Consider a reproduction of a painting from the State Russian Museum. Collections of the Russian Museum

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“The Last Day of Pompeii”, Karl Bryullov

“The Last Day of Pompeii” by Karl Bryullov is the most famous painting in the world on the theme of the eruption of Vesuvius.

After presenting the painting in Milan in 1833, Bryullov became in Italy the object of fanatical worship, which no artist had received in this country since the Renaissance. When he walked down the street, passers-by took off their hats in front of him; when he entered the theater, the audience stood up. Crowds of people gathered near his house, wanting to greet their idol.

It is interesting that Bryullov portrayed himself in one of the characters in the painting, and his friend Countess Yulia Samoilova appears on the canvas three times.

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“The Ninth Wave”, I.K. Aivazovsky

The real name of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky is Hovhannes Gevorgovich Ayvazyan.

To create the painting “The Ninth Wave” Aivazovsky used only 4 colors - red, yellow, green and brown. The richest color effects of the canvas are created by mixing primary colors.

Aivazovsky had absolute visual memory and created most of his paintings without life, using only conventional sketches. He worked so quickly that he could paint a medium-sized seascape in 2 hours. During his life, the artist painted more than 6 thousand paintings.

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“The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan”, I. E. Repin

Few people know that the painting “Cossacks writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan” is not alone. There are three versions that differ slightly in composition and characters. The 1887 version is exhibited in Tretyakov Gallery, 1891 version (basic) in the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. The third, which the artist called “the most historically accurate,” is located in the homeland of I.E. Repin, in the Kharkov Art Museum.

As models for the six characters of “Cossacks,” Repin used his acquaintances and friends who fit the type. In particular, the portly Cossack in a white hat, whom many compare to Taras Bulba, is Vladimir Gilyarovsky (“Uncle Gilyai”), the famous traveler and writer.

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“Sadko”, I. E. Repin

“Sadko” is Repin’s only painting based on a fairy-tale plot, and one of the few in which he used the impressionist technique. The artist became acquainted with impressionism in France, where he traveled as a pensioner of the Academy of Arts. Repin even painted several paintings using his techniques (“Sadko”, “The Last Ray”, etc.), but the result did not satisfy the novice master. And although he was predicted to have enormous success in Impressionist circles, he decisively abandoned the style, which he considered “interesting from a technical point of view, but decidedly empty in meaning.”

The model for creating the image of Sadko was I. E. Repin’s friend, artist V. M. Vasnetsov (author of “Bogatyrs”, “Alyonushka”, etc.)

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“The Knight at the Crossroads”, V.M. Vasnetsov

Three paintings “The Knight at the Crossroads” were painted. In the first two versions, the hero is positioned facing the audience. The 1878 version is kept in the Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum. The 1879 version was exhibited at the first exhibition of the Union of Russian Artists in 1903–1904. and was acquired by an American collector. 110 years later, in 2013, the painting returned to Russia and was presented in Moscow at the “Russia: Temptation by History” vernissage. The 1882 version, in which the knight's back is turned to the audience, can be seen in the State Russian Museum.

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« Moonlight night on the Dnieper", A. I. Kuindzhi

In 1880, an exhibition was held in St. Petersburg, at which a single painting was exhibited. Nevertheless, it created a sensation; queues lined up for the exhibition, and many visitors came to look at the painting more than once. It was “Moonlit Night on the Dnieper” by Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi. The unusual lunar lighting presented on the canvas was emphasized by the fact that the painting was exhibited in a dark room. Many visitors did not believe that it was possible to paint the light of the moon so realistically, and looked behind the frame in search of a hidden light bulb.

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“Suvorov’s Crossing of the Alps”, V. I. Surikov

Having conceived the painting “Suvorov’s Crossing of the Alps,” V.I. Surikov went to Switzerland and visited all the passes where the army of the famous generalissimo passed in 1799. He not only wrote landscape sketches in these places for future painting, but he also rolled down the snow and ice, determining the speed of the characters at different stages of the descent.

The painting was painted and exhibited in 1899 - on the 100th anniversary of the unprecedented military feat of A. Suvorov.

Famous directors Andrei Konchalovsky and Nikita Mikhalkov are direct descendants of V.I. Surikov.

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Painting second half of the 19th century century - early 21st century

Among paintings, transferred to the Russian Museum at the time of its foundation, a noticeable and artistically significant part consisted of works by leading masters of the second half of the 19th century. (I.K. Aivazovsky, V.M. Vasnetsov, K.E. Makovsky, I.E. Repin, V.D. Polenov, V.I. Surikov). Despite the fact that the selection of paintings for the museum in the first two decades of its existence was somewhat limited by the conservative tastes of the Council of the Academy of Arts, the range of paintings represented in the collection was constantly expanding. This is a huge merit of the museum staff, such as Albert Benoit and Alexander Benois, I.E.Grabar, P.I.Neradovsky and others. Important steps were taken to complete the collection of paintings by contemporary artists. Individual paintings and entire groups of works came from the exhibitions of I.I. Levitan (in 1901 - posthumous), V.V. Vereshchagin (in 1905 - posthumous), Ya.F. Tsionglinsky (in 1914 - posthumous) , Mobile Associations art exhibitions(S.Yu. Zhukovsky, N.A. Kasatkin, I.I. Levitan, V.E. Makovsky), New Society of Artists (B.M. Kustodiev, N.M. Fokina), from the authors (A.Ya. Golovin, V.A. Serov, M.V. Nesterov), from random owners (“Meal” by V.G. Perov, “Portrait of O.K. Orlova” by V.A. Serov, etc.).

A notable contribution to the collection of paintings were the sketches of M.A. Vrubel and paintings by K.A. Somov from the extensive collection of V.N. Argutinsky-Dolgorukov, which were transferred to the museum in 1918. Soon the museum received N.I.’s collection for storage. and E.M. Tereshchenko, consisting mainly of works by artists late XIX- beginning of the 20th century (including “The Hero” and “The Six-Winged Seraph” by M.A. Vrubel), the collection of A.A. Korovin, which included paintings by V.A. Serov, F.A. Malyavin, M.V. Nesterov, K. A. Korovin, as well as representatives of the artistic associations “World of Art”, “Blue Rose” and “Jack of Diamonds”.

Replenishment of the collection of paintings of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. did not stop in the 1930s. At this time, from the Museum of the Revolution, among other works, “The Ceremonial Meeting of the State Council” by I.E. Repin was transferred. From the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum received paintings by masters poorly represented in the latter’s collection (“Guitar Player” and “Portrait of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev” by V.G. Perov, “Self-Portrait” by N.V. Nevrev, “Student Student” by N.A. .Yaroshenko, “Flying Demon” by M.A. Vrubel and “Baba” by F.A. Malyavin).

Over the past twenty years, the museum has received about two hundred works of painting from the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Most of of these works was donated in 1998 by the brothers I.A. and Y.A.Rzhevsky. An extensive collection of paintings by Russian artists, including paintings by I.K. Aivazovsky, I.I. Shishkin, N.N. Dubovsky, B.N. Kustodiev, K.Ya. Kryzhitsky and many other masters, is now on permanent display in the museum in the Marble building palace It is also necessary to note several sketches and paintings by domestic artists of the late 19th - 20th centuries. (S.Yu. Zhukovsky, E.I. Stolitsa, A.B. Lakhovsky and others), donated in 2009 from N.P. Ivashkevich. A notable acquisition in recent years has been I.E. Repin’s painting “Portrait of a Military Man,” which previously belonged to one of the North American companies.

