A stand was set up in the reading room of the rural library. Children's Library Design Tips

Natalia Zubrey
Children's Library Design Tips

Advice for parents

Children's Library Design Tips.

What could be easier to organize at home children's library: Bought the book and put it on the shelf. But it turns out that everything is not as simple as we would like it to be, the formation of a circle children's reading depends on many factors: these are the age characteristics of the child, his interest in literature and the tasks that we want when creating home children's library. We can generally omit the conversation about this if we are adults at the stage of preschool childhood fully implemented the main tasks: development of interest in the book and respect for it. But, unfortunately, all this happens now rarely, because books in our homes have powerful rivals: TV, video, computer, tablets.

Have you ever thought about question: “What can a book give your child?” But the book is where children draw a lot knowledge: the first ideas about time and space, about the connection between man and nature and the objective world, which contributes to the expansion children's outlook. Through literary works kids for the first time on themselves courage and ability, good and evil, learn universal human values ​​like humanity, justice, friendship, sympathy, i.e. books open and purify the soul, bring up good feelings. Books are an inexhaustible source for the development of intelligence and creativity, not only for children, but also for adults. In this regard, we advise very carefully and legibly treat the organization and selection of books in the house. Adults should remember that the book is attractive small child registration. Appearance books should be attractive: different forms of covers, beautiful bright illustrations.

At home library there should be different types of books.

The first stage is a toy book, a picture book, which is given to the child from an early age. (up to a year). But it is not yet literature. In these books visual image prevails over the verbal, drawings are of primary importance. K. I. Chukovsky noted that this period is important in mastering speech and a book that gives rich visual impressions will be a good helper in this matter.

The child who took early age a book in hand and who has received pleasure from communicating with it will continue to reach for the book and become an avid reader.

The second stage is the cutting book. A book with a cover cut out according to the office of the subject referred to in the text, and its playful external decor also helps to attract the child to get acquainted with the content.

The third stage is a panorama book. It is not only vividly illustrated, but also equipped with moving figures. Action with the help of these figures in it, as it were, come to life. By manipulating them, the child not only joins the rhythm of the text, but also lives through what is happening with the characters.

It must also be remembered that in library kid should have books of different type of reflection reality: not only fairy tales, but also realistic literature, not only prose, but also a poem.

Up to 3-4 years old, children should be surrounded by picture books such as pop-ups and toy books with predominantly illustrations and a short text: “Ryaba Hen”, “Magpie-crow”, etc. After 3 years, it is important to adhere to one of the basic rules - in the field of view of the child there should be from 3 to 5 books with vivid illustrations and plots available for this age. it books: A. Barto “Toys”, “Wolf and seven kids”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Three Bears”, etc.

It is good to update the repertoire of books in 2 - 3 weeks, introducing one new book each, and with a surprise or encouragement, for example:

Today the book brought you a very interesting book "Cat's House".

Grandma and I decided to give you a new fairy tale- you really love and take care of books.

At 4 years old and older, it is very important to tell the child that there is food at home. children's library. And together with the child, it is necessary to organize it correctly, that is, systematize according to the type adult: fairy tales, books of one author; according to the seasons, stories about animals, books by foreign authors, poems, riddles, encyclopedias, etc. It is important to isolate each division with a cardboard partition with a picture - a symbol denoting a particular section. It's good to name your library(for example, “Book House”) and gradually build it up.

But do not forget that books also love care. Next to the “Book House”, you can place the “Book Hospital” corner, where materials and tools for repairing books will be stored. We recommend that you do this with your children. This will help educate careful attitude and love for books. Pay attention to printing decor illustrations and of course the content.

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In the children's library, there are books in a row on the shelves. Take, read and know a lot, But you do not offend the book. She will open the big world, And if you do.

