Methods and organization of drawing classes in kindergarten. Soap foam painting

draw pink flamingo. Forget-me-nots in the fog. starry sky. Spring drops. Festive fireworks. A certain pattern from folk crafts. Each publication in this section has a specific goal for ISO. And step by step shows how to achieve it. A huge number of ready-made abstracts for conducting the best things to do and GCD for drawing.

Positive ideas to help mentors young artists born in the course of their own work experience. Classes for both classical drawing and all kinds of non-traditional art techniques. Designed for both toddlers and older kids. Choose and use in your teaching activities.

We draw with children on any topic, together with MAAM

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All sections | Drawing. Summaries of drawing classes, GCD

Summary of GCD using non-traditional drawing techniques with children of the middle group "Beauty Butterfly" Non-traditional visual techniques are effective remedy images, including new artistic and expressive methods of creating artistic image, composition and coloring, allowing to ensure the greatest expressiveness of the image in creative work, so that children ...

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MAAM Pictures Library

Purpose: drawing a picture "Tank on parade" as a gift to dad. Tasks: * teach children to draw a tank using non-traditional drawing tools; * consolidate drawing skills with a poke and a stamp from a cocktail tube, * consolidate knowledge of the location of an object on a sheet ...

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Elena Nikitina

Drawing one of the most favorite activities for children. Drawing in unusual ways evokes even more positive emotions in children. Using non-traditional drawing techniques development of thinking, imagination, fantasy, creative abilities. The child has an interest in drawing as a result of the desire to create.

Today I will tell you and show you how paint without using a brush.

1. Drawing with cotton swabs. We collect paint on a stick and decorate the image on a sheet of paper with dots. (Herringbone, snow, teapot, sundress, rowan branch).

2. Hand drawing. Pour the paint into a flat container. We dip the palm of our hand and press it against a sheet of paper. (Flowers, fish, Santa Claus, swan, carrots).

3. Drawing with cotton pads. Cotton pads can paint by folding them in half, in a quarter or whole. (Moon, snowdrifts, various flowers).

4. Drawing with prints. Simple way of drawing: Ink is applied to the surface to be printed and the print is placed on a sheet of paper. (use: flowers, shells, fruits, vegetables).

5. Blotography. A spot is made on a sheet of paper or a blot is made of watercolor paint. We take a tube and blow air onto the blot.

6. drawing with a fork. We collect paint from a flat plate on the fork and an imprint is made with the flat surface of the fork. Can draw grass, fence, flowers, hedgehog.

7. thread drawing. The best thing draw with woolen thread. We dip the thread in paint and apply it to a sheet of paper and create a pattern by imprinting with the movement of the thread. The woolen thread creates a whimsical pattern that is suitable for the image of a cloud, a cloud, a sheep, an unusual flower.

8. Drawing sponge or piece of foam rubber. We clamp a piece of foam rubber with a clothespin, lower it into the paint and apply prints that create the texture of the object. They draw animal fur, fluffy clusters of flowers, clouds, tree crowns.

9. Spray painting. You will need a toothbrush and comb. We take a little paint on the brush and spray it with a comb. Over a sheet of paper we drive with a brush along the comb. You can apply paints of different colors, it will turn out very beautiful.

10. Drawing with stamps. The stamp is easy to make from plasticine. Plasticine is applied to a block, cube, etc. With any sharp object, we depict on it some object or an abstract pattern. The stamp is ready. We make a pillow from a sponge. Pour the paint on the sponge. We apply the stamp to the sponge with paint. Now you can print. A stamp can be made from the bottom plastic bottle make beautiful flowers.

11. Drawing prints of cups and necks of different diameters. Pour the paint into a flat plate. We lower the cup into the paint and apply the drawing on a sheet of paper.

12. Comb drawing. We need a comb with frequent teeth. We apply multi-colored paint (next to each other) on a sheet of paper in the form of a drop. Then we draw a comb over all the drops of paint, connecting and smearing them. It makes an amazing rainbow. It is also possible draw different patterns, adding drops and driving a comb in different sides.

13. Drawing wax crayons . colored wax pencils or with wax crayons we draw a drawing on a sheet of paper. Then cover with one or more layers of watercolor. It turns out an unusual and bright pattern. (Can draw stars, flowers).

14. Grating (waxography). We paint the surface of the entire sheet of paper with wax crayons, then cover the sheet with black gouache. When everything is dry, we scratch the paint and create a drawing with lines. You can scratch with a pointed stick, skewer, toothpick.

15. gauze drawing. We apply a layer of gauze to a wet sheet of paper, straightening it. The gauze must be motionless on the paper. On top of the gauze we draw with a brush with paint. Let the drawing dry. We remove the gauze - a drawing remains on the paper in the form of an imprint of the texture of the gauze fabric. (Landscape, sky, tree, grass)

16. Drawing using plastic film. We draw a picture. While the paint is not dry, quickly apply the film to the drawing in the right place and gently, with rotating movements, create film wrinkles on paper. Paint collects in wrinkles. Let dry and carefully remove the tape.

17. Monotype. We draw symmetrical objects. To do this, fold a sheet of paper in half and draw an object on one half. Before the paint dries, again fold the sheet in two. On the second half you will get a print, After that, the image can be draw or decorate.

18. Drawing air bubble wrap. With the help of this wonderful material, you can very easily draw falling snow. We apply white or pale blue paint to the film and apply it to a sheet of paper with a pattern. With the help of this technology you can make an unusual background for a winter application.

19. salt painting. On a sheet of colored cardboard we apply a drawing with PVA glue. We draw a picture on the theme of winter. Sprinkle salt on top. When everything is dry, shake off the excess salt.

20. decoy drawing. For drawing in this technique colored paper or cardboard is used. PVA glue is applied to the outline of the drawing. Semolina is poured on top and a sheet of paper is tightly applied on top. Then remove the paper and shake off the excess semolina. So way the next part is created.

