What is the BEACH diet: a detailed description and a sample menu. Diet BUCH: detailed description, menu for a week, a month

Among all nutrition systems, the BEACH diet is characterized by excellent results - a detailed description of this weight loss technique includes a menu of allowed foods, which are divided into protein and carbohydrate. With such a balance of diet, weight loss occurs in a safer way for the body. In addition, the BUCH nutrition system allows you not only to lose weight, but also to maintain the result for a long time. What is the protein-carbohydrate alternation, the rules of this diet and several recipes are described in detail below.

What is butch in weight loss

A weight loss method that does not involve calorie restriction, but eating it in groups - this is the protein-carbohydrate alternation for weight loss. It makes the body work in a certain way, burning fat without affecting the muscles. This is achieved by dividing the menu by day - protein and carbohydrate. For each of them there is a specific list of products and possible dishes from them. The amount of proteins and carbohydrates is calculated depending on the weight, because the main thing in the description of such a diet is the observance of the “dosage”.

Diet Rules

The essence of BEA is very simple - on the first day you eat more proteins, and on the second day you use only carbohydrates. The third day is mixed when both types of food are used. Here is a more detailed description of the rules for each day:

  1. Low carb or protein. Very similar to drying. It can last not one day, but even two or three. During this phase, 3-4 g of proteins are consumed for every kilogram of body weight.
  2. High carb. This stage lasts only one day. The description for it says that at this time the menu should include 5-6 g of carbohydrates per 1 kilogram of body weight.
  3. Mixed. It also lasts one day. In this case, about 2-3 g of proteins and 2-2.5 g of carbohydrates should fall on one kilogram of weight. This is where the description of the cycle ends and it can be started again.

How to alternate protein and carbohydrate days

There are many descriptions of BUCH that differ in the number and sequence of protein and carbohydrate days. The best option is shown above. It suggests 1 or 2-3 protein days, then 1 high-carb and 1 more mixed. At the maintenance stage, you can reduce each stage to one day. You can also try the following BEA options:

  • 2 protein + 2 carbohydrate;
  • 2 protein + 1 carbohydrate;
  • 3 protein + 1 carbohydrate + 1 mixed;
  • 2 protein + 2 carbohydrate + 2 mixed.

How to calculate bju for butch

It is important not just to stick to a detailed description of the sequence of protein and carbohydrate days. For each of them it is required to make the correct calculation. It represents the amount of protein and carbohydrates that will correspond to your weight. To meet the norms, it is recommended to have a table on hand that reflects the amount of BJU in various products. So you can properly compose your diet without exceeding the norm. The calculation is made as follows (instead of the number 70, just substitute your weight in kilograms):

  1. Protein day. It is allowed to consume up to 3-4 g of protein per kilogram of weight. For example, you weigh 70 kg - 70 * (3-4) \u003d 210-280 g per day.
  2. Carbohydrate day. The menu may include 5-6 g of carbohydrates per kilogram. For the same example with a weight of 70 kg, it turns out - 70 * (5-6) \u003d 350-420 g.
  3. Mixed. Includes 2-3 g of proteins and 2-2.5 g of carbohydrates. In the above example, it will turn out - 70 * (2-3) \u003d 140-210 g of proteins and 70 * (2-2.5) \u003d 140-175 g of carbohydrates.

Butch foods on protein day

The basis of the first stage is food with a high protein content and a minimum amount of fat and carbohydrates. In a detailed description of the diet, it is represented by the following products:

  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • bird;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • kefir;
  • some nuts;
  • seafood;
  • legumes.

Products for the carbohydrate day

At this stage, fats are also prohibited, with the exception of unsaturated ones. The basis of the diet here is carbohydrates, but not sugary or starchy. This includes potatoes, grapes, persimmons, bananas, sweets. Allowed are complex carbohydrates, which include:

  • cereals - oatmeal, barley, buckwheat, rice, wheat, millet;
  • pasta from higher grades of wheat;
  • Rye bread;
  • bran;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • greens.

Diet of protein-carbohydrate alternation

BEACH diet - a detailed description of it advises you to start with motivation. It will help you cope with dietary changes more easily. To give yourself an incentive, take measurements of the volume of the body, weigh yourself, you can even take a few control photos. Having done all the same in a week, you will already see, even if small, but the result. There are several descriptions of the BEACH diet itself. You can make a detailed menu for the day ahead or immediately for a week or even a month.

Butch menu for every day

The first in the description of the diet is the protein day. They can be varied using chicken, fish and beef. Snacks are best made from dairy products. Sample menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast. About 200 g fat-free cottage cheese, black coffee with cinnamon.
  2. Snack. Omelette of 4 proteins without butter.
  3. Dinner. Baked chicken (200 g) with cucumber salad.
  4. afternoon tea. Portion 200 g of baked fish.
  5. Dinner. Low-fat cottage cheese (200 g).

The next day is carbohydrate day, when you should avoid sweets and sugary fruits and berries. The menu for this stage is something like this:

  1. Breakfast. Oatmeal on the water (100 g), 25 g of raisins and 1 tsp. honey.
  2. Snack. Orange.
  3. Dinner. Vegetable soup with barley.
  4. afternoon tea. Any fruit.
  5. Dinner. Rice with vegetables (200 g).

At the mixed stage, you can include both types of products, so the menu will be more diverse, for example, like this:

  1. Breakfast. Oatmeal on the water, low-fat milk, boiled egg.
  2. Snack. Small apple.
  3. Dinner. Baked chicken, vegetable salad, a spoonful of linseed oil.
  4. afternoon tea. Protein omelet.
  5. Dinner. Lean fish with sauerkraut.

