Learning to draw at home. How to draw a house with a pencil step by step Children's drawings beautiful buildings

Now we will draw a simple house, it is not necessary to detail it in such a way, you can only draw the main lines. We will definitely need a ruler to make the house even.

Step 1. Draw two rectangles, the top one is slightly lower than the bottom one.

Step 2. We draw a bevel of the sides of the roof and additional decorative lines.

Step 3. Erase the horizontal side lines from the rectangle, then draw the door and windows.

Step 4. We draw a lattice on the windows, we will have an attic on top.

Step 5. We draw a window in the attic and this can be finished, but who wants to draw the whole house, we continue. We draw parallel lines on the roofs.

Step 6. We draw a tile. Let's start from the bottom row. We outline the middle of the house and draw a horizontal line in the very first bottom row. Then we draw to the left, while each time we make the straight line slope more to the right, then we draw to the right, making the further, the greater the slope of the line to the left. Now go to the second row from the bottom. Each straight line is drawn in the middle between each tile of the first row, do not forget, the closer to the side, the more the line should be tilted to the other side. We continue to do this until the very top row inclusive. Then we draw patterns on the sides and on the roof of the attic. I drew wavy lines with circles, you can come up with your own pattern, it doesn't matter.

Probably not to find a kid who would not like to draw. Creative activities allow the child to relax and express their dreams. It is much more interesting if such a process occurs together with the parents. Quite often they ask how to draw a house so that it becomes a real embodiment of a family hearth and kindness for a child.

Draw a wooden structure

If the family lives in the city, then she has to see only stone buildings. Wooden buildings, which are most often found in villages, have a special attraction.

How to draw a house in stages so that the child likes it and is realistic? You must follow this sequence:

  • It is required to take a sheet of paper and draw a line in a horizontal direction with a simple pencil. Then you need to draw a vertical strip. This will become the future corner of the house.
  • Next, you should move on to the image of the side wall. Its parts must intersect at the same point.
  • After that, you need to start applying facades, where the walls should be connected in one place.
  • Now you need to draw the elements of the roof, depict the foundation, logs and the top of the roof.

  • If desired, it is allowed to add windows and a door. The drawing can be left in black and white, shading with a simple pencil.

You can also add trees to the house or another landscape of your choice. Here the child will be able to connect fantasy. At the end of the creative process, you need to erase the extra lines and decorate the building at your discretion. The result is an amazing house, the image of which can be hung in a frame or on the refrigerator.

Drawing of a house with several floors

How to draw a house that consists of several floors, or in other words, an apartment building? Here, too, there is nothing difficult if parents help their baby. First you need to depict a vertical "accordion", or inverted steps. Then you need to draw the windows that are in the center of the "accordion". There should be 3-4 such openings, depending on the height of the pattern. On the side images, you want to add curved lines that will serve as balconies. Below is a door. It can be different, it depends on personal preferences.

The next step is to add volume to the house and remove extra lines. But the most enjoyable process is to color the resulting drawing. To do this, you need colored pencils. The walls need to be done in yellow or brown, the windows can be made in a blue tint, and the landscapes are added different.

Drawings of the house for the little ones

It is very important to teach the youngest children how to draw a house. Such children can be offered the following option:

  • First you need to draw a rectangle, with a triangle on top. These figures will serve as a facade and roof. You can use a ruler for this process.
  • Then you need to draw another triangle in a large figure. On the left, on the roof, you need to depict a pipe.
  • At the next stage, it is recommended to draw horizontal lines on the roof. This process can also be done with a ruler and a simple pencil.
  • Then it is necessary to depict windows (usually two are drawn) and a door, which is located in the middle of the base-square. You can also add a step at the bottom.
  • Next, you need to move on to small details (window sills, bell, etc.).

When all the elements are drawn, the child is allowed to proceed to coloring the house. Here you can connect fantasy and creative thinking.

If you know how to draw a house with a pencil in stages, then you can teach your child to quickly and easily depict any building. This will not only be an excellent educational activity, but also be able to take first place in the joint leisure of children and parents.

Children love to draw. They start creating their first masterpieces at an early age, gradually moving from crooked and fuzzy lines to understandable images. With the help of their parents, children learn to draw simple elements and objects, such as the sun, a house, a cloud. With a certain skill and patience, even younger preschoolers get interesting drawings. Consider how to draw a house with children of different ages, what skills and tools will be required.

