Real name and surname Vasilisa Volodina. Famous in the history of Vasilisa

In the middle of the spring of 1974, or rather on April 16, Vasilisa Volodina, a well-known woman astrologer today, was born in Moscow. Her biography is very interesting, albeit rather short. This is because Volodina does not advertise her life, preferring to remain a mystery to her fans. It is known that Vasilisa is not a real name, but just a pseudonym. According to some reports, her name is Svetlana, some argue that she is recorded in her passport as Elena. The biography of the astrologer Vasilisa Volodina is of interest to many today, because this woman has independently achieved success in her favorite business, which cannot but delight others. She was born in a military family, who could hardly imagine who their daughter would become in the future. From the young age The girl showed interest in free time was engaged in fortune-telling on cards and studied palmistry. In the process of such "games" Vasilisa Volodina (the biography contains such data) found special lines in her palm, prophesying a great future for her. This spurred the girl's interest in esotericism and another mysterious and unexplored world. For some time, Vasilisa was seriously fascinated by the topic of UFOs. After that, astrology attracted her attention, which later became for her not just a hobby, but a matter of life.

The girl's parents did not resist their daughter's hobbies. However, they insisted that she get a good education. Thanks to her extraordinary mind and efforts, Volodina graduated from high school and entered the Academy of Management with a degree in economics. As a student, Vasilisa Volodina (the biography reveals her from the very different sides) led an active public life. She was no stranger to the simple joys of life. Nevertheless, she did not forget about her craving for everything mysterious. Moreover, after graduating and receiving a diploma, she entered the Academy of Astrology in Moscow. Her teacher was Levin Mikhail Borisovich, doctor of astrology and rector of the Academy.

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, whose biography as a professional consultant begins in 1992, was able to succeed in a fairly short time. At this time, she begins to take her first clients. Thanks to her outstanding knowledge and abilities, Volodina quickly gained recognition. In 1996, she begins to host her own television program called " Starlight Night with Vasilisa Volodina.

Today Vasilisa Volodina is a TV presenter popular program"Let's get married". In addition, she still gives personal advice. Colleagues characterize her as a sympathetic and friendly person. Vasilisa Volodina, whose biography is not spoiled by scandals and conflicts, has not only successful career but also family. Most of us find it hard to believe that in today's show business there are people with a spotless reputation. Many reporters are trying in vain to find at least some facts discrediting this woman. She has established herself as an honest man true to science and his work.

In the show "Let's get married!" three co-hosts. Larisa Guzeeva and Roza Syabitova help the heroes in search of personal happiness, relying on life experience and intuition. And Vasilisa Volodina is guided by astrology and believes that everything is predetermined for us from birth ...

"Virgos make great husbands"

Vasilisa, how did you come to the profession of an astrologer?

- As a schoolgirl, I read the first books on astrology, from which I learned that by studying the stars, you can look into the future. Since then, this thought has haunted me. I learned palmistry from books. After graduating from school with a gold medal, she easily entered the Faculty of Economics and at the same time went to study at the Academy of Astrology. Having received two diplomas, an economist and an astrologer, I decided to engage in business astrology. There are few such specialists - we speak the same language with our clients - company owners, analysts, brokers, politicians. I am interested in predicting the life of enterprises. We can say that astrology is insurance for business, which makes it possible to understand when and where money should not be invested and vice versa. And my services are not cheap - about a thousand euros in a few hours.

And how did you end up in the program "Let's get married!"? After all, there is no business astrology, everything is only about personal ...

– I have been in private practice for many years, writing articles. Before the program "Let's get married!" I already had my own TV project on the Stolitsa channel, which was called Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina. And then one day they called me from Ostankino. They said it was running new project were asked to come. At the interview, I told how I understand compatibility in human relations. And very soon she became the host of the program “Let's get married!” as an astrologer.

What is your role in the show?

– My function as an expert is to help people understand themselves more deeply, to suggest which of the candidates is really suitable for them. AT ordinary life a person is guided by emotions and makes a choice without thinking about how he will build a relationship with this person. For example, someone liked a blonde with magnificent breasts, and it already seems to him that she is the woman with whom he can connect his life. My task is to correct them and let people understand that what glitters is not always gold.

