History and description of the painting "After the Rain" by the famous Soviet painter A. After the Rain

In the picture A.M. Gerasimov "After the Rain" depicts a terrace on a summer day. It has been raining recently, and possibly a thunderstorm. Everything around is covered with a wet sheen.

The foreground of the picture is occupied by a wet terrace, on which a small wooden table on beautifully carved legs is comfortably located. On the table is a large vase with a summer bouquet of flowers. They, most likely, were plucked in the garden, which we see in the background. The author depicted the flowers so skillfully that the viewer can see how the flowers drooped and got wet from the heavy drops of heavy rain. Gerasimov, depicting flowers, used white, pinkish, blue and pearl shades and tones. An overturned glass lies next to the vase. Perhaps the glass fell due to a strong wind, or maybe it was overturned by rain - we can only guess. The table is very wet and shiny, like everything around. The railing reflects on the wet floor.

In the background is a garden. A bush grows near the veranda, it is so wet that now it stretches with its dense foliage to the ground. In the distance we see a small building. I think that this is a bathhouse or a small shed in which the necessary garden equipment is stored - these are shovels, rakes, buckets. In the background there is a lot of bright greenery refreshed by the rain. The whole garden seems to breathe after the rain. A piece of sky is visible in the upper left corner. It is still quite gray and gloomy. Such a talent to depict nature refreshed by rain can only be possessed by a true artist dedicated to his work.

I was very impressed by the picture of A.M. Gerasimov "After the rain". When you look at it, as if you feel how the fresh smell that happens after a thunderstorm spreads around the classroom, you want to breathe in this freshness full chest. I wanted to be there at least for a moment to enjoy the beauty and freshness summer garden bathed in warm summer rain.

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Many Russian and Soviet artists created beautiful pictures. One of these artists is A. Gerasimov. I especially liked his painting "After the Rain", its second name is "Wet Terrace".

In the foreground of this canvas, the artist depicted the terrace of a private house, possibly a dacha. The terrace has a bench and a table. On the table is a vase with a bouquet of roses. The railing of the terrace, its floor, bench, table are all wet. This suggests that the rain has passed quite recently. The terrace hasn't dried yet. I sincerely admire how Gerasimov was able to convey the brilliance of wet wood. It seems that we really went out onto the porch after the rain and see small puddles on the wooden floor, which reflect the veranda itself and the trees growing around the house. The table is also wet. But the objects on the table tell us that it was not just rain, but a downpour with strong wind. This is evidenced by rose petals on the table and an overturned glass. The heads of the flowers drooped under the weight of the raindrops, so it was not just a little rain.

The walls of the barn were gray from the rain.

The sky is not visible in the picture, but it is noticeable that the sun's rays penetrate through the leaves of the trees onto the veranda. From their light, all colors become even brighter.

I really liked this picture. Gerasimov drew everything very believable. When I look at this picture, it seems to me that I smell the wet grass after the rain and the cool freshness of the air.

Composition based on the painting by A. M. Gerasimov “After the rain”

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov is a famous Russian painter. He was born on July 31, 1881 in the town of Kozlov, into a merchant family. The artist's childhood and youth were spent in this provincial town, surrounded by Russian nature. The young man knew how to see beauty in the simplest everyday things. And this became the basis of many of his future works.

Only for real talented painter can notice the most imperceptible, at first glance, details of the environment. We see it in his paintings. And we can't help but admire it.

In his youth, the artist was attracted by impressionism. But then he became an adherent of socialist realism, a new artistic direction. Gerasimov painted portraits political leaders of that time - Lenin, Voroshilov, Stalin and other Soviet leaders. The artist was considered a recognized master of socialist realism, he was Stalin's personal artist. Gerasimov's works were considered canonical at that time.

However, Alexander Mikhailovich himself, already in the mid-thirties, was tired of the constant desire for official recognition. And he decides to go on vacation to his native city Kozlov. It was then that the artist created amazing picture"After the rain".

This work is strikingly different from all the paintings that were created by the artist. He himself believed that this best work of all that he created in his lifetime.

The sister of Alexander Mikhailovich recalled that the artist literally shook the garden after the rain. It was an amazing sight that Gerasimov definitely wanted to capture on canvas. “Nature was fragrant with freshness. The water lay in a whole layer on the foliage, on the floor of the gazebo, on the bench and sparkled, creating an extraordinary picturesque chord. And then, behind the trees, the sky cleared and whitened. The artist immediately demanded a palette from his assistant.

The picture was painted very quickly, in a few hours. This testifies to how great the artist's admiration for the amazing beauty of nature was.

In fact, the creation of this picture was not accidental. Even in his youth, Gerasimov was attracted by the motive of nature after the rain.

