

Not to be confused with Tuchkov, Pavel Alekseevich (mayor of Moscow). Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Tuchkov. Pavel Alekseevich Tuchkov 3rd ... Wikipedia

Award medal in honor of the 100th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. Inscription: " glorious year this past, but the deeds committed in it will not pass ”The Patriotic War of 1812 left a deep mark on the mind Russian society, in ... Wikipedia

The building of the Moscow City Duma Date of foundation 2012 Location ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see the Battle of Smolensk. Battle for Smolensk (1812) Patriotic War of 1812 ... Wikipedia

- ... Wikipedia


  • Military gallery of 1812, Martirosova Maria Albertovna. The book introduces the collection of portraits of Russian heroes of the war of 1812-1814 - the "Military Gallery" of the Hermitage, the main work English artist X YIII–X I X c. D. Doe. The book contains biographical…
  • War Gallery 1812 George Doe, Pantileeva A. (ed.-comp.). The book introduces the collection of portraits of Russian heroes of the war of 1812-1814 - the "Military Gallery" of the Hermitage, the main work of the English artist of the 10th-13th-19th centuries. D. Doe. The book contains biographical…

Gazina Alina Dmitrievna

The creative work of Gazina Alina is highly appreciated jury of the All-Russian annual festival creativity of the cadets “YOUNG TALENTS OF THE FATHERLAND” in the nomination “Journalism”.

(the festival was held in accordance with the state program " Patriotic education citizens Russian Federation for 2011-2015". creative theme festival

2012 was the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812) and Diploma of the II degree at the Fifth interregional philological megaproject “Flipping through the calendar. War of 1812"



Gallery of Heroes of 1812


Performed by a pupil of 31 platoon

MBOU "Uvarovsk Cadet Corps"

Them. St. George the Victorious"



Teacher of Russian language and literature

Ageeva Marina Viktorovna



Gallery of Heroes of 1812

(Military Gallery of the Winter Palace)


Crowd close artist placed

Here the chiefs of our people's forces

Covered with the glory of a wonderful campaign

And eternal memory year twelfth.

A.S. Pushkin

2012 marks the 200th anniversary of the Victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812. It was the greatest test for the Russian people. Both ordinary men and the army showed high heroism and courage and dispelled the myth of Napoleon's invincibility, freeing their Fatherland from foreign invaders. This war revealed the mighty forces of the people, showed best qualities Russian nation, love for the Motherland, courage, self-sacrifice. The Patriotic War brought forth a glorious galaxy of outstanding commanders and commanders.

I wanted to visit the Gallery of Heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812, located in the Hermitage. It is she who is a kind of echo of those heroic days. The military gallery of 1812 became a monument to the feat of the Russian army and military leaders. On the walls of the gallery there are portraits of participants in the war against Napoleon of 1812-1814, executed by George Dow and his St. Petersburg assistants A.V. Polyakov and V.A. Golik.

Here in front of me, in the middle part of the gallery, are two portraits in full height. They depict the famous field marshals M. I. Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly. How majestic Kutuzov is in a general's uniform and overcoat, with a ribbon and orders on his chest - the star of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, with the stars of the orders of St. George, St. Vladimir, Maria Theresa and with a portrait of Alexander I!

The portrait of Barclay de Tolly, like the portrait of Kutuzov, is one of the the best works artist. A tall figure, drawn into a narrow uniform, looms lonely against the backdrop of the camp of Russian troops near Paris. And the sky above it is still darkened by a heavy cloud - the last echo of the noisy military thunderstorm.

But Bagration ... A talented military leader, a brave general, one of the most glorious and beloved by the people heroes of the Patriotic War. "Prince Peter" - so affectionately called Suvorov Bagration. In the portrait of the Military Gallery, Bagration is depicted dressed in a general's uniform with gold embroidery in the form of oak leaves on the collar. Exactly as the artist depicted him - with a blue St. Andrew's ribbon, with three stars of the orders of Andrei, George and Vladimir and many order crosses - Bagration was seen in the Battle of Borodino. His face expresses the calm and inflexibility characteristic of him during the battle.

