Draw summer impressions. How to draw summer Tips for young artists

Summer is one of the brightest and most beautiful seasons of the year. After all, it is during this period that the most fragrant flowers bloom, fruits and mushrooms appear. To understand how to draw summer, you should familiarize yourself with the creations of modern masters and painters of past centuries. Also, high-quality photographs taken by yourself or found on the pages of magazines and books will help you learn how to draw summer with a pencil or paints.
Before you draw summer, you need to prepare:
one). paper;
2). Pencils having different shades;
3). Regular pencil;
four). Eraser;
5). Liner (preferably black).

It will be much easier to understand how to draw summer with a pencil if the whole process is divided into several steps:
1. With thin lines, mark the foreground, the path. And also outline the horizon line;
2. In the foreground, draw the trunks of three trees and sketch the flowers;
3. Draw birch trees more clearly. Draw the branches and foliage of these trees;
4. On the other side of the path, draw a bunny hiding in the tall grass. In the background, depict haystacks and a grazing horse. In the distance, draw a wooden house, a church and the outlines of a forest;
5. Now you understand how to draw summer with a pencil in stages. Of course, now the image looks unfinished. Before coloring this sketch, carefully outline it with a liner;
6. Use an eraser to remove the pencil sketch;
7. Paint over the foliage of the trees with green, and lightly shade their trunks with gray. With a black pencil, paint over the branches and stripes on the birches;
8. To depict a summer evening, you need to pay special attention to the shade of the sky. Shade the lower part of the sky with a pencil of a pale pink shade, and shade the rest of the sky with a blue pencil;
9. Blue-green paint the forest in the distance. Color the grass in the background with green pencils;
10. With pencils of various tones, paint the horse, haystacks, village house and church;
11. Paint the path brown. Color the grass with green crayons. Stroke the hare with a gray pencil, and make the inside of his ears and nose pink;
12. Color the flowers and grass near the birches with bright pencils.
The drawing is ready! Now you know how to draw summer step by step. To create an even brighter and more creative landscape, you should use some paints. For example, watercolor is perfect, as well as gouache.

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This summer has been really weird. I practically did not leave the house, I I didn’t see my friends and almost never for the whole summer did not picked up the guitar. I was busy with something else. It truly captured all my attention, I went headlong into my new hobby! I stopped sleeping at night, because the night is that short period of time when you are truly free and belong only to yourself. Night is the time of magic. And I really worked magic all summer long. I drew drawings with a pencil!

When I began to draw, a simply boundless world of fantasy flight opened up in front of me. A world in which I was both God and king. In which I decided who to bloom and who to wither. Who to rule and who to be subject to. This is my world, which I myself invented and transferred to paper every night. This is a world in which there are no standards, laws of physics, criminal code or morality. This is the world which I want to see or the world in which I'm afraid to live. These are people who were once dear to me, but also those whom I hated all my life. Drawings are not just art. Drawings are life. A pencil is a magical tool that transfers all my dreams and fantasies to paper. Giving them life and the right to exist, when some other thoughts disappear forever from my memory - what I draw remains with me forever.
I've been painting all summer. I discovered this new world for myself and after that my old life seemed boring and meaningless to me. Call me a fanatic? Psycho? Let it be. Everyone has his own path. You may find it more pleasant to live in cages and hear on the box every day that you are free. And it’s more pleasant for me to be a “psycho”, who creates his own world, writes his own history. Who decides what will happen tomorrow. And unlike you, I am able to fix my world. After all, all I need for this is an eraser. And you have destroyed your world so much that nothing and no one will save it. And when you meet someone who doesn't live by the imposed rules, you just can't forgive him for that. You can not understand why he is not like everyone else? Why doesn't he walk in the same herd with you? And you start to get angry because you yourself are not capable of it. And I am capable. Because I am an artist. And my world has no boundaries. And your world only consists of them.
All summer I did nothing but draw drawings with a pencil. This is how I spent my summer. And you know what I'll tell you? It was the best summer of my life. Even though I ended up in a psychiatric hospital this summer.

Displaying summer with its mood on the palette is not as simple as it seems at first glance. However, if you sequentially, stroke by stroke, gradually transfer the elements, then the process will be simple.

Try to draw a kind of cheerful landscape that fits perfectly with your story about summer and holidays.

The nuances and subtleties of how to draw summer, we will try to explain to you in detail. First, plunge into the gamut of experiences and sensations of this season. This wonderful and bright season is full of different colors and events. Many of you, probably, would like to find yourself in a sunny meadow, saturated with the fragrance of various flowers.

