Audrey Hepburn interesting facts. Interesting facts about Audrey Hepburn I don't need a bed to prove my femininity

Holly Golightly, Princess Anne ... and many other amazing images gave us Audrey Hepburn. She spoke about her unusual fate like this: “My life is like a fairy tale. I had difficult moments, but I always saw a light at the end of the tunnel."

Interesting facts about the life of Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) - British actress, model and humanitarian.

1. Her real name— Audrey Kathleen Ruston. Later, the father added to his surname - Hepburn. At the beginning of her film career, the producers suggested that she take a pseudonym so that she would not be confused with the famous Katharine Hepburn, but she flatly refused.

2. Both parents of Audrey, a British banker and a Dutch baroness were both Nazis. And Audrey is a veteran of the Second World War and a member of the Resistance group.

3. Despite strict upbringing, Mother still loved Audrey deep down. So that her daughter could do ballet, she, a noblewoman by birth, got a job as a servant in a wealthy family.

4. For the rest of her life, Audrey's weight with a height of 170 cm did not exceed 46 kg. This is due to impaired metabolism. During World War II, Audrey starved and tried to survive on tulip bulbs and grass bread.

5. Remembering the horrors of war for a lifetime, Hepburn began working with UNICEF back in the 1950s and subsequently became their goodwill ambassador.

Audrey Hepburn

6. In the presence of Audrey no one ever cursed. Men wrote that she was not a hypocrite, but when she appeared it was impossible to use foul language.

7. Actually Audrey trained as a dental assistant before her meteoric film career.

8. Her first lead role became the image of the princess in "Roman Holiday" in 1953, for which she received an Oscar - for best actress.

Shot from the film "Roman Holiday"

9. In 1961, already a star, Audrey flared up even brighter, giving the cinema and the world a classic of the genre - "Breakfast at Tiffany's", where she played the incomparable Holly Golightly - a beauty who dreamed of a beautiful and prosperous life and admired expensive jewelry in a jewelry store from the very morning. The image created by Audrey became a kind of cult and an integral symbol of that time: the little black dress from Givenchy, in which the actress was, became incredibly fashionable.

10. Audrey was the Muse of Givenchy. He created exclusive perfumes, clothes, jewelry for her. And in 1957 he released a new fragrance L'INTERDIT, which is translated from French as "forbidden".

A scene from Breakfast at Tiffany's. Audrey Hepburn's famous dress

11. Audrey Hepburn knew many languages ​​- English, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch.

12. Died of cancer. During a trip to Somalia related to her charitable work, she felt severe pain in her stomach. But she did not say anything to anyone, as she was afraid that the program would be curtailed. Upon her return, she underwent surgery to remove a tumor from her colon, but this did not help.

13. On the day of her death Elizabeth Taylor said her famous line: "God has another angel." Tens of thousands of children in various countries of the world owe their health and life to her asceticism. For her work within UNICEF, Audrey Hepburn received one of the highest awards in the United States - the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Audrey Hepburn is one of the most fragile and at the same time the most courageous women of the past. Her talent is undeniable, her posture and head tilt are the standard of female grace. They say that critics wrote her love letters instead of reviews, and Hubert de Givenchy created his outfits, inspired by the beauty and sophistication of the actress. The images created by Audrey Hepburn will live forever: the perky runaway princess from "Roman Holiday", the ragamuffin who turned from "cockney" to the lady of high society in "My Fair Lady", the naive prostitute from "Breakfast at Tiffany's" who dreams about another life, but her dreams are constantly crumbling like sand castles. Movies with Audrey Hepben are known to everyone, but what do we know about the personality and life of this amazing woman off the set?

10 facts about the life of Audrey Hepburn:

1. Blue blood flowed in Audrey's veins. Her mother held the title of Dutch Baroness.

2. During World War II, Audrey ate chicory leaves and tulip bulbs. Her reference thinness is the result of a disturbed metabolism.

3. So that after the war Audrey could study ballet at the school of Olga Tarasova, her mother, the Baroness, was hired as a servant in a wealthy family.

4. As soon as Audrey's talent became an object of admiration in the cinema world, all the studios demanded that she change her last name (so that the actress would not be confused with the famous Katharine Hepburn). Audrey flatly refused.

5. "Roman Holiday" was filmed under the supervision of 10,000 citizens who once booed the director, who reproached Audrey for a badly played scene. The director obeyed the opinion of the crowd and did not reshoot the episode.

6. In the presence of Audrey, no one ever used foul language. Men wrote that she was not a hypocrite, but when she appeared it was impossible to use foul language.

7. At the premiere of "Ondine" in 1954, Marlene Dietrich herself came backstage to congratulate the actress on her success.

8. Audrey's favorite fashion designer was Hubert de Givenchy. Once Audrey admitted: "I am as dependent on Givenchy as the people of America are on their psychoanalyst."

Audrey Hepburn and Hubert de Givenchy

9. Audrey has never been a versatile actress. Director Mel Ferrer tried to make Audrey a "sex bomb" in the film "Green Halls", but the film failed at the box office.

