Beautiful handmade paintings. Creating paintings on the wall using the technique of volumetric decoupage

Handmade decor items are becoming more and more popular every year, as everyone wants to have an exclusive decoration in their home, and not a replicated faceless souvenir from the store. For example, good choice can become three-dimensional pictures. It is quite simple to make them with your own hands, especially since there are many techniques, and it is not at all necessary to immediately start creating super-complex masterpieces.

Materials and tools

A three-dimensional painting can be made from a variety of materials. Most often, paper is used to create such decorative crafts, but leather, fabric, plasticine and other improvised means may also be suitable. At the same time, pre-treatment of materials is sometimes required in the form of soaking, staining, etc., the choice of which depends on the technique chosen for the manufacture of the picture, and its content.

As for tools, you should definitely have a pencil, scissors, glue (universal), a silicone gun, varnish, threads and needles (for fabric options), etc.

Volumetric paper paintings

Very simple and original crafts can be obtained using only paper of several contrasting colors and glue.

For example, to make a magnificent carp in Japanese style, you just need to print its silhouette on the printer, make neat cuts and cut holes in the right places with a clerical knife. Then you should bend the fins and scales and stick the blank on a sheet of colored paper. After that, it remains just to insert your work into a simple frame and hang it on the wall.

Volumetric paintings from paper can be made in other ways.


Do-it-yourself volumetric paper paintings are often made as a gift. For example, good option for a present, a craft depicting an orchid can become. This is a very beautiful three-dimensional picture that will decorate any interior.

You will need:

  • colored paper;
  • wooden frame;
  • corrugated paper;
  • gouache;
  • tassel
  • scissors;
  • thin stick;
  • glue stick.

Production order:

  • a flower with one large, rounded, and two sharp petals is cut out of plain paper;
  • bend them with scissors;
  • 3 pairs of petals are cut out of corrugated paper;
  • stretch the edge of each element in such a way as to get wavy semicircles;
  • take thin petals and twist them twice in the center;
  • smeared with glue at the place of twisting and attached to the centers of the shamrocks;
  • 3 centers are cut out of pink paper using a stencil;
  • darker gouache Pink colour put dots on them;
  • when the paint dries, give the middle volume using scissors;
  • lubricate the wrong sides with glue;
  • glue the pink centers in the center of the white paper petals.
  • several oval leaves are cut out of green paper;
  • give the elements volume;
  • 3 strips of 3 x 20 cm are cut out of green paper;
  • moisten them with water and tightly wind them diagonally onto wooden skewers;
  • when the paper dries, take out the sticks and get the stems, which are then given a bend;
  • two buds are cut out of white paper;
  • give them volume by gluing;
  • 2 sheets of blue paper in dark and light tones, as well as one light blue sheet of paper, are glued on top of each other;
  • when they dry, insert the background into the frame;
  • stick stems, leaves, flowers and buds on it

Such voluminous paintings, made by hand, will look beautiful in any interior, and will also be a wonderful gift.

Paper "tunnel"

A three-dimensional picture in this technique, if done carefully, will turn out to be very stylish and beautiful. For the first time, such interior decorations appeared in the 18th century and depicted scenes from performances. English theaters. To make them, you will need multi-colored paper and glue, as well as 4 identical sheets of cardboard for the picture and 2 for the accordion. The latter should be the same length as the former and reach a width of 11 cm.

Making crafts is quite simple:

  • cut holes of the same size in sheets of cardboard so that when superimposed on each other they coincide
  • draw and cut out trees, figurines of people and mountains from colored paper;
  • on sheets of thick paper, you need to apply 10 lines with a pencil with an indent of 1 cm and bend as follows: towards yourself, away from you, towards yourself, away from you, etc .;
  • glue the protrusions so that they alternate with "flat" areas;
  • do the same with the second "accordion";
  • stick ready-made "layers" with "portholes" on the ledges of the "accordion";
  • place the product in the finished three-dimensional frame.

Volumetric fabric paintings

A great home decoration can be made from foam and scraps. This technique came to us from Japan and is called kinusaiga.

A three-dimensional picture of fabric flaps can be of any size, but for starters it is better to choose a relatively small option.

For manufacturing, you should:

  • transfer the drawing to the foam;
  • cut out details from the fabric;
  • make cuts 2 cm deep throughout the pattern on the foam;
  • apply the desired fabric blank to the place where it needs to be used on the basis;
  • with a blunt table knife, fill the edges of the patch into the cuts in the foam;
  • do the same with all other details;
  • wrap the edges of the picture with tape, fixing it with decorative buttons, or insert it into a frame.