And this is the famous hussar and poet - Denis Vasilievich Davydov, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, commander partisan detachment from hussars and Cossacks. He terrified the enemy. The fame of Davydov's military exploits went beyond the borders of Russia, they wrote about him in many European magazines and newspapers. In the portrait, we see that Davydov's face is directly turned to the viewer, and his shoulders are turned almost in profile. He is confident and feels relaxed and at ease. D. Davydov's eyes are wide open and carefully look into the distance. It is felt that this man is not only a brave warrior, but also deeply feeling, clever man. A bright spot in the picture is the hero's mentic, embroidered with gold laces and trimmed with black batik.

But why was this portrait chosen for the Military Gallery? After all, many people know the portrait of Davydov by Orest Kiprensky: a gallant hussar in a red mentik, embroidered with gold galloons, in white leggings, stands proudly, leaning on a column. In his left hand is a saber. The ARTIST pays the main attention to the face of a warrior and a thinker, in which there is spirituality, dreamy thoughtfulness, lyrical elation. Davydov's emphatically laid-back pose creates an image full of energy and personal dignity, merged with feeling military honor. Such an interpretation of the image of the colonel expresses the idea that developed in Russian society at the beginning of the century about the ideal warrior - the defender of the fatherland. The modern art critic M.V. Alpatov highly appreciated this portrait: “In his figure there is hussar youth and Russian prowess, and at the same time one can guess that he is capable of both a lively, passionate feeling and reflection. Davydov is standing, slightly leaning against a stone slab, his calmness is not disturbed by the quick glance of black eyes. A bright beam falls on the white leggings of the hussar, and this bright spot, combined with the red color of the mentic, softens the brilliance of the gold braids.

Perhaps there is some explanation for the fact that the work of George Doe, and not Orest Kiprensky, has been placed in the Hermitage? The catalog search surprised me! It turns out that the portrait of an elegant hussar with a pensive look does not depict Denis Davydov, but his cousin, Evgraf Davydov! And this mistake is one hundred and forty years old! The fate of Evgraf Davydov was both happy and tragic. Causes admiration military career Evgraf Davydov: in 1797 - a cornet, and by 1807 already a colonel! Life Guards hussars, in which he served, Evgraf equipped with his own money. In 1805, he fought near Austerlitz, in 1812, a bullet pierced his hand near Ostrovnoy, and Evgraf was sent for treatment: battle of Borodino passes without it. In 1813, the colonel returned to duty, and after the battle of Lützen, Emperor Alexander I, admiring his courage, presented him with a golden sword with diamonds, on which the words "For Courage" were carved. He distinguished himself in the battles near Bautzen and Pirn, and in Bohemia (Battle of Kulm) Yevgraf Davydov's hussars completely exterminate the 1st Army Corps of French General Dominique Vandam. And 38-year-old Evgraf becomes a general! The “Battle of the Nations” near Leipzig in August 1813 turned Evgraf Davydov into a cripple: he lost his left leg and right hand below the elbow. For this battle, he received the Order of George, 3rd class, the Austrian Commander's Cross of the Order of Leopold, and the Prussian Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd class. Upon his retirement, he was promoted to major general. Evgraf Davydov died at the forty-eighth year of his life, and only in the portrait by Kiprensky did he forever remain a handsome hussar, a favorite of women and a darling of fate ...

Here is a portrait of a middle-aged man in a general's uniform. His soft smile and attentive look make you stop. This is Alexei Vasilievich Voeikov, general, poet and translator. Voeikov is a hereditary nobleman, a native of the village of Rasskazovo, Tambov province. In the battle of Borodino, he commanded a brigade in the battles for the village of Shevardino, participated in the battles near Tarutin, Maloyaroslavets and Krasny, holder of the orders of St. Anna and St. Vladimir, was awarded two golden swords "For Courage". The wounds received in the war undermined the health of the hero. He retires and settles in the estate of his wife Staraya Olshanka (now the village of Krasnoye Znamya, Uvarovsky district). In memory of her husband, Vera Nikolaevna Voeikova built the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, which was considered one of the brightest pearls of Tambov Orthodoxy. The Old Olshanka estate was destroyed by time and people, but the temple survived. This architectural monument, although slowly, is being restored, and this, I think, will be a wonderful tribute to the memory of General Voeikov, whose portrait rightfully occupies a worthy place in the Gallery of Heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812...

Unfortunately, I have never been to St. Petersburg, I have never admired the masterpieces of the Hermitage with my own eyes, but virtual tour to the gallery of Heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 allowed me to get acquainted not only with portraiture but also with a few bright pages of glorious military history our Fatherland.

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