10. Audrey Hepburn married three times, and her second husband was 9 years younger than Audrey.

Audrey Hepburn is one of the legendary actresses and extraordinary women. It is no coincidence that on the day of her death, Elizabeth Taylor uttered her famous phrase: "God has another angel."

Text: Tamara Vasilyeva

Hepburn was one of the highest paid movie actresses of her time.

The actress had noble birth. Her mother held the title of Dutch Baroness.

Audrey loved father more than her mother, because she was strict and never made concessions to her only daughter. Parents divorced when the girl was still very young, for her it was a big blow. Many years later, Audrey found her father and supported him financially until the end of her life.

Despite the strict measures of upbringing, the mother still loved Audrey deep down. So that after the war Audrey could study ballet at the school of Olga Tarasova, her mother, the Baroness, was hired as a servant in a wealthy family.

The childhood of the future actress passed in the period German occupation. The girl had to starve, sometimes during the day she ate several potatoes and chicory leaves. I even had to eat tulip bulbs. My uncle and cousin were shot, my brother was in a concentration camp.

Audrey Hepburn weight did not exceed 48 kg. The prerequisites for this were laid in childhood, when the mother took sweets from the child and said that it was indecent for a woman to be overweight.

Audrey's favorite fashion designer was Hubert de Givenchy.

Audrey Hepburn knew many languages-French and Dutch were her native languages. She also spoke fluent English and Italian; explained in spanish

The jewelry company TIFFANY & CO owes a lot to the actress. Fame came to this company only after the film " Breakfast at Tiffany's».

Despite her angelic appearance, Audrey had bad habits - smoked three packs of cigarettes a day.

Audrey Hepburn was married three times and had two sons.

Having given cinema a decade and a half, in the late 1960s, the actress actually left the profession - devoting herself to her family.

She died of cancer at the age of 63. Severe stomach pains began with the actress during a mission to Somalia, but she did not tell anyone because she was afraid that the program would be curtailed. Upon her return, she underwent surgery to remove colon tumors, but it did not help.

She went down in history as one of the most titled and sought-after actresses of the 50-60s of the last century. Her game was admired, her beauty was envied, and her style was sought to be copied. But Hepburn was never just a beautiful woman and a talented actress. She faced many difficulties and was faithful to her humanitarian mission to the last.

Hunger during school years

The chiseled figure of Audrey Hepburn has always been the object of envy and an unattainable ideal. However, the actress does not owe her lean physique to diets at all. Her ideal, by the standards of the beauty of those times, the weight of 45 kg was the result of health complications. Audrey caught WWII when she was only 10 years old while living in the Netherlands.

The most difficult period in the life of the family turned out to be 1944-45 - the future actress ate tulip bulbs and tried to bake grass bread.

Due to hunger, her metabolism was disturbed, and even the love of chocolates and spaghetti in adulthood did not help her gain weight. Due to the lack of adipose tissue, the actress could not bear a child for a long time and survived four miscarriages.

Iron character

Even during the war, Audrey tried to help the family financially. Actively engaged in ballet from early childhood, by adolescence, the future actress had already become a qualified ballerina.

Despite the hunger, Hepburn gave dance lessons.

Willpower also manifested itself in studies. Audrey was fluent in five languages ​​- Dutch, English, French, Spanish and Italian.

Most accurately, the life principles of the famous actress are described by her own phrase: “I believe that you need to be strong when everything seems to be going wrong.”

Typical complexes

Despite the love of millions, Audrey Hepburn did not consider herself the standard of beauty. Moreover, from the memoirs of her son, it is known that the famous actress was sincerely surprised by the admiration of people for her appearance.

Hepburn had a complex since childhood - too big feet. With a height of 170 cm, she wore 41 shoe sizes. This prevented Hepburn from fulfilling her childhood dream of becoming a prima ballerina.

In 1954, the actress decided to get rid of the disadvantage, at least visually, and asked to make shoes for her that would visually turn her legs into graceful ballerina feet. The main Hollywood shoemaker designed for her the ballerinas model - shoes with thin soles with a rounded toe, similar to pointe shoes. This is how ballet shoes, beloved by many, appeared.

Goodwill ambassador

A difficult childhood made Audrey Hepburn a fighter for peace - she devoted 38 years of her life to working in an international organization operating under the auspices of,. At first, she helped to draw attention to the problems, using her popularity. Audrey was a frequent radio speaker and attended events hosted by the organization.

After finishing her acting career, Hepburn decided to devote her full time to UNICEF.

In the last five years of her life, she traveled to Ethiopia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Somalia, where she actively contributed to the provision of humanitarian assistance. So, after a trip to Ethiopia, where the actress visited an orphanage with starving children, the organization sent food there.

“I saw tiny mountain communities, slums and shanty towns miraculously get water systems for the first time, and that miracle was UNICEF. I saw how children built their own schools with bricks and cement provided by UNICEF,” she said about the results of her activities.

Small weaknesses of a great woman

Even in early childhood, Hepburn was fond of drawing. As she grew older, she developed an interest in needlework. So, from the pictures of those times it is known that in between filming, the actress knitted a lot. Gardening helped to distract from work. By the way, in 1990, a new hybrid breed of tulips was named after Audrey Hepburn.

