Scenario of the event "recipe for a good mood." Anniversary script on the theme of travel

The light is muted.
Everyone comes on stage with microphones in PURPLE suits, stand in the shape of a heart ...
Natasha: Valentina Semyonovna Serova Children's School of Arts, Variety Department theatrical art, children's Exemplary vocal - variety ensemble KVIG represent….
Ruslan: Graduation concert!
Valeria: "The excitement of our hearts" ...
THE MUSIC SLOWS OFF and immediately
TRACK No. 2 "The sun is a grain"
Everyone leaves, the hosts Alina and Nikita come on stage.
Alina: Quite a bit of time has passed since we came to the walls of this school, to the first class of the department of variety and theatrical art.
Nikita: We were very excited at the entrance exams and today is even more exciting moment - our final concert!!!
Alina: Today we will show you everything we have learned over the years.
Nikita: Let's remember something from the past, but something will happen for the first time!
Alina and Nikita: So, we start!!!
TRACK #3 "We'll reach for the stars!" Irina Kozlova.
TRACK No. 4 "Excellent student" Valery Kabatov.
"Excerpt from Huckleberry Finn" Nikita Nikonorov. (removes microphone)
Everyone leaves, the hosts Natalya and Ruslan remain on the stage.
Natalya: Ruslan, who do you like more from pets, cats or dogs?
Ruslan: Me? (thinks and answers with a smirk)… Me, cats, of course!
Natalia: Why?
Ruslan: Their dogs are chasing, and you can torture them)))))
Natalia: Ay-yai-yai… Do you know what cats and dogs think about a person?
Ruslan: Nope...
Natalia: Then listen!...
They're leaving...
Cat's Monologue by Valery Kabatov.
"Dog Monologue" Kristina Kopetskaya.
"The life of a cat" Alina Dmitrieva.
Leading Alena and Valeria enter the stage.
Alyona: All that we learned within the walls of this school...
Valeria: All the knowledge that we received ...
Alyona: We will protect!
Valeria: Thank you, our teachers, for these happy years!
Alyona: We came to this school when we were very young….
Valeria: And we finish already big)
Together: Attention to the screen!
They're leaving...
The lights go out
TRACK No. 6 Broadcast on the video "Graduation 5 class 2014" ...
TRACK No. 7 "April"
TRACK No. 8 "Angel" Alyona Anitkina.
TRACK No. 9 "Dream Sail" Daria Kolesnikova.
Leading Irina and Christina enter the stage.
Kristina: Ira, do you like tongue twisters?
Irina: Of course! We have so many of them on the scenes. speeches have learned that not to count!
Kristina: Yes, I remember how I practiced in front of the mirror (trying to show)
Irina: It was very difficult!
They leave, muttering tongue twisters ...
"Patter" Natalia Zakharova.
"Excerpt from Scarecrow" Daria Kolesnikova.
TRACK No. 10 “Rain outside the windows” Varvara Kirichenko.
The host Daria enters the stage, Barbara remains on stage.
Daria: Varya, what was the most difficult subject for you all this time?
Varvara: Of course, solfeggio!!!… Do you remember, the inversion of a triad is a kind of triad, where it is the lower sound….
Daria: Stop, stop, stop!!! Let's go and talk about penguins, wash clothes, watch TV, drive a car, eat sprats ...
They leave talking...
TRACK #11 "Penguins"
« Washing machine» Valeria and Christina.
"Fan" Nikita and Ruslan.
"Printer" Natalia.
TRACK No. 12 "Sprats"
"TV" Daria and Nikita.
"Freshener" Varvara.
"Machine" Alena and Christina.
TRACK No. 13 "Balalaika" Natalia Zakharova.
TRACK No. 14 “I flew like an angel” Nikita Nikonorov.
Leading Alina and Ruslan come on stage.
Alina: On May 9, we celebrated 69 years since the Great Patriotic War!
Ruslan: Thanks to the veterans for this victory!
Alina: Ruslan, today I want to say thank you to one more close people!
Ruslan: It seems that I read your thoughts and I think that each of us wants to express gratitude to these people!
They're leaving...
TRACK #15 "To Parents" Mute. Broadcast on video
TRACK #16 "Pray for Parents" ALL.
Christina stays on stage and sings, everyone else changes into ENSEMBLE COSTUMES
TRACK No. 17 "New Day" Kristina Kopetskaya.
Alina comes out
Alina: The floor is given to the teachers of the department of variety and theatrical art Galina Vladimirovna Nikonorova and Marta Sergeevna Kharitonova.
They leave, Christina changes into an ENSEMBLE costume.
Alina remains on stage.
Alina: The floor is given to the director of the Valentina Semenovna Serova School of Arts, Galina Vasilievna Tsepova.

