Colored wax pencils for drawing. Pencils, wax crayons, pastels

Since the invention by cousins ​​Edwin Binney and Harold Smith in 1903, crayons have become almost an integral part of children's lives. Remember your childhood and your children's albums, dotted with colorful scribbles of inept lines and strokes. Drawing with colored pencils, perhaps, has not bypassed a single person on Earth, because drawing lessons begin in kindergarten and continue in the elementary grades of the school with pencils, along with watercolors.

No other commercial product can match the versatility of a pencil. Most importantly, wax crayons are completely non-toxic, made from natural materials, environmentally friendly and available in over 120 colors. In fact, with their help, you can get a lot more colors and shades by mixing them directly on paper during the drawing process.

Pencils and crayons undoubtedly play an important role in developing a craving for creativity in a child. As for the market for these products, here we see several different types of pencils: ordinary classic, glow in the dark (luminescent), flavored, glitter and water-soluble. But, despite the variety, they all have the same basic ingredients: paraffin wax and pigments that determine their specific color.

Manufacturing methods

First we need to make paper tubes. They will serve not only as a form for our home-made drawing supplies, but also protect your hands from stained dyes later.

Tubes are very easy to make. You just need to wind several layers of any paper on a round blank of a suitable diameter, gluing the layers with PVA glue so that they are dense enough. How many layers will have to be wound depends on the density of the paper itself. As a result, you should get approximately the same tubes as in the illustration.

There are only two methods for making homemade drawing supplies themselves.

First method, similar to an industrial method, available, however, for do-it-yourself reproduction at home.

First, melt paraffin or stearin from candle cinders (beeswax is also suitable). In the melted paraffin, add the usual food coloring and about one tablespoon of boiling water. All this must be thoroughly mixed until the color of the mixture is uniform and poured into molds, that is, into those same paper tubes.

In industrial conditions, special hardeners and pressing are used to give the pencils the necessary hardness, but we can do without it.

Second method, an equally affordable way to make do-it-yourself crayons is to use ordinary soap instead of paraffin.

You will need half a glass of soap flakes, again food coloring and boiling water. Soap flakes must first be dissolved in hot water. There should not be much water, but just enough so that the mixture has the consistency of a paste. If you pour water and the mixture is not thick enough, you will have to evaporate it.

After dissolving the soap flakes completely until the paste is even, add food coloring to it, and mix it all until the color is uniform. When doing this, make sure that there are no air bubbles in the paste, otherwise the crayons will be brittle. And in the end, pour into your paper tubes and leave them to dry for a day.

It is also easy to make new wax pencils from broken or scribbled ones. Just melt them down and pour them into molds.

If later you wrap the pencils in colored paper or an original wrapper, then they may well become the most original handmade gift.

By the way, one of the most interesting facts about colored pencils is that the average child uses about 700 pencils from their first attempts at drawing up to their decade.

If you notice that a crack or chip has appeared on a locker, wooden table or door, do not be upset. This does not mean that it is time to throw away or change furniture. Today, there are technologies that allow you to restore wooden surfaces, which, after completion of the work, look like new.

Chips and cracks can be masked with wax crayons, which are also quite often used in the case of laminate. They are on sale in a wide range, so it will be quite easy to choose exactly the one you need.

Wax pencil has a wide color spectrum. However, it is important to choose the shade that matches the color of the surface of the damaged piece of furniture. If this was not possible, then the shade can be obtained independently. To do this, consumers are advised to purchase wax pencils in dark and light shades, taking into account the colors of the furniture or wooden surfaces to be worked on.

Next, you should take a metal spoon, heat it, and then put the shavings of wax pencils on the surface. As soon as it melts, the mass should be mixed and wait until it cools down. Consumers advise using this technology to choose the right proportion so that the color matches the shade of the furniture that needs to be restored as much as possible.

Instructions for use

Before starting work on restoring the surface and eliminating scratches and chips, it is necessary to prepare a wax pencil and sandpaper. Before restoration manipulations, the surface must be sanded. If you notice that peeling particles have formed on the base, then they should be cut off with a blade. In the end, you should achieve a well-cleaned material.