Butch diet - menu for the week

The following description of the menu is designed for a week at once. It consists of 2 protein, 3 carbohydrate and 2 mixed days. The diet is painted only for the first two cases. On a mixed day, you can choose dishes from any description. Menu for 2 protein days:

  1. Breakfast. You can choose from a curd soufflé without flour and coffee, a curd casserole with unsweetened tea.
  2. Snack. Nuts, natural yogurt or kefir.
  3. Dinner. Choice of mushroom cream soup with stewed beans and chicken, stewed rabbit with chickpea puree.
  4. Dinner. Choice of chicken liver stewed in milk, seafood in tomato sauce.

Diet for 3 carbohydrate days:

  1. Breakfast. Choice of barley porridge with black coffee, whole grain cereal with milk.
  2. Snack. Several fruits.
  3. Dinner. Choice of vegetable stew with rice, buckwheat with mushrooms.
  4. Dinner. Choice of stuffed pancakes with vegetables, warm salad with lentils.

Protein-carbohydrate diet for a month

This paragraph also presents the BEACH diet - its detailed description in this case includes dishes from allowed products for a month. First, you should decide on the alternation scheme for such a long period. The description of the menu is presented in the table with several options for breakfasts, snacks, lunches and dinners:





cottage cheese with kefir;

omelet with herbs;

yogurt with dried fruits;

milk shake;

cheesecake with coffee;

cottage cheese fritters with sour cream

croutons with herbs and cheese;

porridge with fruit;

oatmeal with raisins

You can choose any of the two left columns

steamed beef patties with cabbage;

soup with chicken and egg;

boiled chicken with green salad;

fish baked with vegetables

rice casserole with fruit;

vegetable soup with dumplings;

steamed porridge with vegetables

chicken meatballs with mushrooms;

fish with vegetables;

chicken breast with carrots and onions

fruit casserole with cereals;

milk porridge with apples;

baked apples with cottage cheese

Butch Diet Recipes

It is easy to create a menu from the allowed products, which involves the BEACH diet - a detailed description of it in the form of several original recipes is presented below. The first dish is intended for a protein day. This mushroom cream soup will add variety to your diet. Its ingredients are available all year round. The most commonly used mushrooms. They are easily absorbed by the body and contain a large amount of protein, which is necessary at the first stage of the diet.

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 399 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch / for dinner / BUCH diet.
  • Cuisine: Russian.


  • salt - to taste;
  • potatoes - 2 small pieces;
  • nutmeg - to taste;
  • low-fat cream - 150 g;
  • black pepper - also to taste;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • champignons - 600 g;
  • vegetable broth - 350 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the peeled potatoes, then remove them and leave the broth.
  2. Finely chop the onion, fry in a dry frying pan.
  3. Next, add chopped mushrooms, simmer the mixture for another 8-10 minutes.
  4. Pour the broth into the pan, after boiling, add the mashed potatoes.
  5. Steam for a couple of minutes, then process with a blender.
  6. Pour in the cream, salt, pepper, season with nutmeg.

Rice casserole is perfect for a carbohydrate day. It can be included in the main menu or used as a snack. In the first case, it is better to additionally use meat ingredients. For dessert, add fruit to the casserole. Apples go well with rice. Although it will turn out sweet with pumpkin. Rice is suitable even left over from yesterday's dinner.

  • Cooking time: 50 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 133 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast / for lunch / for dinner / BUCH diet.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.


  • sugar - 60 g;
  • apple - 300 g;
  • water - 600 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • rice - 500 g;
  • milk - 600 ml;
  • breadcrumbs - 35 g;
  • sour cream - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Salt the water, add sugar, after boiling, pour cereal into it.
  2. Simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Next, pour milk, cook until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  4. Fill with oil when ready.
  5. Grate peeled apples.
  6. Put half of the finished porridge on the bottom of the baking dish.
  7. Next, spread a layer of fruit. Lay the rest of the porridge on top.
  8. Lubricate with a mixture of sour cream with an egg.
  9. Bake for 20 minutes at 220 degrees.

For a mixed day, there is a wider choice of dishes that the BEACH diet allows - a detailed description of one of them is presented in the recipe. It is very simple and is more suitable for a snack or breakfast. This is a kefir cocktail with cottage cheese and kiwi, although other fruits can be used. Oatmeal will make the dish healthier. They are also often added to cocktails.

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 54 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast / afternoon snack / BUCH diet.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.


  • kefir - 300 ml;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel kiwi, mash.
  2. Pour fruit with kefir.
  3. Add mashed cottage cheese.
  4. Beat with a blender until smooth.

Benefits and harms butch

Every diet has pros and cons. The advantages of the BUCH system are uniform fat burning, no hunger and a very simple program that captivates you with the fact that you need to make a menu for yourself every time. On such a diet, an active metabolism and excellent mood are provided. In addition, the detailed description of BEACH states that you can stick to it as long as you like. Of the minuses of the system, only contraindications are noted:

  • ulcers, gastritis and other problems with the digestive system;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
  • diabetes;
  • pathology of the kidneys and liver;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • childhood or old age.

Butch diet - before and after photos

Video: Alternating protein and carbohydrate days for weight loss

This diet allows you to burn fat while maintaining muscle tissue. Therefore, it is also suitable for bodybuilders during the drying period, and for those who simply want to have a slender and beautiful figure.

A particularly pronounced effect is in conjunction with occupations sports.

This diet has three types of menu per day:

  • High protein content. On such days, the body spends glycogen stores and begins to burn its own fat stores.
  • High carbohydrate content. Such a day is introduced in order to maintain a fast metabolism (metabolism) and even speed it up.
  • Moderate menu, that is, the consumption of both protein and carbohydrates in the usual ratio. A day with such a menu should definitely be after a high-carbohydrate one in order to fully replenish glycogen stores.