Did you choose your future husband using astrology?

- Yes, Sergei and I simply mystical story acquaintance! It so happened that I studied his fate before we met. Once a friend turned to me and asked his friend Sergei Volodin to make a horoscope. I complied with his request and noted to myself: “I have amazing compatibility with this stranger.” A little time passed, and a friend invited me to his birthday. In the courtyard of his house, I ran into handsome guy. Then, for the first time in my life, the thought flashed through my mind: “But I would marry such a person ...” With this young man, we entered the entrance, then in the elevator we found out that we needed one floor ... In short, we appeared together in my friend’s apartment . This is where he introduced us. He said: "And this is the same Volodin." And I immediately had the feeling that I know everything about this person! From that evening we left together and since then we have not parted for 16 years. And for all these years, Sergei has not given me a single reason to doubt the correctness of my choice. I will not hide, when we started living together, we had a grinding period. I'm at twenty small years There was a daring girl, she was nervous over trifles, she could say something sharp. And Sergey endured all my antics with some incredible calmness. Maybe because he is Virgo by zodiac sign. And Virgos make great husbands!

"I want to make lonely people happy"

How do you all manage: run a program, practice business astrology, write books?

“My husband helps me a lot. Two years ago, my participation in the Let's Get Married! seriously changed our lives. I had absolutely no time left for my beloved family, and more than anything in the world I didn’t want to be a “mother from TV” for my daughter. And then Sergey quit his job, although by that time he had made a good career in the field of logistics, and became my director. Now he is fully engaged in planning my working time, and I am very grateful to him for this! Not every man will dare to sacrifice his personal interests for the sake of his wife's career like this. Now I can devote more time to my daughter - Vika and I talk on a variety of topics that concern her, I am glad that she has no secrets from me. Our family lives according to the Musketeer principle: one for all and all for one. And last year we finally bought a large apartment, and now we are busy with problems related to repairs ... I hope that we will celebrate housewarming by autumn!

Did horoscopes help you in choosing an apartment?

- we even household appliances we buy only with the help of astrology, what can we say about such a vital issue as new flat. Even on vacation we are going, having previously studied the horoscope. This is a whole epic: I make sure that all three have a good day both on the way there and back. I check how our stay on the spot can turn out. Once, we gathered in the Maldives, and by all indicators it turned out that for Vika's daughter this was a period of increased traumatism. But we wanted to rest so much that we decided to fly contrary to my forecast. On the second or third day, dad decided to ride his daughter on a bike. I put her on the trunk, and ... she hit the wheel with her foot. Yes, it is so unfortunate that Seryozha, together with someone from service personnel I was forced to open the spokes and the metal rim of the bicycle wheel. For the remaining ten days of vacation, Serezha carried her daughter in her arms, she was given very painful dressings. Seeing how Vika was suffering, I drank valocordin, once I even fainted ... This is how our vacation turned out. Then, looking at our downcast faces in the photographs, friends asked: “Why are you so sad in the Maldives?”

What advice would you give to people who want to get married?

– I am sure that, knowing the date of birth of a person, you can clearly understand what to expect from him. Who is forewarned is forearmed! Now I'm just writing a book about the psychological types of men and women. I really want to make single people happy, help them sort out potential partners. In principle, a woman can get along with any man if she understands what psychological type he is looking for, and will play his part well. Only a woman needs to understand whether she is ready to play this role all her life ...

The meaning of the name Vasilisa (Spring): this name for a girl means "ruler's wife", "queen".

Origin of the name Vasilisa (Vesena): has ancient Greek roots.

Diminutive form of the name: Vasya, Vasilka, Vasenka, Vasenya, Vasyura, Vasyuta, Vasyusha, Vasyanya, Vasya.