The rain seemed to symbolize renewal. And the surrounding world took on a different shape, became brighter and fresher. When the artist studied at the School of Painting, he painted wet roofs, roads, objects.

In the picture "After the Rain" there is no carefully thought out plot. It was created in one breath. The work cannot leave the audience indifferent, it has sincerity and lightness.

Juicy reflections of garden greenery are reflected on the terrace. Multi-colored reflections are reflected on the wet surface of the table, here they are blue, pink. The shades are multicolored and colorful. Moisture-covered boards show silvery reflections. The state of nature is conveyed extremely expressively. This simple picture remembered by everyone who saw it.

A rain-drenched terrace appears before us along with a corner of the garden. Water covers the foliage, floor, benches and railings. The water, together with the sun that illuminates the terrace, is a truly mesmerizing sight. The water sparkles in sunshine, acquires special character, refinement and clarity.

On the left side of the terrace we see round table on carved legs. They are also reflected in the puddles. There is a glass jug on the table, in which there is a bouquet of garden flowers.

Garden flowers are amazing, they do not have deliberate splendor and luxury. They are gentle, but at the same time invisible. Flowers are so real that you want to touch them. It seems that you are about to feel their delicate aroma. A glass lies on its side next to the vase. A strong gust of wind must have knocked him over. As if in a mirror, a glass and a vase are reflected in the surface of the table, flooded with rain.

After the rain, there is a special atmosphere in the garden. Everything around looks extremely beautiful and harmonious. The picture gives good mood. It is impossible to be sad and sad, admiring such a beautiful painting.

A corner of the house opens into the garden, we can see how beautiful the garden is after the rain. The leaves shine in the sun. A lilac branch leans over the bench. The sky is already brightening. The gloomy clouds are about to disappear. And the rays of the gentle sun will rush down.

In the depths of the garden you can see the roof of an old barn. Every detail is simple and unpretentious. But taken together, they take on a completely different meaning. it real life, the beauty of which we sometimes do not notice. We are busy with other things. And our attention is unlikely to attract the garden after the rain, unremarkable, familiar and simple. Only a true artist is able to notice all the splendor of colors and shades of an ordinary everyday landscape.

Composition based on the painting After the rain by A.M. Gerasimov for students in grade 6.


  • The plot of the painting by A. Gerasimov "After the rain"
  • Description of the terrace, table, jug of flowers
  • The background of the picture (garden, house, building)
  • painting technique
  • My mood from what I saw.

I am looking at A. M. Gerasimov’s painting “After the Rain”. Everything that I see, I need to describe in an essay. I'll start with the plot of the picture. Before our eyes appears a small terrace after the rain. The artist chose objects as the object of his canvas: a table, a jug of flowers, part of a terrace with a railing, and depicted them against the backdrop of nature.

It just rained. We see spilled small puddles on the bench and the floor of the terrace. Everything is reflected in the brilliance of the wet surface. An overturned faceted glass lies on the table. Apparently, the rain was very strong, if it left so many “traces” behind it.

The terrace itself is not fully visible to us. Vertical supports hold the roof (we see only its corner), wooden playground has steps leading to the garden. A narrow bench ends with a simple railing. On such a terrace it is pleasant to sit in the evening and enjoy the smells of nature. Or you can get together with your family and have a cup of tea.

To the left is a table with carved legs. The figured table top is also covered with raindrops. And on the table is a glass jar with flowers. Bouquet beautiful flowers I also felt the force of the rain. Some petals have fallen and lie in the water that has accumulated on the edge of the table. Or maybe it was the wind that dropped the jug and scattered the delicate petals? Flowers are painted in white and red, somewhere they have shades of pink and pale green. The leaves are very dark and saturated green color. The bouquet was probably collected only before the rain to decorate the table with it. But suddenly it began to rain, and the bouquet remained on the terrace.

In the background of the picture we see part of the garden. All its greenery is full of different shades. Somewhere it is very bright, light, even turning into a light green color, and somewhere it is dark green, juicy, having a shade of emerald and even blue flowers. There are a lot of trees in the garden. To the side you can see some kind of wooden building, maybe it's a small shed or a small bathhouse. There is a pipe on its roof.

On the right in the picture, behind the dense foliage, we see the corner of the house, to which the terrace adjoins. A. Gerasimov used interesting technique Images. All items are blurred. There are no clear right lines. Blurry stroke technique makes the picture interesting. If you look closely, you can see instead of leaves on a tree just a vague brush stroke. As if the artist did not try to draw all the elements as they look, and left blurry spots on the canvas. desired colors. Flowers in a jug, and part of the terrace, and a piece of the sky that shines through the dense foliage are also depicted. The colors blend well here. They are combined with each other, forming a new shade.