In 1926, in addition to Art department The Russian Museum has created a Department of Contemporary Trends. Its funds began to be purposefully replenished with works of avant-garde artistic directions and creative associations of the first quarter of the twentieth century, including the works of N.S. Goncharova, V.V. Kandinsky, P.P. Konchalovsky, P.V. Kuznetsov, M.F. Larionov, A.V. Lentulov, K S. Malevich, L. S. Popova, V. E. Tatlin, R. R. Falk, P. N. Filonov, M. Z. Chagal and many others.

By 1927, the exhibition of the Russian Museum consistently presented numerous new trends from post-impressionism to non-objective art. The Department of the Newest Trends existed for only three years, but it essentially marked the beginning of the Department of Soviet Painting of the State Russian Museum (1932-1991), which at the moment (as part of the Department of Painting of the 2nd half of the 19th-21st centuries) has constantly replenished funds . These funds, exceeding 6,000 storage units, cover almost all areas, schools, trends, main types and genres of development of Russian art of the 20th - early 21st centuries.

The Russian Museum has one of the largest collections of works of the early Russian avant-garde and its leading masters. The collection of paintings presents the main innovative movements of the mid-1910s: abstractionism (V.V. Kandinsky) and its purely Russian branch - Rayonism (M.F. Larionov, N.S. Goncharova), neo-primitivism (M.F. Larionov , N.S. Goncharova, A.V. Shevchenko, K.S. Malevich), cubo-futurism (D.D. Burlyuk, K.S. Malevich, I.A. Puni, L.S. Popova, N.A. Udaltsova, A.A. Exter and others), Suprematism (K.S. Malevich, I.A. Puni, O.V. Rozanova, I.V. Klyun), constructivism (V.E. Tatlin, A.M. .Rodchenko, A.A.Exter, L.V.Popova), analytical art (P.N. Filonov). Unique in their completeness are the collections of works by masters who created innovative art systems(K.S. Malevich, P.N. Filonov, K.S. Petrov-Vodkin), as well as individual major painters, including those whose creative path began already in Soviet times (S.V. Gerasimov, P. P. Konchalovsky, P. V. Kuznetsov, B. M. Kustodiev, V. V. Lebedev, A. A. Rylov, A. V. Shevchenko, N. M. Romadin). The museum's collection also includes works by artists representing significant schools that existed during Soviet times (for example, the Leningrad school of landscape painting of the 1930s - 1950s).

Socialist realist art showing high artistic merit, plot clarity, programmatic inclination to “grand style”, reflected in the paintings of A.A. Deineka, A.N. Samokhvalov, A.A. Plastov, Yu.I. Pimenov and many others Soviet artists who continued to work during the Great Patriotic War, and in the second half of the twentieth century. To the gold fund Soviet art Also included in the collection of the Russian Museum are works by representatives of the “severe style” and areas of search related to it soviet painting 1960s-1970s The museum's collection contains works by such masters of post-war art as N.I. Andronov, V.V. Vatenin, D.D. Zhilinsky, V.I. Ivanov, G.M. Korzhev, E.E. Moiseenko, P.F. .Nikonov, P.P.Ossovsky, V.E.Popkov, V.M.Sidorov, V.F.Stozharov, brothers A.P. and S.P. Tkachevs, B.S. Ugarov, P.T. Fomin and others, created in a wide genre range - from historical painting to still life.

Took place in the 1970s–1980s. actualization of previously rejected artistic experience gave birth in the depths official art a galaxy of masters who worked in line with the “picture of ideas” associated with a metaphorical, multifaceted understanding of the surrounding world and human life(O.V. Bulgakova, T.G. Nazarenko, N.I. Nesterova, I.V. Pravdin, A.A. Sundukov, etc.). During the period of “perestroika” (1985-1991), the collection of the Russian Museum was replenished with a number of names of artists working within the underground. Nowadays the collection modern painting- a very mobile and fast-growing part of the funds of the 20th - early 21st centuries, but the comprehensive formation of the entire pictorial collection continues.

Yaroshenko N.A. Portrait of the artist Nikolai Ge.

1890. Oil on canvas.

Roerich N.K. Overseas guests.

1902. Oil on cardboard.

From the very moment of its creation, the Russian Museum was considered primarily as a collection of Russian painting. Nowadays his collection includes about 15 thousand works by painters of the 18th-20th centuries. By the time the museum opened, its collection numbered about four hundred paintings. The core of the collection consisted of receipts from three main sources - the Hermitage, the Academy of Arts and the imperial palaces - the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg and suburban ones.

Media library

Virtual tour created on the basis of a temporary exhibition held at the Russian Museum from December 22, 2016 to March 20, 2017. The exhibition includes paintings and graphic works by the master from the collection of the Russian Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Peterhof Museum-Reserve, the Feodosia art gallery them. I.K. Aivazovsky, as well as from other museums in Russia.

Year of creation: 2017 | Interactive program | Russian language

The virtual tour was created on the basis of a temporary exhibition held at the Russian Museum from December 2, 2016 to March 13, 2017 as part of the “Theater” project Russian history. House of Romanov - facts, legends and myths. The saga of a dynasty."

The program allows you to take a virtual tour through the exhibition halls, accompanied by audio guides, to examine in detail and obtain additional information about each of the exhibits. As part of the tour, two films are shown: “Groot - Elizaveta Petrovna’s Hofmaler” and “The Art of Elizabethan Time”.

Year of creation: 2016 | Interactive program | Russian language

An interactive program based on the painting by Vasily Istomin allows you to get to know the ceremony participants in more detail. Among them, in addition to members of the imperial family, were Chancellor Count A.A. Bezborodko, leader of the district nobility P.V. Rimsky-Korsakov (grandfather of the composer N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov), military leader A.A. Arakcheev, the customer of the painting, Archimandrite Gerasim, and many others, the artist also depicted at least 80 Tikhvin residents. The program consists of five sections and allows you to view the image in high resolution, and also see the author's animation.

Year of creation: 2016 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 33:11

The film was created on the basis of a number of artifacts of the 18th century and a painting by V. Istomin from the collection of the Russian Museum “The Transfer of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God from the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary to the Assumption Cathedral in Tikhvin on June 9, 1798,” 1801.

Year of creation: 2016 | Multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 12:48

The film tells about the work of I.K. Aivazovsky, famous painter, artist of the Main Naval Staff. His pictures of the stormy sea, naval battles The Ecumenical Flood is widely known, but have we ever thought about the means by which the master conveys the element of water?

Year of creation: 2016 | Multimedia film | in two parts | Language: Russian | Duration: 21:12; 12:08

The film, in two parts, is dedicated to the main court artist of the Elizabethan era, G.H. Groot, and the art of the Elizabethan era.

Year of creation: 2016 | Interactive program | Virtual tour of the exhibition | Language: Russian, English

Virtual tour based on a temporary exhibition "Peter I. Time and environment", held at the Russian Museum from December 17, 2015 to April 3, 2016.