They alternate in this order: 2-4 protein days(who is enough) 1 carbohydrate, 1 moderate day. This alternation allows you not to break down and not feel tired, as on low-carb diets.

Products included in protein days, of course, must contain lots of protein. Basically, this is a bird, and. Protein content (gr. protein/100 g product):

To the second menu it is worth including, and, which are rich in carbohydrates and contain almost no protein and fat. Carbohydrate content ( g carbohydrates/100 g product):

A short description of the diet in the video

Sample menu for the week BUCH

The first day - protein:Breakfast: 2 boiled, vegetable salad, seasoned with 1 teaspoon and, or coffee without sugar, without milk, or decoction, or table or non-carbonated mineral water.

Lunch: fat-free cottage cheese (with, vanillin or).

Dinner: chicken breast with stewed vegetables.

Dinner: low-fat steamed fish, a glass.

Second day - proteinBreakfast: scrambled eggs (shrimps and herbs can be added), fat-free cottage cheese (with cinnamon, vanilla or herbs), tea or coffee without sugar, without milk, rosehip broth, table or non-carbonated mineral water.

Dinner: baked fish with spices and lemon juice, vegetable salad dressed with 1 teaspoon of olive oil.

Dinner: boiled chicken breast, glass.

Third day - proteinBreakfast: a small portion of chicken julienne with champignons (natural sauce), tea or coffee without sugar, without milk, rosehip broth, table or non-carbonated mineral water.

Lunch: a small portion of protein salad (, chicken breast, egg).

Dinner: beef with vegetables, grapefruit.

Dinner: boiled squid, a glass of kefir.

Fourth day - carbohydrateBreakfast: oatmeal with skim milk,.

Lunch: any fruit.

Dinner: baked fish, brown rice with tomato sauce, vegetable salad dressed with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and lemon juice.

Dinner: vegetable salad, kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt.

Fifth day - moderateBreakfast: oatmeal or, 2 eggs, coffee or tea without sugar.

Lunch: kefir, one loaf and one slice of cheese.

Dinner: boiled breast or beef, rice with vegetables.

Dinner: cottage cheese with herbs, boiled squid with low-fat sour cream, non-carbonated mineral water.

Sixth day - proteinBreakfast: chicken omelette, vegetable salad dressed with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and lemon juice, tea or coffee without sugar, without milk, rosehip broth, table or still mineral water.

Lunch: a glass of kefir or natural yogurt.

Dinner: baked tuna with spices and lemon juice, stewed vegetables.

Dinner: boiled chicken fillet, a glass of kefir.

Seventh day - proteinBreakfast: 2 boiled eggs, fat-free cottage cheese (with cinnamon, vanilla or herbs), tea or coffee without sugar, without milk, rosehip broth, table or non-carbonated mineral water.

Lunch: protein shake.

Dinner: beef with stewed vegetables, a small portion of brown rice.

Dinner: boiled squid, a little, a glass of kefir.

Nutrition for BUCH should be moderate overeat, but you also don’t need to go on a hunger strike, at least 1200 kcal under normal load and 1600 during active physical activity.

On white days the amount of protein should be equal to body weight times 3, that is, 3 grams per 1 kg of body weight. protein, and the amount of carbohydrates 0.5-1 gr. per 1 kg.

On a carb day calculate the amount of carbohydrates from the formula 4 gr. per 1 kg of its own weight, and proteins 0.5-1 gr. per 1 kg.

In mixed day You need 1.5-2 grams of protein, and 2-3 grams of carbohydrates. per 1 kg.

It is also worth remembering that BUCH This is a diet, so you can’t sit on it for a very long time. The number of days on the diet should equal the number of days off.

People who play sports are advised to drink overnight glass of protein shake, and for those who are not engaged in just a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk.

The effectiveness of the diet will directly depend on your diet, so load yourself chocolates during carbohydrate days and sausage during protein it is forbidden.

Do not be upset when on the first carbohydrate day to you will returnkilogram weight, it's just a liquid, and it came because carbohydrates retain water in the body. She will leave just as easily in a couple of days as she came.

Deciding to sit on diet BEACH worth consulting with a doctor because this system is not for everyone. It is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers, people with diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, as it is not balanced. But if this diet still suits you, then feel free to use it and the result will not be long in coming.

The main advantage of the protein-carbohydrate rotation is that it is quite easy to carry. In addition, this type of nutrition is suitable for all types of physique: ectomorph, endomorph, mesomorph. Surely you have heard such terms as "skinny fat", "overweight" or "body quality". Despite the fact that the meanings of the phrases are diametrically different, nevertheless, their essence is the same - a reflection of the condition of the skin and body.

Butch diet: what is "skinny fat" and where does it come from

Hooray, your type is ectomorphic, you can eat whatever you want and almost never gain weight. Great! Many people dream about it, but not everyone has such a luxury. However, ectomorphs face a completely different threat - skinny fat!

Characteristic features of skinny fat:

  • weak skin turgor;
  • sagging and wrinkling of the skin;
  • lack of muscle mass.

There are several reasons leading to this state of affairs. First of all, food. Most often, skinny fat is those who abuse fast food, love sweets, alcohol, and tobacco. Ectomorphs will not acquire pronounced excess weight due to the fact that they abuse fast food, but it is worth remembering that a skinny cow is not a synonym for a quivering doe, and therefore, having a saggy and flabby body is just as bad and not beautiful as well as satisfying folds in obesity . The Butch Diet is a great choice and solution. If you connect sports to everything, you will very soon get an elastic and toned body.

