Russo-Japanese War. Reasons for the start and defeat of the Russo-Japanese War: briefly

Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 was of great historical importance, although many thought that it was absolutely meaningless.

But this war played a significant role in the formation of a new government.

Briefly about the causes of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

At the beginning of the last century, the interests of the Russian and Japanese powers clashed in securing China on the seas.

The main reason was the foreign political activity of states:

  • Russia's desire to gain a foothold in the Far East region;
  • the desire of Japan and Western states to prevent this;
  • Japan's desire to take over Korea;
  • the construction of military installations by the Russians on the leased Chinese territory.

Japan also tried to acquire superiority in the field of armed forces.

Map of military operations of the Russo-Japanese War

The map shows the main points and course of the war.

On the night of January 27, the Japanese attacked the Russian flotilla in Port Arthur without warning. Then followed the blocking of the port of Chemulpo in Korea by the rest of the Japanese ships. On the map, these actions are shown by blue arrows in the area of ​​the Yellow Sea. On land, blue arrows show the movement of the Japanese army on land.

A year later, in February 1905, one of the main battles took place on land near Mukden (Shenyang). This is marked on the map.

In May 1905, the 2nd Russian flotilla lost the battle near Tsushima Island.

The red dotted lines indicate the breakthrough of the 2nd Russian squadron to Vladivostok.

The beginning of the Japanese war with Russia

The Russo-Japanese War was not a surprise. The conduct of policy on the territory of China assumed such a development of events. Near Port Arthur, Russian ships were on duty to prevent possible attacks.

At night, 8 Japanese destroyers smashed the Russian ships at Port Arthur. Already in the morning, another Japanese flotilla attacked Russian ships near the port of Chemulpo. After that, the landing of the Japanese on land began.

Chronological table of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

Events unfolded on land and sea. The main stages of the war:

On the sea On the land
Jan 26-27 (8-9 Feb.) 1904 - Japanese attack on Port Arthur. Feb. – Apr. 1904 - landing of Japanese troops in China.
Jan 27 (Feb. 9) 1904 - attack by the Japanese squadron of 2 Russian ships and their destruction. May 1904 - the Japanese cut off the fortress of Port Arthur from the Russian troops.
May 31 (April 13), 1904 - an attempt by Vice Admiral Makarov to leave the harbor of Port Arthur. The ship, on board of which the admiral was, fell on one of the mines placed by the Japanese. Makarov died with almost the entire crew. But the Vice Admiral remained a hero of the Russo-Japanese War. Aug. 1904 - battle near the city of Liaoyang with General Kuropatkin at the head of the troops. It was unsuccessful for both sides.
May 14-15 (according to other sources May 27-28) 1905 - the largest battle near the island of Tsushima, in which the Japanese won. Almost all ships were destroyed. Only three broke through to Vladivostok. It was one of the decisive battles. Sept. – Oct. 1904 - battles on the Shahe River.
Aug. – Dec. 1904 - the siege of Port Arthur.
Dec 20 1904 (January 2, 1905) - surrender of the fortress.
Jan. 1905 - the resumption of defense by Russian troops on the Shahe.
Feb. 1905 - Japanese victory near the city of Mukden (Shenyang).

The nature of the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905.

The war had an aggressive character. The opposition of the 2 empires was carried out for dominance in the Far East.

Japan's goal was to capture Korea, but Russia began to develop infrastructure in the leased territories. This thwarted Japan's aspirations and she took drastic action.

Reasons for the defeat of Russia

Why did Russia lose - because of the wrong steps of the Russian army, or did the Japanese initially have all the conditions for victory?

Russian delegation in Portsmouth

Reasons for the defeat of Russia:

  • the unstable situation in the state and the interest of the government in the rapid conclusion of peace;
  • a large reserve of troops from Japan;
  • it took about 3 days to transfer the Japanese army, and Russia could do it in about a month;
  • Japan had better weapons and ships than Russia.

Western countries supported Japan and assisted her. In 1904, England provided Japan with machine guns, which the latter had not previously had.

Outcomes, consequences and results

In 1905, a revolution began in the country. Anti-government sentiment demanded an end to the war with Japan, even on unfavorable terms.

All forces had to be thrown at settling the situation in the state.

Although Russia had enough resources and capabilities to win. If the war had lasted a few more months, Russia could have won, as the Japanese forces began to weaken. But Japan asked the United States to influence Russia and persuade her to negotiate.

  1. Both countries were withdrawing their armies from the region of Manchuria.
  2. Russia gave Port Arthur and part of the railway.
  3. Korea remained in the sphere of interests of the Japanese state.
  4. Part of Sakhalin now belonged to the Japanese state.
  5. Japan also gained access to fishing along the coast of Russia.

In both countries, the war had a negative impact on the financial situation. There was an increase in prices and taxes. In addition, the debt of the Japanese state has grown significantly.

Russia drew conclusions from the loss. At the end of the decade, the army and navy were reorganized.

Significance of the Russo-Japanese War

The Russo-Japanese War acted as an impetus for the revolution. She opened up many problems of the current government. Many did not understand why this war was needed at all. As a result, anti-government sentiment only intensified.

(1904-1905) - the war between Russia and Japan, which was fought for control of Manchuria, Korea and the ports of Port Arthur and Dalniy.

The most important object of the struggle for the final division of the world at the end of the 19th century was economically backward and militarily weak China. It was to the Far East that the center of gravity of the foreign policy activity of Russian diplomacy was shifted from the mid-1890s. The close interest of the tsarist government in the affairs of this region was largely due to the appearance here by the end of the 19th century of a strong and very aggressive neighbor in the face of Japan, which had embarked on the path of expansion.

