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Volumetric composition of geometric bodies. How to draw?

A composition of geometric bodies is a group of bodies of a geometric nature, the proportions of which are regulated according to the table of modules cut into each other and thereby forming a single array. Often such a group is also called architectural drawing and architectural composition. Although the formation of the composition, like any other production, begins with a sketch idea - where you can determine the overall array and silhouette, foreground and background, the work must be "built" sequentially. In other words, to have as its beginning a compositional core, and only then, by means of the calculated sections, to “acquire” new volumes. In addition, this allows you to avoid accidental flaws - "unknown" sizes, too small indents, ridiculous cuts. Yes, we must immediately make a reservation that such topics raised by almost every drawing textbook as “Organization of the workplace”, “Varieties of paints, pencils and erasers”, and so on, will not be considered here.

Composition of geometric shapes, drawing

Before proceeding to the examination exercise - “Composition of three-dimensional geometric shapes”, you must obviously learn how to depict the geometric bodies themselves. And only after that you can go directly to the spatial composition of geometric bodies.

How to draw a cube correctly?

On the example of geometric bodies, it is easiest to master the basics of drawing: perspective, the formation of a volumetric-spatial design of an object, the patterns of chiaroscuro. The study of the construction of geometric bodies does not make it possible to be distracted by small details, which means that it allows you to better learn the basics of drawing. The image of three-dimensional geometric primitives contributes to a competent image of more complex geometric shapes. Depicting the observed object competently means showing the hidden structure of the object. But in order to achieve this, the existing tools, even leading universities, are not enough. So, on the left side, there is a cube, checked in the "standard" way, widely used in most art schools, colleges and universities. However, if you check such a cube using the same descriptive geometry, presenting it in plan, it turns out that this is not a cube at all, but there is some geometric body, with a certain angle, probably the position of the horizon line, and its vanishing points only reminiscent.

Cuba. Left is wrong, right is right

It is not enough to put a cube and ask to depict it. Most often, such a task leads to proportional and perspective errors, among which the most famous are: reverse perspective, partial replacement of the angular perspective by the frontal one, that is, the replacement of the perspective image by the axonometric one. There is no doubt that these errors are caused by a misunderstanding of the laws of perspective. Knowing the perspective helps not only to warn against gross mistakes at the very first stages of building a form, but also stimulates you to analyze your work.

Perspective. Cubes in space

Geometric bodies

Here, combined orthogonal projections of geometric bodies are shown, namely: a cube, a ball, a tetrahedral prism, a cylinder, a hexagonal prism, a cone and a pyramid. In the upper left part of the figure, lateral projections of geometric bodies are shown, in the lower - a top view or plan. Such an image is also called a modular scheme, since it regulates the sizes of bodies in the depicted composition. So, it can be seen from the figure that at the base all geometric bodies have one module (the side of the square), and in height the cylinder, pyramid, cone, tetrahedral and hexagonal prisms are equal to 1.5 cube sizes.

Geometric bodies

Still life of geometric shapes - we go to the composition in stages

However, before moving on to the composition, a couple of still lifes consisting of geometric bodies should be completed. The exercise “Still life drawing from geometric bodies in orthogonal projections” will be even more useful. The exercise is quite difficult, which should be taken with due seriousness. Let's say more: without understanding the linear perspective, it will be all the more difficult to master a still life according to orthogonal projections.

Still life of geometric bodies

Geometric body frames

Inserts of geometric bodies - this is such a mutual arrangement of geometric bodies, when one body partially enters another - it crashes. The study of frame variations will be useful for every draftsman, because it provokes the analysis of one form or another, architectural or living in equal measure. Any depicted object is always more useful and efficient to consider from the standpoint of geometric analysis. The tie-ins can be conditionally divided into simple and complex, but it should be noted that the so-called "simple tie-ins" require great responsibility in the approach to the exercise. That is, in order to make the cut-in exactly simple, you should decide in advance where you would like to place the cut-in body. The simplest option is such an arrangement when the body is displaced from the previous one in all three coordinates by half the size of the module (that is, half the side of the square). The general search principle for all inserts is the construction of an insert body from its inner part, that is, the insert of a body, as well as its formation itself, begins with a section.

Section planes

Composition of geometric shapes, step-by-step exercise

It is widely believed that the arrangement of bodies in space through the “chaotic” imposition of their silhouettes on each other makes it easier and faster to form a composition. Perhaps this is what prompts many teachers to demand the presence of a plan and a facade in the conditions of assignments. So, at least, the exercise is already presented in the main architectural domestic universities.

