Which stone is suitable for Aquarius-woman? Precious and semi-precious stones of Aquarius.

Aquarius- this is a calm sign that does not want to fight, but wants to do its own thing. He judges others by himself, or rather, he treats people the way he wants to be treated. Thanks to his insight, Aquarius is able to see and understand everything that happens, but his inherent inattention and absent-mindedness prevent him from achieving success in any business. Curious, they are attracted by everything new, until they get bored, until they comprehend the whole truth. They rarely throw themselves into anything. They are contemplators of life, but they can also be generous in soul. There can be something subtle, gentle, smooth in Aquarius. They vacillate between instinct and reason.
Although Aquarius symbolizes the element of Air, in this sign of the zodiac all the elements are expressed indistinctly and, as it were, smeared. A stable winter sign that does not need fast movement and rapid development. The sign is ruled by dark Uranus during the fall of the Sun, so Aquarius is not afraid of cold, dark and even insidious stones (they will not harm him and help him). There are no stones that can greatly harm Aquarius. Cold skies, ice crystals, stars and iridescent northern lights. But Aquarius cannot refuse stones that feed the soft energy that he badly needs. Therefore, Aquarius stones are stones of two types: on the one hand, they are calm, cold or shimmering minerals, on the other, light, energizing minerals. Active firestones will hurt Aquarius, so they were excluded from the list.

AMETHYST . Purple stone (color varies from pale pink to deep purple). In ancient China, caskets, bottles, and seals were made from amethyst. The stone has positive energy and affects a weak aura. Amethyst is a stone of purity, purity and love, so it is a suitable stone for gifting lovers to each other. Amethyst is a symbol of peacefulness, sincerity, sincerity. It should be worn when you are tormented by anxiety and emotional excitement. The name of this stone in translation from ancient Greek means "non-drunk". They say that amethyst has outstanding abilities, and the most important of them is to protect a person from drunkenness, and if he still drank, to save him from intoxication. The glorious stone absorbs wine vapors, while remaining completely sober and serene purple. If you wear it in silver, then the stone will contribute to friendly contacts, business meetings, which will certainly end in success. For infertile women, the stone will help to find the joy of motherhood, and for men to improve relations with their own wife. Amethyst is useful to Aquarius in the event of a breakdown, during longing and lost hope due to unfulfilled desires. This stone revives optimism in the soul of Aquarius, gives him self-confidence and the ability to win. As an amulet, amethyst protects Aquarius from envious people, dishonest competitors and colleagues, as well as from his own stubbornness, giving insight and strengthening intuition in return.
In Russia, icons, altars, pectoral crosses and panagias were decorated with amethysts. The crown of the Russian Empress Irina Godunova was decorated with huge purple amethysts, which alternated with sapphires.
High-quality amethysts are mined in the Urals, Uruguay and Brazil.

MOTHER OF PEARL. Mother-of-pearl is a calcareous shell of some genera of mollusks and marine animals, since time immemorial has served people to decorate all kinds of objects. Mother-of-pearl consists mainly of carbonic lime, containing a small admixture of organic, animal matter; it is located in the shell of some molluscs and fits it from the inside with a more or less thick layer. This rich substance, of which pearls are also composed, in its luminous and brilliant tints reflects the charming play of white, purple, emerald and blue colors.
Since ancient times, white mother-of-pearl powder has been used to make cosmetic creams. It was believed that such a cream can whiten the skin of the face, remove freckles and remove age spots. Earrings from shells were worn in order to improve hearing.
As a talisman, mother-of-pearl is able to help its owner bring something new into his life. It helps to develop intuition, preserve peace and tranquility in the family, protects the house from evil spirits. It is believed that mother-of-pearl products can serve as an amulet that prolongs the life of its owner.

Aquarius, he brings good luck in work

Mother-of-pearl is usually obtained from shells collected when searching for pearls, but sometimes mother-of-pearl shells are caught independently. Main places: the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, the islands of Borneo and Ceylon, the coast of Japan and the Philippines. As for freshwater pearl mussels, they all died out, only a small part remained in the rivers of Northern Europe and northern Russia.

