Life in South Korea through the eyes of Russians. Daily life in North Korea of ​​ordinary people: reviews

South Korea is a beautiful country with a rich cultural heritage. Today, the centuries-old wisdom of Taoism coexists with innovation. And, despite the love for the Western way of life, its inhabitants have preserved many customs that are incomprehensible to us.

10 facts about South Korea: interesting and downright strange

Once a Boston consulting group called her one of the promising in the field of innovation. Agree, not bad for a state that has been on the world stage since 1948. It is curious that with such results the country does not lose its "interesting" traditions.

  1. Alcohol. An interesting fact about South Korea is associated with the use of alcohol - for them it is quite an important part of the culture, helping to get to know each other better. Therefore, at least once a week, the inhabitants of the country must gather with friends to have a glass. Such gatherings even have their own name - hoesik. However, when it comes to liquor, there are rules. For example, if the person pouring the drink is older, then you should hold the glass with both hands.
  2. Red ink. Every society has its own superstitions: if Europeans bypass black cats, then the inhabitants of the Land of Morning Calm hate red ink. They believe that a name written in this color will bring misfortune and even death to its owner. This unusual fact about South Korea comes from an ancient tradition. Previously, the name of the deceased was written in red on the tombstone, believing that this would scare away demons.

  3. Proper handshake. When Bill Gates met with President Park Geun-hye, the people of the country were shocked by the behavior of the American and his gesture. The fact is that during the handshake, Bill's hand was in his pocket, which is unacceptable. Good manners and respect for the traditions of another country, despite financial status, have always been held in high esteem. Therefore, if you have a Korean older than you, do it with both hands.

  4. Education. Students and schoolchildren in Korea are very smart. According to statistics, 93% of students graduate from a university, which puts the quality of education in the country in second place in the world. What is it connected with? Through private institutions (hagwons), children have the opportunity to learn many subjects, from math to belly dancing or taekwondo. On average, the country's parents spend up to $17 billion a year on educating their children. But this technique also has its drawbacks. Firstly, only rich families can afford education, while the poor are content with little. Secondly, hagwons classes are held in the afternoon, which means that children go to school twice and come home tired.

  5. Which is better: Japan or Korea? If there are many examples of friendly rivalry (Australia - New Zealand) or warlike rivalry (India - Pakistan) in the world, then these Asian countries are the "golden mean". Even if they do not point nuclear weapons at each other, relations between them are always heated. This fact about South Korea and Japan is due to the fact that in the past the latter had a bad habit of invading the territory of the former. Decades later, the situation has certainly changed, but the Koreans believe that the Japanese still have not officially apologized.

  6. Skirt discussions. It's strange to see a lot of bare legs in a conservative country. But miniskirts are the norm in South Korea. Even a business woman is allowed to wear an outfit that barely covers her ass to a business meeting, and no one will regard this as vulgarity.

  7. Toilet themed amusement park. There are many strange attractions in the world, but this place in South Korea literally outdid them all. A park with an "interesting" theme, located in the city of Suwoni, was opened in honor of the beloved ex-mayor, nicknamed Mr. Toilet. The official was obsessed with sanitation and his main goal was to provide the population with good toilets and teach them how to properly maintain them.

  8. Plastic surgery. Everyone wants to be beautiful, especially South Koreans. According to a survey conducted back in 2009, every fifth woman in the country went under the knife. Basically, the requests are the same: a V-shaped chin, a small nose and big eyes.

  9. Bullfights. No, it's not about the red rag or the bullfighter. Cattle fight in Korea Ranchers are constantly on the lookout for good "fighters". More often choose massive, with a thick neck and long horns. The fight ends when one bull leaves the arena. The winner receives a cash prize, and the loser goes to drown his grief in rice wine.

  10. Terminator jellyfish. Perhaps the most interesting fact about South Korea, more like a sci-fi movie scenario. The oceans are teeming with jellyfish, so a group of scientists created a robot specifically to deal with them. Due to the invasion of marine animals, the country lost $ 300 million, and in Sweden the nuclear power plant had to be closed. In this regard, the Koreans have created and are actively using terminator jellyfish that destroy real ones. Now the robot is capable of exterminating up to 900 kg of marine animals, but soon, according to scientists, the figure will reach 2000 kg.

Traditions and customs

The house is a sacred place, so special attention is paid to cleanliness, where dirt and even more mess are completely unacceptable. It is customary to be indoors without shoes (barefoot) or, in extreme cases, in socks. If in summer the rule does not cause discomfort, then in winter additional heating is required. Therefore, in the construction of houses, modern technologies are used in the form of underfloor heating.

Another interesting fact and custom of South Korea is associated with the ceremony of commemoration of ancestors - Chere. According to Korean belief, the soul does not leave immediately, but remains with the descendants for another 4 generations. Therefore, the deceased is also considered a member of the family, and on New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day and the anniversary of death, the rite of Chere is performed. Also, Koreans sincerely believe that if the ancestors bless them, then life will be happy.

The next interesting fact about South Korea has to do with gestures. When you call the other person, raise your hand with your palm down and wave, moving your fingers. Never make this gesture with your palm up and even more so with your index finger - only dogs are called that in the country.

Facts Proving South Korea Is Beyond Our Understanding

Residents of the country are especially careful about oral hygiene, as dentist services are very expensive. Here it is customary to brush your teeth after every meal, and you can often find a brush in a lady's bag. In addition, in the restrooms of some establishments there is always a free disposable toothbrush.