Main tasks: The main tasks, the solution of which will allow organizing the effective functioning of the library-media library, are: - the formation of a full-fledged media fund and fund on traditional paper media: collection, accumulation, processing and systematization of information, computer cataloging and processing of information resources; -creation of infrastructure to provide the school with new information carriers; - ensuring accessibility to various information resources; -providing the necessary information to all readers of the library: students, parents, teachers and other school employees; -providing free access to Internet resources for learning and self-education.

Preparatory stage: 1. Study of public opinion: a) develop the text of the questionnaire (appendix); b) interview 1.1 Collection of primary information: a) answers to interview questions; b) completed questionnaire forms; c) sketches of the interior of the library: d) records of the research 2. Study of the intended problem: 2.1. determine the search circle (scheme); 2.2. comprehension of the received information; 2.3. creation of a dictionary of unfamiliar terms. 3. Information processing: 3.1. selection of the type of results presentation: report, table, etc. manually; 3.3. on the computer.

Design is an idea, a little fantastic and unusual, so that artistically designed library interior items evoke in the reader a sense of satisfaction, enthusiasm for work, joy from visiting the library Design is grace and beauty, convenience and comfort

In order to consider the problem comprehensively, it is necessary to single out several zones in the library: zone 1: "Librarian's place", zone 2: "Computer zone", zone 3: "Place for easy reading", zone 4: "Theatrical", zone 5: "Reading room" zone 6: "Reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library" zone 7: "Mini printing house school library»

Zone 1: "Librarian's place" The zone for the librarian should be convenient, modest and at the same time everything for the librarian's work should be at hand: a computer with databases, an electronic catalog, communication with the computer zone. The corner is located so that it is convenient to control all zones. Nearby there should be a shelf with teaching materials. I think that it is pleasant for a librarian to have a modern table, of an unusual, non-standard form.

With the rapid development of New Information Technologies, especially telecommunications, media libraries should also become technology centers. New stage in their development will come with the advent of an automated library catalog and computer stations for working with CD-ROMs. automated library systems partially or completely must be installed in all school media libraries. Open access over the network to catalogs of other libraries, online databases, e-mail. For schoolchildren, it is recommended to open only limited access to Internet resources. For this, a "Computer Zone" was created. We have developed a computer multifunctional table, where shelves for both books and CDs are conveniently located. This table is also comfortable when working on the Internet. Several people can work at the table at the same time, as it involves from 3 to 4 jobs. If you do not know the rules for using a computer or how to work with the Internet, then there are booklets with such rules at the top. Zone 2: "Computer Zone"

Metal cabinet for compact storage of multimedia media for 2860 storage units. The cabinet is a full-sized vertical storage module (rack). The cabinet has thirteen drawers on full extension roller guides and a central lock for two hinged doors. Each of the 13 trays is divided by five metal dividers into 6 compartments along the depth of the cabinet. Cabinet capacity CD (compact disc) or 5720 slim CD 1 tray CD or 440 slim CD Overall dimensions - mm. 914х457х1987Н Additional accessories - removable pull-out shelf for convenient work with the fund in the storage room

Zone 5: "Reading room" Frequently used items, such as furniture for the reading room, are tried to be calm in shape and color so that they do not get bored and do not absorb unnecessary attention. By this, the designers want to emphasize that the furniture should be an assistant to the reader, be an unobtrusive, calm subject tone, on which the reader's diverse activities unfold. The shape of the table should be simple. Coloring should not be variegated, so as not to tire the reader's eyes. Tables are painted in grey-blue, light brown and salad colors. The main criterion for a designer product is usefulness. A designer product should not only be beautiful, have visual appeal, but its main purpose is to be useful, then it will become pleasant, convenient, safe, light, not requiring additional spiritual and physical strength person.

Zone 7: “School Library Mini Printing House” A modern library-media library must have equipment not only for searching and viewing all kinds of materials, but also for creating them. Therefore, it is necessary to create a zone where there will be a mini printing house and collect all the equipment here: a risograph, sound and video recording equipment. Using this technique, students and teachers will be able to independently print up to 130 copies per minute, in a matter of minutes print the required circulation of educational and methodological materials and control tasks, texts and articles from the Internet, author's books of teachers, research work students. With the help of this technique, children can publish a school newspaper, collections of the best works, newsletters and almanacs, etc. burn video editing, phonogram for events.

