The color of Singapore is the traditions, festivals and mentality of the locals. Some Rules of Conduct in Singapore

For eating in the wrong place, a fine of 500 Singapore dollars

Singapore Traditions

As I remember from school curriculum Every rule has its exception. If we apply this image to countries South-East Asia, then, undoubtedly, the island-state will become such an exception. Sitting between the chaotic and numerous Muslim countries of Indonesia and Malaysia, it manages to be remarkably orderly, perhaps the cleanest on the entire continent and emphatically law-abiding. The “City of Fines”, as it is also called, Singapore prides itself on the fact that the rules here are executed in deeds, not in words, and order is observed everywhere. What you need to know when going to Singapore?

Singapore Traditions

Singapore is a cosmopolitan city. Indigenous people the islands make up only a small percentage, and the majority of the inhabitants are multi-generational Chinese, Indians, Malays and Arabs. A stunning mix of Asian cultures has affected all spheres of the country's life. Although, through the eyes of a tourist, different cultural traditions and customs exist together, but develop separately, maintaining their own rhythm. Within the framework of one city, you can feel the spirit of that very India, walking through the quarters of the Little India district, surrounded by a thin smoke of sticks and the sounds of lulling chants, then you intend to “jump” into the loud and bustling Chinese China Town, and end the evening in the center of the lights of an ultra-modern metropolis , which is ready to be compared only with New York itself.

Fines in Singapore

The inhabitants of this country themselves are not averse to laughing at all the prohibitions that are spelled out in the relevant laws of the city, selling funny T-shirts or mugs with a list of some of them, but a sense of humor civil liability no problem. The author of the article was personally a witness when, jokingly: “But really, there will be a fine of 500 dollars for eating on the subway? Does anyone observe this?” received a very specific and polite answer from a respectable local resident: “Of course they do! But how?

This is a country where it is easier and more profitable to be on the wave of the law than to bypass it.

How to be a respectable tourist in Singapore?

Smoking is allowed only in specially designated areas, in open areas. In closed public areas, such as transport, shops, cinemas, etc., it is strictly prohibited. A fine of almost 1000 Singapore dollars.

Crossing the street in the wrong place is also punishable. $500 per violator.
Singaporeans monitor cleanliness, apply the rule firsthand: “It’s not clean where they clean it, but where they don’t litter.” Spitting, chewing gum, papers, etc. outside the basket are strictly prohibited by an administrative fine of $500. By the way, eating and drinking in unspecified places is also not allowed, for example, in the subway or just on the street.

It is worth fastening a seat belt in cars, being polite in dealing with people, and so on. In other words, to observe all the classic norms of behavior that will be welcome in any country, with only one exception - in Singapore, indeed, this is monitored and violations are not tolerated. Is it worth it to say that the option to “negotiate” with a responsible person does not work here and one must be held accountable for one’s actions according to the law.

Singapore has proven to the world that it is possible. To live in beauty, develop rapidly and follow the elementary, in general, rules that make life better and cleaner.

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The population of Singapore is multi-ethnic. However, despite the difference in cultures, there are still traditions and customs of Singaporeans. I propose to learn more about them and the features of everyday life.

The symbol of the island of Singapore is the fish-lion - Merlion (The Merlion), which is revered by Singaporeans, and which tourists come to see.

Singaporeans are very proud of their island and do not focus on their ethnicity, therefore, to the question: "What is your nationality?", tourists receive an exhaustive answer: "I am Singaporean!".

Singapore has a strict policy of punishing non-compliance with laws in the form of fines, imprisonment and even the death penalty. You can be fined for smoking in a public place, littering and crossing the street in the wrong place. Based on this, the Singaporeans are a fairly disciplined nation that maintains perfect cleanliness on the streets and in the premises, following the principle: “it’s not clean where they clean it, but where they don’t litter!”

Thanks to the restriction of the personal freedoms of Singaporeans with a system of fines and criminal liability for breaking laws and regulations, Singapore has the lowest crime rate in the world.