The following interesting fact about South Korea and Koreans is based on statistics. Many residents have myopia, so they wear glasses or lenses from childhood. This fact gives the impression that they are all born with poor eyesight. But it's not. As mentioned earlier, Koreans are very smart and spend most of their time studying, buried in their favorite gadgets. It is worth noting that the disease does not concern everyone. For example, Lim Dong Hyun (two-time Olympic champion) only sees 20% of what he normally sees. But the irony is that a man competes in archery!

Korean cosmetics has long conquered Western and domestic fashionistas, and here everyone uses it, regardless of gender or age. Korean women carefully monitor the appearance of their hair and skin, so they buy an incredible amount of products. They never go out without makeup. Young Koreans also take care of appearance. It is almost impossible to see a man with a sloppy or disheveled hairstyle on the street.

Contrary to popular belief, few people in South Korea have tasted dog meat. Moreover, a movement to abandon the traditional dish is gaining popularity in the state. The youth, brought up to treat animals as friends, provided wide support. By the way, government policy also discourages the consumption of dog meat.

Now about In any city in the world, cafes, bars and restaurants come across at every step, but the speed of service in Korea is simply amazing. The order is delivered literally within 10 minutes, and some establishments even send delivery men again to pick up dirty dishes. Here, instead of the usual "How are you?" you will be asked "Did you eat well?", and skipping any meal for a Korean is akin to a sin.

Let's talk about sexual touch. If in Europe two men holding hands are considered representatives of the LGBT movement, then in Korea everything is different. In society, a couple of opposite sexes who demonstrate feelings in public are extremely disapproving. But playing with hair or sitting on a friend's lap is quite acceptable for men.

Korea is the cradle of esports. At the beginning of the 2000s, the Star Craft computer game turned into a real cult. Esports players are real stars. Thousands of fans come to meet them, and stadiums with large screens are allocated for the games. And this, in turn, is another interesting fact about South Korea: a computer game is a real sport, for which players spend many sleepless nights while training.

And a few words about compulsory military service. According to the law, every Korean must complete a 21-month military training course. This iron rule is observed regardless of the social status of the resident. Only the incompetent and those who defend the honor of the country in the international arena can get away. For example, footballers Ki Sun-yong (Swansea) and Park Chi-son (Manchester United) were released from military service.

The beginning of a relationship

If in Russia and in many other countries first love is most often met at school, then in the Land of Morning Calm this is more difficult. An interesting fact about life in South Korea is connected with the fact that for every child, studies always come first. And if hyperactive children manage to start relationships at school, then for the rest there is simply no time for amorous affairs - from 9 to 5 lessons, then electives, tutors, classes ... When to fall in love?

But once you enter university, everything changes. Education is not so diligent, so many students live for their own pleasure: on Fridays they gather with a company and drink soju, join circles and interest clubs. This is the best time, because after graduation, almost all of them will work from morning until late evening for many years.

Therefore, the romantic relationship of young Koreans begins precisely during the period of study at the university.

What then

Continuing the story, here are a few facts about South Korea related to further development:

  1. The first date is already the beginning of a relationship, and after the meeting is over, the guy and the girl "officially" become a couple. In addition, she always comes to the meeting with an older friend in order to look favorably against her background.
  2. After a while, "witnesses" are not needed, and lovers can walk around holding hands, but kissing and hugging in public in Korea is inappropriate.
  3. Another trend of couples is the same style. The phenomenon is called Couple Look - clothing stores make good money on it.
  4. An important date for lovers is the hundredth day from the date of the meeting. Girls expect from guys not flowers and sweets, but designer jewelry, clothes, cosmetics, shoes, a bag. According to the calculations of one of the Korean bloggers, an average gift costs $ 800.
  5. To move on to a closer relationship, the couple must meet for at least a year.

Family matters

It's time to learn the facts about relations in South Korea.

A home warms hearts, and every person must have a family. The opinion of the oldest member of the family is dominant. Not a single South Korean will dare to create a new family without the consent of the older generation and parental blessing. Of course, now the freedom of action is much wider, but neither a young man nor a girl can do without the guidance of his mother and father. And excessive parental control, on the contrary, is welcome.

The main priorities are inextricably linked with the family hearth. Previously, several generations of relatives lived together in traditional small houses. But times are changing, and spacious apartments have come to replace them. The only thing that has remained unchanged is the statutory rules.

When meeting with parents, the names are not called - only "mother" and "dad". This treatment is connected with another interesting fact about South Korea. According to the sign, the meaning of the name, having a great weight, affects the fate, making a person more vulnerable. Therefore, the names of the inhabitants of an Asian country are extremely rare.

Family relations in South Korea have always been distinguished by mutual respect and understanding. Despite the fact that a woman has the same rights as a man, the duties between spouses are clearly demarcated.

The wife is responsible for coziness and comfort, keeps the hearth, resolves disagreements, and the man, being the head, ensures the existence of the family. However, despite his authority, he never interferes in matters of home improvement and conflict resolution. Even in the most difficult situation, the husband always remains on the sidelines.

About children

Another interesting fact about South Korea is related to the birth of a child. Since the country has a peculiar chronology, the baby is born already at the age of one. This is due to the fact that the child spends 9 months in the mother's womb (almost a year). But that's not all. On the first New Year (January 1), the baby is added one more. Thus, the children here are older than their actual age by as much as 2 years.

