Find a post about museums. The largest and smallest museums in the world

I present to you the most famous and greatest museums in the world. If you are close to these museums, be sure to check it out. You will be impressed by what you see.

In the first place of such a list will definitely be the Paris Louvre.

Without a doubt the most famous museum in the world, the Louvre was a medieval fortress and palace of the kings of France before it became a museum two centuries ago. Even the modernization of the square with the addition of a glass pyramid in its center does not take anything away from the historical charm of the Louvre Palace. The museum's collections, which range from the birth of great ancient civilizations to the first half of the 19th century, are among the most outstanding on the planet. You will find here the works of the most famous artists in history such as da Vinci and Rembrandt. The main attraction of the Louvre is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

This gigantic museum has the largest collection of paintings in the world. It is a stunning place that illuminates the history of the world from the Stone Age to the present, and especially impressive is the Golden Room with its amazing precious stones. The Hermitage Museum is the most visited in Russia. It is scenically located along the waterfront area in the Center of St. Petersburg. This is a whole museum complex, which includes six different buildings of a unique architectural design. Without a doubt, Emitage is one of the greatest museums world, an outstanding landmark of St. Petersburg.

British museum in London.

Here are collected millions of works of art from all over the world. The galleries of the British Museum are devoted to Egypt, Greece, Roman civilization, Asia, Africa and medieval Europe, tracing human history and culture. It houses the Parthenon marble that once adorned the Parthenon in Athens. The museum attracts six million visitors every year. If you can't get to the Egyptian Museum, then you can view the largest and most comprehensive collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts outside Cairo right here. Also impressive is the new reading room British Museum, which you can see in the photo below:

Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

In the Egyptian Museum of Cairo you will find the most complete collection of Egyptian art in the world. Among the thousands of treasures are also famous exhibits from the tomb of Tutankhamen. In 1835, the Egyptian government established the "Egyptian Antiquities Service" in an attempt to stop the looting of archaeological sites and to organize an exhibition of the artifacts collected. The Egyptian Museum was built in 1900 and now houses more than 120,000 objects from the prehistoric era to the Greco-Roman period, including the ancient sculptures of the Sphinx. If you are exploring the sights of Egypt, then you should not miss the Egyptian Museum of Cairo.

Uffizi Gallery in Florence

UNESCO estimates that 60% of the most popular artwork in the world are located in Italy, and more than half of them are located in Florence. The Uffizi Gallery in Florence will amaze you to the core. This is definitely one of the finest collections of paintings and sculptures on the planet, with works dating back to the Renaissance by masters such as da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Caravaggio and many more. One of the main attractions here is the Birth of Venus Botticelli.

Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York

Created in 1870, the Metropolitan Museum of Art houses more than two million works of art from around the world, from antiquity to modern times. You will find everything from Islamic and European paintings, to collections of weapons and armor. Although there are many other great museums in New York such as the Guggenheim, the Met is one of the most significant. This is truly one of the greatest museums in the world.

State Museum in Amsterdam

The Rijksmuseum is located near the center of Amsterdam. This is one of the greatest museums and definitely worth a visit during a trip to one of the most beautiful European capitals. The museum overlooks one of the iconic water channels of Amsterdam, while on the opposite side there is a spacious panoramic square with a green picturesque lawn. Inside, you can fully immerse yourself in the art and history of the Netherlands. With a collection of nearly 1 million pieces, it is perfect place to indulge in inspiring masterpieces by Rembrandt, Frans Hals and more Dutch artists. Read more about it in the selection of the best museums in Amsterdam.

Vatican Museum

The imposing Vatican Museum contains 22 individual collections, ranging from Etruscan and Egyptian art to maps and modern religious art. Even if you are not religious, you will still be impressed by the sheer beauty and splendor of Michelangelo's dome and Bernini's spiral columns. The main values ​​here are the renovated Sistine Chapel and the Raphael Rooms.

Travel planning website TripAdvisor conducted a survey asking participants to name best museums on the planet.

According to the results of the survey, the top 25 museums in the world were compiled. The St. Petersburg Hermitage is in third place, behind only two American museums, Like-A reports.

25. Gold Museum (Colombia, Bogotá)

It contains unique works of art of the pre-Columbian era, made by the hands of Indian craftsmen.

24. Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem (Israel, Jerusalem)

The memorial was founded in 1953 by the decision of the Knesset (parliament) of Israel in order to perpetuate the memory of the Jews who were victims of Nazism in 1933-1945 and of the destroyed Jewish communities.