A furniture pencil is applied to the surface. In its composition:

  • beeswax;
  • dye;
  • oil;
  • paraffin.

If the wax pencil needs to be melted, then it should not be exposed to direct flame, because it will simply catch fire. This can be done using any metal object that is preheated over the flame. And to apply a pencil to the surface, you must use a knife with a thin blade, the tip of which should be heated over the flame.

The pencil is melted with a knife, and then a part of it is applied to the damaged area. You should try to fill the chip or crack until the wax is slightly above the base. Now the surface should be left until the wax cools.

Work methodology

Once the wax pencil has cooled, you can use the blade to remove the excess, smoothing the surface with your finger. At the final stage, a varnish for repair work is applied, it will be most convenient to use the one that is made in the form of a spray. Then the entire surface of the piece of furniture is treated with liquid wax or polish, this will give the base a well-groomed appearance and original shine.

Features of using a wax pencil when repairing a laminate

Wax pencil for laminate is used in general according to the same principle as described above. It is suitable for repairing minor damage. The main advantage of this tool is ease of use. The mixture is environmentally friendly, because the ingredients do not contain harmful substances. To carry out the work you will need:

  • dry and wet rags;
  • a vacuum cleaner.

You should not go to the store without taking a sample of the flooring with you, because you will not be able to choose the right shade. As soon as you managed to buy a pencil, you can start processing the surface, for this it is cleaned of dust, grease, debris and other contaminants. The base is left to dry, only after that you can start applying the pencil.

As soon as the damaged area is hidden, it is necessary to leave it for a few minutes, and then you can start polishing the treated surface with a dry rag. This will eliminate excess wax. After about an hour, it will be possible to use the restored surface without noticing that there has ever been damage there.

Wax is a universal remedy that can be used for domestic purposes. In particular, it was in ancient times that it served as the basis for creating drawing tools. Despite the amazing history, the wax pencil has not sunk into oblivion. On the contrary, this tool is only gaining popularity because of its environmental friendliness and safety.

History reference

In the period of antiquity, drawings with wax pencils, which were performed by the Greeks, were sung by Plinius, the great writer of Rome. Such paintings stood out for their epic, richness and brilliance. In addition, wax was an easily accessible material at that time, so portrait painters made a tremendous contribution to the development of fine arts with the help of wax pencils.

What are the benefits of wax crayons?

Wax pencils for drawing have significant advantages over their counterparts.

The second life of laminate

Very often, the laminate cracks under mechanical stress, scratches appear. This can lead to deformation of the floor, the appearance of fungus, mold and rot. Fixing this problem is very simple - just restore the laminate with a wax pencil. Thanks to the use of this tool, it is possible to hide small scratches and chips on the floor surface. Wax stick for laminate should be applied on previously cleaned and dried surface.

If the scratch is small, then to eliminate it, it is enough to swipe over the problem area once. In the case of deeper damage to the wood sheet, the scratch should be filled until it is completely eliminated. After that, you need to wait until the wax dries completely. Then it is recommended to carefully polish the surface of the problem area with a small piece of rag. This ensures that scratches are eliminated as well as the natural color of the wax is restored.

Furniture restoration - no problem!

A furniture wax pencil will become an “ambulance” in case chips or scratches appear on the wood. Thanks to the wax dyed with natural substances, it is possible to completely eliminate the problem area on the furniture, giving it its original appearance. Thanks to active substances, the wax pencil improves the color of the furniture, gives it a shine. In addition, wax protects wooden surfaces from water, prevents the development of corrosion and rot.

The furniture wax pencil is easy to use. To eliminate scratches and chips, it is enough to run the tool over them several times, and then sand the surface with a rag. An additional protective layer is not required.

Wax pencil for cars

Very often there are situations when a regular polish cannot eliminate scratches and cracks on the surface. In such a case, a wax pencil will be the best option. Thanks to wax, even the deepest cracks and scratches that have reached the paint layer can be hidden.

Pencils on the modern market are presented in all sorts of color shades. That is why buyers are able to choose the option exactly according to the Wax is applied to the scratch with a convenient brush located at the end of the pencil. This form of accessory allows you to use the product economically, since the layer is applied very evenly, filling microcracks.