Efficiency evaluation Implementation of the project will allow: - to improve the service of the library readers; - timely and qualitatively provide students, parents and teachers with information resources on traditional and non-traditional media; - in 5 years to have a full-fledged media fund and an updated fund of educational, methodological, reference and fiction. - conduct the process of acquisition of electronic resources in accordance with the profile educational activities schools, ensuring its completeness and expediency; - have access to a variety of information via the Internet; - qualitatively change the content of the reference and bibliographic work; - respond as fully as possible to thematic requests, including the retrospective aspect and the use of world information resources; - provide all participants in the educational process with the opportunity to master the skills of working in various information retrieval systems; - connect to other information centers, bases of other libraries; - to conduct training and consultations on the use of any media; - assist teachers in preparing for lessons using information technologies; - provide the educational process with methodological materials through databases, electronic encyclopedias etc. - use modern multimedia technologies; - make copies on magnetic media, scan, print documents.

Glossary of terms: Art design is the creation of unique objects using innovative technologies, in which artistic and stylistic compositional factors prevail over functional and constructive ones. Design - [English] design to design, design] - artistic design of objects, interiors; aesthetic design subject environment. Designer-artist-constructor, design specialist. Interior- [fr. interieur inner ]. The architectural and artistic interior design of a building. Layout - [fr. maquette] a model of something, a preliminary sample, representing a sample of something in reduced sizes (for example, decoration theatrical production). Project- [lat. projectus thrown forward] technical documents - drawings, calculations, models of buildings, structures, machines, devices, etc. being created. Design - geom. display a figure or object on a plane, draw a projection. Projection- [lat. Projection throwing forward] the image of an object on a plane. A booklet is a non-periodical publication in the form of leaflets of printed material folded in parallel folds. Conceptual - adj. From the word concept; having a serious independent concept. Concept - a system of views, one or another understanding of phenomena, processes; 2) a single, defining idea, the leading thought of any scientific work. Modeling - the study of objects of knowledge on their models; building models of real-life objects, phenomena or processes. Modernize - make modern, change according to the requirements of modernity, introducing various improvements. Paradigm - a theory adopted as a model solution research tasks. Resources - funds, reserves, opportunities, sources of something. Ergonomics – ergonomics – scientific discipline, which comprehensively studies a person (a group of people) in the specific conditions of his (their) activities in modern production in order to optimize tools, conditions and the labor process.

Questionnaire. 1. Prioritize the importance of library departments? Reading room, Subscription, Media library, Storage room for media fund, Video library, Video room. 1. What is Design? 2. What color should prevail in the interior of the library? 3. Should the library have standard furniture or can you offer your own version? 4. Are you satisfied with the size of our library? 5. Are you satisfied with the stock of the school library? 6. How do you see the library of the future? 7. How do you see the design of the library of the future? 8. Act as you imagine workplace librarian? 9. Is a book obligatory in the library or can it be replaced by a computer or other technical means? 10. Can you offer a sketch of the book depository? 11. How do you imagine the theater area in the school library? 12. Should there be an unloading corner in the library, the so-called “Resting with a book in hand” corner? 13. What technologies would you introduce into library services? 14. What kind of media library do you imagine? 15. Should the reading room be combined with the media center? 16. Is the Internet required in the school library? 17. What corner in the library must be present? 18. Should there be landscaping of the library? What landscaping do you think is more acceptable? 19. Can there be a living corner in the library, or do you think this is overkill? 20. Draw what kind of library would you like to see?

To adequately equip a home library, we need special storage systems: open shelves, glazed cabinets, designer shelving and author's compositions. All of them will allow not only to properly store your favorite books, paintings and accessories, but also to decorate the interior in an original way.