21. candle drawing. On a thick sheet of paper or cardboard, children draw with a candle according to plan. The sheet is painted over with watercolor paint. Wax images will emerge through the watercolor. (Christmas tree, snowflakes, animals).

You can also use these methods non-traditional drawing: pen drawing, finger drawing, drawing stenciled with a tampon, poke drawing, bubble painting, crumpled paper drawing, leaf painting.

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We introduce preschool children to non-traditional drawing techniques Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution MBDOU No. 33 "Malinka" METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT: "We introduce preschool children.

Children are interested in drawing early age. It is a pleasure for kids to brush over paper, smear paint, put dots and blots. At the age of 2–3 years, the child begins to distinguish the outlines of any objects in his scribbles, and by the age of 4 he has a desire to consciously portray something. Drawing with pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes and paints requires confident use of tools in order to accurately convey the contours and details of objects. Children of primary and secondary preschool age form and develop the ability to draw, practice techniques in simple tasks. Unconventional drawing techniques allow you to create visual image on paper with simple movements and quickly, which gives the child positive emotions and satisfaction with the result of creative activity.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in the classroom in the middle group

Children 4-5 years old often have insecurity, sometimes even fear of drawing classes. The skill of using a pencil and a brush is still developing, shaping movements are rarely accurate. In the main drawing classes, pupils of the middle group learn to draw vertical and horizontal lines with a pencil, a continuous strip with a brush, draw simple figures and work out the skill of painting within the contour. The attention of children is unstable, they quickly get tired, monotonous activity reduces interest in the work performed. Drawing in non-traditional ways surprises children, activates their attention to create images on paper using unusual objects and tools. Watching the teacher draw with a fork or a toothbrush, the children are delighted and want to draw the same way.

In drawing classes in non-traditional techniques, developmental and educational tasks should be performed that correspond to the age characteristics of children in the middle group:

  • Development fine motor skills hands Performing actions with various tools develops the child's hand, nerve endings are excited on the fingertips and the surface of the palms, which send an impulse to the cerebral cortex - the thinking and speech centers are activated.
  • Development of spatial thinking and visual perception of objects. The child learns to find individual details and forms in the image of an object that he can convey in the process of drawing on paper. Putting blots, drawing with wax, making prints, the guys consolidate the ability to determine the center of the sheet, develop a sense of composition and rhythm.
  • Learning to work with a variety of materials. In the classroom, the guys learn that images can be created not only with the usual paints and pencils on a white sheet of paper. AT creative work involved household items, natural and waste material, cardboard and colored paper are used as the basis.
  • Activation of fantasy and the formation of interest in independent thinking through the plan. If drawing classes in non-traditional ways are carried out as part of the functioning of the circle additional education, it is recommended that in the room where the pupils study, arrange a rack with signed boxes. As you develop skills various techniques children get access to a variety of materials. Pupils of the middle group can be given a choice of tools with which they want to draw a picture on the topic of the lesson. You can allow children to alternately choose an object that has not previously been studied within the framework of non-traditional drawing: at the beginning of the lesson, the student chooses an object, the teacher tells how to create an image with it.
  • Creation Have a good mood, developing self-confidence, relieving stress and fears. Drawing in non-traditional ways with children of the middle group contains game elements at its core: actions are accompanied by sentences (“Rain, rain, drip-drip-drip!” - dots are made with a cotton swab. “One - an apple, two - an apple, then there will be compote !" - prints are made with an apple slice, etc.), creating patterns is the solution problem situation(dandelions do not bloom on a poster depicting a lawn, and children draw flowers on it with a poke), etc.
  • Formation of interest in collective activities. Children 4–5 years old do not yet know how to work harmoniously in a pair or group. AT middle group children learn to think through an individual plan. But the pupils are happy to perform simple tasks together. The teacher voices the task, the children will perform the same actions on a common sheet of paper (drawing paper or semi-drawing paper). For example, in the lesson "Autumn Forest" the task is to draw the crowns of trees with a piece of foam rubber. The guys sit down at a common table, on which lies a drawing paper with the image of bare trunks and branches of trees. Everyone chooses a tree, takes a piece of foam rubber and paints the leaves with yellow, orange, brown and red colors. At the end of such classes, the teacher must definitely draw the attention of the children to the fact that such a complete and nice picture It came about because everyone did a good job.
  • Development of aesthetic taste. The technique of non-traditional drawing teaches children to create the texture of an object, imitation of animal hair or bird plumage using non-classical techniques. Children develop the ability to see beauty in the unusual. Shapeless prints of a foam sponge or a poke with a hard brush in the finished work look organic. In the process of drawing, the children develop the ability to combine colors in the elements of the pattern, they begin to select solutions for creating an image on a colored background.

In the classroom for drawing in non-traditional techniques, it is necessary to observe the principle of continuity of knowledge. Creating images with unusual objects or non-classical techniques, the guys in their work consolidate and improve the skills acquired in ordinary classes: outline the outline of the object with a brush or pencil for further drawing in an unconventional way; decorate the picture with appliqué elements (paper or plasticine); draw the elements of the subject, as usual; learn to paint the background.

Finger painting (fingerography)

Until school age (7 years), visual and tactile sensations remain the leading processes by which the child studies objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. AT junior groups finger painting was both a game and transitional stages to the classical drawing technique, the guys for the most part filled in with multi-colored dots of printed pictures. In the middle group, pupils form and develop the skill of drawing various elements with their fingers: points, spots, strokes, lines. Deliberately getting dirty with paint is fun, smearing paint with your fingers is a special feeling, creating an image with strokes, and not just coloring - satisfaction with the result. In the classroom, special finger paints can be used: they are hypoallergenic and safe when ingested, light in consistency. Traditionally, in the middle group, they paint with gouache, but it is possible to draw with fingers using watercolors: they are not as thick as gouache, but you need to dip your finger into a glass of water before picking up paint, or pre-drop clean water with a brush in the cells with watercolor.