TRACK #18 "Symphony of the Heart"
Alina: Music in the heart sounds again (leaves backstage)
Christina: Wakes up joy, excites, beckons, (turns her back)
Alyona: Again the melody swallowed everything up; (turns back)
Nikita: There is joy in her, Magic power. (turns back)
Varvara: And in the whirling of bright happiness (turns her back)
Irina: Bad weather retreats somewhere, (turns her back)
Valeria: Leaving a sharp turn. (turns back)
Ruslan: And he walks with me through life (turns his back)
Natalia: This music is the happiness of the soul ... (turns her back)
Daria: Hurry up to fill your heart with kindness. (turns back)
ALL: And then listen to the sounds of music in your heart ALWAYS!!!
TRACK #19 "New Generation"
ALL: See you soon!!!

Background music, curtain closed, fanfare
Host: And again the hall is full, and the lights are on again.
And we are no longer strangers on stage, but our own.
Applause ringing and look of happy eyes,
And there is no greater reward than this for all of us.
Hello, dear viewers! Today I will tell you
about the miracle that lives next to us. This miracle cannot be touched, but it can be seen and heard. It can make us laugh and cry. It has a soul and a heart. A miracle is born here on the stage and its name is dance.
The curtain opens as the music starts
Start (general output)
Host: I have not seen the war, but I know
How hard it was for the people
And hunger, and cold, and horror -
They had to experience everything.
Let them live peacefully on the planet
Let the children do not know the war
Let the bright sun shine!
We should be a friendly family!
67th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War dedicated to...
Children of war (Younger group + middle)
Host: Our today's concert is not just reporting concert. The guys were doing a whole academic year, tried, overcame difficulties, laziness, pain, not everything works out the first, or even the fifth time
But still, here they believe in magic,
Here are friends with miracles
All fairy tales are real
They come to visit
Here the clouds are not visible,
Here from smiles closely
On a creative wave
Floating somewhere childhood.
Together with the Peanuts from the preparatory group
Peanuts (Preparatory group)
Leading: What are all the same well done !! Such small and already stars are not in the sky, but on our stage! But I wonder when the first stars appeared? Then we need to see the next number! On our stage, the real stars Anna Kasatkina and Marina Lebedeva are winners All-Russian competition"Steps"
Duet "Fashion"
Host: Ding! Don!
Ding! Don!
What is that gentle sound?
This is whose fluffy beam
So it tickles because of the clouds,
Forcing the little ones
Smile from ear to ear?
Whose warmth is this?
Whose kindness
Makes you smile
Hare, chicken, cat?
The smile is boundless -
How pleasant!
Funny little people invite you to the holiday of kindness - Barbariki
Barbariki (Younger group)
Host: Oh, do you know what was going on backstage before the concert today? Parents of our participants were running around, fussing, wiping their children's noses, painting them, dressing them...
They always worry and worry more than their children before a concert.
And why adults sometimes behave worse than children ...
But interestingly, they remember their fairyland childhood. Happy, irretrievable time of childhood!
Friends debut. For the first time on stage, the youngest participants of our concert with the dance "First Steps"
First steps (Group "Sliders")
Leading: Yes, these dancers for sure
Learned to dance.
Moms new ballerinas
Tired of buying!
If we risk them
Repeat all movements
Then, perhaps, we need ballet flats
There will be nothing to wear.
Magician - half-educated (Younger group)
Presenter: My dear Mother Russia
I'm proud of you, I love you
I breathe you, you are my element
I hurry into your arms every time
My Russia (Middle group)
Leading: Childhood is light and joy,
These are songs, this is friendship and dreams.
Childhood is the colors of rainbows.
Childhood is me and you.