Mesomorphs have responsive muscles and naturally high levels of skin turgor. But with a sedentary lifestyle and the abuse of sweets, they can also gain weight. The BEACH diet will allow you to quickly and effectively solve issues related to nutrition and excess weight. Well, for the endomorphic type, this diet is a real panacea! After all, the diet not only allows you to save muscle mass, but also successfully eliminates body fat and excess water.

BEACH Diet: Detailed Description and Basics

What is a protein-carbohydrate alternation? This is a cyclic type of nutrition, implying the alternation of stages. Days when protein is predominantly used in the diet are replaced by mixed days, and then carbohydrate days. This allows you to maximize and increase metabolism, as well as burn fat. Most often they adhere to a four-day cycle, but it is best to choose a regimen for yourself. It can be 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, etc. it all depends on personal comfort, and the result in any case will not be long in coming.

Butch diet: calculation of BJU with protein-carbohydrate alternation

So, as we have already found out, the first days are protein days. During this period of time, we exclude carbohydrates and eat only protein foods. Your diet should be based on the calculation of 2.5-4 grams of protein for every kilogram of your weight. At the same time, the amount of carbohydrates should not go beyond 0.5 grams per kilogram. Fats - only those in meat, you should also include fish oil, linseed oil (a teaspoon per day) in your diet. This will be enough to ensure that your skin and hair do not dry out and deteriorate.

After protein days comes a series of high-carb days. And if there were two protein days, then there will also be two carbohydrate days. During this period, the menu on the BEACH diet becomes more diverse. And on the first day, you should eat a maximum of carbohydrates - 4-6 grams per kilogram. It is important to note that we are talking about complex, slow carbohydrates. For the period of the BEACH diet, it is best to exclude fast carbohydrates. Protein intake should be reduced to 1 gram per kilogram of body.

Slow carbohydrates are foods with a low glycemic index: cabbage, cucumbers, asparagus, peppers, onions, buckwheat, oatmeal, lentils, wild rice, iceberg lettuce, arugula, leaf lettuce. Vegetables and grains should be the basis of your diet on a carbohydrate day. You can also use half a grapefruit for breakfast. It also has a low glycemic index, and it is also rich in vitamin C, B1, B2, A and many other useful substances.

The final day of the cycle is a mixed day. The consumption of proteins and carbohydrates is approximately the same, with a slight bias towards protein. You should have about 2 grams of carbohydrates, as well as 2.5 grams of protein for every kilogram of weight.

Products for the BUCH diet

During the protein-carbohydrate alternation, you should use proteins and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index - slow carbohydrates.

Proteins: poultry, rabbit, any baked, boiled or stewed fish, veal, beef, seafood, low-fat dairy products, egg white (no more than 2 yolks per day).

Carbs: lentils, al dente pasta, buckwheat, bran, basmati rice, Chinese noodles, asparagus, squash, pepper, rhubarb, soy, avocado, leaf lettuce, iceberg lettuce, cauliflower, eggplant, mushrooms, artichoke, onion , celery, fresh raspberries, lingonberries, blueberries, blackberries, apricots, plums, cherries, orange, grapefruit, cashews, almonds. All of these foods have a GI less than 50.

Butch diet: menu for the week

In order to make it clearer, we will analyze the diet for a week. This option is an example, you can choose the set of products that appeals to you personally. He can be anything. The main thing is to follow two rules: to fit into the BJU range for each stage, as well as fractional, frequent meals.

An example of nutrition for five times the butch diet

Interval - every 3 hours:

  1. 1st reception: 1 tbsp. bran (7 gr.) and 200 gr. cottage cheese (0%).
  2. 2nd meal: asparagus salad (200g) with leeks (20g) and a teaspoon of olive oil. Chicken breast 200 gr.
  3. 3rd reception: stewed hake fillet (200 gr.) with a slice of lemon and parsley.
  4. Cottage cheese "Tofu" 100 gr.
  5. 4th reception: seafood 200 gr.
  6. 5th reception: omelet from 1 egg and 100 gr. milk + squid meat 200 gr.

Such food will give you 1200 calories, of which 200 gr. (80%) protein, 30 gr. (13%) fat, 12 gr. (7%) carbohydrates. This corridor of calories is conditional, the weight of products for each meal must be calculated independently, based on weight, age, gender and physical activity. Do not forget that an excessive decrease in calories leads to a slowdown in weight loss. During the week, you can vary the products, leaving only bran for breakfast and pure protein for dinner. It is very important to consume bran - this is a source of fiber, which will stabilize the digestive tract and you can avoid the main problem of protein diets - constipation.

Depending on the initial weight, you can be on a protein-carbohydrate alternation for up to 3 months. But at the same time, it is very important to consume 2 liters of pure water, vitamins and fish oil, since such a diet is not balanced, and excess protein loads the kidneys. With the help of water and vitamins, you will make up for the deficiency of the missing elements and unload the kidneys a little by washing them. In addition, the habit of drinking plenty of water will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, on nutritional needs. It would be wise to plan your diet ahead of time. During the diet, your weight will fluctuate: for example, during the protein days, you will lose from 1 to 3 kg of weight, but during carbohydrate days, from 0.5 to 2 kg will return. This is not due to the fact that you suddenly recovered again, the fact is that carbohydrates bind water, and during protein days, all the water from the body tissues simply leaves. On average, your weight should drop from 0.5 to 1 kg. in Week. If more, you have lowered the KBZhU of the diet too much and this is fraught with exhaustion, placebo, stretch marks and sagging skin, as well as breakdowns that always replace hard diets.