Year of creation: 2016 | Multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 15:09

The film is dedicated to the life and work of an outstanding master of landscape painting, who, after brilliantly graduating from the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, received the right to a long trip to Italy to improve his skills, where he remained until the end of his life.

Year of creation: 2015 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program is dedicated to the event captured on canvas by the artist M.-F. Kvadalem, - the coronation of Paul I and Maria Feodorovna in 1797. Ceremony took place within the walls of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Year of creation: 2015 | Multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 16:24

The film is dedicated to two famous works from the collection of the Russian Museum, paintings by B.M. Kustodiev “Celebration in honor of the 2nd Congress of the Comintern on July 19, 1920. Demonstration on Uritsky Square (1921) and V.V. Kuptsov’s ANT-20 “Maxim Gorky” (1934).

Year of creation: 2015 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 08:25

The film tells the story of one of the discoveries of restorers, which can be called truly sensational. Since the first years of its existence, the Russian Museum has kept “Portrait young man in a green caftan." The assumption that its author could be the outstanding master of the early 18th century, the “Hoff-Mahler” of Peter the Great, Ivan Nikitin, has now received undoubted documentary confirmation.

Year of creation: 2015 | Computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 04:38

The film tells the story of Karl Steuben's painting, dedicated to a dramatic episode in the life of the young Tsarevich Pyotr Alekseevich. It captures the moment of the Streltsy revolt, provoked by the de facto ruler of the Russian state, Princess Sophia, when 10-year-old Peter was in mortal danger.

Year of creation: 2015 | Computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 04:30

Film dedicated to little-known picture artist Adolphe Charlemagne, reveals one of the ominous pages of the era of the beginning of Peter's reign. Its plot was a conspiracy against the tsar, which matured among high-ranking boyars and streltsy commanders. At the head of the conspiracy was Colonel of the Streltsy army Ivan Eliseevich Tsykler, under whose name the conspiracy went down in history.

Year of creation: 2015 | Computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 05:30

The film tells about one of the lifetime portraits Peter I, which was executed by his court painter, a Saxon by birth, I.G. Tannauer. The Emperor is depicted on the battlefield at the moment of victory over the army of King Charles XII and the troops of his ally Hetman Mazepa.

Year of creation: 2015 | Multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 05:20

The painting “The Capture of Azov” (1702) is an example of the reflection of the real time in Russian art of Peter the Great historical event. Then, as a result of the Azov campaigns of Tsar Peter Alekseevich Ottoman Empire suffered its first major defeat, and Russia gained a foothold at the mouth of the Don and gained access to the southern seas.

Year of creation: 2015 | Multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 05:50

In the film, created according to the script of the director of the Russian Museum V.A. Gusev, tells about the work of the European famous artist of the second half of the XVIII and the beginning of the 19th century M.-F. Kvadal, who depicted the coronation of Paul I and his wife Maria Feodorovna, which took place on April 5, 1897 in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Year of creation: 2015 | Multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 03:10

A film about the famous painting by N.N. Ge reveals the circumstances of the tragic confrontation between Peter I and Tsarevich Alexei (1690-1718), Peter's eldest son from his first wife Evdokia Lopukhina.

Year of creation: 2015 | Computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 06:00

Among the many, often shocking reforms of Peter the Great, one of the most famous innovations was the holding of unprecedented public meetings - assemblies.

Year of creation: 2015 | Multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 03:34

In 1846, the painter of the Main naval headquarters I.K. Aivazovsky created a number of battle works, dedicated to events Northern War with the Swedes: naval battles of Reval, Vyborg, Krasnaya Gorka, which played the role of a temporary shelter for Peter the Great's fleet during the capture of Vyborg in 1710.

Year of creation: 2014 | Russian language

The disk contains multimedia resources of participants in the “Sports in Russian Fine Arts” competition, which was held in 2013 among visitors and managers of the information and educational centers “Russian Museum: Virtual Branch” and was timed to coincide with the 2014 Sochi Olympics. Multimedia interactive programs, films and presentations were created by schoolchildren, students and employees of virtual branches of the Russian Museum from Barnaul, Vsevolozhsk, Yekaterinburg, Kohtla-Jarve (Estonia), Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Tagil, Petrozavodsk, Tambov, Tver, Orsha (Belarus), St. Petersburg, Sosnovy Bor and Syktyvkar.

Year of creation: 2014 | Interactive program | Language: Russian, English, Italian

The multimedia program brings together about 500 works by Russian artists who worked in Italy and Italian masters who left their mark on Russian art, including making a significant contribution to the architectural appearance of the palaces of the Russian Museum.

Year of creation: 2014 | Video presentation | Russian language

The collection of the Russian Museum makes it possible again and again to closely examine the aesthetics of the environment that formed the artist Nicholas Roerich, philosopher and writer. The video presentation presents exhibits from the collection created by the once St. Petersburg art association “World of Art” and artists close to this circle.

Year of creation: 2014 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program brought together about 1,000 works of painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied and monumental art, as well as caricatures from the collection of the Russian Museum and the collections of 60 art museums in Russia.

Year of creation: 2014 | Multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 05:40

The film, created according to the script of the director of the Russian Museum V.A. Gusev, based on high-precision shooting of the painting by G.G. Chernetsov’s “Parade and prayer service on the occasion of the end of hostilities in the Kingdom of Poland on October 6, 1831 on Tsaritsyn Meadow in St. Petersburg” significantly expands the understanding of the Nicholas era and introduces the characters of a unique group portrait.

Year of creation: 2014 | Multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 09:40

The film is about significant event in the life of the imperial family and all royal dynasty. When baptized from the Lutheran faith into Orthodoxy, Louise Maria Augusta, daughter of the Margrave of Baden Karl Ludwig, the bride of Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich, was named Elizaveta Alekseevna in 1793.

Year of creation: 2014 | Computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 14:50

The film is dedicated to an important event in the history of Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church- on June 9, 1798, the transfer of a particularly revered relic - the miraculous icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God from the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary of the Tikhvin Monastery to the Assumption Cathedral in Tikhvin after the completion of its repairs and renovation of the paintings. The painting by artist Vasily Istomin, executed in 1801, captured this solemn event, described in detail in the St. Petersburg Gazette.

Year of creation: 2014 | Computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 08:54

The film contains detailed story about the portrait of Paul I in the vestments of the Grand Master of the Order of Malta that came to the Russian Museum in 1897 from the Romanov Gallery of the Winter Palace.

Year of creation: 2013 | Russian language

The disk contains multimedia resources of participants in the competition of the same name, which was held in 2012 by the Russian Museum among visitors and heads of virtual branches of the Russian Museum. Multimedia interactive programs, films and presentations were created by schoolchildren, students and employees of virtual branches of the Russian Museum from Vsevolozhsk, Gomel, Gorno-Altaisk, Yekaterinburg, Kirishi, Kostroma, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Tagil, Tambov, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Sosnovy Bor and Kharkov.

Year of creation: 2013 | Multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 15:40

The multimedia film is dedicated to the most famous painting by Grigory Chernetsov “Parade to mark the end of hostilities in the Kingdom of Poland on October 6, 1831 on Tsaritsyn Meadow in St. Petersburg” (1837).