Childhood is a summer wind
The sail of the sky and the crystal ringing of spring.
Childhood means children
Children means us!
Solar childhood (Preparatory group)
On the lawn at an early hour
They start dancing
Ladybugs with fashionable flowers
Flapping their wings up and down!
Hey passerby, beware!
On the lawn (Younger group)
Leading: If you listen to the music of the heart,
And for a moment forget about business,
You, opening the door to infinity,
You will see an angel of light in heaven.
Light curls fall on the shoulders
And behind the back are two huge wings,
This is your angel came to the meeting,
He will never leave you.
Above the Earth (Middle group)
Leading: The soul must strive for a dream,
She is always like a bird.
In the flight of eternity to fly
And joyful songs to sing.
And sadness, melancholy, sadness are not with us.
We love life and firmly know
That we are in the world and the world is for us.
We are happy - the whole story is in this.
World for Children (Younger group)
Host: Here in such a friendly and creative family we are lucky to live with you.
What happiness to be in a single family,
Where tenderness and kindness flourish,
And feel like a piece of indivisible
One big organism!
That spirit is one, like a magician in a fairy tale,
Capable of doing miracles.
Heal all troubles and ailments
And ten years younger.
We all breathe with one breath
And we drink a single "elixir of goodness."
Smile eyes and understanding
Everyone gets here in full.
Final "Inspiration" (General Exit)
Host: The school year is ending, the dance season is ending. Together we lived it, walking many steps on the parquet. This is not an easy job, taking a lot of time and effort, requiring the participation of the whole family, but we all went through it together, and I am sure that this year has brought more joy to every family than grief. I congratulate everyone on the end of the dance season! We want to say thank you very much to all parents and children for patience, for diligence, for the fact that you are in our lives!
Our holiday has come to an end.
And our stars gave it to you!


The universe is infinite. In cold space, lost in countless parallel worlds and galaxies, like grains of sand in the ocean, planets are born and disappear, new stars light up, and only one constellation remains unchanged - the constellation of Talent, Love, Knowledge and Culture - the Constellation of the Center Children's creativity Printers!

Representatives of their Stars appear on the stage - they symbolize the different directions of the Center. They walk around the stage in plastic, corresponding to their image. At the end they stop in a single star - in the center is the Leading - Golden Star.

The "acquaintance of the stars" begins:

  1. I am a star of music and vocals - I managed to unravel the mystery of shimmering notes in the musical sky.(pink color)
  2. I am a star of enlightenment and knowledge - I am very inquisitive! I study everything that was invented by mankind and created by nature!(black and white)
  3. I am the star of the choreography! My main credo is to dance through life and not stop!(Orange)
  4. I am the star of all preschoolers! Even though I'm still very young, I already know a lot!(yellow)
  5. I am an art star! With my stardust I adorn my hands young artists and lead them to the world of fine and applied arts!(blue)
  6. I am the star of folklore! Aboriginal folk art I carry through the word, songs and dances!(red)
  7. I am a sports star! healthy image life is my forte!(blue)
  8. I am a theater star! I teach you to live a whole life in just a few moments(silver)
  9. Ha ha! I am the star of humor! KVN! I prolong life with the fastest acting medicine in the world - with laughter!(green)

Phonogram 2 . "The whole world is in our hands"

The whole world is in our hands

Our path is thorny and difficult,

We carry through the ages

Light of knowledge and culture

We came to you for an hour -

Drop everything

And - well, meet us friendly,

It's time to get acquainted!

Come on, all together

Brighter, constellation!

Starlight is our treasure!

The stars throw "star dust" into the hall and scatter backstage.

Presenter: in September 2007 in the sky of Moscow southeastern district Pechatniki lit up not one star, but a whole constellation of Talents, Knowledge and Culture. How quickly time flies... And now we are already 4 years old! The color palette has become more diverse, each star strives to shine brighter than the others.

Oh, all the stars have scattered, but some little one is standing and eavesdropping. Is she ready to be the first to present her talents?

Star Doshk.: certainly! By the way, in my constellation there are children who are the same age as our Center! And we look forward to showing everyone our performance!

Presenter: I ask you now to prepare your hands in order to meet with friendly applause the smallest stars representing the preschool direction of the Pechatniki Center for Children's Creativity!