For a child to sit at a table and painstakingly do something, preliminary preparation is required, regardless of the age of the preschooler. Parents will need:

  • conduct an active outdoor game before drawing;
  • prepare a workplace for the child. Depending on the age of the baby, this is done in advance or immediately before drawing. Joint training can replace motor activity. It is necessary that the surface of the table is clean, even, well lit. The light should fall on the left. You should put a few sheets of paper, pencils, a sharpener, a ruler, an eraser, a trash can in advance;
  • be positive and collaborative. It is important to support the child in the process of creating a drawing, not to scold, to remember that his picture of the world is different from the adult worldview;
  • while drawing, it is important not to interfere with the child's creativity. If there is a desire to show your version of the drawing or the baby asks for help, then this should be done on a separate sheet. Otherwise, the initiative will disappear, he will not want to finish his picture.

After drawing, you need to jointly remove all objects from the table.

How to draw a house with a child 2-3 years old

It is difficult for children under the age of 3 to sit in one place for more than 20 minutes. For kids, simple drawings containing a minimum number of elements, such as a house, are suitable. Parents should purchase triangular pencils for their child, as they are the most comfortable to grip with a small pen. Wax pencils are also suitable, they draw softly and have bright colors.

At an early age, it is difficult for a child to draw a circle, a square, etc. on his own, so a ruler with geometric shapes will come in handy. It will facilitate the process of creating a house, help to clearly draw the necessary figures, if desired, you can repeat their name. It is not necessary to draw everything conceived at once. At the slightest sign of fatigue of the child, you should stop the lesson and continue it another time.

So, how to draw a house with your baby:

When working with wax pencils, the house becomes bright and colorful. The background of the sheet the next day can be painted over with watercolors. The peculiarity of wax pencils is that you can paint on top of them with paint. Wax repels watercolor and only the white background of the sheet is painted over, while the house remains the original color. This work is very popular with young children, and the drawing looks complete.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a house for children 3-5 years old

Starting at the age of three, children develop spatial thinking skills. Therefore, if the baby has already mastered a simple drawing of a house, they move on to more complex options. For example, they draw a simple house based on the previous example, but without a ruler. It is painted with colored pencils, the child is explained that it is necessary not to go beyond the boundaries of the contour. It is desirable to finish the clouds, grass, trees and similar elements.

For children over 4 years old, they explain how to draw a three-dimensional wooden house. Step-by-step instructions are presented below:

Preschoolers aged 4-5 years old willingly complement the house with elements. They depict a pipe, smoke, steps, a path, flowers and trees. The child should be praised for the initiative shown. Consult with him about the completed elements, recommend adding something, for example, the sun, a rainbow, people or animals. It is advisable to color the resulting picture with colored pencils, gel pens or paints.

To get a quick result, it is better to use wax pencils. They paint over all the elements of the picture, and on top they apply watercolor paint in bed tones. The beauty of the lesson is that you can call on the painted elements. After the drawing dries, they will appear and will be the same color as before. The result is a beautiful, finished picture, which is nice to give to relatives and friends.

Complex house for children over 6 years old.

How to draw an unusual house, such as a hut on chicken legs or a house with furniture? You will need to be patient and show imagination. To begin with, it is worth inviting the child to depict a house in which the main elements will be located: several rooms, windows, a foundation, a roof. It is necessary to explain how to use a ruler and measure the length, width.

Drawing sequence:

If desired, the house is supplemented with steps, shutters are made on the windows, and the surrounding landscape is added. Color with colored pencils or paints.

Without a ruler, you can draw Baba Yaga's house. Step by step drawing:

Complement the landscape around the hut with tall fir trees, if desired, depict a flying Baba Yaga.

For girls, options for houses with many small details are interesting. They can draw furniture, wallpaper, interior items. It can be a multi-storey building in a section with a large number of rooms. If you depict it on a thick sheet of A3 format, then you can use it later for the game.

For children of different ages, there are still many options for houses that differ in complexity of implementation. You can select drawings that depict city houses or village houses. If the child is interested in the theme of drawing houses and asks for new options, you will need to choose different styles of houses. It is convenient to combine a drawing of a house with an application or plasticine. The use of different materials allows you to get interesting original works that will become the pride of your baby. The choice is for the child. The task of an adult is to suggest an idea in time and help to realize it.