The benefits of forming a menu for a month during the BEACH diet

A lot of people going on a diet perceive it as a forced, temporary measure and do not really care about the variety of the menu, thereby making a fatal mistake. After all, in fact, there are very few people who can eat steamed chicken breasts, low-fat cottage cheese briquettes, half-baked fresh vegetables and green tea every day. It is because of the monotony and monotony that breakdowns most often occur, because there are so many delicious things in the world! If your weight is above the norm and you have to go on a diet for a long time, then first of all you need to create a menu, having thought over the types of dishes by day and week. Be sure to make sure that for a month you have at least 5 options for cooking chicken fillet, fish. In addition, try to use a variety of fish - hake, trout, salmon, mackerel, cod, pollock, grass carp, river species. There are expensive options, there are budget options, but the more varied your menu is, the more likely it is that you will be able to sit on the BEACH diet without disruption. For example, instead of fish, you can occasionally make yourself egg-squid salads with onions. It's delicious, inexpensive, and very high in protein. If there is a grill, then a fish on a vegetable pillow or lightly beaten chicken breast in an egg and bran batter will be a great addition. However, all these dishes can also be cooked in a slow cooker, oven or in a pan.

Cottage cheese briquettes become a real delicacy if you spend a little time. Half a banana, 150 gr. cottage cheese and 100 gr. skimmed milk in a blender - and now a delicious and sweet cocktail. For those with a sweet tooth who are very worried that they can break into sweets, there is also a way out - stevia. This is a natural sugar substitute that can be used. Well, those who accept synthetic sugars can afford a lot of everything they love: 11% cocoa + skimmed milk powder and a liquid sweetener - a delicious and dietary treat for a carbohydrate breakfast. In addition, you can make cheesecakes, casseroles and much more tasty and healthy with berries and fruits on carbohydrate days. Remember: the more varied the food, the easier it will be to sit on the BEACH diet.

Butch diet: how not to lose motivation in the process

Any diet, especially a long one, is a rather exhausting and difficult process. It is impossible to overcome all the way on the positive and confidence in the plan. Every person has difficult days, disappointments and difficulties. To avoid them, you should periodically receive "doping" in the form of self-motivation. There are several tools for motivation:

  1. Own results.

Take control measurements of the volume of the chest, waist, abdomen, hips, arms and legs. Also check your weight at the beginning of the diet. Even if you are not able to immediately notice visual changes, a centimeter and scales will help you notice changes in the body and figure. Well, after a couple of weeks, you will be able to see how your body has changed in the mirror.

  1. Motivational video and articles.

Various video clips will allow you not to break loose and make sure that you are on the right track. Everything that is done is right, and a beautiful figure is waiting for you, you just need to try. After all, everything good, outstanding is given by labor and diligence. Remember your studies, work, personal life, the birth of children - all this required effort and effort. Some more, some less, but still. By observing the results of other members of the BUCH diet community, you can see that you are not alone at all. A friendly conversation and support is what you need!

Photos "before" and "after" the Butch diet

The second month becomes a particularly difficult stage for many participants. Usually, in the fifth week, weight loss slows down somewhat, many people experience a “placebo” effect and the BEACH diet ceases to seem so convenient and effective. During this period of time, it is very important not to break loose and not abandon the process, because so much has already been done. In addition, frequent changes in diet will not have a very positive effect on the overall health of the body. A great way to cheer up is to view photos of participants in the BUCH diet. The network has a lot of photos of girls and men who demonstrate their results and do not hide their success. Such pictures will be a great motivation on the way to success.

A competent approach and strict adherence to the plan will allow you to quickly achieve outstanding results. But, it is important not only to adhere to a diet on a protein-carbohydrate alternation, but also to exercise regularly. Even if sport is an alien and hateful activity for you, it is worth working hard and finding something that can give you pleasure. Of course, the gym, group fitness classes, various types of wrestling are quite effective tools for burning calories, but if you don’t like these areas, then you can always find what you like:

  1. Dancing.

This is an excellent cardio load, which allows not only to work out all muscle groups, but also to develop plasticity, a sense of rhythm, and balance.

  1. Walking

Walking in the fresh air also has a beneficial effect on the body. Walk at least 4 km. a day, and you will very soon notice how much better the complexion has become, how the body has tightened up and the muscles have strengthened.

Running is the most efficient and resource-intensive training mode. An hour of intense running can burn up to 1000 calories. Running also strengthens the cardiovascular system, leg muscles and restores tone to the tissues of the body.

  1. Swimming.

Water sports are practically a panacea. It is especially good for those who are losing weight on the BEACH diet from a very large weight. The fact is that swimming has a beneficial effect on skin turgor, restores its elasticity, firmness and tightens well. In addition, it is an excellent aerobic exercise and a means to restore posture.

  1. Charging at home.

If the sport is not given to you at all, then a small charge for 20-30 minutes will help you. Calorie consumption will be small, but you can strengthen muscles and tighten skin over time. The main thing is the regularity and correct execution of all exercises. And if you want an additional effect from the diet, then keep your pulse in the fat burning zone. To find out your individual zone, you need to subtract your age from 220. The result will be your pulse. Permissible deviation of 10 positions in one direction or another.

There are quite a few methods for losing weight. But of all of them, on the fingers, you can list those that really help to competently lose weight. So that it is fat deposits that disappear from your body, and not muscle mass. Such a nutrition system is the BEACH diet.

Many weight loss methods and diets promise great results in a short time. Basically, they don't lie. But it is worth noting that it is impossible to quickly get rid of extra pounds. You can quickly lose only muscle mass and excess fluid in the body.

Butch diet does not promise super results in a short time. But the butch diet offers you to get rid specifically of the fat layer in the body.