Volumetric-spatial composition of geometric bodies considered in stages


Chiaroscuro is the distribution of illumination observed on an object. In the figure, it manifests itself through tone. Tone is a visual means that allows you to convey natural relationships of light and shadows. It is the relationship, since even such graphic materials as charcoal pencil and white paper are usually not able to accurately convey the depth of natural shadows and the brightness of natural light.

Basic concepts


It should be said that geometric precision is not inherent in the drawing; So, in specialized universities and schools, using a ruler in the classroom is strictly prohibited. Trying to correct the drawing with a ruler leads to even more errors. Therefore, it is difficult to belittle the importance of practical experience - since only experience is able to train the eye, consolidate skills and enhance artistic flair. At the same time, only with the help of the consistent execution of the image of geometric bodies, their mutual inserts, acquaintance with perspective analysis, aerial perspective, it is possible to develop the necessary skills. In other words, the ability to depict simple geometric bodies, the ability to represent them in space, the ability to connect them with each other and, no less important, with orthogonal projections, opens up broad prospects for mastering more complex geometric shapes, whether they are household items or a human figure and head, architectural structures and details or cityscapes.

One might think that mathematical calculations do not matter for art. But it is not. Reflection of the world around us, which is more or less art, associated with the reproduction of geometric shapes and their proportions.

Sometimes these proportions are deliberately violated, optical illusions are created. A master in this field can be called Maurits Escher. Dutch artist of the middle of the 20th century, in the space of whose drawings everything is possible. One form flows into another, perspective does not converge at one point, objects have neither beginning nor end. This inconsistency with the laws of nature and logic captivates viewers who are trying to find a clue to the artist's graphic paintings.

avant-garde world

Representing art in a new way, using its possibilities in a way that was not done before, the avant-garde painters (fr. avant-garde- walking in front) tried to decompose the objective world into its constituent elements. They represented feeling through figurative and color associations. From this it turned out that the geometric figures in the paintings of painters often expressed both form and content.

An example would be creativity Wassily Vasilyevich Kandinsky. The Russian painter, a representative of the avant-garde of the first half of the 20th century, makes abstraction an end in itself for his paintings. Theoretically, Kandinsky's ideas are substantiated by the creation next to the "real world" of the world of abstractions, which apparently has nothing to do with reality. It is a new system, subject to its own laws.

In painting, his feeling plays an important role, the artist's paintings are very musical, although they do not have sounds. The basis of his paintings is an emotional outburst, the figures are subject to this movement, they follow the emotion. Kandinsky wrote that the circle, which so often becomes the central image of his painting in the 20s. can be called "romantic". This romance is deep and contradictory, like a fire burning in ice.

The geometry of the creator of the "Black Square"

Suprematism("superiority") - an avant-garde direction, the invention of which belongs to Kazimir Malevich. His education dates back to the time of the creation of " black square"(1915). The artist imagined that in his work he came to the basis of art and stepped beyond it, stepped into that plane where there is no form, there is nothing. The geometric form in the paintings of the author of this period is given by itself, without any contexts and specific meanings.

« White on white» 1918, where a white square figure is depicted on a white canvas - a departure into even greater pointlessness. Malevich sought in these paintings to nullify all previous art. A decade later, the style of K. Malevich is undergoing changes. The artist moves to the direction later called "Russian Neo-Suprematism". Here, colors and shapes express certain thoughts, describe specific events.

« Athletes» 1932 - the picture is perfectly symmetrical. In the foreground are the impersonal figures of athletes, built mainly of vertical lines, which in the background are replaced by horizontal ones that contrast with them. Colors intersect with each other on both planes.

Very often in the world of artists there are paintings that are largely different from oil and pastel paintings. They are more like drawings, patterns, sketches and are completely incomprehensible to a simple viewer. Now we will talk about compositions of geometric shapes, discuss what they are, what load they carry, and why they generally occupy such an honorable place in the art of drawing and painting.

Simple compositions

Every brush master who started his career from an art school will answer you that the exact lines and their combinations are the first thing they teach there. Our vision and brain are arranged in such a way that if you initially learn how to harmoniously combine simple forms with each other, then in the future it will be easier to draw complex pictures. Compositions of geometric shapes allow us to feel the balance of the picture, visually determine its center, calculate the incidence of light, and determine the properties of its components.