With pupils of the middle group, you can try drawing with your fingers according to the schemes. Attached to the board step-by-step instruction how to use prints and add pencil squiggles to draw an image of a person or animal. The teacher voices each stage, demonstrates its implementation, the guys repeat. Maps for step-by-step drawing with fingers of pictures are presented in numerous manuals for parents and educators preschool education(for example, in the book “Imprint, dot, stroke. Draw with fingers” by Ilona Molnar).

Finger painting in the middle group

Fingertip painting technique:

  1. The child dips a finger into a jar or bowl of gouache paint.
  2. Each finger is filled with a different color of paint.
  3. With the fingertips, the child draws on a sheet of paper, if necessary, again picking up the paint of the desired color.
  4. At the end of the work, the fingers are washed with soap, the gouache is easily washed off.


Paint on the finger Green colour
Drawing lines on paper
flower stems
Picking up paint of a different color
Flowers are drawn with dots
new color
Second flower
Drawing a flower with strokes
Color mixing (yellow+red)
The process of drawing flowers
Butterfly is drawn with lines
The butterfly figure uses straight and curved lines.
The final stage of work
Drawing ready

Hand drawing

Drawing with the palms, like with the fingertips, involves imprinting and smearing paint. Drawing options in this technique for pupils of the middle group: “Make a palm print and finish drawing to get a bird, octopus, fish, etc.” (paint additional elements guys can use a brush or a finger), “Complete the picture with handprints to make it ...” (handprints become leaves on tree branches, flowers in a vase, hedgehog needles).

Collective drawing with palms in the middle group

Hand drawing technique:

  1. The child puts his hand in a saucer with paint. In the middle group, the guys should learn to apply paint on the palm with a brush held with the other hand, this skill is practiced in the classes on the topics “Bullfinch”, “Titmouse”, “Butterfly”, when the palm print should be multi-colored.
  2. The palm and fingers are pressed tightly against a sheet of paper to obtain a print. You can make circular, vertical or horizontal movements with your palm as intended.
  3. At the end of work, hands are washed with soap.


Applying paint to the palm yellow color(breast of a titmouse)
Applying paint of a different color (in this work, the child mixed blue / and black paint)
The palm is applied tightly to a sheet of paper
A child paints a bird's head with a brush
Draws a paw
Draws the second paw
Draws the beak
Draws the eye of a titmouse
Drawing ready

Combination of finger technique with palm drawing

For pupils of the middle group, tasks are offered for drawing an object composition or a complex image with the help of palms and fingers. First, palm prints are made to indicate large details or the basis of the pattern, then additional elements are drawn with fingers. A combination of finger painting and palm painting techniques is used in tasks on the topics Fairy Tree, Swans, Funny Octopuses, and Fishes. In these tasks, children develop the ability to find the center of the composition, combine various finger painting techniques, colors and shades of paint to accurately convey the image.

"Fairy Tree"

Applying paint to the palm
Printing a palm on a sheet of paper
Palm print - tree trunk and branches
Finger picks up paint
Drawing strokes with your finger
finger painting process
Combination of shades of green
Picking up other colors
The leaves of the tree are drawn with dots
Fairy tree is ready

Poke drawing

To imitate fluffy and prickly objects or objects, drawing by poking is great. The lesson will require sheets of paper of any color or curly blanks in the form of animals, brushes with hard bristles, gouache, a glass of water, napkins. In drawing with a poke, classes are held on the topics “Cat”, “Christmas tree”, “Hedgehog”, “Dandelions”, “Bunny in winter”.

Poke drawing technique:

  • A dry brush is lowered into a jar of gouache, paint is drawn.
  • Holding the brush vertically, hit it on the paper - you get a poke.
  • Before picking up paint of a different color, the brush must be rinsed in a cup and blotted well with a napkin. A poke is obtained only with a semi-dry brush.
  • The contour of the depicted object or object is filled with pokes, the details necessary according to the plan can be drawn with an ordinary brush.

"Fluffy kitten"

The guys pick up gouache with a hard brush and draw with a poke on paper. The process of poke painting. The muzzle, paws of a kitten, a bowl, the guys draw with a simple brush Examples of work


Monotype is a drawing technique by imprinting part of an image. This method of drawing is considered simple, but suitable for classes in each group, older preschoolers draw landscape monotypes using various colors and shades in one work. Monotype drawing improves the ability to find the middle of an object, develops a sense of symmetry.

Monotype technique:

  1. The sheet of paper is folded in the middle.
  2. Spots are drawn on one part of the paper with paints of different colors.
  3. The sheet is folded and ironed with the palm of your hand.
  4. The sheet is opened, the resulting image can be drawn with a brush and paints.


Spots are applied to one part of the sheet with a designated middle The process of drawing spots in different colors A sheet of paper is folded along the fold line and unfolds The abdomen and antennae are finished with a brush

Using the monotype technique, you can create not only a symmetrical image, but also a drawing with two identical objects. In this case, the whole object is drawn on one half of the paper and imprinted on the other half of the sheet in a mirror.

drawing with a toothbrush

The technique of drawing with a toothbrush is simple: the guys draw paint on the bristles and draw lines on a piece of paper in accordance with the plan. It is recommended to combine these drawing classes in the middle group with other non-traditional drawing techniques (finger, cotton swabs) or appliqué elements.


A triangle of colored paper is glued onto the sheet - the trunk. We collect paint with a toothbrush. We draw needles in straight lines. Finished work decorate with sequins


The guys get acquainted with the technique of splashing in the younger groups: they pick up paint with a toothbrush or comb, direct it onto a sheet of paper and, drawing a pencil over the bristles / cloves, get colored splashes. In the middle group, the ability to create drawings with a multilayer spray is formed.

Multi-layer spray technique:

  1. Stencils are used to create the image. In the classes on acquaintance with this technique, stencils are attached with paper clips to a sheet of paper.
  2. Paint is picked up on the brush and splashes are made over a sheet of paper.
  3. The next stencil according to the plan is superimposed, splashes of a different shade are made.
  4. The stencils are removed, resulting in a complex image that imitates the volume of an object or a composition with foreground and background.