Bulk materials panel

Do-it-yourself volumetric paintings can also be made from cereals. For example, for such a panel, which is presented below, all bulk materials that are at hand will come in handy.

First, contours are marked on thick cardboard future picture and smear a specific area with glue. Then they fill it with cereals of the desired type, for example, buckwheat, and lightly press it. Glue the grains so that they densely fill the surface of the picture. Do the same with other details.

After filling the entire surface of the canvas, varnish the product and insert it into a suitable frame.

Spring panel

As already mentioned, do-it-yourself volumetric paintings can be made from almost any material. For example, “Spring panel” will look very organic in an eco-style interior.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • a piece of plywood;
  • paint in a can;
  • a piece of plain fabric;
  • golden spray paint;
  • tassel;
  • glue stick;
  • LED garland;
  • several branches of mountain ash, acacia or any other tree.

Operating procedure:

  • branches are placed under pressure for several days so that they straighten;
  • a piece of plywood is covered with a cloth;
  • if necessary, paint it with a sponge or brush;
  • glue the branches to the fabric;
  • lightly sprinkle the picture spray paint from a balloon;
  • fix the LEDs on the branches with adhesive tape;
  • mask the cable or make a hole and bring it out through the fabric and plywood;
  • put your work in a frame.

Now you know how to make a three-dimensional picture from different materials, and you can decorate your interior with an original piece of decor.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

Paintings are one of the components of a warm and unique atmosphere. And if the paintings are made independently, the emotional “response” from them is an order of magnitude higher than that of the purchased ones. , created by oneself - you will see photos of examples below - thought out with interest and brought to life with love, will give a good mood for a long time.

Let you not have the talent of an artist, do not shine with a creative flair and doubt your taste. Drop doubts. With a desire to create original paintings for the interior, you can independently learn some techniques and after a while admire the creation of your own hands.

Looking for an idea for a painting

Inspiration is a fickle and fickle thing. Let's not wait for insights from above, but let's get busy active search ideas for future paintings for the interior.

Advice. At the very beginning, it will be useful not to look on the Internet in search of ideas. Trust your inner instinct: what exactly do I need, how would I like to see my picture, what mood should it bring to my life and to the interior of the house? Write down every thought that comes to mind.

Information, having gained a critical mass, will definitely “shoot” original idea. And having the main features of what you are looking for, you can choose the appropriate technique for creating do-it-yourself paintings for the interior and see photos.

Anything can serve as an impulse for creativity: from sewing accessories and beads to family photos and letters from the home archive.

Advice. For any mother, a touching interior decor option will be a collage panel of children's drawings, applications, the first cute scribbles and other priceless creations of small hands.

Choosing ways to create a picture for your interior

Turning creative ideas into reality different ways. Draw with watercolors, acrylics, paint in oils, create panels from leather, thread or wool, make posters from photos - the choice is yours. Each of the paintings will be interesting and unique in the interior.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Ideas for a small children's room

Painting with paints

Even if the talent of the painter has bypassed you, create abstract paintings for the interior at the level of "cute and sincere" is quite within your power. You will need:

  • oil, acrylic or watercolor paints;
  • tablet or easel;
  • canvas;
  • brushes;
  • palette and palette knife;
  • scotch;
  • solvent.


The future of the picture that will decorate the interior of your apartment is first drawn with a pencil on canvas: a composition is built, small elements and main lines are outlined. The space around the main object is “overgrown” with details, the lines of objects intersect with each other and overlap. This gives the picture depth and dimension.

Determine the light source

To give the image realism, draw dark and illuminated areas. Outline where and at what angle the light will fall on the objects, where the shadow, penumbra and highlights will be located.

Choosing colors

In order to choose the right colors for the picture, you need to know that:

  • to obtain the desired shade of paint is mixed on a palette, and only then applied to the canvas;
  • on a sunny day, the color of the object has golden hues, on a cloudy day - grayish;
  • if according to the plot in the picture it is night, the objects will be richer and darker than during the day.

We create

Multi-volume works and 6 years of study at the institute are devoted to the art of drawing. At the household level, several guidelines can be given in this process:

  • draw simple objects first;
  • dilute and mix paints for your painting with a margin, because you won’t be able to achieve the exact same shade again;
  • before applying the next layer, the previous one should dry well;
  • try different techniques, but focus on two or three that you can do;
  • within three days image completed oil paints, you can correct, correct failed details or erase them completely.

Advice. If, starting a picture, you planned a plot in the style of realism, and by the middle of the process you are surprised at abstractionism, it does not matter. Urgently pretend that this is what you intended from the very beginning. Abstract creations are merciful to the mistakes of beginners, and in the interior they look impressive and mysterious.