Year of creation: 2013 | Interactive program | Russian language

The interactive program is dedicated to the most famous painting by Grigory Chernetsov “Parade to mark the end of hostilities in the Kingdom of Poland on October 6, 1831 on Tsaritsyn Meadow in St. Petersburg” (1837).

Year of creation: 2012 | Russian language

The disk contains multimedia resources of participants in the competition “Italy in Russian Fine Arts”, which was held in 2011 by the Russian Museum among visitors and heads of virtual branches of the Russian Museum. Multimedia interactive programs, films and presentations were created by schoolchildren, students and employees of virtual branches of the Russian Museum from Barnaul, Vsevolozhsk, Gomel, Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Nizhny Tagil, Petrozavodsk, St. Petersburg, Tver and Tula. They use works from the Russian Museum and regional collections, which reflect the theme of Russian-Italian cultural heritage.

Year of creation: 2012 | Gaming computer program | 6+ | Russian language

The “Fireflies” program is the next, third in the series of children’s games “Peers” (the first was released in 2009). The game is intended for children 6-9 years old, as well as their parents, teachers and everyone who loves the Russian Museum and Russian art. The game is dedicated to issues of light (illumination) in painting.

The film was shot at the exhibition of the Russian Museum “Clio’s Chosen. Heroes and villains of Russian history." The leitmotif of the story by the director of the Russian Museum V.A. Guseva became reform activities Emperor Alexander II, which overnight changed the lives of hundreds of people and, of course, was reflected in Russian painting.

Year of creation: 2011 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:49

Russian everyday painting amazes with its breadth, with which it covers the most significant aspects of the then reality. One of the first places in it is occupied by the Russian village. The everyday genre shows the viewer not only hardships peasant life, but also the charm of everyday life. In the film V.A. Gusev, we will talk about paintings by such artists as A.G. Venetsianov, G.V. Soroka, K.E. Makovsky, A.P. Ryabushkin and others.

Year of creation: 2011 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:53

Author's program of Vladimir Gusev. Peter I was the first Russian ruler who systematically built a myth about himself and the period of his reign. The image of Peter has always been romanticized. As A.S. will write later. Pushkin: “Now an academician, now a hero, now a navigator, now a carpenter.” The Russian Museum has a large collection of works dedicated to the image of the great emperor. The program includes a unique picturesque life of Peter I.

Year of creation: 2011 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 26:00

This film based on the paintings presented at the exhibition “Clio’s Chosen. Heroes and villains of Russian history." Director of the Russian Museum V.A. Gusev tells viewers about those works, stories and people that are associated with the main events in the history of the formation of Russian statehood.

Audiovisual lectures by senior researcher of the Russian Museum, Honored Worker of Culture Regina Abramovna Gelman are dedicated to several masterpieces from the collection of the Russian Museum. You can learn about what a “still life” is, how I.E. Repin created his work “Barge Haulers on the Volga” or how, at the most difficult moment of his life, V.I. Surikov decided to write “The Capture of a Snowy Town”.

Year of creation: 2010 | Interactive program | Russian language

This program prepared for the exhibition of the same name, which presented about 200 works from the collection of the Russian Museum: painting, graphics and decorative and applied art of the 1910-1970s, related to the industrial theme. A significant part of the works was exhibited for the first time.

Year of creation: 2010 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:59

The film is dedicated to four exhibitions held at the Russian Museum in 2010. The exhibition “Sky” featured works (from icons to contemporary art), one way or another related to the “heavenly” theme; “Hymn to Labor” - paintings by representatives of socialist realism and the avant-garde. As part of the exhibition “Smolyanka” by Dmitry Levitsky, viewers for the first time after large-scale restoration saw portraits of students of the Smolny Institute, and the exhibition “From Russian Life of the 18th - Early 20th Centuries” introduced the development everyday genre in works of graphics, sculpture and decorative arts from the collection of the Russian Museum.

In 1994, famous German collectors Peter and Irene Ludwig presented the Russian Museum with a collection of works by artists of the second half of the twentieth century.

This film is dedicated to the permanent exhibition of the Marble Palace - the Ludwig Museum - the only museum exhibition in Russia, where you can see classical works world contemporary art from the post-war period to the beginning of the 21st century.

Year of creation: 2010 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:50

The film is dedicated to the life and work of artist Isaac Levitan, one of the best masters landscape painting. Having made nature the main character of his canvases, Levitan created landscapes that had their own mood and were understandable to every viewer.

Year of creation: 2010 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:00

This film is dedicated to a special category of landscape artists who painted their works during long expeditions, military campaigns or travels. Such artists were hired specifically to record the expanses they saw or to capture military campaigns. Among such masters are P.N. Mikhailov, who with the team of F.F. Bellingshausen and M.P. Lazarev reached Antarctica, P.P. Svinin, who traveled a lot, including in America, one of the results of his travels was the publication album with views of Russia, as well as M.M. Ivanov, who captured the journey of Empress Catherine II in 1785.

Year of creation: 2010 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:47

Dmitry Grigorievich Levitsky is one of the best portrait painters in the Russian history of painting. In this film, the director of the Russian Museum V.A. Gusev talks about the master’s work and the history of his work on a series of portraits of students of the Smolny Institute of noble maidens.

Year of creation: 2010 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 26:00

The film will focus on the most fragile and delicate of all graphic and painting techniques- pastels, which were presented at the exhibition "Pastel in Russia" in the Mikhailovsky Castle of the Russian Museum

Year of creation: 2010 | Gaming computer program | 10+ | Russian language

Year of creation: 2010 | Interactive program | Language: Russian, English

The program dedicated to the palaces and gardens of the Russian Museum includes 220 spherical panoramas. Using panoramic photography technology, the interiors and exterior of the Mikhailovsky, Marble and Stroganov palaces, Mikhailovsky Castle, the Summer Palace of Peter I and the House of Peter I were reproduced.

Year of creation: 2010 | Interactive program | Russian language

The multimedia program was released for the exhibition dedicated to the 275th anniversary of the birth of Dmitry Grigorievich Levitsky at the Russian Museum. The program talks about the restoration of the famous “Smolyanka” - seven portraits of pupils of the Educational Society for Noble Maidens at the Smolny Institute.

This program was prepared for the exhibition of the same name at the Russian Museum and is dedicated to the beer theme in art. For centuries, beer served Russian artists as a muse, a model, was a source of subjects, a prototype of color and form, and set a specific beer emotional tone for the works. Various moments of making and drinking beer evoked the need to capture, sing, generalize, and reflect.

Year of creation: 2009 | Multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 10:00

The multimedia film is dedicated to the work of A.P. Ryabushkin, a Russian artist who is best known for his historical easel painting.

Year of creation: 2009 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:43

Sergei Pavlovich Diaghilev is known in Russia and abroad as the organizer of Russian seasons, but few people know that Diaghilev made a great contribution to the development of not only Russian ballet, but also Russian fine art. We can say that for the Russian public he opened his eyes to own story and culture. V. A. Gusev’s film is dedicated to that unknown side of Diaghilev’s life, which is inextricably linked with the history of Russian art and the result of which was a large-scale exhibition of the portrait in 1905 in the Tauride Palace.