What does the name Vasilisa (Spring) mean? The meaning of the name Vasilisa is vulnerability. This girl is touchy, she treats her professional duties responsibly. A woman named Vasilisa does not like noisy companies; she prefers to chat with a friend over a cup of tea and new series favorite movie. Vasya treats her husband with swan tenderness and loves children.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Vasilisa celebrates name days twice a year:

  • January 21 (8) - St. Martyr Vasilisa, together with her husband, Martyr Julian, and those converted by them to Christian faith twenty soldiers and seven youths received a martyr's crown in 313.
  • September 16 (3) - St. Martyr Vasilisa, nine years old, experienced many torments for her faith in Christ, but remained unharmed among them; died in 309

Signs of the name Vasilisa (Spring): On Vasilisa, on January 21, they monitor the direction of the wind: if it blows from the southwest, the summer will be formidable.


  • Zodiac - Virgo
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Vasilisa's color is blue
  • Auspicious tree - ash
  • Cherished plant - cornflower
  • Patron - dove
  • Talisman stone - amethyst

Characteristics of the name Vasilisa

Positive features: A woman bearing this name stands out for her high creativity, curiosity, openness in expressing feelings, which, combined with some shyness, gives her behavior a closed character. A girl with this name is kind, responsive, often does not have sufficient willpower to actively resist external pressure: she can give in to force, but not obey.

Negative Traits: attaches great value people and surroundings, she often feels dissatisfied with relationships with friends. The subtlety of feelings inherent in Vasya, a non-trivial view of things, the ability to admire the beautiful often cause ridicule and misunderstanding in people. The owner of this name of nature is shy, she can finally withdraw into her world, perceiving all people without exception as personal enemies.

The nature of the name Vasilisa: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Vasilisa? This name is voluminous, epic. And although the word "fox" is present twice (and symmetrically!) In it, Vasena is not at all like a fox. This is the embodiment of rigor and morality. In her youth, her motto: "I will die, but without love I will not give a kiss!" And in the future, she is a model of decency in everything. Vasenas choose the profession that suits them; teachers, accountants, judges, lawyers. At the same time, it is possible that Vasya will live his life alone, without creating a family.

A girl with this name has an almost supernatural intuition, but this does little good for Vasilisa herself.

Little Vasya is a shy and timid child. Parents should try to praise Vasyonka more, joke with her more often, criticize less. A woman named Vasilisa has a penchant for working with her hands - embroidery, sewing, gluing various toys from paper, sawing with a jigsaw. As a child, she does not like her name very much, especially at school, when she is called Vasya. Only gradually Vasilisa will feel the whole inner strength and the power of the name.

Adult Vasya is firmly confident in her strength and ability to overcome any difficulties. She has a purely masculine quick strict mind, she has a high opinion of herself, she believes that others should highly appreciate her intellect and professional qualities. Vasya works as a teacher, an accountant, a judge, a lawyer, he can be a shop manager, lead a construction team. The young owner of the name is conflicted, although her motives are always noble, but employees often rebel against her autocracy. A girl with this name is sincerely outraged by their ingratitude, she always wishes people well. Vasena finds it very difficult to get along with people, she is very worried about this inability to be simpler, more sociable, to notice less other people's shortcomings, to be more tolerant.

Vasilisa and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: A favorable alliance with the Druzhina, Zvyaga, Kustodiy, Luchezar, Mitrofan, Polkan, Potap. The name Vasilisa is also combined with Razumnik, Tretiak. Difficult relationships are likely with Alania, Aristarkh, Vilen, Did, Evdokim, Yefim, Mina.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Vasilisa promise happiness in love? Vasya is a highly moral person, she has a developed sense of justice, gratitude, she is hardworking, always and everywhere wants to be the first. It is difficult for a young man to approach Vasena, Vasena is very proud and it seems to him that she is hostile. Family life also develops difficult, especially in the first marriage. In the second, she herself becomes more diplomatic, softer, does not climb on the rampage, asserting her right principles. It is possible that Vasya never creates a family, lives his life alone.

Vasena usually successfully marries if she does it late enough. Early marriages often fail.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: a girl named Vasilisa is not indifferent to the exact sciences that require abstract thinking. This girl will find herself in research activities, especially in the field of chemistry, genetics, psychology, brain physiology. She attaches great importance to the occult, hypnosis, even herself will become a "healer" using unconventional methods.