First, let's decipher the name of the diet. Butch diet stands for protein-carbohydrate alternation. That is, during the diet, the basis of your nutrition will be protein and carbohydrate foods.

Why is such a diet necessary? The fact is that in order for your body to actively begin to burn fat, first of all, it will have to deal with glycogen, which is located in the muscles and liver. In order for this process to start, you need to limit yourself in carbohydrates.

As soon as carbohydrates cease to enter the body in sufficient quantities, there will be nothing left for him but to spend glycogen reserves. But it is impossible to abuse the restriction of carbohydrates during a diet, because after the body has dealt with glycogen, without additional intake of carbohydrates, muscle tissue will begin to burn. And we don't need it at all. That's why it's so important to find a balance between when your carbs run out and when you replenish them.

Diet term

In order to achieve the desired results, the butch diet should be applied for about a month. This diet consists of 4 day cycles.

Here description of these days:

  1. The diet of the first and second days are low-carb days.
    The menu of such a day contains: 4-5 grams of protein food and about 5 grams of carbohydrates for every kilogram of your weight.
  2. The diet of the third day is a high-carb day.
    The menu on this day contains 6 grams of carbohydrates for every kilogram of your weight, and 1.5 grams of protein food.
  3. The diet of the fourth day is called moderate.
    On such a day, you can consume 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram and 2 grams of carbohydrates.

But what about fats? Really all this time it will be necessary not to use them at all? No, it's not. Fats are essential for normal metabolism. Try to make sure that the daily diet includes exactly 30 grams of fat. And it should be vegetable fats. An ideal source of such fats will be unrefined oils.

BUCH diet menu

To make it easier for you to decide what to cook for yourself during such a diet, we offer you an approximate menu for one 4-day cycle.

First and second day

Menu for low carb days:

  1. In the morning you can eat two eggs.
    They can either be fried in a pan without oil, or boiled. Complement your breakfast with a salad of fresh vegetables, just avoid starchy vegetables. Salad dressing is your favorite unrefined butter or unsweetened low-fat yogurt.
  2. In the afternoon, you can dine on a piece of lean meat.
    It is best if it is turkey or chicken meat. Cook it on the grill or boil it. Fresh or stewed vegetables are perfect as a side dish.
  3. An afternoon snack with a diet may consist of unsweetened cottage cheese of medium fat content.
  4. In the evening, prepare yourself a salad of fresh vegetables.
    Prepare a piece of baked sea fish for the salad.

Agree with such a menu you will not stay hungry.

Third day of the diet

As we remember, the third day includes high-carb foods:

  1. In the morning, prepare yourself oatmeal, add dried fruits and nuts to it.
    Complement your breakfast with a cup of coffee and whole grain toast.
  2. During the day it will be great if you boil yourself buckwheat or pearl barley.
    You can boil a piece of lean meat for porridge. You can also eat a salad that you fill with unrefined oil.
  3. In the afternoon, you can eat your favorite dried fruits or just fresh fruits and berries.
    However, high-calorie fruits should still be avoided. These include bananas, persimmons and grapes.
  4. In the evening, treat yourself to durum wheat pasta.
    If you like rice, then you can have dinner with them too. At your choice.

The main thing to understand is that fast carbohydrates cannot be included in the menu of high-carb days. They will ruin everything for you. So no confectionery.

Fourth day

On the fourth day, the diet menu suggests a moderate diet:

  1. In the morning, you can make cheesecakes using whole grain flour.
    Only they need not be fried, but baked in the oven. Ideally, instead of sugar, put dried fruits there. Ordinary sandwiches with hard cheese and brown bread are also suitable as breakfast.
  2. During the day, you can eat a small portion of rice.
    Boil or bake chicken fillet with rice. You can cook any other cereal. Do not forget about the salad with unrefined butter.
  3. In the afternoon, you can eat your favorite fruit or cottage cheese.
  4. In the evening, you can cook a delicious casserole with cottage cheese, onions and chicken.
    An omelet with grated cheese and tomatoes is also suitable as a quick dinner.

What else matters?

With such a menu, you definitely will not remain hungry, for a whole month of the diet you will go full and at the same time lose those extra pounds. That is, in a week and one day you will have two 4-day cycles. In principle, if you are not a gourmet, then you can stick to this menu for the whole month. And you can change dishes every week or every four days. Here everything already depends on your imagination.

You can slightly adjust your favorite recipes to fit your diet. Then losing weight will be even more habitual.

During the diet, do not forget to also drink enough water. To make it easier for the body to get rid of toxins and toxins.

To inspire you even more on this diet, we offer you some delicious recipes.

Cottage cheese casserole

Recipes should be simple and tasty so as not to discourage cooking. These are the recipes we offer. On a moderate to high-carb day, you can make this delicious casserole.

To prepare it, you will need: 250 grams of medium-fat cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of semolina, a bunch of dill, black pepper and salt to taste.

We throw off all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth. At the end, add salt and pepper to taste. Pour the base for the casserole into a silicone mold, sprinkle with dill on top.

We send the form to the oven for 20-25 minutes. Allow the casserole to cool before serving.

Chicken baked in kefir

Chicken recipes are great for low carb days. Lean meat can also be cooked very tasty. The main thing, using these recipes, do not choose chicken legs for baking. They are too high in calories. Cook better chicken fillet in kefir.

So, we take the chicken fillet, cut it into small pieces and put it on a baking sheet. Now we take 250 ml of kefir, pour it into a cup. Kefir pepper, salt, you can also add chopped garlic there. Pour the chicken fillet with such kefir and put it in the oven for half an hour. As a result, we get a chicken with a golden brown, and also dietary.