Year of creation: 2009 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:57

The Makovskys are a famous creative dynasty. Its founder, Yegor Ivanovich Makovsky (1802-1886), is a famous collector and passionate lover of art, who was at the forefront of the creation of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

Year of creation: 2009 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:00

In this film we will talk about the portrait of Nikita Akinfievich Demidov by French artist Louis Toquet, who came from Paris to St. Petersburg specifically to work on the portrait of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. During his rather long stay in Russia, the master wrote several famous portraits Russian aristocracy.

Year of creation: 2009 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program talks about the development of the Russian avant-garde from neo-primitivism to abstraction. It was created specifically to help lecturers and students who wish to independently and deeply study Russian art.

Year of creation: 2009 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 26:00

The film consists of several short stories on the theme “The Life of Nature and Man...”. The materials of the museum's temporary exhibitions show that nature in a work of art is not just decoration, but helps create artistic image, evoking empathy in the viewer.

Year of creation: 2009 | Video | Language: Russian, English, Spanish | Duration: 26:00

The film tells about the work of V.L. Borovikovsky, about his innovation in portrait art, about the creation of intimate portraits of his contemporaries.

Year of creation: 2009 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 31:00

The film is dedicated to the work of the artist Andrei Petrovich Ryabushkin, who is rightly called a master of genre and historical paintings, unique in their execution.

Year of creation: 2009 | Interactive program | Virtual exhibition | Language: Russian, English, Estonian

The multimedia program is the first project to identify and present in the collections of the Russian Museum works by artists of the 18th-19th centuries associated with the national art school of the Republic of Estonia. The goal of the program is to include into cultural circulation the works of Estonian artists who studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts and combined their work in St. Petersburg with life in their homeland.

Year of creation: 2009 | Gaming computer program | 6+, special version for hearing impaired children | Language: Russian, English, Greek

In the interactive game, children are offered tasks traditional for quest games and original mini-games developed based on the works of Russian painters of the 18th-20th centuries.

The film tells the story of the appearance in 1915 of K. S. Malevich’s “Black Square,” created by the author as a statement of a new worldview, a new suprematist world. Vladimir Gusev talks about the unique exhibition "The Adventures of the Black Square".

Year of creation: 2008 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 26:00

The film is about two representatives of the Russian avant-garde: Vera Ermolaeva, a master of painting and graphics, and Nikolai Suetin, a Suprematist, student and associate of Kazimir Malevich.

Year of creation: 2008 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program includes an electronic catalog of paintings and graphic materials from the heritage of the largest Russian realistic artist Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (about 150 works), articles by specialists, a chronicle of life and creativity. There is a mode for creating your own image album, as well as a function for copying articles to the clipboard.

Year of creation: 2007 | Multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 05:00

For the exhibition “Soviet Venus”, a multimedia film of the same name was created, which is a kind of introduction to the iconographic traditions of embodying the image of Venus.

Year of creation: 2007 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:45

The large-scale exhibition of the “Seasons” exhibition covers the main stages of the development of Russian landscape. Winter, spring, summer, autumn in the works of famous Russian painters of the 19th and 20th centuries - Sylvester Shchedrin, Mikhail Lebedev, Alexander Ivanov, Arkhip Kuindzhi, Vasily Polenov, Ivan Shishkin and others.

Year of creation: 2007 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:43

In this film, the director of the Russian Museum V.A. Gusev tells viewers about three exhibitions of the Russian Museum, which the museum opened in 2007: “Seasons” ( Benoit Corps), "Vrubel. To the 150th anniversary of his birth" (Benoit building) and "Herbarium of Love" (Mikhailovsky Castle).

Year of creation: 2007 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:44

The director of the Russian Museum V.A. Gusev tells in this film about how the Academy of Arts was founded, what principles of education were laid in its foundation, what the conditions of study were and how students were rewarded for their successes at the opening exhibition “Academy of Arts. 1757-2007. To the 250th anniversary of its founding."

Year of creation: 2007 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:42

The film is dedicated to one of the most famous Russian artists, Mikhail Vrubel. In the film, the viewer will not find a chronological description of the artist’s life, but will be able to get acquainted with a mosaic of facts, quotes and events that will help form their own impression of the artist.

The program presents works of painting, graphics, sculpture and decorative arts from the collections of the Russian Museum and the Krasnodar Regional art museum them. F. Kovalenko, united by the era of Catherine II - ceremonial portrait, porcelain, monumental and portrait sculpture.

Year of creation: 2007 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program contains paintings and graphic works of the artist, sculptures, objects of decorative and applied art, made using the majolica technique, belonging to the collection of the Russian Museum. The program includes about 200 images with annotations for each work and the ability to view enlarged fragments.

Year of creation: 2007 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program presents more than 200 works of painting and graphics by the brothers Apollinaris and Viktor Vasnetsov from the collections of 27 museums across the country, as well as from private collections.

Year of creation: 2007 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program is dedicated to the work of Alexander Andreevich Ivanov (1806-1858), who largely determined the face of the Russian national school of painting, an excellent draftsman and thinker.

Year of creation: 2006 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 39:02

In this film, Filonov appears before the viewer not only as an artist, but also as a man who sincerely, in his own way, like any genius, loved his wife. Their marriage can be called an age misalliance: she was sixty-two years old, he was forty-three. Filonov was madly in love with his wife. He wrote amazing and tender letters to her, dedicated pages of his diary to her, which is now kept in the collections of the Russian Museum.

The film tells the happy stories of the return of several works of art to the collection of the Russian Museum: “Portrait of P.V. Basin” by Orest Kiprensky, “Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna” by the artist Fyodor Bognevsky, “Winter Landscape” by Ivan Endogurov and “Children Who Released the Bird” brushes by an unknown artist from the Venetsianov circle.

The film tells about the art collection of the Russian Museum of the 20th century, which made it possible to “reconstruct” the atmosphere as part of the exhibition “Time of Change” artistic life The USSR of the era of the 1960s -80s of the XX century is the era of the great confrontation between two worlds in Soviet art.

Year of creation: 2006 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:41

In this film, the director of the Russian Museum V.A. Gusev again turns to the long-term program of the Russian Museum “Russia”, which allows viewers, moving from city to city, from museum to museum, to discover more and more new stories of life and creativity, sometimes surprisingly artists we know, and often see and learn a lot for the first time.

Viewers will visit the Volga, where I. Repin wrote his famous “Barge Haulers on the Volga”, in Perm in art gallery wooden sculpture, as well as in Saratov, where V. Borisov-Musatov lived and worked.

Year of creation: 2006 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:44

The film is based on materials from the exhibition of the same name at the Russian Museum, dedicated to the analytical art of Pavel Filonov. Viewers will be treated to a story from the director of the Russian Museum, V.A. Gusev, about the difficult circumstances of Filonov’s life and the main tenets of his work.

Year of creation: 2006 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:45

An event that took place in St. Petersburg at the end of September 2006 - the reburial in the Peter and Paul Cathedral of St. Petersburg of the ashes of Empress Maria Feodorovna - the wife of Emperor Alexander III and the latter's mother Russian Emperor Nicholas II could not leave anyone aside, including the Russian Museum.

In addition, this event coincided in time with another - the opening of a memorial stone at the grave of the artist A.P. Bogolyubov.