Singaporeans are obsessed with gadgets like iPhones and PSPs, so don't be surprised if you find teenagers on the bus or on the subway playing games on their fancy gadgets.

Singaporeans are neither sentimental nor melancholy by nature. In conversation among themselves and with strangers, they are reluctant to discuss personal matters, and never express emotions in public.

Despite the fact that Singaporeans are quite a disciplined nation, they will not let you pass in line, open the door for you or give up your seat on the subway.

Singaporeans observe the norms of moral morality. Here you will not see any scenes of violence or sex scenes neither on the street, nor on television, and even on the pages of printed publications. For violations of moral norms, severe penalties are provided, in the form of fines and imprisonment. And, despite the fact that prostitution (represented by emigrants) still thrives on the island, she is also chaste. There is no porn industry in Singapore.

Singaporeans love to travel abroad. The reason for this may be the opportunity to relax and not think about the need to work hard and hard. And Singaporeans often relax with alcohol - they drink often, but in moderation.

In Singapore, you will not meet homeless people and beggars, because it is forbidden to wander and beg here. And street actors are beggars, mostly poor students or immigrants who came to Singapore in search of a better life.

It is simply impossible to earn little in Singapore, this is not enough to live in this expensive city. Singaporeans believe that there is never a lot of money, because the prices for food, transport, real estate and services are quite high.

Singaporeans go to casinos with serious intentions, solely for the purpose of enriching themselves by calculating the probability of winning. Because making money is their main fixed idea.

According to the Singaporean tradition, you must take off your shoes before entering a house or temple. If you are invited to visit, I recommend buying small gifts or souvenirs as a token of appreciation and respect for the hosts. Appearance at the same time can be quite free and comfortable, but not sporty and careless. To visit expensive restaurants and hotels, men should wear a shirt and a business suit, and women should wear an evening or cocktail dress.

The locals are sensitive to their appearance and clothes in particular. For example, wearing beachwear or poolside attire in public places is considered unacceptable.

Traditionally, Singaporeans eat dishes with chopsticks, they skillfully wield these cutlery items, eating rice noodles with chicken pieces in peanut sauce on both cheeks. Moreover, chopsticks are held exclusively in the right hand, or food is taken with the fingers of the right hand. Singaporeans never leave chopsticks on their plate of food, but place them on a stand or table next to the plate. Sometimes the table setting includes two spoons - porcelain and silver. In this case, you need to eat porcelain, and impose food - silver. It also happens that food is eaten with the hands without the help of any cutlery, for example, Indian couscous with curry. For European tourists, traditional cutlery is provided in restaurants.

Food is one of the main elements of the daily life of Singaporeans, it strengthens national mentality and unity among local residents. Singaporeans rarely visit expensive restaurants, more often they prefer street food centers (hawker centre), where you can have a delicious and inexpensive lunch or dinner, but for one thing and talk about food.

All of the above traditions and customs of the Singaporeans are not an exhaustive list. It is useful to familiarize yourself and take also with the rules of conduct and laws that must be observed during your stay in the country.

1. Singapore is a city, capital and state at the same time.

2. The name Singapore comes from the Malay " singa "- lion and Sanskrit " pur " - city".

3. The national flower of Singapore is orchid Vanda Miss Joaquim, which, due to its vitality and thanks to its year-round flowering, has become a symbol of the country, as a sign of Singaporeans' desire for progress.

4. Singapore is located mainly on one big island, but it also includes 63 other small islands - most of them are uninhabited.

5. Singapore is in the top 20 smallest countries in the world- its area is 715 sq. km (for comparison, the area of ​​St. Petersburg is 1440 sq. km).

6. About 4.5 million people. The main population is Chinese (78%), Malays (14%), Indians (7%) and Europeans. According to rumors, about 400 Russians also officially live :)

7. The symbol of the city is lion-headed fish - Merlion, and every September there is a holiday dedicated to this mythical animal

8. Climate in Singapore- equatorial, it is always hot and humid here, the air temperature fluctuates around + 25-30˚С all year round, and the humidity is 82-86%.