To combat discrimination, the government passed a law according to which both son and daughter are considered equal heirs, so the attitude towards the sex of the child is neutral. But Confucian traditions are still preserved. Accordingly, special attention is paid to the elder.

show business world

For many years the country was famous for its "slave contracts". This fact about South Korea is connected to the popular K-pop mainstream. For example, an ex-Super Junior member stated in 2009 that the owners of SM Entertainment did not allow him to take sick leave when he was diagnosed with gastritis and kidney problems.

And this is not the only such case. Major labels justify their actions by saying that if a young artist really wants to become popular, he must overcome all difficulties - sleep no more than 4 hours a day, not start a relationship while the contract is in effect, not go on sick leave and much more.

Bad number "4"

An interesting fact about South Korea based on superstition. Residents have a "special" attitude towards the four. The problem is that the transcription of the number 4 is consonant with the word death.

Superstition has reached the point that in buildings after the third floor immediately comes the fifth. Not even in hospitals. Agree, few Koreans want to be treated on the floor called "death", especially if the disease is dangerous.

In some elevators, the "4" button has been replaced with the English letter F (four). However, in everyday speech, the four sounds without exception.

Let's go back to the past

And finally, I would like to give a few historical facts about South Korea:

  1. "Taehan minguk" 대한 민국 - this is how the people call the country, but most often the abbreviation Hanguk is used in the conversation, and sometimes Namhan.
  2. The word "Korea" comes from the name of the state "Koryo", which existed in 918-1392.
  3. The history of North and South Korea began in 1945, when the Soviet-American agreement was signed. According to the agreement, the first passed under the jurisdiction of the USSR, and the second - the United States.
  4. Although it lasted until 1953, there was no official announcement of the end of hostilities.
  5. The older generation of Koreans does not like the Japanese, as the colonization policy of the Land of the Rising Sun is still not forgotten.

The steady growth of economic indicators has a positive effect on the situation in South Korea. In 2019, the country is considered one of the most prosperous states in the East. High salaries, the opportunity to be treated in clinics that have become famous all over the world, the chance to get a prestigious education - this makes life in Korea attractive for Russians. However, before you go to conquer the country, you should get better acquainted with its features.

Benefits of living in South Korea

The economic well-being of the state is reflected primarily on its citizens. Russians in Korea who have achieved citizenship in the country will have access to benefits that can be used by a rather narrow circle of people. True, as in any other country, the possibilities of people depend on the part of the state where they are located. It is worth remembering that living in Seoul, which belongs to the developed cities of the world, is different from staying in the provinces.

The capital, which is the center of culture and industry, will gladly welcome foreigners who want to invest in enterprises, or specialists with unique skills. The influx of professional personnel is facilitated by a high level of salaries and the ability to quickly climb the career ladder, especially with unique knowledge and skills. Moreover, one of the main advantages of employment is equal opportunities for the indigenous population and foreigners. True professionals in their field will be respected regardless of skin color and historical homeland.

In South Korea, the life of ordinary people is also at a high level. The most modern achievements of civilization are available to anyone, whether it is advanced medicine or education. Almost all the indigenous people of the country graduate from higher educational institutions, and access to technical innovations has long been known around the world. The number of mobile phones registered in the country has surpassed the number of citizens hovering at 51 million.

The level of well-being of the population

Moving should always be prepared in advance. You need to learn more about the country that is the final destination. People from abroad who decide to move to this state are primarily interested in the pros and cons of living in Korea. The benefits include:

  • high level of wages;
  • the demand for foreign personnel in various industries: from seasonal work to employment in large corporations;
  • modern medical care;
  • the opportunity to receive a prestigious education;
  • development of the service sector and infrastructure;
  • low crime rate;
  • availability of entertainment.

However, a European or Russian who has moved to the country will have to face some disadvantages:

  • adherence to style. Koreans sacredly honor traditions, especially the cult of age;
  • obtaining Korean citizenship is extremely difficult;
  • labor leave is shorter than in Europe;
  • some familiar products are not on the shelves;
  • For full communication, it is important to know the Korean language, which is quite difficult to learn.

However, the advantages usually outweigh the possible difficulties associated with local traditions, mentality and other features. Therefore, migrants from all over the world flock to South Korea, especially from the former CIS countries.

Product prices

The specificity of Korean cuisine determines the range of goods on store shelves. Here you can find far from all food products that Russians are used to. Food prices in Seoul and the provinces of South Korea do not differ much, being at the level of such large Russian cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg.

But some products are available in limited quantities and are quite expensive. For example, if we compare how much bread will cost in Russia and South Korea, then the advantage is on the side of the former. The price of the most important product in the Land of Morning Calm, in terms of rubles, fluctuates at the level of 110-130 rubles. Popular food items can be purchased at the following prices:

  • a liter of milk - 88-124 rubles;
  • 10 eggs - 110-140 rubles;
  • apples 160-200 r. per kg;
  • oranges - 120-150 r. per kg;
  • kilogram of cheese - 700-850 r.

However, high salaries allow residents to indulge in nothing and include a variety of dishes on the menu.

