Rembrandt interesting facts. Rembrandt - everything you need to know about the famous Dutch artist

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Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669), Dutch painter.

Entering the University of Leiden in 1620, Rembrandt soon left him and began to study painting. In 1625-1631. he worked in his hometown. The main ones in his work early period there were paintings on religious subjects, as well as portraits.

1632 turned out to be a happy year for Rembrandt. He moved to Amsterdam and married a wealthy townswoman Saskia van Uylenburgh, and the canvas “The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulip” brought the young painter universal recognition.

For the master began the most prosperous decade in his life. He had many students (the school of Rembrandt). During this period, he painted such masterpieces as "Self-portrait with Saskia" (1635) and "Danae" (1636).

The extremely cheerful art of Rembrandt of the 30s. combines the experience of Renaissance and Baroque masters and an innovative approach to classical subjects.

The period of success ended abruptly in 1642: the magnificent work "Night Watch" - a group portrait of members of the Shooting Guild of Amsterdam - was rejected by customers who did not appreciate the artist's innovations and subjected him to sharp criticism.

Rembrandt practically stopped receiving orders, almost all the students left him. Saskia died the same year.

From the 40s. Rembrandt abandoned theatrical effects in his work, and the mystical, contemplative beginning intensified in his painting. Often the artist turned to the image of his second wife - Hendrikje Stoffels.

The painting " holy family"(1645), a series of self-portraits, the best landscapes. But failures continued to haunt Rembrandt: in 1656 he was declared bankrupt, the property was sold at auction, and the family moved to a modest house in the Jewish quarter of Amsterdam.

The painting “The Conspiracy of Julius Civilis” (1661) commissioned by the town hall shared the fate of the “Night Watch”. In 1663 the artist buried his wife and son.

Despite the deterioration of vision, Rembrandt continued to paint. A peculiar result of his work was the canvas “Return prodigal son"(1668-1669).

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn was born in the Dutch city of Leiden in 1606 on July 15. Rembrandt's father was a wealthy miller, his mother baked well, was the daughter of a baker. The surname "van Rijn" literally means "from the Rhine", that is, from the Rhine River, where Rembrandt's great-grandfathers had mills. Of the 10 children in the family, Rembrandt was the youngest. Other children followed in the footsteps of their parents, and Rembrandt chose a different path - an artistic one, and was educated at a Latin school.

At the age of 13, Rembrandt began to learn to draw, and also entered the city university. Age then did not bother anyone, the main thing at that time was knowledge at the level. Many scholars suggest that Rembrandt went to university not to study, but to get a deferment from the army.

Rembrandt's first teacher was Jacob van Swanenbürch.. In his workshop future artist spent about three years, then moved to Amsterdam to study with Peter Lastman. From 1625 to 1626 Rembrandt returned to his hometown, and made acquaintances with artists and some of Lastman's students.

Nevertheless, after much deliberation, Rembrandt decided that an artist's career should be done in the capital of Holland, and again moved to Amsterdam.

In 1634 Rembrandt married Saskia. By the time of the marriage, everyone had a good fortune (Rembrandt had paintings, and Saskia's parents left an impressive legacy). So it wasn't an arranged marriage. They truly loved each other passionately.

In 1635 - 1640s. wife bore Rembrandt three children, but they all died as newborns. In 1641, Saskia gave birth to a son, who was named Titus. The child survived, but, unfortunately, the mother herself died at the age of 29.

After the death of his wife, Rembrandt was not himself, he did not know what to do, and found solace in drawing. It was in the year when his wife died that he completed the painting "Night Watch". With Titus, the young father could not cope and therefore hired a nanny for the child - Gertje Dirks, who became his mistress. About 2 years have passed, and the nanny in the house has changed. She became a young girl Hendrikje Stoffels. What happened to Gertier Dirks? She sued Rembrandt, believing that he violated the marriage contract, but she lost the argument, and was sent to a correctional home, where she spent 5 years. Released, she died a year later.

The new nanny Hendrikje Stoffels bore Rembrandt two children. Their first child, a boy, died in infancy, and their daughter Karnelia, the only one who outlived her father.