  1. Number of preschoolers
  2. "Smile" - preschoolers

Host: Exemplary...

presenter : If 2 people meet who speak different languages they may not understand each other. They will need a translator. But the language of music is clear to everyone without translation.

music star : Yes it's true! Even in ancient times, the great Plato said: “Music inspires the whole world, contributes to the flight of the imagination; music gives life and fun to everything that exists ... It can be called the embodiment of everything beautiful and everything sublime.

The constellation of my children will be revealed to you wonderful world Music!

Presenter: Meet Volkov Vladimir, pupil of the studio in the piano class, hands. Love Etkin.

  1. Atkin number
  2. Dorofeev's number (solo)

Presenter: Ksenia Bespalaya, pupil of the studio "Reflection", hands. Diana Dorofeeva! Dance is said to be the secret language of the soul. And what does our Dance Star think about this?

Dance Star: For me, every step, every movement is new dance. Every day of my stars, lived without dancing, is wasted. And now you will be convinced of it!

Presenter: Studio stage children's musical"Kefir", hands. Anna Mostovaya

  1. Number "Tsirkus" (Kefir)

Education Star:What small, but already talented stars! Although I am sure that they have never visited the "Intellectual Excursion to Flora and Fauna in English"

Presenter: respected star! Please explain!

Education star.:My wards are fond of learning everything new, interesting and unknown. So let's take a look at them.

  1. Screen (Soundtrack 3)
  1. Studio "Intellectual", director Kiraseva Daria Nikolaevna. Children develop their intellectual and Creative skills learn a lot of new things in various fields of science and culture.
  2. Studio "Flora and Fauna", leader Krasavtseva Irina Alexandrovna. natural world full of amazing secrets and mysteries. To find and solve them, you just need to start studying in our studio of ecological and biological orientation.
  3. School of a young guide, leader Alieva Irina Viktorovna. This team brought together like-minded people who want to learn more about their city and learn how to tell others about it.
  4. Amateur Club of English language"Travel together", leader Golikova Jerry. In the club classes, children not only get knowledge of the English language, but also broaden their horizons, develop their intellect and simply enjoy the lessons.

Presenter: And for all the teachers and children of the Star of Education, a song will be performed by Zhanna Kesyan, a pupil of the studio pop vocal"Reflection" in English!

  1. Room Zhanna Kesyan

Presenter: And now I want to introduce you to one star, which is filled with love for the original Russian traditions. You probably already guessed that this is a star of folk art!

Star of Folklore:Hello honest people! In Russia there is such a tradition: to get together at the same time, at the appointed hour and let's have fun, sing and dance with all the Russian grandeur! Well, are you ready to plunge into the world of Russian expanse?

Presenter: then meet the ensemble folk song, music and dance "Lel", hands. Romanova Z.A.!

  1. Number - ensemble of folk song, music and dance "Lel", hands. Romanova Z.A. (2 songs and game)

Presenter: Thanks to the ancestral folk traditions not only songs, dances and ditties have survived to our time, but also what a person created with his own hands.

Art Star:Yes, finally, the turn has come to my light! By the way, my stars are already shining today! You managed to get acquainted with their work at the beginning of our holiday!

Presenter: Yes, of course! How amazing pictures your constellation showed us! But we look forward to seeing your creations again! Attention to the screen!

  1. Arts Star: (Soundtrack 4)

Like a magician of a rainbow fairy tale,

God gave the Artist brushes and paints,

Miracle - palette, easel and canvas,

To make it look like this:

A ray from the sun and splashes of the surf,

A handful of amber, which was nailed by a wave,

Clusters of mountain ash, like drops of blood,

The green of the grass, the gloom of the clouds over the sea,

The tenderness of a loved one, the smile of a child -

He wrote everything with his thin brush.

He put his whole soul into this creation,

He listened to his restless heart.

The Almighty looked, slightly surprised -

On canvas the whole world fit in!

  1. Number "Koshalotiki", choir "Tenderness".

sports star : finally! While waiting for her exit, she managed to fly around the constellation of the Pechatniki Center for Children's Creativity three times.

Presenter: of course, because we already managed to get acquainted with the work of your guys at the beginning of our holiday! Remember how fervently today we played table hockey, chess and checkers?

sports star : Yes, but a star from a neighboring galaxy flew to meet me - Education Center 1085 - she hurried to our holiday to congratulate my stars and our entire constellation!