23. Museum of War Victims (Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City)

It was opened in September 1975 and tells about the US war against Vietnam. The museum's exhibition consists of eight themes and is housed in several buildings. In one of the buildings there are "tiger cages" in which, by order of the government of South Vietnam, political prisoners were kept. Other exhibitions contain photographs showing the effects of the use of defoliants, napalm and phosphorus bombs, as well as the brutality of the conquerors (including the My Song Massacre).

22. New Zealand Museum (Te Papa Tongareva, Wellington)

The main focus of the museum is natural history, which brought together collections of different nationalities, a description of cultures, their interactions and places.

21. Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Kin Horses (PRC, Xian)

These are 8099 full-sized terracotta statues of Chinese warriors and their horses at the mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang in Xi'an. Terracotta statues were buried together with the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty - Qin Shi Huangdi (united China and connected all the links of the Great Wall) in 210-209 BC. e.

20. Inhotim Museum(Brumadino, Brazil)

Inhotim is a huge botanical garden and museum contemporary art. It brings together 4.5 thousand plant species and incredible installations. best artists countries.

19. State pinakothek(Brazil, Sao Paulo)

The Pinacoteca in Sao Paulo was opened in 1905, and six years later received the status of a state museum. This three-story building was built according to the design of the architect Ramos de Azevedo in the neoclassical style. The Pinacoteca contains more than 5,000 works by Brazilian artists and sculptors, representing the artistic movements and styles existing in the country. The museum also displays works by European painters, vintage photos, palettes and brushes of famous artists.

18. National Aerospace Museum (USA, Washington)

Here are hundreds of aircraft and space artifacts. This is the largest collection in the world. Here, for example, you can see a bomber that dropped atomic bomb to Hiroshima.

17. Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum (Poland, Oswiecim)

The Polish city of Oswiecim is home to three major World War II concentration camps: Auschwitz 1, Auschwitz 2 (also known as Auschwitz-Birkenau) and Auschwitz 3. Now it is a museum complex that tells about the murders and atrocities of the Nazis.

16. Uffizi Gallery (Italy, Florence)

One of the oldest and most visited museums in Europe. It contains masterpieces outstanding artists Renaissance.

15. Van Gogh Museum (Netherlands, Amsterdam)

The Art Museum in Amsterdam contains the largest collection of paintings and drawings by Vincent van Gogh, as well as works by his contemporaries, including Paul Gauguin, Georges Seurat, Paul Signac, Claude Monet, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Pablo Picasso.

14. State Rijksmuseum (Netherlands, Amsterdam)

It exhibits eight thousand objects, although the entire collection consists of more than 1 million works of 1200-2000. Among them are masterpieces by Rembrandt, Frans Hals and Johannes Vermeer.

13. Louvre (France, Paris)

It presents more than 380 thousand works of art. This museum is one of the largest in the world. There are many in his collection. famous paintings, including a painting by Leonardo da Vinci - Mona Lisa.

12. Victoria and Albert Museum(Great Britain, London)

The world's largest museum of decorative arts and design. Founded in 1852.

11. National Museum of the Second World War (USA, New Orleans)

It displays the American contribution to victory in World War II. There are submarines, aircraft and weapons that were used in military operations to ensure the victory of the allies.

10. Vasa Museum (Sweden, Stockholm)

At the exhibition in the Vasa Museum, a 17th-century ship is presented in complete safety. The magnificent 64-gun sailboat Vasa sank on her first outing in 1628. Next to the majestic ship are other exhibits related to the history of navigation.

9. New Museum Acropolis (Greece, Athens)

This archaeological museum is built on the active excavation site of the Acropolis in Athens. There are about four thousand treasures here. Ancient Greece.

8. British Museum (London)

The collection of the British Museum, founded in 1753, contains exhibits from all over the world, illustrating the history of human culture from its inception to the present.

7. Prado Museum (Spain, Madrid)

The Prado is undoubtedly the best and only collection Spanish art in the world. The Prado Museum is nothing but the Mecca of European art.

The complex is located on the site of the towers of the World shopping center. It was the largest terrorist attack in US history.

5. National Anthropological Museum (Mexico, Mexico City)

It is the most popular museum in Mexico and contains exhibits of all pre-Columbian civilizations located in what is now Mexico and the southern United States. These include the Aztec Sun Stone, the giant stone heads of the Olmec civilization, and Mayan treasures. This is one of the largest collections of works American Indians in the world.