It is worth noting that, despite the clarity and directness of such images, they are drawn exclusively by hand, without rulers and other auxiliary items. The parameters of figures are measured using proportions, which can be located in a two-dimensional dimension (a flat picture), or they can go into perspective, to a single vanishing point of all lines.

Beginning artists draw compositions of geometric shapes in two dimensions. For such paintings, one of the sides is chosen - a plan or a facade. In the first case, all figures are depicted in a "top view", that is, the cone and cylinder become a circle, the prism takes the form of its base. If the figures are depicted in the facade, one of their sides is shown, most often the front. In the picture we see triangles, squares, parallelograms, and so on.

3D paintings

In order to develop a sense of perspective, artists learn to depict compositions from three-dimensional geometric figures that go into perspective. Such an image is considered three-dimensional, and in order to transfer it to paper, you need to clearly imagine everything. Similar drawing techniques are relevant in construction and architectural universities, they are used as exercises. However, students often turn these “picturesque studies” into real ones by drawing incredible insets of figures, dissecting compositions with planes and half-planes, depicting pictures in section.

In general, we can say that clarity, linearity are the main properties that any composition of geometric shapes has. At the same time, a drawing can be static or dynamic - it depends on the type of figures depicted and on their location. If the picture is dominated by cones, trihedral prisms, balls, then it seems to “fly” - this is definitely dynamics. Cylinders, squares, tetrahedral prisms are static.

Examples in painting

Geometric forms have found their place in painting, along with romanticism and other trends. A vivid example of this is the artist Juan Gris and his most famous painting "Man in a Cafe", which, like a mosaic, consists of triangles, squares and circles. Another abstract composition of geometric shapes is the canvas “Pierrot”, artist B. Kubista. Bright, clear and very distinctive picture.

At the first lessons of geometry in grade 10, the foundations of stereometry are laid, the guys get acquainted with spatial figures. As impossible spatial figures, I gave them an example of optical illusions - figures that seem to be an ordinary projection of a three-dimensional object, but with a more detailed study, contradictory connections of the elements of the figure are visible, the illusion of the impossibility of its existence in three-dimensional space is created. The guys showed genuine interest, I invite you to plunge into the world of mathematical illusions.

Many will say that mathematics (geometry) is an analytical discipline, fine art is an emotional one, and it somehow happened by itself that mathematics and painting are considered to be something so different, almost opposite and mutually exclusive. Modern figures rarely use the image of geometric perspective to display the realism of a three-dimensional scene on a canvas or sheet of paper. But there are also artists who focus on mathematics with its unprecedented possibilities, and the most frequent techniques are the depiction of polyhedra, tessellations, impossible figures, Möbius strips, unusual perspectives, fractals.

The Dutch artist Maurice Escher (1898-1972) can be considered the founder of mathematical art, his work is a source of inspiration for many followers. Escher has created unique and charming works that use and show a wide range of mathematical ideas, and Escher's most interesting ideas to study are all kinds of tilings of the plane, tiling, polyhedra and the logic of three-dimensional space.

So, I invite you to the world of optical illusions

An absurd likeness of a cube

Try to climb the stairs to the top floor with such a cross arrangement of columns. Does not work? Why? On the floor of the lower platform, then inside the belvedere, there is a ladder, on which two people climb. However, when they reach the upper platform, they will again be outside, under the open sky, and again they will have to go inside the belvedere.

Is it a waterfall falling or soaring up? The falling water drives a mill wheel and flows down an upward (?) zigzag chute between the two towers, returning to the point where the waterfall begins again. Both towers seem to be the same height; however, the one on the right turns out to be a floor lower than the one on the left.

Above and Below (High and Low), 1947. Lithograph.

Would you like to live in this house? Two identical floors, but each opens to the observer from different points: the lower part is the stage that he will see standing on the ground, that is, on a platform lined with tiled tiles. Looking up, he will see the same tiled floor, repeated as the ceiling in the center of the composition, but at the same time it serves as the floor for the upper stage. At the top, the tile is repeated again, this time as a real ceiling.

Thus, you can safely combine geometry and painting, which is what many contemporary artists do,creating paintings in the style of Escher and in his own style.Mathematical visual arts are flourishing today, with followers working in various fields, including sculpture, drawing on flat and three-dimensional surfaces, lithography, and computer graphics. Let's see?

Where does this door lead? And what can be installed in such a showcase?
Incredible Tower
unusual window

This is the world of mathematical art!

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