Renting and buying a home

When moving to another country, you should first familiarize yourself with the real estate market. Housing prices in Seoul are quite high. Koreans prefer to settle in high-rise buildings, foreigners also prefer this type of premises. You can find out at a real estate agency, but you will have to pay about 5-8 thousand US dollars per square meter, depending on the location of the housing and a number of other conditions.

Investments in real estate, which are made by wealthy foreigners, pay off quickly enough, since rent is also not cheap. For renting out premises, you can get a solid profit, since a month of living in a one-room apartment in the center of Seoul will cost $700. The cost of renting the same housing in a residential area is slightly lower and fluctuates around $400. A three-room apartment located on the outskirts of the capital will cost $1,000 per month.

Russians in Seoul who came to look for work are quite common. There are quite a lot of large enterprises in the capital that employ foreign specialists. Most in demand:

  • IT workers;
  • engineers;
  • translators;
  • designers;
  • lawyers;
  • industrial electronics specialists;
  • workers in the chemical industry.

The provinces are also ready to offer migrants jobs. However, specialists in the fishing and agricultural industries are most in demand here.

Job search

For a normal life in a foreign country, you need a stable income. associated with a number of difficulties, which primarily include finding a suitable vacancy. You can stay in the country and obtain a visa that allows employment if you have a valid offer from the employer and conclude an agreement with the company. Search for vacancies is carried out in the following ways:

  • through specialized recruiting agencies;
  • with the help of printed publications - South Korean newspapers and magazines;
  • by contacting the employer directly;
  • using sites where available vacancies are posted.

The latter method is considered the most popular, since you can search even outside of South Korea. The advantage of the information system is also the constant updating of vacancies and the absence of costs in the process of selecting a job.


After moving, you need to be ready to give part of the money you earn to the country's treasury. The tax system of South Korea is similar to the Russian one. Payments to the state are divided into state and local. Taxation and interest rates for a legal entity within the country: VAT - 10%, individual consumption tax - 5-20%, corporate tax - 10%, income tax (per resident) - 6-35%. A state tax is a tax levied by the state on citizens to form the state budget. Tax on a legal entity includes three types: on income for each financial year, repayment of debts, on land income.

Entrepreneurs from abroad who decide to operate within the South Korean state are provided with a special loan that allows them to pay taxes during the formation of the business. However, it can only be obtained if the enterprise does not belong to the manufacturing sector. The money is used to pay off the VAT levied on the purchase of products and goods necessary for work.

Features of the tax system allow foreigners to feel on an equal footing with the indigenous population. Fees from labor migrants are identical to those levied on citizens of the country. Among the taxes that are unusual for Russians, in the first place is the duty levied when undergoing certain cosmetic procedures. A facelift or breast lift is accompanied by additional payments to the state.

Medical service

South Korean clinics are considered among the best in the world. The highest service, moderate cost of treatment, as well as the constant introduction of the latest developments attract people in need of treatment from all over the world to the state. The authorities strive to maintain national medicine at a high level, investing significant funds in its development. The most popular areas of medicine among patients are:

  • ophthalmology;
  • oncology;
  • cardiology;
  • neurology;
  • dentistry.

A medical visa for Russians is not mandatory. Free entry to the state is organized for patients. You can also take the necessary tests upon arrival at the medical facility.

Education in Korea

South Korean educational institutions are considered no less prestigious than European ones. But to get an education, it is not enough to know English. The national language plays a major role in the process of mastering the chosen profession. Of course, it provides for the availability of special programs in which classes are held in English. However, for further employment and living, knowledge of the national language is decisive. In total, there are about 40 universities in Seoul, the most famous of them are:

  • Ehwa is the world's largest women's institution of higher education;
  • Kunming - graduates specialists in 15 industries, including Japanese studies;
  • Hanguk is an institute of foreign languages, one of the three world leaders in its profile.

For admission, you need to pass a special test, as well as submit a number of documents.

Recreation and entertainment

The leisure sector is considered one of the most developed in Korea. Anyone can find something to their liking. The country has its own ski resorts, and each city can boast of having museums, galleries and other places popular among tourists and the indigenous population.

Korean holidays

In South Korea, much attention is paid to traditional celebrations that allow numerous relatives to gather together. The largest are: Chuseok, which marks the harvest, and Seollal, an analogue of the New Year. Traditionally, they are considered to be just family, although recently mass festivities have also become popular, especially among young people.

Restaurants and cafes

Numerous catering establishments serve mostly traditional Korean food. The basis of the menu is rice, vegetables and fish. Meat is much less common, although pork is often used in cooking. This creates problems for tourists and students who come from Muslim countries - it is quite difficult for them to find a restaurant serving beef or chicken.

National food is characterized by unusual spiciness for Europeans and Russians. Therefore, when tasting a new dish, special care should be taken. Restaurants in Korea are classified by type:

  • cafes with fast food, such as pizzerias;
  • traditional food establishments;
  • special "meat" items;
  • reminiscent of Japanese sashimi, where raw fish dishes are served.

Food prices are very democratic. Lunch for two will cost 1,000 rubles in terms of Russian currency, and you can have breakfast in an inexpensive cafe by paying 150 rubles.

Attitude towards sports and a healthy lifestyle

People living in the East are constantly on the move. The way of life in Korea also implies the obligatory participation in sports. The population of the country does not suffer from excessive fullness precisely thanks to regular jogging, cycling and popular gymnastics. There are national sports in the country, but the disciplines that came from Europe are considered the most developed. Badminton, diving, golf and bowling are especially popular.