4. Musee d'Orsay (France, Paris)

It is located in the building of the former railway station with incredibly complex ceiling structures. Within its walls is the largest collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist works in the world. The works of Monet and Van Gogh are kept here.

3. State Hermitage(Saint Petersburg, Russia)

The Hermitage is one of the oldest and largest museums in the world. Expositions from all over the world are presented here and amount to 3 million copies. The Hermitage contains the most large collection paintings in the world.

2. Institute of Arts (USA, Chicago)

The Art Institute is an encyclopedia of impressionists, post-impressionists and american art. It has more than 260 thousand exhibits in its collection.

1. Metropolitan Museum (USA, New York)

largest Art Museum in the USA and in the world. Along with ancient and classical art, there is an extensive collection of American and modern art.

Each country has its own history. But cities are gradually changing their appearance. Old buildings are becoming less and less, or they are in a deplorable state. But in every country there are museums in which this history can be seen with your own eyes. There are many museums, but there are some that are known all over the world. When people come to France, they certainly want to visit the Louvre, in Russia obligatory item for tourists is visiting the Hermitage. Why are they so distinguished from the rest of the many thousands? Especially for you, the top 10 most visited museums in the world.

Taipei National Palace Museum

The largest museum in China, located on the island of Taiwan. There are many monuments of culture and history, bronze figurines, rare books. Many of these items belonged to the emperor and his family members. In total, the museum has 697,490 items. Of course, it is impossible to place everything. Exhibitions are organized in turn, usually items of great interest are chosen, the rest are kept indoors. But the museum is not only rooms filled with exhibits. Gardens are laid out on the territory of the Taipei Palace, everything is done there for a comfortable stay for visitors. Ponds, bridges, various trees and flowers, gazebos. The average number of visitors per year is 6 million.

Musee d'Orsay, Paris

The museum is located on the left bank of the Seine River. It is very often visited not only by foreigners, but also by the French. In the museum you can see how the fine arts developed in France from 1850 to 1910. Painting, photography, musical works, decoration, architecture - these are not all the areas of art that are presented in the museum. Concerts and performances are often held here. In addition, a film festival is held annually. The building of the museum is also of interest - it is a former railway station. Annually the average number of visitors is 3 million people.

Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York

It belongs to the largest art museums in the world. The museum has a variety of exhibits. All of them are located in different sections. There is a section of American art where you can admire paintings by famous artists, sculptures. Weapon lovers will appreciate the section, which has an abundance of collections of European and Middle Eastern weapons and armor. Everyone will find what he likes: modern art, drawings and photographs, objects of ancient Egyptian and medieval art, libraries, costume institute. It is noteworthy that the museum operates on donations from sponsors, the state allocates only a small part. The average number of visitors per year is 7 million people.

National Gallery of Art, Washington

The National Gallery in Washington has a collection of the most the best works art, not only in the United States, but throughout the world. The gallery owns two buildings. The east building houses collections of contemporary art. Mostly works of the late 19th century (Picasso, Lichtenstein and other famous artists) are presented here. There is also an exposition of sculpture, as well as a large fountain. The western building houses collections of paintings and sculptures by eminent masters from Europe and America (Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci). Annually art gallery visited by about 4 million people.

National Museum of Korea, Seoul

The museum attracts attention with its unusualness; it is divided into two wings. They symbolize the past and future of Korea. The museum has a wide range of architectural and historical monuments. The first floor is suitable for those who are interested ancient history Korean Peninsula. On the upper floors private collections are located: furniture, household items, dishes. The museum has a well-developed infrastructure. There is a special room for children. There is an opportunity to walk in the garden, sit in a cafe, visit shops, and all this on the territory of the museum. Annually National Museum Korea is visited by about 3 million people.

British Museum, London

The museum is considered one of the largest museums in the world. Its main assets are archaeological finds and art objects ancient rome and Ancient Greece. Here you will see stunning collections of old coins, a collection of watches, works by Rembrandt, engravings by artists of the Renaissance. But, of course, most visitors come here to see the Greco-Roman collection, exhibitions Egyptian exhibits. The pride of the museum is also called a huge library located in the same building. Attendance 6.7 million people per year.