Are you ready to get started? To fully understand how to draw summer - this beautiful time of the year - you should get acquainted with the creations of painters of past eras and modern masters. Learning to draw is easiest with pencils.

After acquiring skills, you can safely switch to the use of paints and gouache.

How to draw summer step by step

Stage 1. Take a sheet of white paper and divide it into three parts, using a regular pencil, draw thin horizontal lines.

Please note that the widest part should be the middle part.

Stage 2. In the center of the foreground, place a sprawling large tree, its crown may extend beyond the image. Erase with an eraser the extra lines that fall on the drawing of the tree.

Stage 3. Draw the mountains just above the outline of the horizon. Draw in the background several trees, conifers, deciduous, as well as bushes or a haystack. Draw a path that leads from the horizon line.

Stage 4. Draw small plants throughout the foreground: flowers, grass, shrubs.

Stage 5. The basis of the sketch of the landscape is almost ready. Now you need to move on to decorating it with colored pencils. It will be nice if you can prepare pencils of a wide variety of shades and colors. This will help you make the drawing more colorful and bright.

Stage 6. Take pencils of different shades of blue and blue and shade the sky. Strokes may not be continuous. In this way you will achieve the greatest realism of the picture.

Stage 7. To color the mountains, use different shades of green. Strokes should preferably be applied horizontally. First in one direction and then in the other. If desired, you can slightly shade your work with a piece of napkin or cotton sponge.

Step 8 Applying this principle, give a light tonnage to the foreground and background of the drawing using a green pencil.

Step 9. Colorize the background elements with suitable colors.

Step 10. Paint the branches of the shrub and the tree brown. With a green pencil, use circular motions to create a green effect.

This method is easy and it explains how to draw summer for kids. 10 years is the age of knowing the world and displaying the great potential of creativity and boundless imagination.

Trying to draw summer

1. First, divide your sheet with a straight line, marking the horizon with it.
2. At the top of the sheet, draw the sun and clouds. You can draw both a clear sky and a cloudy one.

3. Add some tree trunks to your drawing.
4. Next, draw branches on the trunk for naturalness.
5. Well, what summer without bright and juicy foliage? Draw luxurious crowns of trees.
6. Your summer landscape is almost ready. Now draw a house near the trees. We start by drawing the base of the house. It consists of two rectangular figures.
7. Draw the roof to the rectangles. Don't forget to remove all unnecessary lines.
8. Add another element to the roof - a pipe.
9. Draw square windows and rectangular doors.
10. Add details that will help you diversify the summer landscape: a small wooden fence, grass, flowers and a path to the house.

As a result, you should get a painted summer. It remains to arm yourself with paints and pencils to give brightness and richness to the drawing.

Necessary materials and tools

Before you get started, you need to prepare the following materials:
● A blank landscape sheet of paper or white cardstock.
● Regular simple pencil.
● Washing gum.
● Markers, paints.
● Colored pencils in different shades.

Summer beach with palm tree and sea

Take out a pencil and a piece of paper and start drawing.

● Draw a sketch of the embankment in the lower left corner. It is a large stone with cracks.
● Draw the contours of the palm leaves a little higher. If you draw with children, then they should not have any difficulties.
● To complete the palm tree, add two arched lines to your summer drawing. This way you will draw a tree trunk. On it, draw a few dashed contours to give naturalness to the palm tree.
● Now draw a wavy curve on the side. This is the future bush, which is located behind the palm tree.
● Let's move on to drawing the beach. In the figure, draw a curved line - the sea border between the beach and the sea. Draw mountains on the horizon. This element will be the final stage of your drawing.


Any drawing is the result of your mood and aspiration. If your creation is not so successful, do not be discouraged, keep trying again. Don't throw away your first drawing. Perhaps time will pass and you will accidentally find it among dusty papers. And only then can you appreciate what is invested in it.

Summer... For everyone, this time of the year is associated with something different. For some, this is the sea and volleyball on the sand, for others - the first love. Someone sees the summer as cool, in the canopy of dense green trees, and someone sees it as bright and sunny.

How can you draw summer? There are many answers to this question. After all, every person is an artist at heart, even if he does not have professional skills. Human fantasy is limitless, and the more memories a person has, the brighter his ideas. This article will discuss how to draw summer. For beginning artists, it is very important to learn the sequence of actions in order to draw a good work. In fact, there is no single algorithm, but knowing a few useful tips, you can create a decent picture.

How to draw summer: getting started

The easiest way to depict summer is to paint a landscape. It can be an image of the sea, a flower field, an urban view or green mountains.

Select the format for the picture and the layout of the sheet. Horizontal or vertical orientation - depending on the composition you want to draw.