It is believed that this stone protects from evil spells, addictions, negative influences from the outside. On a long trip it is worth taking a stone or decoration with emerald how strong amulet protecting the owner from troubles and misfortunes.
The importance of emerald for pregnant women and mothers is especially noted. He protects them and their children from the evil eye, protects family relationships, maintaining the love and fidelity of spouses. There is a belief that the stone breaks if one of the lovers breaks his fidelity.
Wearing emeralds sharpens the mind, strengthens memory, brings peace and takes away bad dreams, relieves melancholy and melancholy, emotional distress, helps to concentrate and gives the ability to foresee. They prolong the life of their owners, protecting them from a boring and bitter fate. This is a spiritual stone - helping people to do good, it in every possible way prevents the commission of evil, lies, violation of oaths and betrayal. You should clear your mind of bad thoughts so that the emerald can provide its help and protection.
Healing properties of emerald the following are called: lowering temperature and pressure, help in the treatment of diabetes, psoriasis, burns, diseases of the eyes, urinary tract, heart. It also helps with inflammation and infections, treats insomnia.
It must be borne in mind that a lot of fakes are now divorced. And if artificial diamonds (cZ) can still be distinguished from natural ones, then only a specialist can distinguish artificial emeralds from natural ones. Currently, it is possible to grow synthetic emeralds of sufficiently large sizes. The technology of this production is kept secret, however, technogenic emeralds are obtained in Germany, France and Russia (Novosibirsk).
The main deposits of jewelry emeralds are located in Muso (Columbia), Transvaal (South Africa) and in the Urals (Ermakovskoye deposit).

Contemplative by nature. They do not seek to change life, move it forward - they prefer to observe the picture of the world from the outside. Money and sex play a secondary role for them. In the foreground - spirituality, interesting communication, profession. Representatives of the sign are alien to such concepts as envy and hatred. Aquarians are loyal friends. But they are in no hurry to create a family - they value their personal freedom too much. But, having entered into marriage, as a rule, keep marital fidelity all their lives.

The weak point of the sign is the lack of insight. Credulity, bordering on naivety, can seriously complicate the life of Aquarius. Many individuals tend to get carried away with pipe dreams. Talking about their grandiose plans for the future, they do nothing to implement them.

The right selection will not only attract happiness and success, but also help smooth out the contradictions of nature, the influence of dark energies. The collection of amulets of Aquarius is very diverse. For a sign that personifies the peak of winter, transparent, shimmering gems, similar to ice crystals or the northern lights, are beneficial. Thanks to the patronage of Uranus, it is also protected by gloomy minerals dangerous to others.

In people of the eleventh sign, angelic and demonic traits are always fighting. To enhance the bright beginning, they are advised to supplement the set of amulets with stones of a different plan - bright, warm.

Astrologers advise Aquarius to choose 3 cold and 5 warm stones in accordance with the horoscope.

The main stones of the talismans of Aquarius


This piece of blue beryl is a symbol of friendship that Aquarius values ​​so much. has an unusually strong bond with its owner. Sensitively reacting to all the sorrows and ailments of a person, he relieves stress, streamlines thoughts, protects a gullible individual from deception.


The magic of the stone transforms the inner world of a person for the better. Like aquamarine, it gives Aquarius insight. To achieve success in any activity, representatives of the sign often lack dedication, the ability to concentrate. directs their energy in the right direction. The gem has extraordinary healing properties - it cures insomnia, normalizes cerebral circulation.


Translated from the ancient Persian language, this name means "stone of happiness." The mineral is associated with victory, the successful achievement of the goal. Aquarians often need money. attracts material well-being into their lives. Thanks to this gem, you can detect a hidden ailment in time. The bright color of the stone fades at the first symptoms of the disease.


The coldness of Aquarius is an obstacle to happy love. "Stone of Passion" awakens the sexual temperament and inflames the soul. In addition, pomegranate is useful for boosting self-esteem. It makes childbirth easier for women.

Blue sapphire

Many Aquarians dream of achieving public recognition. In this case, they need decoration with. The “Stone of the Wise Men” will show the owner his true purpose in life, give stamina and courage, and sharpen intuition.


This gem develops talents, memory, craving for knowledge, brings inspiration to creative individuals. It also instills confidence and optimism in a person, charges with positive energy. A pendant with zircon will help to find a life partner for a single woman.

Selection of amulets stones by horoscope date for Aquarius

In the first decade, charming romantics are born. Their Achilles heel is timidity, indecision, melancholy. Stones with strong energy have a beneficial effect on these people:

(white, gold), (white, light green), (brown black).