9. Singapore is located almost on the equator and the sun is very insidious here- Sunburn can be obtained even when the sky is covered with clouds.

10. Torrential tropical rain are possible throughout the year, which is why locals often carry umbrellas with them, which some also use as protection from the sun.

11. Generally dark color skin is not held in high esteem here - in cosmetic stores skin whitening products occupy more than one shelf and are located, as a rule, in the most prominent places.

12. Singapore ranks second place in the world in terms of population density, located in the ranking between two dwarf states - Monaco and the Vatican.

13. national language considered Malay, it is on it that the national anthem is performed ( Majulah Singapura), but there are four official languages ​​- English, Chinese, Tamil, Malay. In addition, there are language mixtures - "Singlish" ( singlish) and "Manglish" ( manglish).

14. Citizens of Russia You can stay in Singapore in transit for up to 96 hours. Despite the fact that Malaysia can be reached in 10 minutes by public bus, and Indonesia can be reached by high-speed ferries, the visa-free regime is valid only if you have an air ticket confirming that you are going to leave the country by plane.

15. international Airport Changi in Singapore is the largest aviation hub in all of Southeast Asia, its passenger traffic is more than 36 million people a year.

16. In 2012 Changi Airport ranked second in the list of the best best airports in the world according to International Council airports (Airports Council International - ACI). The airport has several orchid gardens and goldfish ponds, and one of the terminals even has a swimming pool. In the departure area there are computers with free internet access and special game rooms for kids.

17. Sea port The country is also one of the largest in the world (at the same time, 1000 ships can be in the port), in addition, it has been repeatedly recognized as the best and most environmentally friendly in Asia.

18. For high fines and strict laws, Singapore is jokingly called " fine city"(play on words in English, fine- "beautiful" and "fine")

19. There are really a lot of fines in the city. The fine for spitting on the ground is $500. The fine for smoking in public places is $500. Throwing garbage, such as a piece of paper - $500 fine.

20. One of the most comical fines is the fine applied if, after watering the flowers, under the pot there is water left in the saucer. The fact is that water attracts mosquitoes, and the city authorities have almost completely eradicated these insects, thanks to which they got rid of epidemics of fever and malaria in the country.

21. In addition to fines, there are violations for which Physical punishment(in addition to imprisonment, of course) in the form of blows with cane sticks - attempted murder, robbery, theft, rape, vandalism, and so on.

22. Also popular in Singapore home punishment of children- Special, lightweight cane sticks are even sold in stores for these purposes. American justice, in which children sue their parents for a slap on the pope, just rests =)

23. Also in the country there is the death penalty(via hanging), it is used for the most serious crimes - particularly brutal murder, drug trafficking, corruption, treason and an attempt on the life of the president.

24. Singapore is one of the world leaders in number of death sentences- from 1991 to 2004 they were executed more than four hundred times (mostly drug dealers were in the loop).

25. In Singapore legalized prostitution.

26. Due to its judicial system and legislation, Singapore is considered one of the most safe and law-abiding countries, and the crime rate here is one of the lowest in the world - you can safely walk around any quarters of the city both day and night.

27. There are almost no police officers on the streets, but they hang everywhere cameras, both overt and covert- with their help, control over the order is carried out.

28. In many apartments, they hang on the door combination locks with a thin chain, which are hung more for pro forma than for security purposes.

29. Singapore does not have natural resources and imports not only sand, but even fresh water from Malaysia.

30. Singapore is in the group " East Asian tigers", along with South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong are countries that have made a giant economic breakthrough, literally in 30 years turning from third world countries into advanced countries.

31. Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew, who led the government from 1959 to 1990, became famous for his toughness and intransigence in anti-corruption issues, which he was able to successfully eradicate, making possible a quick the economic growth. To the question " How did you manage to fight corruption?", he replied " Start by planting three of your friends. You know exactly why, and they know why.«

32. Another indicator in which Singapore is a leader is it's health. According to the US financial and economic information agency Bloomberg ( The World's Healthiest Countries 2012), the health status of Singaporeans is the best in the whole world. At the same time, according to the overall quality of life index, the country is in 11th place.

33. One of the reasons for the excellent level of health is considered to be tasty and healthy national cuisine Singapore. According to Forbes magazine, the country ranks second (after Japan) in terms of the quality of local food, which has a positive effect on health, fitness and longevity.

34. Many gourmets love Singapore for variety of dishes- due to the mixture of national (Chinese, Malaysian, Indian) cuisines, as well as significant Western influence, it is easy to find culinary creations to your taste here. One of the important features is that regardless of the level of the restaurant and prices, the food is always fresh and of high quality.

35. Not only cuisines are mixed here, but also ways of eating - locals, depending on the type of food, deftly use both with a stick and a spoon, and right hand (left hand considered unclean and not used for eating).

36. Very popular here self-cooking food. Restaurant patrons are given ingredients to dip into a pot to get a fresh soup or stew, or a frying pan filled with sizzling meat to turn over and fry until desired condition. Especially for these purposes, in many restaurants on the tables are small gas stoves

37. Medium life expectancy Singapore residents are 80 years old - this is 14 years longer than the same indicator in Russia.

38. In terms of economy, Singapore is also ahead here, it is the 4th leading financial center world after London, New York and Hong Kong, more than 130 world banks are concentrated here. The inflation rate is kept at the level of 2-3%, and according to the ranking of the Economist Intelligence Unit, Singapore is the most competitive city in Asia in terms of doing business.

39. Average income Singaporean - $ 34 thousand per year.

40. About 100 thousand people live in the country. dollar millionaires(almost 3% of the country's population). The city even has a separate "millionaires' quarter" - Keppel Bay

41. Computer registration legal entity in Singapore takes only 10 minutes. They say that in 2009, Medvedev, a well-known lover of electronic technology, while visiting Singapore, registered a legal entity for the sake of testing. face, and a year later, local authorities turned to the Russians with a question about taxes - it seems like they opened a company not in jest, but in earnest, but no one thought to close it.

42. Such a popular phenomenon in Asia as slum unknown to Singapore. Once in any part of the city, you will see the relative cleanliness and order.

43. Our Indian friends rent a three-room apartment 15 minutes walk from the center. Although the rooms are rather small, the renovations are simple and the kitchen has been converted from a balcony, they pay 1900 SGD for it(almost 50,000 rubles). Moreover, according to them, if you rent an apartment further from the center, then significant savings will not work, prices are approximately the same everywhere.

44. One of business cards Singapore is a unique five-star hotel complex, consisting of three two hundred-meter 55-storey towers. On the roofs of the towers there is a platform sky park in the form of a ship, which, among other things, has a 150-meter pool. Login to observation deck costs 20 SGD, but you can swim in the pool only if you are a hotel guest, and tourists are allowed to go to the pool once a day, at 14:00 and only for 15 minutes

45. There are two ethnic areas in Singapore - Little IndiaLittle India") and ChinatownChinatown"). Initially, these areas were created for the adaptation of immigrants, but now they have lost their original significance and remain cultural centers where you can taste traditional cuisine and buy national goods.

46. ​​Dishes in one of Indian restaurants, which we visited turned out to be really Indian, but the sizes and prices differ significantly, and the sizes are 3 times smaller, and the prices are 3 times higher, while the service is authentic - slow and sloppy. Masala tea was brought in traditionally small thimble cups, casually splashing it on the saucer as usual :), although this did not affect the taste in any way, as excellent as in India.

47. Quite a lot throughout the city free public toilets - they are quite clean and they even have toilet paper (which is quite atypical for Asia).