The home library is great. Previously, not a single decent house could do without it, and books were not only a favorite hobby, but also an indicator of the intellectual level of the owners. Today, in fact, nothing has changed. Even with all kinds of gadgets, from e-books to tablets and laptops, all the same for home reading there is nothing better paper book. Therefore, many still collect their own library and, of course, the problem arises of how and where to store these very books, that is, how best to equip a home library. Of course, you can not do without special storage systems. Today their choice is wide and varied. It can be both open shelving and glazed cabinets and shelves that protect against dust and moisture. If there are a lot of books in the house and a separate room has been allocated for the library, it would be right to equip one wall with open shelving from floor to ceiling. The only thing is that you will have to get a comfortable staircase that will complement the composition. Well, if there are not many books in the house and there is no need to allocate space for a library, then a small bookcase can be placed in any room: in the office, hall, living room and even in the bedroom. But most often, the owners choose an office or living room for this purpose. It is in the living room that a beautiful rack can perfectly decorate the central wall and become the dominant feature of the entire interior. Shelves are multifunctional. In addition to books, they store and exhibit all kinds of value and beauty: expensive paintings, favorite photos, art objects and accessories. And also in overall composition a variety of equipment is easily turned on, such as an LCD TV and a music center. In addition, shelving can easily solve the problem of organizing space. Often they are used as a partition. So, in a large open space living room, with the help of a through shelving, you can separate the seating area with sofas from the dining room or study. And finally, with the help of shelving, you can effectively decorate the interior. Today, this is easier to do. Bookshelves are a favorite contemporary design theme. The Dutch and the British are especially fond of it. Original racks and wall shelves made of colored plastic, metal and wood will paint the interior better than any artist. They look especially good in a large space of a minimalist loft. A bookcase in the form of a spiral or a whimsical abstract figure, and even bright color really looks like a fashionable art object against the background of a white wall. But such an art object is not only spectacular and funny, but also super useful! Photos of the design of home libraries using shelving can be seen in our selection.


The seating area in the office is conveniently organized and beautifully designed. With the help of paired vertical shelving, a symmetrical composition was created, the center of which was occupied by a small comfortable sofa.

    A beautiful modular shelving unit in bright blue color decorated the cabinet wall behind the desk. The rack is not only beautiful, but also very convenient. It includes open shelves, closed vertical cabinets and plenty of drawers. To maintain the spectacular color, the authors of the project continued it on the walls.

    With the help of original shelving, two walls of the living area were decorated. In addition to small cells for books, the shelves are equipped with illuminated niches for displaying paintings and accessories. The composition was complemented by a high wooden staircase.

    The rack in the office looks unusual and resembles a painting. A rectangular rack along the perimeter was decorated with a carved baguette frame, similar to the picture placed next door. For interior style modern classics- quite a suitable approach.

    A small multifunctional rack is equipped on the wall of the office. The rack is made in the style and materials of the desktop and is a system of closed drawers and open cells.

    A small office received a lot of bonuses from the designers. Firstly, there is a large panoramic window, which means there is always a lot of light. Secondly, there is an excellent exposure surface with good lighting. And, thirdly, the wall behind the desk is equipped with a convenient open shelving with many small cells-shelves.

Fund registration

Open access is the face of every library and is created primarily for readers. It depends on how it is organized and designed, how readers will perceive it, whether they will feel comfortable here, whether they themselves will be able to freely navigate in it in order to find the necessary literature.

The main principles of fund registration: accounting age features readers; finding your own style in design; choice of theme, hero-mascot (library, department); artistic solution (font, color); development of themes, colors, symbols in the design of shelf dividers; a visual reflection of the close relationship between the library and the reader; taking into account the individual characteristics of the library (volume of the fund, area, etc.); changing the structure of the racks (where possible). How did each children's branch library come up with the idea of ​​transforming an open fund?