How is wax applied to a car?

It should be remembered that a wax-based pencil is used only on completely cleaned surfaces. First you need to degrease the body of the car. To do this, you can use alcohol-containing substances. After that, perpendicular to the scratch or chip, you need to make a few strokes with a pencil. At the same time, even the smallest cracks should be filled.

The second step is to sand the surface. To do this, the dried wax should be carefully rubbed with a rag or so excess wax is eliminated, the substance acquires a shade identical to the tone of the car body.

Wax pencil is a universal tool in everyday life. The low cost of the accessory, numerous functionalities, various colors, environmental friendliness and safety have made this tool one of the most popular on the market.

There are all possibilities. Children use pencils, different types of paints, felt-tip pens for drawing. Any material has its own characteristics and advantages.

A wide selection of goods is presented not only in the distribution network, but also on sites on the Internet. The products of many companies, being popular, have proven to be of excellent quality and have positive reviews not only from adult consumers, but also from children.

Wax pencils

Drawing with such pencils is a rather long and laborious process that requires certain knowledge. You can get acquainted with the unique technique of drawing with wax pencils from childhood. However, for toddlers, this can be quite difficult. But for teenagers, it's time to figure out all the subtleties.

Criterias of choice

Wax crayons for children are represented by all kinds of brands, models, colors. They may differ:

  • form,
  • hardness,
  • diameter,
  • application method.

Professional managers, as well as educators and teachers, will tell you how to make a choice.

For toddlers who are just starting to create their first artistic "masterpieces", a set with a small number of colors is perfect. You can choose pencils according to the shape. Especially convenient, for example, triangular products.

If a child attends art school, he definitely needs simple pencils. In their characteristics, teachers of graphics and consultants in stores will help to understand.

Colored and simple wax pencils are useful for school lessons. School teachers will help you make the best choice.

Pencil Properties

Wax pencils can be easily sharpened with a knife, just like regular pencils. This is a soft material. That's why it's easy to blend. And some children manage to replace makeup with wax pencils.

Create a drawing

Wax behaves differently on different materials. They usually start with sketches made with light strokes with simple pencils. The drawings are then filled in with color sketches, in layers, from dark to light tones, and then rubbed in.

Buying pencils

Wax pencils are best purchased at specialized centers or online stores. This will save little artists from the harm of low-quality goods. In addition, in such points you can buy other necessary goods. For example, curly scissors, which will help you fantasize and cut out painted paper crafts.

We decided to buy drawing materials to surprise and please the little artist. Don't know what to choose? What is the best way for a child to draw? Our short review will help you make the right choice and not get lost among professional brushes, paints, pastel crayons and other "specific" art supplies.

Drawing materials: pencils, paints, felt-tip pens or wax crayons?

When asked what is better to buy: colored pencils, paints, felt-tip pens or wax crayons - there will be only one CORRECT answer - ALL at once. And the point here is not the banal “I don’t know what to choose, I’ll take everything”, but the fact that for the full development of the child you need to experiment as much as possible. We should not impose cliches and strict rules on him, but should show the peculiarities of work with one or another artistic material in order to broaden his horizons, give him the opportunity to CREATE according to his own rules. Let him try to draw with colored pencils, let him feel that the line drawn by the felt-tip pen is different from the pencil one, let him be convinced in practice that watercolor loves water, and gouache needs to be diluted to a state of thick sour cream, let him understand the difference between wax and pastel chalk by touch ... Let !

Let your motto be the rule: "Learn from the best materials we can afford."

Using dried felt-tip pens, brush-darts and blotting paper, it is impossible to fall in love with drawing and become a small, but already an artist. Treat children's creativity with understanding: do everything possible so that the child has access to different materials, masters different techniques and tries, tries, tries ...

Colored pencils: what to look for

Pencils - this is the most popular and affordable tool for children's creativity. The richness of color, ease of handling, as well as the benefits for the development of fine motor skills of the hands make them an ideal material for the artistic creation of children of a very early age.