Paintings with beads

Interesting and beautiful paintings that will complement the interior of a kitchen or bedroom are obtained using beads. Painstakingly, not quickly, but relatively simply, and most importantly - it is useful for the nervous system.

USEFUL INFORMATION: We join the art: frescoes on the wall in the apartment

You will need:

  • frame on a solid base;
  • printed drawing;
  • beads;
  • wire or thread;
  • Super glue;
  • toothpick.

We begin to create a masterpiece for the interior.

  1. Free the frame from the glass.
  2. On the basis, outline the contours of the frame.
  3. Glue the pattern on which you will lay out the beads.
  4. With a thread or wire, mark the outlines of the pattern by gluing them to the base.
  5. Glue the beads, distributing it tightly, without voids. If it is inconvenient to do this with your fingers, use a toothpick. Apply glue to small fragments, preventing it from drying out.
  6. Let the painting dry completely by placing it vertically for a while. If somewhere the beads are stuck badly, it will fall off, and you can reattach it.
  7. Decorate a beaded product in a frame, hang it on the wall and admire the transformed interior.

Painting for the interior from improvised materials

To make the work of your hands, intended for the interior of your home, turn out to be interesting, do not limit your imagination to any specific techniques. Combine, break the rules, create your own recipes.

Various decorative and natural materials can be used: leather, fabric, buttons, sequins, quilling elements, wallpaper, dried flowers, sea pebbles, shells and even wool. The picture for the interior of wool is worth considering in more detail.

Painting with wool

Wool painting is a whole art in an unexpected perspective. This is where you can not worry about artistic abilities: a sketch of a drawing can also be applied under a stencil. Warmth, depth, volume are just a few epithets for such a work. A picture made of wool breathes, lives its own life and brings a special warmth to the interior.

You will need:

  • clamp frame;
  • non-woven or flannel backing;
  • scissors, tweezers;
  • wool different colors.

Now we begin to draw a picture with wool.

  • Draw a sketch on the base.
  • Start laying out the wool with the main background color, and then lay out the wool of other colors in layers. Wool can be applied by pulling into a strand, plucking into a “cloud”, tearing off. Each method creates different effect: the most delicate color transitions, transparency or saturation of texture, light haze or dense fluffy balls of wool.
  • Give wool objects the desired shape: bulge, texture, layering.

Important! Sometimes apply glass to the composition of wool. So you evaluate the intermediate result and will be able to eliminate shortcomings in time.

Making a three-dimensional picture with your own hands is a solution for extraordinary people who want to make their home decor individual and not keep standard drawings.

To create three-dimensional paintings for walls, the most different material, for example, a picture is made from plaster, you can create paintings from fabric with your own hands, create three-dimensional paintings on the wall from putty, make various abstractions or applications, create a bas-relief, apply mosaics and much more. The list of drawings is large, it is important to choose the right image, and for this, photos and videos from the Internet are used, which will help determine the artistic design and choose the technique for applying drawings to the walls.

Pictures from putty

Drawing on the wall with your own hands is often carried out using putty, but the option is not for lazy people, but when you manage to create a picture, it will look beautiful, and the cost is only putty, you can use the rest after the repair.

It is not recommended to manufacture from complex paintings; it is better to make a relief pattern from simple image, learn, then move on to more complex pictures is the right plan. Surface grinding is not needed, so you can create a picture on the wall without dust. You need a spatula to work. Before making pictures from putty, preparation is carried out.

Foundation preparation

Volumetric drawings are applied to plastered and even walls, if so, then the surface is prepared as follows:

  1. The wall for processing is covered with a primer.
  2. After drying, the background is made by choosing desired colors, the putty is applied to the base with a spatula, a roller is used to paint the base.
  3. Next, a picture is taken. Acrylic compositions dry quickly, which means that after a couple of hours a pattern is applied, for example, a landscape, a butterfly, a cane fruit. If the work is done by a master of art, then you can draw stone city, spring, autumn, birds or nature.

You can transfer the drawing to the walls using a stencil, the main thing is not to select complex wall drawings so that there are no difficulties with puttying. Pictures are medium in size. There are two options for applying plaster to the wall:

Applying plaster: Description:
Spatula drawing: Lines are drawn on the wall with a pencil, then the spatula is placed along the line and drawn along the drawing. Excess mixture is removed with a second spatula. When the contours are dry, you can apply paint on them. Similar instructions for the rest of the lines on the wall. The volumetric picture is ready.
Draw through a syringe: The needle is removed from the syringe, after filling with putty, it is reinserted. Further, the composition is squeezed out along the contours on the wall. After the main drawing, you need to make the details of the picture. When everything is dry, paint is used, which is applied with a piece of cloth or a sponge. The grooves may not be painted. When the base color dries, the second color is applied, on small parts drawing where the brush is applied.