Every year, the construction industry is improving, offering people more and more comfortable and beautiful houses and apartments for housing. If you just think about how houses have changed in one century, you can visualize by closing your eyes how much things can change after some more time. You can argue on this topic ad infinitum. However, not everyone can express their thoughts on paper. Therefore, in today's article, we decided to push our readers to creativity, demonstrating how the house of the future, a pencil drawing, can be original and unique. The photo below suggests ideas that can be used to create a dream home, well, or as a model for sketching.

How to draw a house of the future pencil drawing?

To draw the house of the future with a pencil, you must prepare in advance all the tools for drawing a drawing. In addition to a simple pencil with a hard lead, you need to have several A4 white sheets, an eraser, colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens on hand to color the finished work. Also, artists recommend to think over the house of the future in their understanding in advance. For example, will it look like a royal castle, a spaceship, a geometric figure or a flower.

Do not forget about the facade of the house. It can have a panoramic view, unusual windows in the form of geometric polygonal shapes, and even the absence of doors.

House of the future - pencil drawing in the photo

Below are more than 20 options for houses that differ in appearance and internal content in the cut. Each model is unique and inimitable in its own way, has its own characteristics and unusual details.

If we compare each dwelling with each other, one cannot but note the discrepancy in form, material, parameters, and even the details necessary for a comfortable life. We are talking about windows, the front door, the foundation of the house and even the external facade. After all, the decision on the landscape of the adjacent territory is up to the owner alone.

Think over all the details of the house of the future, visually presenting every detail. This will help to depict the dwelling in a short time without resorting to help.

Make sure that all the attributes for drawing are at hand.

Use your dream home idea without copying from the finished layout.

As suitable for any paints, pencils and felt-tip pens.

Without artistic skills, it is better not to take on complex work. It is better to make a choice in favor of single-story, uncomplicated living quarters, painted in one color.

Drawn houses of the future by children, pencil drawings in the photo:

Hello! Today we present you a new step-by-step drawing lesson, in which we distance ourselves a little from drawing living beings and pay attention to architecture. As you have seen in the title, the topic of today's lesson is how to draw a house, let's get started and start drawing!

Step 1

Our house today will look like a hugely popular townhouse in the West - a neat, compact house that is designed for a large family. Therefore, it will look more complicated than the traditional hut, which comes to mind as an association with the phrase how to draw a house.

Draw such houses as in our example, starting from the bottom. To make it more convenient for you, we decided to highlight the part that should be drawn very first:

If there are no highlight lines, the first step should look like this:

Step 2

There are a lot of steps here, however, we will use the same markup as in the previous step so you don't get confused. In red, we marked the places that should be drawn first. The number 1 marked the columns, the number 2 - the cornice. The lines may not be very straight right now, the main thing is that you have a clear idea of ​​​​their location.

Without this markup, the drawing for this step looks like this:

Step 3

Now the time has come for strict, even lines, and here you need to draw very carefully. Our artist loves to detail the drawings from top to bottom. So, let's draw the roof with several even, symmetrical lines. Keep the three-dimensional effect in drawing the cornice, paying attention to the lower part, and also correctly outline the corner on the right.

In this part of our lesson, we will draw the shutters and the window. Please note that it has a pair of transverse lines, and not one, as is found in stereotypical drawings of houses.

Step 4

Quite a short step. Here we will draw the part of the upper floor to the left of us, do not forget the semicircle in the center of this part, carefully shade it. Moreover, the shading should be intense in the lower part - well, you can see it for yourself. Then we will work on the windows, draw and carefully shade the shutters.

Step 5

Let's draw the porch of our house - the roof, columns, cornice and door - everything except the handle door should be absolutely symmetrical. Naturally, we mean symmetry with respect to the porch, and not the whole house.

Step 6

To the right of the porch is a veranda, draw it. Here we can see a window, cornices and columns. Symmetry and clarity of lines should be preserved everywhere.

Step 7

Now it's the turn of the part of the house, which is located to the left of the porch. Wavy lines outline the contours of the bushes that grow in front of the house.

Step 8

In the end, we outline and draw a part of the house, which is located to the right of all the others.

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