By decision of the Japanese commander-in-chief, Marshal Iwao Oyama, Maresuke Nogi's army began the siege of Port Arthur, while the 1st, 2nd and 4th armies, which landed at Dagushan, moved to Liaoyang from the southeast, south and southwest. In mid-June, Kuroki's army occupied the passes southeast of the city, and in July repulsed an attempted Russian counteroffensive. The army of Yasukata Oku, after the battle at Dashichao in July, captured the port of Yingkou, cutting off the connection of the Manchurian army with Port Arthur by sea. In the second half of July, three Japanese armies joined at Liaoyang; their total number was more than 120 thousand against 152 thousand Russians. In the battle of Liaoyang on August 24 - September 3, 1904 (August 11-21, O.S.), both sides suffered huge losses: the Russians lost more than 16 thousand killed, and the Japanese - 24 thousand. The Japanese were unable to encircle the army of Alexei Kuropatkin, which withdrew to Mukden in perfect order, but they captured Liaoyang and the Yantai coal mines.

The retreat to Mukden meant for the defenders of Port Arthur the collapse of hopes for any effective assistance from the ground forces. The Japanese 3rd Army captured the Wolf Mountains and began an intense bombardment of the city and the internal raid. Despite this, several of her assaults in August were repulsed by the garrison under the command of Major General Roman Kondratenko; the besiegers lost 16,000 dead. At the same time, the Japanese succeeded at sea. An attempt to break through the Pacific Fleet to Vladivostok at the end of July failed, Rear Admiral Witgeft died. In August, the squadron of Vice Admiral Hikonojo Kamimura managed to overtake and defeat the cruiser detachment of Rear Admiral Jessen.

By the beginning of October 1904, thanks to reinforcements, the number of the Manchurian army reached 210 thousand, and the Japanese troops near Liaoyang - 170 thousand.

Fearing that in the event of the fall of Port Arthur, the Japanese forces would increase significantly due to the released 3rd Army, Kuropatkin launched an offensive to the south at the end of September, but was defeated in the battle on the Shahe River, losing 46 thousand killed (the enemy - only 16 thousand) and went on the defensive. The four-month "Shahei Sitting" began.

In September-November, the defenders of Port Arthur repulsed three Japanese assaults, but the 3rd Japanese Army managed to capture Mount Vysokaya, which dominated Port Arthur. On January 2, 1905 (December 20, 1904, O.S.), the head of the Kwantung Fortified Region, Lieutenant General Anatoly Stessel, without exhausting all possibilities for resistance, surrendered Port Arthur (in the spring of 1908, a military court sentenced him to death, replaced by ten years imprisonment).

The fall of Port Arthur sharply worsened the strategic position of the Russian troops and the command tried to turn the tide. However, the successfully launched offensive of the 2nd Manchurian army on the village of Sandepa was not supported by other armies. After joining the main forces of the Japanese 3rd Army

Feet their number was equal to the number of Russian troops. In February, Tamemoto Kuroki's army attacked the 1st Manchurian Army southeast of Mukden, and Noga's army began bypassing the Russian right flank. Kuroki's army broke through the front of Nikolai Linevich's army. On March 10 (February 25 O.S.), 1905, the Japanese occupied Mukden. Having lost more than 90 thousand killed and captured, the Russian troops retreated north to Telin in disarray. The largest defeat at Mukden meant the loss of the campaign in Manchuria by the Russian command, although he managed to save a significant part of the army.

Trying to achieve a turning point in the war, the Russian government sent the 2nd Pacific squadron of Admiral Zinovy ​​​​Rozhestvensky, created from part of the Baltic Fleet, to the Far East, but on May 27-28 (May 14-15, O.S.) in the Battle of Tsushima, the Japanese fleet destroyed the Russian squadron . Only one cruiser and two destroyers reached Vladivostok. At the beginning of the summer, the Japanese completely ousted the Russian detachments from North Korea, and by July 8 (June 25, O.S.) captured Sakhalin.

Despite the victories, Japan's forces were exhausted, and at the end of May, through the intermediary of US President Theodore Roosevelt, she invited Russia to enter into peace negotiations. Russia, which found itself in a difficult domestic political situation, agreed. On August 7 (July 25, O.S.), a diplomatic conference opened in Portsmouth (New Hampshire, USA), which ended on September 5 (August 23, O.S.), 1905, with the signing of the Treaty of Portsmouth. Under its terms, Russia ceded to Japan the southern part of Sakhalin, the rights to lease Port Arthur and the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula and the southern branch of the Chinese Eastern Railway from the Changchun station to Port Arthur, allowed its fishing fleet to fish off the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea, recognized Korea as a zone of Japanese influence and gave up its political, military and trade advantages in Manchuria. At the same time, Russia was exempted from paying any indemnities.

Japan, which as a result of the victory took a leading place among the powers of the Far East, until the end of World War II celebrated the day of the victory at Mukden as the Day of the Ground Forces, and the date of the victory at Tsushima as the Day of the Naval Forces.

The Russo-Japanese War was the first major war of the 20th century. Russia lost about 270 thousand people (including over 50 thousand killed), Japan - 270 thousand people (including over 86 thousand killed).

In the Russo-Japanese War, for the first time, machine guns, rapid-firing artillery, mortars, hand grenades, a radiotelegraph, searchlights, barbed wire, including those under high voltage, naval mines and torpedoes, etc., were used on a large scale.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

The more a person is able to respond to the historical and universal, the wider his nature, the richer his life and the more capable such a person is of progress and development.

