How to draw a circle. Simple geometric shapes

The ability to create a circle is not a vital skill. And yet, sometimes it is necessary to know how to draw a circle when there is no compass or some kind of round object at hand. Therefore, further methods for drawing different circles will be proposed.

Smooth circle - what to do if there is no compass

It is useful for everyone to know how to draw a circle without a compass. Usually this item is not available. In this situation, there may be a student who left home necessary tools for drawing, which should have a scheduled lesson. Or an adult who, for some reason, urgently needs to portray even circle. What to do in these situations? For example, schoolchildren can replace a missing accessory with a protractor, which is often found in a pencil case. Just attach it to a sheet of paper, find the center on the straight part and put a dot. This place is considered the center of the circle. Then you need to circle the semicircle along the inside, turn the protractor 90 ° and carefully draw another third of the circle. After that, repeat the turn of the tool again and finish drawing the rest of the figure.

If you have not been a schoolboy for a long time, which means that you do not have a pencil case with drawing tools at hand, then you can correct the situation with a CD. With it, it is easy to create a figure both small (if you circle the inside of the disk) and large (if you circle the outside of the disk). Office workers in a similar situation will be helped by a glass used for water. Just put it on paper and draw along the contour of the bottom with a pencil. Thus, we were convinced that it is possible to draw a circle without a compass, using improvised objects for this.

Ways to draw circles without using additional items

How to draw a circle if there are no drawing tools and other auxiliary things at hand? Everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Place and fix one hand on the paper, while making sure that the little finger is the center of the planned circle. With the other hand, twist the sheet and see what happens even circle. Draw along the resulting contour with a pencil. To draw a circle of a larger diameter, you need to bend your little finger, as if you are trying to make a fist. Further, the procedure is repeated, as with a smaller circle, twist the sheet and draw the borders of the circle. If you need to create a circle even more, then position your hand so that it touches the wrist bone to the sheet. Recommended for drawing circles, choose non-solid pencils.

These methods are considered easy and simple. They help out when there is no compass at hand. The main thing is to be able to hold your hand evenly and so that it does not move.

Draw a circle with a ruler

For those who have a ruler handy, the following way to create a circle will come in handy. You need to attach a ruler to a sheet of paper, at this point there will be the center of the circle. Put another mark next to the number indicating the radius. Then you need to put the third point, for this, slightly move the edge of the drawing tool, but so that the 0th mark remains in place, and put a notch above the second mark.

Repeat these steps to end up with a circle. It will be dotted. The more small dashes, the easier it is to draw an even solid line. This easy way, but rather long.

An arbitrary circle or an even circle in Photoshop is drawn according to the same rules as, respectively. By and large, you need to use the same groups of tools, but adjusted for the shape of the figure.

Method 1: Ellipse Tool

With this tool, you can draw a circle or circle shape.

Let's start with vector, that is, from such a figure, the dimensions of which can be changed without loss of quality. To do this, select ellipse tool, and in the options bar, set the setting Shape layer.

Now draw a circle or circle. But first, choose a base color other than white, otherwise you won't see what you ended up drawing.

How to draw an even circle

By default, the circle is drawn arbitrary, that is, you draw nothing more than an oval with arbitrary sizes. To draw an even circle, select one of the options:

  1. hold down the Shift key;
  2. in the tool options bar, select the option:

Once again, pay attention to this window with tool options. Here you can also configure the ability to draw a figure according to specified sizes or proportions. Specify the desired dimensions / proportions in the width and height fields, and then simply click anywhere in the document - Photoshop will immediately display a circle with the specified values.

So, the vector circle or circle appeared. This will be a solid-colored shape layer.

Now, to be able to resize without losing quality, use the Ctrl+T command. When the need for vector figure disappears, you can use it to continue working on the figure with the power of all the possibilities of Photoshop.

Raster figure is done in exactly the same way, but at the very beginning you need to select another option in the options panel - Perform pixel fill.

After that, the circle will be created immediately as a raster. Don't forget for her.

Method 2. Stroke selection - ring

Let's turn to another Photoshop tool - oval area. The action plan is as follows: create a round selection, and then stroke its borders. The result is a ring.

Draw a free-form circle or even circle (hold down the Shift key). Also on the tool options panel, you can specify the specified dimensions or proportions for selection. To do this, from the drop-down list Style select the appropriate option. After that, the width and height fields will become active and you can enter the desired numbers there.

Let's say we have a selection like this:

Now we need to stroke its borders. To do this, select the command: Editing - Stroke.

A new window will appear in which specify the width of the stroke border, its color. There are also interesting settings on how the stroke width will be calculated:

  • Inside- means the frame will lie on the inside of the selected area;
  • Centered- means the frame will be divided equally into a part passing inside the selection and into a part from the outside;
  • Outside- means the frame will go around the dotted selection line.

Keep in mind. that the selected option will affect the final dimensions of the circle (its width and height).

Now that the settings are entered, click OK. It remains only to remove the dotted selection - Ctrl + D.

Noticed an error in the text - select it and press Ctrl + Enter . Thank you!

The question is important not only for beginners, but sometimes for experienced artists. Understanding how a circle is drawn correctly in perspective, we can draw great amount items, not just pots and plates.
All in all summary: usually we rarely see round objects frontally. For example, a plate like this

We see much less than this.

Therefore, we need to understand how to correctly depict a plate in a perspective horizontal plane. There is a simple scheme for this.