"Winter forest"

Stencils: snowdrifts, tree trunks and crowns, snowflakes Splattering tools and paints diluted with water First layer Second layer Third layer View of the picture after removing the stencils

Drawing with a sponge or piece of foam rubber

The technique of drawing with a sponge or foam rubber is based on the formation of the skill of printing with paint. Foam rubber prints create the texture of an object, they draw animal fur, fluffy clusters of flowers, clouds, tree crowns, etc. For classes, you can buy sponges for drawing in this technique, or you can make a simple and easy-to-print tool with your children: a piece foam rubber is captured by a clothespin, which will act as a handle.


A piece of foam rubber is cut off from the sponge
We grab the foam rubber with a clothespin (the guys perform this action on their own)
We collect ink on foam rubber and print with a vertical movement
Draw a chicken
Paint the details with a brush

Printing with natural material

Drawing with prints is in a simple way drawing: on the printed surface of the object, paint is typed or applied with a brush, with a vertical movement we put an imprint on a sheet of paper. For pupils of the middle group, tasks are suitable for creating a composition from prints using classical drawing techniques. For example, for the task “Cook compote”, the guys draw the contours of the pan with a brush, within which they will put multi-colored prints of half an apple. Natural material options for printing: leaves, flat flowers (daisies, daisies), shells, cut cucumbers, apples, lemons.

"Vegetable salad"

Printing requires bulbs and cucumbers
Draw a salad bowl with a brush
We pick up the paint with an onion, apply it to the sheet
Bulb prints
We print cucumber
Salad ready

Drawing with cotton swabs

In the younger groups, the guys tried to draw with cotton buds: they picked up paint and decorated paper blanks or an image on a sheet of paper (Christmas tree, sundress, teapot) with dots. For pupils of the middle group, the task becomes more complicated: they form the ability to create an image with a cotton swab on clean slate paper. The guys draw with dots, spots, strokes, various lines and simple geometric shapes (rings, circles). Drawing with dots with cotton swabs will have special meaning when getting acquainted with the technique of pointillism in older groups.

"Rowan branch"

To work, you need a few cotton buds, watercolor or gouache
The branch is drawn with lines
Berries are drawn in spots
Clusters of mountain ash are drawn
Leaves are painted with strokes
The cores of the berries are drawn with dots
Rowan branch is ready

Drawing with cotton pads

Cotton pads in non-traditional drawing classes can be used as a tool for working with gouache, and can be used as an unusual material for the base of the drawing. Draw with cotton pads, applying them to a sheet of paper with the entire surface, folded in half or a quarter.


The cotton pad is folded until the desired shape is obtained, the paint is picked up Prints with a cotton pad according to the plan Elements are drawn with a brush


Creating the background of the picture - the sky
Cotton pads are glued - balls
Drawing on cotton pads
Patterns on cotton pads
Draw a thread of balls with a brush

drawing with a fork

Another option for printing with an unusual object is drawing with a fork (metal or plastic). Gouache is poured into a flat plate, paint is drawn on the flat surface of the fork and prints are made on paper.


Picking up paint on a fork
Leaning a fork against a piece of paper
Draw stems and leaves with a brush
Tulips are ready

crumpled paper drawing

You can make prints with paint using a crumpled piece of paper. Drawing tasks in this technique are complicated for pupils of the middle group by combining elements of classical drawing or appliqué in their work.

"Leaves Are Falling"

The guys make an application from strips of paper - a trunk and branches A crumpled piece of paper makes gouache prints - leaves Examples of work


Blotography is a way of creating an image using spots and blots. To practice this technique, you will need watercolor, a glass of water, a brush and a plastic tube. Blots can be supplemented with a pattern in the classic way, you can initially create a drawing on paper that will decorate the blots as intended.

Blob drawing technique:

  1. With a brush well dipped in water, watercolor paint is drawn.
  2. A spot is made on a sheet of paper or a drop is placed.
  3. Blowing air out of the tube, draw a blot with paint.

"Cherry Blossom"

A drop is placed on a sheet of paper We blow through the tubes on the paint We inflate the blot - the trunk We put droplets of paint on the trunk of the tree and inflate the branches We put drops green paint We inflate the grass We put drops of white paint We supplement with paint Pink colour Inflate drops - cherry flowers


Drawing with woolen thread in the middle group consists of drawing paint on the thread, applying it to a sheet of paper and creating a pattern by imprinting with the movement of the thread. The woolen thread creates a whimsical pattern that is suitable for the image of a cloud or a cloud, a dog or a sheep.


The thread with the typed paint is placed on a sheet of paper. From above, the thread is covered with another sheet, the child leads the thread in different directions, creating a pattern. Draw drops with a brush. The cloud is ready.

decoy drawing

In fact, children draw with glue (usually PVA). A layer of glue is applied to the marked outline of the image with a brush, semolina is poured and a sheet of paper is tightly applied on top. Then the extra semolina is shaken off the drawing and the next part is created in the same way. In the middle group, the guys develop the ability to carefully outline the stencil and apply glue within the contour. Since semolina white color, for drawing in this technique, colored paper or cardboard is used as the basis.

"Gift for Mom"

We circle the stencil On the contour of the flower with a brush, apply a layer of glue Pour semolina Apply a sheet of paper on top Shake off excess cereal We perform the following element in this way - a stem with leaves A gift for mom is ready

candle drawing

Children develop skills in drawing lines, spots, simple geometric shapes an unusual tool - a candle. For the lesson, you will need a thick sheet of white paper as a base, a simple candle (a piece of candle), watercolors and a brush.

Candle painting technique:

  1. On the sheet with a candle, the guys draw the details according to the plan.
  2. Brush over the sheet with watercolor paint.
  3. Wax images show through the watercolor.