This country today is one of the most advanced and technologically advanced in the world. But here they do not forget about age-old traditions. As part of a project about people who left to live in other countries, I talked to Yana, who married a Korean and settled in South Korea.

I studied in St. Petersburg, at the faculty of tourism and hotel business. Like many graduates, she went abroad, worked as a hotel guide - first in Turkey, Egypt, then in Thailand. I came to Russia on vacation, for a month or two. I lived in Bangkok for about four years, where I met my future husband. First we went to Canada, and then to Korea.

Do you swear?

My husband is a Korean citizen and works for a construction company. By education - a financier, worked in a bank, then in some financial company in Canada, after which he traveled for a year, thanks to which he met me.

In Seoul, they first lived with their husband's parents, then moved to their own apartment. His family is very conservative, and I was very worried about how I would be received. But everything came out easily. My husband's brother lives in Canada, and their mother spent seven years there - however, she never learned to speak English. Only the father of the family does not leave the country - he has his own business.

Since many in the family lived in other countries, they treat foreigners with understanding. I was lucky, I was not required to strictly observe the traditions - for example, to bow to my parents, to call them only "mom" and "dad". I started learning Korean with them.

Came to Korea - Speak Korean

We have been in Korea for three years now. I got pregnant and decided that I would give birth in Russia. In Korea, there are excellent clinics and all kinds of rehabilitation for women in labor, but at home, as they say, even the walls help: I ​​gave birth to a child in Russia, he will have dual citizenship - Russian and Korean.

In Korea, the state helps young families a lot. The locals are now not too inclined to get married and get married, so the state helps even family foreigners. There are various housing programs, you can sign up for a queue in a house under construction.

Photo: Won-Ki Min /

When we lived with my husband's parents, they only spoke Korean to me - it helped a lot. Koreans believe that once you have arrived in the country, be kind to learn the language and customs and follow them. Even in the market and in the store, it will not be possible to communicate, for example, in English, as in other countries. Koreans, even those who know English, try not to speak it.

In every city there are community centers where foreigners can learn the language; in order to obtain citizenship and residence permit, one must pass an exam. In the same courses, they teach how to cook local food and serve it as it should be here. I learned how to make kimchi, which is very happy.

Your boss is god

When I came to Seoul from Thailand, I was looking for work at job fairs. It is easy to find, many opportunities for locals and foreigners. They offered to get a job in one hotel, but I didn’t like the conditions there. They also took me to Marriott, but I didn’t have enough knowledge of Korean - despite the fact that you work with foreign tourists, you need to know the local language perfectly.

During this time, my husband showed me all of Korea, we traveled a lot. As a result, it didn’t work out with work, and while I was expecting a baby, in addition to learning the language, I went to fitness and courses for pregnant women.

In Korea, the labor market is congested. You can't just change the scope of your professional activity. You must first unlearn, acquire qualifications, be sure to get a "crust".

In Korea, the veneration of superiors of any level is very developed. Your manager is god to you. You cannot leave work before him; when you greet the team, you bow to him. If you are at a corporate party, he needs to serve. The manager is always right. I call it "collective slavery".

Outside of work, if you communicate with an older person, even if you are friends, you only refer to him as you. You can't argue with him. Many young Koreans leave for the US and other countries in search of work. In work, the Koreans try to hone their skills like a robot, they are completely devoted to their work.

On the brink of war

You come to Thailand - everyone smiles at you, but soon this superficial passes, and they begin to hate you. In Korea, they hate you right away. Although the attitude towards foreigners here is not very good, this does not affect me, because my husband created such conditions that I am very comfortable.

I have a family visa, which we are renewing, and subsequently I can become a resident. If you come with a tourist or work visa, you feel less comfortable in this country.

There are three or four American military camps in South Korea. In theory, they perform security functions. Relations with North Korea are on the brink of war - they hate each other and do not even try to get closer. There is a lot of talk on television that North Korea is an extremely poor country. Tourists are shown only certain places there, many residents try to escape from there to China, Thailand and other countries.

Learn baby

I am a biathlon fan. The Korean team in this sport has a Russian coach who prepares them for the Olympics, and they also bought two Russian biathletes. They were even given Korean passports! The Koreans are trying to be the first in everything, and for this it is necessary to create certain conditions, which they do.

It is very practiced here to search for brides in neighboring countries - Vietnam, the Philippines. But Korean women are in no hurry to get married: she may be forty years old when she thinks about this issue.

Korean children are special in some way - such kings. Their security is well thought out. Since childhood, Koreans have been encouraged to study and study, otherwise you won’t achieve anything in life, it will be difficult to find a job.


South Korea is very modern, the rhythm of life is fast here, people are in a hurry, they work hard. The country is small, and the land here is expensive - it is almost impossible to buy an apartment, 70 percent of the total population rent housing or take a loan from a bank.

There are five or six super rich families in Korea. It is they who open shopping centers, hospitals, institutes and all sorts of companies.

The average salary in the country is in the region of two to three thousand dollars, prices in stores are high. Most are sold in large supermarkets. Two liters of milk, for example, cost five dollars. Local products are more expensive than imported ones, and they are better in quality. The older generation of Koreans is obsessed with healthy eating, which cannot be said about the young people who love fast food. There are special tours to the mountains where you can try salads and other healthy food prepared by the monks.