Year of creation: 2006 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:44

In this film, the director of the Russian Museum V.A. Gusev invites viewers to walk through the halls of the exhibition of Alexei Savrasov, the founder of the lyrical movement in the landscape genre. The time of the greatest flowering of the artist’s creativity was the 70s of the 19th century.

In two halls of the second floor enfilade facing Nevsky Prospect, the exhibition “Family Heirlooms and Contributions of the Stroganov Family to Russian Temples” is open. It presents monuments of applied art, icon painting and facial embroidery from the collections of the Russian Museum, associated with the Stroganov family, famous in the history of Russia.

Year of creation: 2006 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 26:00

A female portrait is the most attractive and mysterious part of the work of many artists. Two female portraits formed the basis of the film: “Portrait Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna with her daughter Maria" by Karl Bryullov and "Portrait of Empress Maria Feodorovna" by Vladimir Makovsky.

Year of creation: 2006 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program is dedicated to fine arts and artistic life in the Soviet Union between the so-called “thaw” and the beginning of perestroika. The publication combines two opposing layers in artistic culture 1960-1985. The program includes about 600 images of exhibits, documentary photographs, annotations about the presented works.

The program is dedicated to the coronation of Paul I, which was captured on his canvas by the artist of French origin M.-F. Kvadal. The program materials allow you to get an idea of ​​the coronation ceremony, its participants, as well as the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, within whose walls the ceremony took place.

Year of creation: 2005 | Multimedia film | Russian language

A multimedia film with elements of interactivity presents K. P. Bryullov’s painting “The Last Day of Pompeii” from the collection of the Russian Museum, the history of its creation, historical, archaeological monuments and works of ancient Roman art.

Year of creation: 2005 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:38

The film tells viewers about the latest trends in fine arts. The term “modern” art should be understood not in a chronological, but in a conceptual sense. The rich collections of the Russian Museum contain not only masterpieces selected by time, but also works that are very likely to become classics of tomorrow. Viewers will get acquainted with the process of forming a fund of the latest trends in art, and with the works of contemporary artists who make up it today.

Year of creation: 2005 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:35

The film tells about a unique exhibition that opened in the Russian Museum. On the walls of the exhibition halls, accompanied by traditional museum labels, frames are hung in strict order: but without paintings!!! Almost always, when visiting a museum, viewers, as a rule, look only at the paintings. And they don’t even notice the frame, perceiving it as an integral part of the picture.

The third film, dedicated to the exhibitions of the Russian Museum "The Road" and "Religious Petersburg", introduces works of painting and graphics from the collection of the Russian Museum, as well as a hidden corner of the Mikhailovsky Palace - the Church of the Archangel Michael. The film also tells about the lost churches of St. Petersburg, about the symbolic and metaphorical meaning of the road in works of Russian art.

Year of creation: 2005 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:46

The film invites you to visit two exhibitions of the Russian Museum: “The Road” and “Religious Petersburg”, wander among paintings along the paths of knowledge. Moving from hall to hall, spectators will see religious Petersburg of the 18th - 19th centuries, a royal city resplendent with gilded domes and spiers of numerous temples, cathedrals and churches.

Year of creation: 2005 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:43

The film tells about the development of Russian church art over more than two centuries - from Peter I to Nicholas II, about Russian icons and church paintings, and about artists who devoted their lives to religious art.

Year of creation: 2005 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 51:21

Year of creation: 2005 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:41

On the eve of the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the whole country was preparing for the holiday. And the Russian Museum is no exception. The exhibition "The Path to Victory" was presented here. It showed works of painting, graphics, and sculpture created in the period from 1941 to 1945.

Year of creation: 2005 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:48

Marc Chagall (1887-1985) - outstanding artist XX century. Today it is impossible to imagine the history of Russian and world culture without the name and work of Marc Chagall. In this film, the Russian Museum will present a grandiose exhibition of Marc Chagall, which covers two periods of the artist’s work, Russian and foreign, over seven decades of his activity.

Year of creation: 2005 | Multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 18:00

The film tells about the events leading to the assassination of Emperor Paul I, the fate of his family members after the tragedy. Numerous documents and artistic monuments of that era are shown.

Year of creation: 2005 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program presents paintings, drawings and engravings, posters and sculptures created by artists in besieged Leningrad, in Moscow ready for defense, at the front, and in the rear.

Year of creation: 2005 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program presents twelve works by artists of the 20th century, reflecting modern artistic process, from the collection of the Ludwig Museum in the Russian Museum, located in the Marble Palace. The program includes biographies of artists, descriptions of works, information about terms and artistic phenomena.

Year of creation: 2005 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 52:00

The film talks about: women's portraits(S.M. Botkina, Z.N. Yusupova, O.K. Orlova, Ida Rubinstein), reflecting changes in Serov’s worldview, in his understanding of painting, etc.

Year of creation: 2005 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program presents more than 200 works by the artist from the collections of the State Russian Museum (paintings, graphics, engravings). Annotations about each work, articles about creativity, curriculum vitae and documentary photographs.

Year of creation: 2005 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program talks about the religious life of pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg and the history of St. Petersburg churches. The main part is dedicated to the churches of St. Petersburg and is divided by periods of reign from Peter I to Nicholas II. Photographs of temples are accompanied by biographies of architects and artists.

The program includes a tour of the halls of the Mikhailovsky Palace, which houses the main exhibition of the Russian Museum. The program includes views of interiors, paintings, graphics and sculpture from the museum’s collection (646 exhibits), annotations to them and information about the authors of the works.

Year of creation: 2004-2005 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 78:00

Films about an amazing exhibition at the Russian Museum, introducing viewers to paintings that were either extremely rarely exhibited or never left the museum’s storerooms at all due to their large size.

Year of creation: 2004 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 43:58

The name of the great Russian artist Konstantin Andreevich Somov is inextricably linked with the artistic association “World of Art”. Contemporaries said about Somov that in his works he embodied the shadows of the long past. The artist was a singer of the graceful eighteenth century, revealing to the viewer mysterious charm a world of colorful masquerade, powdered wigs and magnificent fireworks.

The program presents I.E. Repin’s painting “The Ceremonial Meeting of the State Council on May 7, 1901 on the centennial anniversary of its establishment” from the collection of the Russian Museum. The program includes biographical information about all members of the State Council depicted on the canvas.

Year of creation: 2004 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:57

Each artist or painting has its own secrets, in this film the director of the Russian Museum V.A. Gusev will lift the veil of secrecy. Viewers will learn the secret of the origin of O.A. Kiprensky and his self-portraits, get acquainted with the participants of the Venetsianov school, as well as with the heroes of G.G. Chernetsov’s painting “Parade on Tsaritsyn Meadow”.

Year of creation: 2004 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:10

The film is dedicated to the life and work of artist Boris Kustodiev. Filmed based on materials from an exhibition at the Russian Museum, the film makes it possible to refute the prevailing idea of ​​Boris Kustodiev as an artist who painted exclusively magnificent, rosy-cheeked merchant women, a colorful fair and the Russian village with its accordions, gingerbread cookies and samovars. More than 350 works presented at the exhibition, collected from museums from all over Russia, make it possible to most fully and multifacetedly present the enormous creative heritage Boris Kustodiev, to give a comprehensive idea of ​​his life, the life of his contemporaries and his beloved Russia. A film about a wonderful portrait painter and a bright representative of Russian art turn of the XIX century- The 20th century is for many a real discovery of this wonderful master.