Few people know that Rembrandt had a very peculiar collection which included pictures Italian artists, different drawings, engravings, various busts and even weapons.

Sunset of Rembrandt's life

Things were going badly for Rembrandt. There was not enough money, the number of orders decreased. Therefore, the artist sold part of his collection, but this did not save him either. He was on the verge of going to prison, but the court was in his favor, so he was allowed to sell all his property and pay off his debts. He even lived for some time in a house that no longer belonged to him.

Meanwhile, Titus and his mother organized a firm that traded in art objects in order to somehow help Rembrandt. In truth, until the end of his life, the artist never paid off many, but this did not spoil Rembrandt's reputation, he remained a worthy person in the eyes of people.

Rembrandt's death was very sad. In 1663, the artist's beloved, Hendrikje, died. Some time later, Rembrandt buried his son Titus and his bride. In 1669, on October 4, he himself left this world, but forever left a mark in the hearts of people who love him.

Harmensz van Rijn Rembrandt created many masterpiece paintings, one of them is The Night Watch. Now this famous painting is kept in Amsterdam. Only a few people know that this picture has a completely different name: "Speech of the rifle company of Captain Frans Banning Cock and Lieutenant Willem van Ruytenbürg." The painting was painted in 1642. It was commissioned to Rembrandt by a detachment of the civilian militia of the Netherlands, who wanted to hang the painting in the main hall of the Shooting Society. Eighteen people acted as customers. The amount of the fee was divided between them. As a rule, when writing ceremonial portraits, only customers were depicted on them. When writing a picture, Rembrandt departed from the recognized canons several times. For example, instead of the prescribed eighteen people, he depicted thirty-four. The resulting picture did not suit the customers. After all, many were in the background, and some were generally impossible to recognize. For this reason, they did not want to give the money due to the artist for a long time, but, in the end, he was paid 1600 florins. True, the picture was never hung in the front hall of the new building, but was assigned to another place. The painting had to be cut to fit in another room. Parts of the picture were cut off from above and to the left, where two more arrows were depicted.

Rembrandt's style of painting is characterized by the play of light and shadow. This composition is also built on contrasts. From the dark courtyard, the soldiers of the rifle company of Captain Frans Banning Cock were to go out under flying flags into the square, bathed in the sun. However, when the painting was discovered in the nineteenth century, it was in very poor condition. It was covered with a thick layer of old varnish and soot, which appeared after the picture hung in various rooms of the Shooting Society. As a result, the researchers decided that the action of this picture takes place at night, and gave the canvas the name "Night Watch". The restoration of the painting was carried out in 1947, and then the error was discovered. But this work Rembrandt has already entered art under a new name, so now the canvas is known under two names.

Rembrandt violates the canons of painting once again when he creates a canvas saturated with movement from a static front portrait. In the picture, everything is in motion: Captain Frans Banning Cock gives the order to the lieutenant and accompanies him with a wave of his hand; the ensign begins to unfold the marching banner; the drummer knocks out a fraction, for which the dog begins to pounce on him, a little boy runs away. The people in the background are also in motion.

The picture contains many mysteries over which researchers are still puzzled. Rembrandt depicted an extra 16 people, but who some of them remain a mystery. There are two bright spots on the canvas: the figure of Lieutenant Willem van Ruytenbürg and a girl in a golden dress. Many researchers suggest that she is the mascot of the detachment, because her figure is surrounded by numerous signs of musketeers. The musketeer next to her has oak leaves on his helmet. The girl herself has a pistol and a chicken attached to her belt (although earlier the paws of birds of prey, such as hawks or falcons, were the emblem of the shooters - another mystery!). In her left hand she holds a wine horn. Another mystery: Captain Frans Banning Cock makes a wave of his left hand without a glove, while he holds the removed glove in right hand. The question arises only when, upon closer examination, it turns out that the glove in the hand is right ...

When the researchers took an x-ray, it turned out that the figure of Lieutenant Willem van Reutenburg was remade most of all on the canvas. Rembrandt could not choose the direction in which the lieutenant's halberd would point.