Most important on the left. We see ovals and the horizon line, with respect to which we usually draw all objects. At the level of the horizon line, the oval either turns into a line, or is very narrow. The higher or lower, the rounder the oval becomes, all the lines that are closer to us according to the law of perspective will be thicker, everything that is further away will be thinner. If the oval is far below the level of vision, it may become almost round. You can see this very clearly by taking a roll of tape, your ideal nature for practicing this skill. We raise the skein to eye level - ideally, we will see a rectangle, raise it higher and lower and immediately see clearly all the changes.
In the vertical plane, the story is exactly the same, only the diagram must be turned 90 degrees.

Thus, all plates and pots become subject to us, we look at the previous picture of the plate, taking into account new knowledge.

You can draw another oval to show the thickness of the plate, the final result depends on your powers of observation. The skill of drawing ovals trains very well in detailed drawing simple items, great at first, the same skein of adhesive tape, for example.

There is another common mistake when drawing ovals. Many draw two arcs instead of an oval. This should not be allowed, even if your oval is very narrow, always draw fillets in the corners.

Over time, you will be great at finding perspective in almost any object.

Well, after the circles get bored, you can try to draw squares - the principle is the same. There is indeed a nuance with the vanishing point, but more on that another time.

I hope you will not have any more problems with the circle in perspective and your drawings will be correct and accurate. In addition to this post, you can also see

Thanks to the ability to draw a perfectly even circle, you can learn how to draw a lot of other objects. For example, you can draw a ball, a ball, a sun, and many other things on a piece of paper. In order for the circle to turn out to be even, you need to use a compass, which is one of the most important geometric tools.

Building a circle

Before you draw a circle, you need to take the necessary items. To do this, you will need a ruler, a compass, a pencil and a notebook. To draw a perfectly even circle, you need to know some of the nuances of its construction. First, mark the center of the circle on paper. The center is the point where the compass needle will be set. In addition, points located on the boundary of the circle will be equidistant from the center. This distance the border points are from the center of the circle is called the radius.

The size of the radius is set by the legs of the compass. To build a circle, you can simply move the tool legs apart at any angle, but so that it is convenient to draw. If a specific radius is given, then it is necessary to attach the leg with the needle to the zero mark of the ruler, and the second leg to the required number.

Before you draw a perfect circle, you need to understand how to handle a compass. To do this, place the needle in the center of the circle, and large and index fingers grab the top of the tool. In no case should you take on the legs, since when you rotate the compass, you can move them, which will lead to a change in the figure. After that, you need to gently rotate the compass until the borders are closed. These boundaries, left by the compass lead, will be the contours of the circle. You can shade the entire area inside the circle with a pencil to get a circle.

Drawing a circle without a compass

Many novice artists are tormented by the problem of how to draw a circle without a compass using auxiliary items. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a ruler, a pencil and your own eye gauge.

First you need to draw the coordinate axes to get the center of the circle. At the point of intersection of the axes of symmetry, the center of the circle will be located. Now, using a ruler, you need to set aside identical segments from the center of the circle in all directions, which will be the radius of the circle. After that, you need to carefully connect the dots with a smooth line to get a circle.

To understand how to draw a circle in isometric, you need to remember that isometric projection creates a slight slope for all shapes. That is why the circle in the isometric projection takes the form of an oval. To build such a figure, you will need a pencil, a compass, a square and a protractor.

Drawing circles of various diameters is far from the most necessary skill in life. However, sooner or later, the need to draw a circle without a compass and other auxiliary objects of a round shape takes everyone by surprise. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance without a compass, regardless of its diameter.

How to draw an even circle without a compass

You can be a schoolboy who came to a geometry lesson, forgetting his drawing tools, a student, an adult who is forced to draw a perfectly even circle - different situations happen.

It will be useful for every person to know how to draw an even circle without a compass. We offer you several ways to solve this problem.

The compasses can easily be replaced by another tool that is in the pencil case of each student, namely, a protractor. Put it on paper, marking the center point on the straight part, this will be the center of the future circle. Trace the inside of the semicircle, then rotate the ruler about ninety degrees and draw a third of the circle. Rotate the protractor again and complete the circle.

If you are at a meeting or at the workplace, but there was no the right tool just use the CD. Circle it from the outside or from the inside for a smaller shape.

In an office setting, you can also use a glass. To do this, take a glass of water, take a sip and put it on a piece of paper, circle the bottom with a slight movement. Have another drink and put it aside.

All of the above items can be found in any office, the protractor will be available to students as well. With the help of them, you can draw a circle evenly without a compass.

We draw circles of different sizes without auxiliary objects

What to do if you want to draw circles of different diameters?

It is not at all difficult to cope with this problem with only paper and a simple pencil at hand.

Take a pencil in one hand, put the other on a piece of paper. Place the little finger of the first hand on the sheet so that it is the center of the future circle. Fix this position well. With your other hand, start turning the paper around your little finger. You will see how an even circle is obtained, as when using a compass.

A circle bigger size is drawn in the same way, but in this case, bend the little finger, as if clenching all fingers into a fist. With your left hand, start turning the sheet until you see the resulting circle. It is advisable to use a pencil with a soft lead.

A circle with an even larger diameter can be drawn by repeating all the above tips, but now the right hand should touch the leaf with a protruding bone on the wrist.

These are the most simple methods how to draw a circle without a compass. The most important thing in these ways is to learn how to keep right hand motionless (left if you are left-handed).

How to draw a perfect circle with a ruler

If you have a regular ruler at hand, then you can use one more tip on how to draw a circle without a compass. Take a ruler and put it on the paper, the "0" mark will be the center of the circle, so put it in the right place. Draw the second point near the digital value corresponding to the radius of the circle. Slightly shift the second edge of the ruler so that the middle remains at zero, and the third point is slightly higher than the second.

Do this procedure several times. As a result, you should get a circle drawn. The more dotted, the easier it will be to connect everything into a solid line.

This is perhaps the easiest, but at the same time the longest way to draw a circle without a compass.

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