Year of creation: 2004 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:37

The film is dedicated to the life and work of artist Boris Kustodiev. Filmed based on materials from an exhibition at the Russian Museum, the film makes it possible to refute the prevailing idea of ​​Boris Kustodiev as an artist who painted exclusively magnificent, rosy-cheeked merchant women, a colorful fair and the Russian village with its accordions, gingerbread cookies and samovars.

Year of creation: 2004 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:55

The film tells about the artist Viktor Elpidiforovich Borisov-Musatov, whose creativity flourished at the turn of two centuries, an extremely complex time and exceptionally rich in major creative individuals.

Year of creation: 2004 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:51

The film is dedicated to the life and work of famous Russian artists, brought up in the traditions of the Saratov art school" These are Alexey Bogolyubov, Viktor Borisov-Musatov, Pavel Kuznetsov, Pyotr Utkin and many others, who in their youth received the strongest artistic impressions from contact with the expressive nature of the Volga region.

Year of creation: 2004 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. It will include masterpieces from the collection of the Russian Museum from icons to the avant-garde, a computer film about the history of the museum, and a virtual excursion “From icons to the avant-garde: four paintings from the collection of the Russian Museum.”

Year of creation: 2004 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 26:00

The film is based on the materials of the exhibition “Coronation of Paul I and Maria Fedorovna”, opened in the Mikhailovsky Castle of the Russian Museum on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Emperor Paul I. The canvas by Martin Ferdinand Quadal represents a unique historical document, being a group portrait of the imperial family and top officials of the state .

The film tells the story of Ilya Repin’s creation of the famous painting “Barge Haulers on the Volga,” whose popularity dates back as many years as the painting itself.

Year of creation: 2004 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 52:00

The film is dedicated to the artists who were part of the creative associations of 1910-1916 "Jack of Diamonds", " donkey tail" and "Target". Young avant-garde artists who participated in the exhibitions of these associations contrasted their work with the work of symbolist artists.

Year of creation: 2004 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program presents more than 400 works by B.M. Kustodiev from museums, libraries and private collections in Russia. You can read the artist’s biography and see his works; There are chronological and alphabetical indexes.

Year of creation: 2004 | Interactive program | Language: Russian, Finnish

The program includes works by artists from the collections of two museums - the State Russian Museum and the Museum fine arts Republic of Karelia, dedicated to the Karelian-Finnish epic “Kalevala”. Contains annotations to works, biographies of artists.

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Language: Russian, English, Spanish | Duration: 26:00

Alexander Andreevich Ivanov (1806-1858) was born into the family of an artist. His father, Andrei Ivanovich Ivanov, was a professor at the Academy of Arts, where the entire first half of his son’s life passed. After graduating from the Academy, the young man, who carefully studied examples of classical art stored in the Hermitage, the Stroganov Gallery, and other private collections, went to Italy. Everything was there: creative discoveries, joys and sorrows, strange meetings, friendship with N.V. Gogol and inner loneliness. And most importantly, work on the huge canvas “The Appearance of Christ to the People.”

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:51

The first film in a series of programs dedicated to the tercentenary of St. Petersburg. This film presents one unusual day in the life of the Russian Museum. The viewer will be treated to a fascinating story by the director of the Russian Museum, V.A. Gusev, about the history of the appearance of the Summer Garden as part of the Russian Museum complex, as well as about the exhibits of the exhibition “St. Petersburg. Portrait of the city and its citizens."

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:44

The losses suffered by our country and our people during the Great Patriotic War are truly incalculable. But the collection of the Russian Museum was practically not damaged - not a single exhibit was lost or even damaged. This became possible only thanks to the heroic work of museum employees who rescued, evacuated and preserved artistic values ​​with all their might. The museum's collection continued to grow during the war. The Russian Museum accepted for storage the most valuable works of artists who remained to live and work in besieged Leningrad.

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 25:58

Since the second half of the 18th century, relations between St. Petersburg and Italy were not exclusively official and did not consist only of diplomatic missions, delegations and exchanges of gifts between the reigning persons. The close interweaving of threads of family ties between Russia and Italy makes it possible to establish Interesting Facts, associated with the artists and people depicted in the paintings, customers and intermediaries, as well as with the fate of the works themselves.

Year of creation: 2003 | Russian language | Duration: 25:55

The film talks about works of painting, sculpture, graphics, decorative and applied art from the collection of the Russian Museum and museums in Rome, Naples, Florence, Milan, as well as from private collections in Italy, presented at the Russian Museum exhibition of the same name.

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 25:46

Pavel Nikolaevich Filonov (1882-1941) - painter, graphic artist. His paintings were destined for a long period of forced oblivion, then emergence from oblivion and recognition, but still Filonov remains the most mysterious and most incomprehensible of the masters of the Russian avant-garde, a lonely and tragic figure in the art of the 20th century.

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 26:24

The sixties of the 19th century were a period of brilliant flowering of Russian realistic art. Russian painting vividly and comprehensively reflected contemporary life: acute social contradictions, poverty, the grief of the working person, unquenchable faith in a better future, and even the emergence of terrorism in Russia, which F. M. Dostoevsky tried to say about in his novel " Demons." All these phenomena were embodied in the paintings of Russian artists F. Vasiliev, N. Ge, I. Kramskoy, G. Myasoedov, V. Pukirev, V. Perov.

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 26:41

Orest Adamovich Kiprensky (1782-1836). The artist who created the portrait gallery wonderful people Russian society of the era of romanticism. Start XIX century is rightly called the “golden age” of Russian painting.

Year of creation: 2003 | Interactive program | Russian language

The program includes more than 400 full-screen reproductions of paintings and graphics from the collection of the State Russian Museum, which represent collective image St. Petersburg to various historical eras

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 26:00

This film is a continuation of acquaintance with the collection of the State Russian Museum, housed at the main exhibition in the Mikhailovsky Palace. Particular attention in the film is paid to the decoration of the palace halls, sculpture, folk art products exhibited in the museum halls, as well as other art objects from the storerooms, which are exhibited at numerous exhibitions organized by the Russian Museum.

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 26:00

Continuation of the story about the history of the portrait, begun in film 1. The viewer is introduced to the history of the Russian portrait from the mid-19th century, its features, the era of the Wanderers, the portrait of the late 19th century, the beginning of the 20th century, portraits of the first decades Soviet power, as well as portraits of the totalitarian era of the 60s.

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 26:00

A film-walk through the Russian Museum, during which the viewer gets acquainted with the first Russian portraits - “parsuns” of Peter the Great’s time, masterpieces of the 18th century, as well as romantic portrait XIX century.

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 26:00

The film tells about the history of the emergence of the portrait genre, introduces existing species portrait images, about ways to convey unique, individual traits of appearance and character.

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 26:00

The film tells about the history of the landscape genre, its origins and evolution into independent genre, tells about the history of the creation of various paintings.

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 26:00

The film talks about the originality of the still life genre, its features, and the history of the development of Russian still life over the past two centuries using the example of works by famous painters.

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 26:00

During a virtual walk through the exhibition of the Russian Museum, the viewer is told why the paintings are so different from each other, what determines their originality and the uniqueness of the images presented on them, how to understand the special language of painting.