"Winter landscape"

Draw a candle at the bottom of the Christmas tree leaf, at the top - snowflakes
We paint over the sheet with watercolors of blue, cyan and black
Winter landscape ready

Drawing with wax crayons

In the drawing classes in this technique, the guys develop two classic skills at once - drawing with a pencil (wax crayons, as a rule, have the shape of pencils) and filling the background with one or more watercolor colors using a brush. Unusual and bright works are obtained.

"Summer Meadow"

On a sheet of white paper we draw flowers, butterflies, the sun
Fill the leaf with blue and green watercolor
Finished work

Grattage (waxography)

With pupils of the middle group, you can try scratching - drawing by scratching lines on paper filled with ink or paint. The guys at home with their parents can prepare the basis for drawing in this technique for the lesson, you can do this part of the work in kindergarten(but keep in mind that drying the paint will take a certain amount of time). To create the base, you need wax crayons, black gouache and a wide brush, for scratching - a pointed stick (you can use a wooden skewer for frying meat).

Waxing technique:

  1. Color the surface of the sheet with wax crayons.
  2. Paint over the sheet with black gouache.
  3. Let the paint dry completely.
  4. Scratching the paint, create a drawing with lines.


We paint over the sheet with wax crayons of different colors
Apply black gouache over wax
Let the paint dry
Scratching the drawing
Finished work

Drawing through wet gauze

In the non-traditional drawing classes, the guys will learn that you can make a drawing with the help of unusual instruments, or you can draw with a familiar brush and paints, but using additional unexpected materials. So, using wet gauze to work allows you to create an original work.

Gauze drawing technique:

  1. With cotton swabs, we collect water from a glass, moisten the entire surface of the sheet well.
  2. We apply a layer of gauze to the wet sheet, straighten it. The gauze should stick and be motionless on the paper.
  3. On top of the gauze, paint with watercolors using a brush, as usual. Leave the drawing to dry completely.
  4. We remove the gauze from the dried work - a drawing remains on the paper in the form of an imprint of the texture of the gauze fabric.

Drawing in the technique of non-traditional drawing through wet gauze

Drawing up a summary of a lesson in drawing in non-traditional techniques

In the summary of the lesson, the goals and objectives set by the teacher should be noted. The preliminary work on the topic of the lesson should be described: observing animals and birds, natural phenomena during a walk, reading poems and fairy tales, looking at illustrations in books. The use of motivating material in the classroom is noted (studying pictures and posters, involving small forms of oral folk art, conducting a conversation, creating a surprise moment or a game situation), conducting outdoor and didactic games, physical education minutes and finger gymnastics.

In accordance with hygienic standards, a drawing lesson in the middle group lasts no more than 20 minutes and consists of the following steps:

  1. Organizational moment 1 minute.
  2. Motivating start of the session 4-6 minutes.
  3. Practical part: direct demonstration of actions by the educator and drawing by children for 10 minutes.
  4. Demonstration and discussion of drawings 2-3 minutes.
  5. Summing up 1 minute.

Abstract of a lesson on non-traditional drawing in the middle group "Russian folk toy matryoshka".
Organizational moment and greeting.
The teacher gives the children a riddle about the matryoshka.
The children are shown pictures of nesting dolls and wooden toys. The teacher reminds the children of the story of nesting dolls.
Reading a poem about matryoshka.
Conducting a conversation: are all nesting dolls the same, what are the differences between these toys.
Physical education "We, nesting dolls, are such crumbs."
Carrying out finger gymnastics.
Practical part: the teacher shows the method of drawing with monotype, the children draw an apron and a scarf using this technique; showing drawing with a poke with a cotton swab, the guys decorate nesting dolls with dots and spots.
Demonstration and discussion of works.
The teacher sums up the lesson, thanks the children for their interest and diligence.

Perspective planning for non-traditional drawing in the middle group

Before Development work program on non-traditional drawing, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the methodological manuals for working with preschoolers in this direction:

  • Borodkina NV Visual activity in kindergarten. Abstracts of classes with children from 3 to 7 years. - Development Academy, 2012.
  • Doronova T. N. Nature, art and visual activity of children. - Enlightenment, 2007.
  • Nikitina A. V. Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. - Karo, 2010.
  • Lykova I. A. Visual activity in kindergarten. Middle group. - Publishing House Tsvetnoy Mir, 2016

The non-traditional drawing program should contain:

  • Goals and objectives of the educational course.
  • Methods and techniques of the teacher's work (visual, verbal, gaming) used in the classroom.
  • Calendar-thematic planning: the topics of classes and the program content of each.
  • Forms of analysis of the artistic activity of children: analysis of works, exhibition of drawings in the hall of the kindergarten, demonstration classes for pupils of younger groups.

Video on the topic of non-traditional creativity in kindergarten

A fragment of a lesson on drawing with a fingertip in the middle group "Winter Forest"

Synopsis of an open lesson in drawing in the middle group by an unconventional method - poke

Non-traditional drawing technique - drawing through wet gauze (lesson)

Non-traditional drawing techniques - spatter

Lesson in the middle group on non-traditional drawing techniques - drawing on glass with a finger

Lesson in the middle group in drawing with a sponge

Webinar "Non-traditional drawing techniques with preschool children"

Non-traditional drawing classes provide a wide scope for children's imagination. Each time is a joy, a game and an opportunity to believe in your own strength. The fear of drawing with a brush and pencil is gradually disappearing, because, drawing with wax, printing foam sponge and leaves, making pokes with cotton swabs and splashing with a toothbrush, the child discovers in himself Creative skills. A bright and unusual result is pleasing to little artists, they want to continue to draw and improve their skills in working with various materials and tools.

Master class on drawing "Rainbow-arc"

All children love to draw. Especially - to paint with gouache. This technique allows the children to feel like real artists. The peculiarities of this technique are that we draw “dry”, without wetting the brush in water, but immediately in gouache. It is very important here that the gouache is not dried up, otherwise creativity is impossible! It should also be noted that we will draw with a “poke”, and not strokes. Works are bright, saturated with color! Children of senior preschool age will really like this work! And kindergarten teachers come in handy!