The staff of the Zaitsev Central Children's Hospital (head of service I. Paimysheva) updated two subscriptions and a reading room. Employees of each department came up with an emblem, symbols, chose color. Thus, the subscription serving preschoolers and students of grades 1-3 and 4-5 is decorated in a space style and is called "The Third Planet". (The design is based on Kir Bulychev's book "The Secret of the Third Planet".) Gromozeka (one of the heroes of the book) became the symbol of the department - kind, sympathetic, inquisitive. Literature indexes are made in the form of flying saucers. Their color fully matches the color of the shelf dividers: blue and green - for scientific and educational literature, red and yellow - for fiction.

The bookcase with literature for students of 2-3 grades was named "To you, pioneers!". Non-traditional names were given to shelf dividers: scientific and educational literature - "Knowers" (about the world), "There is a Russian side" (history), "Gamronauts" (games, crossword puzzles, homemade products); fiction- "Tales Gathered Together", "Country of Unread Books", "Poetic Rainbow", etc.

Pupils in grades 4-5 were offered books on a shelf with the title "To you, old-timers!". Thematic dividers received the following names: scientific and educational literature - "From time immemorial", "Teaching is not torment", "About our smaller brothers"; fiction - "Your golden shelf", "About boys and girls", "Miracles and secrets".

On a separate rack there is an exhibition "Treasures of the Starry Sky", which demonstrates the library's concern for readers. Its sections: "The most read astronauts" - a shelf exhibition of the reader's form; "Lords of the Universe" - presented literature about the writers-anniversaries and works; "Help-ka" - a shelf exhibition of recommendatory bibliography: recommendatory lists, bookmarks, book and magazine advertisements, as well as thematic file cabinets; "The charm of old editions" - a shelf exhibition of undeservedly forgotten books.

making out open access, librarians have not forgotten about the debtors. A poster was put up saying "The Galactic Patrol is looking for them." It presents a list of those who did not hand over literature to the library on time. The unconventional name and bright design attract the attention of readers, including the penalty boxers themselves.

I must also say about the corner of the bibliography, made in red colors. The symbol of the Gromozek Department, present in this corner, shows the children that with the help of a systematic and illustrated catalog, a book can be selected. This cheerful, bright little man reminds children about the deadline for returning the book. It is written on a poster located at the librarian's chair.

Subscription, serving students in grades 6-9, is decorated in a marine style. And the name was given to him romantic, one might say, adventure - "Columbus". Attributes of open access have become a globe, a card file for teenagers to help school curriculum"Spark in the ocean", bibliographic game "Wind of Wanderings".

Open access literature is located on three racks under the following titles: "The lonely sail turns white" - classical fiction (shelf dividers and bookmarks are made in blue and white); "Meeting in the wardroom" - recommendatory bibliography and forms of the most active readers; "Ways-roads of a desert island" - scientific and educational literature. (Shelf dividers and header are in green and yellow.)

The reading room deserves special attention. Choosing a topic that would reflect his work, the librarians settled on detective genre, since the daily painstaking search for information takes place in the reading room, references are being made in response to complex, sometimes confusing requests from readers, no less secret and incomprehensible than the plot in an exciting detective story.

The emblem is an open book and enigmatic, inquisitive, mysterious and inquisitive painted eyes that want to know everything. The emblem is decorated in black, blue and red colors. The same colors were taken for the design of the bibliographic search game "Connoisseurs are on the trail." The game is located in bookcases, where thematic folders and collections of local history are presented, reflecting the main direction of the library's work - local history.

A colorful poster invites readers to answer three sets of questions: about memorable places Nizhny Novgorod and areas; about the historical places of the Sormovsky district; anniversaries associated with the life of famous Nizhny Novgorod residents. The one who answered all the questions receives the title of True Nizhny Novgorod. The purpose of the game is to draw the attention of readers to the local history fund and teach them to independently search for information.