F. M. Dostoevsky

The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, which we will briefly discuss today, is one of the most important pages in the history of the Russian Empire. In the war, Russia was defeated, demonstrating a military lag behind the leading world countries. Another important event of the war was that, as a result of it, the Entente was finally formed, and the world began to slowly but steadily slide towards the First World War.

Background of the war

In 1894-1895, Japan defeated China, as a result of which Japan had to cross the Liaodong (Kwantung) Peninsula along with Port Arthur and Farmosa Island (the current name is Taiwan). Germany, France and Russia intervened in the course of the negotiations, insisting that the Liaodong Peninsula remain in the use of China.

In 1896, the government of Nicholas II signed a treaty of friendship with China. As a result, China allows Russia to build a railroad to Vladivostok through Northern Manchuria (China Eastern Railway).

In 1898, Russia, within the framework of a friendship agreement with China, leases the Liaodong Peninsula from the latter for 25 years. This move drew sharp criticism from Japan, which also laid claim to these lands. But this did not lead to serious consequences at that time. In 1902, the tsarist army enters Manchuria. Formally, Japan was ready to recognize this territory for Russia if the latter recognized Japan's dominance in Korea. But the Russian government made a mistake. They did not take Japan seriously, and did not even think of entering into negotiations with it.

Causes and nature of the war

The reasons for the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 are as follows:

  • Lease of the Liaodong Peninsula and Port Arthur by Russia.
  • Economic expansion of Russia in Manchuria.
  • Distribution of spheres of influence in China and Korea.

The nature of hostilities can be defined as follows

  • Russia planned to conduct defense and pull up reserves. The transfer of troops was planned to be completed in August 1904, after which it was planned to go on the offensive, up to the landing in Japan.
  • Japan planned to wage an offensive war. The first strike was planned at sea with the destruction of the Russian fleet, so that nothing would interfere with the transfer of the landing force. The plans included the capture of Manchuria, the Ussuri and Primorsky Territories.

The balance of power at the beginning of the war

Japan in the war could put up about 175 thousand people (another 100 thousand in reserve) and 1140 field guns. The Russian army consisted of 1 million people and 3.5 million in reserve (reserve). But in the Far East, Russia had 100,000 men and 148 field guns. Also at the disposal of the Russian army were the border guards, who were 24 thousand people with 26 guns. The problem was that these forces, inferior in number to the Japanese, were widely scattered geographically: from Chita to Vladivostok and from Blagoveshchensk to Port Arthur. During 1904-1905, Russia carried out 9 mobilizations, calling for military service about 1 million people.

The Russian fleet consisted of 69 warships. 55 of these ships were in Port Arthur, which was very poorly fortified. To demonstrate that Port Arthur was not completed and ready for war, it is enough to cite the following figures. The fortress was supposed to have 542 guns, but in fact there were only 375, but even of these only 108 guns were usable. That is, the gun supply of Port Arthur at the time of the outbreak of the war was 20%!

It is obvious that the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 began with a clear superiority of Japan on land and at sea.

The course of hostilities

Map of military operations

rice. 1 - Map of the Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905

Events of 1904

In January 1904, Japan breaks off diplomatic relations with Russia and on January 27, 1904 attacks warships near Port Arthur. This was the beginning of the war.

Russia began to transfer the army to the Far East, but this happened very slowly. The distance of 8 thousand kilometers and the unfinished section of the Siberian railway - all this prevented the transfer of the army. The capacity of the road was 3 echelons per day, which is extremely small.

On January 27, 1904, Japan attacked Russian ships in Port Arthur. At the same time, in the Korean port of Chemulpo, an attack was made on the Varyag cruiser and the Korean escort boat. After an unequal battle, the "Korean" was blown up, and the "Varyag" was flooded by the Russian sailors themselves, so that the enemy would not get it. After that, the strategic initiative at sea passed to Japan. The situation at sea worsened after the battleship Petropavlovsk was blown up on a Japanese mine on March 31, on board of which was the commander of the fleet, S. Makarov. In addition to the commander, his entire staff, 29 officers and 652 sailors perished.

In February 1904, Japan landed an army of 60,000 in Korea, which moved towards the Yalu River (the river separated Korea and Manchuria). There were no significant battles at that time, and in mid-April the Japanese army crossed the border of Manchuria.

Fall of Port Arthur

In May, the second Japanese army (50 thousand people) landed on the Liaodong Peninsula and headed for Port Arthur, creating a bridgehead for the offensive. By this time, the Russian army had partially managed to complete the transfer of troops and its strength was 160 thousand people. One of the most important events of the war was the Battle of Liaoyang in August 1904. This battle still raises many questions among historians. The fact is that in this battle (and it was practically a general one), the Japanese army was defeated. And so much so that the command of the Japanese army declared the impossibility of continuing the conduct of hostilities. The Russo-Japanese War could have ended there if the Russian army went on the offensive. But the commander, Koropatkin, gives an absolutely absurd order - to retreat. In the course of further events of the war in the Russian army there will be several opportunities to inflict a decisive defeat on the enemy, but each time Kuropatkin either gave absurd orders or hesitated to act, giving the enemy the right time.

After the battle at Liaoyang, the Russian army retreated to the Shahe River, where a new battle took place in September, which did not reveal a winner. After that, there was a lull, and the war moved into a positional phase. In December, General R.I. Kondratenko, who commanded the land defense of the Port Arthur fortress. The new commander of the troops A.M. Stessel, despite the categorical refusal of the soldiers and sailors, decided to surrender the fortress. On December 20, 1904, Stessel surrendered Port Arthur to the Japanese. On this, the Russo-Japanese War in 1904 passed into a passive phase, continuing active operations already in 1905.