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 52:00

Orest Adamovich Kiprensky (1782-1836) - artist who created a gallery of portraits of remarkable people of Russian society of the Romantic era. One of the first works of Orest Kiprensky is a portrait of Adam Schwalbe (1804). The portrait painted on a wooden board seemed to be the work of a European master of the 17th century.

Year of creation: 2003 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 52:00

Alexander Ivanov, when starting to work on the canvas, wanted the work to contain universal ideas and be in tune with modernity. Twenty-five years of work on the painting are years of continuous searches, changes, and improvements. In the end, he literally hid behind his huge canvas, afraid of returning to Russia - he was no longer expected there...

Year of creation: 2003 | Interactive program | Language: Russian, English, Chinese, Finnish

The program shows about 400 exhibits from the permanent exhibition of the Russian Museum. These are works covering the period from the 12th century. until the 20th century - painting and sculpture.

Year of creation: 2002-2003 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 26:00

The film tells about the work of the artist Ilya Efimovich Repin on the large-scale painting “Meeting of the State Council on May 7, 1901, on the centenary of its establishment.”

Year of creation: 2002 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 26:01

The exhibition at the Russian Museum became a kind of homecoming for the world famous masters Russian art - emigrant artists Natalia Goncharova and Lev Bakst.

Year of creation: 2002 | Video | Russian language | Duration: 25:40

The film by V.A. Gusev is dedicated to the 1860s - one of the most interesting, controversial and extremely important periods in the history of Russia and Russian art. The essence of this time is determined by the pathos of exposure and direct criticism by artists of the surrounding reality. Extraordinary responsiveness to pressing issues of social existence, intolerance towards evil, sincerity in expressing their ideas, in tune with the sentiments of the Russian artistic intelligentsia of that time, make the art of the “sixties” an extremely significant phenomenon.

You can know the Hermitage exhibitions thoroughly, you can perfectly navigate the Tretyakov Gallery, you can be ready at any moment to give your friends an impromptu tour of the Pushkin Museum, but still not consider yourself an expert in Russian artistic arts. And why all? Because without the Russian Museum there is no way in this matter! Today we remember the history of the museum, which houses one of the most large collections Russian painting in the world.

Art lover Alexander III

On April 13, 1895, Emperor Nicholas II issued a decree according to which the “Russian Museum named after Emperor Alexander III” was to be established in St. Petersburg. But the museum was officially opened only on March 8, 1898. But the idea of ​​​​creating a museum came to the mind of Alexander III and long before that. In his youth, the future Emperor Alexander III was interested in art and even studied painting himself with Professor Tikhobrazov. A little later, his wife, Maria Fedorovna, shared his passion, and the two of them continued their studies under the strict guidance of Academician Bogolyubov.

Alexander III with his wife and three older children. 1878

Having assumed power, the emperor realized that it was impossible to combine governing the country and painting, and therefore abandoned his art. But he did not lose his love for art, and squandered significant sums from the treasury on the purchase of works of art that no longer fit either in Gatchina, or in the Winter Palace, or in the Anichkov Palace. It was then that Alexander decided to create a state museum in which paintings by Russian painters could be stored, and which would correspond to the prestige of the country, raise patriotic moods and all that.

It is believed that the emperor first expressed the idea after the 17th exhibition of the Association of Itinerants in 1889, where he purchased Repin’s painting “Nicholas of Myra delivers three innocently convicted people from death.”

Special status of the Russian Museum

By 1895, they managed to create a project for the construction of the building of the Museum of Russian Art at the Academy of Arts and even finish the estimate, but on October 21, 1894, Alexander III died, and it seemed that the museum would never become a reality. But Nicholas II got down to business. He decided to give the Mikhailovsky Palace, purchased to the treasury, for the needs of the museum.

The regulations on the museum in 1897 emphasized its special status. Were secured special rules to create a collection, for example, works by contemporary artists had to first be in the museum at the Academy of Arts for 5 years and only then, at the choice of the manager, they could be placed in the Russian Museum.

Objects of art placed in a museum were supposed to remain there forever - that is, they could not be taken away or transferred to some other place.

The manager was appointed by the highest personal decree and had to belong to the Imperial House.

Charlemagne I. I., View of the Mikhailovsky Palace from the park and square. 1850s.
From the world one by one - collection to the museum

At first, the museum’s collection was made up of paintings collected by Alexander III, which were transferred from the Academy of Arts, the Hermitage, for example, famous painting Karl Bryullov "The Last Day of Pompeii". Winter, Gatchina and Alexander palaces. Part of the collection was acquired from private collections. As Nicholas II decided, in the future the collection was to be replenished from the treasury, which even introduced a separate section for the museum, and thanks to possible donations.

Surprisingly, there were many of these, the size of the collection grew rapidly and almost doubled compared to the original 1.5 thousand works and 5,000 exhibits from the Museum of Christian Antiquities. The first staff of the museum included the “color of the nation” - the most outstanding scientists, art critics and historians, for example, A. P. Benois, P. A. Bryullov, M. P. Botkin, N. N. Punin and others.

Life of the museum in the 20th century

Thanks to the State Museum Fund, which worked in the first years after the October Revolution, the museum’s collection grew rapidly after 1917. Were replenished large spaces in the collection, for example, for some time some movements of Russian painting were not represented in the museum at all, and the collection of some was extremely meager.

In 1922, the museum’s exhibition was for the first time built on a scientific-historical principle, which brought the museum to a qualitatively new level. But the building of the Mikhailovsky Palace alone was not enough for the expanding collection, and gradually the museum began to “conquer territory.” In the 30s, the Benoit wing of Rossi in the Mikhailovsky Palace, which had been occupied until then by tenants, was vacated and transferred to the Russian Museum, and a little later the ethnographic department “moved out” from the parent nest of the Russian Museum, which became State Museum ethnography of the peoples of the USSR. In the 40s, the Benois building and the Mikhailovsky Palace were even connected by a special passage.

Large living room of the Mikhailovsky Palace in St. Petersburg by Luigi Premazzi.
Where to go and what to see?

IN beginning of XXI century, the Summer Garden with a collection of marble sculptures passed into the possession of the Russian Museum (yes, yes, in Summer Garden now only copies stand), as well as the Summer Palace of Peter I, Coffee and Tea houses located in it. The house of Peter I on Petrovskaya Embankment, which also belongs to the Russian Museum, was first built of logs, but after some time it was covered with a stone, and a little later - with a brick cover.

Among the most famous works art stored in the Russian Museum, one can name the icons of Andrei Rublev and Simon Ushakov, the canvases of Bryullov " Italian noon" and "The Last Day of Pompeii", Aivazovsky's "The Ninth Wave" and "Wave", "Barge Haulers on the Volga" by Repin, "The Knight at the Crossroads" by Vanetsov, "Suvorov's Crossing of the Alps" by Surikov, "Portrait of Ida Rubinstein" and "Abduction Europe" by Serov, "Portrait of F. I. Chaliapin" by Kustodiev. But this is only a small part of those beautiful paintings by Russian painters that are kept in the Russian Museum.

Valentin Serov. Portrait of Ida Rubinstein

It’s better to see once - if you plan a trip to St. Petersburg, be sure to visit the Russian Museum.

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