The picture does not create a good mood. After the rain it becomes light and joyful, nature is renewed, everything around is fresh. No sad thoughts, only positive emotions!

Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov - bright representative social realism in painting. He became famous for his portraits depicting party leaders. But there are also very lyrical works in his work, landscapes, still lifes, images of Russian life. Thanks to them, “After the Rain” is known today (description of the painting, history of creation, expressiveness) - this is the topic of this article.

curriculum vitae

Gerasimov A.M. was born in the family of a merchant from the city of Kozlov (modern Michurinsk) Tambov region August 12, 1881. In this town he spent his childhood and youth, he liked to come here even when he became a famous artist.

From 1903 to 1915 he studied at the Moscow art school, immediately after which he was mobilized to the front, the First World War. From 1918 to 1925 the artist lived and worked in his native city, and then returned to Moscow, joined the Association of Artists and a few years later became its president.

Gerasimov A.M. survived periods of ups and downs, was loved by the artist Stalin, received a large number of professional awards and titles. And in the days of Khrushchev, he fell out of favor.

The artist died in 1963, 3 weeks before his 82nd birthday.

The creative path of the artist

Gerasimov studied with major painters late XIX- early XX centuries - K.A. Korovina, A.E. Arkhipova, At the beginning creative way he painted mainly pictures of folk life, depicted Russian nature with its modest and touching beauty. During this period, the following were created: “The Rye was Mowed” (1911), “Heat” (1912), “A Bouquet of Flowers. Window "(1914).

AT Soviet time the artist turned to Gerasimov showed a talent for capturing surprisingly accurately character traits, achieving great portrait resemblance. Gradually, among the heroes of his canvases, high-ranking people, party leaders and leaders begin to prevail: Lenin, Stalin, Voroshilov and others. His paintings are distinguished by a solemn mood and are not devoid of a somewhat poster-like pathos.

By the mid-30s of the XX century, the artist became the largest representative of socialist realism in painting. In 1935 he left for his hometown to take a break from work and spend time with his family. It was in Kozlov that A.M. Gerasimov "After the Rain" - a picture that brought him fame as an excellent landscape painter.

During the years of Stalin's rule, Gerasimov held responsible leadership positions. He headed the Moscow branch of the Union of Artists, the Association Soviet artists, Academy of Arts of the USSR.

The history of the painting "After the rain" by Gerasimov

The artist's sister told about the history of the creation of the painting. The family was relaxing on the terrace of their house when the heavy rain. But Alexander Mikhailovich did not hide from him, as the rest of the household did. He was shocked by how the drops of water accumulated on the foliage, on the floor, on the table, overflowed different colors how fresh and transparent the air became, how, having fallen on the ground in a downpour, the sky began to brighten and clear. He ordered to bring him a palette and in just three hours he created a stunningly expressive landscape. The artist Gerasimov called this painting “After the Rain”.

However, the landscape, written so quickly and swiftly, was not accidental in the artist's work. Even while studying at the school, he liked to depict wet objects: roads, plants, roofs of houses. He managed to convey the glare of light, bright, rain-washed colors. Perhaps for many years A.M. went to this landscape. Gerasimov. "After the Rain" was the result of creative searches in this direction. There would be no such background, we would not see the canvas being described.

A.M. Gerasimov "After the Rain": a description of the painting

The plot of the picture is surprisingly simple and concise. A corner of a wooden deck, a bouquet of flowers on a round dining table, and lush greenery in the background. By the brilliance of wooden surfaces, the viewer understands that heavy rain has recently ended. But moisture does not create a feeling of dampness and discomfort. On the contrary, it seems that the downpour muffled the summer heat and filled the space with freshness.

It is felt that the picture was created in one breath. There is no tension and heaviness in it. She absorbed the mood of the artist: light, peaceful. The greenery of the trees and flowers in the bouquet are written slightly carelessly. But the viewer easily forgives this to the artist, realizing that he was in a hurry to catch this wonderful moment of harmony with nature.

Expressive means

This landscape (A.M. Gerasimov "After the Rain"), a description of the painting, means of expression, used by the artist, give art critics reason to talk about high painting technique author. Despite the fact that the picture looks simple and even careless, it showed the talent of the master. Rainwater made the colors more saturated. Wooden surfaces not only shine, but also reflect the color of greenery, flowers and the sun, cast in silver and gold.

An overturned glass on the table also attracts attention. Such a seemingly insignificant detail clarifies a lot, makes the plot easy to read. It becomes clear that the rain began unexpectedly and rapidly, took people by surprise, forced them to hastily collect dishes from the table. Only one glass and a bouquet of garden flowers were forgotten.

One of his the best works considered A.M. Gerasimov - "After the rain". The description of the painting presented in this article shows that this work is one of the most significant not only in the artist's work, but in all of Soviet painting.

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