For work you will need: sheet of thick white paper, bristle brush No. 5, a glass of water, napkins, gouache.

Target: develop creativity through learning non-traditional species drawing.


Continue to introduce children to new types of drawing;

Develop interest in creative activities;

Cultivate accuracy in work.

Lesson progress:

“…..I'm on a rainbow-arc

I love to run


I'll wait in the meadow.

I'm on the red arc

I can't look

For orange, for yellow

I see a new arc.

This new arc

Greener than the meadows.

And behind it is blue

Just like my mother's earring.

I'm on the blue arc

I can't look

And behind this purple

I’ll take it and run away ... ”Elena Blaginina.

caregiver: guys, you listened to a wonderful poem about a rainbow. I read it today for a reason. Each of you will draw a rainbow today.

Topic of our lesson:"Rainbow-arc".

Look, gouache lies in front of you. Open, please, put on the table exactly the colors that the rainbow has: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. These are exactly the colors that we need to work.

Before starting work, let's remember the basic rules for drawing using the “poke” method (stuffing with a hard semi-dry brush):

Water is used only when changing colors, the brush is wiped dry with a tissue before dipping into the paint.

· While drawing, the brush is strictly vertical to the sheet of paper. Gouache is applied to the sheet by one touch, in other words, “poke”.

· While drawing, leave the white edge of the sheet, making a frame that is not filled with color.

Let's start drawing!

1. We take green gouache and draw a clearing on the bottom of the sheet. Don't forget to leave a white border without filling the edge of the paper with color.

You should get such a clearing, with a place for a small lake.

2. Now we will draw the rainbow itself. Take red gouache and draw the first arc.

3. Now you need orange gouache. We draw the second arc, next to the red one, leaving no gap.

4. Now take yellow gouache and continue to draw a rainbow. Do not forget that we do not do any smears. Only "poke".

5. Now we take green gouache. We draw another arc.

6. Now take blue gouache and draw a new arc exactly under the green one.

7. Guys, do you all know the colors of the rainbow?

The children answer.

Educator: I suggest you take a little break from drawing and learn a small phrase that will help you learn the colors of the rainbow once and for all.

Every red

Hunter orange

Wish yellow

know green

Where is blue

Sitting blue

Pheasant purple

The first letter of each word is the first letter of the color in the rainbow.

Let's do it all together.

Children repeat.


The children answer.

Educator: Well done. So what color do we need now?

The children answer.

caregiver: That's right, blue color.

8. Take blue gouache and draw an arc.

9. And here is the very last arc - purple. Take your time, draw carefully.

Children and creativity inseparable concepts. Every child in the soul is an artist and sculptor, singer and musician. Creative impulses in children manifest themselves in the most unimaginable form, but very often associated with artistic activity. Many mothers sooner or later wonder why a child needs to learn to draw? And really, why, if you do not plan to raise another Surikov or Aivazovsky? If your task is to see your child as a successful, self-confident person, then encourage creative manifestations because any fine work- an important condition for the normal development of the baby.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten and at home help develop spatial thinking, eye measurement, and coordination. After all, the baby needs to connect the ratio of the sizes of the parts with a single composition and arrange them harmoniously on the sheet. When working on a complex decorative composition, the child learns to plan his actions, choose the right material. It is very important for him to understand that he can create something with his own hands.

Everyone knows that drawing is one of the most favorite activities of our children. With great pleasure they draw with colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, dipping the brush into a bright substance. And why not get your finger wet there or smear the whole palm with paint? Fine art cannot be framed, it is necessary to destroy all the boundaries of the familiar and traditional!

Non-traditional drawing techniques attract our fidgets much more, because they do not require perseverance, they allow them to more clearly reveal their potential during creativity, they introduce the child to the opportunity to unusually use the things around us as materials for creativity. If the most unusual colors and bright pencils in the baby no longer arouse their former interest, then you can dilute the creativity of your fidget with other drawing methods. Why is drawing in non-traditional ways useful in kindergarten and at home?

  • The kid uses a variety of materials, learns the differences in textures, which allows him to improve fine motor skills.
  • There is an acquaintance with volume, form and space, which develops the imagination.
  • The ability to combine and mix shades develops aesthetic taste.
  • The use of unusual materials develops thinking, teaches to make non-standard decisions.
  • Drawings using such techniques are obtained much faster, which pleases the crumbs, who so lack perseverance.
  • It adds self-confidence and self-confidence, because even without outstanding skills you can create a unique “masterpiece”!

All the most interesting techniques and methods were collected and systematized by G.N. Davydov in the book "Unconventional Drawing Techniques in Kindergarten". This book is a great helper for both a teacher and a mom who wants to diversify her leisure time with her baby.

Let's start creating: fingers or palms

Non-traditional drawing techniques involve depicting images using various materials, including “non-artistic” ones: crumpled paper, foam rubber, threads, paraffin candle or wax crayons, dried leaves; drawing without using a tool - with palms or fingers and much more. Such methods are successfully used both in kindergarten and at home.

For different ages, you can offer your own technique, for example, it will be interesting for the smallest to draw with fingers, because it is still difficult for a baby to hold a brush, but the baby already knows his own hands brilliantly. Dip the palm of the crumbs in the paint and offer to leave a mark on the paper, as cat and dog tracks leave. Consider the imprint with the baby, who does it look like? It looks like an elephant or a turtle, and if we finish the eye, there will be a fish! All the action is controlled only by the imagination of your baby, and if suddenly he is confused, then help him, hold a master class - paint your palm and leave an imprint. “Look, the mother of an elephant turned out, but where is the baby elephant?”, - the child will be happy to join in such a fun game.

You can dip in paint not the whole palm, but only fingers, and leave tiny prints. The more multi-colored prints, the more interesting the drawing - let the kid fantasize for his own pleasure. Adults should be prepared for the fact that the paint will be not only on the leaf, but also on the baby, or rather, the baby will be all in it and the surrounding objects too. Therefore, take care of cleanliness in advance: cover the table where you plan to arrange a creative workshop with oilcloth, and put on an apron and armlets on the baby, otherwise what kind of flight of fancy can we talk about if you constantly pull the baby: “Be careful, you will get dirty!”.