If your choice is colored pencils, make sure that they are soft and well sharpened, then drawing with them will be a pleasure.

For the smallest, short pencils are suitable, they are easier to manipulate (less likely to get into the eye and get hurt by negligence). Do not try to buy a large set right away, limit yourself to 6-12 colors: for the first time this will be enough, otherwise the baby will simply start sorting through all 36, 72 ... pencils, trying on a dot, as they draw on paper.

Toddlers are best given thick faceted pencils (trihedral), they fit comfortably in the hand, do not slip, the child learns to adjust the pressure. Pencils with a round section are better for older children.

Teach your child to be careful with his colored assistants, explain that pencils do not like to be thrown. From resentment, they begin to break and do not want to sharpen.

If you are choosing colored pencils for an older child who wants to learn how to draw professionally (in an art school, studio, etc.), be very careful with your choice of pencils. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in the technique of drawing with colored pencils, because even small children decorate coloring pages and tweet with pencils on paper. In fact, professional artists will tell you that pencils have their own secrets, a lot depends on the softness and composition of the lead, the quality of the wood. Sometimes the strokes do not overlap, do not fit tightly, with gaps, do not give a bright color, some pencils require frequent sharpening, break, crumble and other “bad” moments.

Of the manufacturers that deserve trust, we can distinguish Faber-Castell(Germany). For more than 200 years, this company has been on the market, German quality is at its best, even when it comes not to complex microcircuits, but to simple drawing pencils. Faber-Castell is one of the leaders in the stationery market.

The arsenal includes various product lines: there are pencils for children aged 3-12 (“red line”), for hobbies (“blue line”), for professionals (“green line”).

Pencils are also good. KOH-I-NOOR, JOVI, Crayola, SILWERHOF and etc.

Paints: which is better

Paints(watercolor, gouache) are suitable for older children - from about 5 years old, since handling them requires certain skills and dexterity. But this does not mean at all that it is categorically contraindicated for a 3-year-old baby to buy paints. At this age, finger gouache proved to be excellent. Handles, legs and other parts of the body are actively involved in the creation of masterpieces and knowledge of the world by a small creator.

At preschool age, they usually begin to get acquainted with painting with gouache paints, since the technique of writing with them involves numerous overlaps and corrections, which cannot be said about watercolors.

Caring parents would like to advise not to skimp on quality materials. Well proven Russian "Gamma", "Sonnet", "Ray", "Black River". Artistic gouache differs from the poster one in quality, so if your child is seriously interested in drawing, buy it.

Buy a large can of white gouache (it usually goes out first) and a few popular colors so that you can get new shades. The set must have yellow, red, blue, white and black colors, and the rest can be obtained by mixing. Ready-made gouache sets are not the best option if the child draws often and a lot, the containers are small in volume and often there are not quite “necessary” colors with mother-of-pearl, sparkles and other enticements that give an effect, but do not allow you to fully appreciate the possibilities material.

It is believed that it is more useful for young children to draw while standing or lying down than sitting at a desk with a sheet of paper in front of them.

Watercolor paints enter the life of young artists, as a rule, a little later. Watercolor loves water, so all the smudges, blurs are the features of the technique, and not the shortcomings of the work. Many kids are afraid of this, they believe that the drawing failed and is completely ruined. This is not true. The color in watercolor should be pure (this applies to any paint), you should not mix more than three colors at the same time, it’s good when the paper is translucent, sometimes even some places are not specially recorded.

When choosing a watercolor, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. St. Petersburg paints have proven themselves well, most often they are sold in cuvettes or tubes. Pay attention to these names: "White Nights", "Sonnet", "Ladoga", "St. Petersburg", "Leningrad".

For the first samples, it is not necessary to immediately buy a large expensive set, pay attention to the color palette. Paints should not be faded, chalky, bleached. It is desirable that the set does not contain white and sparkles. White in watercolor is water, you want to make the paint lighter - you just need to add more water, and not white paint (as in gouache). This is a significant difference between watercolors and gouache or acrylics, where the paints lie tightly on the paper, overlapping the previous layers. Watercolors are painted with glazes, so that the lower layer is visible through the upper stroke. This creates rich color combinations.