48. Quantity Chinese lanterns, with which the streets of Chinatown are decorated cannot be counted - they hang literally everywhere

49. The Mid-Autumn Festival(Mid-Autumn Festival) - ancient holiday family unity and thanksgiving is celebrated in Chinatown in September during the period of the fullest and brightest moon - a symbol of abundance, harmony and prosperity.

50. Traffic jams carried out by the authorities from two sides at once. Firstly, public transport is well developed here, and secondly, owning a car is quite an expensive pleasure: in order to acquire personal transport, you need to buy at a special auction driving license- its cost is about 60,000 SGD and it is issued for 10 years.

The cars themselves, due to duties, are expensive, and besides, you need to pay a rather big fee. for registration and registration. Well, in addition - in Singapore there are many toll road sections, bridges, tunnels and interchanges. Each car is equipped with a payment terminal, with the help of which the required amount is automatically deducted from the bank card. Thus, cars here can only afford wealthy people, which, however, are not so few.

51. Singapore is one of the 9 countries in the world where sales begin new Apple technology. Here, as well as in the USA, a system is widespread, according to which iPhones are sold relatively inexpensively when a contract with a mobile operator is signed for several years.

52. Very popular in Singapore brand clothes and accessories - wherever you look, Louis Vuitton, Mont Blanc, Gucci and Prada are everywhere.

53. Especially popular Louis Vuitton bags- despite the fact that their prices start at $ 800, every third young lady in the city walks with them. At the same time, many tourists visit the LV store (which is located near Marina Bay) as a museum - it stands on the water and looks very unusual from the outside.

54. Despite the fact that Singapore is called " stone jungle“, almost every district of the city has sports grounds and a park with an abundance of greenery, where you can relax and breathe fresh air. Almost half of Singapore covered with greenery gardens and national parks.

55. They say that Singapore is built on everything the canons of Feng Shui- its landscape and architecture are consistent with this doctrine of the influence of energy flows on a person.

56. Every evening, next to the Marina Bay promenade, laser show- water from the fountain is sprayed with small splashes, creating a screen on which, under musical accompaniment from the speakers, an image is projected. The laser show is free and available to everyone, and therefore, it is better to come in advance - as a rule, there is no shortage of people who want to

57. The only night race in the world Formula 1- "Formula 1 Singtel Singapore Grand Prix", held in Singapore.

58. fountain of wealth- the world's largest fountain (28 m), which is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It is especially beautiful in the evening, with multi-colored illumination.

59. singapore zoo is considered one of the best zoos in the world, in which animals are not in cages, but roam freely around the territory. The ticket price is 20 SGD, but most visitors agree that this is one of the most justified expenses in Singapore.

60. Singapore Flyer- this is the highest Ferris wheel in the world, its height is 165 meters (the height of the London Eye, the London counterpart is 135 meters). In good weather, a stunning view of the city opens up from the very top and even some of the islands of Indonesia and Malaysia are visible.

61. In the 19th century, only a few families lived on the island.

62. The population density is over 6,500 people per square kilometer.

63. All Singaporean cars are equipped with a siren that works if the driver tries to exceed the speed of 80 km/h. After a working day, it is forbidden to be in a vehicle alone - you need to deliver colleagues at work who do not have their own car. There are not as many cars in Singapore as in other countries. The reason for this is the artificial limitation of their number. Buying a Possession Permit vehicle, all kinds of taxes, the inflated cost of the car itself - all this reduces the number of people who want to buy a car.

64. Singaporean men always wear trousers and women always wear stockings. Even in 40-degree heat, this rule must be strictly observed.

65. The authorities of the country carry out birth control: it is not accepted to have more than 2 children in a family. Therefore, families who already have two children receive calls in the evening from special employees reminding them of contraception. With those who do not have a child in the family, forced conversations are held, after which contraceptive pills and other contraceptives are confiscated.