The biggest passion in the life of the film star was, alas, cigarettes. Audrey could smoke up to three packs a day, but in her own words, even this was sometimes not enough. The actress died of cancer when she was only 63 years old.

There are women whose name is immortal. One of them is Audrey Hepburn.

This week, all the fans of the doe-eyed actress celebrated her birthday and, of course, reviewed the filmography of their beloved Audrey. We haven't been left out either! After all, if anyone could, with a clear conscience, call themselves "lady", then it is she.

Sometimes from the representatives of the stronger sex you can hear something like “well ... Hepburn, of course, yes ... but there is Monica Bellucci!”.

However, every woman will confirm: neither in Monica Bellucci, nor in Angelina Jolie, nor in earlier recognized sex symbols - Marilyn Monroe, Gina Lollobrigida, Brigitte Bardot and even Sophia Loren! - not what was in Hepburn.

Aristocracy and nobility, subtlety and grace, bottomless eyes and a huge heart - the totality of all this created a phenomenon whose name is Audrey!

Today - we recall interesting facts from the life of the actress and her words, which are still relevant today.

10 facts about Audrey

  • Audrey Hepburn was born on May 4, 1929 in Brussels, spent her childhood in the Netherlands. Her full name is Audrey Kathleen van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston. Blue blood flowed in the veins of the actress - her mother had the title of Dutch baroness.
  • During the Second World War, Audrey survived the famine: then she had to eat chicory leaves and tulip bulbs. As a result, the girl's metabolism was disturbed and throughout her life Audrey did not gain more than 48 kg.
  • Despite her title, Audrey's mother hired herself as a maid during the war to pay for her daughter's ballet lessons with Marie Rambert herself. However, Audrey was not destined to become a prima - due to too high growth and chronic malnutrition during the years of occupation. That is why the girl had to look for a job that would bring money. So, after some time, the world learned the name of the model and actress Audrey Hepburn.
  • Audrey was proud of her family. When she began her journey to fame, she was begged to change her last name so that the actress would not be confused with Katharine Hepburn. Audrey flatly refused.

  • In the presence of Audrey Hepburn, no one ever used foul language. Men wrote that she was not a prude, but when she appeared, it was simply impossible to use foul language.

  • "Roman Holiday" was filmed under the supervision of ten thousand citizens, who once booed the director, who reproached Audrey for a bad game. The director obeyed the opinion of the crowd and did not reshoot the episode.

  • Before Breakfast at Tiffany's, TIFFANY & CO was not a popular jewelry company. It was Audrey Hepburn who brought her fame.

In addition, Audrey's favorite - their names have become brands and are closely intertwined - was fashion designer Hubert de Givenchy. Hepburn admitted: “I am as dependent on Givenchy as the people of America are on their psychoanalyst.”

  • Audrey Hepburn never forgot that in her early youth she was saved from starvation by the newly formed UN Children's Fund UNICEF. Returning the debt, she actively collaborated with him from the very beginning of her stellar career. Tens of thousands of children in various countries of the world owe their health and life to her asceticism. For her work within UNICEF, Audrey Hepburn received one of the highest US awards - the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

  • The actress died at the age of 63 from cancer. The disease had been diagnosed three years earlier, after a mission to Somalia. Then, when she first felt pain, Audrey did not tell anyone about it, as she was afraid that because of her they would change the program of the event. The actress left this world on January 20, 1993. Upon learning of her death, the great Elizabeth Taylor could not hold back her tears. She said, "The Lord God has another beautiful angel who knows what to do in heaven."

  • In 2013, millions of fans of the cinema of the XX century trembled hearts. Their conqueror starred in an advertisement for Galaxy chocolate, which was enough just to look from the screen and not say anything at the same time. Unique computer technology has resurrected, even if only for one minute of a commercial, Audrey Hepburn.

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10 quotes from Hepburn

If one day I found out that I had only one day left to live, I would remember in my past all the good things that I was lucky enough to experience. Not sadness, grief, miscarriages, not my father's departure from home, but the joy of everything else. And that would be enough.

They say that love is the most profitable investment, and the more you give, the more you get in return. That's not the point: love is the most unique contribution - the more you give it, the more it is born in you. If everyone understood this, how much easier it would be to live.

I was always content with what I had, and like a squirrel hid his acorns. Sometimes there were more acorns, sometimes less. But there has never been a case where I don't have one left.

I don't need a bed to prove my femininity. I can be sexy just picking apples from a tree or standing in the rain.

Success is like reaching some round date and seeing that you haven't changed a bit. Success imposes on me the obligation to live in such a way as to be worthy of this success. And if you are lucky, then even survive it.

People, much more than things, need to be picked up, repaired, and found a place for them in their lives; never throw anyone out.

To make lips seductive, speak kind words. To make your eyes sparkle, look for the good in people. In order not to get fat, share food with the hungry. To keep your hair smooth, let the baby stroke it. To keep your posture proud, carry the feeling that you will never have to wander alone.

If you need a helping hand, know that you have it - your own. When you get older, you will realize that you have two hands: one to help yourself, the other to help others.

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