In the evenings, all the people go to the pubs. They really like to sit, talk, drink local beer and sojo - this is local wine. There are many different markets, there is even a Russian quarter, but this is rather one name: people from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and so on live there. They keep cafes, carry things from Korea to their countries. I have a couple of friends here from Russia. One friend graduated from an institute in Korea, she is fluent in the language.

After some time, my husband and child are planning to move to Canada. There are good social packages, a high standard of living. And for a child, as for a future student, it is better there than in Korea, and it is preferable to receive higher education in Canada.

What do you know about South Korea, except that it is the birthplace of PSY, who gave the world the unforgettable "GangnamStyle" - the most viewed video in the history of YouTube?

We have studied the notes of those who went to live there, and now we are ready to tell you about the peculiarities of life in the Land of Morning Calm.

South Korea

"Love" for foreigners

At first, people of European appearance consider themselves almost Hollywood stars in South Korea. They literally bathe in the attention of local residents. Koreans are quite friendly to foreigners.

But only those foreigners who have lived in the country for more than a year or two understand that there is practically no sincerity in this “love”. Koreans are ready to call everyone with whom they have spoken for more than 5 minutes a friend. But true friendship is rare here. People smile, however, this smile is nothing more than a mask.

Despite all the ostentatious hospitality, Koreans remain very private people. And what they really think is impossible to know. It's fashionable to have a foreigner friend - that's why many Koreans communicate with Europeans with such enthusiasm.

But is this the kind of friendship that every person needs?

On the other hand, if you have just arrived in the country, then such (albeit feigned) good nature is much better than outright hostility. Therefore, rejoice in sunny smiles, but do not hide from them.

No one knows what "personal space" is

A resident of Korea does not see anything shameful in getting very close to you in an elevator and chewing gum loudly at the same time. And in public transport, he is unlikely to “keep his distance”, even if the bus is half empty.

It's hard to be an individual

There is no betting on personality here. A close-knit (albeit mediocre) team is more valuable than a mass of disunited individuals. Koreans get used to this state of affairs from school:

if the whole class does not know the correct answer to the teacher's question, then it is better for one wise man to remain silent so as not to seem like an upstart.

If it starts to rain somewhere in Seoul, then everyone immediately runs to buy penny umbrellas. If suddenly you decide not to bother and take a walk in the warm spring rain, they will look at you with suspicion: “What kind of rebel is this ?!”.

In the same company, people will dress about the same. Even among friends it is not customary to stand out. So if you are a fan of everything extraordinary and hate to feel like a part of the gray mass, it will be hard for you in Korea.

The older the better

Perhaps one of the first questions you hear in Korea will be about your age. Here the cult of respect for elders. At the same time, even the smallest difference in years between the interlocutors matters. Twins and those are divided into older and younger!

Here is an example from one blogger. In their company for lunch, the whole department goes together. Regular employees only pretend to study the menu, but in fact they always take the same thing that their boss chooses. He sometimes asks the opinion of his youngest subordinate (not by position, but by age):

she always lowers her eyes to the floor and says that she does not know how to make such a difficult choice.

Seniors can afford everything their heart desires: slurp at the table, and talk with their mouths full, and spit at the feet of another. And it will be considered quite decent.

Nobody says exactly what they want

The average Korean will never say directly what he needs from you. He will beat around the bush, speak allegorically. But if you do not understand his thirty-three hints, the Korean will be sincerely offended:

how is it that he is crucifying for an hour in front of you, and you are not able to understand the most elementary thing ?!

This also works in reverse. If you need to ask a local resident about something, try not to speak directly. Try to speak figuratively. This is a sign of a good upbringing.

But if you nevertheless voiced a request, there is a very high probability that it will be fulfilled. For example, you can go to the police station and ask to visit their restroom.

One of the LiveJournal users talked about how he asked the police for directions, and they bluntly drove him to his destination.

One of the traditions of South Korea is eating with the family, sitting at a miniature table on small legs, of course, on the floor. A photo:

Consider the following nuance: Koreans do not like to publicly express their point of view. It is easier for them to agree with the words of the speaker. But when he leaves, people will throw out all their indignation.

Study, study and study again

A creative person is unlikely to appreciate the Korean education system. There, the educational process is based on thoughtless memorization, there is no room for a flight of fancy.

During the final exams, panic begins in the country: parents pray in temples, asking higher powers to help the children get the highest scores, and the children frantically try to memorize everything.

In universities, the cult of learning. Many libraries are open around the clock, students can sit on textbooks until dawn. However, in Korea there is a chance to make a career without any relatives and acquaintances: if you study hard, then you can then get a good job and quickly move up the career ladder.

college student

Decent salary

The standard of living in South Korea is quite high. Here you can really not only work, but also earn. But if you are seriously thinking of moving to Korea for permanent residence, keep in mind:

this country has the shortest holidays in the world. By law, an employee is required to 10 vacation days per year, but in practice people usually take no more than 3 days.

The average South Korean works 2357 hours per year(for comparison: in Denmark, citizens work an average of 1391 hours a year), and he has no more than 15 minutes a week to communicate with children. Koreans have 11 public holidays a year.

Recruitment in South Korea

Journalists from Forbs magazine asked Koreans about their authoritarian corporate culture. They admitted: if you go home at 6 pm, the boss will definitely notice this, which means that you can forget about an increase in salary or a raise for a long time.