Later, under public pressure, General Stessel was put on trial and sentenced to death. The sentence was not carried out. Nicholas 2 pardoned the general.

History reference

Defense map of Port Arthur

rice. 2 - Map of the defense of Port Arthur

Events of 1905

The Russian command demanded active actions from Kuropatkin. It was decided to start the offensive in February. But the Japanese preempted him by going on the offensive on Mukden (Shenyang) on ​​February 5, 1905. From February 6 to 25, the largest battle of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 continued. From the Russian side, 280 thousand people took part in it, from the Japanese side - 270 thousand people. There are many interpretations of the Mukden battle in terms of who won the victory in it. In fact, it was a draw. The Russian army lost 90 thousand soldiers, the Japanese - 70 thousand. Smaller losses on the part of Japan are a frequent argument in favor of her victory, but this battle did not give the Japanese army any advantage or gain. Moreover, the losses were so severe that Japan made no further attempts to organize major land battles until the end of the war.

Much more important is the fact that the population of Japan is much smaller than the population of Russia, and after Mukden, the island country has exhausted its human resources. Russia could and should have gone on the offensive in order to win, but 2 factors played against this:

  • Kuropatkin factor
  • Factor in the Revolution of 1905

On May 14-15, 1905, the Tsushima naval battle took place, in which the Russian squadrons were defeated. The losses of the Russian army amounted to 19 ships and 10 thousand killed and captured.

Kuropatkin factor

Kuropatkin, commanding the ground forces, during the entire Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905 did not use a single chance for a favorable offensive in order to inflict great damage on the enemy. There were several such chances, and we talked about them above. Why did the Russian general and commander refuse active actions and did not seek to end the war? After all, if he had given the order to attack after Liaoyang, and with a high degree of probability, the Japanese army would have ceased to exist.

Of course, it is impossible to answer this question directly, but a number of historians put forward the following opinion (I cite it for the reason that it is well-reasoned and extremely similar to the truth). Kuropatkin was closely associated with Witte, who, let me remind you, by the time of the war was removed from the post of prime minister by Nicholas II. Kuropatkin's plan was to create conditions under which the tsar would return Witte. The latter was considered an excellent negotiator, so it was necessary to reduce the war with Japan to a stage where the parties would sit down at the negotiating table. For this, the war could not be ended with the help of the army (the defeat of Japan is a direct surrender without any negotiations). Therefore, the commander did everything to bring the war to a draw. He successfully coped with this task, and indeed Nicholas 2 called on Witte by the end of the war.

Revolution Factor

There are many sources pointing to Japanese financing of the 1905 Revolution. The real facts of the transfer of money, of course. No. But there are 2 facts that I find extremely curious:

  • The peak of the revolution and movement fell on the Battle of Tsushima. Nicholas 2 needed an army to fight the revolution and he decided to start peace negotiations with Japan.
  • Immediately after the signing of the Peace of Portsmouth, the revolution in Russia began to wane.

Reasons for the defeat of Russia

Why was Russia defeated in the war with Japan? The reasons for Russia's defeat in the Russo-Japanese War are as follows:

  • The weakness of the grouping of Russian troops in the Far East.
  • The unfinished Trans-Siberian Railway, which did not allow the transfer of troops in full.
  • Mistakes of the army command. I already wrote above about the Kuropatkin factor.
  • Japan's superiority in military equipment.

The last point is extremely important. He is often forgotten, but undeservedly. In terms of technical equipment, primarily in the navy, Japan was far ahead of Russia.

Portsmouth Peace

To conclude peace between countries, Japan demanded that Theodore Roosevelt, the President of the United States, act as an intermediary. Negotiations began and the Russian delegation was headed by Witte. Nicholas 2 returned him to his post and entrusted him with negotiating, knowing the talents of this man. And Witte really took a very tough position, not allowing Japan to get significant gains from the war.

The terms of the Peace of Portsmouth were as follows:

  • Russia recognized Japan's right to dominate Korea.
  • Russia ceded part of the territory of Sakhalin Island (the Japanese wanted to get the entire island, but Witte was against it).
  • Russia transferred the Kwantung Peninsula to Japan along with Port Arthur.
  • No one paid indemnities to anyone, but Russia had to pay a reward to the enemy for the maintenance of Russian prisoners of war.

Consequences of the war

During the war, Russia and Japan lost about 300 thousand people each, but in view of the population for Japan, these were almost catastrophic losses. The losses were due to the fact that this was the first major war in which automatic weapons were used. At sea, there was a big bias towards the use of mines.

An important fact that many bypass, it was after the Russo-Japanese War that the Entente (Russia, France and England) and the Triple Alliance (Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary) were finally formed. The fact of the formation of the Entente draws upon itself. Before the war, Europe had an alliance between Russia and France. The latter did not want its expansion. But the events of the Russian war against Japan showed that the Russian army had many problems (it really was), so France signed agreements with England.

Positions of world powers during the war

During the Russo-Japanese War, the world powers occupied the following positions:

  • England and USA. Traditionally, the interests of these countries were extremely similar. They supported Japan, but mostly financially. Approximately 40% of Japan's costs of the war were covered by Anglo-Saxon money.
  • France declared neutrality. Although, in fact, she had an allied agreement with Russia, she did not fulfill her allied obligations.
  • Germany from the first days of the war declared its neutrality.