66. Singapore became an independent State against its will. For most of its history, Singapore was a British colony, after some time after the Second World War, it received autonomy, and in 1963 became part of the newly formed state of Malaysia. However, for various political and economic reasons, as well as because of interethnic conflicts between the Malays and the Chinese, the remaining states of Malaysia in 1965 decided to exclude Singapore from the state. The saddened Singaporean leader Lee Kuan Yew was forced to recognize the independence of the island.

67. Singapore consists of three zones - tourist, economic and bedroom. Each zone is separated from the other by a five-kilometer-wide immaculate lawn.

68. The number of cars in Singapore is artificially limited. To start a car, you must first buy a car permit at a special auction (permission is given for a period of 10 years). This permit will cost several tens of thousands of dollars. Then you need to buy the car itself, which is subject to an import duty of 41% of the cost. And finally, you need to pay a registration fee - 140% of the value of the car. Thus, buying, for example, a modest Toyota Corolla will result in no less than $ 100,000.

69. Singapore is a democratic state. But, so that citizens do not vote at random, the passport data of the voters are indicated on the ballots.

70. When entering a house, people are required to give their last name to the guard who is constantly on duty at the door. In addition, the entire city is flooded with video cameras.

71. The largest area of ​​undisturbed forest is the Bukit Timan Nature Reserve, with over 800 varieties of native plants, including giant trees, ferns and flowering plants. There is also a large population of long-tailed macaques, lemurs, reticulated pythons, drongos and white-bellied sea eagles. The Sungei-Buloh Nature Park, lying on wetlands, is a wintering ground for migratory birds from all over the eastern part of the Asian continent.

72. The press is censored. It is forbidden to write about sex and about politics.

73. In order for Singaporeans to become smarter, Lee Kuan Yew took measures to encourage right choice partners Men who marry women with higher education receive a reward. Women without higher education who have a second child pay a fine. The illiterate are strongly encouraged to be sterilized, in exchange for a significant amount of money.

74. You can get from Singapore to Malaysia via two dam bridges, and high-speed ferries will take you to the large islands of Indonesia. Holidays in Singapore can be combined with a trip to Indonesia. For example, on the ferry to popular resort about. Bintan only 45 minutes. A public bus will take you to Malaysia in 10 minutes.

75. From February 15, 1942, Singapore belonged to Japan until the defeat of Japan in September 1945. Singapore gained its independence in 1965, being in such a deplorable state that even fresh water and building sand had to be imported.

76. 40% of the population profess Buddhism, 14% Christianity and Islam, there are also adherents of Confucianism, Hinduism and other religions.

77. Gay Land already seems to surpass the famous red-light district in Amsterdam. According to official figures, the number of girls working there is more than 10,000.

78. Singapore is the world's largest exporter of ornamental fish. There is also a cool zoo where animals live in natural conditions. That is why the world's only night safari at the zoo is held here.

79. Bukit Tima Singapore Reserve contains more species trees than the entire North American continent.

80. In every residential area there is a park for recreation and sports grounds.

81. There are no mosquitoes even near water bodies.

82. Singapore's natural vegetation is tropical rain forests, but most of them have been reduced and given under Agriculture, water tanks and urban development. The northern and northwestern regions remain the last untouched islands of equatorial vegetation, but most of their cultivated and used as a landscape gardening area.

83. Back in 1959, Singapore was a criminal port city, and now it is the safest and most modern city on the planet.

84. Singapore is a city of creative people. It is loved by designers and artists.

85. Singapore, thanks to tough legislation and a well-built police service, is the safest city in the world. Any weapons are prohibited here and there are no cases of armed attacks and robberies at all. Even kitchen knives sold in stores big size rounded so that it is impossible to deliver a stabbing blow.

87. Flag of Singapore - officially approved on December 3, 1959. Red and white are the most popular colors in the Sunda Archipelago region. Their interpretation is as follows: red - universal equality and brotherhood, white - eternity, virtue and purity. The crescent means the youth of the state, five stars - peace, progress, justice, equality and democracy.