A flower, a leaf of a tree and other drawings on the wall are made in the picture. If desired, you can use modeling, glue additional accessories, for example, make a frame with a baguette, use twine on canvas, decorations in the form of kanzasha, quilling, macrame and other decorations. Optionally, you can use strips of wood, moldings and other ideas.

A photo of the design of the bas-relief of the painting on the walls can be found on the net, so that it is clearer what to draw in your home, so that the interior is living and beautiful, complements the room. An inscription is also made or a letter is left as the signature of the author.

Volumetric paintings on the wall (video)

Volumetric paintings made of wood

Textured paintings on the wall made of wood look rich, but creating a three-dimensional pattern will require not only a skill, but also a lot of effort and time. The method of decorating the walls is unusual, and for work you need chisels, special knives, varnish, stain, and a wooden frame. The selected three-dimensional drawing must be transferred to the tree, and then begin to cut out the contours. From the depth of the cutout, a three-dimensional picture will be obtained. Due to the stain, it turns out original look and the volume increases, and the finished picture is varnished to protect it.

In this case, the painting does not need additional use of accessories, you just need to cut out the drawing and hang it on the wall. This type allows you to create modular drawing, for example, a triptych, but it is very difficult to make the desired relief. At the end, some people insert glass into the frame. Before creating volumetric paintings from wood, it is better to watch a master class on cutting wood.

Volumetric decoupage

Decoupage is the easiest type of wall decoration, in addition, this technique allows you to design not only walls, but also other surfaces, even a beginner can do the work. The main plus is the ability to make a flat element voluminous using improvised material. Creating volumetric decoupage needs the following:

  1. A colored paper piece specifically for decoupage, you can use foil, wallpaper or photo wallpaper.
  2. Glue.
  3. The polymeric material is clay.
  4. Napkin, textile, satin material.
  5. Brush.
  6. Scissors.

The step-by-step scheme of volumetric paintings for walls is as follows:

  1. The desired picture is cut out of paper or other material, you can use printing and print the picture.
  2. Further, the drawing is urinated in water and blotted with a cloth.
  3. On the reverse side glue is applied and firmly glued to the wall.
  4. Similarly, work is carried out with other parts of the picture so that the joints match, integrity is not violated.

A three-dimensional drawing can be obtained if the image is again pasted over an already finished drawing. At the very end, varnish is applied to the drawing. You can use corrugated cardboard, plasticine, paper tapes, non-woven or vinyl wallpaper, crepe or newspaper material, making multi-colored and unusual drawing. You can cover any object, for example, a bottle, doors in bathrooms or bedrooms.

Advice! You can depict a winter garden, shells, salty seas. For the kitchen, a picture of cereals, beans, or a simple cake on the wall is suitable. This is a budget design option for which you can take any home material that is at home and make the desired pattern, picture or drawing on the wall out of it.

3d paper picture

Making paintings for interior walls out of paper is the cheapest. A classic drawing can be created step by step if you prepare:

  1. paper.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Paints.
  4. Cardboard.
  5. frame.
  6. Gouache.

It is necessary to get the glass out of the frame and stick an artificial or natural material. Jeans, braid, felt or paper are used. This will be the background that the person will look at. Next, a drawing is cut out of cardboard, after which it must be folded and slowly glued onto the site.

It will be correct to paint some elements and let them dry, then to glue them into the frame. Owls, roses, peonies are good. The picture will be complemented by lace, weaving, rhinestones, beads, embroidery, leather, thread, sand, which can be glued onto paste or PVA. Finished painting can be hung in the room at the right place to complement the style.

Using any master class, you can decorate all the walls in the house, even if the room is small, the coating is old. Any tool is good, the work is carried out for a short time and the wall partition is quickly decorated. Also, certain techniques can be used to create postcards. An excellent plan is to use not ready-made three-dimensional paintings for the walls, but puzzles that, after being assembled, are hung on the walls or foam from which the drawing is created.

Volumetric paintings for walls can be supplemented with lighting, a strip of diode tape. Volumetric drawings on the walls are suitable for any style, even if it is minimalism, where denim material looks great. In the picture you can depict your fate, if you have the skills of artistic creativity.

Photo gallery of three-dimensional paintings on the wall

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