We continue to fantasize. Stamps, prints

Kids of all ages like to use stamps while drawing. This unique technique unconventional method drawing in kindergarten is so easy to perform and diverse in manifestation that it is perfect for work both in kindergarten and at home. Ready-made stamps can be purchased at an art supply store. But it is much more interesting to make a stamp on your own, and even better with a baby.

As a stamp, almost anything that can be dipped in paint and then left an imprint on a sheet of paper is suitable. You can cut an apple or a potato - this is the easiest stamp. On a half of a potato, you can cut out some figure: a heart or a flower. Another stamp is made from ordinary threads, wound on any basis. Threads can not be wound, but simply immersed in paint. After thorough impregnation, they are laid out on one sheet, covered with another, lightly pressed, and admire the intricate pattern.

It is easy to make a stamp from ordinary plasticine. Come up with an interesting shape and decorate a small piece of plasticine. It is better to choose thick paint for classic stamps. An unusual texture to the background can be given by using a crumpled napkin or paper, and then according to the worked out scheme: we dip it in paint and stamp it. Very beautiful stamps are obtained from dried leaves: paint the leaf with paint on one side, put it on paper and press it. After the painted leaf was removed, the picture turned out “ gold autumn"- the kid is completely delighted.

There is another non-traditional drawing technique, similar to a stamp, but with interesting feature, - drawing with foam rubber. Cut off a small piece from an ordinary sponge, dip it in paint and cover the sheet with gentle pressure. It's so easy and simple to get a wonderful background for further drawing, and if you use stencils or templates for children's drawing, you get an amazing floral or geometric pattern.

Dot drawing

As a method of fine art for kids, drawing with dots can be distinguished. This simple technique is clear even to the crumbs. You will need paints and cotton buds or regular felt-tip pens. We dip the wand into the paint, and with a slight pressure draw a dot on a sheet of paper, then another one - until the invented image appears on the landscape sheet. You can help the baby by drawing the outline of the future drawing, and he will fill it with a large number of bright prints. The subject of a bitmap can be any - and winter fairy tale and the bright sun. Education at such a tender age should be carried out unobtrusively, in the form of a game.

Technique "monotype"

For older children, more interesting types of artistic creativity can be offered. For example, an interesting technique, which is also based on prints, is “Monotype”. Its purpose is to create a symmetrical pattern, such as a mushroom, an insect (butterfly or ladybug), for an older preschool group, you can depict a landscape reflected in a lake.

We take a landscape sheet of paper, fold it in half, then unfold it and draw on one half relative to the fold line. Since we agreed to depict a butterfly, we draw one wing, then we iron the folded sheet with our hand. We open it - the butterfly already has two wings and they are exactly the same! Missing elements can be finished with a brush.

The feeling of delight is provided, while the child understands that his “hooligan” actions, when blots and splashes fly onto the album sheet, are also a form of art. "Blotography" also has the name "Spray". With such techniques, unusual artistic effects can be achieved.

Paint splatter, aka "Splatter". A toothbrush will come to the rescue. Gently dip it into the paint and lightly tap with a pen or pencil towards you. A huge number of small droplets remain on the sheet. With the help of such an unconventional drawing technique, a very realistic winter landscape or deep space with many stars is obtained. "Blotography" will help the young artist populate the uninhabited planets of space with funny aliens. One has only to pick up more paint on the brush and let it drain onto a sheet of paper - it turned out to be a blot. And now we blow on it, dispersing the rays in different directions. Let's draw a couple of eyes to the dried blot, or maybe two pairs, this is an unknown animal, and send it to populate its distant worlds!

An interesting texture can be achieved by using a dry brush. Lightly immerse a dry wide brush in gouache, wipe off excess paint on a jar. We draw with vertical poke movements. The image turns out to be “shaggy” and “prickly”, in this way Christmas trees and hedgehogs, a field with green grass are very realistic. In such an unconventional way in kindergarten, you can draw flowers, for example, asters.

Incredible possibilities of ordinary things.

  1. Bubble.

Turns out, bubble you can not only inflate and pop, but you can also draw with them. Dilute a little paint in a glass of soapy water, take a tube and blow bubbles into the glass. Your kids will do this trick with pleasure. Well, there is a lot of bright multi-colored foam, put a sheet of paper on it, and as soon as the bubbles begin to appear, the paper needs to be removed - the colorful pattern is ready!

  1. Salt.

Do not be surprised, but salt can be used not only in cooking. An interesting texture will turn out if the dry drawing is sprinkled with salt, and when the paint dries, just chill.

  1. Sand, beads and various grains are also used to create creative textures. There are several options for using such materials.
  • Sprinkle the sheet pre-coated with glue with grits, sand or beads, and then draw on the textured surface.
  • We cover with glue the areas where the drawing will be depicted.
  • Pre-paint and dry the right materials and then decorate the drawing with them.

Classics in an unconventional way

Let's put away the stamps and salt, wipe off the paint-stained pens, get the watercolors and brushes. Boring? Not boring at all, but very interesting, because with the help of classic watercolors we will work wonders!

It is necessary to take thick paper ( the best option- special watercolor), wet it so that it gets wet enough. Pick up a little paint on the brush and lightly touch the brush to wet paper. The movements should be exactly light and smooth, the beauty of the result depends on this. Before your eyes, a drop of paint spreads in different directions, turning into something amazing! This is the right time to tell your baby about the rules for getting new colors and shades. Now this practice is the most obvious. The resulting unthinkable divorces will serve interesting background for future creative work.

The next non-traditional drawing technique that we will consider, also from the “miracles nearby” category, is called “Aquatype”.