Above the figures of the captain and lieutenant, Jan Okkersen is depicted in a top hat. Many researchers agree that Rembrandt painted himself behind his right shoulder.

The canvas makes a different impression on all people. But, nevertheless, this work of Rembrandt was tried to be destroyed three times already. A piece of hosta was cut out of it, more than ten stabs were inflicted, and even doused with sulfuric acid. Now the canvas "Night Watch" can be seen by everyone in the State Museum in Amsterdam. Art connoisseurs who want to see the painting in its original form can visit the London National Gallery, which houses a copy of the canvas made by Gerrit Lundens in the seventeenth century.

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn is a world famous painter and engraver. Rembrandt's biography is very interesting, so it is not surprising that a huge number of art studies and scientific monographs are devoted to the study of his life and work.

early years

The artist Rembrandt, whose biography is discussed in this article, was born in the family of the miller Harmen Gerrits in 1606. His mother's name was Neltje Willemsdochter van Rijn.

Due to the fact that his father was doing well at that time, the future painter received a fairly good education. He was assigned to a Latin school, but the young man did not like to study there, so his success left much to be desired. As a result, the father gave in to his son's requests and allowed him to go to study at the art workshop of Jacob van Swanenbürch.

Rembrandt's biography is interesting in that his first mentor did not have a strong influence on art style painter. The greatest influence on the novice artist was his second teacher, to whom he moved after three years of work at Swanenbürch. They became Peter Lastman, the student to whom Rembrandt decided when he moved to live in Amsterdam.

Creativity and biography of the artist

short biography Rembrandt van Rijn does not allow me to detail his entire creative way and life, but the main points are still quite possible to make out.

In 1623, the artist returned home to the city of Leiden, where by 1628 he had acquired his own students. Information about his very first known works dates back to 1627.

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn systematically and diligently walked towards his creative success - the biography of a talented painter indicates that on early stages his work, he worked tirelessly.

At that time, he painted mainly his relatives and friends, as well as scenes from the life of hometown. The Kassel Gallery holds a portrait of a man with a double gold chain around his neck, dating back to this period in the life of the artist, known to the whole world as Rembrandt. The biography and work of this painter even then began to attract attention.

Moving to Amsterdam

In 1631, the young man moved to live in the capital - the city of Amsterdam. From now on, he appears extremely rarely in his native lands. Biography of Rembrandt at this stage of his life and work is replete with evidence that he quickly gained fame and creative success in wealthy circles in Amsterdam.

This is a very fruitful stage in the artist's life. Rembrandt, whose brief biography is set out in our article, worked very hard, fulfilling many orders and at the same time not forgetting to constantly improve. The artist drew from nature and engraved interesting characters, which came across to him in the Jewish quarter of the city.

Then such famous paintings as "Anatomy Lesson" (1632), "Portrait of Coppenol" (1631) and many others were painted.

Creative and financial success

In 1634, Rembrandt married Saskia van Uhlenborch, who was the daughter of a successful lawyer. In many ways, this marked the most successful time in the life and work of the artist. He has enough money and many orders, which he willingly fulfills.

Rembrandt's biography of that period indicates that he was very fond of painting his wife, and not only in portraits, but often her image can also be seen in other paintings of the painter.

Most famous paintings, which depict the young wife of the artist are:

  • "Portrait of the bride by Rembrandt";
  • "Portrait of Saskia";
  • "Rembrandt with his wife".

Rembrandt: a short biography after the death of his first wife

Happy marriage young man didn't last very long. Seven years later life together Saskia died suddenly in 1642. And from that moment on, the whole life of the artist begins to change for the worse.

Despite the fact that Rembrandt married a second time, he no longer had the same happiness as in his first marriage. His life partner was his former maid Gendrikie Jagers.

During that life period, the artist experiences severe financial difficulties, and not because of the lack of work and orders, but because of his own predilection for collecting works of art, on which he spent most their income.

His passion for collecting led to the fact that in 1656 he was declared a debtor who was unable to pay off his debts, and in 1658 he had to give up his own house in payment of debts. From that moment the artist lived in a hotel.