Presenter: That's lovely! Then we meet with applauseAcrobatic studio "Siyaniye", leader ______________________ TsO 1085.And who did not have time to compete in sports today, you can watch them now, looking at the screen!

  1. Acrobats room

Presenter: how many stars have already caught fire in our sky, and without one of them, our constellation of the Center for Children's Creativity "Pechatniki" would not be so cheerful and cheerful!

Humor Star: I love to give laughter and smiles, and to see the joy on people's faces is the greatest happiness for me!

Presenter: Meet the KVN team "Aristocrats"!

  1. KVN number


What are you guys young! Friends, did you like it? I see the answer in your happy smiles! Do you know what is the secret of the success of our constellation? This is unity, solidarity and friendship!

  1. "Inseparable Friends" is the name of the next musical composition, which gives us the ensemble "Iskorki", hands. Diana Dorofeeva!

Presenter: but not only in a song you can talk about friendship, but also express these feelings in dance. Ensemble "Smile" with its merry dance about Pippi

  1. "Smile" "Pippi"


How many stars lit up today in our sky! But in order for the constellation to shine with all colors and colors, the radiance of only one star is not enough - mysterious star theatre. Meet theatre studio"Debut", leader Olga Moseeva

  1. Number "Birth of the Earth"


Sing about Russia

What to strive for in the Temple

Over forest mountains, field carpets…

To sing about Russia - what to meet spring,

What to wait for the bride, what to console the mother ...

To sing about Russia - what to forget longing,

What is love to love, what is immortal to be.

On stage theater studio "Nadezhda", director, Honored Artist of Russia Nadezhda Morozova

  1. Room Theater "Hope"

The final

Presenter: (Soundtrack 2)

Happiness fell into my palm like an asterisk! ...

Maybe because I dreamed about him? ...

Warm, radiant, tender...

The most cherished ..., dear to the heart ...

And it warms the palm and sparkles ...

Only a drop is worth giving to someone -

There will be more Happiness at the most ... That's a miracle !!!

To everyone who waits and believes and knows how to dream,

I will distribute it drop by drop - let it warm you too!

Just don't quit, just take care!

Warm your heart and give to others!!!

  1. Song "In the constellation of dancing love"

Presenter: And I invite our Guiding Star to the stage, which brought this huge constellation together exactly 4 years ago and leads along a very difficult, but beautiful path - the path of Knowledge, Education, Culture and Creativity. Meet the Director of the Pechatniki Central Children's GalleryZhirkova Margarita Vladimirovna

Word of the Director (fanfare exit)

  1. The song "All roads are open to life

Sounds "Song of Russia" L. Zykina.

I love you Russia

Your endless fields

Filling thoughts with strength

I love you my land.

You give me wings in life

Like a caring mother

Hear the world, sons of Russia,

The song “Red Sun” sounds, words by A. Tesarova, music by V. Gamalia. Children appear on the stage with white, blue and red cloth in their hands. They perform a simple set of movements and rearrangements to the music, at the end of the composition they line up in the form Russian flag. During the sound of the song, young men line up along the edges of the stage with flags in their hands and synchronously swing them.

You saw such a miracle

When the stars are at night

Suddenly, in the morning, they become pure dew.

You saw such a miracle

The slopes of the river, along which the boy runs barefoot.

You saw such a miracle

Snow in the mountains, on the peaks,

A little lower, meadow flowers bloom.

This miracle is our Russia

Immense space, unearthly beauty!

(A song sounds suitable for the topic (about the earth, about the homeland, about nature).)

I want to draw your attention to the fact that today we have an unusual performance at the celebration. These are very enthusiastic people, but most importantly, they are madly in love with their homeland, their country. Meet the rocker show!

(On a specially fenced area, motorcyclists with flags perform various elements and figures. All the action is accompanied by music. After that, the audience will be able to take pictures with them.)

A sound touched the ear,

Slightly touched the tops of the trees,

All the air exploded like a violin suddenly,

And a rainbow lit up everything in the distance,

Strung with a bright string,

Folk tune of our dear land

The land of my bright, my own.

(Musical composition performed by a folk choir.)

In Russia they danced round dances,

Let not those years already today,

But people are still in love

Dear heart, Russian round dance.