The Russian-Japanese war was practically not analyzed by tsarist historians, since they simply did not have enough time. After the end of the war, the Russian Empire lasted almost 12 years, which included a revolution, economic problems and a world war. Therefore, the main study took place already in Soviet times. But it is important to understand that for Soviet historians it was a war against the backdrop of a revolution. That is, "the tsarist regime strove for aggression, and the people prevented this with all their might." That is why it is written in Soviet textbooks that, for example, the Liaoyang operation ended in the defeat of Russia. Although technically it was a draw.

The end of the war is also seen as the complete defeat of the Russian army on land and in the navy. If at sea the situation was indeed close to defeat, then on land Japan was on the brink of an abyss, since they no longer had the manpower to continue the war. I propose to look at this question even a little wider. How did the wars of that era end after the unconditional defeat (and this is what Soviet historians often talked about) of one of the parties? Large indemnities, large territorial concessions, partial economic and political dependence of the loser on the winner. But there is nothing like it in the Portsmouth world. Russia did not pay anything, lost only the southern part of Sakhalin (an insignificant territory) and refused the land leased from China. The argument is often made that Japan won the fight for dominance in Korea. But Russia has never seriously fought for this territory. She was only interested in Manchuria. And if we go back to the origins of the war, we will see that the Japanese government would never have started a war if Nicholas II had recognized Japan's dominance in Korea, just as the Japanese government would have recognized Russia's positions in Manbchuria. Therefore, at the end of the war, Russia did what it should have done back in 1903, without bringing matters to a war. But this is a question for the personality of Nicholas 2, who today is extremely fashionable to call a martyr and hero of Russia, but it was his actions that provoked the war.

Causes of the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)

Causes of the Russian-Japanese confrontation 1904-1905

21.04.2017 14:01

Historians call this war the first major Russian military action in the Far East, it had huge consequences for the political structure of these territories for many years to come.

After the end of the war between Japan and China (1894-1895), the Land of the Rising Sun planned to take away from the Chinese not only Taiwan, but also the strategically advantageous Liaodong Peninsula. This situation alarmed the states of Europe, which have many economic interests in Asia, the joint demarche of Russia, Germany and France forced Japan to abandon its claims to Liaodong.

After the so-called Chinese War of 1900, Russia obtained the rights to have troops in Manchuria and leased Port Arthur as a military base for 25 years. This situation caused a wave of discontent in Tokyo, the Japanese demanded compensation in Korea, where Russia also had great influence. Nicholas II refused to comply with all the requirements of the Japanese side, after which Tokyo began to prepare for war, with the support of England.
The emperor did not listen to his advisers, who asked him to sign an agreement with the Japanese, according to which Russia remained in Manchuria, but ceased to influence Korea. But Nicholas II trusted the authority of General Alekseev, who was sure that if the Japanese were shown weakness, new demands would certainly follow. However, Russia was not ready for the war of 1904: the Great Siberian Railway from the European part of the empire to Vladivostok was not completely completed, the military presence in the region was not large enough to fully be ready to repel Japanese aggression.
1651: Berestets battle

30.06.2018 21:05

In the middle of the 16th century, one of the key battles took place during the Cossack uprising against the power of the Commonwealth over the region.

After recovering from a previous defeat in 1649, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth violates the Zborovsky truce between the parties and resumes the military campaign against the Cossack uprising and its ally in the face of the Crimean Khanate.

The Polish king Jan II Casimir gathered a large army, which consisted mainly of the royal army and commonwealth recruits, but it also included German and Moldavian mercenary soldiers. The total number of troops exceeded 80 thousand fighters, but the army of the Cossacks and the Khanate was larger, exceeding 110 thousand fighters.

The battle began on June 27 and lasted for two weeks. The first days were marked by Tatar provocations of the Poles to fight, as well as local minor battles with the Cossacks.
On June 30, the first mass battle of the troops took place, which the Cossacks gradually lost. In addition to unsuccessful attacks, the situation was complicated by an unforeseen flight, the reasons for which have not been established to this day, of the Tatars from the battlefield, who at the same time managed to take Hetman Khmelnitsky with them. The first few days of July after this battle alternately passed either in the rest of the troops, or in small operations of the parties against each other and shelling, or in attempts to negotiate.

The last battle was fought on 10 July. The Cossacks, exhausted and having lost part of the command, were demoralized and dispersed. Under the pressure of the Polish group, many panicked and died in an attempt to retreat. Thus, the Polish army won and achieved a new peace on favorable terms.

What are the causes of the Russo-Japanese War?

What are the causes of the Russo-Japanese War?

  • Differences in languages! did not understand each other))))
  • the cause of any war is the problem of the so-called "extra mouths"
  • Spheres of influence in the east (China, Korea)
  • REDUCTION Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 fought for dominance in Northeast China and Korea. The war was started by Japan. In 1904, the Japanese fleet attacked Port Arthur, the defense of which continued until early 1905.

    Reasons for the start and defeat of the Russo-Japanese War: briefly

    Russia suffered defeats on the Yalu River, near Liaoyang, on the Shahe River. In 1905, the Japanese defeated the Russian army in a general battle at Mukden, and the Russian fleet at Tsushima. The war ended with the Peace of Portsmouth in 1905, under which Russia recognized Korea as a sphere of influence of Japan, ceded to Japan South Sakhalin and the rights to the Liaodong Peninsula with the cities of Port Arthur and Dalniy. The defeat of the Russian army in the war hastened the beginning of the revolution of 1905-1907.

  • Russia and Japan could not divide the spheres of influence in China (the area of ​​Manchuria), just as Russia needed a victorious war to show the people what kind of government is good and delay the impending revolution
  • This war arose from the ambitions of Japan, which simply needed sources of raw materials and the expansion of its empire, provoked the weakness of Russia in the Far East region.
  • Since Japan was developing rapidly economically, it needed a large territory, which they do not have, hence the aggressive policy towards neighboring countries. In addition, Japan was cheated after the First World War.