State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

The history of the largest museum in Russia began during the reign of Catherine the Great. Its emissaries traveled all over the world in search of collections of paintings by famous artists. In addition to them, the museum could see collections of rare coins and medals. There were many drawings and engravings, rare sculptures and, of course, books. Unfortunately when I arrived Soviet authority, many paintings were stolen, sold abroad. The Hermitage museum complex consists of 5 buildings. You are unlikely to see such rich collections of paintings anywhere else, definitely not in Russia. The time period is very large - from the beginning of the Stone Age to 2000. About 5.3 million people visit the museum every year.

National Gallery, London

The location of the museum is Trafalgar Square. Here are collected the best masterpieces visual arts Western Europe. There are about 2 thousand of them in total, they are located in chronological order. And the time period is very large - from the XII to the XX centuries. As already noted, there are a lot of paintings in the gallery, you won’t be able to see them all in one day. Therefore, it is better to think in advance what you would like to see first. On the territory of the museum, you can comfortably relax in a cafe, in souvenir shops, buy something for yourself as a keepsake of visiting this great place. Museum attendance is 6 million per year.

Museum of Contemporary Art Reina Sofia, Madrid

The museum was opened by King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia in the old hospital. They decided that works of art of the 20th century would be presented here. The museum provides an opportunity to admire the paintings of such great artists as Picasso, Dali. Many masterpieces of painting of the twentieth century of different trends: avant-garde, surrealism, abstractionism. Here you can see not only finished paintings, but also to see sketches and unfinished works of some artists. Museum attendance is 3.6 million per year.

Louvre, Paris

The art museum of the world, which is rightfully considered the most popular. It is well located in the center of Paris. This is a real royal palace. In the Louvre you will find collections and exhibits from different times, peoples and eras. Everything is here: sculptures, paintings, figurines, furniture, engravings, books, weapons. The museum has a lot of masterpieces of art, but tourists are often unable to appreciate even a small part of them, the museum is so huge. People tend to see only what they know: the Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo, the pyramid made famous by the film The Da Vinci Code. Museum attendance is about 9 million per year.

Institutions that collect and carefully store objects of history, science, art of a particular country or people are always a priority for any self-respecting tourist to visit. Of course, on vacation you can limit yourself to beaches and shops, but a real traveler will definitely look into one or another museum if he really wants to “feel” a new country and take a piece of it as a souvenir not only in a bag in the form of a souvenir from a stall, but also deep into soul.

In anticipation international day museums introduces you to the smallest and largest museums on the planet.

The smallest museums in the world

If you think that to attract visitors you need to have grandiose premises, thousands of exhibits and world fame, we hasten to dissuade you. Small museums enjoy no less, and sometimes even greater fame among tourists, who are sometimes too lazy to spend whole days looking at huge collections. Yes, and something unusual. And what could be more unusual than the smallest museums in the world?

For example, "Baublyay", which is in the town of Biyotai (Bijotai). The museum is located ... in the hollow of an old huge oak tree! This tree, according to legend, is at least a thousand years old, it was Adam Mickiewicz who sang it in his famous poem, it is also on the coat of arms of the city. A long time ago, the oak served as the subject of a religious pagan cult, and in 1812 the tree was given new life, placing exhibits found during archaeological excavations in its hollow. All exposition local history museum(old books and coins, ancient weapons and knightly ammunition, portraits of famous Lithuanians) is placed in a "room" with a diameter of only two meters. AT recent times the museum in oak is hidden under a glass cover for greater safety.

Or the Museum, a miniature art gallery in Somerville the size of… a mailbox. The 25x20x40 cm museum was designed by a local artist and placed on a popular street in the city in order to draw public attention to the problem of lack of exhibition space, which artists constantly face. In this gallery, behind solar-powered plexiglass, six miniature paintings, "entrance" is free for everyone. At the grand opening of the gallery, the mayor of the city presented the creator with a mini-certificate "For a small contribution to art."

Although some consider another museum to be the smallest and most unusual in the world: a street "homeless" art museum created by an artist. The establishment consists of two plastic chairs, a booth with a small collection of objects and an art director - a stuffed coyote, whose name is Florence. The artist himself sells tickets and communicates with visitors about the art.

The biggest museums in the world

If everything is more or less clear with small museums, then with large museums, statistics come to a standstill. How to measure them? By area, by the number of exhibits, by the saturation of the exposition, by the size of the museum buildings, by the richness of the collections? Unclear. Therefore, dozens of ratings are walking on the Web, each of which claims to be the only true truth.