(4 - 6 participants in Russian folk costumes, start a round dance with the audience. They use the “move in a circle”, “snake”, “streamlet” and others. You can do it all in the form of a game.)

Tale "Thumbelina"

Kindergarten "Brusnichka". Murmansk. Performance based on the fairy tale "Thumbelina". My daughter Polinka - Mouse

Russia chose not an easy path,

People follow their dreams

And most importantly, we do not turn off the path,

And don't get confused anywhere.

With dignity we will be able to pass,

In history, leaving a bright mark,

And God sees the way back

So take care of us, God, so that trouble

Let it bypass us

Mysterious Russian soul,

You illuminate the good path with rays!

(A musical composition performed by a vocalist, with children. Children dance with balloons, and at the end of the song they are released. Balls of three colors are used, white, blue, red.)

We need a strong Russia!

Young and athletic!

Clever, skillful!

Bold and bold!

Come out honest people

To our dance flash mob!

And New Year, mother's day, and victory day

And help veterans, our grandfathers.

And labor landing, sports awards

And we are happy to list many more.

Of course, we also had disappointments.

But this is not what they remember on their birthday.


By tradition, on this day, our ranks are replenished with new "Young Russians". These are students of the 2nd grade. Today is their first holiday, where they will tell us something now.

Yield 2 class im word

(tie ribbons)

Counselor (words of congratulations)

We gathered today, this day is not accidental

And the smile never leaves your face.

What kind of holiday today did not remain a secret to you

We all congratulate ourselves

union has a birthday

17 wonderful years to him

He is happy with this date

You can see it all over

Yunoross, big life is waiting for you at the doorstep

Believe, there will be and wait, and love

Be serious and smart, kind, sweet, not boring.

And help all your friends in trouble

The word of the deputy director for work.

Happy birthday union

And I wish you success and strength

Mood, good luck, a lot of happiness in addition

And of course, so that all of us who loved

You have become older and more serious

And you have cool look

17 years is no joke.

And this is how ... it sounds.

We are together again!

We welcome you to the birthday of the children's organization " Young Russia»!

Who can hear me, clap 1 time!

Who sees me, clap 2 times!

Who knows how to be friends, clap 3 times!

Which of you is an activist, clap 4 times!

Well done! Let's all clap together! (well done)

Friendship what is it?

Your older friends congratulate you (grades 3-4)

Song "If you are good"

The rain passed barefoot on the ground,

Maples clapped on the shoulders.

If a clear day is good

And when it's the other way around, it's bad.

If a clear day is good

And when it's the other way around, it's bad.

Hear how they ring in the sky high

Sun rays strings.

If you are kind, that's good

And when it's the other way around, it's hard.

If you are kind, that's good

And when it's the other way around, it's hard.

Scattering laughter loudly.

And when it's the other way around, it's boring.

If you sing songs - it's more fun with them,

And when it's the other way around, it's boring.

La-la-la-la-la la-la-la-la-la


If you sing songs - it's more fun with them,

And when it's the other way around, it's boring.

If you sing songs - it's more fun with them,

Political Science Conference

XIX international political science conference "Russia: political and economic post-election era" - 1 day, 06/30/12.

An open event taking place in Barnaul from June 30 to July 1, 2012.

Greetings: Vladimir Alexandrovich Ryzhkov, Dr. Reinhard Krumm (Friedrich Ebert Foundation), Neithart Hoefer-Wissing (Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Novosibirsk)

I session. Russia: The political landscape after the elections

Speakers: Alexander Vladimirovich Kynev, Yuri Grigorievich Korgunyuk, Lilia Vasilievna Shibanova, Alexei Vladimirovich Makarkin

II session. Vladimir Putin: A new government? New program reforms? New foreign policy?

Speakers: Evgeny Shlemovich Gontmakher, Mikhail Gennadyevich Delyagin, Nikolay Vladimirovich Petrov, Alexey Vsevolodovich Malashenko, Anatoly Vladimirovich Lebedko

Fragments of the first day of the conference: speeches by A.V. Makarkina (interrupted by the DJs of the Coliseum), E.Sh. Gontmakher, M.G. Delyagin.

At the end of V.A. Ryzhkov read out several quotes from Lukashenka.

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