    PS: history? we’re going through this right now, but in general, rummage around in the net, you’ll find a more meaningful answer there

  • Causes of the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 :
    one). The rapid strengthening of Russia in the Far East (in 1898 the Chinese Eastern Railway was built in Manchuria, in 1903 - through the Trans-Siberian Railway to Vladivostok, Russia built naval bases on the Liaodun Peninsula. Russia's positions in Korea were strengthened) worried Japan, the USA and England. They began to push Japan to start a war against Russia in order to limit its influence in the region;
    2). The tsarist government strove for war with a seemingly weak and distant country - a “small victorious war” was needed, V. K. Plehve and others believed;
    3). It was necessary to strengthen Russia's position in the international arena;
    four). The desire of the Russian government to distract the people from the revolutionary mood.
    The main result of the war was that, despite the hopes that the “victorious war” would delay the revolution, according to S. Yu. Witte, it brought it “for decades”.
  • Just don’t hit the head of the future emperor with a saber))), most likely a territorial issue

The main causes of the Russo-Japanese War were:

— clash of Russian and Japanese interests in the Far East;

- an attempt to capture foreign markets for the developing domestic economy;

- Russian imperial expansion to the East;

- the desire to enrich Russia and Japan with the wealth of Korea and China.

- the desire of the tsarist government to distract the people from revolutionary uprisings.

By nature, this war was aggressive on both sides.

At the turn of the 19th-20th centuries.

Almost simultaneously with the advanced capitalist countries, Russia entered the imperialist stage of development of capitalism. Rapid bourgeois development began, Russia embarked on the path of industrial and market modernization, and industrial production was growing sharply. More favorable conditions were created for the development of capitalist relations in industry and agriculture. The expansion of domestic trade and the strengthening of Russia's economic ties with the world market contribute to the desire to capture foreign markets for the developing domestic economy. For Russia, one of the attractive markets in addition to the Balkans and the Middle East was the Far East.

The Russian Empire is actively involved in the struggle for the final division of the world between the leading world powers. After its final decline, China was soon literally pulled to pieces by the largest capitalist powers, and the Russian Empire did not lag behind them, occupying Manchuria. The plans of the tsarist government included the creation of "Zeltorossiya" in Manchuria.

The increased interest shown by tsarist Russia in Korea is explained not only by the general predatory policy of the autocracy, but to some extent by the personal interests of the Romanovs, whom the adventurist circle of Bezobrazov became interested in the opportunity to seize the enormous “wealth” of Korea and turn them into the personal property of the reigning dynasty in Russia. The Japanese-Chinese war of 1894-1895 was used very advantageously by tsarism. Under the guise of helping exhausted China to pay indemnities, the tsarist government established the Russian-Chinese Bank, having negotiated for itself concessions for the construction of railways in Manchuria with the right to operate them for 80 years.

In addition to purely banking, the Russian-Chinese Bank received a number of other functions, such as minting local coins, collecting taxes, etc.

Japan reacted very negatively to Russian penetration into the Chinese and Korean economies. The largest Japanese concerns considered the markets of China and Korea the exclusive zone of their own commercial interests. Being a country of strong statehood, a rapidly developing economy and territorially constrained on the islands, it began to show particular activity in the Far East, seeking to capture Korea and Manchuria as markets and sources of raw materials. In addition, in secret and far-reaching plans, Japan considered these territories as a springboard for further aggression against China and the Russian Far East.

The Japanese government finally came to the conclusion that in the implementation of its expansionist goals in China, Japan would inevitably have to face the opposition of Russia, and that it could receive help in this struggle against the Russian rival primarily from the United States and Great Britain. Over the next few years, the Japanese government accelerated the creation of a solid military-industrial base, focusing on the development of military production and the extraction of strategic raw materials, and embarked on a large program for the deployment of land and naval forces, increasing their combat power in the shortest possible time.

The ruling elite of Japan was extremely dissatisfied with the results of the war won against China. Under pressure from Russia, Japan was forced to temporarily abandon the results of its victories. The implementation of Japan's aggressive plans in relation to Korea and China depended not so much on the degree of resistance of these countries, but on the intensity of opposition from competitors, and above all from Russia.

The diplomatic activity of Russia in relation to China led to the fact that an alliance treaty was concluded with China, according to which Russia received the right to build the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER), which further strengthened Russia's position in the area. In addition, Russia in 1898 leased from China for a period of 25 years the Kwantung Peninsula with Port Arthur, which becomes the main base of the Russian navy. Highlighted this suggestion

In St. Petersburg, fears were constantly growing regarding the growing military activity of Japan in the Far East. The tsarist government nevertheless hoped to neutralize the Japanese expansionist plans by rebuffing any attempts by Tokyo to deprive China and Korea of ​​their independence. The Russian government was dominated by considerations in favor of an uncompromising struggle for Russia's national interests in the adjacent Chinese territory.

So, at the beginning of the XX century. Russia faced a new aggressive power in the Far East - Japan, which was also fully supported by the United States and Great Britain, but was not ready to give an adequate response to Japan's rapidly growing military and political ambitions. A Japanese-Russian military clash was inevitable, since the dynamism with which Russia developed its Far Eastern lands was in clear dissonance with the ambitions of the business and political elite of imperial Japan.