With great imagination and fiction, they approached the artistic design of open access in the Brinsky Library (head of the branch N. Potapova).

Three open access racks are combined into a large "Pochitayka House". The owner of the house is the little man Pochitayka, who is a symbol of the library, he presents to readers best books, new magazines, indicates the return date, etc. In this house, the shelves are entrances, bookshelves are floors, shelf dividers are keys, and the reader's address of literature on each shelf is indicated on the locks of the house: 2-3 cells, 4- 5 cells, 6-9 cells. Keys, locks for each age are made in a certain color: red, yellow, green. And to make it easier for children to navigate in the public domain, a "traffic light" system has been developed and presented in the form of a traffic light man.

Consonant with the open access of the Brinsky library, the design of open access at the children's department of the M. Lomonosov library (head of the branch N. Mashkina). Here, open access is presented to readers-children by a whole "Read-street", where each rack is a house with a certain number: 1/3 4/6, 7/9 (the number indicates the age of the readers to whom the books are addressed). The inhabitants of these houses are books and literary heroes: Carlson, cat Matroskin, Thumbelina and others, and each is located behind its own shelf divider. Shelf dividers are made in the form of house windows. There are many such windows, which allows you to fully reveal the fund. The color scheme of shelving-houses is also successful. Three houses - three colors: lemon, pink and white. Thanks to the color and numbering, readers can immediately find their "home" on the fabulous "Read-street". The features of the design of open access of this library are simplicity, clarity and accessibility for readers-children.

The open access library named after A. Matrosov (head of the branch L. Slastnikova) is designed in an original way. In a very limited area of ​​the subscription, open access is provided for readers of all ages. It is located in such a way that the children do not interfere with each other to choose literature.

For preschool children, a corner "How to be able to read well" is allocated. Colored sigils on brochure books (yellow and red triangles) help not to confuse books and to orientate in what kind of literature it is - fiction (poems, stories, fairy tales) or scientific and educational (about animals, plants, technology).

For middle-aged readers, literature is collected under the heading "Treasure Island". The guide to this "island" is made in the form of a map located on an open book. On the map, books on the most different topics: "Castle of Wonders" -adventure; "Spring of poetry" - poetry; "Peak of Victory" - about the war; "Volcano of History" - historical literature; "The Naturalist's Trail" is about the natural world.

Exactly the same conventional signs placed on the boxes where the books are located, and on the books themselves. This allows children to quickly find the literature they are interested in, and librarians to quickly arrange the fund. Captain Flint has become a symbol of open access for middle-aged readers, who invites those who wish to visit Treasure Island.

Open access for students in grades 7-8 is located on the shelf under the heading "Reading Circle". Here, each thematic separator has its own color. And books behind a separator of a certain color have a stripe on the spine of the same color as the shelf separator itself (for example, the divider "In the world of fantasy" is made purple, and the books in this section have a purple stripe on the spine, etc.). Such a decision helps in choosing the necessary literature and, of course, facilitates the arrangement of the fund.

In the children's department of the Lenin Komsomol Library (headed by N. Golomidova), the open access fund is one of the largest among the district's children's libraries. It is located on six racks. The librarians thought over the title and color of each section for readers of different age groups.

So, for students of grades 1-3, a rack with literature, decorated in yellow tones, called "Romashkovo" was allocated. Its symbol was a cartoon train, which in poetic form invites readers to get acquainted with books.

Pupils in grades 4-6 enter the "Fairytale Castle", which is made in red-brown tones, where they are met by Queen Book. She is the symbol of the fund section. And from the address poem, you can learn about what literature is presented here and for whom.

In blue and blue tones, the open access section "Book Sea" appears before readers of grades 7-9. The ship, flying at full sail, personifies the desire of teenagers for knowledge, discoveries, and travel. On a blue scroll, children can read a poem - a wish for good luck in sailing the sea of ​​books.

Such an open-access shelving design solution helps visitors easily and quickly navigate the fund and find the necessary literature.