Representatives of the second decade are endowed with a brilliant mind and a sense of humor. To achieve respect and recognition is their cherished dream. The following talismans will help them in its implementation:

  • - personification of success
  • chrysoprase- a symbol of new beginnings
  • - a source of creativity and optimism

These individuals are characterized by excessive dreaminess and emotionality, hidden under the guise of external calm. These qualities can interfere with successful self-realization. Aquarians of the third decade need stones that can push to action:

  • colorless and blue"medicine" against inexplicable fears
  • grey, blue energy vampire protector
  • guard against disappointment

Additional stones of Aquarius:

  • (colorless);
  • (pink);
  • (silver blue);
  • (except Arabic - with black and white layers);
  • (milky white);
  • nacre;
  • tourmaline;
  • uvarovite(rare green garnet).

Unfavorable stones for Aquarius

Aquarius has few enemies among the stones. These include minerals with fiery energy. Although the opinions of modern Astrologers differ about inappropriate stones, and some, on the contrary, advise choosing stones, not according to the Solar sign, but according to the weak one. A list of stones that Aquarius should take a closer look at.

Aquarius is a rather controversial zodiac sign. All his life he has been trying to find a balance between the voice of reason and the call of instincts. Although at the same time he remains a fairly calm and insightful representative of his Zodiac. Hurry and rapid development is not about Aquarius, they are rather inclined to observe the course of life from the side. Astrologers say that no stone can cause serious harm to Aquarius.

Therefore, representatives of this sign can even wear stones with a rather dark and heavy energy. However, one should not forget about light and light minerals that bring positive energy with them. However, it is better to refuse too active stones. What minerals are best used by Aquarius as talismans?

Birthstone for Aquarius - Amethyst

The most fortunate stone for Aquarius is Amethyst. According to ancient legends, amethyst has supernatural powers - it brings good luck, protects against witchcraft, diseases, and prevents intoxication. This stone was valued by travelers, because. a change in its color during the day foreshadowed a storm and a strong wind. The mystical properties of amethyst fit well into the nature of Aquarius, changing it for the better. The latter are characterized by dispersion, excessive curiosity for everything new, and real success comes only to those of them who will be able to concentrate on solving a specific problem.

Amethyst is useful to Aquarius in the event of a breakdown, during longing and lost hope due to unfulfilled desires. This stone revives optimism in the soul of Aquarius, gives him self-confidence and the ability to win. As an amulet, amethyst protects Aquarius from envious people, dishonest competitors and colleagues, as well as from his own stubbornness, giving insight and strengthening intuition in return. Amethyst harmonizes all levels of consciousness, relieves nervous overexcitation, directs abilities in the right direction. In ancient times, headaches were treated with light touches of a stone on the forehead. Amethyst stimulates hematopoiesis, improves blood circulation, which is also relevant for Aquarius.

Stone for Aquarius Women

Inclined to limit the desires of others, the Aquarius Woman herself is in dire need of freedom. Amethyst, as a talisman, will help her understand the people around her, maintain a positive climate in the family and easily join any team. The gem will help develop strong-willed qualities, give strength. Amethyst is useful for women who dream of children.

A married Aquarius Woman must have at least one piece of jewelry with pearls. The metal in which the pearl is set is not so important, the main thing is the natural origin of the stone. Pearls will help to avoid conflicts, strengthen relationships within a couple, and direct them to preserve family values. The Aquarius Woman wearing pearls will become more tremulous and tender. This stone will help her temper her pride.

Aquarius women love being alone and dreaming all the time. Representatives of this sign idealize their chosen ones, and having learned his shortcomings, they easily part with them. Aquamarine will remove pink glasses from the Aquarius Woman and help you make the right choice in your personal life. The gem has the ability to protect against errors. The amethyst talisman will help the representatives of the Aquarius sign to show their emotions and open up more to loved ones.

Amber will help the Aquarius Woman to strengthen self-confidence, give optimism, give courage and strength, and strengthen intuition. The gem will contribute to the preservation of youth and beauty. Amber will spiritualize and awaken altruistic inclinations.