War Minister Kuropatkin warned the tsar that the war would be extremely unpopular. But Minister of the Interior Plehve voiced the idea of ​​the majority of the nobility that Russia needed a small victorious war to distract the people from revolutionary uprisings. The fact is that many unresolved conflicts are long overdue in Russia. The most acute were the agrarian question, the position of the working class, the national question, the contradictions between the authorities and the emerging civil society. The unwillingness and inability of the autocracy to resolve these conflicts inevitably pushed Russia towards revolution. The authorities understood that the situation was close to critical and hoped to translate popular discontent into the mainstream of patriotism in a probable war.

Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)

Russo-Japanese war briefly.

Reasons for the start of the war with Japan.

In the period of 1904, Russia was actively developing the lands of the Far East, developing trade and industry. The Land of the Rising Sun blocked access to these lands, at that time it occupied China and Korea. But the fact is that under the department of Russia was one of the territories of China - Manchuria. This is one of the main reasons for the start of the war. In addition, Russia, by decision of the Triple Alliance, was given the Liaodong Peninsula, which once belonged to Japan. Thus, disagreements arose between Russia and Japan, and a struggle arose for dominance in the Far East.

The course of events of the Russo-Japanese War.

Using the effect of surprise, Japan attacked Russia in the place of Port Arthur.

Causes of the Russo-Japanese War of 1905

After the landing of Japanese landing troops on the Kwantung Peninsula, Port Atrut remained cut off from the outside world, and therefore helpless. Within two months, he was forced to resort to capitulation. Further, the Russian army loses the battle of Liaoyang and the battle of Mukden. Before the start of the First World War, these battles were considered the largest in the history of the Russian state.

After the Battle of Tsushima, almost the entire Soviet flotilla was destroyed. Events unfolded in the Yellow Sea. After another battle, Russia loses the Sakhalin Peninsula in an unequal battle. General Kuropatkin, the leader of the Soviet army, for some reason used passive tactics of struggle. In his opinion, it was necessary to wait until the enemy's forces and supplies were running out. And the tsar at that time did not attach much importance to this, since a revolution began on the territory of Russia at that time.

When both sides of the hostilities were morally and materially exhausted, they agreed to the signing of a peace treaty in the American Portsmouth in 1905.

Results of the Russo-Japanese War.

Russia has lost the southern part of its Sakhalin Peninsula. Manchuria was now a neutral territory, and all troops were withdrawn from there. Oddly enough, but the treaty was conducted on equal terms, and not as a winner with a loser.

(1904-1905) - the war between Russia and Japan, which was fought for control of Manchuria, Korea and the ports of Port Arthur and Dalniy.

The most important object of the struggle for the final division of the world at the end of the 19th century was economically backward and militarily weak China. It was to the Far East that the center of gravity of the foreign policy activity of Russian diplomacy was shifted from the mid-1890s. The close interest of the tsarist government in the affairs of this region was largely due to the appearance here by the end of the 19th century of a strong and very aggressive neighbor in the face of Japan, which had embarked on the path of expansion.

By decision of the Japanese commander-in-chief, Marshal Iwao Oyama, Maresuke Nogi's army began the siege of Port Arthur, while the 1st, 2nd and 4th armies, which landed at Dagushan, moved to Liaoyang from the southeast, south and southwest. In mid-June, Kuroki's army occupied the passes southeast of the city, and in July repulsed an attempted Russian counteroffensive. The army of Yasukata Oku, after the battle at Dashichao in July, captured the port of Yingkou, cutting off the connection of the Manchurian army with Port Arthur by sea. In the second half of July, three Japanese armies joined at Liaoyang; their total number was more than 120 thousand against 152 thousand Russians. In the battle of Liaoyang on August 24 - September 3, 1904 (August 11-21, O.S.), both sides suffered huge losses: the Russians lost more than 16 thousand killed, and the Japanese - 24 thousand. The Japanese were unable to encircle the army of Alexei Kuropatkin, which withdrew to Mukden in perfect order, but they captured Liaoyang and the Yantai coal mines.

The retreat to Mukden meant for the defenders of Port Arthur the collapse of hopes for any effective assistance from the ground forces. The Japanese 3rd Army captured the Wolf Mountains and began an intense bombardment of the city and the internal raid. Despite this, several of her assaults in August were repulsed by the garrison under the command of Major General Roman Kondratenko; the besiegers lost 16,000 dead. At the same time, the Japanese succeeded at sea. An attempt to break through the Pacific Fleet to Vladivostok at the end of July failed, Rear Admiral Witgeft died. In August, the squadron of Vice Admiral Hikonojo Kamimura managed to overtake and defeat the cruiser detachment of Rear Admiral Jessen.

By the beginning of October 1904, thanks to reinforcements, the number of the Manchurian army reached 210 thousand, and the Japanese troops near Liaoyang - 170 thousand.

Fearing that in the event of the fall of Port Arthur, the Japanese forces would increase significantly due to the released 3rd Army, Kuropatkin launched an offensive to the south at the end of September, but was defeated in the battle on the Shahe River, losing 46 thousand killed (the enemy - only 16 thousand) and went on the defensive. The four-month "Shahei Sitting" began.

In September-November, the defenders of Port Arthur repulsed three Japanese assaults, but the 3rd Japanese Army managed to capture Mount Vysokaya, which dominated Port Arthur. On January 2, 1905 (December 20, 1904, O.S.), the head of the Kwantung Fortified Region, Lieutenant General Anatoly Stessel, without exhausting all possibilities for resistance, surrendered Port Arthur (in the spring of 1908, a military court sentenced him to death, replaced by ten years imprisonment).