89. The first mention of a Malay settlement that existed on the island dates back to the 7th century. The inhabitants were engaged fishing and trade. At the end of the 13th century, the Maharaja of the Sumatran state settled on the island. Under him, the city of Singapore was built - the "city of the lion". At the beginning of the 14th century, Singapore became the busiest maritime and shopping center Straits of Malacca. But already in the middle of the century, the prosperous city was completely destroyed, and its population was slaughtered by the Javanese army.

90. All scenes of violence and sex from films are cut out.

91. There are many hotels, but they are very expensive.

92. In inexpensive cafes and food courts in Singapore, there are no napkins on the tables. The tradition is to carry a pack of tissues with you.

93. Singapore has one of the most large bills world at a cost of 10,000 Singapore dollars.

94. The flying fox is the largest in the world bat. The wingspan reaches 1.5 meters. Lives on one of the small islands of Singapore.

95. Highest point Singapore is only 164 meters.

96. In Singapore, there is a ban on the construction of structures higher than 280 meters.

97. In May 2002, a record was set for the number of participants in group dances people-11967 dancers.

98. Vanessa May was born in Singapore but moved to England at the age of 4.

100. Chinese noodles 55.18 m long and 7 mm in diameter. was prepared for the day family vacation in Pasir Panyang (Singapore) on May 30, 1999

101. Almost all public institutions are equipped with free internet.

102. In Singapore, the most important holiday is the “festival of lights”. It is celebrated for several days and at this time the streets are decorated with garlands and flowers. Lamps are an indispensable attribute of this holiday - they are lit wherever possible. And fireworks are a must in the evening.

Singapore is a country where tourists will not be able to "fry" their bodies for hours under the scorching sun. Even on Sentosa, where there are magnificent beaches, a vacation on the oceanfront will not be the most worthy of your attention.

Sentosa is an island located at arm's length south of Singapore. Sentosa is translated from Malay as "calm". The swimming area is naturally fenced off with steel nets to keep out sharks and other sea creatures. crystal clean water the ocean in this area cannot be called even if you really want to.

A seaport of international importance in the line of sight completes the picture. A large number of ships of various ranks are in the roadstead. An impressive sight.

Singapore is mainly visited by tourists who have already visited various countries western half of the globe and decided to see the Asian part of the earth. In addition to them, there are many businessmen who come to various business exhibitions.

The main resorts here are the islands of Pulau Ubin, Sentosa and Pulau Tekong. The resort of Sentosa is mainly represented on the Russian tourist market.

For immigrants from Russia, a visa is required to land in Singapore. Visa-free entry is only for those who fly in transit, and for them the time spent in Singapore should not exceed 96 hours.

You can import and export currency as much as you can carry.

Tourists over the age of 18 are allowed to import duty-free - up to a liter of wine, a liter of vodka and beer, 20 cigarettes in an unopened pack, chocolate and confectionery sweets worth up to 50 Singapore dollars, personal accessories.

If you are a chewing gum lover, then do not forget to present it to the customs authorities.

The importation of psychotropic drugs and drugs, weapons, firecrackers, toys imitating weapons, counterfeit products, medicines in large volumes, toy coins and banknotes, pornographic products, meat products, as well as plants and animals from the Red Book and products from them - all this falls into under the ban.

To take out of Singapore gems, animals and poisons, as well as weapons, explosives require permission from the authorities.

Singapore has the death penalty for importing drugs.

If you brought chewing gum into the country, then you face a fine or a prison of up to a year.

The airport tax is included in the ticket price. If it is not enabled, then passengers using international flights will need to pay up to 12 USD.

If you do not leave the transit area, you will not be charged. The fee is not charged for children under two years of age.

At Changi Airport, one person is entitled to only one hand luggage.

The crime rate in the country is very low.

When visiting mosques and temples, legs and arms should be hidden under outerwear. When entering an Indian temple, you must take off your shoes, the same must be done when entering the houses of the inhabitants. Buddha images are not allowed to be photographed in Buddhist temples.

banned in the country gambling. Left the garbage on the street - pay a fine of 500 Singapore dollars, and violated again, they can be put in jail.