Business and career: Developing your original ideas, Vasena will face a misunderstanding of others, however, she can achieve success and fame, but rarely - wealth. Vasya has little interest in material matters, and if she achieves financial success, then these will be awards for discoveries or donations, or she will be able to correctly use her intuition.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Vasilisa (Spring): She is prone to mental and psychological overload, she needs to choose a diet and organize the right lifestyle.

The fate of Vasilisa (Vesena) in history

What does the name Vasilisa mean for women's fate?

  1. it woman's name, often found in Russian fairy tales and epics. V. Nikulishna was the wife of Danila Lovchanin, with whom Prince Vladimir fell in love. In the epics, we also meet Vasilisa Mikulishna, the wife of Stavr Godinovich, one of the younger heroes of Russian epics. There are many Russian fairy tales in which a young man in trouble is rescued by his bride Vasilisa the Wise or the Beautiful, who is similar in cunning and beauty to epic heroines and characters of ancient myths and legends.
  2. Vasilisa Melentyeva - the sixth wife, or, as her contemporaries called her, "woman". Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Someone's widow (in the words of Karamzin, "a beautiful widow"), Vasilisa was taken by the king for cohabitation without a marriage ceremony, one prayer at a time. The fate of Melentyeva served as the plot for Ostrovsky's drama, which depicts psychologically very complicated relationship between Grozny, Anna Vasilchikova, V. Melentyeva and the boyar's son Andrey Kolychev.
  3. Vasilisa Kozhina (hero Patriotic War 1812)
  4. Vasilisa the Beautiful (Wise), popular character Russian folk tales)
  5. Vassa (in monasticism Theodora) saint, princess of Nizhny Novgorod)
  6. Vasilisa Volodina (astrologer, TV presenter, astropsychologist)
  7. Vasilisa Chapaeva (great-great-granddaughter famous hero, studying in the cadet naval corps)

Vasilisa in different languages ​​of the world

Translation into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On the English language translated as - Vasilisa, in Icelandic: Vasilia, in Polish: Bazylisa.

The meaning and origin of the name Vasilisa: queen (Greek).

Energy and Karma of the name: as you wish, but a girl named Vasya, and it is difficult to find another diminutive form for this name, one can hardly envy. I involuntarily recall - an episode from the film "Gentlemen of Fortune", when Savely Kramarov, dressed as a woman, getting to know the girl, happily announces that his name is Fedya, and in response he receives only a short one: "Well, you're a fool." Indeed, a woman with male name looks at least ridiculous. Of course, one can argue for a long time and refer to the image of Vasilisa the Beautiful from Russian fairy tales, proving that this is good. Russian name, but, firstly, despite all the good arguments, today almost no one is in a hurry to name their daughter that, and, secondly, honestly, tell me, does not a single scoffer come up with the idea of ​​teasing Vasilisa Vasya? And there's no getting away from it! What is not a reason for heightened self-esteem? In practice, there are a lot of cases where much less good reasons make people feel inferior. For example, what's wrong with red hair? And how many teasers and insults about this?

In a word, it can be boldly stated that Vasilisa will have heightened self-esteem, another question - how will this affect her behavior? It is most favorable if the mobile energy of the name is reflected in Vasilisa's sense of humor. This, by the way, is very likely and can perfectly smooth out the dangerous moments of sensitive pride, because when a person laughs at himself, then others lose their desire to mock. Otherwise, just the thought of the possibility of ridicule, especially during puberty, can deprive Vasilisa of self-confidence and spoil nervous system. It doesn't help much to shrug off ridicule, since it presupposes internal conflict with society.

In a word, if it has already occurred to parents to reward their daughter with such an extraordinary name by today's standards, then it is worth making some efforts by teaching Vasilisa to look at things more cheerfully and easily. Only in this way can they create conditions for her to normal life and help reveal talents, of which Vasilisa has a lot.

Secrets of communication. Most often, Vasilisa's vulnerability does not prevent her from being very kind and sympathetic person On the contrary, it is her own emotional experiences that allow her to better understand other people. In general, when communicating with her, try to praise her more often, criticize less often and decorate the conversation more with good humor.

Astrological characteristic (see all horoscopes):

  • Zodiac sign: Virgo.
  • Planet: Mercury.
  • Name colors: blue, red, greenish-silver. Most auspicious colors: orange, warm tones of brown.
  • Talisman stone: sard, carnelian, amber.