The fall of Port Arthur sharply worsened the strategic position of the Russian troops and the command tried to turn the tide. However, the successfully launched offensive of the 2nd Manchurian army on the village of Sandepa was not supported by other armies. After joining the main forces of the Japanese 3rd Army

Feet their number was equal to the number of Russian troops. In February, Tamemoto Kuroki's army attacked the 1st Manchurian Army southeast of Mukden, and Noga's army began bypassing the Russian right flank. Kuroki's army broke through the front of Nikolai Linevich's army. On March 10 (February 25 O.S.), 1905, the Japanese occupied Mukden. Having lost more than 90 thousand killed and captured, the Russian troops retreated north to Telin in disarray. The largest defeat at Mukden meant the loss of the campaign in Manchuria by the Russian command, although he managed to save a significant part of the army.

Trying to achieve a turning point in the war, the Russian government sent the 2nd Pacific squadron of Admiral Zinovy ​​​​Rozhestvensky, created from part of the Baltic Fleet, to the Far East, but on May 27-28 (May 14-15, O.S.) in the Battle of Tsushima, the Japanese fleet destroyed the Russian squadron . Only one cruiser and two destroyers reached Vladivostok. At the beginning of the summer, the Japanese completely ousted the Russian detachments from North Korea, and by July 8 (June 25, O.S.) captured Sakhalin.

Despite the victories, Japan's forces were exhausted, and at the end of May, through the intermediary of US President Theodore Roosevelt, she invited Russia to enter into peace negotiations. Russia, which found itself in a difficult domestic political situation, agreed. On August 7 (July 25, O.S.), a diplomatic conference opened in Portsmouth (New Hampshire, USA), which ended on September 5 (August 23, O.S.), 1905, with the signing of the Treaty of Portsmouth. Under its terms, Russia ceded to Japan the southern part of Sakhalin, the rights to lease Port Arthur and the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula and the southern branch of the Chinese Eastern Railway from the Changchun station to Port Arthur, allowed its fishing fleet to fish off the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea, recognized Korea as a zone of Japanese influence and gave up its political, military and trade advantages in Manchuria. At the same time, Russia was exempted from paying any indemnities.

Japan, which as a result of the victory took a leading place among the powers of the Far East, until the end of World War II celebrated the day of the victory at Mukden as the Day of the Ground Forces, and the date of the victory at Tsushima as the Day of the Naval Forces.

The Russo-Japanese War was the first major war of the 20th century. Russia lost about 270 thousand people (including over 50 thousand killed), Japan - 270 thousand people (including over 86 thousand killed).

In the Russo-Japanese War, for the first time, machine guns, rapid-firing artillery, mortars, hand grenades, a radiotelegraph, searchlights, barbed wire, including those under high voltage, naval mines and torpedoes, etc., were used on a large scale.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Briefly about the Russo-Japanese War

Russian - yaponskaya voyna (1904 - 1905)

Russo-Japanese War beginning
Russo-Japanese War reasons
Russo-Japanese War stages
Russo-Japanese War results

The Russo-Japanese War, briefly summarized, was the result of a complex relationship between the two countries that arose due to the expansion of the Russian Empire in the Far East. The country was experiencing an economic upswing and there was an opportunity to increase its influence, primarily on Korea and China. This, in turn, caused strong dissatisfaction in Japan.

The reasons for the war are Russia's attempt to spread its influence in the Far East. The reason for the war was the lease of the Liaodong Peninsula by Russia from China and the occupation of Manchuria, which Japan itself had views of.

The demands of the Japanese government to leave Manchuria meant the loss of the Far East, which was impossible for Russia. In such a situation, both sides began preparations for war.
Describing the Russo-Japanese war briefly, it should be noted that in the highest circles of power there was a hope that Japan would not dare to take military action with Russia. Nicholas II had a different opinion.

By the beginning of 1903, Japan was completely ready for war and was just waiting for a convenient excuse to start it. The Russian authorities, on the other hand, acted indecisively, never fully realizing their plans to prepare a military campaign in the Far East. This led to a threatening situation - the military forces of Russia were in many ways inferior to the Japanese. The number of ground forces and military equipment was almost half that of Japan. For example, in terms of the number of destroyers, the Japanese fleet had a threefold superiority over the Russian.

However, the Russian government, as if not seeing these facts, continued to expand in relation to the Far East, and decided to use the war with Japan itself as an opportunity to distract the people from serious social problems.

The war began on January 27, 1904. The Japanese fleet suddenly attacked Russian ships near the city of Port Arthur. It was not possible to capture the city itself, but the most combat-ready Russian ships were put out of action. Japanese troops were able to land unhindered in Korea. The railway communication between Russia and Port Arthur was broken, and the siege of the city began. In December, the garrison, after suffering several heavy attacks by Japanese troops, was forced to surrender, while flooding the remnants of the Russian fleet so that it would not fall to Japan. The surrender of Port Arthur actually meant the loss of the Russian army.

On land, Russia was also losing the war. The Mukden battle, the largest at that time, the Russian troops could not win and retreated. The Battle of Tsushima destroyed the Baltic fleet.

But Japan was also so exhausted by the ongoing war that it decided to go to peace talks. She achieved her goals and did not want to waste her resources and strength further. The Russian government agreed to the conclusion of peace. In Portsmouth, in August 1905, Japan and Russia signed a peace treaty. It cost the Russian side dearly. According to him, Port Arthur, as well as the southern part of the Sakhalin Peninsula, now belonged to Japan, and Korea finally fell under its influence.
In the Russian Empire, losing the war increased dissatisfaction with the authorities.

More wars, battles, battles, riots and uprisings in Russia:

  • Caucasian war
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