The staff of the Kassil Library (Head L. Fedotova) started working with open access by changing the location of the shelves. They were placed at a considerable distance from each other, which eliminated the illusion of a solid object and drew attention to a separate rack. Each shelf with literature is addressed to readers of a certain age: younger, middle, older. The "Corner of a preschooler" is also highlighted. Finding the right book is facilitated by shelf dividers of various colors for each department of literature.

A voluminous multi-colored polyhedron, suspended on a thread between the shelves, attracts the attention of readers. You can twist this "toy" and determine which theme corresponds to a certain color of shelf dividers and sigls on the book. For example: green - ecology, red - history, yellow - fiction, etc.

Summing up, it must be said that each team showed invention, professional skill, creativity, individuality. As a result, open access in every library has become brighter, more attractive, updated, unique and more accessible to young readers.

Each of us in school came across a huge list of books that needed to be read. We followed them to the library and tried among huge amount long racks to find exactly the copy that we need so much. In fact, here you can find a book for every taste. Works have been kept here for years. famous classics, scientific literature, works contemporary writers. Even the little ones will definitely find something for themselves here. After all, there are various entertainment publications, games and children's magazines.

A few words about design

Separately, it is worth mentioning the role played by the design of the school library. Of course, first of all, it must provide its visitors with a full range of services. To do this, it is necessary to notify readers about various events. After all, it is very important that all events are noticed by visitors, and they have the opportunity to follow all the novelties. This is where creative design comes in. The design of the stands of the school library should be original and bright. Advertising should interest not only children, but also their parents, as well as attract new visitors.

Before you take on such work, you need to decide how to convey information to customers. Given the general design of the school library, stands should be decorated in the same style. In this matter, you can contact professional designer. Information about the latest news can be placed on mobile stands, flyers and promotional stands.

Information stands

Before deciding what the design of the school library will be, it is necessary to decide where to place the stands and what form to make them. They can be both ordinary rectangular and unusual, which have an individual size and design. A large structure that stands motionless in one place is called a "stationary stand". It is best to place it in the most visible place near the entrance to the library. There should be all the most important information about the institution. Here you can put the mode of its work, the rules for using the library, a brief historical background and other important information.

As a rule, the first thing that impresses students with a school library is the design of its premises and stands. Therefore, the main ones should have a very good design. To attract the attention of customers in a conspicuous place, you should beautifully place awards and diplomas of employees of the institution. Such a corner will be a wonderful decoration of the institution and emphasize its status. Modern designers have long since replaced stationary main stands with streetlines. They are portable and have a great design.


When designing a school library, it is necessary to consider a place for posters, announcements, scripts and other posters that inform customers about future events. They can take a place where information about the services offered by the library will be placed. For presentations, you can use funny pictures to attract the attention of children. With the help of such posters, customers should learn the most useful and interesting information about the room they were in. Therefore, their design should be bright, unusual and attractive.


Similar images today can be seen quite often in various entertainment establishments. A hole for the face is cut out on them along the contour. The kids love being photographed. various heroes. When designing a school library, you can use tamarez and install them in a room for kids. Children will be delighted with their favorite fairytale heroes and characters from fairy tales. And they will definitely want to come back.

Mobile stands

These tools are great for informing readers about new arrivals or events. They will be a good solution when organizing an exhibition. Such stands can be beautifully decorated to create a creative atmosphere that visitors will remember for a long time. They should contain not only information about various works, but also illustrations, books and other interesting materials that cannot leave indifferent visitors to the exhibition. Today, there are many organizations that offer mobile exhibition layouts. They will help create the necessary atmosphere during the event.

Right choice

In the design of any library, it is very important to have individual style, according to which all stands will be created. Depending on the purpose, they may have additional lighting, a certain color scheme and style. But do not forget about the overall harmony, so that all the material is presented in the most favorable light. Visitors will definitely be satisfied, having visited at least once in such a room.

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The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...