Divide the sheet into two unequal parts: heaven and earth. The sky can be either smaller or larger than the earth, depending on what the artist considers the main thing in his drawing.

Immediately decide which detail will be the main one. In the case of the field, these are several elaborate blades of grass and flowers in the foreground; if it is the sea - the waves closest to the artist. If you are faced with the task of depicting the sky, you should “write out”, that is, draw in detail, clarify several clouds. The background is usually drawn blurry, indistinct, but the shapes of objects should be guessed from the outlines.

How to draw summer: landscape

If you work with color (gouache, oil, watercolor, acrylic) - this is called picturesque landscape. In this technique, colors and their shades should be evenly applied to different parts of the work, leaving no empty spaces.

Don't forget to mix colors on the palette. It can be a plastic palette or a piece of paper. The main thing - do not write with pure colors "from a can".

Graphic Landscape- this is another, no less interesting technique. Working with pencils of different softness, pens, liners, etc. is another way to draw summer. A classic example of a graphic landscape is any work by Shishkin. Graphics does not require special rules, the main thing is accuracy in the execution of details.

The most important advice regarding not only graphics, but also painting: at the very beginning of the work, determine what will be the main and what will be secondary. In the case of graphics, without choosing the main thing, it is very easy to darken the background. After that, it will be almost impossible to emphasize the main thing.

Trees can be depicted as shaded clouds of leaves, shadows as dark spots, and any object in the foreground can always be distinguished by making it more contrast (black). Unlike painting, where the mood, the overall impression is assessed, in graphics, the exact transfer of form is important. The shape of tree trunks, stumps, leaves and branches - all these seemingly insignificant nuances create a holistic work.

Summer look

This version of how to draw summer is suitable for those who like to depict people. The main idea of ​​the “summer-image” painting is the image of someone who personifies the ideas about this season. For the image of summer, the presence of attributes is necessary: ​​ripe fruits, impenetrable foliage, bright flowers or golden ears.

For images, as a rule, people are chosen. Summer can be personified by a child, a woman or a man. The image of the summer-image does not exclude the writing of a figure in full growth.

Summer portrait

Consider the option with a portrait. Portrait- just for those who want to know how to draw summer in stages. With a medium soft pencil, outline the main lines. These are the head, neck, hair cloud and image attributes. Make sure that the composition of the picture looks correct: do not draw a person too big or too small on the sheet. It is advisable to step back from the top and bottom of the sheet by approximately the same distance (a little more from the bottom). If everything that you have in mind fits in the paper and there is still space left, the first step has been completed.

Start working on different parts of the face with the material you have chosen. If this is a pencil, be attentive to contrasts: light and shadow are very important points in each

Don't forget to paint the background at the end of the portrait. It can be fields, the sea or something related to summer.

Summer mood

Abstraction- the simplest and most interesting idea of ​​​​how to draw summer. Such a drawing is especially easy for children: they are emotional and sincere, so they are not afraid to splash out their feelings on paper with bright colors.

Such work is carried out with any materials, you can even make an application, mix several techniques in one drawing. The complete freedom of the artist is the main
feature of abstract works. Patterns, chaotic lines, colored spots, various textures - all this can be combined into a general idea of ​​​​summer.

Summer still life

Still life painting is the best way for beginners to learn all about form and color. Still life is a group of objects united by some common idea. Usually in still lifes they paint vases, fabrics, food, cutlery, flowers and other things that first come to hand. Objects are combined according to their belonging to a certain area: a bathroom still life, a kitchen or garden (dacha) still life. However, you can distribute items and the seasons.

Summer still life will look like a transparent vase or a glass with a bouquet of small flowers of different colors and shades. Nearby you can put a light, the same translucent fabric and a few berries or fruits. Such a composition will look both light and colorful.

The best materials for the execution of such a picture are watercolor or oil. Depending on the technique, you can refine different details on a glass, a bouquet, or draw barely noticeable folds of fabric.

Summer color combinations

Such a pattern will be unforgettable if you make it bright and balanced in color. Color combinations in paintings are a fine line between beauty and illiteracy, which is very easy to cross. When creating a drawing, remember the basic rules for combining colors.

The main contrasts that look advantageous in the works:

  • Red Green.
  • Blue - orange.
  • Purple - yellow.

Combining these and their shades, you can achieve good results. But you can not add them to the drawing in equal proportions. Each of the two colors should be present in a smaller amount, as if diluting the picture.

Do not use pastels, that is, light colors diluted with white, they are more suitable for a fresh spring. Juicy colors are suitable for a summer picture. It can be the contrast of primary colors or some bright colors with black. Here you need to be careful: there should not be many dark areas in the picture, this will ruin the color balance.

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