Paints in tubes are convenient in that you can squeeze the right amount onto the palette and add as needed without smearing the entire container with a brush. But a minus immediately pops up - you can’t put excess paint back into the tube. Cuvettes are sold both in a set and separately, it is always possible to buy more popular colors.

If your child wants to decorate the coloring with paints, choose thicker paper. And in general - for watercolors, it is best to take thick corrugated paper, and for thick colors (for example, gouache), ordinary drawing paper is also suitable.

For watercolor, it is best to use round soft brushes: squirrel, kolinsky. For gouache - flat bristle or synthetic brushes.

Long live the flares!

Available material for drawing. Their usefulness is currently being questioned. There is no need to take it literally: you can and should draw with felt-tip pens, but in certain situations and not be limited only to them.

A small child should be able to draw NOT ONLY with felt-tip pens.

The harm lies in the fact that not all modern felt-tip pens can boast of good quality (many do not wash off, a child can put it in his mouth and “eat inedible”) and the richness of the color palette. Bright unnatural colors adversely affect the child's perception of color.

And the second negative point is that it is much easier to draw with felt-tip pens than with pencils, the thickness of the line does not depend on pressure, the brightness of the color too. Pencils train fine motor skills better, they are a kind of preparation for writing with a ballpoint pen. Therefore, high-quality soft pencils are much more "useful" for the development of the baby's hand.

Of course, in the arsenal of a small artist there should be felt-tip pens. Give preference to trusted companies ( Carioca, Maped, Giotto, Crayola), choose the optimal thickness (for the smallest it is better to take faceted) felt-tip pens. Do not chase brightness, let the colors be as close to natural as possible. Make sure that the felt-tip pens do not dry out, because drawing with a “shaggy stick”, which leaves a barely noticeable mark on paper, is not a pleasant pleasure, and the habit of taking a felt-tip pen in your mouth so that it writes better is, believe me, not the best, given the “chemistry and just for hygiene reasons.

For the little ones, it is important that the felt-tip pens are washable, you don't want body art forever, do you? And be sure to pay attention to the thickness of the rod, because children at this age do not always know how to adjust the pressure, they want to quickly paint over a large plane of the sheet.

Child psychologists advise putting a pencil or felt-tip pen in a child’s hand correctly, which in the future will help to learn how to hold a pen correctly when writing.

Toddlers love to bang markers on the table. Not every “nose” will withstand such a test, many of them go deep into the body even from the first time, therefore, if you notice such a feature of the behavior of a small artist, look for felt-tip pens with a special skirt that will not allow the rod to disappear somewhere there ...

And caps! If they are too small, the child may have difficulty closing / opening on their own and accidentally swallowing (pah-pah, of course) a small part. Transparent caps eliminate the need to look for the right one to close a certain color - this can be regarded as a plus when it comes to a child who still does not distinguish colors well or an adult who is simply too lazy to spend time looking for a cap of the right color when there is already a whole bunch of open ones in his hand "sticks".

Are wax crayons made by bees?

Wax crayons - popular material for children's creativity. They are made of wax or paraffin, so they are relatively harmless even for the smallest. Wax crayons, like regular pencils, are easy to sharpen with a knife.

The peculiarity of this material is that the color lies tightly, sometimes it is even difficult to mix several shades on paper. The drawing is bright and expressive.

Disadvantage: often break, the line is quite thick, which creates some inconvenience when you need to paint small details.

For those who do not buy wax crayons for babies because they constantly break, I will reveal a little SECRET. Wax crayons for babies are available in the form of pebbles and blocks - They are comfortable to hold in the handle and they do not break! There are even egg-shaped crayons.

It is inconvenient to paint small images with wax crayons. Let the child simply draw with them on a large format - so there is where the fantasies of a little genius can roam. An excellent artistic technique is the combination of drawing with wax crayons and watercolors.

Quality wax crayons are produced by companies such as Stockmar, Faber-Castell, Crayola.

These are not all recommendations that can help novice artists. We will definitely return to this topic to talk more about various art materials and techniques. Ask questions in the comments, we will definitely help you with the choice!

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