We will not break spears and simply list a few of the world's most grandiose and famous "temples of the muses", and you decide for yourself which of them is the best here.


This museum occupies (just imagine!) more than 160,000 m 2, and its collection includes about 400,000 exhibits. The central building of the museum is the ancient royal palace (Palais du Louvre), and the exposition is divided into seven huge parts, allowing to some extent to systematize the wealth of the museum. And there is something to systematize: the Louvre collection includes art objects huge amount countries, times, peoples, making the museum a true center of art and spiritual heritage humanity.

It is believed that at least a superficial acquaintance with all the exhibits of the Louvre will take the average tourist at least a few weeks.

Vatican Museums

This is a huge complex of valuable collections and unique buildings in. It is estimated that to get around all of its exhibits, you have to walk seven kilometers. By the number of works of art per number of inhabitants (or per unit area) is in first place in the world.

The Etruscan Museum, the Egyptian Museum, the Belvedere, the Pinacoteca, the Library, the famous Sistine Chapel… All these and many other institutions of the Vatican provide visitors with the opportunity to get acquainted with painting, sculpture, mosaics, frescoes, ancient religious and secular manuscripts from all over the world.


This one of the largest and second most visited art museum in the world is located in New York () on the so-called Museum Mile, where the best museums in the country are concentrated. The Metropolitan opened to the public in the 19th century as a collection of three private collections, and today more than two million works of art can be found here in twenty departments,. The collection is very diverse and contains exhibits from rock paintings Australian aborigines and medieval weapons of European knights to ritual objects of the inhabitants of Tibet and musical instruments ancient East.

We have listed just a few famous museums peace. But there is also the Hermitage and the Tretyakov Gallery, the British Museum in, the Prado Museum and the Guggenheim Museum in, the National Museum of Science and national center arts, the Rijksmuseum in ... An inquisitive tourist in any corner of the world will be able to find interesting and informative. Travel as much as possible and learn the world, because it's so cool! is pleased to congratulate everyone on International Museum Day!

Today there are more than 100 thousand museums in the world, and each of them is unique in its own way. However, there are museums that every person interested in history and culture dreams of visiting. These are the most famous museums in the world.

Experts give the first place in terms of fame and uniqueness to Louvre. This museum opened in France, in Paris in 1793. Before that, the fortress, where the exposition is located, was the residence of the French kings. The museum presents huge collection works of art, as well as various historical and scientific exhibits.

Paris Louvre

British museum is located in the capital of Great Britain, London. The institution first opened its doors to visitors in 1753. The area of ​​this museum is 9 football fields, the collection of exhibits presented here is one of the largest on the planet.

British museum

Metropolitan Museum of Art(The Metropolitan Museum of Art) is located in New York, USA. It was opened in 1872 by a group of progressive Americans, and was originally located at 5th Avenue, building 681. Later, the museum moved twice, but from 1880 to this day its location has not changed - it is Central Park, Fifth Avenue. The collection of the Metropolitan Museum has about 3 million exhibits. These are works of art from all over the world.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Uffizi Gallery located in Florence, Italy. This is one of the most famous art museums in the world. It got its name from the Uffizi Square where it is located. The museum has a wide range of paintings and sculptures. Italian masters, as well as the work of great artists from around the world.

Uffizi Gallery

State Hermitage- property of Russia. The institution is located in St. Petersburg and is world famous. The collection of the museum began to collect more Russian emperors, and free access to the Hermitage was opened only in 1863. The expositions of the Hermitage include more than 3 million exhibits. Among them are not only works of art, but also archaeological finds, numismatic material, jewelry. Today the museum occupies five buildings: Winter Palace, Small Hermitage, Old Hermitage, Court Theater and New Hermitage.

State Hermitage. Winter Palace

Prado Museum- National Museum of Spain, located in the capital - Madrid. This museum has a huge collection of works of fine art from European schools.

Prado Museum

Egyptian Museum in Cairo is the legacy of a great civilization. The first exhibition of exhibits took place here in 1835. Today it is the largest museum of ancient Egyptian art. There are more than 120 thousand unique exhibits here, the age of which dates back to prehistoric times.

Egyptian Museum in Cairo

Madame Tussauds museum in London - an exposition known for its uniqueness. There are more than 400 wax figures- including not only historical figures but also modern stars.

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