Stone for Aquarius Men

Aquarius males need the attention of women. Agate will help the representative of this sign achieve their goals. The best love talisman for them will be black agate. This gem will turn the dry Aquarius Man into a real ladies' man. Yellow and white agates will help soften a hard character - the Aquarius Man will become easier to communicate and kinder. Gray gems will help resolve conflict, avoid quarrels and gain friendship. Talismans with agate will reveal secrets, shed light on deceit, and will contribute to the disclosure of intrigues.

Aquarius men are often unable to influence the negative aspects of their character and change themselves. A talisman made of jade will help in this - a writing utensil or a table figurine. The jade amulet will lift the Aquarius male to a new spiritual level. Representatives of this sign begin to work harder on themselves. Jade will give Aquarius confidence in their abilities, convince them of success, and contribute to financial stability.

All male Aquarians are innovators, revolutionaries and inventors. These people constantly need to break, change, improve and build something new. Sapphire will be an excellent talisman for men born under the constellation Aquarius. The gem is suitable for optimists who strive for new experiences and knowledge. A talisman with a sapphire will help the Aquarius Man bring things to their logical conclusion. The representative of this sign, wearing a sapphire amulet, has enough strength to defeat any opponent.

Representatives of the Aquarius sign are creative idealists. Their life is unthinkable without optimism and helping other people. Aquarius is a fairly calm sign that has no desire to fight, but has a desire to do its own thing.

Choosing a stone by date of birth (by decade)

Wards of Mercury - Aquarius of the second decade - celebrate their birthday from February 2 to 11. Thanks to worldly wisdom, a sense of humor and a sharp mind, these people will always achieve respect and recognition. Aquarius of the second decade will suit stones such as:, amethyst, and.

Aquarius Talisman Stone

A light shade is one of the best talismans for Aquarius. A strong love amulet for representatives of this sign will be. Aquarians are often prone to depression and are easily discouraged. Quartz will help you gather strength, support self-confidence and overcome all troubles. For creative Aquarius, this stone will enhance their creative abilities, retain inspiration, and help them open up to the end. This stone as a talisman will protect against injuries and accidents.

Harmonious spiritual development of Aquarius will help sapphire. This gem will arouse interest in knowledge, suggest thoughts about the eternal, make you think more about life. Aquarius cannot imagine his life without a spiritual component, without it he feels completely happy. However, this sign is often underdeveloped spiritually. Here Aquarius will come to the aid of sapphire. This mineral will become a source of self-confidence, courage, spiritual strength. In difficult moments of life, sapphire will direct you to search, and in the future to achieve the goal of your whole life, it will protect you from lies and falsehood.

One of the gems with the strongest magical properties is volcanic glass or obsidian. This mineral is associated with the Sun, Uranus and Saturn. Obsidian will turn Aquarius away from evil people, get rid of addictions, help get together for study or work, and concentrate the attention of the representative of this sign on achieving the desired goal. This mineral is also capable of protecting from a dishonest act, but it is not recommended to wear it all the time - it can make Aquarius too timid.

With a breakdown, lost hope and during longing, Aquarius will come to the rescue amethyst. This gem will contribute to the revival of optimism in the soul of the representatives of this sign, give self-confidence and give the opportunity to win. As a talisman, this mineral will protect Aquarius from wicked competitors, simple envious people, as well as from his own stubbornness. Amethyst bestows insight and enhances intuition.

Aquarius is able to suggest the right decision in extreme situations. He will protect from curses and the evil eye. This stone will help with colds and stomach ailments.

Aquarius will help to tune in to the fight and accept the inevitable. This gem is indispensable when circumstances require total control and a radical change of plans. Representatives of this sign, who have more than enough changes in their lives, a ring with hyacinth on the middle finger will not let them fall into despair and protect them from melancholy.

The guiding stone for Aquarius will be aquamarine. It is the gem of justice and friendship, the stone of those who love to travel.

Aquarius Women Stones

Inclined to limit the desires of others, the Aquarius Woman herself is in dire need of freedom. Amethyst, as a talisman, will help her understand the people around her, maintain a positive climate in the family and easily join any team. The gem will help develop strong-willed qualities, give strength. Amethyst is useful for women who dream of children.

A married Aquarius Woman must have at least one piece of jewelry with pearls. The metal in which the pearl is set is not so important, the main thing is the natural origin of the stone. Pearls will help to avoid conflicts, strengthen relationships within a couple, and direct them to preserve family values. The Aquarius Woman wearing pearls will become more tremulous and tender. This stone will help her temper her pride.