Hendrikie and Rembrandt's son Tityus founded a trading company for the sale of works of art. However, things were still not going very well, and after the death of Gendrikie in 1661, the situation became even worse. Seven years later, the son who ran the company’s business also dies.

The financial situation of the great artist becomes simply terrible, but poverty did not kill the desire to create in him. He continues to stubbornly paint pictures, which, however, no longer enjoy the same success with his contemporaries as before, because the tastes of the public have changed over the years.

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn died in October 1669, all alone and in extreme poverty.

Rembrandt: biography, paintings

Unlike the contemporaries of the great painter, next generations appreciated not only early work artist, but more later works and paintings by Rembrandt. Today the master is the personification Dutch painting and one of its brightest representatives.

The main leitmotif of all his work can be called realism, which permeates all the works of the author. Even portraying mythological subjects, Rembrandt demonstrates ancient greek gods and goddesses in the guise of the contemporary inhabitants of Holland. A striking example of this is the painting "Danae", which is kept in the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg.

Some mythological paintings generally have a semi-cartoon depiction of gods and goddesses. This can be traced in the work "The Abduction of Ganymede" (the second name is "Ganymede in the claws of an eagle"), stored in the Dresden Museum. Here, the proportions of Ganymede's body do not correspond to reality, which does not indicate a low level of skill of the performer of the picture, but about his purposeful caricature approach to depicting the character on the canvas, since in many paintings Rembrandt easily performs even complex elements depicting parts of human physiology and anatomy.

The portrait works of the artist are generally distinguished by realism and plausibility unprecedented for his time, which speaks of the incredible talent of the master and the ability to transfer what he saw in life to the canvas, as well as his rather deep knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.

For this kind of work, the artist treats various trifles and small accessories very carefully and accurately. This is clearly seen in the pictures:

  • "Calligraph" (State Hermitage Museum);
  • "Anatomy Lesson" (Mauritshuis);
  • "Guild of Weavers" (Museum Amsterdam).

creative style

Rembrandt's work is characterized by the fact that all important elements paintings are always brought to the fore by the artist, regardless of compositional features. The artist does not always strive to show that the people or objects depicted are correct from the point of view of reality. It is characterized by deliberate exaggeration.

The main feature that has passed through all his works is the lack of bright colors and colorfulness. And this is evident from the very early works artist. And this makes them very different from the paintings. Italian masters or, for example, from the work of the Flemish painter Rubens.

Rembrandt placed the greatest emphasis on the play of colors with light and shadow. In this, his skill is considered recognized and unsurpassed to this day. Sometimes the chiaroscuro play of colors on the artist's canvases is so strong that art experts are still arguing what time of day is depicted in the picture.

One of brightest examples Rembrandt's paintings with such a magnificent palette is perhaps his most famous painting "The Night Watch", disputes about which do not stop today.

"The night Watch"

This picture is official name"Speech by the rifle company of Captain Frans Banning Cock and Lieutenant Willem van Ruytenbürg", but all over the world it is commonly called simply "Night Watch".

However, due to the artist’s love for the light-shadow play of colors described above, disputes about what time of day is depicted in the picture, day or night, are still ongoing and there is no definite answer.

This canvas is a symbol and the most bright work not only Rembrandt himself, but the entire Dutch school of painting. It is considered the property of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and world art in general.

Millions of tourists from all over the world come to Amsterdam every year to visit State Museum(Rijksmuseum) and admire famous painting. Everyone sees something of their own in it, everyone has their own impression and opinion about this canvas. But the fact that this magnificent work of the famous creator does not leave absolutely no one indifferent always remains unchanged.


Today, the painter and engraver Rembrandt, whose brief biography and work were described in this article, is the pride of not only home country. He is known all over the world, and his paintings are admired by connoisseurs of art and painting all over the planet. The artist's paintings are willingly bought for fabulous money at auctions where paintings and works of art are sold, and the name of Rembrandt is well known to any person who has even the slightest idea about art.

It is difficult to overestimate the creative contribution of this great artist to the art and culture of his country and the whole world. No wonder today dutch school painting is primarily associated with the name of Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn.

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