Also, do not be afraid to experiment, choose new recipes. Make new recipes from several old ones. Spice up your menu with a new dish every week. But at the same time, do not forget that your main goal is to lose weight.

Protein diets have been proven to be the most effective. Cutting out carbs can help you lose weight quickly. However, maintaining a diet is difficult. In addition, the exclusion of carbohydrates from the menu causes a number of health problems. A girl who eats only proteins may begin to feel dizzy and have problems with her stool. Hair that was silky and shiny before the diet will lose its gloss without carbohydrates and become dry and brittle.

BUCH diet for weight loss avoids such problems. Its use involves the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days. The method of weight loss was developed for athletes who want to dry out and not lose muscle mass. The diet allows you to drive away fat without affecting the muscles. By developing the right training regimen, a person can even build muscle during weight loss. The BEACH diet is suitable for people who want to achieve results and not lose them for a long time. There are several types of weight loss schemes. A fashionista can give preference to the type of diet that suits her best. The weight loss scheme is not for everyone. In addition, the method can lead to a number of negative consequences. We will talk about the effectiveness of the BEACH diet, its pros, cons and an exemplary menu for weight loss further.

BUCH is an unusual diet. It implies the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days. Power cycles may vary. Experts advise choosing a suitable nutrition system depending on the state of health and the state of the body of the person losing weight. The most active is considered to be a 3-day scheme.

Having chosen this type of BUCH diet, the girl will have to eat as follows:

  • 1 day - only protein food,
  • Day 2 - mixed meals,
  • 3 shadow - only carbohydrate food.

The scheme will have to be followed throughout the entire period of body shaping with the help of the BEACH diet. On protein days, you can eat a small amount of carbohydrate food.

Having given preference to the BEACH diet, the girl will have to completely abandon the use of fats. This means that all dairy products allowed on the diet must be fat-free. Salads can also be eaten only without oil. To ensure that compliance with the BUCH weight loss scheme does not affect the condition of the girl's hair and skin, experts advise adding 10 ml of linseed oil and 1 mg of fish oil to the diet. The last remedy can be purchased by going to the pharmacy. Fish oil contains amino acids that are involved in metabolic processes.

Note! Today, a fashionista will not have to frown when using fish oil. The product is available in the form of soluble capsules. After swallowing the drug, the fashionista will not feel the taste.

A protein-carbohydrate diet for weight loss involves not only a 3-day alternation. There is a variety of weight loss schemes, the cycle of which is 2 days. This means that on day 1, a fashionista will have to eat only protein foods, and on the second day, only carbohydrates. The scheme is suitable for keeping fit.

Pros and cons of the BEACH diet

The method of weight loss is suitable for people who are not used to fighting hunger. Diet involves the use of a wide range of products, which will allow a person not to suffer due to a lack of food. The chance of a breakdown is minimal. Extra pounds go away smoothly. The scheme for losing weight on proteins and carbohydrates is simple. It does not involve the implementation of a daily calculation of the calories received. You can sit on the BEACH diet for several months. If a girl decides that she wants to stop using the weight loss regimen, no special exit from the diet is required.

The technique has other positive features, which include:

  • BUCH diet helps to speed up metabolism,
  • the method gives a result in 100% of cases,
  • during the BUCH diet, a person will be able to maintain a high mental tone,
  • the body will not lack carbohydrates,
  • a person can independently select products from the list of permitted,
  • weight loss on proteins and carbohydrates occurs due to fat, not muscle mass.

However, not everything is so rosy. The BEACH diet cannot be used by people who are obese. Only specialists should solve such a problem. In addition, the method can lead to health problems. There are cases when the BEACH diet led to gastritis.

The list of disadvantages of the method of body shaping on proteins and carbohydrates includes the following features:

  • weight loss with carbohydrate and protein foods is much slower than with most other diets,
  • adhering to the menu, a person risks getting stomach problems and an ulcer,
  • the method has a complex menu that is difficult to adjust individually.

If a person wants to lose only a few pounds by alternating carbohydrate and protein foods, experts advise cutting out fatty foods entirely. In the menu you need to enter 15% animal fats.

Contraindications to the BUCH diet

A menu consisting of proteins and carbohydrates does not apply to methods that imply a balanced diet. For this reason, not all people who want to lose weight can use the BEACH diet.

A person will have to choose a different menu if:

  • he has heart problems
  • the girl is expecting a baby or breastfeeding him,
  • there are diseases of the liver and kidneys,
  • losing weight is still too young or approached old age,
  • inflammatory processes are present in the body.

Regardless of whether the fashionista has one of the above problems, experts advise starting body shaping on proteins and carbohydrates with a visit to a specialist. The doctor will be able to say for sure whether the BUCH diet is suitable for a girl, and will select an alternative option if the answer is no. Compliance with the recommendation will help prevent the occurrence of health problems and the aggravation of existing diseases, if present.

How to make a BEACH diet menu

If a person decides to lose weight using the BUCH diet at home, eating proteins and carbohydrates should be moderate. Experts do not ask a fashionista to count calories, but if she wants to exercise control, the energy value of the daily menu should not exceed 1200 kcal. With active physical exertion, the allowable indicator can be increased to 1600 kcal.

Note! The amount of food that is acceptable to eat on each day may vary. The indicator is affected by the weight of a person who wants to get rid of extra pounds.

During the protein day, it is necessary to give preference to products consisting of this substance. At the same time, 3 g of protein should fall on 1 kg of human body weight. The consumption of carbohydrates on this day must be minimized. However, experts do not recommend a complete rejection of food containing substances of this type. For 1 kg of weight should be no more than 0.5-1 g of carbohydrates. When the day of eating food, consisting exclusively of protein, is completed, a high-carbohydrate day awaits a person. During this period, things change. Now the amount of carbohydrates in the daily diet should be 4 g per 1 kg of weight, and proteins - 0.5-1 g.