Smoking in buses, cinemas, theaters, public places, elevators, public institutions, shops and restaurants are prohibited, the fine is very steep - 1000 Singapore dollars.

Crossed the road in the wrong place - a fine of 500 Singapore dollars. Not wearing a seat belt in a car - the treasury will have to pay the same amount.

The island experiences a tropical monsoon climate. The air temperature is about +30..+32°C. It rains all year round, and from November to February, short-term tropical downpours cover Singapore.

There are no claims to hotels in Singapore. You can exchange money anywhere: at the airport, at exchange points, which are literally on every corner, in a hotel.

Credit cards can be paid everywhere.

In stores in Singapore, it's easier to say what you can't buy. You can profitably buy bags, shoes and knitwear, electronics for every taste.

A foreign culture dictates its own rules of conduct, and if you do not know them, then, at a minimum, you will have minor misunderstandings with the locals, and at the most, serious problems with the law will appear. Singapore is considered one of the safest countries in Asia, but even in this state you can get into some unpleasant situation due to ignorance of local regulations.

1. Tip.

If you have used the services of a taxi driver, waiter, maid, or any other service worker, you should know that you should not tip them. This is explained by the fact that in Singapore payment for the services of this employee is already included in your account, so the promotion of additional money is considered humiliating. Of course, some of service personnel there may be other opinions about it.

2. Shopping on weekends.

A lot of tourists, going to rest on the island of Bali, transfer at the airport to numerous Singapore-Bali flights, and as always they are in a hurry to go shopping and buy something new. For your information, you should do such shopping tours on weekdays. Since for local residents who receive enough money, shopping is considered one of their favorite pastimes, and it is on weekends that this is part of the new traditions, a kind of rest. But what should scare you away from this venture is not that there will be many more people, but the fact that these Singaporean people are very slow in shopping, trying on clothes, etc. This can be explained by the fact that they basically have no more plans on weekends. So if you decide to go shopping, then try to coordinate your Singapore-Bali flight and not get on the weekend, more details on all flights to Bali from Changi airport can be found on one of the best tourist sites "Tourister". By the way, there you can also read reviews about Singapore, its attractions, find out the weather for the coming days, see great amount photos of our tourists and get invaluable advice from seasoned travelers who have repeatedly visited the city-state of Singapore.

3. Violate prohibitions.

Singapore also called the "City of Prohibitions" and I would like to add that they call it so not in vain. After all, in this city, indeed, signs with prohibitions are hanging almost at every step. As an example, we can take the fact that to import into Singapore chewing gum is prohibited, as here it is considered as a medicine. If you still brought it, then you may well be fined or even imprisoned for several days. Cycling on the bridges, running along some of the historic streets, as well as smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages are also prohibited here. I think it’s not worth talking about garbage, because here the locals don’t even fit in their heads that you can throw something past the trash can.

4. Giving inappropriate gifts.

If you want to give a gift to someone from the locals, whether they are your friends, business partners or someone else, you should consider their nationality. For example, if you are invited to visit by people of Chinese nationality, you should not take cake or ice cream with you, as they may think that you do not like the way they cook. Also, do not give the Chinese watches or flowers, because in their homeland they are associated with death. If you decide to make a present to the Malays, then you should not buy leather belts, wallets or alcoholic drinks because these people preach Islam. In addition, it is customary for them to give gifts immediately before departure. Therefore, before choosing gifts, find out more about what exactly can be given to representatives of a certain nationality.

5. Sign up for a massage.

Usually massage is associated with something relaxing, pleasant, but not here. In Singapore, this procedure is very painful. Therefore, before signing up for a masseur, think about whether you can endure a whole session. Do not be afraid, massage is done, as elsewhere, with bare hands, that's just with a very tangible strong pressure.

Remember, this is not only about Singapore, it is necessary to follow the rules everywhere and respect the traditions of those with whom we, tourists, are now visiting!!!

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