Aquarius women love being alone and dreaming all the time. Representatives of this sign idealize their chosen ones, and having learned his shortcomings, they easily part with them. Aquamarine will remove rose-colored glasses from the Aquarius Woman and help you make the right choice in your personal life. The gem has the ability to protect against errors. The amethyst talisman will help the representatives of the Aquarius sign to show their emotions and open up more to loved ones.

Aquarius men stones

Aquarius males need the attention of women. Agate will help the representative of this sign achieve their goals. The best love talisman for them will be black agate. This gem will turn the dry Aquarius Man into a real ladies' man. Yellow and white agates will help soften a hard character - the Aquarius Man will become easier to communicate and kinder. Gray gems will help resolve conflict, avoid quarrels and gain friendship. Talismans with agate will reveal secrets, shed light on deceit, and will contribute to the disclosure of intrigues.

Aquarius men are often unable to influence the negative aspects of their character and change themselves. A talisman from jade- a writing utensil or table figurine. The jade amulet will lift the Aquarius male to a new spiritual level. Representatives of this sign begin to work harder on themselves. Jade will give Aquarius confidence in their abilities, convince them of success, and contribute to financial stability.

All male Aquarians are innovators, revolutionaries and inventors. These people constantly need to break, change, improve and build something new. Sapphire will be an excellent talisman for men born under the constellation Aquarius. The gem is suitable for optimists who strive for new experiences and knowledge. A talisman with a sapphire will help the Aquarius Man bring things to their logical conclusion. The representative of this sign, wearing a sapphire amulet, has enough strength to defeat any opponent.

Stones that are contraindicated for Aquarius

Stones are contraindicated for Aquarius: rock crystal, carnelian, topaz, chrysolite, opal, golden quartz.

An Aquarius woman who is married is undesirable for turquoise.

Diamond will make Aquarius even more stubborn and fanatical.

Citrine will enhance both the positive and negative character traits of Aquarius.

Aquarians are incorrigible idealists. On their life path, they are always looking for objects for help. They need harmony and optimism so that a calm and measured flow of time brings only positive emotions. Aquarius cannot tolerate lies, so they need a stone that will protect them from scammers and liars.

How to choose a stone according to the decades of Aquarius

To determine which stones are suitable for Aquarius, it is necessary to consider all the decades of this sign, to study the character traits of its representatives. After all, in essence, any recommendation is based primarily on the needs of the person. For centuries, astrologers have observed the influence of precious stones, and today they can accurately determine compatibility.

The first decade of Aquarius - from January 21 to February 1- is a period of romantic and calm representatives of this zodiac sign. Such people are often melancholic with a predominance of bad thoughts and bad mood. These Aquarians are favored by Venus, which makes them loving and prone to tender feelings. Talismans of the first decade of Aquarius:, coils, and. It is necessary to choose a talisman that will give Aquarius energy.

Stones of the second decade - February 2-11- must preserve the wisdom of the owner, activate his mind and inspire a sense of humor. Aquarius of this type are suitable, amber talismans, amethysts, and. Gems help Aquarius add success.

Aquarius of the third decade - February 12-20 It's hard to deal with lies. These people will not connect fate with a deceiver. According to the Aquarius horoscope of the third decade, they are purposeful, but natural sensitivity sometimes prevents them from achieving their goal. Therefore, they recommend stones that can become a support, such as, chrysoprase, and.

Which stones suit Aquarius perfectly

The best stone of Aquarius is. He protects the owner from despondency and depression, mobilizes strength, steadfastly keeps protection from trouble. A talisman made of light quartz develops talents, gives inspiration and liberates the mind. The stone is believed to prevent accidents and injuries.

Sapphire for Aquarius is a stone of harmony. It promotes spiritual and mental development. This gem is useful in that it has a beneficial effect on the soul, which is so important for this sign of the Zodiac. Sapphire makes you think about the secrets of life, gives confidence, will become a source of courage. Sapphires for Aquarius will become a talisman against lies, which they do not like so much.

Obsidian protects the representative of this zodiac sign from evil intentions and destructive habits. This stone will help you prepare for work and concentrate on your studies. Obsidian for Aquarius will become something of a brake, so wearing the mineral for a long time will make a person too timid.

Precious and semi-precious stones of Aquarius

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