Carbohydrate days are replaced by a day of mixed nutrition. During this period, a person will have to consume approximately the same amount of proteins and carbohydrates. When compiling the menu, it must be taken into account that the amount of the first substance should not exceed 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of weight, and the second - 2-3 g. The BUCH diet does not have a clear period after which it is necessary to take a break. However, experts do not advise to abuse the method of weight loss on carbohydrates and protein foods and sometimes give your body a rest. Despite the fact that the method of losing weight involves the rejection of fats, experts recommend abandoning the rule on days when there are practically no carbohydrates in food. So, a person can supplement the daily menu with nuts. If a person plays sports, in addition to the standard diet at night, you should drink a glass of a high-protein shake. If physical activity is minimal, the drink must be replaced with kefir or fermented baked milk.

Note! The amount of kg that can be lost with a diet of protein and carbohydrate foods directly depends on what foods a person consumes. The daily menu should be compiled taking into account the basics of proper nutrition. So, on protein days, when there is an almost complete rejection of carbohydrates, it is strictly forbidden to eat sausages, and on carbohydrate days - chocolate.

Statistics show that 1 kg lost can return on the first carbohydrate day. Do not be afraid of this feature. Excess kg reappears on the scales due to the fact that carbohydrates retain water in the body. The liquid will go away in a couple of days, and progress in losing weight will again become noticeable. During the intake of carbohydrate food, the event may repeat. Do not abuse this type of product. Passing a carbohydrate day, you need to clearly follow the designated norms.

Recipes for dishes allowed on the BUCH diet

Protein-carbohydrate alternation allows a girl to eat a wide variety of dishes during weight loss.

To eat deliciously and lose weight at the same time, a fashionista can cook food using one of the following recipes:

  • Protein soup. For cooking, a fashionista will need to take 5 chicken eggs and separate the yolk from the protein. Then you need to take the chicken breast, put it in a pot of water and put on fire. When the liquid boils, it must be drained, then fill the pan with water again and continue cooking. After making sure that the meat has reached readiness, it must be removed from the pan, cut into pieces, and then returned to the broth again. Next, you need to beat the protein separated from the yolk in advance and add to the soup. Then spices and chopped herbs are added to the products.
  • Creative jelly. To prepare the dish, you will need to take 15 g of gelatin, pour water and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. When the period is over, add 200 g of cottage cheese and 1 tbsp of cocoa powder to the resulting mass. The mixture must be cooked over low heat, stirring constantly and waiting for complete dissolution. When the mass reaches readiness, it must be cooled, and then put in the refrigerator.
  • Omelet with mushrooms. Break 2 eggs, add 150 g of milk, 1 tsp of flour, herbs, spices to them. The resulting mixture must be whipped. Then you need to take 3 champignons, cut them into slices and fry in olive oil until half cooked. Next, add a little milk to the mushrooms and simmer them for 3 minutes, waiting until the products reach the state of a cream. Pour the prepared egg mixture into another pan and start frying. Noticing that the omelette grabbed from below, you need to add the mushroom mixture to it. After waiting another 2 minutes, you need to fold the omelette in half, add 20 g of grated cheese on top, heat up and serve.

A fashionista can include other dishes from fruits and vegetables in her daily menu. However, while compiling a diet, you need to take into account the rules of a protein-carbohydrate diet.

BUCH menu for every day

If a girl wants to lose weight, the menu for every day and a detailed description of the butch diet can help in this. Today, there are varieties of nutrition schemes developed both for a week and for a month. They involve the use of carbohydrates, but at the same time control their amount, allowing you to lose weight. Usually girls choose option 1 as a guide.

An approximate menu for 7 days of the BEACH diet, which includes protein days and carbohydrate days, is presented in the table below:

Name of the day meal sample menu
Monday - protein Breakfast 2 eggs + vegetable salad + tea or coffee without sugar and milk
Lunch Cottage cheese with cinnamon or herbs
Dinner Chicken + steamed vegetables
Dinner Steamed fish + a glass of kefir
Tuesday - protein Breakfast Omelette + cottage cheese + tea or coffee
Lunch protein shake
Dinner Baked fish + vegetable salad
Dinner Chicken + ryazhenka
Wednesday - protein Breakfast Chicken julienne with champignons (dressing - natural yogurt) + tea or coffee
Lunch Protein salad (squid + chicken + egg)
Dinner Beef + vegetables + grapefruit
Dinner Squid + kefir
Thursday - carbohydrate Breakfast Oatmeal with milk without fat + banana
Lunch Fruit of your choice
Dinner Baked fish + brown rice with tomato sauce + vegetable salad
Dinner Vegetable salad + kefir + fermented baked milk or yogurt
Friday - Moderate Breakfast Oatmeal or buckwheat + 2 eggs + tea or coffee
Lunch Kefir + 1 loaf + 1 slice of cheese
Dinner Chicken or beef + rice with vegetables
Dinner Cottage cheese with herbs + boiled squid with sour cream + still mineral water
Saturday - protein Breakfast Chicken omelet + vegetable salad + tea or coffee
Lunch Kefir or natural yogurt
Dinner Tuna baked with spices + steamed vegetables
Dinner Chicken + kefir
Sunday - protein Breakfast Cottage cheese + 2 eggs + tea or coffee
Lunch protein shake
Dinner Beef with stewed vegetables + brown rice
Dinner Boiled squid + broccoli + kefir
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