And if you “get bold” and at least once take a month's vacation, you can be sure: when you return to work, you will see another person at your desk.

South Korea is a mysterious country. Not as mysterious as its neighbor, North Korea, but still, many moments of life in this country remain a mystery to a European person. Anastasia Lilienthal lived in South Korea for 5 years and shared her experience of living in this country with

How to get to South Korea?

All her life the girl lived in Krasnoyarsk and did not even plan to move somewhere. She studied at the university to be an accountant. At the same time, she was drawn into the Krasnoyarsk anime party.

“I went to cosplay, sing songs, dance, and it all ended with my favorite dance team Tiramisu. I graduated from the university with a red diploma and a presidential scholarship, got a job and worked for a month as an accountant. I quickly realized that such a job was definitely not for me, quit and thought about the future, ”says the girl.

The case helped - she received a letter from a friend of a professor who once taught Korean at a pedagogical university.

- He offered to go to study the language for six months in Korea. I agreed immediately - what did I have to lose? And so we, four Russian girl friends, came to study at the Busan Institute (this is the second largest South Korean city after Seoul). It was fun there, we learned the language, walked a lot, explored the city. I liked Korea so much that I decided to stay here. And she stayed, as you probably already understood, for a long time, - says Nastya.

A little later, she moved to another small town called Chungju. It looks more like a village: in the morning roosters sing, cows moo.

— There I studied language courses for a year in order to enter the master's program at the university. The hardest part was finding the money to pay for tuition. It suddenly turned out that within two days I had to transfer 10 thousand dollars to the university. I didn’t have them at that moment, but a familiar Korean helped me, who, on parole, simply borrowed this crazy amount. Of course, I soon returned everything to him. Here is a good example of mutual assistance in Korean, - says Nastya.

About studying in South Korea

Nastya says that studying is very different from the Russian education system.

- And to be honest, I am very glad that I studied in Russia. In Korea, students choose their own subjects, they have a certain number of hours in their specialty and additional hours. For example, if you have a specialty "programmer", you gain hours for yourself in programming, but you can sign up for Japanese, Chinese, go to "physical training" - tennis or badminton, - says Nastya.

There are no so-called seminars in Korea: after a lecture, you need to deal with the material on your own.

— Exams are usually all written, sometimes there are tests. There are no oral exams. I consider this a huge minus, because when applying for a job in a Korean company, you go through an interview, and many lack these oral communication skills on various complex topics, they often get into a mess, - the girl shares.

They are graded on a 100-point system, but you will never get 100 points. In Korea, there is a principle - a certain number of excellent students per class, for example, 30%. And it doesn’t matter that there are actually more excellent students - there is a percentage, and if you don’t get into it, then that’s it. Interestingly, it is not allowed to express a personal opinion at school, you can only quote someone else's position.

- Since I studied at the magistracy, we, on the contrary, had only “practices” instead of lectures. All classes were, of course, in Korean, no English. We once studied children's literature under the guidance of a rather elderly teacher. I was asked to make a report on the fairy tale about Ivan the Fool, and I wrote my personal opinion - I analyzed his actions, drew conclusions. When I read out the report, the teacher was simply shocked and gave the lowest mark, since I dared to express my opinion, and not what was written in the textbook. In Korea, it’s like that in everything - you don’t have your own opinion, but you should only do as society tells you, ”says Nastya.

About working in South Korea

All the years of her life in the country, the girl worked part-time at the same time. Sometimes in very specific jobs.

- Once I happened to work at the factory of "doshirak" - ready-made meals in packages! It was my first job, and the shifts there lasted 12 hours with a break for lunch. They checked me all the way down to my nails, so that they were trimmed and without manicure. Every half an hour they were forced to wash our hands in bleach (even though we worked with gloves), it was terrible. Everything around seemed to be immured, from head to toe in overalls - boots, a suit, a hat, a mask, only the eyes are visible. And for me, and so the Koreans were all on the same face, so at the factory I generally recognized them only by their voices! Nastya shares.

During her life in South Korea, the girl worked as a barista, waitress, saleswoman.

— Got a job in the billiard room. It wasn't difficult either—wiping tables, serving bowls, counting customers, washing dishes, and vacuuming carpets. But most of all - for 4 years - I worked in a mini-market at the university. I worked the night shift as I studied during the day. I stood behind the cash register, arranged the goods, cleaned up, kept a record of products, - says Nastya.

Now she works where she can. Sometimes even a model.

- The minimum wage in Korea used to be 6,480 won (340 rubles), and in 2018 it was raised to 7,500 won per hour. But many shops cannot afford such a rate, usually pay less. It was the same with me, - says Nastya.

The five biggest differences between Russia and South Korea

First of all, Anastasia was surprised by the food.

- They dress salad with vegetables with yogurt, and fruit salad with mayonnaise :) There are a lot of fresh seafood that were swimming before your eyes five minutes ago, but now they are already moving in your plate. You won't see this in Russia! Cooking at home sometimes turns out to be even more expensive than eating in a diner, because food in Korea is really expensive. And the strangest thing is that their beef is fatter than pork! Because cows in Korea never graze on pastures. They just stand or lie in stalls all day long, that's all, ”says Nastya.

And yes, dogs are also eaten in Korea.