This is a technique of drawing with paints and water, it is also known as water printing. Just as in the previous method, we need thick paper, we will choose no less traditional paints - gouache, we also need black or any dark ink. Think with the baby, what would he like to portray? This method produces unusually beautiful flowers. After the paints have dried, paint over the entire sheet with ink, then immerse your work in a bowl of water, and enjoy the wonderful transformations! All gouache will dissolve, only your drawing will remain on a dark background. Why not magic?

succession incredible transformations not completed! Let's take all the same thick paper, and with wax crayons (if they were not at hand, you can use an ordinary candle), we will apply a drawing or pattern. Next, we apply watercolor paint on the entire sheet (places treated with wax will not stain). A drawing will appear on a colored watercolor background, which will be a surprise for the baby, because when you draw with colorless chalk on a white sheet, it is quite difficult to imagine the final result. The process of magic in the end can also bring quite a practical result.

Making "marble paper" is an extremely exciting activity that kids really like: it's fun to play with things that are generally not allowed to be taken. For example, daddy's shaving foam. For work you will need:

  • shaving foam;
  • watercolor paints;
  • flat plate;
  • sheet of thick paper.

First you need to get a saturated solution: mix the paint with water. Then apply a thick layer of shaving cream on a plate, and drip a few bright drops of paint in a chaotic manner. With the help of a brush, we draw with drops of paint on the foam, getting intricate zigzags and patterns. Here it is - a magical sacrament that will completely absorb an enthusiastic baby. And here is the promised practical effect. We apply the sheet to the rainbow foam, and then turn it over so that the foam is on top of the sheet. We remove the foam remaining on the paper with a scraper. And - about a miracle! Unimaginable stains appear from under the foam, similar to a marble pattern. The paper has absorbed the ink. After drying, "marble paper" can be used in the manufacture of crafts or as an addition to the decor.

There is no limit to creativity

For guys who have already met many interesting techniques and showed their outstanding creative abilities, we can offer a rather difficult drawing technique - “scratching”.

Thick paper is needed, it needs to be painted with wax crayons, preferably in bright colors, then, using a wide brush, cover with black gouache or ink. If you intend to use gouache, add a little PVA glue so that the dried paint does not crumble. When the ink (or gouache) dries, the blank for further work is ready. Now take a thin stack (any sharp, non-writing instrument) and start drawing. But this process can be called drawing only conditionally, since the top layer of paint is scraped off. So, stroke after stroke, a bright wax layer appears and is projected into the artist's idea.

For young artists, it will be a fascinating technique of drawing with plasticine on glass.

Choose the drawing you like, cover it with glass, draw the outlines of the drawing on the glass with a black felt-tip pen. Then we proceed to filling the contours with soft plasticine, trying not to protrude beyond the edge. The wrong side does not look so neat, but a bright and clear picture is visible from the front side. Insert the work into a frame, and you can use colored cardboard as a background.

There is still whole line non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten, which children of the middle and senior preschool groups can easily master. For everyday activities, a combination of appliqué with a classic pattern may be suitable. The pre-cut elements are glued onto the landscape sheet, after which they give the image a finished look with the help of pencils or paints.

One of the available and entertaining techniques is "Frontage".

This type of fine art has been familiar to us since childhood, remember, they hid a coin under a sheet of paper and shaded with a simple pencil? In the same way, instead of a coin, you can use dry leaves, and shade not with a pencil, but with colored pastels. The picture will turn out bright and saturated.

We have seen a lot of drawing techniques and have already learned a lot, so why not put our knowledge into practice? With the help of both traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques, any interior items are decorated. Decorative drawing in kindergarten also has an applied character, a child can already decorate, for example, a pencil holder or a clay vase, or he can please his mother and create a unique pattern on a cutting board. It should only be remembered that paints for such work must be chosen waterproof: acrylic or oil. To make the result please longer, cover the finished craft with varnish.

For interior decoration, the technique of "stained glass" is used.

The essence of the technique is to apply the adhesive contour and fill it with paint. There are many variants of this technique, but one of the most interesting is drawing a pattern on an oilcloth, and after drying, the pattern can be removed from the oilcloth and glued to any surface, for example, glass, - there will be a translucent bright picture.

Let us dwell in more detail on the execution technique itself.

The ideal option would be to use specialized stained glass paints, but if there are none, you can be smart and make them yourself. Take ordinary gouache and add PVA glue, after drying, the paints have an elastic structure, which will allow you to remove the picture from the film without difficulty. Choose the picture you like and draw its outline on a transparent oilcloth (you can take a regular file or a plastic transparent folder). It is better to make the contour first with a pencil or felt-tip pen, and then circle it either with a finished stained glass contour, or with ordinary PVA glue from a tube with a dispenser. Wait for the contour to dry, then fill bright colors. After complete drying, you can unstick the pattern from the film and decorate the intended surface.

You can decorate not only interior items, but also wardrobe items with special fabric paints. This technique is called "Cold batik". Invite your child to make a designer painting of an ordinary white T-shirt, only your baby will have this, the one and only!

  • First, the T-shirt must be fixed in an embroidery hoop or in a stretcher for drawing on canvas.
  • Using a pencil and tracing paper, translate the image of your loved one cartoon character on fabric.

One of the most important stages of this method is the application of a reserve composition, in other words, a protective contour that will prevent the paint from spreading over the fabric. The contour must be closed to prevent spreading.

  • After drying, according to the scheme known to us, we fill the contours with paint.
  • Then the drawing must be fixed. Place one sheet of paper under the drawing, and the other on the drawing and iron it.

You can wash such a product, but it is better in manual mode in cool water. The unique product is ready.


All considered non-traditional drawing techniques are applicable only indoors. What about summer walks? fresh air? Are only outdoor games suitable for the street? No, you can do fine art. Drawing in the summer in kindergarten can also be done on the street using classic chalk. Drawing on asphalt in kindergarten is a great entertaining and cognitive activity. Children draw with crayons wherever there is a more or less hard surface: asphalt, tiles, fences, house walls. It's great to see a bright embodiment of fantasy instead of gray asphalt.

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