Celebrating birthdays:

name trail Vasilisa in history.

In many Russian folk tales, songs and epics the heroine meets this nice name - Vasilisa. It is interesting that, as a rule, it is this character who is endowed with the most complete set of all kinds of virtues: beauty, intelligence, loyalty, courage. They call her that - either Vasilisa the Beautiful, or the Wise, as for those fairy tales where a girl has to fight for her love, she also has no equal in courage, cunning and quick wit - a kind of Russian woman who and “a horse on he will stop the gallop”, and “he will enter the burning hut”.

So, according to one of the epics, once Vasilisa Mikulishna's husband, Stavr Godinovich, Prince Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko was imprisoned for immoderate boasting in the cellar, under lock and key. In response, the wife, without thinking twice, disguised herself as a man and, having arrived in the city, wooed the niece of Prince Vladimir, Zabava Putyatichna. At first, Zabava was captivated by the beauty and courtesy of the young man, and in the city they already began to talk about the imminent wedding, until the girl suspected the true gender of her fiancé ... release his husband from prison: the prince probably realized that, compared with Vasilisa, the innocent boasting of Stavr Godinovich is just childish babble.

In another legend, just like in the previous one, the name of Vasilisa is also associated with a no less adventurous, but more tragic story in which there is both love and revenge. According to this legend, beautiful Vasilisa Mikulishnu fell in love without memory Kyiv prince Vladimir and, wanting to make her his lawful wife, sent her husband, Danila Lovchanin, to a dangerous business. It is not difficult to guess that the prince's task was impossible and cost the beautiful husband's head. After the death of Danila, the prince made - an official proposal to Vasilisa; she, pretending not to know about true reasons her widowhood, she answered the prince with consent, but with only one condition: before the wedding, she wants to go to her husband's grave to say goodbye. Vladimir yielded to her request and was left without a beautiful wife: having come to the grave, Vasilisa stabbed herself with a dagger to avoid marrying her husband's killer.

The meaning of the name Vasilisa option 2

Vasilisa- from the Greek queen; colloquial Vasyon; old Vasilisa.

Name derivatives: Basiliska, Cornflower, Vasya, Vasyonya, Vasenya, Vasyunya, Sunya, Vasyura, Vasyuta, Syuta, Vasyukha, Vasyusha, Vasyanya, Vasyata.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

  • Basilisk - nightingale day.
  • Aunt Vasilisa's hair curled on end.
  • On January 21, on Vasilisa, they observe the direction of the wind: if it is southwest, it will be thunderous.


The positive character traits of Vasilisa sometimes turn into negative ones. So, sharp feeling justice makes her completely intolerant of other people's shortcomings. True, she understands her own shortcomings, but admitting them is beyond her strength. She tries to hide them by helping other people. Sometimes she has an almost supernatural intuition, but this is of little use to her herself.

Vasilisa seeks to establish a clear order in everything, is manly, businesslike, organized. The mind is quick, the heart is warm, responsive.

The meaning of the name Vasilisa option 3

Mystery of the name Vasilisa- queen (Greek)

Name day: January 21 - Holy Martyr Vasilisa, together with her husband, the martyr Julian, received a martyr's crown in 313.

September 16 - Holy Martyr Vasilisa nine years old she experienced many torments for the faith of Christ, but remained unharmed; died in 309.

  • Zodiac sign - Virgo.
  • Planet - Mercury.
  • Color - blue.
  • Auspicious tree - ash.
  • Cherished plant - cornflower.
  • The patron of the name is a dove.
  • Talisman stone - amethyst.


Character Vasilisa is domineering, she does not tolerate objections, she is very intolerant of other people's shortcomings. At the same time, she has a highly developed sense of justice, so she always strives to restore order in everything, whether it is necessary or not. Her motives are noble Vasilisa has a manly quick mind. Her heart is warm and responsive.

Vasilisa she knows how to feel her shortcomings, but admitting them is beyond her strength, she tries to hide them by helping other people. Sometimes she has an almost supernatural intuition - but this does little good for her herself.