Usually all people know about food in Korea is that it is spicy! And it is true. But living here, you get used to this sharpness. Many people are still surprised how Koreans eat all sorts of obscure larvae such as silkworms and dogs. It's true about dogs too. As far as I know, this has been going on since the time when Korea was occupied by the Japanese. They had nothing to eat, so they got to the dogs. It is also believed that dog meat helps with tuberculosis,” says the girl.

The second difference is respect for age.

- For us, age is just a number in the passport. In Korea, it is one of the most important aspects of life. At the first meeting with a Korean, he may not even ask your name, but he will definitely ask about your age, because the entire communication system is built on it. For example, you meet an interlocutor who is older than you - and you must show very great respect for him. Even if he is only a couple of months older than you! Let me give you an example (it is a bit shocking, but believe me, this is how it all happens!). Let's say two guys (one a little younger than the other) like the same girl. They both know about it and want to confess their feelings to her. So, until the elder proposes to the girl, the younger simply does not have the right to do it first. And it works! Nobody argues with grandparents here either - they are just kings in Korea. You listen and keep quiet.

But Korea is very safe. You can walk at night and not be afraid of anything.

“The crime rate here is very low. Therefore, even at one in the morning I can safely walk around the city, and all these years I have not been afraid to work in a minimarket at night. And here is an example of how the police work here. One evening, a company of Chinese people collected goods for a tidy sum, I calculated them, and after 20 minutes the police arrived. They asked me to show the recording from the cameras. It turned out that one Korean had lost his card, and they had just paid with it in this store. And they show me the time and the amount. Then they see the Chinese on the recording, they immediately punch them through the base and detain them. This is how crimes are revealed here at lightning speed.

Another funny difference is the public restrooms. It turned out that they are everywhere in South Korea.

“This is another indicator of how much the country has done for its people. We can say that compared to Korea, there are simply no public normal toilets in Russia. Here they are everywhere: at every metro stop, in any public place, park, shop, and so on. Wherever you feel like it, you can go to the toilet without fear and doubt. Normal, clean, decent. In Korea, usually everyone brushes their teeth in these toilets after dinner, and Korean women put on make-up in the morning and evening - there are clean and large mirrors there, ”the girl says.

Koreans have a different view of relationships. It is quite difficult for a foreigner to find friends in this country.

- Honestly, I have no real friends among Koreans and cannot be. Because guys see me as a girl, and Korean girls only see me as a rival. And in general, you won’t be able to just talk heart to heart with Koreans. They are very secretive and cunning people. Very closed. Of course, everyone has their own cockroaches, but Koreans, in principle, have a lot of psychological blocks and complexes. They are very dependent on other people's opinions, many have low self-esteem. That is why they have the highest suicide rate in the world,” says Nastya.

It's especially hard to make friends with guys.

- It’s also difficult for me to make friends among Korean guys, because if they have a girlfriend, then he has no right to be friends with me, even to talk. If he didn’t have a girlfriend and we communicated normally, and after he started a relationship, then that’s it, a friend immediately erases mine and, in general, all the girls’ contacts on the phone, can’t call or write to them. This is considered cheating. Korean couples are generally very fond of all sorts of romantic things - paired t-shirts, sneakers, rings. They can spend 24 hours together, as if sticking to each other. If you missed a call or SMS, get ready for a big quarrel. Lovers simply do not have personal space. There is a real romantic cult in Korea! All holidays are made for couples. On Valentine's Day, girls are required to give guys chocolate, and on March 14 (not 8!) It's the other way around - guys bring caramels and lollipops to girls, - the girl shares.

The tragedy of a lifetime for a Korean is to be lonely. That is why everyone is constantly meeting with someone.

- If you do not have a status relationship, you are officially recognized as a loser, you are branded. In Korea, this is very important. And it doesn’t matter if you have a long relationship or you change them like gloves!

About nostalgia for Russia

Nastya admits that, despite 5 years spent in the country, she still feels like a stranger.

“I feel special here. In general, because of the appearance, because white. And it also depends on the generation. The older generation is not very fond of foreigners, and it does not matter if you are American, Russian or from Africa. And young people look at you, many try to speak English or help. In general, Koreans know very little about Russia. Nothing but “Putin, vodka, cold and Russian girls are the most beautiful,” says Nastya.

salaries in south korea

Of course, salaries in South Korea are an order of magnitude higher than in Russia, but the costs are also higher. The average Korean earns 3-5 thousand dollars (170-280 thousand rubles) a month, you can live here with this money. But by Russian standards, these salaries are at the level of 30-40 thousand rubles.

- For something, the prices are lower here, for example, for clothes, unless, of course, it is branded. Housing is expensive in big cities (Seoul, Busan). Transport is also expensive, but you can transfer from one transport to another on one ticket, there are transport cards. Medicine here is very expensive, so Koreans carefully monitor their health, especially their teeth (they clean them after every meal). Entertainment is quite affordable, you can go somewhere to relax - to another city or abroad, - says the girl.

And in South Korea, they practically do not rest. Official vacation - only a week. And they don't have any pension. Therefore, often you can see taxi drivers-grandfathers in their 70s, and this is normal. Many grandmothers work in restaurants and markets. As a result, as Nastya says, the standard of living here is higher than in Russia. But life itself is not here, because the whole life of Koreans is held under the motto "make more money and achieve high status."

Nastya sometimes comes to Russia for a month or two. There are thoughts of returning, but for now she prefers to stay there.

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