The meaning of the name Vasilisa option 4

Translated from Greek name Vasilisa means "royal".

The positive character traits of Vasilisa sometimes turn into negative ones. So, a keen sense of justice makes her completely intolerant of other people's shortcomings.

True, she understands her own shortcomings, but admitting them is beyond her strength. She tries to hide them by helping other people. Strives to establish a clear order in everything, in a manly businesslike manner, organized. The mind is quick, the heart is warm, responsive.

  • Name color is blue.
  • Auspicious tree - ash.
  • Cherished plant - cornflower.
  • The patron of the name is a dove.
  • Talisman stone - amethyst.

In the numerology of the name Vasilisa corresponds to the number "9"

Vasilisa Vladimirovna Volodina (nee Oksana Naumova). She was born on April 16, 1974 in Moscow. Russian astrologer, astropsychologist and TV presenter.

Volodina is the surname of her husband, Vasilisa is a pseudonym. Your maiden name is on your passport.

Interest in esotericism in the biography of Vasilisa Volodina awakened as early as adolescence. From the age of 14, she became interested in card fortune-telling, as well as determining fate along the lines of the palm (palmistry). Together with this occupation, astrological experience came to the biography of Vasilisa Volodina.

She graduated from the Academy of Management named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, by education she is an economist-cyberneticist. She defended her diploma on the topic "Forecasting futures in the grain market." At the same time, she studied at the Moscow Academy of Astrology with M. B. Levin.

Since 1992 he has been working as an astrologer. Conducts personal as well as business consulting, makes forecasts (for the press, television).

She became one of the highest paid financial astrologers in Moscow. "A large detailed consultation with a forecast for several years ahead costs from $ 2,000. This is serious work that can be afforded wealthy people. And serious - their mistakes will cost them more than consulting an astrologer" Vasilisa says.

Since 2006, Volodina has been working on television, in the Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina program on the Stolitsa TV channel.

Since 2008, she has been participating in the Let's Get Married! on Channel One as an expert and co-host and.

In October 2014, she left the project during pregnancy.

In 2012, Vasilisa Volodina published a book "Astrology of seduction. Keys to a man's heart. Encyclopedia of relations ", which became the winner of the "Electronic Letter" award in the "Discovery of the Year" nomination.

Vasilisa Volodina in the program "Alone with everyone"

Regarding astrology and the function of an astrologer, Vasilisa says: "The location of the planets in the sky does not directly affect a person, we are not puppets for someone to pull the strings. A person's horoscope describes - this is such a convenient system of characteristics, a kind of mechanism that shows how a person is structurally arranged, what motives drive him, what they are pushing him to and in what direction he is likely to develop.

Suppose you are accustomed to having lunch every day at three o'clock. And that's how the clock ticked - go to the dining room. The watch is not to blame for this, it is not they who drive you to the refrigerator, they do not cause the release of gastric juice. But the clock shows you that the desire to eat is justified. The clock is a mechanism to help you navigate. Horoscope - the same hours. Imagine such a big clock - with a double dial, 10 hands, and sectors on each dial - 24. This is how a horoscope works like this.

Astrology is similar to financial analytics - when we understand that there is a yearly cycle, then stocks will skyrocket ... Only astrology is also not a calendar where you can look at whenever you want.

An astrologer is a mathematician who studies individual human cycles. The horoscope does not affect us physically, it is a kind of tool, a set of cyclical methods that allows the astrologer to explore the cycles in a person's life".

The growth of Vasilisa Volodina: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Vasilisa Volodina:

Married to Sergei Volodin. The husband worked in the field of logistics, later became the director of Vasilisa Volodina, and is planning her working time.

According to Vasilisa, astrology helped her get to know Sergei.

She said: “Sergey and I just have a mystical story of acquaintance. It so happened that I studied his horoscope before we met. Once a friend turned to me and asked me to make a horoscope for his friend Sergei Volodin. I remember, I noted to myself: "I have amazing compatibility with this stranger." A little time passed, and a friend invited me to his birthday. In the courtyard of his house, I ran into a handsome guy. When our eyes met, I flashed for the first time in my life thought: “But I would marry such a person ...””. And so it happened.

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